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We compared photosynthesis-nitrogen relationships of one broad-leaved (poplar; Populus x euroamericana (Dole) Guinier) and one conifer (Douglas-fir; Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) species. Plants were grown in large pots to allow free root development and were kept well watered. We determined effects of low, intermediate and high nitrogen supply rates on area-based leaf nitrogen (Na) and chlorophyll concentrations, leaf mass per area (LMA), light-saturated photosynthesis (Amax), maximum carboxylation (Vcmax) and electron transport rate (Jmax), photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency (PNUE), and proportions of leaf N in active Rubisco (PR), bioenergetic pools (PB) and the light-harvesting complex (PLH). Nitrogen supply significantly affected leaf Na. Leaf mass per area did not differ between species and was unaffected by the N treatments. In both species, there was a positive correlation between leaf Na and chlorophyll concentration, and between leaf Na and the photosynthetic parameters Amax, Jmax and Vcmax. At comparable leaf Na, however, poplar showed twofold higher PNUE and a threefold steeper slope of the Amax- nitrogen relationship than Douglas-fir. Leaf Na was negatively correlated with PNUE in Douglas-fir but not in poplar. Leaf Na was also negatively correlated with PR, PB and PLH in Douglas-fir, whereas in poplar, a negative correlation was found only for PLH. Parameter PR was significantly higher in poplar than in Douglas-fir. The ratio of CO2 concentration in the intercellular space to that in ambient air was higher in poplar than in Douglas-fir. Overall, our data suggest that differences in the photosynthesis-nitrogen relationship and PNUE between Douglas-fir and poplar primarily reflect a different investment of N to active Rubisco, and possibly a different constraint to CO2 diffusion.  相似文献   

Compression creep experiments of Douglas-fir wood (Pseudotsuga menziesii) were performed at high temperature (150°C, 160°C, and 170°C) and under various conditions of steam pressure. The results established that environment conditions had a significant effect on compressive deformation, with the largest deformation obtained under saturated steam conditions. While the temperature significantly affected the compressive deformation of specimens under transient conditions, the temperature within the range studied had little effect on the compressive deformation in saturated steam. Furthermore, in specimens compressed under superheated and transient steam conditions, primary creep behavior was exhibited; while in specimens compressed under saturated steam conditions, creep deformation appeared to enter directly into secondary creep. Moreover, in saturated steam specimens very little creep was observed due to high initial deformation and little potential for additional cell wall buckling. The compressive creep measurements of Douglas-fir were compared with compressive creep of hybrid poplar (Populus deltoides × Populus trichocarpa). Due to lower initial density, and perhaps smaller microfiber angle and lower lignin content of tension wood, the compressive creep modulus of hybrid poplar was lower than Douglas-fir. Therefore, compressive deformation of Douglas-fir, at nearly all examined steam conditions and temperatures, was smaller than compressive deformation of hybrid poplar.  相似文献   

