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Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill. cv. Belladona F1) plants were either self‐rooted, self‐grafted, or grafted onto the commercial rootstocks “Beaufort”, “He‐Man”, and “Resistar” and grown in a recirculating hydroponic system. Three nutrient solutions differing in NaCl‐salinity level (2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 dS m–1, corresponding to 0.3, 22, and 45 mM NaCl) were combined with the five grafting treatments in a two‐factorial (3 × 5) experimental design. At the control NaCl level (0.3 mM), fruit yield was not influenced by any of the grafting treatments. However, at low (22 mM NaCl) and moderate (45 mM NaCl) salinity levels, the nongrafted and the self‐grafted plants gave significantly lower yields than the plants grafted onto He‐Man. The plants grafted onto the other two rootstocks gave higher yields only in comparison with the nongrafted plants, and the differences were significant only at low (Beaufort) or moderate (Resistar) salinity. Yield differences between grafting treatments at low and moderate salinity arose from differences in fruit number per plant, while mean fruit weight was not influenced by grafting or the rootstock. NaCl salinity had no effect on the yield of plants grafted onto He‐Man but restricted the yield in all other grafting treatments due to reduction of the mean fruit weight. With respect to fruit quality, salinity enhanced the titratable acidity, the total soluble solids, and the ascorbic acid concentrations, while grafting and rootstocks had no effect on any quality characteristics. The leaf Na concentrations were significantly lower in plants grafted onto the three commercial rootstocks, while those of Cl were increased by grafting onto He‐Man but not altered by grafting onto Beaufort or Resistar in comparison with self‐grafted or nongrafted plants. Grafting onto the three tested commercial rootstocks significantly reduced the leaf Mg concentrations, resulting in clear Mg‐deficiency symptoms 19 weeks after planting.  相似文献   

Water shortage is a serious environmental and agricultural problem and saline underground water has been widely used to make up the fresh water shortage in northwestern China. An open-field experiment was conducted to establish a proper irrigation scheme with saline water for cherry tomato in the Minqin oasis, where very severe salinization occurs. The experiment had four treatments including fresh or saline irrigation over the crop season (control, C, T3), fresh/saline-water irrigation change on days after thinning 50 (DAT 50, T1) and saline/fresh irrigation change on DAT 50 (T2). Leaf area index (LAI), photosynthesis rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr), leaf dry matter (LDM), stem dry matter (StDM), yield, marketable fruit and total soluble solids (TSS) of tomato were measured. Saline irrigation, irrespective of the timing, significantly decreased maximum LAI, LDM and StDM, Pn, Tr and stomatal conductance but significantly stimulated water use efficiency. The reduction in maximum LAI, LDM and StDM was lower in T2 than in T1 and T3. Harvest index (HI) and TSS were higher in T2 and T3 than in T1 and C. Marketable fruit had no significant change in T2 but significantly declined in T1 and T3. Maximum saturated soil conductivity without yield reduction (the salt tolerance threshold) was 3.69?dS m?1. Total yield of tomato would decrease by 9.85% with one unit increase of soil salinityhigher than the threshold. Final yield significantly reduced by 24.6% and 23.1% in T1 and T3 treatments, respectively. Our results suggest that irrigation with saline water before DAT 50 and fresh water after DAT 50 should be advocated for cherry tomato plantation in water-scarce areas like the Minqin oasis.  相似文献   

不同钾水平对温室番茄生长、产量和品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用营养液砂培试验技术,研究开花期一次施用不同钾水平营养液处理对番茄生长、产量和品质的影响.结果表明:在番茄植株拉秧时,高浓度钾水平T1 (K+:9 mmol/L)和T2(K+:12 mmol/L)茎粗显著大于对照(K+:6 mmol/L),分别比对照增加10.03%和9.08%;在处理后第8d,T2比T1和对照的净光合速率分别增加4.58%和12.96%,且差异显著;T1单株产量最高,比对照增加4.65%;T1和T2果实Vc的含量较对照分别显著增加15.25%和14.46%,T2显著降低了果实中硝酸盐含量,T1显著增加了果实中可溶性固形物含量,T1和T2糖酸比分别比对照高9.67%和10.70%.  相似文献   

