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Assumptions about the future productivity of a stock are necessary to calculate sustainable catches in fisheries management. Fisheries scientists often assume the number of young fish entering a population (recruitment) is related to the biomass of spawning adults and that recruitment dynamics do not change over time. Thus, managers often use a target biomass based on spawning biomass as the basis for calculating sustainable catches. However, we show recruitment and spawning biomass are not positively related over the observed range of stock sizes for 61% of 224 stocks in the RAM Legacy Stock Assessment Database. Furthermore, 85% of stocks for which spawning biomass may not drive recruitment dynamics over the observed ranges exhibit shifts in average recruitment, which is often used in proxies for target biomasses. Our results suggest that the environment more strongly influences recruitment than spawning biomass over the observed stock sizes for many stocks. Management often endeavours to maintain stock sizes within the observed ranges, so methods for setting management targets that include changes within an ecosystem may better define the status of some stocks, particularly as climate changes.  相似文献   

Several mechanisms for self‐enhancing feedback instabilities in marine ecosystems are identified and briefly elaborated. It appears that adverse phases of operation may be abruptly triggered by explosive breakouts in abundance of one or more previously suppressed populations. Moreover, an evident capacity of marine organisms to accomplish extensive geographic habitat expansions may expand and perpetuate a breakout event. This set of conceptual elements provides a framework for interpretation of a sequence of events that has occurred in the Northern Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (off south‐western Africa). This history can illustrate how multiple feedback loops might interact with one another in unanticipated and quite malignant ways, leading not only to collapse of customary resource stocks but also to degradation of the ecosystem to such an extent that disruption of customary goods and services may go beyond fisheries alone to adversely affect other major global ecosystem concerns (e.g. proliferations of jellyfish and other slimy, stingy, toxic and/or noxious organisms, perhaps even climate change itself, etc.). The wisdom of management interventions designed to interrupt an adverse mode of feedback operation is pondered. Research pathways are proposed that may lead to improved insights needed: (i) to avoid potential ‘triggers’ that might set adverse phases of feedback loop operation into motion; and (ii) to diagnose and properly evaluate plausible actions to reverse adverse phases of feedback operation that might already have been set in motion. These pathways include the drawing of inferences from available ‘quasi‐experiments’ produced either by short‐term climatic variation or inadvertently in the course of biased exploitation practices, and inter‐regional applications of the comparative method of science.  相似文献   

Meta‐analyses of stock assessments can provide novel insight into marine population dynamics and the status of fished species, but the world’s main stock assessment database (the Myers Stock‐Recruitment Database) is now outdated. To facilitate new analyses, we developed a new database, the RAM Legacy Stock Assessment Database, for commercially exploited marine fishes and invertebrates. Time series of total biomass, spawner biomass, recruits, fishing mortality and catch/landings form the core of the database. Assessments were assembled from 21 national and international management agencies for a total of 331 stocks (295 fish stocks representing 46 families and 36 invertebrate stocks representing 12 families), including nine of the world’s 10 largest fisheries. Stock assessments were available from 27 large marine ecosystems, the Caspian Sea and four High Seas regions, and include the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic and Antarctic Oceans. Most assessments came from the USA, Europe, Canada, New Zealand and Australia. Assessed marine stocks represent a small proportion of harvested fish taxa (16%), and an even smaller proportion of marine fish biodiversity (1%), but provide high‐quality data for intensively studied stocks. The database provides new insight into the status of exploited populations: 58% of stocks with reference points (n = 214) were estimated to be below the biomass resulting in maximum sustainable yield (BMSY) and 30% had exploitation levels above the exploitation rate resulting in maximum sustainable yield (UMSY). We anticipate that the database will facilitate new research in population dynamics and fishery management, and we encourage further data contributions from stock assessment scientists.  相似文献   


The International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM) has demonstrated that coastal village communities in Solomon Islands can successfully farm giant clams. The production technology is simple and does not require a large capital investment. The main inputs are clam seed, labour and time. Labour is used for activities such as planting, cleaning, thinning and harvesting. In this paper, a bioeconomic model is used to explore optimal farm management for two species of giant clam fanned for the aquarium and seafood markets. The theoretical basis for this analysis is found in the economic theory of optimal forestry exploitation. Optimal management involves finding the combination of the decision variables and the cycle‐length that maximises a stream of discounted profits. The decision variables considered here are husbandry which relates to cleaning, and the frequency with which thinning is undertaken. The optimal cycle‐length is determined for both a single‐clam harvest and multiple harvests for various management scenarios. The labour requirements for these management scenarios are identified for the multiple‐harvest case and input substitution between optimal combinations of labour and cycle‐length is investigated. Results indicate that profits are maximised for both species when husbandry is excellent and labour usage is most intensive. Thinning is only necessary for seafood clams for which the optimal cycle‐length is longer. Village farmers may not be profit maximisers however, and labour spent on giant‐clam farming takes them away from other activities. Rather than investing more labour and harvesting the clams earlier, a village farmer with other objectives may devote less labour and harvest the clams later, and spend more time on other activities. In general, these results are consistent with extension advice provided to village farmers by ICLARM. Optimal solutions were found to be very stable when incorporated into global optimisation routines and sensitivity analysis of a wide range of parameter values.  相似文献   

