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[目的]基于2016年第三次全国农业普查资料,分析宣城市粮食生产能力及其面积结构调整。[方法]在分析2016年宣城市耕地利用和粮食生产情况基础上,确定能发挥气候资源生产潜力的种植制度,以水稻高产创建项目、小麦玉米区域试验的产量为基础,计算宣城市粮食生产能力。结合主要粮食作物面积构成对比分析,提出粮食面积结构调整建议。[结果]全市粮食平均单产能力为8 457.10 kg/hm~2,比2013—2015年的粮食实际平均单产高3 089.66 kg/hm~2;粮食总生产能力为186.66万t,比2013—2015年粮食平均总产高68.19万t。全市粮食面积潜力36.1万hm~2。面积结构调整可考虑"提高稻谷、稳定小麦、适量增加玉米和大豆"。[结论]2016年全市粮食生产能力开发率为0.63,粮食生产潜力较大。可通过结构调整,使粮食面积中稻谷占74%、小麦占18%、玉米占4%、大豆占2%。  相似文献   

21世纪我国水稻种植机械化发展方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水稻是我国主要的粮食作物之一。1996年水稻种植面积约3140.6万hm2,占全国谷物种植面积的34%,世界水稻种植面积的21.0%;稻谷总产19510.2万t,占全国粮食总产的43%,世界稻谷总产的35.7%,居世界第1位;稻谷平均单产6.212t.hm2,是我国粮食作物中单产最高的作物,高于世界稻谷平均单产  相似文献   

<正>一、粮食生产现状小麦、玉米是焦作市的主要粮食作物。据调查统计,2018年全市粮食播种面积28.25万hm~2,粮食总产达到206.9万t,较2017年增产2.5万t,连续8年稳定在200万t以上,粮食单产水平继续保持全省领先地位。全市夏粮种植面积14.96万hm~2,秋粮种植面积13.33万hm~2。高标准粮田建设是粮食丰产丰收的基础,全市已建成高标准  相似文献   

<正>玉米是我国种植面积最大的粮食作物,我国也是世界上第2大玉米生产国,据有关专家预测,到2030年,我国人口将增加到16亿,粮食总产量必须达6.4亿~7亿吨才能满足需要。而粮食需求总量中用于饲料的比例将增至35%~40%,到2030年将继续增加到50%,其中主要来源于玉米。河南省人民政府"十二五"规划中指出"加快推进粮食生产核心区建设,稳定面积、主攻单产,加大对粮食主产县的支持力度,力争粮食播种面  相似文献   

<正>一、预报结论项城市根据秋作物播种以来,结合农业气象条件、EOS/MODIS卫星监测资料和未来天气展望综合分析,预计2015年全市全年粮食平均单产为516.6kg,总播种面积为11.4万hm2,粮食总产为88.08万t。与2014年全市全年(粮食单产为433.8kg,总播种面积为12.5万hm2,粮食总产为81.03万t)相比,单产增产19%,总产增产9%。二、预测依据(一)小麦生长期农业气象条件分析1.小麦播种期至越冬期播种期虽然口墒稍差,但播种结  相似文献   

基于甘肃省黄土高原区所辖36个县域的统计数据,研究了1991-2012年间粮食产量及结构的变化特征,以及单产和种植结构对粮食总产的影响,在此基础上预测分析了2030年区域粮食需求和生产能力,并提出粮食产量提高以满足消费需求的途径。结果显示:1991年来甘肃省黄土高原区粮食总产、单产及播种面积整体呈波动增长趋势,粮食总产量增加主要来自于单产的提高,单产提高的主要贡献来自于地膜覆盖技术的应用和玉米、马铃薯播种面积的扩大。预测2030年甘肃省黄土高原区粮食需求达到935.76万t,而生产能力仅为645.48万t,粮食自给率为69.0%。要解决未来区域粮食需求不足的问题,地膜覆盖面积必须要扩大到122万hm2,占粮食总播种面积的79.9%,地膜使用量增加3.1万t,单产年均提高1.76%,才能实现区域粮食自给的目标。  相似文献   