Soil contamination by heavy metals negatively affects crop productivity, besides representing serious threat to human health. Grafting tomato onto appropriate rootstocks may raise Ni tolerance through limiting heavy metal uptake by roots and/or its translocation to the shoot and by detoxification. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to determine the influence of long‐term Ni exposure (0, 25, or 50 µM) on crop productivity, fruit quality, leaf chlorophyll content, fluorescence, electrolyte leakage, catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), and guaiacol peroxidase (GPX) activities in leaf, proline content, membrane lipid peroxidation, and mineral composition of tomato plants cv. Ikram, either self‐grafted or grafted onto three rootstocks: Black Beauty, Unifort, and Maxifort. Significant reduction in yield was observed in response to an increase in Ni concentration with more detrimental effects at 50 µM Ni. The fruit dry matter and total soluble solids content increased under severe Ni stress. The depression of crop performance under Ni toxicity was attributed to a decrease in leaf pigments (SPAD index), efficiency of PSII, macro‐ and microelements, and increase in lipid peroxidation and membrane damage. Plants grafted onto tomato rootstocks Maxifort and Unifort exhibited higher chlorophyll content, photochemical activity of PSII, antioxidant activity of APX and GPX, lower accumulation of MDA, and a better nutritional status (higher Ca and Fe, and lower Ni) in the leaf tissues in comparison with self‐grafted plants and those grafted onto Black Beauty. Plants grafted onto tomato rootstocks Unifort and especially Maxifort could minimize the nickel toxicity by improving nutritional status and detoxification processes.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of animal-based organic nutrition and environmental parameters on tomato fruit quality, as well as to establish relations among colour and morphological values performed by the Tomato Analyzer (TA) software application. Organic tomato fruits produced by three organic nutrient solutions, which consisted of different mixtures of several OMRI certified nitrogen fertilizers and one inorganic nutrient solution (Steiner’s solution) as the control, were evaluated for their polyphenol and carotenoid content. We used Tomato Analyzer (TA) to evaluate fruit size and shape. Moreover, we implemented a digital image analysis tool, Color Test (CT), as part of the TA software application to collect and analyse fruit colour parameters. The application of organic fertilizers positively affected the total hydrolysable and condensed polyphenols of tomato fruits compared to the control. The high air temperature (>30°C) and sub-optimal light intensity negatively affected the carotene content of tomato fruits, as well as their morphological and colour attributes. Plants fed with organic solutions containing ASA + ASB + NK2SO4 showed comparable morphology and fruit colour attributes to those of the control plants that received Steiner’s nutrient solution. The results indicated that the application of organic fertilizers positively affected the total hydrolysable and condensed polyphenols of tomato fruits compared to the control. Plants fed with the Steiner’s nutrient solution exhibited the highest carotenoid content in tomato fruits. Organically produced tomatoes through animal-based fertilizer application displayed similar fruit morphology and colour attributes compared to conventionally produced tomatoes.  相似文献   

不同形态氮素对樱桃番茄果实发育和品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
采用基质营养液共培养法,研究了不同形态氮素及配施对樱桃番茄果实解剖结构、果实生长以及发育过程中与品质有关的生理指标的影响。结果表明:1)与全硝(100% NO3-)处理相比,铵硝配施(75% NO3-∶25% NH4+)处理下果实表皮细胞形状更加规则,排列紧密,且角质层覆盖均匀;全铵(100% NH4+)处理的果实表皮细胞形状不规则,排列疏松,其角质层厚度在幼果期和绿熟期显著低于另两个处理,在成熟期显著增加。2)全硝和铵硝配施处理果实单果重变化一致,成熟期铵硝配施处理单果重略高。花后14 d全铵处理显著降低单果重,抑制植株生长,并缩短生育时期。3)氮素形态显著影响果实发育过程中氨基酸的变化:全硝呈持续下降趋势,铵硝配施先下降后升高又持续下降,全铵则呈W型。不同形态氮素处理下果实总糖含量均先升后降,于花后21 d达到高峰,此时全铵处理的总糖显著高于另两个处理。全硝及铵硝配施处理下可滴定酸度呈单峰曲线,花后28 d达到最高值;全铵处理在花后7 d含量最高,随后逐渐下降。  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) is taken up by most plant species in the form of nitrate (NO ) or ammonium (NH ). Plant response to continuous NH nutrition is species‐dependent. In this study, we compare the responses of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv. Rio Grande) plants to N source (NO or NH ). To this end, early plant growth, photosynthesis, chlorophyll, carbohydrate, and N‐compound concentrations as well as the activities of main enzymes involved in N metabolism (nitrate reductase, nitrite reductase, glutamine synthetase, and glutamate dehydrogenase) were analyzed. Early plant growth was remarkably ameliorated under NH ‐ in comparison to NO ‐based nutrition. Concomitantly, photosynthetic activity, total chlorophyll, and carbohydrate concentrations were significantly increased. With increasing external NH concentration, NH accumulated mainly in roots. In addition, root protein concentration was significantly increased, reflecting high NH incorporation into organic nitrogen. Root glutamine synthetase (GS) activity was enhanced by NH for concentrations below 5 mM, whereas root glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) activity increased in parallel to NH availability. Together with the positive effect of NH on tomato plant cv. Rio Grande growth, these results reveal that GDH could have, in addition to GS, a possible role in NH detoxification and tolerance of NH ‐based nutrition.  相似文献   

