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采用合理的刈割技术,可以提高牧草的产量和质量。由试验可知,留茬高度及刈割时间的不同,不仅直接关系到当年草地产草量,也间接影响下一年草地生产水平的维持和提高。结果表明,蒙古蒿—针茅草地的最佳刈割期为抽穗期、留茬高度为4cm,此时天然草地鲜草产量及质量最佳。 相似文献
不同刈割时间、高度及频率对草地产草量的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用合理的刈割技术,可以提高牧草的产量和质量。试验表明:刈割表明:留茬高度、刈割时间不同,既关系到当年草地产草量,也间接影响下年草地生产水平的维持和提高,因刈割技术上的差异,2000年鲜草产量比1999年平均减产460.8kg/hm^2(16.94%),304.75kg/hm^2(13.87%)、69.4kg/hm^2(2.53%)。 相似文献
赵晓青 《青海畜牧兽医杂志》2013,43(1):20-21
在同仁县进行了不同留茬高度的的刈割试验。试验表明:留茬高度、刈割时间不同,不仅直接关系到当年草地产草量,也间接影响下年草地生产水平的维持和提高,在开花期、留茬高度4cm的草地是次年增加产草量的最佳刈割地。 相似文献
<正>针对同仁县草地面积小、草畜矛盾突出的现象,笔者以期通过试验摸索牧草最佳刈割时间、刈割高度,保证天然草地当年和次年的牧草产量最优,并且以刈后再生草场作为放牧草地,使草地生产能力呈现最佳水平。1试验地概况试验选取同仁县瓜什则乡地形平坦、植被均匀、牧草产量较高的披碱草草地为试区,该草地属多年生人工草地。 相似文献
刈割频率和烧荒可以影响柳枝稷(Panicum virgatum L.)大须芒果(Andropogon gerardii Vitman)和黄假高粱(Sorghastrum nutans L.Nash)的长势,1986年进行了一项田间研究,从1988 ̄1991年的3,4和5月进行烧荒处理,同时进行3次刈割处理。每年在相同的样区进行上述处理,处理为再裂区排列,完全随机区组设计。大须芒草春季的黄化生物量分 相似文献
不同刈割期天然牧草青贮品质评价 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以内蒙古通辽扎鲁特旗山地草原天然混合牧草为原料,对其不同刈割时期的青贮品质进行了测定,以确定天然牧草青贮的刈割时间。结果表明:7月中旬~8月下旬刈割的牧草,青贮品质在感官评价上均表现优良,且在营养价值上优于原料草,均可用来制作青贮。综合分析牧草发酵品质和营养价值发现,随着刈割时间的推迟,青贮料的pH、粗蛋白、中性洗涤纤维、酸性洗涤纤维的含量呈先降低后增加的趋势,乳酸含量先升高后降低,氨态氮占总氮的比例、可溶性碳水化合物含量无明显规律。8月15日刈割的青贮饲草的干物质含量、粗蛋白含量、乳酸含量均相对最高,氨态氮占总氮的比值最低,青贮品质最佳,7月14日刈割的牧草青贮品质较差。 相似文献
本试验结果表明,在伊盟伊旗6月10-20日,8月10日-20日分两次刈割打旺制成的青草粉产量与质量均高于传统的一次性刈割技术;干草粉产量提高31.7%,粗蛋白含量提高3.6个百分点,胡萝卜素含量提高59.7mg/kg,旺青干草可以使沙打旺叶片脱落率低5-10个百分点。在此改进沙打旺刈割,加工,收贮技术可以提高其产量和质量,促进商品化,提高经济效益。 相似文献
通过阐述中澳技术合作“云南牲畜和草场改良项目“(1983-1991)和云南省“八五“科技攻关课题“云南省不同生态环境优良牧草品种筛选及栽培技术研究“(1991-1995)的工作和研究成果,结合云南天然草山状况和社会发展需要,阐明外引牧草品种在云南草山改良建设中的作用具有现实而深远的意义,体现牧草品种资源搜集和引种鉴定工作的重要性. 相似文献
研究了箭舌豌豆不同器官对种子产量的贡献,结果表明:箭舌豌豆种子利用花后光合产物较多,不同器管对箭舌豌豆种子产量的贡献是复叶〉茎〉托叶,叶片对种子产量的贡献与其所在位置有关,花后叶因离荚果较近,其光合产物易于向荚果运输。 相似文献
SUMMARY A replicated experiment using first cross Border Leicester/Merino maiden ewes set stocked at the rate of 9.9 per hectare was conducted to examine the effects of treatment of the ewes in the periparturient period (PPP) and treatment of lambs at about 12 weeks of age on the production of prime lambs. All treatments given were thiabendazole. Four groups each of 100 ewes (4 replicates × 25) were treated either pre-lambing, 2 weeks before lambing commenced and again post-lambing, 8 weeks later when lambing was almost complete (DD), pre-lambing only (DO), post-lambing only (OD) or not treated during the lambing period (OO). Lambing commenced 24 July 1972 with the bulk of lambing (98%) occuring within the first 4 weeks of a 6 weeks lambing period. The effectiveness of the drenching regimes was