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鳜鱼病毒PCR诊断方法的建立   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
李新辉 《水产学报》2001,25(1):43-46
从RAPD扩增的鳜鱼病毒(SCV)核酸电泳带中回收了二个片断,克隆子pUC19质粒(称为SCVE369和SCVE450),序列分析表明插入片段分别为369bp和450bp与GenBank序列没有显著的同源,根据克隆序列调计两对引物P1/P2和P3/P4 ,在健康鳜鱼,病鳜以及提纯的SCV核酸中进行PCR试验,结果表明,P1/P2组引物在SCV基因组中扩增出特异性核酸片段,可作为鳜鱼病毒PCR诊断,检测片段为369bp.  相似文献   

Abstract. A digoxigenin-labelled DNA probe was used for in situ detection of the Penaeus monodon -type baculovirus (MBV) derived from cloned MBV polyhedrin genome in cultured Penaeus monodon Fabricius. First, the specificity of the probe against MBV DNA with dot blot hybridization analysis was verified. This probe indicated that cloned MBV polyhedrin fragment can be used as an MBV-specific probe. This was then used to microscopically examine sections of MBV-infected tissues for a blue-purple precipitate indicative of a positive reaction for MBV. MBV-positive cells were located only in the epithelium of the hepatopancreatic tubules and of the midgut. Furthermore, comparison of the susceptibility to MBV infection among several life-stages of the shrimp showed that the MBV genome was found in the zoea, mysis, post-larva, and adult stages, whereas MBV DNA was not detected in either eggs or nauplii. The results were quantified from in situ hybridization with an image analyser to compare the degree of cell infection among groups of cultured P. monodon collected from various farms in Taiwan.  相似文献   

Abstract. The present study attempts to investigate the effect of Penaeus monodon -type baculovirus (MBV) infection on growth and survival of the larval stages of Penaeus monodon Fabricius. The results showed that MBV may significantly retard larval growth and cause mortalities during the larval stage. The MBV-infected larvae of P. monodon varied more in body size than uninfected control shrimp, and were discoloured. To detect the presence of MBV in larval prawn, histopathological techniques and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ( elisa ) were used. Positive diagnoses were routinely detected as early as the zoea 1 stage when ELISA was used.  相似文献   

White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) has been a major pathogen of cultured Penaeus monodon Fabricius in Malaysia since 1994. As quantitative study on the replication of WSSV is in its infancy, competitive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used for quantitative study of an experimental WSSV infection per os in growout P. monodon . Gills, abdominal integument and abdominal muscle were selected for viral quantification. Infection was detectable as early as 14 h postinfection (h p.i.) in both gills and integument, but the infection in muscle was only detected at 24 h p.i. Gill tissue had the highest viral load, followed by integument and muscle. Typical viral growth curves were obtained for all organs with distinct phases of eclipse (0–24 h p.i.), logarithmic (24–48 h p.i.) and the plateau (48–120 h p.i.). Cumulative mortality rapidly increased from 48 h p.i. and reached 100% at the end of the plateau phase at 120 h p.i. Gross signs of white spots and reddish discoloration were also obvious in moribund individuals from the plateau phase. Based on the three phases of viral growth, WSSV infection was classified into light, moderate and heavy infection stages.  相似文献   

A survey on the presence of the viruses of two economically significant diseases, white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) and monodon baculovirus (MBV) in wild‐collected Penaeus monodon broodstock, was conducted during different seasons of the year in two major coastal areas of southeast India. The broodstock were collected along the coast of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh during summer, premonsoon, monsoon and post‐monsoon seasons for three consecutive years. A total of 7905 samples were collected and subjected to MBV screening, and 6709 samples that were screened as MBV negative were diagnosed for WSSV. MBV was detected using rapid malachite green staining and WSSV by nested polymerase chain reaction. Prevalence data of the viruses were analysed using the EpiCalc 2000 program at 95% confidence interval. Samples collected from the Andhra Pradesh coast displayed a slightly higher prevalence of WSSV and MBV infection than those collected from Tamil Nadu, although this difference was not statistically significant (P > 005). In addition, it was found that the prevalence of both WSSV and MBV infections fluctuated according to season. Data on prevalence of these viruses in broodstock would be useful to develop strategies for shrimp health management along the southeast coast of India.  相似文献   

