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2010年以来中国大部分种鸭和蛋鸭养殖地区相继发生了以减料、产蛋下降和伴有一定死淘率为特征的传染病。该病发病急,传播快,死淘率高,给中国的养禽造成巨大的经济损失,仅2010年给中国的养鸭业造成的损失达50亿元。随着研究的深入,该病被确诊为是由一种新型病毒-鸭坦布苏病毒引起的传染病,本文围绕着该病的流行病学、临床症状、病理变化、病毒生物学特性、病毒检测方法及致病力等方面的研究进展进行综述,旨在为鸭坦布苏病的防控提供科学依据。  相似文献   

鸭坦布苏病毒是近年来在我国发现的主要危害蛋种鸭的新发传染病,属于黄病毒科黄病毒属成员,因为该属的病毒多为人畜共患病,从病原学、天然免疫及获得性免疫等方面介绍了该病毒的研究进展。  相似文献   

本研究应用RT-PCR技术对孵化过程中死亡的不同品种种鸭胚进行常见病毒感染检测。结果表明,死亡的种鸭胚感染病毒种类多达9种,且首次从鸭胚中检测到禽坦布苏病毒(ATV)感染,不同品种的种鸭胚病毒感染率差异较大,以种番鸭胚感染率最高达58.82%。ATV囊膜蛋白(E)基因分析表明,3株种鸭胚ATV分离毒(PT15-4株、FJFQLL36株和PT15-27株)与GenBank中已发布鸭源ATV囊膜蛋白的核苷酸及氨基酸序列同源性分别在97.2%~99.8%及97.1%~99.4%之间,亲缘关系密切。动物试验表明,3株病毒对开产麻鸭的致病性不尽相同,其中PT15-4株和PT15-27株可引起麻鸭产蛋量显著降低及卵巢的出血病变,而FJFQLL36株病毒对麻鸭产蛋影响不明显,且未引起蛋鸭卵巢明显出血或卵黄液化病变。以上结果表明,我国种鸭胚中病毒性感染较为复杂,而且还出现了ATV的感染,尽管不同禽坦布苏病毒分离株间存在毒力差异,但均可从种鸭经卵传播到种蛋而成为新的传染源。  相似文献   

鸭坦布苏病毒病也称为"鸭黄病毒病",2010年春季开始在我国主要蛋鸭养殖区传播,是一种新的禽传染病。该病临床表现为蛋鸭采食量减少,卵泡变形、变性,卵泡膜出血、充血。产蛋鸭发病率高达100%,死亡率在5%~15%之间,给我国养禽业带来了严重影响。2015年以来,除蛋鸭发生鸭坦布苏病毒以外,产蛋鹅、肉鹅、肉鸭、野鸡和鸡也能发生该病,鸭坦布苏病毒对肉雏鸭的致病性主要体现在对雏鸭全身组织器官损伤,最终使雏鸭代谢和免疫功能紊乱,表现为采食下降、神经症状和腹泻等,有研究表明雏鸭死亡率高于20%。自本病发生以来,我国学者对该病病原学、检测技术、疫苗、抗体等方面进行了大量研究,取得了一定的进展。本文对鸭坦布苏病毒病疫苗和抗体的研究现状进行综述,以期为临床上有效预防和控制该病提供科学依据。  相似文献   

鸭坦布苏病毒(Duck Tembusu virus,DTMUV)是一种可引起鸭产蛋量下降、采食量下降的新发病毒.自2010年4月以来,该病导致中国东南沿海地区的养鸭业遭受了巨大的经济损失,并迅速蔓延至我国各主要养鸭省市.本文综述了该病的病原学、流行病学、临床症状和病理学变化及检测方法,为进一步研究鸭坦布苏病毒提供参考.  相似文献   

自2010年我国首次暴发鸭坦布苏病毒病以来,目前已给我国养鸭业造成了很大的损失,已成为我国主要鸭病之一。本文从该病毒的流行病学及实验室诊断方法两个方面对鸭坦布苏病毒病进行综述。  相似文献   

