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Genotypic variation in nitrogen (N) efficiency of rapeseed is caused by differences in reproductive growth. This might be related to genotypic variation in sulfur (S) utilization. In this study it was tested if S deficiency in growing plant parts is induced under N-limiting conditions due to high sulfate accumulation in mature leaves which is poorly remobilized. Leaf S remobilization was compared under high and low N supply in four rapeseed cultivars that were grown in hydroponics with leaf-senescence induction by shading. Low N conditions did not increase sulfate accumulation in mature leaves. Total S remobilization from the leaves was higher under N-limiting than N-sufficient conditions. The proposed S deficiency in young plant parts therefore may not be more probable under low than under high N conditions. However, genotypic variation in S uptake and remobilization was found under N-limiting conditions only and might therefore contribute to genotypic variation in reproductive growth.  相似文献   

利用大田试验研究了不同磷肥用量对甘蓝型春油菜产量、养分积累、磷素利用效率和经济效益的影响。结果表明,在低磷土壤上施用125 kg/hm2N和135 kg/hm2K2O基础上增施磷肥,可显著增加油菜不同部位产量,其中籽粒产量平均提高12.5%,生物量平均提高29.0%。施磷明显提高油菜地上部P素含量,有利于促进油菜K素营养累积,但对N素、K素含量无显著影响。随磷肥施用量的增加,磷肥偏生产力显著下降,施磷后磷肥农学效率、磷肥表观利用率和磷肥生理利用率平均分别为4.6 kg/kg P2O5、13.0%和40.2 kg/kg P2O5,磷肥对籽粒产量的贡献率仅为10.9%。根据经济效益分析结果,青海甘蓝型春油菜生产中磷肥用量以75 kg/hm2为宜。  相似文献   

油菜硼高效的遗传   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Field experiments were conducted to study the inheritance of boron efficiency in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) by evaluating the boron (B) efficiency coefficient (BEC, the ratio of the seed yield at below the critical boron level to that at the boron-sufficient level) with 657 F2:3 lines of a population derived from a cross between a B-efficient cultivar, Qingyou 10, and a B-inefficient cultivar, Bakow. Qingyou 10 had high BEC as well as high seed yield at low available soil B. On the contrary, Bakow produced low seed yield at low B status. Boron deficiency decreased the seed yield of the F2:3 lines to different extents and the distribution of BEC of the population showed a bimodal pattern. When the 657 F2:3 lines were grouped into B-efficient lines and B-inefficient lines according to their BEC, the ratio of B-efficient lines to B-inefficient lines fitted the expected ratio (3:1), indicating that one major gene controlled the B-efficiency trait. 127 F2:3 lines selected from the population at random, with distribution of BEC similar to that of the overall population, were used to identify the target region for fine mapping of the boron efficiency gene.  相似文献   

不同品种油菜子粒产量及氮效率差异研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
采用大田试验,以16个冬油菜品种为试验材料,系统研究了油菜子粒产量、氮素吸收量、氮素响应度和氮素利用效率的品种间差异,并初步探讨了氮素吸收效率和氮素利用效率对不同品种油菜氮效率差异的贡献。结果表明,无论施氮水平如何,不同品种的子粒产量、氮素利用效率和氮素响应度均有显著差异,而氮素吸收量只有在不施氮条件下品种间差异才达到显著水平。根据不施氮时的氮效率和氮素响应度将16个油菜品种分为4种不同类型:1)氮高效–高氮响应(NHE-NHR)型,包括Xy1、Xy16、Xy17、Xh19、Xh20和Xy21; 2)氮低效--低氮响应(NLE-NLR) 型,包括Xy6、Xy8和Xy9;3)氮高效–低氮响应(NHE- NLR)型,包括Xy7、Xy12、Xy14、Xy15和Xy24;4)氮低效–高氮响应(NLE-NHR) 型,包括Xy11和Xy13。无论供氮水平如何,氮素利用效率的变异系数均大于氮素吸收效率的变异系数,说明氮素利用效率对油菜氮效率差异的贡献大于氮素吸收效率。但是,氮素吸收效率的变异系数不施氮时大于施氮条件,氮素利用效率的变异系数则相反,说明在氮胁迫条件下,氮效率的差异中来源于氮素利用效率的变异减少,来源于氮素吸收效率的变异增加。  相似文献   