(上接第3期) 六、粮食分品种 (一)小麦 1.生产:2008年,我国小麦总产量1.2041亿t.比2007年增产2.6%.小麦种植第一大省河南2008年小麦播种面积526万hm2,总产量3 060万t,比2007年增加75万t,单产5 812.5kg/hm2,超过2007年5 715kg/hm2水平;河南小麦1984年突破1 500万t、1996年突破2 000万t、2004年突破2 500万t,2008年突破3000万t;河南小麦产量占全国1/4,每年调出粮食1 000万t.  相似文献   

(上接第二期)五、粮食分品种(一)小麦1.生产2009年小麦播种面积2421万hm2,比2008年增加59.3万hm2;产量1.1495亿t,比2008年增产249.4万t,增幅2.2%,实现连续6年增产;单产4746kg/hm2,比2008年下降14.4kg/hm2。  相似文献   

2012年,河北省定兴县粮食生产喜获丰收,实现了粮食生产的连续10年丰产丰收。2012年全县粮食面积7.05万hm2,平均单产522kg/667m2,总产达到55.23万t。其中小麦3.34万hm2,单产428kg/667m2,总产21.46万t;玉米3.4万hm2,单产606kg/667m2,总产31.2万t。2012年供给商品粮4.48亿kg。在粮食生产上,定兴县突出抓了以下几方面工作。1强化组织领导,为粮食生产提供有力保障针对2013年农业生产实际,为确保实现粮食生产十  相似文献   

“一带一路”沿线国家粮食生产现状及前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了"一带一路"沿线国家和地区(以下简称沿线国家)粮食生产现状及增产潜力。结果表明,"一带一路"沿线国家粮食及各粮食品种的收获面积进一步扩大,产量也进一步增长;小麦和稻谷是"一带一路"沿线国家主要粮食作物,"一带一路"沿线国家也是世界小麦和稻谷最主要产地;与2013年世界平均单产相比,"一带一路"沿线国家各粮食品种单产仍有不同程度的提升空间,根据"一带一路"沿线国家各粮食品种与世界平均单产的差距及相应的收获面积进行粗略估算,"一带一路"沿线国家粮食产量还有16756.11万t的提升潜力。  相似文献   

根据西北地区人口增长趋势,结合我国人均年消费农产品需求的基本标准,以2001年农产品生产量为基准,同时考虑退耕还林还草的影响因素,分析了西北地区2006年农产品需求状况。结果表明,口粮缺口21.4万t,饲料粮食缺口427.4万t,油菜籽缺口194.9万t,甜菜缺口358.3万t,水产品152.6万t几乎是全部短缺;水果、蔬菜和棉花分别剩余558.5,503.3和117.8万t。  相似文献   

A two-year field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of plant density on tassel and ear differentiation, anthesissilking interval(ASI), and grain yield formation of two types of modern maize hybrids(Zhongdan 909(ZD909) as tolerant hybrid to crowding stress, Jidan 209(JD209) and Neidan 4(ND4) as intolerant hybrids to crowding stress) in Northeast China. Plant densities of 4.50×104(D1), 6.75×104(D2), 9.00×104(D3), 11.25×104(D4), and 13.50×104(D5) plants ha~(-1) had no significant effects on initial time of tassel and ear differentiation of maize. Instead, higher plant density delayed the tassel and ear development during floret differentiation and sexual organ formation stage, subsequently resulting in ASI increments at the rate of 1.2–2.9 days on average for ZD909 in 2013–2014, 0.7–4.2 days for JD209 in 2013, and 0.5–3.7 days for ND4 in 2014, respectively, under the treatments of D2, D3, D4, and D5 compared to that under the D1 treatment. Total florets, silking florets, and silking rates of ear showed slightly decrease trends with the plant density increasing, whereas the normal kernels seriously decreased at the rate of 11.0–44.9% on average for ZD909 in 2013–2014, 2.0–32.6% for JD209 in 2013, and 9.7–28.3% for ND4 in 2014 with the plant density increased compared to that under the D1 treatment due to increased florets abortive rates. It was also observed that 100-kernel weight of ZD909 showed less decrease trend compared that of JD209 and ND4 along with the plant densities increase. As a consequence, ZD909 gained its highest grain yield by 13.7 t ha~(-1) on average at the plant density of 9.00×104 plants ha~(-1), whereas JD209 and ND4 reached their highest grain yields by 11.7 and 10.2 t ha~(-1) at the plant density of 6.75×104 plants ha~(-1), respectively. Our experiment demonstrated that hybrids with lower ASI, higher kernel number potential per ear, and relative constant 100-kernel weight(e.g., ZD909) could achieve higher yield under dense planting in high latitude area(e.g., Northeast China).  相似文献   

