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绦虫蚴病是全球性人畜共患疾病。它不仅影响畜牧业生产,而且还严地危害着人的健康。如何有效地防制绦虫蚴病已成为亟待研究的课题。家畜感染某些寄生虫病后可以对再次感染产生一定程度的免疫能力。人们便以此为基础进行了寄生虫病的免疫预防研究。目前,对绦虫蚴病的免疫预防方法主要有①利用代谢物抗原;②放射线致弱;③超声波处理;④异源性免疫。但对佐剂,免疫途径的选择、免疫剂量和次数也都必须进行详细的研究。  相似文献   

绦虫蚴病的免疫学进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

本文对目前绦虫蚴主要的免疫预防方法,即利用代谢物抗原;放射致弱;超声波处理和异源性免疫研究的进展情况作了较详尽地叙述,同时展望了其发展前途。  相似文献   

羊绦虫病是羊的一种体内寄生虫病,由裸头科的莫尼茨属、曲子宫属、无卵黄腺属的各种绦虫寄生于羊小肠内而引起发病。该病分布较广,对羔羊的危害尤为严重。对该病的病原、流行特点、临床症状、病理变化、诊断及防治方法进行了阐述,旨在为广大养殖人员防治该病提供参考。  相似文献   

2003年9月11日,常德某乡种羊场,多头羊发病,我们随之前往就诊。据调查,该羊场现有一头波尔种公羊(购自常德石门),42头马头母羊(其中23头后备母羊),20头南江母黄羊,F1羊20头(父本全系波尔山羊,采用人工输精繁殖)。经临床检查,发病羊37只,发病率为44.6%,经临床检查、尸体剖检、实验室诊断确诊为多头多头蚴病,现报道如下:1临床检查和症状患羊普遍精神较差,体况消瘦、被毛无光、食欲不振、粪便呈球状,略显干燥。脉搏、体温正常、呼吸略显加快。运动失调,个别患羊四肢无力,侧卧于地,前肢交叉,大部分有直冲、转圈、触栏等神经症状。视力较差,兽医…  相似文献   

羊多头蚴病又称脑包虫病,是多头带绦虫的幼虫———脑多头蚴寄生于羊的脑和脊髓引起疾病。患病羊几乎是羔羊和2岁以内的年轻羊,山区发病率较高为25%~30%,严重影响养羊业的发展。1病原体多头带绦虫长40~100厘米,其幼虫———多头蚴为鸡蛋大小的囊泡,囊内充满透明的液体,内膜上有许多点状头节,主要寄生于羊的大脑,偶尔也见于延脑和脊髓。2致病过程多头带绦虫的孕节片和虫卵,随终末宿主(犬和其他肉食动物的粪便排至外界,污染草地,羊随吃草或吞食虫卵,虫卵在胃肠消化液的作用下,孵化出六钩蚴,进入肠粘膜毛细血管…  相似文献   

脑多头蚴病是由寄生于狗、狼等肉食兽小肠里多头绦虫的幼虫(脑多头蚴)寄生于牛、羊的脑部所引起的绦虫蚴病,俗称脑包虫病。因为能引起患畜明显的转圈症状,又称为转圈病或旋回病。  相似文献   

绵羊绦虫蚴病的防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

棘球蚴病与棘球绦虫病是严重危害人类和动物健康的一类人兽共患寄生虫病,加强诊断与检疫是防控本类疾病的重要技术措施之一。棘球蚴病的诊断与检疫方法目前报道有:血清学检测及影像学方法;而应用于棘球绦虫病的方法主要有:虫体检查法、粪抗原免疫学诊断和粪源PCR方法。本文论述了各种方法的应用及其存在的不足。  相似文献   

绦虫是屠宰检疫中法定寄生虫检疫对象。近几年来由于工作关系,本人常到全省各地屠宰场了解检疫工作情况,发现我省屠宰检疫工作人员对绦虫蚴的检疫不太重视,有的基层检疫员对畜禽绦虫病应如何检疫的基础知识还不够清楚,对绦虫蚴所引发的畜禽疾病和因绦虫蚴虫感染人引起疾病缺乏认识。现将我省屠宰检疫中所发生的绦虫蚴的情况作一介绍。1绦虫的一般形态1.1绦虫外形与兽医有关的绦虫属于多节绦虫纲,所有家畜绦虫成虫都寄生于各种畜禽的小肠中,虫体白色,扁形带状,其中只有园叶目和假叶目的绦虫感染家畜、野生动物和人。虫体呈带状,背腹扁平,虫体…  相似文献   

弓形虫病是一种分布广泛危害严重的人兽共患寄生虫病,感染后无特征性临床症状,且病原学检出率低,而免疫学检测具有敏感、快速、便捷等特点,常用的弓形虫免疫学诊断方法有ELISA、IHA、MAT等,本文对近年来弓形虫病免疫学诊断方法的研究进展作以综述。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: West Nile virus (WNV) is a positive-stranded RNA virus belonging to the Flaviviridae family, a large family with 3 main genera (flavivirus, hepacivirus and pestivirus). Among these viruses, there are several globally relevant human pathogens including the mosquito-borne dengue virus (DENV), yellow fever virus (YFV), Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) and West Nile virus (WNV), as well as tick-borne viruses such as tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV). Since the mid-1990s, outbreaks of WN fever and encephalitis have occurred throughout the world and WNV is now endemic in Africa, Asia, Australia, the Middle East, Europe and the Unites States. This review describes the molecular virology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, and highlights recent progress regarding diagnosis and vaccination against WNV infections.  相似文献   