Harvesting practices of the clam Chionista fluctifraga show a decline in commercial size and densities, but no strategies have been developed to maintain clam beds. Aquaculture represents an alternative for preserving this resource. Adult clams from commercial grounds were used as broodstock. Conditioning, induction of spawning, cultivation of larvae, settlement of eyed larvae and nursing of postlarvae were performed in the hatchery for producing spat. Larvae and postlarvae were used to measure increase in shell height and data were fitted to exponential growth models. Spat were placed in floating trays and maintained in off‐bottom cultivation for 9 months. Samples of clams and tissues were collected monthly to measure absolute growth, shell height increase and a condition index. Larvae, postlarvae and juveniles showed exponential growth patterns. Mean shell height increased about 0.030 mm day?1 during larval and post‐larval stages and 0.049 mm day?1 during field cultivation. Pediveligers (height 215 ± 83 μm) entered metamorphosis at days 9–13 after fertilization, and postlarvae reached 3011.7 ± 325.5 μm (height) at day 60. After field cultivation, survival was about 95%; juvenile shell height was 20.6 ± 2.2 mm, and total weight was 5.3 ± 0.7 g. Growth rates were superior to natural conditions and the condition index was high throughout the study. Our results show that spat of C. fluctifraga can be produced in the hatchery, and that field production can be maintained in off‐bottom trays until reaching commercial size. Aquaculture activities for this species need to be established and evaluated.  相似文献   

Analysing how fish populations and their ecological communities respond to perturbations such as fishing and environmental variation is crucial to fisheries science. Researchers often predict fish population dynamics using species‐level life‐history parameters that are treated as fixed over time, while ignoring the impact of intraspecific variation on ecosystem dynamics. However, there is increasing recognition of the need to include processes operating at ecosystem levels (changes in drivers of productivity) while also accounting for variation over space, time and among individuals. To address similar challenges, community ecologists studying plants, insects and other taxa increasingly measure phenotypic characteristics of individual animals that affect fitness or ecological function (termed “functional traits”). Here, we review the history of trait‐based methods in fish and other taxa, and argue that fisheries science could see benefits by integrating trait‐based approaches within existing fisheries analyses. We argue that measuring and modelling functional traits can improve estimates of population and community dynamics, and rapidly detect responses to fishing and environmental drivers. We support this claim using three concrete examples: how trait‐based approaches could account for time‐varying parameters in population models; improve fisheries management and harvest control rules; and inform size‐based models of marine communities. We then present a step‐by‐step primer for how trait‐based methods could be adapted to complement existing models and analyses in fisheries science. Finally, we call for the creation and expansion of publicly available trait databases to facilitate adapting trait‐based methods in fisheries science, to complement existing public databases of life‐history parameters for marine organisms.  相似文献   

Between 1989 and 1992, small-scale grow-out trials of cultured Tridacna gigas (L.) were established at 40 coastal villages in Solomon Islands. The juvenile giant clams were delivered to village participants at a mean size of 34.6 mm shell length (SL) and a mean age of 380 days. The clams were grown in cages of wire mesh placed on trestles in shallow, subtidal, coral reef habitats. After a mean grow-out period of 297 days, the clams were a mean size of 77.6 mm SL, a suitable size for sale to the aquarium market. Mean growth rate was 4.1 mm month?1. In 32 of the 53 cages involved in the trials, all clams were removed completely from the cage every 3 months for cleaning. The mean survival rate of these clams was 54%. The clams in the remaining 21 cages were not removed for cleaning and their survival was significantly lower (22%). The growth rate of clams removed for cleaning (3.7 mm month?1) was, however, significantly lower than the growth rate of undisturbed clams (4.8 mm month?1). At current prices for juvenile T. gigas in the aquarium trade, farmers who regularly cleaned clams would have netted a minimum of US$180 for a cage initially stocked with 390 clams. Fanners who did not clean their clams would have netted only US$40 per cage due to poorer survival.  相似文献   