中国耕地粮食生产能力及产量差测算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为准确测算现有农业生产科技水平下的中国粮食生产能力,以2012—2016年最新粮食作物审定品种的区域试验产量为基础,构建测度模型,估算中国(不包括香港和澳门特别行政区及台湾省)耕地粮食的育种生产能力,测算中国耕地粮食产量差(增产潜力)及生产能力开发程度,并分析省际差异规律。结果表明:1)中国现有耕地粮食生产能力是8.46×10~8 t,实际粮食产量是5.48×10~8 t,差值达2.98×10~8 t,占粮食实际产量的54.38%,耕地生产能力开发率为0.63,说明中国耕地粮食潜力有待进一步挖掘。2)中国耕地粮食总生产能力和潜力较大的省市自治区是:黑龙江省、河南省、山东省、河北省、吉林省、安徽省、内蒙古自治区、江苏省、湖南省、四川省、辽宁省、湖北省、云南省和江西省,应作为未来耕地保护和农田建设的重点对象,可通过土地整治和栽培技术等手段,提高耕地质量。3)同时,开发耕地生产潜力需因地制宜,实现提高粮食产量和保护生态的平衡。在江西省、福建省和浙江省,建议加大农田基础设施建设,提高耕地生产能力;在河北省,需提高水资源利用率,实现节水保粮;在宁夏回族自治区、甘肃省和陕西省,需协调农业-能源-水资源关系,实现绿色可持续发展;在广西壮族自治区、贵州省和云南省,可以利用气候优势,在缓坡丘陵区种植茶树、花卉,发展特色农业;在内蒙古自治区、西藏自治区和青海省,不建议过度开发粮食生产潜力。  相似文献   

Rice is one of the most important food crops in China. The realization of the super-high-yielding (SHY) type has great significance in ensuring food security in this country. This study investigated the growth and development characteristics of the super-high-yielding rice (grain yield > 11 t/hm2). Four mid-season japonica rice cultivars (including lines): Lianjiajing 2, Huajing 5, 0026 and 9823, were grown in the paddy field. Growth analysis was performed during the growth period, and yield components were determined at maturity. Results showed that SHY rice had more sipkelets per panicle and higher filled-grain percentage than the high-yielding rice (CK, grain yield 8.98–9.16 t/hm2). There was no significant difference in the 1 000-grain weight between the super-high-yielding and the CK. Super-high-yield rice exhibited fewer tillers at the early growth stage (from transplanting to jointing), with a higher ratio of productive tillers to total tillers, when compared with the CK. The leaf area index (LAI), photosynthetic potential and dry matter accumulation were lower for the SHY rice than those for the CK at the early growth stage, and the differences were not significant between the two rice types at heading, but were greater in the former than the latter after heading. The root-shoot ratio at each growth stage, root bleedings from heading to maturity, grain-leaf ratio, translocation percentage of the matter from stems and sheaths and harvest index of super-high-yielding rice were greater than those of CK. The indexes for the growth and development of SHY mid-season rice population were suggested, i.e. total spikelets > 4.5 × 104/m2, filled-grain percentage > 90%, 1 000-grain weight > 26 g; ratio of productive tillers > 80%, leaf area index at heading 7.5–8.0, photosynthetic potential during the whole growth period > 5 × 106 m2·d/hm2, total dry matter weight at maturity > 22 t/hm2, harvest index > 0.51; grain-leaf ratio (number of spikelets per cm2 leaf area) > 0.58; root-shoot ratio at heading > 0.25 and amount of root exudates > 5 g/m2·h. The regulation approaches and key cultivation techniques for raising the super-high-yielding population were also discussed. Translated from Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2006, 39(7): 1336–1345 [译自: 中国农业科学]  相似文献   