Fusarium species can cause damping‐off and root rot of young conifer seedlings, resulting in severe crop and economic losses in forest nurseries. Disease control within tree nurseries is difficult because of the inability to characterize and quantify Fusarium spp. populations with regard to disease potential because of high variability in isolate virulence. Fusarium isolates were collected from healthy and diseased seedlings of Douglas‐fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and western white pine (Pinus monticola) from a nursery in Idaho, USA. Molecular markers such as DNA sequences (mitochondrial small subunit and nuclear translation elongation factor 1‐alpha) and amplified fragment length polymorphism were used to identify isolates as either F. oxysporum or F. commune. In addition, diagnostic primers were developed to detect and distinguish F. commune from F. oxysporum. In vitro and greenhouse virulence tests were completed on Douglas‐fir germinants and seedlings. For Douglas‐fir germinants and seedlings, F. oxysporum isolates generally caused less severe symptoms, whereas most Fcommune isolates caused mortality through damping‐off. This is the first report of direct evidence that F. commune can cause damping‐off disease on Douglas‐fir seedlings under greenhouse conditions.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of an ambient dose of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation on chamber-grown Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca (Beissn.) Franco (Douglas-fir) seedlings, to determine if the presence of UV-B radiation in the growth light regime induces tolerance to environmental stresses such as high light and drought. Douglas-fir seedlings were grown without UV-B radiation or with 6 kJ m-2 day-1 of biologically effective UV-B, which is ambient for the intermountain regions of Idaho. Non-stressed seedlings grown with UV-B radiation had 35% lower seedling dry mass, 36% higher concentrations of UV-B absorbing compounds per unit leaf area, 30% lower stomatal frequencies, 25% lower light-saturated photochemical efficiencies of Photosystem II and 45% lower light-saturated stomatal conductance than non-stressed seedlings grown without UV-B radiation. After 4 days of high-light stress, seedlings grown with UV-B radiation had 32% higher light-saturated carbon assimilation rates (A(CO2)) than seedlings grown without UV-B radiation. After water was withheld from the seedlings for up to 15 days, seedlings grown with UV-B radiation had 50% higher A(CO2) and 40% higher seedling water potentials than seedlings grown without UV-B radiation. The results support the hypothesis that UV-B radiation can act as an environmental signal to induce tolerance to high-light and drought stress in Douglas-fir seedlings. Possible mechanisms for the enhanced stress tolerance are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined 108 15‐year‐old Douglas‐fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii) trees to investigate whether trees exhibiting less severe Swiss needle cast (SNC) symptoms were more resistant (had less fungal colonization) or more tolerant (maintained healthy foliage under similar infection levels). Trees were sampled from six open pollinated families that were categorized into three disease severity groups (two families for each group; mild, moderate and severe disease symptoms). The amount of retained foliage and level of discoloration were visually assessed on trees in the field. Fungal colonization (as determined by proportion of stomata occluded with pseudothecia and by amount of Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii DNA in sampled needles) was measured on 1‐ and 2‐year‐old needles in the laboratory. Trees in the different disease severity groups were similar with respect to amount of fungus in their needles, yet the trees in the mild symptom group retained higher proportions of needles and maintained greener foliage. The relationship between amount of P. gaeumannii in needles and SNC symptom severity was statistically significant (p < 0.05) for amount of fungal DNA in 1‐year‐old needles and average needle retention (NR) over the last four growing seasons. Average NR decreased with increased amount of pathogen DNA in the mild disease symptom families. This relationship was reversed in the severe disease symptom group and there was no relationship in the moderate disease symptom group. Because the amount of P. gaeumannii DNA in foliage did not differ significantly among the groups, differences in symptom severity were attributed to tolerance, not resistance. Visual scoring of individual trees for average NR over the past four growing seasons could be used to effectively assess for SNC tolerance in Douglas‐fir.  相似文献   

The fungal community inhabiting large woody roots of healthy conifers has not been well documented. To provide more information about such communities, a survey was conducted using increment cores from the woody roots of symptomless Douglas‐fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) growing in dry forests on the eastern slope of the Cascade Mountains in Washington state, USA. Fungal isolates were cultured on standard media, and then were identified using a combination of molecular and morphological methods. Fungal genera and species identified in this study will provide baseline data for future surveys of fungal endophytes. Examination of internal transcribed spacer (ITS1 and ITS2) and 5.8S rDNA sequences and morphology of cultured fungi identified 27 fungal genera. Two groups predominated: Byssochlamys nivea Westling (20.4% of isolations) and Umbelopsis species (10.4% of isolations). This is the first report of B. nivea within large woody roots of conifers. Both taxa have been previously identified as potential biological control agents. Although some trends were noted, this study found no significant evidence of host species or plant association effects on total recovery of fungal endophytes or recovery of specific fungal taxa.  相似文献   

