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基于主成分分析法建立鸭肉质的评估模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对金定鸭、樱桃谷鸭、苏牧麻鸭和番鸭的失水率(X1)、剪切力(X2)、pH值(X3)、肉色(X4)、粗脂肪((X5)、多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA,X6)、必需脂肪酸/(EFA,X7)、肌原纤维直径(X8)等8个肉质指标进行了测定,运用主成分分析对肉品质指标进行分析,并建立了主成分综合评价模型(y=-0.301zx1+0.367zx2-0.033zx3-0.223zx4-0.342zx5+0.250zx6+0.249zx7+0.267zx8).结果表明,选取前2个特征值作为2个主成分(累计贡献率达到85.15%),基本上反映了原所有肉质指标包含的全部信息;番鸭主成分综合得分最高,其次分别为金定鸭、苏牧麻鸭,樱桃谷鸭表现较低,结果与预期完全吻合.  相似文献   

本研究旨在利用主成分分析法对不同品种鸡的肉品质进行综合评价,为鸡肉品质评价标准的建立提供参考.选用常规方法对隐性白羽肉鸡、安卡鸡、文昌鸡、北京油鸡、清远麻鸡5个不同品种鸡肉的pH、肉色、失水率、剪切力、肌内脂肪、氨基酸、脂肪酸含量等指标进行测定,利用主成分分析法建立不同品种鸡肉品质评价模型,利用该模型对5个品种鸡肉品质...  相似文献   

为了对规模化肉鸡饲养场AA肉鸡的生产力进行综合评价,试验以滑县某肉鸡场124 789只AA肉鸡为材料,按鸡舍和周龄对其生产性能进行调查测定,测定项目有存栏数(x1)、成活率(x2)、周耗料量(x3)、累计只耗料量(x4)、只日耗料量(x5)、体重(x6)、周增重(x7)、周效率(x8)、累计效率(x9)等9项指标,采用主成分分析和聚类分析法确定了生产力综合评价中的重要指标,建立了AA肉鸡生产力综合评价模型。结果显示:9个指标间均存在着极显著的相关性(P<0.01);提取的3个主成分Y1、Y2、Y3方差贡献率分别为92.25%、4.71%、1.84%,累计贡献率为98.79%;9项指标可聚为4类,其中存栏数(x1)、周耗料量(x3)、体重(x6)、周效率(x...  相似文献   

优质肉鸡S3系体重与体尺性状指标的主成分分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究地方优质肉鸡S3系体重和体尺性状之间的内在相关性,12周龄时选取同一饲养条件下的150只鸡(公母各半)进行体重和体尺性状等7个指标的测定。结果表明:S3系公鸡的体重、体斜长、龙骨长、胸角均显著高于母鸡(P0.05);公母鸡体重、体斜长、胸宽、胫围这4项指标变异系数较大,有较大选育空间;体重与体斜长、龙骨长、胸宽、胸角、胫围呈极显著正相关(P0.01),相关系数分别为0.57、0.52、0.51、0.49和0.47,与胸深、胫长呈显著相关(P0.05),相关系数分别为0.44和0.39;其他各体尺指标间也存在不同程度的正负相关性(P0.05或P0.01);体重和7个体尺性能指标综合成5个复合指标,累计贡献率达92.6355%,其中第l、2、3、4、5主成分分别解释总变异的36.5353%、22.8642%、13.3115%、10.4535%和8.4710%;各主成分的特征根分布较广,经统计计算入选的5个主成分所包含信息的侧重点各有相同,分别都在一定程度上反映了S3鸡的体型特征和生长发育规律,为今后选育出更加符合市场需求的屠宰加工优质型肉鸡指明了的方向。  相似文献   

以三峡库区采集的9份野生红三叶居群和3份国内外品种为材料,对测定的6项生理指标进行相关性分析和主成分分析。主成分结果表明,前3个主成分对变异的累计贡献率达85%。叶绿素a和游离脯氨酸含量两项指标在热胁迫中的特征向量值均较大,表明这两项指标用于红三叶耐热性鉴定,评价结果的可靠性较大。根据筛选的两项生理指标,通过系统聚类分析,把12份红三叶材料分为耐热性强、中等、弱3个等级。  相似文献   