judged by observing bodyweight gains per day during four overlapping intervals between birth and 18 weeks of age. The bodyweight gain of lambs up to 18 weeks and the number of lambs exceeding a target weight of 33 kg at 18 weeks of age were considered to be critical measurements of production efficiency. Significant bodyweight differences were observed within 30 days from birth, favouring DD and DO over OD and OO lambs (p < 0.01). These differences continued until 12 weeks of age at a reduced level of significance (p < 0.05). By 18 weeks of age the results favoured DD over DO (p <0.05) over both OD and OO lambs (p < 0.05). Further differences were created by the treatment of lambs at 12 weeks of age (p < 0.01). At no time during the entire experiment were any significant differences observed between OD and OO lambs. The periparturient rise (PPR) in faecal nematode egg output was monitored throughout the experiment. Anthelmintic treatment of the ewes in the PPP did not eliminate the PPR but did affect the onset, magnitude and duration of the PPR which was either delayed by the prelambing treatment or truncated by the post-lambing treatment; treatments both before and after lambing delayed and depressed the PPR and reduced total pasture contamination by 29%. An effect on bodyweight of ewes was also observed with ewes being treated pre-lambing (Groups DD, DO) being significantly heavier at 18 weeks post-lambing than OD and OO ewes (p < 0.05). The observed effects on lamb production have been attributed in the main to an apparent, though not specifically measured, effect on lactation in those ewes being treated pre-lambing. The effect of delayed (Groups DD, DO) and/or reduced (Group DD) pasture contamination was considered to be additive to the earlier lactation response. Treatment of lambs at 12 weeks did not obscure these responses. 相似文献
发酵对奶牛精料乙酸含量及泌乳性能的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
选用醋曲、醋液、自制酵母3种发酵剂在5℃和35℃对精料进行发酵,以醋曲发酵乙酸产量最高(P<0.01),醋液与自制酵母发酵差异不显著(P>0.05)。考虑到成本及可操作性,选用自制酵母在25℃对不同精料及玉米面再发酵,结果以3号料发酵乙酸产量(23.51g/kgDM)最高(P<0.05),发酵干物质损失差异不显著(P>0.05)。试验选用16头荷斯坦泌乳母牛,按随机区组设计分为对照组和发酵料组(F组),每组8头牛,试验进行了70天。结果表明:与对照组相比,产奶量增加了3.26%(P>0.05);乳脂率提高了5.57%(P<0.05);乳脂量提高了9.03%(P>0.05);标准奶产量提高了6.36%(P>0.05);血液乙酸盐含量增加了24.5%(P<0.01);乳脂脂肪酸C12:0、C14:0、C16:0和C16:1分别提高13.02%(P<0.05)、11.14%(P<0.05)、5.17%和6.02%。 相似文献
利用青海湖北岸海北牧业气象试验站1997~2008年观测的天然牧草生长特征资料,分析了近12a来该区域牧草生育期、高度、盖度、产量等变化规律。结果表明:除猪毛蒿返青、开花期推迟外,其余牧草返青和开花期均提前;除矮生嵩草外,其余牧草黄枯期推迟,生育期延长;群落盖度呈下降趋势;虽然分种牧草高度和产量变化表现有所不同,但群落草层高度明显上升,总产量也呈增加趋势。说明在气候变化大背景下,青海湖北岸天然草地生态环境向好的方向发展。 相似文献