Using the PMS pressure chamber and isotope mass spectrometer (MAT-252), the leaf juice of Acacia mangium was obtained, and the carbon isotope discrimination (D) representing the most recently fixed carbon in the juice was determined. At the same time, the water-use efficiency of A. mangium was estimated. The results indicated that the carbon isotope ratio in the air of forest canopy (δ a), 10 m high a bove ground averaged − 7.57 ± 1.41 ‰ in cloudy days, and − 8.54±0.67‰ in sunny days, respectively. The diurnal change of the carbon isotope ratio in the photosynthetic products of the leaf juice (δ p) was of saddle type in cloudy days, but dropped down from morning to later afternoon in sunny days. A strong negative correlation between δ p and leaf-to-air vapor pressure deficit (D) was observed in sunny days, but a slight change in δ p was found in cloudy days. The δ p also decreased with decreasing leaf water potential (Ψ), reflecting that water stress could cause the decrease of δ p. The carbon isotope discrimination of the leaf juice was positively correlated with the ratio between intercellular (P i) and atmospheric (P a) partial pressure of CO2. For A. mangium, the isotope effect on diffusion of atmospheric CO2 via stomata was denoted by a = 4.6‰, and that in net C3 diffusion with respect to P i was indicated by b = 28.2‰. The results were in reasonable accord with the theoretically diffusive and biochemical fractionation of carbon isotope. It was defined that carbon isotope discrimination of photosynthetic products in A. mangium leaf juice was in proportion to that from photosynthetic products in dry material. The water-use efficiency estimated by the carbon isotope discrimination in leaf juice, fit well with that measured by gas exchange system (R 2 = 0.86, p < 0.0001). The application of leaf juice in measuring the stable carbon isotope discrimination would reduce the effects of fluctuating environmental factors during the synthesis of dry matter, and improve the ecophysiological studies on carbon and water balance when scaling from the plant to canopy in the fields. __________ Translated from Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2008, 27(4): 497–503 [译自: 生态学杂志]  相似文献   

The genetic control of tree ring growth in Douglas-fir in response to the drought and heat-wave that occurred in 2003 in Europe was studied with microdensity profiles in three clonal experiments located in three different French regions. The drought and heat-wave significantly affected Douglas-fir wood formation. The Chassenoix site (Northeast of Massif-Central) was more severely affected that the other two: the 2003 year-ring was narrower and less dense than in the other sites and than the previous (2002) and following (2004) year-rings in the same site: ring growth stopped earlier and latewood did not develop completely. The year-rings 2004 and 2002 were very similar in this site. There was a significant genetic control for all ring parameters in the three sites and during the three years. The heritability was highly variable between years and among sites, without any clear pattern in this variability, except in Chassenoix where it was slightly lower in the 2003 year-ring. Variables measuring the response of trees to the 2003 event, i.e., the difference in ring width between 2002 and 2003, or between 2003 and 2004, showed a very variable degree of genetic control, from very low to relatively high. Douglas-fir seemed plastic enough to acclimate to the drought and heat-wave and then to recover during 2004. Furthermore the level of heritability estimated demonstrates that Douglas-fir has an adaptive potential that could be useful for multi-generation long-term response.  相似文献   

Past research has established that terminal buds of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) seedlings from many seed sources have a chilling requirement of about 1200 h at 0-5 degrees C; once chilled, temperatures > 5 degrees C force bud burst via accumulation of heat units. We tested this sequential bud-burst model in the field to determine whether terminal buds of trees in cooler microsites, which receive less heat forcing, develop more slowly than those in warmer microsites. For three years we monitored terminal bud development in young saplings as well as soil and air temperatures on large, replicated plots in a harvest unit; plots differed in microclimate based on amount of harvest residue and shade from neighboring stands. In two of three years, trees on cooler microsites broke bud 2 to 4 days earlier than those on warmer microsites, despite receiving less heat forcing from March to May each year. A simple sequential model did not predict cooler sites having earlier bud burst nor did it correctly predict the order of bud burst across the three years. We modified the basic heat-forcing model to initialize, or reset to zero, the accumulation of heat units whenever significant freezing temperature events (> or = 3 degree-hours day(-1) < 0 degrees C) occurred; this modified model correctly predicted the sequence of bud burst across years. Soil temperature alone or in combination with air temperature did not improve our predictions of bud burst. Past models of bud burst have relied heavily on data from controlled experiments with simple temperature patterns; analysis of more variable temperature patterns from our 3-year field trial, however, indicated that simple models of bud burst are inaccurate. More complex models that incorporate chilling hours, heat forcing, photoperiod and the occurrence of freeze events in the spring may be needed to predict effects of future silvicultural treatments as well to interpret the implications of climate-change scenarios. Developing and testing new models will require data from both field and controlled-environment experiments.  相似文献   

