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为了评估聚乙二醇牛血红蛋白偶联物(PEG-bHb)联合右旋糖酐铁对失血性休克犬的治疗效果,试验将12只健康的遵义本地犬随机分为两组,分别为对照组和试验组。两组试验犬经股动脉放血至全血量的40%,休克后,试验组静脉注射PEG-bHb,注射量为失血量×50%,并肌肉注射右旋糖酐铁4 mL;对照组按体重静脉注射生理盐水60 mL/kg。记录术前、休克后、补液后第60,120分钟和第2,3天6个时间点的临床表现、血压[平均动脉压(MAP)、收缩压(SP)和舒张压(DP)]、血氧饱和度(SPO2),以及术前、休克后、补液后(第120分钟和第2,3天)5个时间点的血常规及血清生化指标。结果表明:失血量达40%后试验犬出现昏迷、可视黏膜苍白、流涎、呼吸频率和心率均加快、大小便失禁等症状,与术前比较,休克后试验组和对照组MAP分别降低42%、46%,SPO2分别降低8%、7%,白细胞数(WBC)、红细胞数(RBC)、血细胞比容(HCT)、血红蛋白浓度(HGB)及血小板总数(PLT)全部降低,除肌酐(CREA)含量未见异常外,其余肝脏和肾脏指标均升高。补液后试...  相似文献   

为了研究成分输血对犬失血性贫血造成的中度贫血的临床疗效,并将成分输血推广到动物临床中去,采用制造临床模型及分别输注血液成分后并对血液数据进行分析的方法,来评价各血液成分对血液的影响。结果显示:失血后出现中度贫血。输注新鲜全血和浓缩红细胞相较于其他各组对贫血有显著性改善,输注浓缩红细胞相较于输注新鲜全血对贫血的改善疗效更为持久,且输血反应少;输注新鲜冰冻血浆对升高血清蛋白优于其他各组;输注血小板对改善凝血功能优于其他各组。综上所述,输注新鲜全血和浓缩红细胞都可以一定程度上改善贫血情况,而输注浓缩红细胞效果优于其他各组,并且副作用小。  相似文献   

建立非控制性脾大部损伤出血性休克模型,从生存时间、急救期失血量、急救期补液量、总补液量等几方面探讨低压对出血性休克抢救成活率的影响.  相似文献   

伊维菌素两种用药方法对犬蠕形螨病的疗效比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文对蠕形螨患犬单用伊维菌素和配合双甲脒、抗生素、皮质激素两种用药方法的治疗效果进行比较。结果表明,单用药疗效不佳,治疗时间长,易复发;而采用配合用药则可缩短治疗时间而取得较满意的疗效。  相似文献   

为了深入认识鸡舍环境微生物气溶胶的产生及其向舍外环境的传播,同时比较ERIC-PCR和PFGE对细菌的基因分型结果,本研究以大肠埃希菌为指示菌,采用Andersen-6级空气微生物样品收集器,分别在两个鸡舍的舍内、舍外上风向10 m和50 m和下风向10、50、100、200、400 m的距离处收集空气样品,同时采集鸡的粪便,分离、鉴定大肠埃希菌。采用ERIC-PCR和PFGE两种方法对不同来源的大肠埃希菌分离株进行基因分型,根据每个采样点大肠埃希菌的相似性指数,确认动物舍内微生物气溶胶向舍外环境传播的模式,并比较这两种方法对大肠埃希菌的基因分型结果,分析这两种分子生物学分型方法各自的优缺点和适应性。本试验共采集到28株大肠埃希菌,ERIC-PCR和PFGE两种方法分别进行同源性鉴定显示,从鸡的粪便中分离到的大肠埃希菌与从舍内空气中分离到的部分大肠埃希菌(62.5%)具有相同来源;从鸡场舍外下风方向分离到的多数大肠埃希菌(20%)与舍内空气或粪便中分离的大肠埃希菌来源相同。而从鸡舍上风没有分离到大肠埃希菌,排除了下风向采得的大肠埃希菌来自上风向的可能。而很多从舍内空气和舍外下风方向分离到的大肠埃希菌与粪便中的具有相同来源,说明粪便中的细菌能够形成气溶胶,并且通过舍内外气体交换传播到舍外,依气象条件传播到舍外不同的距离。造成周边环境的生物污染以及病原微生物的扩散。本研究同时对ERIC-PCR和PFGE两种方法所得的分型结果进行了比较。PFGE的分辨率高于ERIC-PCR,而且PFGE的重复性也很高,不同试验室得出的结果可以相互比较,是细菌基因分型的"金标准"。但是PFGE试验费用高,需要时间长,对试剂、仪器和操作都具有很高的要求;ERIC-PCR虽然分辨率不及PFGE,但是ERIC-PCR简单、快速,成本低,对操作和试剂以及仪器要求都不高,所以ERIC-PCR也可以对肠杆菌进行同源性鉴定,应用于流行病学调查和对气源性微生物传播的鉴定。由于ERIC-PCR和PF-GE是根据DNA中不同的遗传特征进行分类的,所以这两种分型技术结合起来分析菌株的遗传进化关系,意义更大。  相似文献   

