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For improving seed germination of Prosopis koelziana and Prosopis juliflora, different treatments of seeds were conducted, including scarification with sulfuric acid 98% for 10 and 15 min, sandy paper, hot water for 5 and 10 min, potasium nitrate 0.1%, gibberellic acid at 250 mg·L−1 and 500 mg·L−1 and combinational treatment of scarification with gibberellic acid of 250 mg·L−1 and 500 mg·L−1. The results show that scarifications with sandy paper and sulfuric acids 98% were the most effective treatments on breaking seed dormancy and seed germination induction. Scarification with sulfuric acid 98% for 15 min was the best treatment. According to the positive effect of scarification and lack of reaction of seeds against KNO3 and gibberellic acid, the kind of seed dormancy was determined as exogenous.  相似文献   

The germination of common alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.) and downey birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) seeds is often poor in bare-root nurseries. The effect of a variety of seed coverings and a few seed pretreatments on seedling emergence was examined in this study in an attempt to address this problem. Seeds of each species were sown in trays containing nursery soil, covered with grit, gravel, sand, combinations of these coverings, a hydromulch or a sealed plastic cloche and then incubated for 6 weeks at 17–20°C. The grit combined with sand or gravel, the hydromulch and the cloche increased seedling emergence when compared with the standard grit. In another experiment, seeds of each species were fully imbibed (FI) (>50% moisture content, MC), as per standard practice, or adjusted to target MC (TMC) (30–35% MC) levels, and then chilled to release dormancy. Some seeds of each MC treatment were primed at 20°C for 2 days following chilling, after which all seeds were evaluated in laboratory tests and a nursery trial. Germination potential of the FI seeds declined in the lab tests by the second test date, which was reflected in low seedling emergence in the nursery in birch. The primed FI seeds of alder germinated most rapidly in the nursery, but other effects were not significant. Seedling emergence was better in the nursery in response to the TMC than the FI pretreatment in birch.
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Nursery practice using microbial inoculants was performed to find out the efficacy of the inoculants on seed germination and seedling growth of sissoo (Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.). Microbial inoculants or effective microorganisms (EM) are a mixture of many different beneficial microorganisms in a solution. The seedlings were grown in a mixture of sandy soil and cowdung (3:1) kept in polybags with pouring EM solution at different concentrations (0.1%, 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 5% and 10%) before and after a week of sowing the seeds. Seed germination rate and growth parameters of seedlings were measured, such as, shoot and root length, vigor index, fresh and dry weight of shoot and root and total biomass increment. The nodulation status influenced by EM was also observed along with the measurement of pigment contents in leaves. The highest germination rate (69%) was observed in 2% EM treatment, followed by 67% and 65% in 1% and 5% EM. The highest shoot length (33.2 cm) was in 2% EM, whereas highest root length (26.3 cm) was in 1% EM. Both fresh and dry weights from shoot and root, were maximum (4.16 g and 1.57 g; 2.12 g and 0.83 g respectively) in 2% EM and were significantly (p ≤ 0.05) different from control. Vigor index was highest (4071) in 2% EM, which was significantly (p ≤ 0.05) different from control. Total dry weight increment was highest in 2% EM treatment, followed by 1% and 5% concentrations of EM. Nodulation number was higher at very low (0.1%) concentration of EM solution but it normally decreased with the increase of EM concentrations. The contents of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoid were highest (60.11, 17.05 and 42.48 mg·L−1 respectively) in 2% EM treatment and lowest (39.35, 13.55 and 27.29 mg·L−1 respectively) in control treatment. Therefore, low concentration of EM (up to 2%) can be used for getting maximum seed germination rate and seedling development of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.  相似文献   

研究赤霉素(GA3),冷湿和温度 对五个种源的印度冷杉(Abies pindrow)和长叶云杉(Picea smithiana)种子萌发的影响.种子被浸泡在GA3 (10 mg(L-1)中24小时,然后在3(5(C温度的条件下冷藏15天.设计4个温度(10(C, 15(C, 20(C 和 25(C)条件来促进种子的萌发.结果表明,浸泡和冷湿处理明显增加种子的萌发率.在10 (C时种子的萌发率最高.总体结果表明,种子被浸泡在GA3 (10 mg(L-1)中24小时,冷湿藏15天,可以有效地促进印度冷杉和长叶云杉的种子萌发.统计数据表明,浸泡处理、温度和种源以及与温度的相互作用都对种子的萌发有明显的影响.  相似文献   