Demography can have a significant effect on reproductive timing and the magnitude of such an effect can be comparable to environmentally induced variability. This effect arises because the individuals of many fish species spawn progressively earlier within a season and may produce more egg batches over a longer period as they get older, thus extending their lifetime spawning duration. Inter‐annual variation in spawning time is a critical factor in reproductive success because it affects the early environmental conditions experienced by progeny and the period they have to complete phases of development. By reducing the average lifetime spawning duration within a fish stock, fishing pressure could be increasing the variability in reproductive success and reducing long‐term stock reproductive potential. Empirical estimates of selection on birth date, from experiments and using otolith microstructure, demonstrate that there is considerable variation in selection on birth date both within a spawning season and between years. The few multi‐year studies that have linked egg production with the survival of progeny to the juvenile stage further highlight the uncertainty that adults face in timing their spawning to optimize offspring survival. The production of many small batches of eggs over a long period of time within a season and over a lifetime is therefore likely to decrease variance and increase mean progeny survival. Quantifying this effect of demography on variability in survival requires a focus on lifetime reproductive success rather than year specific relationships between recruitment and stock reproductive potential. Modelling approaches are suggested that can better quantify the likely impact of changing spawning times on year‐class strength and lifetime reproductive potential. The evidence presented strengthens the need to avoid fishing severely age truncated fish stocks.  相似文献   

  • 1. Spartina species (cordgrasses) have been introduced to the estuaries around Europe, USA, Australia, New Zealand and Asia as a coastal management tool to stabilise mud banks, and through accidental introductions. These mainly non‐native species are highly aggressive in their new environment, and frequently become the dominant plant species, displacing native flora and fauna.
  • 2. The majority of organisations managing estuarine environments within the USA and UK have established integrated control programmes to eradicate Spartina spp. These plans can be expensive to deliver and take many years. For example, the Willapa Bay, WA control programme in 2003 had been implemented for over 3 years, but with an annual cost of approximate $2 m year?1 (~£1.2 m year?1).
  • 3. Through the use of the systematic review process and meta‐analysis, the effectiveness of management interventions (chemical, mechanical and biological) used to control or eradicate invasive Spartina spp. were investigated.
  • 4. The effectiveness of glyphosate and imazapyr herbicides at reducing S. alterniflora differ greatly depending upon application method and whether surfactant or wetting agents are used. Cutting combined with smothering is highly effective at reducing S. anglica densities, but its efficacy has not been established for other Spartina spp. Cutting alone increases densities of S. anglica and S. townsendii, while reducing S. alterniflora densities. Biological control, while in its infancy, has the potential to significantly reduce S. anglica densities, while against S. alterniflora it might be of benefit as part of an integrated programme.
  • 5. The results highlight the need to establish targeted control programmes, dependent upon the Spartina spp., the underlying site characteristics and the available budget. Where the evidence base is limited or absent, recommendations of further experiments are presented, including a call for improved reporting of site characteristics and experimental methodology, allowing managers to establish whether trial results are applicable to their own sites and therefore limiting the implementation of ineffective management interventions.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A primary goal of ecosystem‐based fishery management is to reduce non‐target stock impacts, such as incidental harvest, during targeted fisheries. Quantifying incidental harvest has generally incorporated fishery‐dependent catch data, yet such data may be biased by gear non‐retention, observation difficulties, and non‐random harvest patterns that collectively lead to an impartial understanding of non‐target stock capture. To account for such issues and explicitly recognize the combined influence of ecological and harvest factors contributing to incidental capture within targeted fisheries, we demonstrate a probabilistic modelling framework that incorporates: (i) background rates of target and non‐target stock co‐occurrence as the primary ecological basis for incidental harvest; (ii) the probability of harvesting at localities exhibiting co‐occurrences; (iii) the probability of selecting for non‐target species with fishery gear; and, (iv) as a function of harvest effort, the overall probability of incidental capture for any non‐target stock contained in the species pool available for harvest. To illustrate application of the framework, simulation models were based on fishery‐independent data from a freshwater fishery in Ontario, Canada. Harvest simulations of empirical stock data indicated that greatest species‐specific capture values were over 4000 times more likely than for species with lowest values, indicating highly variable capture probabilities because of the combined influence of stock heterogeneity and harvest dynamics. Estimated bycatch–effort relationships will allow forecasting incidental harvest on the basis of effort to evaluate future shifts in fishing activity against specific ecosystem‐based fishery management objectives, such as reducing the overall probability of bycatch while maintaining target landings.  相似文献   