The Bowen Technique is a unique hands‐on therapy developed by Tom Bowen of Australia in the 1950s–60s and adapted for use in animals by Carol Bennett in 1997. It consists of a specific sequence of gentle, precise rolling moves done with thumb and fingers over muscle and tendon edges, across the direction of tension. A short waiting period follows each set of moves. Definitive mechanism(s) of action remains to be identified; however, autonomic nervous system modulation (heart rate variability studies) has been documented in humans. The technique has also been reported effective for back, hip, neck, and shoulder pain in human studies. Five geriatric dogs (13–16 years old) of various breeds were presented in a case series at a small animal clinic for primary complaints of stiffness, poor ambulation, and difficulty lying down/getting up. Four had hindlimb proprioceptive deficits; three had arthritic changes to coxofemoral joints and/or lumbar spine; three showed active indicators of pain (chronic pacing/panting; irritability; social withdrawal). All were on NSAID and/or nutritional therapy with unsatisfactory results. One dog had acupuncture weekly for over 1 year but no longer tolerated the needles. Treatment consisted of Animal Bowen at weekly or biweekly intervals. Three dogs were pain scored [0–10; average starting score 6.7 ± 0.6 (mean ± S.D.); range 6–7] by owner before and after treatment. All five dogs showed significant positive changes in attitude, and four had notable improvement in ease of ambulation, after the first treatment. Improvement was progressive over treatment course. Average post‐treatment score was 2.3 ± 2.1 (0, 3, 4); average pain score reduction was 4.3 ± 1.5 (range 3–6) after two to six treatments for the three dogs scored. One dog had complete resolution of hindlimb lameness of 5 years duration after three sessions. Animal Bowen, used alone or in conjunction with standard analgesics and other treatments, can be an effective therapy for chronic musculoskeletal conditions in dogs.  相似文献   

In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that vasopressin administration prior to crystalloid resuscitation can be used to improve hemodynamic and oxygen delivery functions. Hemorrhagic shock was experimentally induced by maintaining mean arterial pressure at 60 mmHg for 30 min in sixteen healthy dogs weighing from 8 to 10.6 kg. Vasopressin was administered and then volume resuscitation was performed for the 6 dogs of V-C group, while vasopressin was administered at the end of volume resuscitation in the 5 dogs of C-V group. The control group (n=5) was administered 0.4 IU/kg of vasopressin after induction of shock without fluid resuscitation. In all groups, hemodynamic parameters were measured pre- and post-hemorrhage and for 60 min after fluid resuscitation. The dogs in V-C group had substantially increased systolic arterial pressure (SAP) for 60 min and improved pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP), cardiac output (CO), oxygen delivery, and oxygen consumption indexes compared with C-V and control groups. Diastolic pressure and systemic vascular resistance was significantly lower in the V-C group than those in the C-V and control groups (P<0.05). In the V-C group, there was effective and rapid restoration of the SAP, CO, PCWP, and oxygen delivery parameters after treatment. This study indicates that vasopressin administration before crystalloid resuscitation is a more efficient way of improving hemodynamic and oxygen delivery functions in hemorrhagic shock in dogs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study Hemoglobin glutamer-200 bovine (Hb-200), 6% hetastarch (HES) and shed whole blood (WB) resuscitation in canine hemorrhagic shock. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective laboratory investigation. Animals Twelve adult dogs [29 +/- 1 kg (mean +/- SD)]. METHODS: Anesthetized dogs were instrumented for recording systemic and mesenteric hemodynamic parameters and withdrawal of arterial, mixed and mesenteric venous blood, in which hematological, oxygenation, blood gas and acid-bases variables were determined. Recordings were made before [baseline (BL)], after 1 hour of hypovolemia and immediately and 3 hours post-resuscitation with 30 mL kg(-1) of either Hb-200, HES, or WB. RESULTS: Blood withdrawal (average 34 +/- 2 mL kg(-1)) caused significant hemodynamic changes, metabolic acidosis and hyperlactatemia characteristic for hemorrhagic shock. Only WB transfusion restored all variables. Hemoglobin glutamer-200 bovine infusion returned most hemodynamic parameters including cardiac output and mesenteric arterial blood flow to BL but increased mean arterial pressure above BL (p < 0.05). However, Hb-200 failed to restore total Hb and arterial oxygen content (CaO2), leaving systemic (DO2I) and mesenteric O2 delivery (DO2Im) below BL (p < 0.05). Nevertheless, acid-base variables recovered completely after Hb-200 resuscitation, and met-hemoglobin (Met-Hb) levels increased (p < 0.05). Hetastarch resuscitation returned hemodynamic variables to or above BL but further decreased total Hb and CaO2, preventing recovery of sDO2I and mDO2I (p < 0.05). Thus, systemic and mesenteric O2 extraction stayed above BL (p < 0.05) while acid-base variables recovered to BL, although slower than in Hb-200 and WB groups (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Resuscitation with Hb-200 seemed to resolve metabolic acidosis and lactatemia more rapidly than HES, but not WB; yet it is not superior to HES in improving DO2I and DO2Im. The hyperoncotic property of solutions like Hb-200 that results in rapid volume expansion with more homogenous microvascular perfusion and the ability to facilitate diffusive O2 transfer accelerating metabolic recovery may be the key mechanisms underlying their beneficial effects as resuscitants.  相似文献   