为研究鸭坦布苏病毒对雏鸭的致病性,对1周龄樱桃谷雏鸭肌肉接种坦布苏病毒FX 2010株,建立雏鸭感染模型,动态观察感染雏鸭的临床表现、病理变化、组织病毒含量及免疫反应。结果显示,雏鸭攻毒后第3天食欲下降,排黄白色稀粪,第5天时出现神经症状,部分雏鸭急性死亡,死亡率高达22.5%(9/40)。剖检病、死鸭可见心内膜出血,脾肿胀、坏死,肝、肾变性肿胀,脑膜充血。感染雏鸭的组织病理学变化主要表现心、肝、肾实质细胞变性、坏死,间质炎性细胞浸润或见出血;脾淋巴细胞局灶性坏死并伴有大量异嗜性粒细胞浸润;大脑呈典型的病毒性脑炎变化。雏鸭感染后第1天各器官就能检测到坦布苏病毒,第3天器官病毒含量除脾外均达峰值,后逐渐下降。雏鸭攻毒后第5天血清中出现微弱的中和抗体,以后逐渐升高,第17天时达峰值。以上结果表明,鸭坦布苏病毒感染雏鸭后能迅速入侵机体各组织器官并大量复制,呈组织泛嗜性特征,造成全身广泛性组织损伤,重症雏鸭死于急性败血症病变。雏鸭接种病毒后能快速产生中和抗体以抵抗感染并迅速清除病毒。  相似文献   

本研究利用RT-PCR方法扩增鸭坦布苏病毒(Duck tembusu virus,DTMUV)奉贤株(FX2010)的结构蛋白E基因,并将其克隆至原核表达载体pET32a(+),构建重组表达质粒pET32a-E。将其转化受体菌E.coli BL21(DE3)感受态细胞,经IPTG诱导进行表达。SDS-PAGE和Western blot试验检测结果表明,E基因在大肠杆菌中得到了表达,并且可与抗DTMUV的多克隆抗体发生特异性反应。E基因的成功表达为DTMUV的诊断试剂盒、疫苗等的研制奠定基础。  相似文献   

应用套式RT-PCR快速检测鸭坦布苏病毒   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
鸭坦布苏病毒是新发现的一种可引起鸭产蛋下降、生长迟缓和死亡的黄病毒。目前尚无可靠的快速诊断方法用于该病毒的检测。本研究根据鸭坦布苏病毒E基因序列,设计了2对重叠引物P1、P2和P3、P4,建立了检测鸭坦布苏病毒的套式RT-PCR方法,该套式RT-PCR比一般PCR敏感性高10倍。采用该方法对安徽省、河北省、山东省、浙江省、上海市等地发病鸭场的63份样品进行了检测,阳性检出率为48/63(76.2%),而病毒分离率仅为13/63(20.6%)。由此表明,与其他方法相比较,本试验所建立的套式RT-PCR方法具有快速、敏感、特异优点,可用于鸭坦布苏病毒的流行病学调查及病毒的检测。  相似文献   

利用建立的(RT-)PCR方法对35份表现产蛋下降、受精率低下的种母鸡卵巢组织和140份用于人工授精种公鸡的精液进行病毒感染检测。结果仅检出坦布苏病毒阳性,其阳性率分别为100.0%和57.8%;以建立的间接ELISA方法对该种鸡群的320份种母鸡血清和140份种公鸡血清检测坦布苏病毒抗体,其阳性率分别为100.0%和69.3%。以上结果表明,该种鸡群的种母鸡和种公鸡均感染坦布苏病毒。以自精液中分离的坦布苏病毒人工感染成年公鸡,5 d后在其精液中检测到坦布苏病毒,第14天在其血清中检测到坦布苏病毒抗体;以检测为坦布苏病毒阳性的精液通过人工授精给开产蛋鸡后出现产蛋率下降,并在其卵巢和血清中分别检测到坦布苏病毒及其特异性抗体。可见,种公鸡也可感染坦布苏病毒,且可通过精液以人工授精方式水平传播给开产蛋鸡并造成产蛋下降。因此,应加强种公鸡坦布苏病毒感染的监测,并将其纳入种鸡场垂直传播疫病控制与净化计划中。  相似文献   

