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The bacterium Edwardsiella ictaluri is considered to be one of the most significant pathogens of farmed catfish in the United States of America and has also caused mortalities in farmed and wild fishes in many other parts of the world. E. ictaluri is not believed to be present in wild fish populations in Australia, although it has previously been detected in imported ornamental fishes held in quarantine facilities. In an attempt to confirm freedom from the bacterium in Australian native fishes, we undertook a risk‐based survey of wild catfishes from 15 sites across northern Australia. E. ictaluri was detected by selective culturing, followed by DNA testing, in Wet Tropics tandan (Tandanus tropicanus) from the Tully River, at a prevalence of 0.40 (95% CI 0.21–0.61). The bacterium was not found in fishes sampled from any of the other 14 sites. This is the first report of E. ictaluri in wild fishes in Australia.  相似文献   

Edwardsiella ictaluri is a primary bacterial pathogen of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, and the causative agent of enteric septicaemia of catfish . Edwardsiella ictaluri is known to gain entry to the host by infection of the nares, gastrointestinal tract, and gills, and to disseminate to organs via an as yet uncharacterized acute bacteraemia. In this study, fluorescent microscopy showed E. ictaluri on the gill within 5 min of immersion challenge and E. ictaluri could also be isolated from the circulation within 5 min. When removed to clean water, catfish cleared circulating bacteria within 15 min and the blood remained free of E. ictaluri until its reappearance at the 12 h post-infection sampling. However, Aeromonas hydrophila , the aetiological agent of motile aeromonad septicaemia, appeared within the circulation 7 h post-challenge with E. ictaluri and was detected in all fish at 12 h post-infection. Only 20% of fish carried A. hydrophila in the trunk kidney that could be detected by plate culture on Rimler–Shotts agar; however, 100% of challenged and stress-control fish were A. hydrophila complex positive at 24 h post-challenge. These results suggest that although the catfish is capable of clearing its circulation of E. ictaluri , superinfection with latent A. hydrophila may enhance clinical signs of edwardsiellosis. This is the first report of a bacterial superinfection appearing in fish.  相似文献   

Cross-protection of channel catfish ( Ictalurus punctatus Rafinesque) immunized with a low dose of virulent Edwardsiella ictaluri and challenged with six E. ictaluri strains was examined in four trials. The relative per cent survival among low-dose immunized and then challenged fish ranged from 27.7% to 100%. Significant protection ( P <0.05), with the exception of strain ATCC-33202, was conferred by immunization with a given E. ictaluri strain challenged either with a homologous or a heterologous strain. Antibody titres of pooled serum collected on day 22 from surviving fish examined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) ranged from 1:40 to 1:320, but no differences were apparent among different vaccinated groups. The protein profiles of six E. ictaluri strains examined by Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) showed a relatively homogeneous pattern. Immuno-blots probed with pooled serum from immunized and challenged fish showed a pattern similar to LPS-reaction patterns observed with E. ictaluri in other studies. Since the present studies further corroborate that E. ictaluri is a clonal bacterial species with no apparent antigenic differences, it is possible that immunization with a single E. ictaluri field strain should confer protection against any other strain.  相似文献   

Yellow catfish Pelteobagrus fulvidraco (Richardson) is a commercially important fish generally distributed in Southeast Asian countries. The well‐known aetiological agent of enteric septicaemia of catfish, Edwardsiella ictaluri, was isolated from diseased yellow catfish P. fulvidraco (Richardson) reared at two commercial fisheries in China. The economic losses due to the high mortalities (about 50%) caused by this bacterium have been increasing annually. The affected fish presented two different, typical symptoms: pale gills, slight exophthalmia and a ‘hole in the head’, and haemorrhage on the opercula, in the skin under the jaw, creating a ‘hole under the jaw’. These diseases were found frequently in cultured yellow catfish throughout China. The isolates from both outbreaks were all Gram negative, facultatively anaerobic and short rod. Morphological and biochemical tests and phylogenetic analysis based on the 16S rDNA sequences all strongly indicated that these yellow catfish isolates were highly identical to the known E. ictaluri. In addition, the isolates possessed the typical plasmid profile of E. ictaluri. Experimental infection assays were conducted and pathogenicity (by an intraperitoneal injection) was demonstrated in yellow catfish and channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus. The results showed that yellow catfish isolates were quite conservative phenotypically and genetically, and were able to cause two different, typical symptoms in this fish under unknown conditions and mechanism.  相似文献   