The effect of vasopressin was compared with that of the established vasopressor epinephrine in experimentally induced hemorrhagic shock. After rapid crystalloid resuscitation in a ratio of three volumes of 0.9% saline to one volume of blood (3:1 crystalloid resuscitation), six dogs were given 0.4 IU/kg vasopressin and another six dogs were given 0.1 mg/kg epinephrine. Five dogs in the control group were given fluid resuscitation in the same manner as above without administration of any drugs. Administration of vasopressin increased diastolic arterial pressure (DAP) from 45.0 +/- 4.9 to 91.2 +/- 9.6 mmHg within 5 min, compared with epinephrine from 46 +/- 4.0 to 51.8 +/- 7.7, and control from 47.3 +/- 7.5 to 46.3 +/- 7.3. Systolic arterial pressure (SAP) did not increase significantly following vasopressin compared with epinephrine and control group. Results of DAP and systemic vascular resistance index (SVRI) suggested that vasopressin administration was vasoconstrictive after fluid resuscitation in decompensatory hemorrhagic shock in dogs, whereas epinephrine did not compared with control. In addition, epinephrine did not affect the cardiac index (CI) and SVRI, while a significant decrease in CI and increase in SVRI were observed in vasopressin group. The pressor effect of epinephrine in the vascular system was abrupt and only lasted a short period of time (within 5 min), while that of vasopressin was steady and lasted for more than 1 hr, especially regard to in DAP. When compared with epinephrine, vasopressin can be a more effective and safer choice in patients with severe hemorrhagic shock.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe the canine electrocardiographic changes in the course of normal and abnormal pregnancy. Twenty-three Brucellosis-negative pregnant bitches were retrospectively classified as normal (n = 12) or abnormal (n = 11). A control group of non-pregnant dioestrous bitches (n = 10) was also included. Normal pregnant females delivered healthy puppies at term while abnormal animals interrupted their pregnancy between days 52-60 (from estimated luteinizing hormone peak) or presented perinatal litter death higher than 60%. All the bitches were electrocardiographically evaluated every 10 days from day 0 to day 65 of the oestrous cycle, to parturition or abortion. Percentage heart rate change increased 31.3% from day 40 to 60 in normal gestation while it decreased -1.8% in dioestrous bitches, although it did not change in the abnormal group (p < 0.01). In the abnormal pregnant group but not in the others, percentage QRSa change fell to -34% on day 60 (p < 0.01). At the same time point, percentage QRSd change was 6.2% vs -4.9% in normal gestations and dioestrous animals, respectively (p < 0.05). Corrected QT interval augmented from day 40 onwards up to 9.9% and 4.3% in the normal pregnant and dioestrous groups, respectively, while it remained unchanged in abnormal gestations (p < 0.05). It is concluded that during normal canine pregnancy, some electrocardiographic parameters begin changing from day 40 onwards, and that pathological gestations differ from normality from day 30. The use of electrocardiography in canine obstetrics might contribute to identify abnormal outcomes before they become clinically evident.  相似文献   

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