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布尔山羊改良关中奶山羊生长发育效果观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
布尔山羊改良关中奶山羊生长发育效果,测定结果表明:杂交一代(F1)生长发育速度比关中奶山羊明显提高,尤其是在6月龄前的生长速度提高特别明显,杂交一代公羊6月龄日增重达140.8g,母羊达139.6g;而关中奶山羊公羊6月龄日增重为106.0g,母羊为88.4g。  相似文献   

利用波尔山羊与关中奶山羊进行级进杂交。分别对波奶F1、F2、F3、F4羔羊不同阶段的体型外貌、体重、体尺、适应性及经济效益等指标进行观测。统计结果表明:在当地饲养管理条件下,各杂交后代的生长发育性能均优于关中奶山羊,差异显著(P〈0.05);经济效益明显增加。因此,推广波奶杂交改良羊,对增加农民收入,推动农村经济发展意义重大。  相似文献   

利用波尔山羊与关中奶山羊进行级进杂交,分别对波奶F1、F2、F3和F4羔羊不同阶段的体型外貌、体重、体尺、适应性及经济效益等指标进行观测。统计结果表明,在当地饲养管理条件下,各杂交后代的生长发育性能均优于关中奶山羊,差异显著(P〈0.05),经济效益明显增加。推广波奶杂交改良羊,对增加农民收入、推动农村经济发展意义重大。  相似文献   

利用陕南白山羊与关中奶山羊、布尔山羊三品种杂交试验,分别测定初生重、3月龄、6月龄、12月龄四个阶段的胸围、体长、体高和体重,将测定的各项指标分别与布陕杂一代、关陕杂一代和陕南白山羊的同阶段指标进行对比分析,结果表明,布关陕杂种羊在不同生长阶段的体重优于布陕杂一代、关陕杂一代和陕南白山羊。布关陕杂种羊的初生重比布陕杂一代、关陕杂一代、陕南白山羊分别提高18.8%、48.2%、66.2%;3月龄体重分别提高17.2%、28.1%、35.1%;6月龄体重分别提高17.7%、51.3%、65.6%;12月龄体重分别提高15.2%、52.3%、58.0%。  相似文献   

利用陕南白山羊与关中奶山羊、布尔山羊三品种杂交试验,分别测定初生重、3月龄、6月龄、12月龄四个阶段的胸围、体长、体高和体重,将测定的各项指标分别与布陕杂一代、关陕杂一代和陕南白山羊的同阶段指标进行对比分析,结果表明,布关陕杂种羊在不同生长阶段的体重优于布陕杂一代、关陕杂一代和陕南白山羊。布关陕杂种羊的初生重比布陕杂一代、关陕杂一代、陕南白山羊分别提高18.8%、48.2%、66.2%;3月龄体重分别提高17.2%、28.1%、35.1%;6月龄体重分别提高17.7%、51.3%、65.6%;12月龄体重分别提高15.2%、52.3%、58.0%。  相似文献   

布尔山羊杂交改良初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
布尔山羊原产南非,是世界公认的优秀肉用山羊品种。我市是浙江省山羊重点产区,人民素有养山羊吃肉的习惯。为了改进本地山羊个体小、生长速度慢、屠宰率低的缺点,我们曾于1989年开始,先后引进了萨能奶山羊和四川南江黄羊与本地山羊杂交,取得了一定的效果。在此基础上,我们又于1997年从江苏沥水县家畜良种推广站引进布尔山羊冻精进行人工授精试验,以期探讨布尔山羊冻精人工授精的效果和杂交改良效果,进一步提高山羊的肉用性能水平。现初报如下。1 试验地点和区域自然条件我市位于浙江中部,以丘陵山地为主。属亚热带季风气…  相似文献   

1 总则 1.1 改良方向 我市山羊改良的方向是,用引进的纯种布尔肉羊杂交,使其向生长快(早肥)、耐粗饲(口粗)、产肉多(高产)、繁殖率高(多胎多羔)、适应性强(抗病好养)的肉皮兼用型方向转化,以期培育出"宝鸡肉山羊"新品种.  相似文献   

