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The antigenic attributes of Pasteurella aerogenes sp n were serologically compared with species of the genera Actinobacillus and Pasteurella. Examination included the tube-agglutination and double-immunodiffusion techniques. The results indicated the possibility of serologically different strains of P aerogenes. Antisera prepared from strains of P aerogenes also reacted well with antigens prepared from Yersinia pseudotuberculosis (P pseudotuberculosis) and P pneumotropica.  相似文献   

巴氏杆菌病在兽医学上指由多种巴氏杆菌引起的一种哺乳动物和禽类的共患病的总称。世界各地都存在,很多畜禽都有感染发病诊治经过的报道,而有关犬感染的报道比较少。笔者在临床工作中,发现1例犬因感染巴氏杆菌而死亡的病例,现将经过报告如下:  相似文献   

The present experiment was performed to test the pathogenicity of Actinomyces-like bacteria in experimental animals and swine. Two rough (R) strains of Actinomyces-like bacteria isolated from a site of arthritis and from the tonsil in pigs were used as inocula. To investigate their susceptibility to Actinomyces-like bacteria, BALB/c, SS and ddY mice and guinea-pigs were inoculated intraperitoneally with the strains of Actinomyces-like bacteria. The ddY mice were used for the long-term observation of Actinomyces-like bacteria lesions and the mammary tissue of a sow was inoculated with Actinomyces-like bacteria isolated from swine tonsil. Macroscopic observation revealed many abscesses on the surfaces of the abdominal and/or thoracic organs in the mice, but not on those of the guinea-pigs. The sow developed firm nodules at the inoculation site in the mammary glands. Histopathologically, the lesions in the mice were characterized as actinomycotic abscesses in the early stage and as pus-forming granuloma (PFG) in the advanced stage; the lesions were accompanied by crystalloid particles. Actinomyces-like bacteria induced granulomatous mastitis in the sow, and the lesion was characterized as PFG. The characteristic actinomycotic lesions in swine mammary glands were reproduced by experimental infection.  相似文献   

An outbreak of abortion in cows occurring in Niigata Prefecture was shown to be caused by Chlamydia psittaci. Elementary bodies characteristic of Chlamydia were found in the liver of aborted fetuses and C. psittaci antigen was demonstrated by indirect immunofluorescence. Chlamydia was isolated from the liver of aborted fetuses by the yolk sac inoculation of developing chick embryos and by the intraperitoneal inoculation of guinea pigs. Abortion occurred mostly in middle or late pregnancy. Aborted fetuses showed subcutaneous edema and gelatinous infiltration, enlarged liver and spleen, and dark red pleural and ascitic fluid. Focal necrosis was shown in the liver, spleen and lymph nodes. Serological findings and isolation of Chlamydia from fecal specimens indicated a wide dissemination of C. psittaci among cows in the area.  相似文献   

Abortion caused by neosporosis in cattle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

A case of bovine abortion was for the first time in Switzerland diagnosed by immunohistochemistry PCR (16S rRNA, ompA) and gene sequence analysis to be caused by Chlamydia psittaci. A possible occurence of further cases has to be investigated. Based on the existence of several methods with very different sensitivity and specificity to diagnose chlamydia it is suggested that at least two verified diagnostic tools should be used to diagnose an involvement of chlamydia in bovine abortion.  相似文献   

In order to study the distribution and the extent of atrophy caused by Pasteurella multocida in the nasal conchae, experimental piglets were injected intramuscularly at seven days of age with either two or four 50% mouse lethal doses per kg body weight of P. multocida type D dermonecrotoxin. Experimental and control piglets were killed four, six and ten days postinjection. Serial transverse paraffin embedded sections of the noses were cut throughout the entire length of the nasal conchae. The area of the nasal ventral conchae was measured and the morphometric index of the nasal cavity was calculated. It was observed that P. multocida type D dermonecrotoxin induced severe atrophy of the nasal ventral conchae. This atrophy was present along the entire conchae. However, it was most severe at the level of the first and second premolar teeth.  相似文献   