咸水负压渗灌对番茄生长和土壤盐分的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
该研究旨在探讨日光温室条件下咸水灌溉对番茄生长发育和土壤盐分积累的影响。试验采用负压渗灌设备在番茄不同生育期(全生育期、花果期、果实膨大期、采收期)、使用不同质量浓度咸水(淡水、3、5、7、9 g/L)和土壤基质势(0、-40、-80 hPa)下进行咸水灌溉,研究咸水灌溉对番茄产量、根质量、耗水量、水分利用效率和土壤盐分的影响。结果表明,番茄不同生育期耐盐能力差异明显,花果期对土壤基质势与盐分胁迫比较敏感,采收期忍耐性最强。咸水灌溉的盐分浓度临界值全生育期与花果期为3 g/L,果实膨大期为5 g/L,采收期可以用较高浓度咸水灌溉。咸水灌溉会造成温室生产系统土壤的盐分积累。适量咸水灌溉,对株体发育具有"控上促下"调节效应,利于降低耗水量、提高番茄产量与水分利用效率。因此,依据番茄不同生育阶段耐盐性的差异,利用一定浓度的咸水灌溉不仅可替代淡水资源,还可提高水分利用效率。  相似文献   

The effectiveness of measuring petiole sap nitrate-nitrogen concentration (PSNC) using ion selective electrode (ISE) has been scrutinized due to claims that PSNC poorly predicts leaf tissue nitrogen concentration (LTNC) or crop yield. This study evaluated the relationship among PSNC, LTNC, and marketable yield of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Two tomato trials were conducted using seepage irrigation and controlled-release fertilizer (CRF) in fall 2011 and 2012. At 15 days intervals, six most recently mature leaves were collected to measure PSNC and LTNC. PSNC and LTNC declined throughout the growing seasons, but PSNC was affected by weather. PSNC and LTNC were correlated (P = 0.0001, r = 0.38), though not meaningfully. PSNC and LTNC correlated negatively and positively with crop yield in most correlations, respectively. Correlations of CRFs and soluble fertilizers (SFs) separately, did not improve relationships. Measuring LTNC may be a more reliable nutrient management tool compared to PSNC measured using an ISE.  相似文献   

以番茄‘合作906’为试材,采用醋糟基质桶栽的方法,研究了不同营养液浓度和用量对番茄植株生长和果实产量及品质的影响,并对栽培基质化学性状的变化进行了测试。实验设0、1/4、1/2、3/4倍4个Hoagland营养液浓度和600、900、1 200 mL/次3个用量,共12个处理。结果表明:在番茄营养生长期和开花期,醋糟栽培基质的pH值降低,变化范围在6.79~6.29之间;基质的EC值增大,变化范围在1.50~2.77 mS/cm之间。醋糟混配基质中只浇清水不能满足植株生长需求,1/4倍Hoagland营养液900 mL/次用量对番茄植株生长最有利,且开花期对营养液需求增大,但1/2倍浓度、900 mL/次施用量番茄果实的可溶性固形物、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白含量都最高,又以1/2倍浓度1 200 mL/次处理产量最高。结果说明,醋糟混配基质栽培番茄的最佳水肥管理方式为:营养生长期浇灌1/4倍的Hoagland营养液可促进番茄植株的生长,并在开花期略提高营养液的用量,结果期可用1/2倍的Hoagland、900~1 200 mL/次施用量以提高果实的品质和产量。  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验,以单质硝酸钙和市场钙肥产品(糖醇螯合钙)为对照,研究了以小分子有机物(氨基酸、糖醇)为主剂的螯合钙肥对樱桃番茄产量、品质和养分吸收的影响。结果表明,几种钙肥对樱桃番茄产量、品质以及养分吸收均有提升效果,但以小分子有机物为主剂的螯合钙肥应用效果最好。喷施小分子有机物螯合钙肥的樱桃番茄单株产量比硝酸钙和糖醇螯合钙分别平均提高9.68%和3.42%;番茄果实可溶性糖、Vc和可溶性固形物含量较喷施硝酸钙分别平均提高16.60%、11.19%和12.21%,可滴定酸含量平均降低7.03%;与喷施糖醇螯合钙相比,可溶性糖、Vc和可溶性固形物含量分别平均提高5.95%、6.02%和9.20%,可滴定酸含量平均降低7.75%;植株中钙的累积量分别比喷施硝酸钙和糖醇螯合钙平均提高17.86%和7.66%,果实钙含量分别平均提高22.73%和7.14%。因此,以氨基酸和糖醇为主剂的螯合钙肥在樱桃番茄上的应用效果更佳。  相似文献   