We evaluated the ability of Brassica napus L. (oilseed rape), Helianthus annus L. (sunflower), and Glycine max L. (soybean) plants grown inoculated with or without bacteria to utilize organic P sources. Plants were supplied with inorganic (dibasic sodium phosphate) and organic P sources (phytate and glucose phosphate) at three concentrations and grown for 40 d under sterile conditions. Three inoculation treatments were compared: control (non‐inoculated plants), inoculation with Bacillus amyloliquefaciens BNM340, and inoculation with Pseudomonas fluorescens BNM296 (two bacteria with proven phytase activity). Oilseed rape, sunflower and soybean could utilize organic P sources. For example, when phytate (0.5 mM) P was used as the external P source, the increase factors over the no‐P treatments were 4.5, 1.4, and 1.4 for oilseed rape, sunflower, and soybean P uptake, respectively. When glucose 1‐phosphate disodium salt (G1P, 0.5 mM) was the P source, the increase factors were 8.8, 1.7, and 1.9 respectively. Positive responses to the organic P sources were found for the biomass accumulation of oilseed rape and soybean but not for sunflower. The inoculation with bacteria did not exert a promoting effect on P uptake. We demonstrate that the three species can effectively use organic P sources. The existence of crop plants that are more efficient in the utilization of different soil P sources would be particularly beneficial to improve P recycling and use of P fertilizers in agriculture.  相似文献   


Winter turnip rape (Brassica rapa spp. oleifera) is an underutilized crop that deserves to be revitalized for use in high-latitude agriculture. Many crop rotations around the world are dependent on the small-grain cereals, and turnip rape as a break crop, with its range of secondary chemicals, helps to suppress weeds, nematodes and pathogenic fungi. It may be used as an energy crop, it can restrict erosion and nutrient leaching while also improving soil structure and fertility, and it requires relatively low inputs. Although winter turnip rape was once the major oil crop in Finland, in the 1970s it was replaced by spring turnip rape, the lower erucic acid and glucosinolate contents of which made it suitable for food and feed uses. Winter hardiness of the crop could be improved, and industrial end uses, such as lubricants for which high erucic acid content is preferred, targeted in the first instance. Breeding progress would be accelerated by a change from the predominantly self-incompatible breeding system to self-compatibility, now available in modern germplasm, and this would allow use of other rapid breeding methods, such as doubled haploidy. Thus, the many advantages of the winter turnip rape crop would repay its return to agriculture. In this review we will introduce the many utilization possibilities of the crop as well as give background on why more attention and research efforts should be paid towards this crop. We will also indicate some of the array of factors that have a marked role in an attempt to ecologically intensify crop production.  相似文献   

When the spreading of a disease depends on the proportion of infected residues remaining at soil surface it is of crucial importance to analyse the effects of tillage practices on the vertical distribution of stubble. This is the case with phoma stem canker (blackleg), whose epidemics are initiated in autumn, by air-borne ascospores released from stubble located at the soil surface. We compared initial vertical distribution of oilseed rape residues to those observed after sowing and various tillage operations (rotary harrowing, stubble disking, chiselling and mouldboard ploughing). Almost 20% of the initially buried residue was brought back to soil surface with seeding. Rotary harrow brought 40% of the residue buried in the 0–10 cm layer up to the surface and left unburied about 70% of surface residue. Stubble disking appeared to be more efficient for residue burial than chiselling. Mouldboard plough was the only tool that buried all residues. A simple model was developed that predicted burial and return to the soil surface of potentially infected residues as a function of tillage practices used after harvest. Simulation of different tillage sequences showed that the order in which tools were used also affected location of residues. Our results highlighted the importance of tillage in the cultural control of phoma stem canker and will contribute to the definition of integrated pest management strategies for oilseed rape.  相似文献   