试验旨在通过多元统计分析探讨猪繁殖性状间的关系,筛选能够客观代表繁殖性能的重要指标。选取244头大白母猪,测定总产仔数(TNB)、产活仔数(NBA)、健仔数(NHB)、初生窝重(TBW)、平均初生重(ABW)、断奶仔数(WN)、断奶窝重(TW)、平均断奶重(AWW)、存活率(SR)、产程(FD)、出生间隔(PBI)、有效乳头数(ETN)和产活仔数/有效乳头数(NBA/ETN),对各指标进行相关性分析、主成分分析和聚类分析。结果显示,大白猪个体间的变异系数较大,最高和最低分别为PBI (63.14%)和ETN (8.24%)。相关分析表明,TW和SR之间存在中度相关(r=0.53,P<0.01)。主成分分析表明,前4个主成分(PC)特征值>1,累积贡献率为84.980%。PC1、PC2、PC3、PC4累积贡献率分别为37.617%、22.831%、14.429%和10.103%。PC1的NBA、NHB、NBA/ETN、TNB、TBW贡献率较大;PC2的TW和SR贡献率较大。聚类分析发现,繁殖性状分5类,每类典型性状分别为NBA、TW、FD、PBI、ABW、AWW、ETN。研究...  相似文献   

优质鸡肉逐渐受到消费者的青睐,在满足肉品营养需要基础上,肉质及风味也成为消费者追逐的目标。本文着重从优质鸡肉品质的评定指标(p H、肉色、系水力和嫩度)和影响因素(遗传因素、营养因素、饲养管理因素和屠宰前及屠宰后影响因素)进行综述。  相似文献   

优质鸡肉质评价体系的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
优质鸡,起初称黄羽肉鸡,我国在上世纪的70年代末80年代初就进行了研究和育种工作。具有符合市场需求的优良肉质,同时生产性能好、生产成本低、卖价高的优质鸡种已成为育种公司现在的重大研究课题,预计未来10年优质鸡占肉鸡市场份额将达70%。这是中国优质鸡育种的一个趋向,也是加入WTO后应对外来品种冲击的一个优势。1989年在香港召开首届中国内地、香港、台湾“优质鸡的改良、生产暨发展”研讨会,2005年又在香港召开第7届研讨会,足见优质鸡的意义深远。尽管过去20年来,  相似文献   

为建立AA肉鸡屠宰性状的主成分评估模型,选取120只1日龄AA肉鸡,公母各半,饲喂基础日粮,常规饲养。42日龄时随机抽取40只,公母各半,测定活重(x_1)、屠宰重(x_2)、半净膛重(x_3)、全净膛重(x_4)、胸肌重(x_5)、腿肌重(x_6)、腹脂重(x_7)等屠宰性状,建立入选主成分的评估模型。结果显示:主成分F1、F2、F3的贡献率分别为60.57%、19.91%、15.24%,累计贡献率为95.73%,为入选主成分。F1、F2、F3的信息量表达式分别为F1=0.450 7x_1+0.474 3x_2+0.415 0x_3+0.404 4x_4-0.106 3x_5+0.314 4x_6+0.354 9x_7,F2=-0.165 4x_1-0.138 1x_2+0.317 1x_3+0.422 8x_4+0.792 6x_5-0.212 3x_6-0.032 6x_7,F3=0.209 1x_1+0.127 3x_2-0.300 2x_3-0.103 3x_4+0.092 8x_5-0.651 2x_6+0.637 7x_7。建立入选主成分评估模型为Y=0.269 3x_1+0.279 2x_2+0.268 7x_3+0.313 4x_4+0.109 7x_5+0.048 9x_6+0.305 6x_7。  相似文献   

对12份苜蓿种质资源进行全年株高、茎叶比、分枝数、主枝侧枝数、主枝节间数、鲜草产量等6个农艺性状的主成分分析,选出累计贡献率84.141%的前3个主成分;在此基础上对12份苜蓿材料进行系统聚类分析,在欧式水平上可将其聚为3大类,第1大类在江淮地区表现为产量高,全年高度、分枝数、主枝侧枝数均高于其他材料,比较适宜南方的气...  相似文献   

主成分分析在杂交猪肉质评定及杂交组合筛选中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对云南撒坝猪新品系为母本的7个杂交组合肉质测定资料的12个变量的主成分分析,选取了累计贡献率达82.59%的前4个主成分进行了分析,结果表明:肉质指标中以干物质和肌内脂肪最为重要,对内质优劣影响最大。二元杂长撒,三元杂杜长撒、约长撒在肉质方面有相对较好的配合力,结合其肥育性能,可望成为以撒坝猪作母本的主要杂交模式。  相似文献   

1. The effect of the bacterium, Rhodopseudomonas palustris, on the growth performance and meat quality of broiler chickens was investigated.