Nitrogen fertilizer application is an important measure to obtain high and stable corn yield, and the moisture content of corn grains is an important factor affecting the quality of mechanical grain harvesting. In this study, four different nitrogen fertilizer treatments from 0 to 450 kg ha~(–1) pure nitrogen were set for a planting density of 12.0×10~4 plants ha~(–1) in 2017 and 2018, and 18 different nitrogen fertilizer treatments from 0 to 765 kg ha~(–1) pure nitrogen were set for planting densities of 7.5×10~4 and 12.0×10~4 plants ha~(–1) in 2019, to investigate the effect of nitrogen application rate on the moisture content of corn grains. Under each treatment, the growth of corn, leaf area index(LAI) of green leaves, grain moisture content, and grain dehydration rate were measured. The results showed that, as nitrogen application increased from 0 to 765 kg ha~(–1), the silking stage was delayed by about 1 day, the maturity stage was delayed by about 1–2 days, and the number of physiologically mature green leaves and LAI increased. At and after physiological maturity, the extreme difference in grain moisture content between different nitrogen application rates was 1.9–4.0%. As the amount of nitrogen application increased, the corn grain dehydration rate after physiological maturity decreased, but it did not reach statistical significance between nitrogen application rate and grain dehydration rate. No significant correlation was observed between LAI at physiological maturity and grain dehydration rate after physiological maturity. In short, nitrogen application affected the grain moisture content of corn at and after physiological maturity, however, the difference in grain moisture content among different nitrogen application rates was small. These results suggest that the effect of nitrogen application on the moisture content of corn grains should not be considered in agricultural production.  相似文献   

Mechanical pot-seedling transplanting is an innovatively developed transplanting method that has the potential to replace mechanical carpet-seedling transplanting. However, the initial pot-seedling transplanting machine lacked optimized density spacing and limited yield potential for japonica rice. Therefore, ascertaining the optimized density by wide-narrow rows and the appropriate transplanting method for yield formation and grain quality of japonica rice is of great importance for high-quality rice production. Field experiments were conducted using two japonica rice cultivars Nanjing 9108 and Nanjing 5055 under three transplanting methods in 2016 and 2017: mechanical pot-seedling transplanting with wide-narrow row(K, average row spacing of 30 cm); equidistant row(D, 33 cm×12 cm); and mechanical carpet-seedling transplanting(T, 30 cm×12.4 cm). In addition, five different density treatments were set in K(K1–K5, from 18.62×10~4 to 28.49×10~4 hills ha~(–1)). The results showed that the highest yield was produced by a planting density of 26.88×104 hills ha~(–1) in mechanical pot-seedling transplanting with wide-narrow row with a greater number of total spikelets that resulted from significantly more panicles per area and slightly more grain number per panicle, as compared with equidistant row, and yield among density in wide-narrow row showed a parabolic trend. Compared with mechanical carpet-seedling transplanting, the treatment of the highest yield increased yield significantly, which was mainly attributed to the larger sink size with improved filled-grain percentage and grain weight, higher harvest index, and increased total dry matter accumulation, especially the larger amount accumulated from heading stage to maturity stage. With the density in wide-narrow row decreasing, processing quality, appearance quality, and nutrition quality were all improved, whereas amylose content and the taste value were decreased. Compared with mechanical carpet-seedling transplanting, mechanical pot-seedling transplanting improved processing quality and nutrition quality, but decreased amylose content and deteriorated appearance quality. These results suggested that mechanical pot-seedling transplanting with wide-narrow row coupling produced a suitable planting density of 26.88×10~4 hills ha~(–1) and may be an alternative approach to improving grain yield and quality for japonica rice.  相似文献   