亏缺灌溉时期对番茄果实品质和产量的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
实验研究了亏缺灌溉不同开始时期对番茄品质、产量形成和水分利用率影响。不同时期开始亏缺灌溉果实的营养品质明显不同,亏缺灌溉开始的越早,果实的硬度和密度越大,可溶性固形物含量(B rix)、滴定酸度、维生素C的含量越高,但糖酸比变化不大;随着亏缺灌溉开始时间的提前,单果重逐步减少,结果数变化不大,产量降低的幅度也越大;膨大期和座果期开始亏缺灌溉水分利用率提高,开花期开始亏缺灌溉水分利用率下降。生产中应选择膨大期开始亏缺灌溉,既可以提高品质,又可以减少产量降低带来的负面影响。  相似文献   

亏缺灌溉时期对番茄果实品质和产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实验研究了亏缺灌溉不同开始时期对番茄品质、产量形成和水分利用率影响。不同时期开始亏缺灌溉果实的营养品质明显不同,亏缺灌溉开始的越早,果实的硬度和密度越大,可溶性固形物含量(Brix)、滴定酸度、维生素C的含量越高,但糖酸比变化不大;随着亏缺灌溉开始时间的提前,单果重逐步减少,结果数变化不大,产量降低的幅度也越大;膨大期和座果期开始亏缺灌溉水分利用率提高,开花期开始亏缺灌溉水分利用率下降。生产中应选择膨大期开始亏缺灌溉,既可以提高品质,又可以减少产量降低带来的负面影响。  相似文献   

果实采前套袋对龙眼果实品质和耐贮性的影响   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
以福建省主栽龙眼品种“福眼”果实为材料,研究果实采前套袋对龙眼果实品质和采后耐贮性的影响。结果表明:果实采前套袋可明显改善龙眼果实的外观品质;但降低了果肉可溶性固形物、可滴定酸、维生素C和总糖等营养物质含量,导致龙眼果实甜度下降、风味变淡。果实采前套袋降低了与龙眼果皮褐变密切相关的酚类物质(包括花色素苷、类黄酮和总酚)含量和多酚氧化酶、过氧化物酶的活性,减少了龙眼果实在贮藏期间果皮褐变的发生;同时,果实采前套袋明显减轻由采前病原菌潜伏侵染所致的采后龙眼果实病害,提高果实耐贮性,延长果实贮藏期。  相似文献   

采收期对龙眼果实品质和耐贮性的影响   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
以福建省主栽龙眼品种油潭本果实为材料,研究采收期(从8月19日到9月12日每隔4 d采果一次)对龙眼果实品质和耐贮性的影响。结果表明:随着采收期的延迟和果实成熟度的提高(8月19日到9月8日采收),龙眼果皮颜色由青褐色逐渐变成黄褐色,果实由近长圆球形逐渐变成扁圆球形,果实质量和大小逐渐增加,果皮逐渐变薄而果肉逐渐增厚,果肉可食率、营养品质和食用品质提高。但过熟的龙眼(9月12日采收)果皮变成灰褐色,果实品质下降。可用果皮颜色,果实质量和大小,果皮和果肉厚度,果肉可食率、可溶性固形物、总糖、维生素C含量和固  相似文献   

磷、钾营养对柑桔果实产量、品质和贮藏性的影响   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
采用田间试验以柑为材料研究了连续4年施用磷、钾肥后对柑桔果实的产量、品质和贮藏性的影响。结果表明,施用磷、钾肥,尤其磷、钾肥配施可显著提高柑桔果实的单果重和产量,以及采收时果实的可溶性固形物含量、可溶性糖含量、还原糖含量、糖/酸比和维生素C(Vc)含量,降低可滴定酸含量;并且可以有效地降低柑桔果实在贮藏过程中的失重率和烂果率,减缓糖分、酸度和Vc含量的下降。磷钾营养对于提高柑桔果实的耐贮性和维持贮藏过程中果实的风味和营养品质有一定的作用。  相似文献   

