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Variations in the milk composition of Nigerian cattle, sheep and goats (Bunaji, Yankasa and Red Sokoto breeds, respectively), as well as residual phenotypic correlations between the milk constituents, were investigated. Results indicated that sheep and goats differed significantly (P < 0.05) from cattle in all constituents except protein percentage, which averaged 5.43%, 5.43% and 5.49%, respectively. Caprine milk contained the highest percentages of fat (5.80%), total solids (15.37%) and ash (0.77%), and bovine milk contained the least percentages of fat (0.68%) and lactose (1.84%). Overall, the milk compositions of sheep and goats were very similar as they were not statistically different from each other (P > 0.05). Residual phenotypic correlations between the milk constituents revealed highly significant (P < 0.01) and positive relationships between total solids and solids‐not‐fat (0.97 and 0.98 in cattle and sheep, respectively). All other correlations were positive in cattle (ranging from 0.12 to 0.77), except between protein and total solids (?0.44) and protein and solids‐not‐fat (?0.64). Multiple linear regression equations were fitted to predict the percentages of protein and fat. It was demonstrated that the protein percentage could be predicted from total solids and solids‐not‐fat with the highest accuracy of 94%, 86% and 82% in cattle, sheep and goats, respectively. On the other hand, the accuracy of prediction of fat percentage was very low in all the species (R2 = 0.01, 0.3 and 0.37 in cattle, sheep and goats, respectively).  相似文献   

Thirty lactating Beetle‐sannen crossbred goats were randomly divided into 3 groups based on first fortnight milk yield, and then adjusted to body weights to study the effect of fibrolytic enzyme supplementation on digestibility and milk production. Goats in the control group (C) were fed 500 g of concentrate supplement (CS) without exogenous fibrolytic enzymes (control; CG) or CS fortified with cellulase and xylanases @ of 4000 and 12500 (EG1) or 8000 and 18 750 IU/kg (EG2), respectively. CS was offered in two equal proportions just after milking at 7 and 17 h. After feeding CS, goats were fed 1200 g of wheat straw as roughage in two equal parts at 08.00 and 18.00 hours. Milk yield was studied for 3½ months. Milking was done by hand. Changes in body weight were also recorded. After a preliminary period of 60 days of feeding, a 7‐day digestibility trial was conducted in two intervals with 5 animals from each group at a time. The increase in either wheat straw or NDF intake due to the enzyme mixture was only 3%. There was significant improvement (P < 0.05) in the diet digestibility of DM, OM, CP, NDF, ADF and total carbohydrates (TC) between the control and EG1 and EG2 goats. Improvements were greater (P < 0.05) in the latter group. Microbial protein (MBP) was estimated based on purine derivatives and creatinine excreted in spot urine samples. MBP increased about 10 and 15% in EG1 and EG2, but these values were statistically invalid. Phenomenally milk yield, fat and SNF were significantly (P < 0.001) changed with progression of lactation. On a temporal basis, fortnightly changes in FCM yield of this study could be grouped as 1 month each of first and last and 1½ of middle phase of lactation. Repeated measure analysis showed 180 to 260 mL/day of higher FCM and 16 to 20 g/day of higher SNF yield (P < 0.001) in EG2 than control or even EG1 during 5 to 7th fortnight. However, no significant impact (P > 0.05) was noticed on TF. Feed intake, g/kg FCM yield was also 7% less in EG2 than either CG or EG1. The study concluded that apart from increased digestibility, fortification of CS with cellulase and xylanases enzymes improved FCM yield in the last quarter of lactation in goats, and improved body weights by 5% (P > 0.05). While the digestibility of the diet was higher in EG1 and EG2, the impact on FCM and SNF yield was noticed only on EG2. Our study indicated that CS of lactating goats may be fortified with 8000 and 18 500 IU/kg CS in the last quarter of lactation.  相似文献   

Egg production and layer bird mortality data obtained from five different private farms in Zaria within the subhumid zone of Nigeria, over a 6‐year period (1994–1999) were subjected to least squares analysis to determine the effects of age, season and year. It was demonstrated that age had a highly significant influence (P < 0.01) on egg production in that birds falling within the age group 30–39 weeks produced the highest number of eggs (3255 ± 109), while birds over 100 weeks of age produced the lowest number of eggs (1206 ± 412). Similarly, seasonal variation in egg production was also significant (P < 0.05); the highest egg production (2926 ± 90) was obtained during the early dry season, and the lowest (2423 ± 95) during the late wet season. Mortality was generally low (0.0–0.9%) and not significantly different from 20 to 49 weeks of age (P > 0.05). However, from 50 to 100 weeks of age, highly significant differences (P < 0.01) in mortality were observed, with the 90–100 weeks age group recording the highest mortality of 15.7 ± 1.3%. Furthermore, yearly variations in egg production and mortality were highly significant (P < 0.01) with 1999 producing the most eggs (4410 ± 102) and recording the lowest mortality (1.4%). It was concluded that due to the significant seasonal, age and yearly variations, data on egg production and mortality need to be adjusted for these effects to enable unbiased comparison between and within farms. Furthermore, farmers can make adequate feeding preparations commensurate with each season for optimal egg production.  相似文献   