Dimorphandra jorgei MF Silva (Caesalpinaceae) and Swartzia macrostachya Benth. var. riedelii Cowan (Fabaceae) are tree species from the southern Bahian Atlantic Forest, identified for the restoration of degraded areas. The objective of this research is to study their seed germination and seedling growth to develop simple methods for seedling production in small scale nurseries. Because the species have distinct dormancy and germination characteristics, the seeds were submitted to different treatments. D. jorgei seeds were immersed in hot water, scarified and stored for 12 weeks in the laboratory environment (25°C). S. macrostachya seeds were submitted to different combinations of drying and storage in the laboratory environment or refrigerator (4°C). Seedlings were submitted to two light treatments for 3 months: partial shade (52% of full sun) and full shade (12% of full sun). In D. jorgei, the highest germination occurred for scarified seeds (87%) and for seeds stored for 12 weeks and then scarified (69%). In S. macrostachya the undried control seeds had the highest germination, followed by that of the refrigeration storage treatment, without predrying (99% and 97%, respectively). The average values for the growth parameters were greater in full shade for D. jorgei, while S. macrostachya seedlings showed greater growth rates in partial shade. Two months growth is recommended before D. jorgei seedlings are of the sufficient size and leaf number for field planting. On the other hand, a period of 4 months is recommended for S. macrostachya, due to its relatively slow growth.  相似文献   

Seed morphology, germination and seedlings growth of Acacia auriculiformis were studied. The experiment was conducted in the nursery of Forestry and Wood Technology Discipline, Khulna University, Bangladesh. Matured seeds of the species were collected from healthy trees of road side plantation from different areas of Khulna District, Bangladesh and treated with five pre-sowing treatments (control, immersion in cold water, immersion in hot water, scarification with sand paper and immersion in concentrated H2SO4). The average length, breadth and thickness were found to be (0.58±0.017) cm, (0.44±0.007) cm and (0.20±0.089) cm, respectively. Germination was conducted in polybags with a mixture of top soil, coconut husk, coarse sand, and fine sand in a ratio of 3:4:1:1. Results reveal that pre-sowing treatments influences the germination rates of seeds that significantly increase the percentage germination compared with those in control (43%) and cold water treatment (52%). The highest germination success rate was found 83% in hot water treatment followed by 78% in scarification with sand paper, and 75% with immersion in H2SO4. Germination started from 7 to 12 days and completed between 28 and 35 days period in all treatments. ANOVA showed the significant difference (p<0.05) among the treatments in seed germination, but no significant difference among treatment with regard to starting day, closing day and total germination period. In case of height and diameter growth, seedlings originated from the seeds with hot water treatment shows significantly higher in wet season (from May to July). Hot water treatment can be recommended on seed germination of the species in rural Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Semecarpus kurzii Engl. is an important ethnomedicinal plant used for curing tumours, inflammation, fever and pain, and is also a source of iso ricinoleic acid. During the present investigation, effect of chemical pre-treatments on germination and seedling growth revealed significant differences. Different pre-treatments could improve germination and treatment with KNO3 (9.9 mM) was significantly superior (94%) to the untreated control (76%). Mean daily germination varied among the treatments (0.90–4.14 seeds per day), when compared with 2.27 seeds per day in control. Mean germination time was significantly reduced from 22.14 days (control) to 16.40 days (19.8 mM KNO3) and 17.16 days (1.45 mM GA3). Treatment with KNO3 (19.8 mM) and GA3 (1.45 and 2.90 mM) significantly reduced the time for 50% germination. Treatment with higher concentrations of GA3 and KNO3 exhibited significantly faster germination initiation (11.0 and 12.0 days, respectively) over the control (17.0 days). Seedling vigour index was not improved by pre-treatments. Chemical treatments did not improve shoot growth, collar thickness, or number of seedling leaves; however, root growth was significantly improved over control. Treatment with GA3 (2.90 mM) promoted leaf elongation but reduced leaf width significantly. Treatment with KNO3 and GA3 could be recommended to obtain healthy seedlings for establishing new plantations of this important medicinal plant species.  相似文献   