布尔山羊与福清山羊杂交改良效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对选育的波福杂 1代 6 0只 (公羔 30、母羔 30 )和当地福清山羊 6 0只 (公羔 30、母羔30 )分别进行生理指标和生长发育测定。结果显示 :波福杂一代生理常数与福清山羊相一致 ,表现出较强的适应性 ;杂交一代山羊具有较显著的杂种优势 ,0~ 4月龄、6月龄、8月龄时体重分别比福清山羊分别高 0 .38、1.0 1、2 .10、2 .97、2 .93、4 .32和 6 .12kg ,经t检验各月龄体重、体高均差异显著(P <0 .0 5 ) ,6、8月龄时表现体长测值差异显著 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;饲养管理较好的波福杂交 1代在体形和生长发育速度上接近布尔山羊 ,显示布尔山羊显著的父系遗传优势。  相似文献   

1试验材料1.1试验羊的选择选择断奶10~15 d满3月龄,体重在15 kg以上的健康羔羊共120只。其中F1、F2、F3公羔各30只。当地山羊公羔30只共120只。1.2饲草饲料饲草为天然草场生长的野草和人工刈割的苜蓿;精饲料以玉米、麸皮、胡麻渣为主,添加含硒微量元素添加剂、食盐。2试验方法2  相似文献   

我县于 2 0 0 0年经县政府批准立项 ,当年 8月首次从陕西引入波尔山羊纯种 9只 (公 3只 ,母 6只 ) ,采用舍饲喂养 ,适应良好 ,生长发育、繁殖均正常 ,两年共繁活纯种羊 16只 ;应用纯种公羊和冷冻精液对子午岭黑山羊、本地奶山羊开展杂交改良 ,效果显著 ,到 2 0 0 2年 5月累计繁活杂种F115 0 0只 ,F2 3 0 0只。现将试验结果报告如下。1 地理环境概况庆阳县位于东经 10 7°16′3 2″~ 10 8°0 5′49″ ,北纬 3 5°42′2 9″~3 6°17′2 2″之间 ,海拔 10 0 0~ 160 0m ,年均温度 10 6℃ ,降水量5 17 8mm ,日照 2 671 6小时 ,无霜期 174天…  相似文献   

激素对波尔山羊超排效果影响的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以波尔山羊为研究对象,研究激素对供体超排效果的影响。结果表明,FSH剂量对供体超排效果有显著影响,随FSH剂量的增加,育成羊的黄体数极显著增多,经产羊的可用胚数显著增加;国产和进口激素对超排效果影响不显著(P>0.05),国产激素完全可以代替进口激素用于波尔山羊的超排;供体发情配种时用LHRH-A3促排的效果比LH、hCG好。  相似文献   

波尔山羊繁殖性状遗传参数的估计   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
对 2 4 8窝波尔山羊的胎产羔数、羔羊初生重和 2月龄体重的资料进行了遗传分析。结果表明 :公羊和胎次均对母羊产羔数具有显著的影响(P <0 0 5)。不同产羔季节对羔羊初生重和 2月龄体重也具有显著影响。产羔数的遗传力为 0 1 52 ,属低遗传力 ,而羔羊初生重和 2月龄体重 2个性状 (0 433 ,0 347)有中等或较高的遗传力。波尔母羊胎产羔数与羔羊初生重、 2月龄体重之间存在显著或极显著的表型相关 ,但是它们之间却存在显著或极显著的负遗传相关 (P <0 0 5或 P<0 0 1 )。羔羊的初生重和 2月龄体重间 ,无论是表型相关还是遗传相关 ,都呈极显著的正相关(P <0 0 1 )。  相似文献   

山羊同期发情技术的应用   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
放置含有0.3g孕酮的阴道栓(CIRD)配合肌肉注射PMSG,对布尔母山羊进行同期发情处理,取栓后36-55h内的同期发情率为100%,第一情期受胎率为53.85%,3个情期受胎率为100%,平均产羔率为254.54%。采用阴道栓配合FSH进行超排处理的布尔山羊供体,48h的同期发情94.5%。放置阴道栓或肌注PG处理的关中奶山羊受体48h内同期发情率为83.94%。  相似文献   