Vertical transmission of reticuloendotheliosis virus in breeder turkeys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Epizootiological studies were conducted on a commercial turkey breeder flock naturally infected with nondefective reticuloendotheliosis (RE) virus. Although RE virus was isolated from 27 (46%) of the 59 hens studied, only 4 of the 45 hens tested transmitted RE virus to progeny during a 6-week observation period and the overall transmission rate was 1.8%. The transmitter hens were of two types: three hens were consistently viremic and antigenemic and lacked antibody; one hen was viremic but lacked detectable viral antigen and possessed antibody. Toms appeared to play no role in vertical transmission of the infection. Of several tests evaluated for detection of transmitter hens, the direct enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay on albumen was probably best, since it detected three of four transmitter hens, detected relatively few nontransmitter hens, and had the best consistency of any test. No significant differences in hatchability were found between eggs from viremic and non-viremic hens. These findings can be utilized in the development of programs for eradication of RE virus from turkey breeding flocks.  相似文献   

Three groups of Cherry Valley ducks at 5 day, 2 week and 5 week of age were intranasally infected with the WFCL strain of Tembusu virus (TMUV) to investigate the effect of host age on the outcome of TMUV infection. For each age group, clinical signs, gross and microscopic lesions, viral copy numbers in tissues and serum neutralizing antibody titers were recorded. Age-related differences in the resistance to TMUV infection were observed with younger ducks being more susceptible. Some ducks infected at 5 day and 2 week of age developed severe clinical signs, including severe neurological dysfunction and death. However, subclinical signs and no mortality were observed in ducks infected at 5 week of age. A decline in the severity of gross and microscopic lesions was observed as ducks mature. Systemic infections were established in the three age groups post challenge. Higher viral copy numbers in the tissues, especially in vital organs such as the brain and the heart, were developed in the ducks infected at 5 day of age than older ducks, correlating with the severity of clinical signs and lesions in the tissues. Furthermore, ducks infected at 5 week of age developed significantly higher serum neutralizing antibody titers than ducks infected at 5 day of age as determined by serum neutralization test. Therefore, age-related differences in the resistance to TMUV infection should be considered when studying the pathogenicity, pathogenesis, formulation of the vaccination and therapy strategies of TMUV infection in ducks.  相似文献   

对采集于广州市白云区蚌湖镇的疑似坦布苏病毒感染的蛋鸭病例进行剖解,观察大体器官病变。取肝脏组织首先进行该病毒的RT-PCR鉴定,确认自然感染该病毒后,对其肝脏进行光学和透射电镜观察。结果显示:坦布苏病毒自然感染的严重病例,剖解见肝脏肿大,色泽偏土黄,有暗红色出血斑,边缘增厚,质地变脆。光镜观察,见肝细胞索受损严重,细胞排列紊乱,胞内结构破坏,着色性下降,异嗜性白细胞浸润,在变性坏死的肝细胞周围聚集多量含铁血黄素颗粒。电镜观察发现,肝细胞严重损伤,大量肝细胞肿胀坏死,原生质外流,细胞质充满肿胀的囊泡,糖原外泄,线粒体肿胀变性;细胞核严重空泡化,核膜破裂,核质外流,出现大片的核内空白区。肝内见多量异嗜性白细胞,亦可见多量巨噬细胞和少量上皮样细胞,后二者都具有旺盛的吞噬或吞饮活动。  相似文献   

Vertical transmission of channel catfish virus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Channel catfish broodfish were examined nondestructively for the presence of channel catfish virus (CCV), using a nucleic acid-probing technique. A dot blot assay was tested and shown to be accurate and rapid in the diagnosis of CCV. Two CCV-positive fish were successfully mated, and fertilized eggs were collected. Offspring that hatched were tested and were shown to have CCV. This result indicated vertical transmission of CCV, a herpesvirus.  相似文献   