In order to optimize nitrogen (N) fertilization and to reduce the environmental impact of oilseed rape without decreasing yield, a clearer understanding of N dynamics inside the plant is crucial. The present investigation therefore aimed to study the effects of different N‐application rates on the dynamics of N uptake, partitioning, and remobilization. The experiment was conducted on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L. cv. Capitol) under three levels of N input (0, 100, and 200 kg N ha–1) from stem elongation to maturity using 15N‐labeling technique to distinguish between N uptake and N retranslocation in the plant. Nitrogen fertilization affected the time‐course of N uptake and also the allocation of N taken up from flowering to maturity. Most pod N came from N remobilization, and leaves accounted for the largest source of remobilized N regardless the N‐application rate. However, the contribution of leaves to the remobilized N pool increased with the N dose whereas the one of taproot decreased. Stems were the main sink for remobilized N from stem elongation to flowering. Leaves remained longer on N200 than on N0 and N100 plants, and N concentration in fallen leaves increased with the N treatment and in N100 plants along an axial gradient from the basal to the upper leaves. Overall, these results show that the timing of N supply is more crucial than the N amount to attain a high N efficiency.  相似文献   

Selenite is a form of selenium (Se) commonly found in Se-excessive soils. To regulate the Se content in plants in high-Se areas, a potted soil experiment was performed on oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) to evaluate the effects of varied amounts of sulfur (S) on the biomass, accumulation and distribution of Se in B. napus under the conditions of different amounts of Se in the soil. The results showed that the seedlings of B. napus were more sensitive to Se than the mature plants were. The addition of S significantly alleviated the growth inhibition in seedlings and facilitated the growth of mature plants under higher Se (15 mg kg?1) conditions. S treatment significantly decreased soil pH within the range of 0.22–0.60. An appropriate moderate amount (150 mg kg?1) of S exerted the strongest inhibition on Se concentration and accumulation in B. napus at the seedling stage, but a higher amount (300 mg kg?1) of S led to a more significant decrease in the mature plants under higher Se conditions, with the maximum reduction in various parts of B. napus reaching 51.3–60.9% and 42.5–53.4%, respectively. The application of S only affected the uptake of Se, and not the translocation of Se; the accumulation of Se in B. napus follows the sequence of pod ≈ stem > rapeseed > root, and the distribution ratio is approximately 1.00:0.97:0.69:0.49. Overall, the application of S alleviated the inhibitory effect on growth caused by excessive Se by reducing the Se concentration in B. napus and facilitating its growth, suggesting that S treatment is a suitable and highly cost-effective method to regulate the content of Se in B. napus.  相似文献   

The Czech Republic is characterized by a low Se soil content, resulting in Se deficiency in crops, humans, and animals. This study investigated the response of oilseed rape to foliar application of selenate solution in a microscale field experiment conducted at two locations differing in soil and climatic conditions but with comparable total Se contents. Sodium selenate (Na2SeO4) was applied at two rates (25 and 50 g Se ha?1). The potential effect of Se application on the uptake of essential elements was also evaluated. The foliar Se application resulted in an effective stepwise increase in the Se contents of all the plant components studied (leaves > stems > roots > siliques ~ seeds), as expected. No significant influence of Se fortification on the other investigated macro- and microelements was observed. However, the soil and climatic conditions influenced the Se uptake, such that a higher Se content was observed in plants grown in the most acidic location (Cambisol soil) that had a higher oxidizable carbon content and higher average annual rainfall compared to the less acidic location (Luvisol soil). These observations indicated the necessity to optimize the Se application for the particular soil and climatic conditions to achieve a maximum biofortification effect.  相似文献   

The short-term economic benefit has in recent years prompted farmers to grow oilseed rape (OSR) (Brassica napus L.) and thus the frequency of this crop increased in German crop rotations. Here, we investigate the impact of high-intensity OSR crop rotations on yield, yield formation, and blackleg disease (Leptosphaeria maculans) in a rotation experiment in the Hercynian dry region of Central Germany over two seasons (2014/2015?–?2015/2016). The preceding crop combinations compared were winter wheat (WW) (Triticum aestivum L.)-WW, WW-OSR, OSR-OSR, and an OSR monoculture. Furthermore, the fertilizer treatments 120 kg N ha?1 and 180 kg N ha?1 were analyzed.

Higher OSR cropping intensity decreased seed yields, however, with a variation among years and oil yield was highest when OSR was following WW-WW over both years. Minor differences were observed among the yield components, but significantly less pods per m2 were developed in a long-term OSR monoculture. The disease assessment clearly showed an increased blackleg incidence and severity when OSR was grown successively.

