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为确定堆型艾美耳球虫(Eimeria acervulina)早熟株合适的免疫剂量,设立7个早熟株免疫攻虫组、7个母株免疫攻虫组、1个不免疫攻虫组和1个不免疫不攻虫组,7个早熟株/母株免疫组的免疫剂量为孢子化卵囊100、200、400、600、800、1 000、2 000个/羽,经嗉囊感染,7日龄首次免疫,14日龄以同等剂量进行第二次免疫,21日龄以1.5×105个/羽的同源母株进行攻虫,28日龄结束试验,以增重、肠道病变记分和卵囊减少率为试验指标.并对早熟株中免疫保护效果较好的2个免疫剂量进行重复试验,免疫方法、试验周期、试验指标同第一批试验,攻虫剂量为2×105个/羽的同源母株.结果显示,免疫期间,各免疫组的增重与不免疫组差异不显著(P>0.05);攻虫期间,早熟株400、600、800、1 000个/羽和母株600、800、1 000个/羽免疫组的相对增重与不免疫不攻虫组差异不显著(P>0.05);肠道病变记分,除2 000免疫组明显低于不免疫攻虫组(P<0.05)外,其余各免疫组虽低于不免疫攻虫组,但与其差异不显著(P>0.05);卵囊减少率,早熟株和母株400~2 000个/羽免疫组均达90%以上,其中600、800个/羽免疫组达97%以上.用早熟株600、800个/羽进行免疫重复试验,两个免疫组攻虫期间的相对增重和肠道病变记分均与不免疫不攻虫组差异不显著(P>0.05),而与不免疫攻虫组差异显著(P<0.05),其卵囊减少率均在88%以上.研究结果表明,该堆型艾美耳球虫早熟株保持了良好的免疫原性,不同免疫剂量均能诱发鸡产生免疫保护力,其中以600、800个/羽的免疫效果更好,可考虑以600个/羽作为该早熟株在疫苗制备中的推荐免疫剂量. 相似文献
为确定使雏鸡获得良好免疫效果的最小巨型艾美耳球虫(E.maxima)早熟株接种量,分别于4日龄对免疫攻毒组以不同剂量进行首免,11日龄以首免2倍剂量对二次免疫攻毒组鸡进行二免。一次或二次免疫后7 d或10 d用同源亲本株进行攻毒,检测免疫攻毒鸡相对增重率、卵囊减少率、病变记分减少率(RLS)和抗球虫指数(ACI)。结果显示,一次免疫剂量≥400个孢子化卵囊/只或两次免疫的一免剂量和二免剂量≥100个孢子化卵囊/只和200个孢子化卵囊/只时,各免疫攻毒鸡的相对增重率≥85%,RLS≥70%,卵囊减少率≥75%,相对保护率≥90%,ACI≥170,均达到良好免疫效果。故将E.maxima早熟株的一次免疫最小免疫剂量定为400个孢子化卵囊/只,两次免疫最小免疫剂量定为一免100个孢子化卵囊/只和二免200个孢子化卵囊/只。 相似文献
为了确定巨型艾美耳球虫(Eimeria maxima)早熟株合适的免疫剂量,本文设立7个早熟株免疫攻虫组、7个母株免疫攻虫组、1个不免疫攻虫组和1个不免疫不攻虫组,7个早熟株/母株免疫组的免疫剂量为孢子化卵囊100、200、400、600、800、1000和2000个/羽,经嗉囊感染,7日龄首次免疫,14日龄以同等剂量进行第二次免疫,21日龄以8×104个/羽的同源母株进行攻虫,28日龄结束试验,以增重、肠道病变记分和卵囊减少率为试验指标。对早熟株中免疫保护效果较好的2个免疫剂量进行重复试验,免疫方法、试验周期、试验指标和攻虫剂量同第一批试验。结果显示:早熟株和母株200、400、600、800、1000、2000个/羽免疫组攻虫后的增重与健康对照组差异不显著(P>0.05),100个/羽免疫组明显低于健康对照组(P<0.05);各免疫组的卵囊减少率均达90%以上,肠道病变记分均与不免疫攻虫组差异不显著(P>0.05)。用早熟株200、400个/羽进行免疫重复试验,两个免疫组攻虫期间的增重和肠道病变记分均与健康对照组差异不显著(P>0.05),而与不免疫攻虫组差异显著(P<0.05),其卵囊减少率均在86%以上。研究结果表明,该巨型艾美耳球虫早熟株保持了良好的免疫原性,每只鸡免疫200或400个孢子化卵囊均可诱发鸡产生良好的免疫保护力,可考虑以200个孢子化卵囊作为该早熟株在疫苗制备中的推荐免疫剂量。 相似文献
用堆型艾美耳球虫早熟株对雏鸡进行一次免疫和二次免疫试验 ,研究雏鸡血清抗体的动态变化。试验结果显示 ,在一次免疫试验中 ,各剂量组雏鸡均在免疫后 2天血清抗体出现较高的 OD值 ,之后呈下降趋势 ,11天后逐渐上升 ,到 12~ 13天时出现第 2个峰值 ,各组间的血清抗体 OD值比较 ,3 0 0 0个卵囊 /只剂量组极显著 (P<0 .0 1)高于 10 0 0个 /只、2 0 0 0个 /只和 5 0 0 0个 /只剂量组。在二次免疫试验中 ,8日龄首免、14日龄二免组雏鸡的抗体水平动态变化整体呈上升趋势 ,峰值 (0 .3 75 )出现在二免后第 10天 ,其后稳定地维持在较高水平 (平均 OD值为 0 .3 5 ) ,并且其抗体水平显著地高于 6日龄首免、12日龄二免组 (P<0 .0 5 )。抗体水平动态变化表明 ,堆型艾美耳球虫早熟株有较强的免疫保护力 ,其免疫方式可选用一次免疫 ,剂量为 3 0 0 0个卵囊 /只 ,也可采用二次免疫 ,即 8日龄首免 (15 0 0个 /只 ) ,14日龄二免 (15 0 0个 /只 ) ,从抗体动态变化的稳定性看 ,二次免疫更佳 相似文献