A germination experiment of pre-treated seeds of Melia azedarach was conducted in the nursery of Forestry and Wood Technology Discipline, Khulna University, Bangladesh. Matured seeds of Melia azedarach were collected from healthy trees of National Botanical Garden, Bangladesh and were treated with five pre-sowing treatments (control, immersion in cold water, immersion in hot water, scarification with sand paper, and immersion in concentrated H2SO4) on seed germination. Results revealed that the germination rates of pre-sowing treated seeds were significantly increased compared to those in control, except for cold water treatment. The highest germination success (80%) was found in scarification with sand paper, followed by 74% and 69% in immersion in H2SO4 and hot water treatment, respectively. Germination started on 8–11 days and completed on 20–21 days of the germination period in all cases. Analysis of variance showed the significance difference in germination success among the treatments but no significance difference in germination period among the treatment. Hot water treatment may be recommended on seed germination of the species in rural Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Leucaena leucocephala and Acacia farnesiana are tree species used for several agricultural purposes in the Mediterranean region. The seeds of these species exhibit dormancy, causing delayed germination. Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of pre-sowing treatments (scarification, hot water, or soaking) on seed germination of L. leucocephala and A. farnesiana. In one experiment, seeds were exposed to three pre-sowing treatments: control, sandpaper scarification, or soaking in 70°C water for 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, or 24 min. In another experiment, seeds were soaked in 70°C water for 20 min, and then soaked in water at room temperature for an additional 24, 48, or 72 h or blade scarified. In general, soaking the seeds of the two species in hot water was more effective in breaking seed dormancy than scarification. Sandpaper scarification was not effective for either species. Blade scarification increased A. farnesiana seed germination to 56%, indicating that seed dormancy was mainly a consequence of hardseededness. L. leucocephala seeds collected from Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) site and soaked in 70°C water for 20 min and then soaked for 24, 48, or 72 h had germination rates above 97%. Our results suggest that blade scarification of A. farnesiana seeds and soaking of L. leucocephala seeds in 70°C water for 20 min are effective treatments to break seed dormancy and enhance seed germination of these vital species.  相似文献   

The problem of salinized soils has become one of the most serious constraints to agricultural and forest productivity. With the purpose of enhancing salt stress tolerance of Populus tomentosa, we transformed this tree species with spermidine synthase (SPDS) genes derived from an apple by an Agrobacterium-mediated method. Four transgenic clones were confu'med by PCR and Southern blot analysis. As well, the expression of introduced SPDS genes was analyzed by real-time quantitative PCR.  相似文献   

Adansonia digitata (baobab tree), a multipurpose tree species, occurs throughout semi-arid and arid zones of Africa. Its survival is, however, threatened by bush fire, over-exploitation, grazing and a lack of natural regeneration. The extent of variation in fruit characteristics, seed germination and seedling traits of the baobab tree in Benin, was evaluated at climatic zone level. 1,200 fruits were sampled in each of the three climatic zones of Benin for morphological assessment and to assess germination rate and seedling growth dynamics according to the climatic zones, the used substrate and the scarification of the seed coat. There were significant differences in fruit characteristics not only between climatic zones but also between individuals from the same zone and within-trees. Using mechanical scarification on freshly-collected baobab seeds negatively affected the germination rate of baobab seeds sampled in the Guinean and Sudano-Guinean zones of Benin. The best-germination rate was recorded for non-treated seeds from the Guinean zone, up to 57% on day 25. All seeds germinated best on the sand substrate, but supplying organic matter promoted further seedling growth after 11 days of germination. Based on these observations we propose some strategies for efficient ex situ conservation of baobab in Benin.  相似文献   

Red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) and rice weevil Sitophilus oryzae (L.) are considered to be the major insect pests in storage. Essential oils from aromatic plants are recognized as proper alternatives to fumigants. Thymus persicus (Ronniger ex Rech. f.) is one of these plants that have medicinal properties and is indigenous to Iran. The essential oil was obtained from aerial parts of the plant and analyzed by GC and GC–MS. Carvacrol (44.69%) and thymol (11.05%) were the major constituents of the oil extracted. In this experiment, fumigant toxicity of the essential oil was studied against T. castaneum, S. oryzae at 27 ± 1°C and 60 ± 5% RH in dark condition. The adult insects were exposed to the concentrations of 51.9, 111.1, 207.4 and 370.4 μl/l air to estimate median lethal time (LT50) values. The fumigant toxicity was increased in response to increased essential oil concentrations. The LT50 values at the lowest and the highest concentrations tested were ranged from 28.09 to 13.47 h for T. castaneum, and 3.86 to 2.30 h for S. oryzae. It was found that S. oryzae adults were much more susceptible to the oil than T. castaneum. After 24 h of exposure, the LC50 values (95% fiducial limit) for T. castaneum and S. oryzae were estimated to be 236.9 (186.27–292.81) and 3.34 (2.62–4.28) μl/l air, respectively. These results suggest that T. persicus essential oil merits further study as potential fumigant for the management of these stored-product insects.  相似文献   