We tested, compared and modified three models of stomatal conductance at the leaf level in a forest ecosystem where drought stress is a major factor controlling forest productivity. The models were tested against 2 years (1999 and 2000) of leaf-level measurements on ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.) growing in the Mediterranean climate of California, USA. The Ball, Woodrow and Berry (1987) (BWB) model was modified to account for soil water stress. Among the models, results of the modified BWB model were in the closest agreement with observations (r2 = 0.71). The Jarvis (1976) model showed systematic simulation errors related to vapor pressure deficit (r2 = 0.65). Results of the Williams, Rastetter, Fernandes et al. (1996) (SPA) model showed the poorest correlation with empirical data, but this model has only one calibration parameter (r2 = 0.60). Sensitivity analyses showed that, in all three models, predictions of stomatal conductance were most responsive to photosynthetically active radiation and soil water content. Stomatal conductance showed little sensitivity to vapor pressure deficit in the Jarvis model, whereas in both the BWB and SPA models, vapor pressure deficit (or relative humidity) was the third most important variable. Parameterization of the SPA model was in accordance with the parameterization of the modified BWB model, although the two models differ greatly. Measured and modeled results indicate that stomatal behavior is not water conservative during spring; however, during summer, when soil water content is low and vapor pressure deficit is high, stomatal conductance decreases and, according to the models, intrinsic water- use efficiency increases.  相似文献   

An experimental introduction of pear thrips (Taeniothrips inconsequens Uzel), a major defoliator in sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) forests in northeastern North America, was conducted in a field plantation to determine if compensatory gas exchange occurs in response to feeding damage by this piercing-sucking insect. Sugar maple trees were enclosed in netting (167 micro m mesh) and pear thrips adults were introduced before leaf expansion in the spring. Pear thrips reduced whole-tree leaf area by approximately 23% and reduced leaf size (both mass and area) by 20% in the upper crown. Measurements of net CO(2) assimilation rate (A(net)) and stomatal conductance (g(s)) were made on tagged foliage that was later analyzed for stable carbon isotope composition (delta(13)C) to provide estimates of short- and long-term leaf water use efficiency (WUE). Pear thrips feeding reduced A(net) for fully expanded leaves by approximately 20%, although leaf chlorophyll content and leaf mass per unit area were apparently not affected. Comparison of A(net), g(s), instantaneous WUE and leaf delta(13)C between damaged and control trees as well as visibly undamaged versus moderately damaged foliage on pear thrips-infested trees indicated that there were no effects of pear thrips feeding damage on WUE or leaf delta(13)C. Long-term WUE among sugar maple trees in the field plantation, indicated by leaf delta(13)C analysis, was related to shorter-term estimates of leaf gas exchange behavior such as g(s) and calculated leaf intercellular CO(2) concentration (C(i)). We conclude that pear thrips feeding has no effect on leaf WUE, but at the defoliation levels in our experiment, it may reduce leaf A(net), as a result of direct tissue damage or through reduced g(s). Therefore, even small reductions in leaf A(net) by pear thrips feeding damage may have an important effect on the seasonal carbon balance of sugar maple when integrated over the entire growing season.  相似文献   