2. A total of 900-d-old Arbor Acres broilers were allocated to three experimental treatments for 6 weeks. Chicks were administered with R. palustris in drinking water as follows: (i) control group without R. palustris; (ii) treatment 1 (R1) with R. palustris of 8 × 109 cells per chick per day in drinking water; (iii) treatment 2 (R2) with R. palustris of 1.6 × 1010 cells per chick per day in drinking water.

3. The results showed that, compared with that of control, both groups of R. palustris treatment increased daily weight gain and improved feed conversion ratio of broiler chickens significantly during the whole growing period of 6 weeks.

4. Both total and glutamic acid contents of chicken breast fillet in R. palustris treatment R2 were higher, while the fat content was lower, than those of the control group. Furthermore, R. palustris treatments also improved sensory attributes of chicken breast fillet.

5. As a probiotic providing rich nutrients and biological active substances, R. palustris administration in drinking water displayed a growth promoting effect and improved meat quality of broiler chickens.  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究果寡糖(FOS)对固始鸡生产性能、胴体组成和肉品质的影响,并确定果寡糖的最佳添加剂量。选用1日龄固始鸡公雏150只,分成5个处理组,一个为对照组,其余的4个为试验组,对照组不加果寡糖,其他4个组的果寡糖添加水平分别为3、5、7、9mg/kg。测定日增重、日采食量、料重比、胴体组成、肌肉滴水损失率和pH值等指标。试验结果表明:1)在0~42日龄阶段,果寡糖试验组的日增重和饲料效率均显著高于对照组(P<0.05);2)在42日龄时,与对照组相比,添加果寡糖可以显著提高胸肌重、腿肌重、胸肌率、腿肌率和肌肉的pH值(P<0.05),同时还可以显著降低肌肉的滴水损失率(P<0.05);3)日粮中添加5mg/kg果寡糖对提高固始鸡日增重、饲料效率和胴体组成以及改善肌肉肉品质具有最佳效果。试验结果说明,日粮中添加果寡糖能够提高固始鸡的生产性能和胴体组成,并且也能够改善肌肉的品质。  相似文献   

1. The impact of combined lower concentrations of organically-complexed versus inorganic copper, zinc and manganese on meat quality in chickens was investigated.

2. A total of 200 male broiler chicks (Ross-308), 1-d-old and weighing approximately 40?g, were divided into 4 groups comprising three experimental groups and one control group, with each consisting of 50 chicks. All groups were also divided into 5 subgroups, with each containing 10 broiler chicks.

3. All birds were given a starter diet from d 1 to d 21, and a grower diet from d 22 to d 49. The diets were formulated according to the NRC recommendations.

4. The mineral contents of the control diet were supplied using a standard inorganic mineral premix (containing 8?mg Cu as CuSO4, 40?mg Zn as ZnSO4, and 60?mg Mn as MnO, per kg). For the experimental diets, a mineral premix was prepared using organically complexed forms of those minerals at 1/3 (L1), 2/3 (L2) and 3/3 (L3) proportions.

5. After slaughtering and evisceration, the carcases were stored at 3?±?0·5°C for 10–12?h, and then the breast fillets removed from the carcases, and stored in a deep-freezer (?86°C) until analysis (for 30?d). For analyses, the breast muscles were then thawed at 4–6°C for 24?h.

6. The concentration of organically complexed mineral in the diet had no statistically significant effect on pH values of breast fillets. Treatments significantly affected the Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances (TBARS) values.

7. Lightness (L* value) of the fillet from broilers fed the diet containing inorganic minerals was significantly lower than that for broilers fed on the diets containing organically complexed minerals. The redness (a* value) and Chroma (C* value) significantly decreased while Hues (H* value) were higher in the fillet from broilers fed organically complexed minerals compared with those fed inorganic minerals. The yellowness (b* value) was not changed by dietary treatment.  相似文献   

The study's aim was to analyze the effects of different levels of halloysite (H) and zeolite (Z) in feed and pellets on the growth and meat quality in chickens; 500 Ross 308 broilers were assigned to five groups (1 g, control; 2–5 g, experimental). In Groups 2–5, different proportions of Z and H in feed (25:75 ratio; 0.5% to 2%) and pellet in kg/m2 (2, 0.650H; 3, 0.325H and 0.325Z; 4, 0.650Z; 5, 0.160H and 0.490Z) were used. Body weight was higher than 1 in all experimental groups, and carcass weight was higher, except for Group 2. The feed consumption was lower in Groups 3 and 5 than in Group 4. The breast muscle weight was higher in Group 3 than in the control group. In Groups 2, 3, and 5, the water holding capacity in the breast muscles was better than in Group 4 and in the leg muscles in Groups 3 and 4 than in Groups 1 and 5. Most of the tested characteristics indicate a beneficial effect of aluminosilicates in feed and litter on the growth and quality of meat.  相似文献   