Agroforestry is a leading alternative for food security and forest conservation. A full understanding of positive and negative, i.e. allelopathic, interactions between crops and forest trees is necessary for producing crops and conserving forests especially within the threatened Mediterranean forest ecosystems. The present study explored the allelopathic effects of green and senescent leaf and soil extracts of two agroforestry trees—Pinus halepensis and Quercus coccifera—on the germination of wheat, barley, lentil, chickpea, and fababean as the major grain crops of Jordan. Results revealed that allelopathic effects reduced seed germination of these crops. Germination reduction reached a maximum of 75% in fababean treated with green extracts of Q. coccifera and differed among crops and extract sources, but not between tree species. Comparing between green and senescent leaf and soil extract, regarding their effect on germination percentage, it was noticed that these effects were similar in some crops and were different in others. Germination responses were generally different between cereals and legumes where cereals tend to be less affected by allelopathic influences than legumes, especially fababean. We suggest using cereals such as wheat and barley in agroforestry practices in the Mediterranean region of Jordan.  相似文献   

The effects of an exogenous nitric oxide donor (sodium nitroprusside, SNP), a NO scavenger 2-phenyl-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxode (PTIO) and carboxy-PTIO potassium salt (cPTIO) on the embryo germination of Sorbus pohuashanensis were studied in a petri dish test. SNP at 0.5–5 mmol L?1 increased germination percentage, mean time to germination, germination index and germination energy compared with the control to different degrees. Treatment with 2 mmol L?1 SNP improved germination most significantly; embryo germination percentage for mother tree 1 (91.11%) and mother tree 2 (64.44%) were much higher than the control. In addition, excessive SNP levels did not enhance embryo germination. Combined treatment with SNP and an NO scavenger delayed embryo germination. Treatment with cPTIO inhibited embryo germination; germination percentage was 42.22% and was lower than that of the control. These results show that low concentrations of exogenous NO can enhance the embryo germination of S. pohuashanensis, providing a simple, effective way for promoting germination of S. pohuashanensis.  相似文献   

Trees of the family Dipterocarpaceae are the dominant trees in Southeast Asian tropical forests where they play an important ecological role and are also important commercially. An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of ectomycorrhizal fungi on the growth of dipterocarp species in peat soils. Seedlings of Shorea pinanga were inoculated with spores of two ectomycorrhizal fungi, Pisolithus arhizus and Scleroderma sp. were grown in pots containing sterilized peat soil for 7 months. The percentage of ectomycorrhizal colonization on S. pinanga exceeded 86%. Colonization of S. pinanga roots by ectomycorrhizal fungi resulted in increased shoot height, stem diameter, number of leaves, and shoot fresh and dry weight. Survival rates of S. pinanga were greater for inoculated seedlings than control seedlings. These results suggest that inoculation of ectomycorrhizal fungi can improve the early growth of S. pinanga grown in tropical forests and that this technique will accelerate the rehabilitation of degraded dipterocarp forests.  相似文献   

The effect of two arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, Glomus fasciculatum and G. macrocarpum on shoot and root dry weights and nutrient content of Cassia siamea in a semi-arid wasteland soil was evaluated. Under nursery conditions, mycorrhizal inoculation improved growth of seedlings. Root and shoot dry weights were higher in mycorrhizal than non-mycorrhizal plants. The concentration of P, K, Cu, Zn and Na was significantly higher in AM inoculated seedlings than in non-inoculated seedlings. Mycorrhization led to decrease in alkalinity of the rhizosphere soil from pH 8.5 to 7.4. Under nursery conditions, the degree of mycorrhizal dependency increased with age of C. siamea seedling. On transplantation to the field, the survival rate of mycorrhizal seedlings (75%–90%) was higher than that of non-mycorrhizal seedlings (40%). Besides better survival rate, AM inoculation improved the growth performance of seedlings in terms of height and stem diameter. Among the two AM fungi used, the efficiency of Glomus macrocarpum was higher than that of G. fasciculatum under both nursery and field conditions.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrected page numbers.  相似文献   

This study evaluated oxalic acid accumulation and bioremediation of chromated copper arsenate (CCA)-treated wood by three brown-rot fungi Fomitopsis palustris, Coniophora puteana, and Laetiporus sulphureus. The fungi were first cultivated in a fermentation broth to accumulate oxalic acid. Bioremediation of CCA-treated wood was then carried out by leaching of heavy metals with oxalic acid over a 10-day fermentation period. Higher amounts of oxalic acid were produced by F. palustris and L. sulphureus compared with C. puteana. After 10-day fermentation, oxalic acid accumulation reached 4.2 g/l and 3.2 g/l for these fungi, respectively. Fomitopsis palustris and L. sulphureus exposed to CCA-treated sawdust for 10 days showed a decrease in arsenic of 100% and 85%, respectively; however, C. puteana remediation removed only 18% arsenic from CCA-treated sawdust. Likewise, chromium removal in F. palustris and L. sulphureus remediation processes was higher than those for C. puteana. This was attributed to low oxalic acid accumulation. These results suggest that F. palustris and L. sulphureus remediation processes can remove inorganic metal compounds via oxalic acid production by increasing the acidity of the substrate and increasing the solubility of the metals.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