Sustained increases in plant production in response to elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO(2)) concentration may be constrained by the availability of soil nitrogen (N). However, it is possible that plants will respond to N limitation at elevated CO(2) concentration by increasing the specific N uptake capacity of their roots. To explore this possibility, we examined the kinetics of (15)NH(4) (+) and (15)NO(3) (-) uptake by excised roots of Populus tremuloides Michx. grown in ambient and twice-ambient CO(2) concentrations, and in soils of low- and high-N availability. Elevated CO(2) concentration had no effect on either NH(4) (+) or NO(3) (-) uptake, whereas high-N availability decreased the capacity of roots to take up both NH(4) (+) and NO(3) (-). The maximal rate of NH(4) (+) uptake decreased from 12 to 8 &mgr;mol g(-1) h(-1), and K(m) increased from 49 to 162 &mgr;mol l(-1), from low to high soil N availability.Because NO(3) (-) uptake exhibited mixedkinetics over the concentration range we used (10-500 &mgr;mol l( -1)), it was not possible to calculate V(max) and K(m). Instead, we used an uptake rate of 100 &mgr;mol g(-1) h(-1) as our metric of NO(3) (-) uptake capacity, which averaged 0.45 and 0.23 &mgr;mol g(-1) h(-1) at low- and high-N availability, respectively. The proximal mechanisms for decreased N uptake capacity at high-N availability appeared to be an increase in fine-root carbohydrate status and a decrease in fine-root N concentration. Both NH(4) (+) and NO(3) (-) uptake were inversely related to fine-root N concentration, and positively related to fine-root total nonstructural carbohydrate concentration. We conclude that soil N availability, through its effects on fine-root N and carbohydrate status, has a much greater influence on the specific uptake capacity of P. tremuloides fine roots than elevated atmospheric CO(2). In elevated atmospheric CO(2), changes in N acquisition by P. tremuloides appeared to be driven by changes in root architecture and biomass, rather than by changes in the amount or activity of N-uptake enzymes.  相似文献   

丹红杨等4个黑杨无性系在湖区外滩引种试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择近年来引进的洞庭湖区造林的丹红杨、巨霸杨、南林-95杨、南林-895杨,于2004年春在西洞庭目平湖外滩进行对比造林试验,经4年观测,其造林保存率均低于78%。丹红杨、巨霸杨胸径生长量较大;巨霸杨、丹红杨、南林-895杨的材积生长量较南林-95杨增产15.9%~25.6%。各项生长量指标在4个无性系之间均无显著差异。  相似文献   

The effects of the clear-cutting of a 70-year-old Douglas-fir plantation on the chemical composition of soil solutions and on leaching of nutrients in drainage waters were observed by a continuous monitoring, six years before and three years after the cutting. Forest harvesting was made with very limited soil disturbances. Results showed that the concentration of weakly fixed solutions did not change but that the concentration of gravitational solutions of the upper soil layers drastically fell down after the cutting. The limited increase in nutrients leached with drainage waters was only due to the increase in the water flux, which is difficult to quantify because of the presence of ground vegetation. The monitoring of numerous fluxes before and after the clear-cutting could explain the specific behaviour of the soil solutions. The limited losses of nutrients the after clear-cutting in a potentially responsive ecosystem were unexpected. The initial hypothesis was that the decrease in the mineralization and nitrification rates observed after the cutting was related to a stimulating effect of Douglas-fir on the activity of soil nitrifyers.  相似文献   