Solar radiation and high ambient temperatures negatively affect feeding time, performance, and animal welfare in several species. The provision of shade is a simple method that helps to minimize the negative effects. To determine whether shade influences feeding behavior, feed intake, and daily weight gain (DWG) in female goat kids, 40 dairy goat kids were used in 2 similar pens whose feeders were shaded (n = 20) or unshaded (n = 20) during 60 days. From May to July, behavioral data were collected through 10-minute scan samples during a 24-hour period for a total of 300 hours. Both pens were shaded on the opposite side to the feeder with 15 m2 each in a resting area. All goat kids were observed for their position inside the pen, and the number of times they were seen eating was recorded. When the concentrate was provided (between 13:00 and 13:30 hours, as usually in the farm), the time was recorded until >50% of the animals stopped feeding and went back to the resting area (concentrate test). Food wastes were collected and weighed daily to calculate the food consumption. Ambient and black globe temperatures were daily recorded. Body weight was recorded every week to calculate DWG. A higher percentage of animals feeding was recorded in the shaded feeders than that in the unshaded feeders (P < 0.05). Food refusal was higher in the unshaded feeders (30 ± 1.8%) than that in the shaded feeders (25 ± 1.9%; P = 0.05). The concentrate test duration was 26.6 minutes (±1.3) in the shaded feeders and 16.1 minutes (±1) in the unshaded feeders (P < 0.05). The concentrate test duration was negatively correlated to the ambient temperature in the unshaded animals (r = ?0.50 and r2 = 0.25; P = 0.02), and it was not significant in the shaded ones (r = ?0.23, r2 = 0.05; P > 0.05). DWG was not different between groups (0.08 ± 0.03 kg per group; P > 0.05). Results suggest that shade on feeders helps to ameliorate some negative effects of solar radiation increasing feeding time and feed intake in female goat kids. This could be of great interest to prevent performance and welfare negative affectations.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to test the effect of supplementation of analogues of methionine 2-hydroxy-4-methylthio butanoic acid isopropyl ester (HMBi) on growth, digestibility, antioxidant index, abundance and composition of rumen bacterial community in Xiangdong Black Goats. Thirty-six growing Xiangdong Black Goats were divided into four groups in such a way that each group had three replicate and each replicate had three animals. Experimental groups were assigned four levels of HMBi in basal diet: 0% HMBi (on dietary DM basis); 0.05% HMBi; 0.10% HMBi and 0.20% HMBi. Goats fed 0.10% HMBi in basal diet had higher average daily weight gain (p < .05). Goats fed 0.05% HMBi had higher apparent digestibility of gross energy (p < .01). The group 0% HMBi supplementation had a higher level of superoxide dismutase and malondialdehyde (p < .01). The goats fed 0.20% HMBi in basal diet had a higher level of insulin and leptin (p < .01) than 0% HMBi supplementation goats. 16S rRNA high-throughput sequencing analysis revealed similarities in the community composition, species diversity and relative abundance of dominant bacteria at the phylum and genus levels among the four groups. In conclusion, HMBi supplementation has no negative effect on apparent digestibility, antioxidant index and the ruminal bacteria composition. Therefore, 0.10% supplementation of HMBi is recommended in the diet of goats to improve the growth performance.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the effects of feeding Atriplex halimus (AH) silage treated with two developed enzyme cocktails to sheep on feed intake, nutrient digestibility and ruminal fermentation. The AH silage was treated without or with 2 L of ZAD1® or ZAD2®/1000 kg with 5% molasses and ensiled for 30 days. Barley grain (300 g/head/day) was fed as an energy supplement once daily at 10.00 hours and AH silage with or without enzyme treatment was offered ad libitum to animals twice daily at 09.00 and 16.00 hours. Sheep were fed on four experimental forage diets comprised of AH silage and barley (D1), AH silage treated with ZAD1® and barley (D2), AH silage treated with ZAD2® and barley (D3) and AH silage treated with a combination of ZAD1® and ZAD2® (1:1) and barley (D4). Ensiling AH with enzymes reduced its contents of neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber. The dry matter intake of AH of D2, D3 and D4 decreased (P < 0.001) as compared to D1. However, enzyme‐treated diets had greater total digestible nutrients intake (P < 0.001) as compared to D1. The nutrients digestibility for D2, D3 and D4 were higher than those for D1 (P < 0.001), and were higher for D3 as compared to both D2 and D4. Sheep fed on D3 had highest (P < 0.001) ruminal total volatile fatty acids concentration, ammonia nitrogen concentration and microbial protein yield. It could be concluded that AH silage treated with ZAD1® or ZAD2® improved digestibility and rumen fermentation in sheep.  相似文献   