An understanding of influencing factors and genetic principles affecting the growth traits is needed to implement optimal breeding and selection programs. In this study, heritabilities (direct additive and maternal) of body weights at birth (BW0), 90 days (BW90) and 300 days (BW300) of age and average daily gains from birth to 90 days (ADG0-90), birth to 300 days (ADG0-300) and 90 days to 300 days (ADG90–300) of age in Boer goats were estimated on the basis of 1520 Boer goats at Boer Goat Breeding Station in Yidu, China, during 2002–2007. The parameters were estimated using a DFREML procedure by excluding or including maternal genetic or permanent maternal environmental effects, four analysis models were fitted in order to optimize the model for each trait. Influencing factors such as parity, litter size, kidding year and season, as well as sex of kids and some significant interactions among these factors were investigated as the fixed effects for the models. The results showed that the birth year and maternal genetic effects such as parity and litter size of dam were important determinants of the genetic parameter estimates for pre-weaning growth traits, and environmental effects such as birth year, season and sex of kids had some significant effect on post-weaning growth traits. The mean values and standard errors (SE) of direct additive heritability estimates calculated with the optimum model were 0.17 ± 0.07, 0.22 ± 0.08, 0.07 ± 0.07, 0.10 ± 0.08, 0.30 ± 0.12 and 0.08 ± 0.10 for BW0, BW90, ADG0-90, BW300, ADG0-300 and ADG90–300, respectively. For pre-weaning weights, correlation estimates between direct additive and maternal genetic (ra–m) effect were high and negative ranging from − 0.74 to − 0.86.  相似文献   

Variance components, heritability (direct additive and maternal) and correlations (additive genetic, phenotypic, maternal genetic and environmental) of body weight (BW) and body size including length (BL), height (BH) and chest girth (BCG) at birth in Boer goats were estimated on the basis of 5096 records obtained from a Boer Goat Breeding Station in Yidu, China, during 2001–2005. The parameters were estimated using a DFREML procedure by excluding or including maternal genetic or permanent maternal environmental effects, four different analysis models were fitted in order to determine the optimum model for each trait. The environmental factors such as year, season, sex and litter size (LS, number of kids) were investigated as the fixed effects. The results showed that the maternal effects were important determinants of estimated the genetic parameters for birth traits. Year and season had significant effect on birth traits. Single births and male kids had the heaviest live weight and the largest body size at birth. The mean values and standard deviation (SD) of BW, BL, BH and BCG were 3.87 ± 0.85 kg, 31.67 ± 2.87 cm, 32.92 ± 2.80 cm, 33.46 ± 3.21 cm. The mean values and standard error (SE) of direct additive heritability estimates for BW, BL, BH and BCG calculated with the optimum model were 0.19 ± 0.08, 0.14 ± 0.07, 0.24 ± 0.09 and 0.25 ± 0.10, respectively. For all the birth traits, estimates of the correlations between direct additive and maternal genetic (ram) were negative. The estimates of additive genetic and phenotypic correlations among the birth traits were high and positive, and implied no genetic antagonisms among these traits analyzed. The estimates of maternal genetic correlations also were high and positive. Medium and positive environmental correlations indicated the important effects of environmental factors on early growth traits.  相似文献   

苜蓿青饲对波尔山羊生长性能及血液生理生化指标的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
近年来,随着苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)产业的发展,相关草产品在奶牛饲养中得到广泛应用并日益成熟,但在山羊饲养的消化生理、营养代谢及利用方面的研究却相对缺乏。为了解不同水平苜蓿鲜草饲粮对波尔山羊生长性能及血液生理生化指标的影响,于2005年7-9月,选用3月龄、初始体重17.77±1.05 kg、遗传背景基本一致的波尔山羊(Capra hircus L.)45只,随机分为5个处理组,各组饲粮中苜蓿鲜草替代水平分别为0%(对照组)、15%(试验1组)、30%(试验2组)、45%(试验3组)和60%(试验4组)(按干物质计)。结果表明:试验1、2、3组平均日增重和料重比都优于对照组,但差异不显著;试验2组血液总蛋白和球蛋白含量极显著(P<0.01)、白蛋白含量显著(P<0.05)高于对照组,而总胆固醇、高密度酯蛋白胆固醇含量显著低于对照组(P<0.05),尽管各组血糖、尿素氮、甘油三酯及低密度酯蛋白胆固醇含量差异不显著,但试验Ⅱ组甘油三酯和低密度酯蛋白胆固醇含量均最低。因此,30%替代水平为最佳,建议在生产中应用。  相似文献   