Tang Y  Liang N 《Tree physiology》2000,20(14):969-976
The photosynthetic induction response is constrained by stomatal and biochemical limitations. However, leaves in some plants like Populus koreana x trichocarpa cv. Peace (a hybrid clone) may have little stomatal limitation because their stomata barely respond to changes in photon flux density (PFD). We examined the induction responses of leaves of well-watered and dehydrated P. koreana x trichocarpa plants grown in a high-light or a low-light regime. With an increase in PFD from 50 to 500 micromol m(-2) s(-1), steady-state stomatal conductance (g(s)) increased by only 0.25-8.2%, regardless of the initial g(s), but steady-state assimilation rate (A) increased by 550-1810%. Photosynthetic induction times required to reach 50% (IT50) and 90% (IT90) of A at high PFD were 60-90 s and 210-360 s, respectively. Examination of the dynamic relationships between A and g(s), and between A and intercellular CO2 concentration, indicated that the induction limitation was imposed completely by the biochemical components within 30-40 s after the PFD increase. Values of IT50 and IT90 were significantly higher in low-light leaves than in high-light leaves, whereas the induction state at 60 s and the induction efficiency at 60 and 120 s after the increase in PFD were lower in low-light leaves than in high-light leaves. Dehydration reduced leaf water potential (psi) significantly, resulting in a significantly decreased initial g(s). Leaf water potential had no significant effects on induction time in high-light leaves, but a low psi significantly reduced the induction time in low-light leaves. We conclude that the photosynthetic induction response was limited almost completely by biochemical components because the stomata barely responded to light changes. The biochemical limitation appeared to be higher in low-light leaves than in high-light leaves. Mild water stress may have reduced steady-state A and g(s), but it had little effect on the photosynthetic induction response in high-light leaves.  相似文献   

The adaptation responses to different water conditions and the drought tolerance of Sophora davidii seedlings were assessed in a greenhouse experiment. Two-month-old seedlings were subjected to the following water supplies for 95 days: 100, 80, 60, 40 and 20% of field water capacity. The seedlings at 100% FC had the greatest productivity, height, basal diameter, branch number, leaf number and leaf area. Water supply <80% FC was the threshold of drought-initiated negative effects on seedling growth, yield and physiological processes; these parameters were severely reduced at 20% FC, however, there was no plant death during the experiment. Moreover, water stress decreased leaf relative water content, specific leaf area, leaf area ratio, and water-use efficiency (WUE), whereas it increased the biomass allocation to roots, which resulted in a higher root:stem mass ratio under drought. The S. davidii seedlings tolerated drought by maintaining high leaf relative water content and by reducing branching and leaf expansion. However, low productivity and WUE at 20% FC suggested that seedlings did not produce high biomass under severe drought. Therefore, prior to introducing S. davidii in forestation efforts, a water supply >40% FC is recommended for seedlings to maintain growth and productivity. These results provide insights into limitations and opportunities for establishment of S. davidii in arid regions.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic utilization of water and nitrogen in Ulmus americana L. seedlings was tightly linked with the relative availability of each resource. During periodic drying cycles, water use efficiency increased as predawn water potential fell from -0.5 to -2.0 MPa. During the later stages of such drying cycles, the relative contribution of stomatal limitations to the total net photosynthetic limitation appeared to be at its greatest, whereas biochemical limitations were predominant in well-watered plants grown under low nitrogen (N) availability. For any level of leaf water status, water use efficiency of photosynthesis (WUE) was always greater in plants with high leaf N content than in plants with low leaf N content. Photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (PNUE) was always greater in plants with low leaf N content than in plants with high leaf N content, for any level of water status. In combined N treatments and predawn water status classes, there was a significant inverse relationship between PNUE and WUE.  相似文献   

The effects of high temperature, moisture, and mechanical action during the thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) processing, on the changes in surface properties of poplar, namely, surface color, roughness, wettability, and microstructure, were investigated in this study. The correlation between observed changes in surface properties and chemical characteristics was also analyzed. Poplar woods with high moisture content were compressed using different pressures at temperature of 160 °C for four different periods. The wood surfaces became darker and smoother, and their surface free energy decreased significantly after the THM process. THM process markedly reduced surface hygroscopicity compared to the control wood. The cell lumens of THM wood became narrow with increasing compression ratio due to the enhancing high pressure. Collapse and fractures of cell walls developed during THM treatment. Furthermore, results indicated that a series of chemical reactions in different components of wood took place during THM process, such as degradation of hemicelluloses, condensation of lignin, and decomposition of extractives. In turn, these chemical modifications contributed to the darkening of color as well as the reduction of wettability and surface free energy of THM wood.  相似文献   