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill) is an important crop in terms of its economic and nutritional value. Many factors, including cultivar, climate, geography, geochemistry, and agricultural practice, can affect its nutrient concentrations. An HJ‐biplot study was performed to examine the effects of cultivar (Dorothy, Boludo, Dominique, Thomas, and Dunkan), agricultural practices, climatic factors, and their interactions. Significant differences were analyzed using a one‐way ANOVA. All samples were collected and assayed at the same degree of ripeness. In the conventional and organic tomato samples, those harvested from December to April had the highest concentrations of fructose, glucose, citric acid, malic acid, ascorbic acid, protein, Na, and Mg, while those harvested in October had the highest concentrations of lycopene and hydroxycinnamic acid. There were high concentrations of Ca, P, Zn, and Cu in the no‐soil tomatoes. Conventional and organic cultivation practices showed similar results with respect to the collection period, both presenting high organic compound concentrations, while high mineral concentrations seemed to correspond to the no‐soil practice. No clear pattern was observed among the different cultivars, perhaps due to all the samples having been collected at the same degree of ripeness.  相似文献   


Salinity is one of the serious abiotic stresses that has adverse effects on plant growth. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of sodium chloride (NaCl) on germination and growth parameters of tomato plant as well as the role of Ca2+as an ameliorating agent. 100?mM NaCl and two concentrations of calcium (5 and 10?mM) were applied to tomato seeds and seedlings. This study was carried out in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with a total of six treatments each comprising of three replicates. The application of 100?mM of NaCl delayed the germination time by 27.6%, reduced the seedling length and seedling vigor by 24.33% and germination stress tolerance by 27.6% as compared to control. Salinity also reduced the plant growth (root and shoot length, root fresh and dry weight, shoot fresh and dry weight, membrane stability, relative water content and leaf area), whereas the application of calcium mitigated the negative effects of salinity on germination and growth to a greater extent. With increased calcium concentration, growth and germination increased significantly both alone and in the salt-affected plant. 10?mM calcium showed best results and enhanced the promptness index by 20.7%, seedling length and vigor by 15.1% and GSI by 20.7%. It also improved root fresh and dry weight, shoot fresh and dry weight, relative water content and leaf area. Similarly, 5?mM calcium also increased plant height and membrane stability index. The present study suggests that application of Ca2+ enhanced the growth of tomato plant under saline conditions.  相似文献   

利用盆栽试验研究了含锌钢铁渣肥对番茄产量和营养成分的影响。结果表明,施用氮磷钾化肥添加含锌钢铁渣肥能够促进番茄的生长发育,可使番茄产量比单施氮磷钾化肥增产2.78%~17.03%,可溶性糖含量提高4.74%~7.11%,Vc含量降低,对蛋白质含量影响不大。  相似文献   

微生物菌肥菌剂对番茄生长发育和产量品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探究微生物菌肥和微生物菌剂对番茄生长发育和产量品质的影响,以“桃星”番茄为试验对象,设置普通商品有机肥+灭菌后的微生物菌剂(CK)、普通商品有机肥+微生物菌剂(T1)、微生物菌肥+灭菌后的微生物菌剂(T2)、微生物菌肥+微生物菌剂(T3)4个处理。在膨果初期测定番茄植株株高、茎粗和叶片SPAD值,膨果期计算番茄每层膨果挂果数、产量和品质(可溶性固形物、可滴定酸、糖酸比和Vc含量)。结果表明,微生物菌肥能显著地促进番茄植株生长发育,施用微生物菌肥的处理(T2和T3)的植株茎粗均达到13 mm以上,株高比对照(CK)稍有增加;微生物菌肥+微生物菌剂(T3)增产效果最好,总产量较对照(CK)提高13.6%;第3-5膨果期果实的可溶性固形物较对照分别提高了3.21%,3.87%和4.55%,糖酸比分别较对照提高了7.63%,10.1%和12.9%,Vc含量分别较对照提高了6.27%、7.67%和8.10%。综上,施用微生物菌肥和菌剂能促进番茄植株生长,增加番茄产量,提高果实品质,对产量和品质的促进作用在番茄挂果期的中后期表现出来。  相似文献   

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