为阐明甘草种植及其年限的增加对沙地土壤的改良效应,本研究采用主成分分析法,以空间代替时间,对流动沙地(对照)、1、2、3和4年生甘草地土壤进行了质量评价。结果表明:1)种植甘草后,土壤平均入渗率、总孔隙度、速效氮、速效磷、有机质、脲酶、磷酸酶、多酚氧化酶、脱氢酶和细菌比例均显著增加,土壤容重、真菌数量及其比例显著降低,其他指标无明显变化;2)随着甘草种植年限增加,土壤含水量、pH、速效氮、有机质、脲酶、磷酸酶、蔗糖酶、脱氢酶、细菌数量、放线菌数量及其比例总体呈显著增加趋势,速效钾和细菌比例显著降低,速效磷先增加后降低,平均入渗率、田间持水量、容重、总孔隙度、真菌比例均无显著变化。甘草地土壤放线菌数量所占比例最大,细菌次之,真菌最低;3)细菌与放线菌极显著正相关,两者与脲酶、蔗糖酶、磷酸酶显著正相关;真菌与细菌、放线菌及5种酶间均负相关,且相关性普遍不显著;除多酚氧化酶外,其他酶之间显著正相关;4)3和4年生甘草地土壤质量较为接近,甘草地土壤质量随着种植年限的增加总体呈增加趋势。基于主成分分析的综合评价结果表明,相较于流动沙地,3和4年生甘草地土壤质量已得到明显改善。  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted to study the effects of dietary supplementation with acidifiers on the growth performance, meat quality, and intestinal health of broiler chickens. A total of 648 male Arbor Acres broiler chickens at 1 d old were randomly divided into 6 groups, and each group consisted of 6 replicates with 18 broilers per replicate. The dietary treatments were as follows: negative control (NC, the basal diet), NC + antibiotic (enramycin, 8 mg/kg, positive control [PC]), NC + phosphoric acid (PA, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 g/kg), and NC + lactic acid (LA, 0.3 g/kg). The feeding trial lasted for 42 d. The results showed that the feed-to-gain ratio of the NC + acidifier groups was lower than that of the NC and PC groups from 1 to 42 d (P < 0.05). Compared with the values in the NC group, the pH of breast muscle was significantly higher in the NC + PA (0.2 g/kg) and LA (0.3 g/kg) groups (P < 0.05), and the cooking loss was lower in the breast muscle of the NC + PA (0.1 g/kg) and LA (0.3 g/kg) groups (P < 0.05). In addition, the shear force of the breast muscle and thigh muscle and the pH value in the crop, gizzard and duodenum of the antibiotic and acidifier groups were significantly decreased (P < 0.05). Moreover, the trypsin, chymotrypsin, and lipase activities of the duodenum in the NC + PA (0.2 and 0.3 g/kg) groups, as well as the villus height-to-crypt depth (VH:CD) ratio of the duodenum in the NC + PA (0.1 g/kg) group was significantly greater (P < 0.05) compared with those in the NC group. Meanwhile, the number of total aerobic bacteria, Escherichia coli and Salmonella in the cecum of the NC + PA (0.1 g/kg) and LA (0.3 g/kg) groups were decreased (P < 0.05). Collectively, diet supplementation with acidifiers could improve the growth performance, meat quality, and intestinal health of broilers, in which the effects of PA (0.1 g/kg and 0.2 g/kg) are better than the other supplementations.  相似文献   

为了科学的评价不同白沙枇杷品种果实品质指标,建立高效白沙枇杷果实品质评价体系,本研究通过相关性分析法和主成分分析法对23份白沙枇杷果实的11个品质指标进行了系统分析。结果表明,不同品种的果实各个品质指标之间存在较大差异,且具有不同程度的相关性。采用主成分分析法从11个品质指标中提取出4个主成分因子。综合相关性分析和主成分分析,可溶性糖、可滴定酸、氨基酸(AA)和单果重作为白沙枇杷果实品质性状评价的核心指标。采用相关性分析和主成分分析综合评价方法为评价品质优良的白沙枇杷品种提供参考依据。  相似文献   

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