To identify hybrid-specific differences in developmental response to mechanical perturbation (MP), we compared the effects of stem flexure on several morphological and mechanical properties of two Populus trichocarpa Torr. & A. Gray x P. deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh. hybrids, 47-174 and 11-11. In response to the MP treatment, both hybrids exhibited a significant increase in radial growth, especially in the direction of the MP (47-174, P = 0.0001; 11-11, P = 0.002), and a significant decrease in height to diameter growth ratio (P = 0.0001 for both hybrids), suggesting that MP-treated stems are more tapered than control stems. A direct consequence of the MP-induced increase in radial growth was a significant increase in flexural rigidity (EI, N mm(2)) in stems of both hybrids (47-174, P = 0.0001; 11-11, P = 0.009). Both control and MP-treated stems of Hybrid 47-174 had significantly greater height to diameter ratios and EI values than the corresponding stems of Hybrid 11-11 (11-11 stem ratios and EI values were 85 and 76%, respectively, of those of 47-174). In Hybrid 47-174, Young's modulus of elasticity (E, N mm(-2)), a measure of stem flexibility, for MP-treated stems was only 80% of the control value (P = 0.0034), whereas MP had no significant effect on E of stems of Hybrid 11-11 (P = 0.2720). Differences in flexure response between the hybrids suggest that Hybrid 47-174 can produce a stem that is more tolerant of wind-induced flexure by altering both stem allometry and material properties, whereas Hybrid 11-11 relies solely on changes in stem allometry for enhanced stability under MP conditions.  相似文献   

Bench-grafted 'Fuji/M.26' apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) trees received a constant nitrogen (N) supply (10.7 mM) from bud break to the end of June, and were then fertigated with 0, 5, 10, 15 or 20 mM N in a modified Hoagland's solution for 2 months during the summer. In mid-October, half of the trees fertigated at each N concentration were sprayed twice with 3% urea, whereas the remaining trees served as controls. All trees were harvested after natural leaf fall and were stored at 2 degrees C. Five trees from each of the N treatment combinations were destructively sampled during dormancy to determine the composition of N and total nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC). As the N supply from fertigation increased, amounts of N in both free amino acids and proteins increased, whereas C/N ratios decreased. Foliar urea applications in the fall significantly increased amounts of N in both free amino acids and proteins, but decreased their C/N ratios. Arginine, the most abundant amino acid in both free amino acids and in proteins, accounted for an increasing proportion of N in free amino acids and proteins with increasing N supply from fertigation or foliar urea application. The ratio of protein N to free amino acid N decreased from about 27.1 to 3.2 as N supply from fertigation increased from 0 to 20 mM, and decreased further to 3.0 in response to foliar urea applications in the fall. Concentrations of glucose, fructose, sucrose and TNC decreased as the N supply from fertigation increased, whereas concentrations of sorbitol and starch remained relatively unchanged. Foliar urea applications decreased the concentration of each TNC component and the TNC concentration in each N fertigation treatment. A negative linear relationship was found between carbon in TNC and N in proteins and free amino acids. The sum of carbon in TNC, proteins and free amino acids remained constant in response to N supply from fertigation. However, foliar urea applications decreased the sum of carbon in proteins, free amino acids and TNC because about 21% of the decrease in TNC carbon was not recovered in free amino acids or proteins. Young apple trees store N and carbon dynamically in response to N supply. As N supply increases, an increasing proportion of N is found in the form of free amino acids, which have a low carbon cost, although proteins remain the main form of N storage. Furthermore, part of the carbon from TNC is incorporated into amino acids and proteins, decreasing the carbon stored as TNC and increasing the carbon stored as amino acids and proteins.  相似文献   

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