Fished populations exist within complex ecosystems but are typically assessed using single‐species models. It is often lamented that stock assessments rarely account for other ecosystem components explicitly, but in most fisheries there are clear difficulties in implementing data‐intensive ecosystem‐based assessment approaches. Addressing these competing challenges requires prioritizing investments in expanded assessment frameworks. To provide high‐level conceptual guidance to such prioritization, here we use general analytical theory to identify (i) characteristics of fish stocks that tend to facilitate or inhibit the precision and accuracy of reference points from single‐species assessments, (ii) characteristics of ecosystem components that introduce the greatest bias/imprecision into single‐species reference points and (iii) warning signs within single‐species frameworks that important ecosystem components may not be adequately accounted for. We synthesize and expand on theories from various branches of applied mathematics addressing analogous questions. Our theory suggests that (i) slow population dynamics (relative to the dynamics of other ecosystem components) and a wide range of abundance observations promote precision and accuracy of single‐species reference points; (ii) ecosystem components that strongly influence the focal stock's growth, and change on similar timescales as the focal stock's abundance, introduce the greatest bias/imprecision to single‐species reference points; and (iii) signs of potential challenges for single‐species assessment include fast population dynamics, ‘hydra effects’ (i.e. abundance and fishing pressure simultaneously increase), and recently detected extinctions, invasions or regime shifts in closely connected ecosystem components. Our results generalize to other levels of abstraction and provide strategic insights complementing tactical simulation approaches such as management strategy evaluation.  相似文献   

Ecosystem‐based fishery management requires considering the effects of actions on social, natural and economic systems. These considerations are important for forage fish fisheries, because these species provide ecosystem services as a key prey in food webs and support valuable commercial fisheries. Forage fish stocks fluctuate naturally, and fishing may make these fluctuations more pronounced, yet harvest strategies intended to ameliorate these effects might adversely affect fisheries and communities. Here, we evaluate trade‐offs among a diverse suite of management objectives by simulating outcomes from several harvest strategies on forage fish species. We demonstrate that some trade‐offs (like those between catches and minimizing collapse length) were universal among forage species and could not be eliminated by the use of different control rules. We also demonstrate that trade‐offs vary among forage fish species, with strong trade‐offs between stable, high catches and high‐biomass periods (“bonanzas”) for menhaden‐ and anchovy‐like fish, and counterintuitive trade‐offs for sardine‐like fish between shorter collapses and longer bonanzas. We find that harvest strategies designed to maintain stability in catches will result in more severe collapses. Finally, we show that the ability of assessments to detect rapid changes in population status greatly affects control rule performance and the degree and type of trade‐offs, increasing the risk and severity of collapses and reducing catches. Together, these results demonstrate that while default harvest strategies are useful in data‐poor situations, management strategy evaluations that are tailored to specific forage fish may better balance trade‐offs.  相似文献   

Abstract A deterministic, age‐structured population model was developed to simulate potential management scenarios designed to increase growth of individuals (quantified by maximum length) in a hypothetical population of white perch, Morone americana (Gmelin). Four scenarios were developed that included non‐selective mortality of adult white perch, increased mortality of age groups most influential on population growth, increased age‐0 mortality and inhibiting recruitment after spawning. The greatest increase in maximum length occurred with non‐selective adult mortality when population biomass was reduced by 97%; lesser increases in maximum length were achieved with the other management scenarios. Populations returned to their original state after control efforts ceased for each scenario.  相似文献   

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are often promoted as tools for biodiversity conservation as well as for fisheries management. Despite increasing evidence of their usefulness, questions remain regarding the optimal design of MPAs, in particular concerning their function as fisheries management tools, for which empirical studies are still lacking. Using 28 data sets from seven MPAs in Southern Europe, we developed a meta‐analytical approach to investigate the effects of protection on adjacent fisheries and asking how these effects are influenced by MPA size and age. Southern European MPAs showed clear effects on the surrounding fisheries, on the ‘catch per unit effort’ (CPUE) of target species, but especially on the CPUE of the marketable catch. These effects depended on the time of protection and on the size of the no‐take area. CPUE of both target species and the marketable catch increased gradually by 2–4% per year over a long time period (at least 30 years). The influence of the size of the no‐take area appeared to be more complex. The catch rates of the entire fishery in and around the MPA were higher when the no‐take areas were smaller. Conversely, catch rates of selected fisheries that were expected to benefit most from protection increased when the no‐take area was larger. Our results emphasize the importance of MPA size on its export functions and suggest that an adequate, often extended, time frame be used for the management and the evaluation of effectiveness of MPAs.  相似文献   