为了确定柔嫩艾美耳球虫(Eimenatenella)早熟株合适的免疫剂量,本文设立7个早熟株免疫攻虫组、1个不免疫攻虫组和1个不免疫不攻虫组,免疫组的免疫剂量为孢子化卵囊100、200、400、600、800、1000和2000个/羽,经嗉囊感染,7日龄首次免疫,14日龄以同等剂量进行第二次免疫,21日龄以8×10^4个/羽的同源母株进行攻虫,28日龄结束试验,以存活率、增重、肠道病变记分、血便数量、卵囊减少率为观测指标。对免疫保护效果较好的3个免疫剂量进行重复试验,同时设置商品化球虫疫苗对照组,免疫方法、试验周期、试验指标同第一批试验。结果显示:攻虫后,不免疫攻虫组出现5%死亡,而各免疫组来出现死亡;各免疫组卵囊减少率在61.57%~69.52%;200~2000免疫组的增重与不免疫不攻虫组差异不具备显著统计学意义(P〉0.05);600~2000免疫组的肠道病变记分和血便数量均明显少于不免疫攻虫组(P〈0.05)。用600、800和1000进行重复试验,三个免疫组攻虫期间均来出现死亡,而不免疫组和疫苗对照组均出现5%死亡;三个免疫组的增重均明显高于不免疫攻虫组和疫苗对照组(P〈0.05);早熟株免疫组的肠道病变记分和血便数量明显低于不免疫攻虫组(P〈0.05),而疫苗对照组与不免疫攻虫组的相当(P〉0.05);卵囊减少率在66.30%-78.75%,高于疫苗对照组的51.82%。结果表明,该柔嫩艾美耳球虫早熟株保持了良好的免疫原性,不同免疫剂量均能诱发鸡产生免疫保护力,其中600、800和1000个/羽的免疫效果均优于疫苗对照组,可考虑以600个/羽作为该早熟株在疫苗制备中的推荐免疫剂量。 相似文献
The study was aimed to explore the sensitivity of Eimeria acervulina (E.acervulina) precocious strain to some common anticoccidials (diclazuril, toltrazuril, sulfamonomethoxine, dinitolmide, decoquinate, nicarbazin, maduramicin, salinomycin and oxytetracycline). The sensitivity of E.acervulina precocious strain to 9 kinds anticoccidials was assessed by using 4 indices: anticoccidial activity percentage (POAA), reduction of lesion scores (RLS), relative oocyst production (ROP) and anticoccidial index (ACI). The results of these sensitivity trials indicated that the four indices POAA, RLS, ROP and ACI of groups toltrazuril, sulfamonomethoxine, dinitolmide, decoquinate, nicarbazin, salinomycin and oxytetracycline were all negative; the ROP index of diclazuril group was positive, the other three indices were negative. The ROP and ACI indices of maduramicin group were positive, the other two indices were negative. The results showed that the Eimeria acervulina precocious strain was sensitive to diclazuril, toltrazuril, sulfamonomethoxine, dinitolmide, decoquinate, nicarbazin, salinomycin and oxytetracycline, it was partly sensitive to maduramicin. 相似文献
为了比较堆型艾美耳球虫(E.acervulina)早熟株与强毒株的致病性和繁殖力情况,通过测定接种 E.acervulina 早熟株与强毒株后鸡只的精神状态、临床症状、增重、病变记分和卵囊产量,表明早熟株的排卵囊高峰出现在第5天,比强毒株提前1 d,早熟株的繁殖力是强毒株的85.8%;早熟株感染后对鸡只增重的影响较小,接种剂量在2.40×104个卵囊/羽之内时,相对增重率均大于90.0%,早熟株组鸡的肠道病变记分显著低于同剂量的强毒株组的肠道病变记分(P <0.05)。由此认为,该早熟株符合球虫早熟株的低致病性特性,可用于鸡球虫病早熟苗的制备。 相似文献
对南昌市场购买的成年鸡肠道,采用饱和盐水漂浮法检查,同时从肠内容物中获取混合球虫卵囊.在制备好的琼脂薄层的载玻片上滴加稀释适度的混合卵囊液.在显微镜下用手术刀片小心切割琼脂薄层,达到琼脂薄层上仅剩单一卵囊的严格要求.把单一卵囊包襄后经口感染雏鸡,又从感染雏鸡粪便中收集大量球虫卵囊待孢子化后再次重度感染雏鸡,掌握该球虫虫... 相似文献