Results of our study emphasize that high-intensity OSR production will very likely be unsustainable over the long term associated with yield losses and increased infestation levels of blackleg disease.  相似文献   


Phytoremediation is a good technique for removing cadmium (Cd) from farmland soils. To remove Cd from these soils effectively, it is necessary for Cd ions to be transported to the shoot organs for later harvest. However, the mechanism of Cd translocation to shoot organs via xylem vessels has not yet been elucidated. We selected oilseed rape plants (Brassica napus L.) and established a method to collect xylem exudates from these plants. After 3 days of Cd treatment (10 µmol L?1 and 30 µmol L?1) the Cd concentrations in the xylem exudates were approximately 6.5 µmol L?1 and 16 µmol L?1, respectively. The detection of Cd in the xylem exudate indicated that Cd was moving to shoot organs via xylem vessels. The effect of these Cd treatments on the amino acid, organic acid and protein composition of xylem exudates from oilseed rape plants was investigated. The level of amino acids and organic acids detected was enough to bind Cd transported via the xylem. Sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis revealed that proteins with molecular weights of 36 kDa and 45 kDa clearly increased in the exudates with Cd treatment. The possibility that these compounds are binding Cd in the xylem exudates was discussed.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) availability to crops in organic systems can be a major issue, with the use of readily available forms often restricted. One product that can be used in organically managed systems, that is also relatively easily accessible to growers, is phosphate rock, although its solubility and therefore crop availability is often poor. One possible approach to improve this situation is co‐composting phosphate rock with selected organic waste materials. Various ratios of phosphate rock and cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.) residues were co‐composted and the products tested at different rates of application. The effects were assessed over 12 weeks using oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) as bioassay crops in a pot experiment. At harvest, estimates of P derived from cabbage and phosphate rock for the lowest of two rates of compost were ≈ 2 and 10 mg P pot–1 for oilseed rape, compared to 5 and 2 mg P pot–1 for perennial ryegrass, respectively. Roots tended to have higher P concentrations than shoots. The crops showed differences in their abilities to access various P sources, with oilseed rape effectively taking P from phosphate rock, whereas perennial ryegrass was more effective at accessing cabbage‐derived P (the main substrate in the compost). Oilseed rape was able to take up 20% of the total P applied as phosphate rock, whereas perennial ryegrass took up less than 5% of the total P applied from this material. Both pre‐ and post‐application solubilisation/transformation mechanisms were involved in supplying plant‐available P. Quantifying the relative contribution from individual P sources remains problematic even within this relatively simple system.  相似文献   

A 3‐year field experiment was carried out to determine the significance of root‐growth characteristics contributing to N‐uptake efficiency of two oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) cultivars differing in N efficiency. Two N treatments were applied, and the core and minirhizotron techniques were used to study root‐length density and number of living roots, respectively. Fertilizer‐N supply increased shoot dry matter, grain yield, total N uptake, and total soil Nmin contents particularly in the top soil. Although significant differences occurred in all parameters between years, the interactions between years and cultivars were mostly not significant. Compared to cv. Capitol, the N‐efficient cv. Apex was characterized by a higher grain yield at N0 and a higher N uptake during reproductive growth. This genotype also had a higher root‐length density and more living fine roots particularly in the topsoil layer. Root growth of this genotype was especially high from beginning of shooting to beginning of flowering, while shoot growth and N uptake during vegetative growth were comparatively low. Our results suggest that N‐efficient cultivars can be characterized by a high investment in root growth during the vegetative stage with a comparatively slow shoot growth and N‐uptake rate until beginning of flowering, which, however, continues during reproductive growth. High root production only during reproductive growth seems to be less effective to achieve high N efficiency, because this may lead to a shortage of assimilates for seed filling. High root‐length density at vegetative stages may thus be advantageous for N uptake and reproductive growth and could be a useful morphological character for the selection and breeding of N‐efficient cultivars.  相似文献   