Since 1992, mass mortalities among cultured giant tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon (Fabricius), and kuruma shrimp, Penaeus japonicus (Bate), have been observed in Taiwan. The condition is known as 'white spot disease' (WSD), based on the characteristic white spots on the cuticle of diseased shrimp. With the scanning electron microscope, two sizes of white spots were observed. Each spot represented a protrusion on the inside surface of the carapace. The composition of white spots was similar to that of the cuticule, most calcium, as determined with an energy dispersive spectrometer. Histological studies of moribund, infected specimens revealed degenerated cells, characterized by hypertrophied nuclei, in various meso- and ectodermal tissues. Infected tissues included cuticular epidermis, connective tissue, lymphoid organ, antennal gland, and haematopoietic, gill and nervous tissue. Nuclei were Feulgen-positive and no occlusion body was found in the necrotic tissue. Transmission electron microscopy revealed the presence of rod-shaped and enveloped virions in the hypertrophied nuclei. The virions measured 298 ± 21 × 107 ± 8 nm in the giant tiger shrimp and 248 ± 12 × 104 ± 8 nm in the kuruma shrimp. In an experimental infection trial, cumulative mortality was 40% within 14 days under stress conditions. No mortality was observed in controls or in non-stressed infected shrimp. Experimental infections show that environmental stressors such as ammonia may enhance the severity of WSD virus infections in cultured shrimp.  相似文献   

Shrimp farmers in South-East Java have recently observed a decline in Penaeus monodon (Fabricius) production. To stabilize overall production, some farms have switched partially to biculture of P. monodon and P. merguiensis (de Man). The production from 33 ponds in two of these farms was analysed. In addition, the water quality in 10 ponds was monitored over the entire culture period. Information was also available on the post-larvae (PL) source and feed used per pond. Water quality remained stable during the culture period and there was no accumulation of organic material during the second half of the culture period. Stocking P. merguiensis 2 months after P. monodon partially compensated for the low production of P. monodon, thereby stabilizing overall production. When the production of P. monodon is low, the production of P. merguiensis is high and vice versa (P<0.001). Feed source had no effect on production when stocking density was included as a covariable in the analysis (P > 0.05), while P. monodon PL source caused production to differ by a factor of three (P<0.001). It was concluded that biculture of P. monodon and P. merguiensis is an effective way to stabilize overall shrimp production.  相似文献   

Abstract. Penaeus monodon -type baculovirus (MBV) was isolated and purified from the hepatopancreases of MBV-infected Penaeus monodon Fabricius. MBV DNA was extracted and used as a template in a polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The primers were chosen from conserved regions of the polyhedrin gene of Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (AcNPV). One DNA fragment (674 base pairs) was amplified after PCR. There was a 65% homology between the predicted amino acid sequence of this PCR product with that of the polyhedrin polypeptide of AcNPV. Nucleotide sequence analysis indicated that the amplified DNA is the open reading frame of the MBV polyhedrin gene. This 674 bp DNA fragment was subsequently used as a probe in a dot blot analysis. The probe was able to hybridize with the DNA extracted from the purified MBV and from the MBV-infected P. monodon , but not from the MBV uninfected P. monodon.  相似文献   

White spot disease is caused by a highly virulent pathogen, the white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). The disease is usually triggered by changes in environmental parameters causing severe losses to the shrimp industry. This study was undertaken to quantify the relative WSSV load in shrimp exposed to ammonia, using a TaqMan‐based real‐time PCR, and their subsequent susceptibility to WSSV. Shrimp were exposed to different levels of total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) (8.1, 3.8 and 1.1 mg L?1) for 10 days and challenged with WSSV by feeding WSSV‐positive shrimp. WSSV was detected simultaneously in haemolymph, gills and pereopods at four hours post‐infection. The TaqMan real‐time PCR assay showed a highly dynamic detection limit that spanned over 6 log10 concentrations of DNA and high reproducibility (standard deviation 0.33–1.42) and small correlation of variability (CV) (1.89–3.85%). Shrimp exposed to ammonia had significantly higher (P < 0.01) WSSV load compared to the positive control, which was not exposed to ammonia. Shrimp exposed to 8.1 mg L?1 of TAN had the highest (P < 0.01) WSSV load in all three organs in comparison with those exposed to 3.8 and 1.1 mg L?1 of TAN. However, haemolymph had significantly higher (P < 0.01) viral load compared to the gills and pereopods. Results showed that shrimp exposed to ammonia levels as low as 1.1 mg L?1 (TAN) had increased susceptibility to WSSV.  相似文献   