我区饲养的新疆山羊个体较小,生长速度较慢,屠宰率低。2005年以来开展了引进外来品种杂交改良本地山羊的试验,通过几年的改良杂交试验,波尔山羊与本地山羊杂交后代的出生重,生长速度等几项指标得到较大提高,经济效益明显。  相似文献   

苜蓿青饲对波尔山羊屠宰性状及肉品质的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
选择45只3月龄、体重(18.00±1.01)kg的波尔山羊,根据饲粮中苜蓿鲜草不同的添加比例,随机分为5个处理:对照组(0%)、试验Ⅰ组(15%)、试验Ⅱ组(30%)、试验Ⅲ组(45%)和试验Ⅳ组(60%),6月龄时各处理组随机选择体重中等的波尔山羊3只(♂)进行屠宰,观测对其屠宰性状和肉品质的影响。结果显示,1)各试验组胴体重、屠宰率、净肉率及骨重均高于对照组,各项指标均以试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ组较高,但各试验组与对照组之间各项指标差异并不显著(P0.05);2)与对照组及其他试验组相比,试验Ⅱ组胸肌的pH值(P0.01)、肌肉的剪切力值和肌纤维直径、硬脂酸(P0.05)的含量均最低,而粗脂肪(P0.05)、蛋白质、亚麻酸(P0.01)、亚油酸(P0.05)的含量均最高,对照组的2类指标表现出最高和最低;3)与对照组及其他试验组相比,试验Ⅱ组肌肉中SOD的含量最高,MDA含量最低。以上结果表明,添加新鲜苜蓿能够提高山羊的屠宰性能,还明显降低了波尔山羊肉的膻味,提高了其风味及抗氧化性能,最适宜的添加比例为30%。  相似文献   

Fifteen Boer goat bucks, (6–8 months old), were allocated into two groups and fed ad libitum for a period of 29 days. The WH group (winter hay; n = 8) received a chopped diet consisting of grass hay, predominantly Themeda trianda grass (cut during the winter) from a natural pasture (veld). The WH+S group (winter hay plus supplement; n = 7) received a chopped diet consisting of Themeda trianda veld hay, supplemented with maize meal, molasses meal and urea. Body weights and feed consumption were recorded. Animals were slaughtered and carcass characteristics (weight and percentages of selected carcass cuts) and the carcass chemical composition were determined. The WH+S animals showed a higher live weight and cumulated feed intake. Carcass cuts from WH animals represented a higher percentage of the total carcass, especially cuts where muscle depots are higher (legs, best end chops and prime cuts). There is an attempt by non-supplemented animals to preserve the body's nitrogen reserves under prolonged nutritional stress conditions, and there is consequently a necessity to supplement feeding of small ruminants fed winter veld hay, especially if the animals are to be used in subsequent breeding seasons.  相似文献   

为了研究日粮中添加纳米硒时公羊睾丸发育的影响.试验选用体重、日龄接近的20只波尔山羊公羔羊,随机分为两组,一组日粮中添加0.3 mg/kg的纳米硒(以硒计),另一组饲喂基础日粮,预试2周,试验期每月测量睾丸周径、长度和高度,每组阉割1只公羔,按照常规方法制作石蜡切片,观察睾丸组织结构.结果显示:3月龄时纳米硒组睾丸间质组织增生发育,4月龄时纳米硒组睾丸曲精细管中精原细胞开始发育分化;5月龄时曲精细管中可见大量的精子,而时照组间质组织以及曲精细管发育、精母细胞发育分化较纳米硒组缓慢.试验表明,日粮中添加一定浓度的纳米硒能够促进睾丸间质组织及曲精细管的发育,促进精母细胞的分化.  相似文献   

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