Precocious lines of Eimeria acervulina "Cu" and "I" strains were obtained after 25 passages of oocysts in chickens that showed a shortening of the prepatent period for first oocyst output from 96 h to 81 and 82 h, respectively. Both precocious lines were evaluated for pathogenicity using as criteria weight gain, lesion score and total oocyst production. Infection of the "Cu" precocious line in chickens showed a high weight gain, low lesion score and low oocyst production, when compared to parent strain infected chickens. However, the results did not show a significant difference in relation to the criteria used above for the E. acervulina "I" precocious line when compared to its parent strain. This suggests a low degree of attenuation for the "I" strain but good attenuation for the precocious "Cu" line. The histopathological observations of chickens infected with the E. acervulina "Cu" parent strain and precocious line, comparing life cycle and intestinal lesions, showed: (1) parasite stages only in the border cells of infected chicken intestinal villi, for the precocious line; (2) parasite stages in the border cells of the intestinal villi and submucosa cells near the Lieberkühn glands of the intestine; and (3) high degree of inflammatory cells around the parasites in chickens infected with the parent strain. The "Cu" strain was also characterized for sensitivity against eight anticoccidial drugs. Sensitivity was observed for four anticoccidial drugs and partial resistance for four other drugs, although the strain had never had previous contact with anticoccidial drugs, suggesting the presence of a natural resistance factor. This Brazilian E. acervulina "Cu" precocious line showed attenuation for pathogenicity in chickens, suggesting that it could be a suitable strain for use as a live vaccine in Brazil. 相似文献
López-Bernad F del Cacho E Gallego M Quílez J Sánchez-Acedo C 《Veterinary parasitology》2000,88(1-2):1-6
We have investigated the expression of a calcium-binding protein, the S100 protein, in Eimeria brunetti and Eimeria acervulina stages. For this purpose, paraffin sections of distal ileum and bursa of Fabricius or duodenum from experimentally infected chickens were treated with anti-alpha-S100 (anti-alpha subunit of S100 protein) and anti-beta-S100 (anti-beta subunit of S100 protein) monoclonal antibodies and anti-S100 whole molecule polyclonal antibody. The