Profiles of infection with avian leukosis virus subgroup J (ALV-J) and factors that predict virus transmission to progeny were studied. Eggs from an infected broiler breeder flock were hatched at the laboratory. The flock was reared in a floor pen, transferred to laying cages at 22 wk, and inseminated to produce fertile eggs. A cohort of 139 chickens was tested at frequent intervals over a 62-wk period for virus, viral antigens, or antibodies in plasma, cloacal swabs, egg albumen, and embryos. Virus was detected in 7% of chicks at hatch but spread rapidly so that virtually all chicks became infected between 2 and 8 wk of age. Mortality due to myeloid leukosis and related tumors was 22%. Over 40% of the chicks developed persistent infections, whereas the remainder experienced transient infections. Five types of infection profiles were recognized. Novel responses included hens that were positive for virus intermittently or started late in life to shed viral antigens into the cloaca. ALV-J was isolated from 6% of 1036 embryos evaluated between 26 and 62 wk. However, over 90% of the virus-positive embryos were produced between 29 and 34 wk of age. Of 80 hens that produced embryos, 21 produced at least one infected embryo and were identified as transmitters. All but one transmitter hen would have been detected by a combination of viremia, cloacal swab, and albumen tests conducted between 18 and 26 wk. However, virus was transmitted to embryos from hens that were not persistently viremic or that rarely shed viral group-specific antigen into the albumen of their eggs. Intermittent patterns of both antigen shedding and virus transmission to embryos were observed in some hens. These results validate current screening procedures to identify potential transmitter hens and provide some suggestions for improvement but also show that identification of all transmitter hens by such procedures is unlikely. Thus, eradication programs based solely on dam testing may be less effective than those where dam testing is combined with procedures to mitigate early horizontal transmission in progeny chicks.  相似文献   

Vertical transmission of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) and bovine immunodeficiency virus (BIV) was investigated in five dairy cattle herds in Hokkaido, where 36.1 and 17.0% of cattle were BLV and BIV seropositive, respectively, and 9.9% of dams were co-infected with both BIV and BLV. Twenty six cases of offspring born from dams infected with only BLV (17 cases) or with both BIV and BLV (9 cases) were examined for the presence of BLV and BIV before and after colostrum feeding by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and syncytium assay. After birth, all calves were separated immediately from their dams. The offspring born from BLV-positive dams were BLV-negative before colostrum feeding, suggesting that no transplacental transmission had occurred. Thereafter, these offspring were fed colostrum or milk from their dams, but still remained BLV-negative. The other offspring born from BLV-positive dams were fed with BLV-negative colostrum, or with pasteurized BLV-positive colostrum. All these calves remained negative for BLV infection, suggesting that in utero transmission of BLV is negligible. In the case of offspring born from dams co-infected with BLV and BIV, calves were BIV-positive before colostrum feeding at 1 day after the birth, indicating in utero transmission of BIV. After colostrum feeding from their dams, newborn calves became BLV-positive. In addition, one calf was BLV-positive even before colostrum feeding. These results suggest that BIV can be transmitted to offspring in utero, and that BLV can be transmitted through colostrum or milk if dams are infected with both BIV and BLV.  相似文献   

Pathogenesis of reticuloendotheliosis virus infection in ducks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new isolate of reticuloendotheliosis virus (REV) from ducks, RU-1, was used to experimentally infect white pekin ducks. Embryonal or neonatal infection usually resulted in persistent viremias, no REV antibody development, and inability to mount antibody responses against bovine serum albumin (BSA) or sheep red blood cells (SRBC). In contrast, infection at 21 days of age resulted in transient viremias, which terminated coincident with REV antibody development. These ducks remained persistently infected, however, based on virus isolations from peripheral blood lymphocytes. Ducks infected at that age were immunologically competent against BSA and SRBC unless they had been embryonally bursectomized, in which case they behaved virologically and immunologically like those infected at an early age. Bursectomy by itself did not prevent responses against the antigens. Total mortality during 4- or 6-month experimental periods ranged from 80 to 100% in REV-infected groups, regardless of age at infection, route of exposure, or whether the ducks were intact or bursectomized. Most deaths were from non-neoplastic conditions (stunting, bacterial infections), but 17 of 69 (25%) infected ducks developed a variety of neoplasms, including lymphosarcomas, histiocytic sarcomas, and spindle-cell sarcomas.  相似文献   

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