【目的】蔗糖磷酸合成酶(sucrose phosphate synthase,SPS)与磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶(phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase,PEPC)分别控制着植物体内的碳骨架向碳代谢和氮代谢的流转,影响作物的产量与品质。为探明氮高效油菜品种在高效利用氮素的同时协调籽粒蛋白与油分累积矛盾的机理,研究了不同氮效率油菜品种的SPS与PEPC活性差异及其对籽粒油分含量的影响。【方法】采用土培试验,以氮高效品种27号(H)与氮低效品种6号(L)为试验材料,在常氮(N)与低氮(S)条件下,研究不同氮效率油菜品种苗期到花期叶片与角果发育初期的角果、角果发育中期的角果皮与籽粒中SPS与PEPC活性变化及差异、生长后期碳素转运量与转运率以及收获期籽粒油分含量的差异。【结果】两种供氮水平下,氮高效品种27号的产量与籽粒油分含量均显著高于氮低效品种6号,品种优势明显;且氮高效品种27号苗期到花期叶片与角果发育初期的角果、角果发育中期的角果皮与籽粒中的SPS与PEPC活性均高于氮低效品种6号,两种供氮水平的规律相同,但是SPS与PEPC活性的比值(SPS/PEPC)却因生育期不同而异,营养生长期叶片中氮高效品种27号的SPS/PEPC高于氮低效品种6号,开花期品种间叶片SPS/PEPC相近,角果发育期主要生殖器官中的SPS/PEPC值氮高效品种反而低于氮低效品种。说明氮高效品种向碳代谢和氮代谢输送的碳骨架在全生育期均多于氮低效品种,而碳代谢对氮代谢的响应只在生育前期强于氮低效品种,生育后期则相反。碳素转运量与转运率、籽粒油分含量与产量也是氮高效品种大于氮低效品种,这可能为氮高效品种协调籽粒蛋白与油分累积矛盾的重要生理机制。供氮水平对上述各指标有不同的影响,籽粒产量、PEPC活性、碳素转运量及转运率以常氮处理高于低氮处理,而油分含量、SPS活性及SPS/PEPC以常氮处理低于低氮处理,但不改变以上指标的品种间差异。【结论】与氮低效品种相比,氮高效品种全生育期向碳、氮代谢均输送更多的碳骨架,这是氮高效品种缓解碳、氮代谢矛盾的重要前提;碳代谢对氮代谢的响应生育前期较高、生育后期较低,同时生育后期有更多营养器官的碳素转运到籽粒,也为油菜生育后期满足籽粒碳、氮代谢所需要的碳骨架,并协调籽粒油分与蛋白质含量的矛盾提供了条件。  相似文献   

基于高光谱的冬油菜植株氮素积累量监测模型   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
为无损和定量研究高光谱技术在冬油菜植株氮素积累量(PNA,plant nitrogen accumulation)时空变化监测的适宜性及准确性,该文以两年田间氮肥水平试验为基础,采用单变量线性和非线性回归方法,建立基于特征光谱参数的冬油菜P NA高光谱估算模型。结果表明,采用比值光谱的方法可显著提高冬油菜冠层光谱反射率与PNA间的相关性,其最佳的波段组合为1 259 nm与492 nm处光谱反射率比值(R1259/R492),决定系数R2为0.85。高光谱参数间,以比值植被指数(RVI-5)、归一化光谱指数(NDSI)、线性内插法红边位置(REIP)、三角植被指数(TVI)、742 nm处一阶微分光谱值(FD742)和红边面积(SDR)等光谱参数与PNA相关性较好(平均R2和标准误SE分别为0.69和42.70),且以FD742表现最优(R2=0.79,SE=35.66)。精度分析结果显示,以光谱参数R1259/R492和FD742为自变量的指数方程模型作为高光谱监测油菜PNA的最佳模型,各生育期Noise Equivalent(NE)均较低且表现稳定,同时模型估测精度较高,R2分别为0.98和0.98,相对均方根误差RRMSE分别为0.73和0.72,相对误差MRE分别为14.42%和10.31%。该方法为快捷和精确评估冬油菜PNA提供了新的研究思路。  相似文献   


Rapeseed acreage has been increasing fast in the last few decades and cultivated areas have expanded into lower latitudes because of the high value of its seed. This work evaluates the effect of date of sowing and nitrogen (N) fertilization on crop productivity and N use efficiency in a Mediterranean environment. The experiment was arranged in a split-plot design with the dates of sowing as the main-plots and N rates the sub-plots. Rapeseed recovered 128 to 212 kg N hm-2 before top-dress N application in late winter if sown before the last week of September. Seed yield was very dependent on the date of sowing, varying from 3.4 to 6.2 Mg hm-2 on the first sowing date in September to 0.3 to 1.0 Mg hm-2 on the last sowing date in November. The daily loss in seed production was 68.9 kg hm-2 (or 482.3 kg hm-2 per week) or 1.53 % (or 10.7 % per week). N rate significantly increased seed yield within each sowing date but did not allow late-sowed plants to regain the productivity levels of those sown earlier. Apparent N recovery and agronomic N efficiency were particularly dependent on the growing conditions associated to different sowing dates.  相似文献   