绵羊多胎性繁殖性状直接与绵羊的排卵数有关。本文对调控绵羊排卵数的主效基因FecB基因、FecX基因的定位、表型特征、作用机理及其候选基因的研究作一综述。  相似文献   

从藏绵羊主产区选择藏绵羊优秀个体,组建选育核心群,通过采取综合选育措施,得出选育效果显著。  相似文献   

疯草(locoweed)是豆科棘豆属(Oxytropis)和黄芪属(Astragalus)有毒植物的统称,其主要毒性成分是苦马豆素,动物采食后发生慢性神经机能障碍性中毒病,每年给牧区造成巨大的经济损失。另外,苦马豆素因其具有毒性和药理活性双重作用,受到毒理学界和医学界的普遍重视。本文不仅对苦马豆素毒性及作用机制、药理活性、来源和苦马豆素生物合成通路的最新研究进展进行了综述,而且还对合成通路中可能涉及的调控酶进行了推测。同时,又对未来苦马豆素的研究进行了展望,以期为疯草中毒病的防治提供参考。  相似文献   

奶牛同期发情用药概况及进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
同期发情技术是1种以外源激素控制发情时间的新技术,通过抑制或促进黄体生长达到同期发情的目的。用于同期发情的药物可分为抑制卵泡发育、溶解黄体和促进卵泡发育排卵3类。为了取得最佳同期发情效果,常将3类药物联合应用。本文就同期发情技术中应用的药物及用药方案做了简述。  相似文献   

Recent progress on analytical techniques for mycotoxins in feedstuffs.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Analysis of mycotoxins in feedstuffs is a difficult task because only trace amounts of the toxins are present in the sample. However, rapid progress in the area of mycotoxin analysis has been made during the last few years. Simplified sample cleanup protocols and new chromatographic methods, especially HPLC, have been developed. New, more sensitive and versatile instruments such as high-resolution mass spectrometry (MS) and gas chromatography/tandem MS/MS are coming to the market. After 15 yr of laboratory research, immunoassay techniques have gained more acceptance as analytical tools for mycotoxins. Several immunoassay kits for mycotoxins are currently available. The development of these new techniques and their application for monitoring various mycotoxins in foods and feeds are described in this review.  相似文献   

Listeriosis in sheep. Listeria monocytogenes excretion and immunological state in healthy sheep. Acta vet. scand. 1979, 20, 168–179. — The excretion of Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) in the faeces and milk, and humoral and cell mediated immunity against Lm, were examined in a sheep flock where no cases of listeriosis had occurred during the last 3 years. The investigation was carried out during the indoor season. During the first part of the season 2 of the 10 pregnant, 8 months old lambs excreted Lm in the faeces, but none of the 106 ewes, 2–10 years old. At lambing the organism was isolated from the faeces of 6 of the 10 1 year old lambs and from 64% of the ewes, and from the milk of 1 of the lambs and 41% of the ewes. Nearly all the isolates (98.5%) belonged to serotype 1.Antibody titres against Lm were found in sera and whey by an indirect haemagglutination method. The titres were higher for the ewes than for the hoggs and seemed to be influenced by the number of foetuses the animals carried.Cell mediated immunity was determined by a skin test where delayed hypersensitivity against an antigen prepared from Lm, was measured. Animals fed grass silage had a stronger reaction than animals fed hay, and a stronger reaction was found in animals with ≥ 3 foetuses than in the remainder.The investigation indicates that even in a healthy sheep flock all the animals may be exposed to Lm, and the majority may be latent carriers and excrete this organism in the faeces and milk during periods of stress.  相似文献   

Sheep in five age groups (two weeks, 10 weeks, 18 weeks, six months and four years old) were immunised systemically, twice, with ovalbumin or Brucella abortus (live or killed) and antibody responses in blood were measured. The animals were also infected with the nematode parasites Trichostrongylus colubriformis and Haemonchus contortus and faecal egg counts and serum antibody responses to larval antigens were measured. The experiments were designed so that, as far as possible, the effect of age per se could be dissociated from the combined effects of age and prior exposure to antigen. The effects of the age of sheep were more marked for antibody responses to Brucella abortus lipopolysaccharide than to ovalbumin. Older animals had much greater resistance to infection with internal parasites, as shown by the magnitude of the faecal egg count. In contrast to older lambs, neonatal lambs (infected with H contortus at two weeks old) had consistently declining concentrations of anti-H contortus antibody in their serum, mounted no detectable autogenous anti-H contortus antibody response in blood and appeared to develop no resistance to the parasite. Post natal ontogeny of immune responses was different for the various antigens/pathogens.  相似文献   

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