A molecular epidemiology study was conducted on 90 Edwardsiella ictaluri isolates recovered from diseased farmed freshwater catfish, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus, cultured in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Thirteen isolates of E. ictaluri derived from diseased channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, cultured in the USA were included for comparison. All the E. ictaluri isolates tested were found to be biochemically indistinguishable. A repetitive (rep)‐PCR using the single (GTG)5 primer was shown to possess limited discriminatory power, yielding two similar DNA profiles categorized as (GTG)5‐PCR group 1 or 2 among the Vietnam isolates and (GTG)5‐PCR group 1 within the USA isolates. Macrorestriction analysis identified 14 and 22 unique pulsotypes by XbaI and SpeI, respectively, among a subset of 59 E. ictaluri isolates. Numerical analysis of the combined macrorestriction profiles revealed three main groups: a distinct cluster formed exclusively of the USA isolates, and a major and minor cluster with outliers contained the Vietnam isolates. Antibiotic susceptibility and plasmid profiling supported the existence of the three groups. The results indicate that macrorestriction analysis may be regarded as a suitable typing method among the E. ictaluri species of limited intraspecific diversity. Furthermore, the findings suggest that E. ictaluri originating from Vietnam may constitute a distinct genetic group.  相似文献   

In 2003, the United States adopted anti-dumping tariffs for Vietnamese catfish products entering the country. This study examines how these tariffs have impacted the price relationship between domestically produced and imported catfish products. Cointegration tests confirm a long-run price relationship between domestic and imported catfish, which has persisted despite the anti-dumping tariffs. However, imports are composed of catfish from Vietnam and other countries, with only the former subjected to tariffs. Results from vector error correction models suggest that Vietnamese catfish prices do not significantly influence domestic prices. Conversely, the price of catfish from countries other than Vietnam continues to impact prices received by domestic catfish farmers and processors. The domestic catfish industry is still affected by lower-priced imports from countries other than Vietnam, although some of these may be transshipments that truly originate in Vietnam. This research methodology could be adapted to investigate trade and price interactions among other aquacultured species, which will become increasingly important as global aquaculture expands.  相似文献   

This article examined the profitability of aquaponics in the U.S. Midwest. Three sources of data were considered for the study: (1) three active aquaponics farms, (2) a university greenhouse experiment, and (3) published research. The first analysis compares the economics of aquaponics and hydroponics systems under similar operations. Results suggest that the aquaponics system requires higher investment and operating cost but has lower production of vegetables compared with the hydroponics system. However, if aquaponics vegetable production is managed as an organic production, and the produce is sold at 20% premium price, aquaponics becomes profitable. The second analysis constructed three different representative farm sizes of aquaponics production of basil and tilapia—small, medium, and large. The production of basil provides better economic returns than the fish. All farm sizes are feasible when the basil price is above $10.00 per kg. The larger farm has the best results because of lower cost of production.  相似文献   

This study characterized Northeast U.S. businesses breeding and/or selling marine ornamental aquacultured (MOA) livestock, identified cultured species, and assessed sales figures. Identified businesses (n?=?529) in the region consisted partially of retailers (n?=?274), commercial aquaculturists (n?=?42), and public aquaria, research, and educational institutions (n?=?48); the target sectors for inquiry. Of 75 survey respondents, 54% retailed MOA livestock, 19% conducted their own commercial MOA, and 9% conducted MOA as a part of public aquaria, research and/or educational endeavors. Corals generated up to $60,000 in annual sales for retailers and $100,000 for commercial aquaculturists. Commercial aquaculturists generated up to $50,000 in annual sales for MOA fishes and up to $30,000 for MOA non-coral invertebrates. The industry is characterized by market demand, low supply, few commercial aquaculturists, and many public aquaria, research and educational institutions; these attributes offer opportunities for its regional growth and development.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of a yeast‐derived protein source (NuPro®) as a replacement for menhaden fish meal on weight gain, specific growth rate (SGR), food conversion ratio (FCR), whole‐body composition and disease resistance in juvenile channel catfish (9.9 ± 0.2 g fish?1). NuPro® replaced fish meal at six levels (0, 25, 50, 75, 100 and 125 g kg?1 diet). Catfish were sampled for whole‐body composition and then challenged with the bacterium Edwardsiella ictaluri. Growth performance was negatively affected (P < 0.01) when NuPro® was added at 125 g kg?1 diet. The amount of whole‐body fat decreased (P < 0.05) when NuPro® was added at 75 g kg?1 or more of the diet. Regardless of the amount of NuPro® added, survival after challenge with E. ictaluri was similar among treatments. Results indicate that up to 100 g kg?1 of NuPro® can be added without negatively affecting growth performance. The yeast‐derived protein source used in this study is a sustainable protein alternative that could be used as a partial replacement for fish meal in juvenile channel catfish diets.  相似文献   

Enteric septicaemia of catfish (ESC) caused by Edwardsiella ictaluri is becoming an increasing problem in aquaculture and has been reported worldwide in a variety of fish species. This study reports ESC in hybrid catfish, Clarias macrocephalus (Günther) × Clarias gariepinus (Burchell), cultured in southern Thailand. The bacteria were identified as E. ictaluri by conventional and rapid identification systems, as well as by genetic and phylogenetic characterization. Analysis of 16S rRNA indicated 100% homology to the 16S rRNA sequence of several E. ictaluri strains in GenBank. Plasmid profiles demonstrated 4.0‐ and 5.6‐kb plasmids, compared with the 4.8‐ and 5.6‐kb plasmids in the US isolates, and representative genes of three of the four known pathogenicity islands of US isolates were present. Serologically, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) purified from the Thai isolates was not recognized by a monoclonal antibody against the LPS of US isolates. Fish experimentally infected with E. ictaluri showed 23–100% mortality within 14 days with a 168‐h LD50 of 6.92 × 107 CFU mL?1 by immersion and a 96‐h LD50 of 1.58 × 106 CFU fish?1 by intraperitoneal injection. Examination of tissue sections obtained from both naturally and experimentally infected fish indicated that infection of hybrid catfish with E. ictaluri produced lesions in several organs including liver, kidney, spleen, heart and brain. Histopathology findings included cellular necrosis, focal haemorrhage, infiltration of lymphocytes and multifocal granulomatous inflammation in the infected organs.  相似文献   