衣原体是一群与革兰氏阴性菌有密切关系的原核细胞微生物。该菌在分类学上是与立克次氏体并列的两个目之一 ,目下有 1个衣原体科 ,1个衣原体属 ,属下分为 4个种 ,即沙眼衣原体、肺炎衣原体、鹦鹉热衣原体和反刍衣原体。猪衣原体病是由后两种衣原体所引起的。病原体可以感染 1 0 0多种鸟类和几十种哺乳动物 ,导致鸟疫、哺乳动物的衣原体性繁殖障碍 (流产、产死胎、木乃伊、畸胎和弱仔等 ) ,还可引起肺炎、肠炎、脑脊髓炎、肝周炎、多关节炎、多浆膜炎、结膜角膜炎以及公猪的尿道炎、副睾炎、精囊炎 ,母猪的阴道炎、子宫内膜炎等。江汉平原某…  相似文献   

The efficacy of a new vaccine against atrophic rhinitis in pigs was tested in the Netherlands and Denmark. The vaccine contained protein dO (a truncated Pasteurella multocida toxin which is immunogenic and non-toxic), inactivated Bordetella bronchiseptica whole cells, and an adjuvant. The sows were either vaccinated intramuscularly with 2 ml of the vaccine at six to eight and two to four weeks before expected farrowing or left unvaccinated as controls. All the piglets were challenged intranasally with B bronchiseptica when three to seven days old and with P multocida three to four days later. Pigs born to the vaccinated sows performed significantly better than pigs born to the control sows when judged on growth, average daily weight gain and snout scores. The challenge organisms were reisolated more frequently from the control pigs than from the pigs in the vaccinated group. The vaccinated sows and their progeny developed high titres of antibodies against B bronchiseptica and P multocida toxin.  相似文献   

Severe dermal necrosis caused by Pasteurella multocida Serotype 1 was diagnosed in three dressed turkey carcasses and two live turkeys from a commercial flock. The dressed carcasses were among several condemned at a processing plant. The isolate, P. multocida Serotype 1, produced progressive dermal necrosis when experimentally inoculated into injured skin of turkeys. The organism was reisolated from the dermal lesions. The turkey houses were found to be infested by mice; the skin injury and infection with P. multocida probably originated from mouse bites.  相似文献   

猪的大肠杆菌病在临床上主要感染仔猪,使仔猪发生黄痢、白痢和水肿病,这是众所周知的,但怀孕母猪因感染大肠杆菌引起流产的病例尚未见报道。现报道于后,供同行参考。  相似文献   

Twenty-eight pregnant ewes were inoculated IV with approximately 6 X 10(8) nonclassified, anaerobic, flagellated bacteria (NAFB) that had been isolated from an aborted lamb. Abortion occurred in 3 of the ewes and 1 ewe gave birth to a weak lamb. The remaining 24 ewes and 3 other ewes inoculated orally with NAFB did not develop clinical signs of illness. Suppuration and vasculitis were seen in the placentas of the 3 aborted lambs, 1 of which had necropurulent hepatitis indistinguishable from that usually attributed to Campylobacter fetus infection. The NAFB was isolated from fetal placenta, abomasal content, or internal organs of 2 aborted lambs and the weak lamb. A morphologically similar organism was seen in the abomasal content of the other aborted lamb, but the organism did not grow on bacteriologic culture medium. Therefore, in susceptible pregnant ewes, NAFB can cause fetal placentitis and hepatitis and subsequent birth of weak lambs or abortion.  相似文献   

Pasteurella haemolytica was found to be the cause of acute mastitis, toxemia, and disseminated intravascular coagulopathy in a cow. Intensive treatment with antibiotics and fluid and heparin administration failed to reverse the progression of the disease, and death resulted. Necropsy revealed extensive evidence of consumptive coagulopathy, as well as mastitis. Pasteurella haemolytica rarely has been implicated as a cause of mastitis in cows.  相似文献   

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