Shrimp, Penaeus monodon (Fabricius) and Penaeus merguiensis (de Man), culture on East Java is described with special attention to the differences in production characteristics between areas and districts. Traditionally, tambak culture developed along the North coast of East Java where the majority of modern tambaks are still located. The practice never developed extensively on Madura's Island. With the exception of the latter, intensification, startingin 1984-1987, touched all areas. In 1991, the combined production of P monodon and P. merguiensis reached 35 000 Mt, representing a value of US$ 220 × 106. The following year, a decline in total production was noted, mainly caused by a diminished production of intensive farms. Possible causes for this production drop are explored.  相似文献   

To develop an appropriate cryopreservation protocol for spermatophores of black tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon, three cryoprotectants (dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO), methanol (MeOH) and ethylene glycol (EG)) at two concentrations (5% and 10%) were examined. Artificial implantation of spermatophores was also carried out to assess the fertilizing ability of fresh and post‐thaw spermatophores. Spermatophores were collected during consecutive regenerations (15‐day intervals) and assessed for qualitative and quantitative changes and also for fertilizing ability by implantation. The mean fertilization rate for artificial insemination using post‐thaw spermatophore was 79.9±3.7%, lower than the fertilization rates observed for artificial implantation using fresh spermatophore and natural mating. Mean hatch rates for fresh spermatophore, frozen‐thawed spermatophore and natural mating were 88.8±0.6%, 87.8±0.4% and 88.3±0.5%, respectively; and there was no difference among the three groups. The mean fertilization rate of spermatophores collected during the first stripping was higher (90.6±0.6) than during the second stripping (85.7±2.6), but the mean hatch rate was not different between the two strippings. The highest mean sperm viability (79.7±0.4%) was obtained from DMSO (5%), with no survival observed in the 10% MeOH treatment. Spermatophore weight, total sperm count and percentage of abnormal sperm were not different between spermatophores collected at the first and second stripping. This is the first study to report high fertilization and hatch rates from cryopreserved spermatophore using artificial implantation of spermatophore before spawning.  相似文献   

Penaeus monodon postlarvae were fed with different percentages (0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%) of the herbal appetizer Zingiber officinalis enriched Artemia. After 30 days of culture (i.e. PL‐1–30), a very positive result was found in Z. officinalis‐enriched Artemia‐fed postlarvae. The unenriched Artemia‐fed postlarvae consumed 91.0 mg/animal/30 days of feed, whereas the Z. officinalis‐enriched Artemia increased their consumption to 127.9 mg/animal/30 days. A similar pattern was noticed in feed absorbed (110.2 mg), dry weight growth (26.7 mg) and feed catabolized (83.2 mg) in Z. officinalis‐enriched Artemia because of enzymatic activities. The conversion efficiency of unenriched postlarva was 17.19%, whereas in 100%Z. officinalis‐enriched Artemia, the maximum conversion efficiency was 20.85%. The net production efficiency increased significantly (P < 0.05) to 22% from that of the unenriched Artemia‐fed postlarvae. The administration of Z. officinalis in all levels produced significantly (P < 0.05) higher weight gain and specific growth rate. The utilization efficiency of feed increased proportionately to the percentages of Z. officinalis. Digestive enzyme activity (amylase, protease and lipase) increased significantly (P < 0.05) in the 50%, 75% and 100% enrichment. Among the different percentages of enrichment, the 100%Z. officinalis‐enriched Artemia‐fed postlarvae performed better in the overall status.  相似文献   

On two shrimp farms in East Java, Indonesia, a total of 16 tambaks stocked with Penaeus monodon (Fabricius) were monitored for water quality during one growing season. The water quality parameter values were compared with production characteristics. Ranges of parameter values remained between acceptable reference values. Influences of farm, tambak and time on water quality were significant. Tambak production was explained for 25% by water transparency. Observed water quality parameter values could not be a reason for recently described decreased production. Therefore, other factors should be investigated.  相似文献   

Abstract. The stages of kuruma shrimp susceptible to BMNV were determined by water-borne infection at the fertilized egg, nauplius, zoea, mysis, and 2-day (P-2), 4-day (P-4), 6-day (P-6), 8-day (P-8) and 10-day-old (P-10) post-larval stages. Susceptibility to infection tended to decrease with advancing stages of development from zoea to P-10. The stages from zoea to P-4 were very susceptible, with much higher mortality and lower growth rates in virus inoculated animals compared to controls. P-6 shrimp were also highly susceptible with all inoculated animals becoming infected with the virus. However, this group grew only slightly less well than controls and no mortality was observed. P-8 and P-10 post-larvae were refractory to the disease showing no mortality and no loss of growth, even though some were slightly infected with the virus. Fertilized eggs and nauplii did not become infected with the virus using water-borne inoculation.  相似文献   

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