Mangroves are among the most productive ecosystems in tropical and subtropical regions. Historically, mangroves are assumed to support artisanal fisheries, leading decision‐makers to protect mangroves based on this premise. However, this relationship remains unclear, despite positive correlations obtained in different geographical regions. Here, we provide the first meta‐analysis of the mangroves–fisheries linkage at a global level. After conducting a systematic review, 23 publications containing 51 studies estimating the mangrove–fishery linkage were obtained. A random effect model was used to estimate the effect size (Pearson's correlation coefficient) of each individual study as well as the overall effect size. We found strong evidence for the mangrove–fishery linkage with an overall effect size of r = 0.72 (95% CI: 0.61–0.81), and substantial heterogeneity was observed (Q = 143.88, df = 50, P < 0.01). The countries where the studies were carried out were the only significant moderator (QM = 26.07, P < 0.01), while fisheries types (i.e. crab, fish, shellfish, prawn and total) and global regions were not good predictors of the relationship. Our results show that mangrove area is a good predictor of fishery catches overall, confirming the importance of conserving such habitats.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The conventional acetate peel method was modified to analyze the shell growth pattern of juvenile Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum as small as 2 mm in shell length (SL). In the outer shell layer along the axis of maximum growth, two types of growth increments were observed: distinct increments and indistinct increments, which, respectively, do and do not continue to the middle shell layer. The distinct increments were found to be formed every two days in intertidal and shallow subtidal zones by field enclosure experiments of juveniles with datum points marked with alizarin complexone. Growth patterns of juveniles (12 mm SL) collected from the Seaside Park of Yokohama in Tokyo Bay were analyzed to confirm the modified method. Mean daily shell growth rate from April to July 2005 ranged 120–142 μm/day, which was reasonable as compared with previous studies. It was impossible to backcalculate the growth to the settlement size (i.e. 0.2 mm SL) because of erosion of the outer shell surface, and the smallest backcalculated minimum shell length was 0.8 mm. Fluctuations in daily growth rate were high, ranging 29–315 μm/day, and did not show a clear two-weekly rhythm.  相似文献   

Abstract – The conditions experienced early in life can strongly influence life‐history trajectories in a variety of animal species. Here, we use data from four isolated populations of the endangered stream‐dwelling salmonid marble trout (Salmo marmoratus Cuvier 1817) living in the Soca and Idrijca river basins (Slovenia) to explore the influence of the total density experienced during and after the first year of life by marble trout year‐classes on body length of marble trout through the lifetime. Analyses were performed by pooling together the stream‐specific datasets to cover a wider range of densities. Mean body length of marble trout year‐classes through the lifetime (from age 1+ to 5+) was negatively related to total density of marble trout during the first year of life. The relationship between density during the first growth period and body length through the lifetime was well described by negative power curves. Total population density after the first year of life was not correlated with body length, thus suggesting that body growth trajectories are heavily determined early in life. Given size‐dependent sexual maturity and egg production in marble trout, the relationship between density early in life and lifetime individual growth may have strong implications in terms of population dynamics and regulation of population size.  相似文献   

A close relationship between adult abundance and stock productivity may not exist for many marine fish stocks, resulting in concern that the management goal of maximum sustainable yield is either inefficient or risky. Although reproductive success is tightly coupled with adult abundance and fecundity in many terrestrial animals, in exploited marine fish where and when fish spawn and consequent dispersal dynamics may have a greater impact. Here, we propose an eco‐evolutionary perspective, reproductive resilience, to understand connectivity and productivity in marine fish. Reproductive resilience is the capacity of a population to maintain the reproductive success needed to result in long‐term population stability despite disturbances. A stock's reproductive resilience is driven by the underlying traits in its spawner‐recruit system, selected for over evolutionary timescales, and the ecological context within which it is operating. Spawner‐recruit systems are species specific, have both density‐dependent and fitness feedback loops and are made up of fixed, behavioural and ecologically variable traits. They operate over multiple temporal, spatial and biological scales, with trait diversity affecting reproductive resilience at both the population and individual (i.e. portfolio) scales. Models of spawner‐recruit systems fall within three categories: (i) two‐dimensional models (i.e. spawner and recruit); (ii) process‐based biophysical dispersal models which integrate physical and environmental processes into understanding recruitment; and (iii) complex spatially explicit integrated life cycle models. We review these models and their underlying assumptions about reproductive success vs. our emerging mechanistic understanding. We conclude with practical guidelines for integrating reproductive resilience into assessments of population connectivity and stock productivity.  相似文献   

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