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用已鉴定的解没食子酸链球菌巴氏亚种AL101002感染7日龄雏鸭,分别采用颈部皮下、腹腔、脚蹼和脑内不同途径感染,分析比较不同途径感染解没食子酸链球菌巴氏亚种雏鸭的病理变化。结果表明,不同途径感染均可引起雏鸭与自然感染鸭相似的病理变化。各组病理变化比较:皮下组和脚蹼组的临床症状最典型,眼观病变数量统计,分别占到3/6以上,脑膜炎组织病变严重于脑内组(P≤0.01),且皮下组肝细胞和脾细胞坏死较严重(P≤0.01);腹腔组和脑内组病理变化较其次。由此可见不同途径感染解没食子酸链球菌巴氏亚种雏鸭的病变最严重的是皮下感染,与自然感染病例症状相似,从而确认病理感染模型复制的最佳途径为皮下感染。 相似文献
为分析陕西某林麝养殖场林麝死亡原因,剖检死亡林麝,对有明显病变组织器官进行病理组织学检查,细菌分离培养、形态观察、生化鉴定,动物致病性试验和药敏试验,并用细菌16S rRNA基因通用引物进行基因扩增测序,选取同源性高的8株细菌序列进行同源性分析构建系统进化树。结果表明,该分离菌在绵羊血琼脂培养基上为灰白色、透明、湿润黏稠、露珠状的革兰氏阳性球菌;经生化试验和16S rRNA测序分析确定为解没食子酸链球菌;分离菌对环丙沙星、头孢拉定、氧氟沙星、氯霉素、丁胺卡那、哌拉西林、新霉素、麦迪霉素、四环素、红霉素等药物敏感,对苯唑西林、头孢呋辛、多黏菌素B、复方新诺明等耐药;分离菌对小鼠具有较强致病力,可从死亡小鼠体内分离到该菌株。 相似文献
为了查明河北省唐山市某豚鼠养殖场发病豚鼠感染的病原菌,本试验采集发病豚鼠的眼角脓性分泌物,采用细菌分离纯化、革兰染色、生化鉴定、16S rRNA基因PCR扩增方法对分离菌进行鉴定,通过K-B试纸法检测分离菌株对24种抗菌药的敏感性,试管二倍稀释法测定19种中药对该分离菌株的最小抑菌浓度(MIC)和最小杀菌浓度(MBC),并通过动物回归试验检测该分离菌株的致病性。结果显示,分离菌株在血琼脂培养基培养24 h生长为针尖状透明菌落、呈β溶血,革兰染色为阳性圆球状、3~5个连接呈短链状,生化特性与马链球菌兽疫亚种相符,将其命名为MLQJ-1;16S rRNA序列比对结果显示,MLQJ-1与马链球菌兽疫亚种同源性高达99.72%,在系统进化树中处于同一分支,鉴定为马链球菌兽疫亚种;MLQJ-1对24种抗菌药的敏感性不同,对青霉素、头孢曲松和阿莫西林等8种抗菌药敏感,对阿米卡星、新霉素和卡那霉素等10种抗菌药耐药;苦地丁、苦参、黄芩和千里光对MLQJ-1的MIC值介于1.9~15.6 mg/mL,MBC值介于1.9~31.2 mg/mL;小鼠腹腔接种MLQJ-1菌液后24 h内全部死亡。结果表明,... 相似文献
1 发病情况 汝阳县城关镇某养鹿场存栏梅花鹿2 7头 ,其中公鹿 8头 ,母鹿 1 9头 ,于 2 0 0 1年 2月下旬发病 7头 ,死亡 5头 ,其中公鹿 2头 ,母鹿 3头 ,发病率为 2 5 .9% ,病死率为 71 .4%。发病鹿表现体温41℃ ,口鼻流唾液 ,混有泡沫 ,鼻镜干燥 ,鼻孔发红 ,眼结膜充血 ,精神沉 相似文献
20 0 1年 1月初 ,在呼伦贝尔盟 (下称呼盟 )中蒙边界段草牧场发现大批黄羊死亡。根据临床症状、剖检变化、实验室检验 ,确定为黄羊巴氏杆菌病。1 流行病学及临床症状2 0 0 0年夏秋季 ,在呼盟地处中蒙边境的地区曾遇到罕见的旱灾 ,入冬后又遭受了暴风雪。雪灾之后 ,成批黄羊从蒙古国境内窜入呼盟边境地区。因黄羊过度疲劳 ,营养缺乏 ,抵抗力下降 ,导致幼龄和怀孕黄羊大批死亡。病死黄羊颈部水肿 ;身体消瘦 ;结膜苍白 ;鼻孔有脓性分泌物。剖检皮下呈胶样浸润 ;胸腔内有大量黄色渗出物 ;肺淤血 ,表面有出血点和化脓灶 ,切面呈红白相间 ,小叶间… 相似文献
Barnett J Ainsworth H Boon JD Twomey DF 《Veterinary journal (London, England : 1997)》2008,176(2):251-253
Increased mortality was observed in a group of 2-3-week old goslings. At post mortem examination, gross lesions included congestion and haemorrhages in the viscera. Histopathological lesions included generalised congestion of tissues with multifocal bacterial colonies, an acute septic fibrinoid splenitis, and an acute septic hepatitis, all consistent with acute septicaemia. Gram-stained sections of liver and lung confirmed the presence of Gram-positive bacteria and Streptococcus gallolyticus subsp. pasteurianus (Streptococcus bovis biotype II/2) was isolated in pure growth from two of the goslings, and in mixed growth from a third. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the suitability of etorphine with acepromazine for producing prolonged neuroleptanalgesia in wild Asian elephants. ANIMALS: Ten adult wild elephants (four males, six females), free-roaming in the jungles of the north-western province of Sri Lanka. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten wild elephants were tranquilized for attachment of radio transmitter collars from September to November 1997, using Large-Animal Immobilon (C-Vet Veterinary Products, Leyland, UK), which is a combination of etorphine (2.45 mg mL(-1)) and acepromazine (10 mg mL(-1)). This was injected using projectile syringes fired from a Cap-Chur gun (Palmer Chemical Co. Inc., Atlanta, USA). A volume of 3.3 (2.5-4.5) mL Immobilon (6.12-11.02 mg of etorphine and 25-45 mg acepromazine) was injected intramuscularly after body mass estimation of individual elephants. RESULTS: The body condition of all darted elephants was good, and the mean (minimum-maximum) shoulder height was 225 (180-310) cm. The average approximate distance to elephants at firing was 26 (15-50) m. The average time to recumbency after injection was 18 (15-45) minutes. Nine out of 10 elephants remained in lateral recumbency (and did not require additional dosing) for a period of 42 (28-61) minutes. The respiratory and heart rates during anaesthesia were 7 (4-10) breaths and 52 (40-60) beats minute(-1), respectively. An equal volume (8.15-14.67 mg) of diprenorphine hydrochloride (Revivon, 3.26 mg mL(-1) diprenorphine; C-Veterinary Products, Leyland, UK) was given intravenously when the procedure was completed. Recovery (return to standing position) occurred in 6 (2-12) minutes after diprenorphine injection. Immediately afterwards, all elephants slowly retreated into the jungle without complications. Continuous radio tracking of the animals involved in this study indicated no post-operative mortality for several months after restraint. CONCLUSIONS/CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Etorphine-acepromazine combinations can be used safely in healthy wild Asian elephants for periods of restraint lasting up to 1 hour. 相似文献
GPV野毒株的分离及PCR检测方法的应用 总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6
在本实验中,用根据CPVHI标准毒核苷酸VP1-VP3和VP3两个区段基因序列设计的2特异性引物CRP1/CRP2和CF1/CF2,用该2对引物对从鹅细小病毒野毒感染的病鹅分离的GPV野毒株进行PCR检波,结果2对引物CRP1/CRP2和CF1/CF2,均能特异性地扩增出与预期片段大小相符的0.6bp和1.6bp两个片段,回归试验的结果表明,该CFV野毒株的感染潜伏期为8d,病程为1~3d,致死率达100%。 相似文献
从江苏省某屠宰场猪的扁桃体中分离到1株细菌,通过培养特性、菌体形态、菌落形态、染色特性、生化试验以及荚膜多糖(cps)基因的PCR检测,确定为猪链球菌2型,命名为HA0609。本试验针对猪链球菌7种主要毒力因子——谷氨酸脱氢酶(gdh)、溶菌酶释放蛋白(mrp)、胞外因子(epf)、溶血素(sly)、纤连蛋白/血纤蛋白原结合蛋白(fpbs)、次黄嘌呤核苷酸脱氢酶(impdh)及毒力相关序列orf2,进行PCR检测。与已知强毒株比较,该菌株2种主要毒力因子sly和epf均为阴性。动物试验显示HA0609对猪、兔和Balb/c鼠均无致病性。 相似文献
Sasaki E Osawa R Nishitani Y Whiley RA 《The Journal of veterinary medical science / the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science》2004,66(11):1467-1470
A total of 23 Streptococcus gallolyticus strains, consisting of 12 strains from feces of healthy animals and 11 from clinical cases of human or cow mastitis milk, were examined genealogically. Four strains of S. bovis "biotype II/1" and 3 strains of S. equinus, the closely related organisms to S. gallolyticus, were also analyzed for outgroup comparison. Neither the amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) nor the randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis that had been designed to recognize S. gallolyticus strains virulent in pigeons could differentiate clinical strains from the others of S. gallolyticus. No correspondence between the DNA profile in either analysis and the host animal species was detected. 相似文献