avidin-biotin peroxidase method was used to demonstrate immunoreactivity. In the ileum, our results reveal a positive immunoreaction for the beta subunit and S100 whole molecule within the macrogametes of E. brunetti, whereas they were devoid of immunostaining after treatment of the paraffin sections with the anti-alpha-S100 antiserum. Schizonts and oocysts of E. brunetti and all the E. acervulina stages gave a negative reaction after treatment with any of the three antiserum used in the study. This result indicated that the S100 protein molecules within these stages were not recognized by the antibodies, suggesting that these molecules are different from those identified in macrogametes of E. brunetti. By contrast, in the epithelial cells, lining the lumen of the bursa of Fabricius, macrogametes of E. brunetti were stained by the three antibodies used. These results may indicate the existence of metabolic adaptations that enable the parasite to invade tissue sites different from those where the parasite usually develops. 相似文献
堆型艾美耳球虫单链抗体-PE40重组免疫毒素的构建 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
用HindⅢ对已构建的质粒pT-PE40和原核表达载体pET22-ScFv进行单酶切,回收纯化1 101 bp的PE40基因片段并将其亚克隆至pET22-ScFv载体中,构建重组免疫毒素表达质粒pET22-ScFv-PE40。将该质粒转化入感受态大肠杆菌J M109中增殖,提取质粒后用SalⅠ和NotⅠ进行双酶切鉴定,得到了1 114 bp和6 181 bp目的基因片段。测序鉴定PE40的插入方向,选取以PE40基因5′端与ScFv基因3′端连接的重组质粒,构建了抗堆型艾美耳球虫重组免疫毒素质粒pET22-ScFv-PE40。抗堆型艾美耳球虫重组质粒pET22-ScFv-PE40经1 mmol/LIPTG诱导,在大肠杆菌中表达约68 000的目的蛋白。使用抗PE多克隆抗体对目的蛋白进行蛋白印迹分析,结果表达产物与抗PE多克隆抗体发生抗原抗体反应,证明融合基因得到表达。 相似文献
Broiler chicks, 2--3 weeks old were infected with eimeria acervulina, and the metabolism and ultrastructure of the infected duodenal tissue were studied during the period 3--14 days after inoculation (DAI). Between 4 and 5 DAI duodenal rings showed an increase in C-1/C-6 ratios of CO2 evolved from glucose as well as decreases in the rates of oxidation of glucose and octanoic acid. Between 4--7 DAI mitochondria from infected epithelial layers had reduced rates of octanoic acid and alpha-ketoglutaric acid oxidation as compared to controls. Electron microscopic observations confirmed the biochemical findings. At 5--6 DAI mitochondria in many uninfected cells were progressively swollen and then vacuolated as the cristae appeared to break down. Mitochondria in cells which contained parasites did not show these changes. 相似文献