根据三川河流域2000年的土地利用现状和多年平均降雨量,结合黄土丘陵沟壑区第一副区的蓄水指标,确定了该流域的雨水资源化指标,计算了其雨水资源潜力,并对研究流域的雨水资源开发利用程度进行了分析和评价。结果表明,三川河流域雨水资源的理论潜力为20.680 2亿m3;可实现潜力为20.065 1亿m3,占理论潜力的97.03%,其中就地利用、叠加利用和异地利用方式分别占可实现潜力的10.98%,83.83%和5.19%;现实潜力为112 819.66万m3,占可实现潜力的56.23%,其中生活用水、生产用水和生态用水各占0.69%,16.61%和82.70%。从流域雨水资源可实现潜力来看,三川河流域的雨水资源还有较大的开发利用潜力。  相似文献   

A grain pile delivered from the combine harvesters to the postharvest handling stations contains, besides the full-value grain, foreign materials, including the poisonous ergot sclerotia. The use of air-sieveseparating machines and other devices does not provide any positive results during cleaning of the grain material from the ergot due to the similarity of its properties and properties of the cleaned crop. The grains of the main cereal crops (wheat, barley, rye, oats) has specific gravity of (1.2–1.5) × 103 kg/m3 and that of ergot sclerotia is (0.9–1.15) × 103 kg/m3. Cleaning of the grain from the ergot sclerotia is possible in saline solution. The estimation of the height of location of the charging hopper as to the level of the saline solution was made to develop the device for cleaning the grain material by the specific gravity using the wet method. It is stated that, taking into account the geometrical dimensions (l kernel = 8.0 × 10–3 m3 and r kernel = 1.0 × 10–3 m) of the grain of the main grain crops upon the saline solution density ρr = 1.15 × 103 kg/m3 corresponding to the maximum density value ρs of the ergot sclerotia, the coefficient of the solution surface tension σ = 0.0816 n/m and the coefficient of the hydrodynamic resistance c = 0.9, the height h of location of the hopper as to the surface of the saline solution makes from 21.35 × 10–3 m for the grain with the density ρz = 1.5 × 103 kg/m3 to 34.01 × 10–3 for the grain with the density ρz = 1.2 × 103 kg/m3.  相似文献   

新疆绿洲区秸秆燃烧污染物释放量及固碳减排潜力   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
根据 2004-2013年新疆绿洲区主要作物产量,采用排放因子法对秸秆燃烧污染物排放量和碳释放量进行了估算,结果表明,2013年新疆地区作物秸秆燃烧排放的CO2、CO、CH4、NMVOC、OC、BC、SO2、NOx、NH3和PM2.5的量分别为9.0×106 t、5.5×105 t、1.6×104 t、9.4×104 t、1.9×104 t、3.9×103 t、2.4×103 t、1.8×104 t、7.8×103 t和1.2×105 t,碳排放总量为2.7×106 t;在排放清单中,CO2和CO是主要污染物,分别占污染物排放总量的91.6%和5.6%;棉花秸秆为排放贡献最大的污染源,占总排放量的43.3%,其次是小麦秸秆和玉米秸秆,分别占28.3%和21.9%.在此基础上,基于生物炭固碳技术,对该区域作物秸秆转化为生物炭的固碳量和碳封存潜力进行了估算,结果表明,若把被燃烧的三类秸秆(棉花、小麦和玉米)转化为生物炭,则每年可减少该区域54.9%的碳排放量;若将作物秸秆全部转化为生物炭,每年将有3.6×106 t碳和1.3×107 t CO2被长期封存于生物炭中。可见,生物炭具有良好的固碳减排潜力,是一种可持续的碳封存技术。  相似文献   

国际上通用的粮食安全的新概念是"要保证任何人在任何时候都能买得起他所需要的食品".2000年以来,国际和国内粮食产量低于消费量的情况连年出现,但目前我国总体上粮食仍是供大于求,库存充裕,市场稳定.新疆粮食安全线测算结果:粮食年产量安全线750×104 t;粮食年播种面积警戒线120×104hm2;储备粮安全线100×104 t,其中:国家储备粮85×104 t,新疆自治区储备粮15×104 t.在现有粮食耕地面积、粮食单产和粮食综合生产能力的情况下,新疆粮食生产和供应处在安全的范围之内.从中长期来看,新疆粮食综合生产能力,特别是农业基础设施建设仍需要加强.新疆有全国最大的后备宜耕地资源,应该为国家的粮食安全做出贡献.  相似文献   

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