Nitrate‐N uptake from soil depends on root growth and uptake activity. However, under field conditions N‐uptake activity is difficult to estimate from soil‐N depletion due to different loss pathways. We modified the current mesh‐bag method to estimate nitrate‐N‐uptake activity and root growth of two oilseed‐rape cultivars differing in N‐uptake efficiency. N‐efficient cultivar (cv.) ‘Apex' and N‐inefficient cv. ‘Capitol' were grown in a field experiment on a silty clayey gleyic fluvisol near Göttingen, northern Germany, and fertilized with 0 (N0) and 227 (N227) kg N ha–1. In February 2002, PVC tubes with a diameter of 50 mm were installed between plant rows at 0–0.3 and 0–0.6 m soil depth with an angle of 45°. At the beginning of shooting, beginning of flowering, and at seed filling, the PVC tubes were substituted by PVC tubes (compartments) of the same diameter, but with an open window at the upper side either at a soil depth of 0–0.3 or 0.3–0.6 m allowing roots to grow into the tubes. Anion‐exchange resin at the bottom of the compartment allowed estimation of nitrate leaching. The compartments were then filled with root‐free soil which was amended with or without 90 mg N (kg soil)–1. The newly developed roots and nitrate‐N depletion were estimated in the compartments after the installing period (21 d at shooting stage and 16 d both at flowering and grain‐filling stages). Nitrate‐N depletion was estimated from the difference between NO ‐N contents of compartments containing roots and control compartments (windows closed with a membrane) containing no roots. The amount of nitrate leached from the compartments was quantified from the resin and has been taken into consideration in the calculation of the N depletion. The amount of N depleted from the compartments significantly correlated with root‐length density. Suboptimal N application to the crop reduced total biomass and seed‐yield formation substantially (24% and 38% for ‘Apex’ and ‘Capitol’, respectively). At the shooting stage, there were no differences in root production and N depletion from the compartments by the two cultivars between N0 and N227. But at flowering and seed‐filling stages, higher root production and accordingly higher N depletion was observed at N0 compared to N227. Towards later growth stages, the newly developed roots were characterized by a reduction of root diameter and a shift towards the deeper soil layer (0.3–0.6m). At low but not at high N supply, the N‐efficient cv. ‘Apex’ exhibited higher root growth and accordingly depleted nitrate‐N more effectively than the N‐inefficient cv. ‘Capitol’, especially during the reproductive growth phase. The calculated nitrate‐N‐uptake rate per unit root length was maximal at flowering (for the low N supply) but showed no difference between the two cultivars. This indicated that the higher N‐uptake efficiency of cv. ‘Apex’ was due to higher root growth rather than higher uptake per unit of root length.  相似文献   

Crops grown in seleniferous soil may accumulate selenium (Se) to levels considered highly toxic for animal and human consumption. Furthermore, higher Se content in plant tissues leads to considerable deterioration in product quality. Application of organic amendments plays an important role in improving soil physical, chemical, and biological conditions and influencing nutrient availability. A field trial was conducted to evaluate the effect of organic amendments, namely poultry manure (PM), sugar cane press mud (SCPM), and farmyard manure (FYM), on Se uptake and grain quality of wheat and oilseed rape grown on a seleniferous soil in Punjab, India. Selenium accumulation by wheat and oilseed rape grains decreased significantly (75%–95%) with the application of PM and SCPM, while FYM application resulted in a significant decrease (23%) only in case of wheat grains. The amount of Se associated with seed proteins varied in proportion to its uptake under different treatments. Quality of wheat grains improved considerably with respect to total soluble sugars, reducing sugars, starch, lipids, and sulfur concentrations only after application of SCPM and PM. Treating a Se‐contaminated soil with organic amendments significantly increased the oil concentration and changed the proportion of various fatty acids in rape grains. It is concluded that applying organic amendments to Se‐contaminated soils can alleviate the deleterious effects of Se and restore the nutritional quality of grains.  相似文献   

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