On the U.S. West Coast, reports of whales entangled in fishing gear increased dramatically in 2014. In this study, a time series of fishing activity maps was developed from 2009 to 2016 for the four fixed-gear fisheries most commonly implicated in entanglements. Maps were generated using vessel monitoring system (VMS) data linked to port-level landings databases, which were related to entangled whale reports over the same time period and with modelled distributions of humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae Borowski. Over the full study period, neither marked increases in fishing activity nor changes in fisheries footprints within regions with high whale densities were detected. By contrast, a delayed fishery opening in California due to a harmful algal bloom in spring of 2016 led to ~5–7 times average levels of Dungeness crab Metacarcinus magister (Dana) fishing activity, which was consistent with a high rate of entanglement in that year. These results are consistent with current hypotheses that habitat compression caused by a marine heatwave increased the overlap of whales with fishing activity, despite minimal changes in the fisheries themselves. This study adds to literature on bycatch of protected species in otherwise sustainable fisheries, highlighting the value of using VMS data for reducing human–wildlife conflict in the ocean.  相似文献   

The experiment was carried out to evaluate the production performance of sutchi catfish, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus in restricted feeding regimes and their effects on gut and liver indices and body composition. Four feeding regimes were evaluated: fed to satiation twice per day (treatment daily feeding); 1‐day food deprivation and 1‐day feeding (treatment 1D‐1F), 2‐day deprivation and 2‐day feeding (treatment 2D‐2F) and 5‐day deprivation and 5‐day feeding (treatment 5D‐5F). Fingerlings (mean weight 37 ± 3 g, mean total length 18 ± 2 cm) were stocked in replicated earthen ponds at a density of 25 000 ha?1 and cultured for 18 weeks during which commercial diet (33% crude protein) were delivered to apparent satiation on the feeding day according to the treatment. Results showed that the daily feeding and 1D‐1F treatments resulted in similar individual weight gain (515–536 g) and net fish production (10 954–11 387 kg ha?1) as compared with treatment 2D‐2F (weight gain 309 g; net production 6700 kg ha?1) or treatment 5D‐5F (weight gain 251 g; net production 5651 kg ha?1). While fish body protein levels were not affected by food deprivation, lipid contents were lowest in treatments 2D‐2F and 5D‐5F. The study concluded that sutchi catfish could be cultured in alternate‐day feeding regime without any negative effects on production and meat quality of fish resulting in a net profit of USD 2750 ha?1 pond.  相似文献   

The harvest of bay scallops (Argopecten irradians) from Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, U.S.A. undergoes large interannual fluctuations, varying by more than an order of magnitude in successive years. To investigate the extent to which these fluctuations may be due to yearly variations in the transport of scallop larvae from spawning areas to suitable juvenile habitat (settlement zones), a high‐resolution hydrodynamic model was used to drive an individual‐based model of scallop larval transport. Model results revealed that scallop spawning in Buzzards Bay occurs during a time when nearshore bay currents were principally directed up‐bay in response to a persistent southwesterly sea breeze. This nearshore flow results in the substantial transport of larvae from lower‐bay spawning areas to settlement zones further up‐bay. Averaged over the entire bay, the spawning‐to‐settlement zone connectivity exhibits little interannual variation. However, connectivities between individual spawning and settlement zones vary by up to an order of magnitude. The model results identified spawning areas that have the greatest probability of transporting larvae to juvenile habitat. Because managers may aim to increase scallop populations either locally or broadly, the high‐connectivity spawning areas were divided into: (i) high larval retention and relatively little larval transport to adjoining settlement areas, (ii) both significant larval retention and transport to more distant settlement areas, and (iii) little larval retention but significant transport to distant settlement areas.  相似文献   

Generalized linear mixed-effects models can be used to combine bottom trawl data from multiple vessels, each with a different fishing power, into a single time series of relative abundance. However, how important might it be to have a consistent set of vessels and vessel characteristics from year to year given we can model differences in fishing power among vessels? We demonstrate how changes in the suite of fishing vessels performing the survey can affect the results of the data analysis using sablefish catches in the U.S. west coast groundfish bottom trawl survey from 1998 to 2000. The results do not indicate that one must have a consistent set of vessels over time to provide useful data, but rather that there is benefit to consistency even when the survey data are analyzed using advanced statistical models. Further research should be undertaken to quantify these benefits specifically to aid in contracting and bidding of survey vessels.  相似文献   

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