We examined the saccharification and fermentation of meals from Acacia mangium wood, Paraserianthes falcataria wood, and Elaeis guineensis trunk. The levels of enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose and ethanol production were highest for P. falcataria wood and lowest for A. mangium wood. Ultrasonication pretreatment of meal further increased the rates of hydrolysis and ethanol production in meal from P. falcataria wood. Through this pretreatment, hemicelluloses (xylan and xyloglucan) and cellulose were released in the meal from P. falcataria wood. Loosening of hemicellulose associations can be expected to make P. falcataria wood more useful for bioethanol production.  相似文献   

Indonesia’s pulp and paper industry needs a large area of sustainably grown plantations to support its continued development. Acacia mangium has been the key species underpinning the pulp and paper industries in Sumatra, however increased disease pressure on A. mangium is expected to require large-scale conversion of Acacia plantations to Eucalyptus in the near future. The effect of such a large scale change in plantation species on soil moisture, for both tree production, and catchment hydrology is unknown. In this study we sought to characterize the impacts of plantation species (Acacia or Eucalyptus) and nitrogen management, on soil moisture, soil water depletion and depth to groundwater under stands of Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus pellita over the first 2–3 years after establishment. The study was conducted in experiments at four sites in Sumatra, Indonesia. Soil moisture and soil water depletion were not influenced by plantation species or fertilizer treatment. Soil moisture content and soil water depletion were strongly influenced by shallow groundwater at two of the four sites, however depth to groundwater did not influence stem growth. Results from the field trials cautiously suggest that large scale conversion of Acacia mangium to Eucalypt species in these regions is unlikely to result in increased moisture stress, nor is conversion of plantation species likely to lead to substantial differences in catchment hydrology. This study demonstrated the importance of conducting multi-site studies when investigating biophysical relationships in forest/plantation systems.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to determine the most efficient methods of inoculation to significantly improve nodulation and growth of Acacia senegal and Acacia nilotica, grown under greenhouse conditions. Our results showed that inoculation using dissolved alginate beads containing rhizobia significantly improved the growth of both acacia species better than the growth of plants in other treatments. The experiment with A. nilotica was conducted in two unsterilised soils from different areas. Plants grown in soil from Bel Air were well-nodulated and showed better growth than plants grown in soil from Sangalkam. However, no difference between these soils was shown between the several methods of inoculation and their effect on the nodulation and growth of plants. An interaction between A. senegal and A. nilotica provenances and the effect of inoculation with rhizobia was also demonstrated. Bel Air provenance of A. senegal, Dahra and RIM provenances of A. nilotica grew best of several provenances tested. These results suggest that (1) it may be possible to improve growth and yield of A. senegal and A. nilotica by careful selection of each symbiotic partner; and (2) nursery-grown seedlings of A. senegal and A. nilotica should be inoculated, just after sowing, with dissolved alginate beads containing a mixture of selected rhizobia. Résumé. Lobject de notre travail était de déterminer la méthodologie dinoculation la plus efficace pour améliorer significativement la nodulation et la croissance dAcacia senegal et dAcacia nilotica poussant dans des conditions de serre. Nos résultats ont montré que linoculation utilisant des billes dalginate dissoutes améliorait significativement la croissance des deux espèces dAcacia par rapport à celle des plantes des autres traitements. Lexpérience avec A. nilotica a été faite dans deux types de sol non stériles. Nous avons observé que les plants poussant dans le sol de Bel Air étaient plus nodulés et mieux développés que ceux poussant dans le sol de Sangalkam. Cependant, aucune différence significative entre les deux sols na été mise en évidence en termes deffet des différentes méthodologies dinoculation sur la nodulation et la croissance des plantes. Il a aussi été démontré lexistence dune interaction entre les provenances dA. senegal et dA. nilotica et leffet de linoculation avec rhizobium. Cest ainsi que les provenances Bel Air dA. senegal, Dahra et RIM dA. nilotica ont le mieux poussé parmi les différentes provenances testées. Lensemble de ces résultats suggèrent: (1) il devrait être possible daméliorer la croissance et la production dA. senegal et dA. nilotica par une sélection des deux partenaires symbiotiques; (2) Les jeunes plantules dA. senegal et dA. nilotica produites en pépinière devraient être inoculées juste après le semis avec des billes dalginate dissoutes contenant un cocktail de souches sélectionnées.  相似文献   

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