Twelve Gwembe goats (9 females and 3 males; 12–18-months old; average body weight 18.50±0.05 kg) were divided into three groups and fed complete rations based on crop residues. Three residues of oilseeds – bambara groundnut shell (BGS), groundnut shell (GNS) and sunflower head (SFH) – were used. The rations were isonitrogenous and isocaloric. The average daily dry matter intake was BGS 0.85±0.02, GNS 0.88±0.02 and SFH 0.89±0.03 kg/head per day, which did not differ from each other significantly (p>0.05). However, the daily live weight gains were significantly different (p<0.05). Goats that consumed SFH gained more (84 g; p<0.05) in live weight than those fed BGS (76 g) or GNS (72 g). Feed conversion followed the pattern of live weight gain. The plasma non-protein N values were 25.1±0.36, 24.6±0.38 and 24.9±0.35 mg/100 ml, while the plasma glucose concentrations were 67.2±1.44, 65.1±1.32 and 67.8±1.49 mg/100 ml, respectively, for goats on BGS, GNS and SFH rations, with no significant difference (p>0.05) between the three rations. The cost/kilogram for each of the rations were all within the same range, but the cost/kilogram of live weight gain was lower for the SFH ration than for the GNS and BGS rations. The nutrient digestibilities of the crop residues were similar among the treatments. Overall, SFH tended to perform better than GNS or BGS in these complete rations for goats in the hot dry season.  相似文献   

The effects of dietary rebaudioside A inclusion on feed intake, digestion of nutrients, rumen fermentation, and blood biochemical parameters of goats were evaluated in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square study. Nine adult goats during summer were fed a basal forage/concentrate-based diet and the forage was chopped rice straw. The three dietary treatments were 0, 350, and 700 mg rebaudioside A per kg chopped rice straw on a DM basis. No significant improvement was observed in dry matter intake (DMI) of forage and diet among treatments. Nutrient digestibility of DM and organic matter (OM) showed a significant trend (p < .10) across groups. Rebaudioside A inclusion significantly (p < .01) increased the concentration of total volatile fatty acids in the rumen, however, there were no differences in concentration of ruminal ammonia, and molar proportions of acetate, propionate, and butyrate. About blood metabolites, increasing rebaudioside A in the diet caused a quadratic response in glucose and total protein, and albumin concentrations. Under the conditions of this study, supplementation with rebaudioside A at 350 and 700 mg/kg forage did not improve consumption of rice straw-based diet in adult goats in summer. However, the responses in digestibility, rumen fermentation, and blood metabolites appear to indicate the potential of rebaudioside A as a bio-active substance in goats.  相似文献   

The effects of some 2-adrenoceptor agonists and of the 2-adrenoceptor antagonist atipamezole on food intake and ruminal contractions were studied in dwarf goats. Detomidine, 0.2 µg/kg per min for 10 min, failed to modify food intake during either the first or second observation period (0–30 min and 180–210 min after drug infusion, respectively). Given at a higher dose rate (0.4 µg/kg per min for 10 min), the drug inhibited food consumption during the first observation period, but stimulated food intake during the second period. A similar pattern was observed after IV infusion with medetomidine (0.2 µg/kg per min for 10 min), romifidine (0.4 µg/kg per min for 10 min) or xylazine (1 µg/kg per min for 10 min). The 2-antagonist atipamezole (2 µg/kg per min for 10 min) failed to modify food intake during either the first or second observation period. After treatment with atipamezole, the effects of 2-agonists on feeding behaviour were completely antagonized.The 2-agonists administered at similar dose rates to those used in the food intake experiments induced bradycardia, decreases in body temperature and inhibition of ruminal contractions. The inhibition of ruminal contractions induced by romifidine was partly antagonized by atipamezole pre-treatment. These findings demonstrate that the 2-agonist-induced changes in ruminal contractions do not simply cause changes in feeding behaviour. The drop in body temperature induced by 2-agonists was prevented by atipamezole pre-treatment, whereas the induced bradycardia was not modified by this 2-antagonist.Abbreviations IV intravenous - SEM standard error of the mean  相似文献   

Ruminant animals are able to convert plant materials (grain and the human‐indigestible portion of carbohydrates) to milk and meat. In this conversion, most of the plant materials are digested by rumen fermentation and are changed to short‐chain fatty acids, microbial cells, and methane, which is released into the atmosphere. The relationships among feed, rumen fermentation, and milk production are poorly understood. Here we report a novel indicator of characteristics of rumen fermentation, theoretical turnover rate (TTOR) of the rumen liquid fraction. The TTOR was calculated from the presumed rumen volume (PRV) which is estimated by dividing the methane yield by the methane concentration of rumen fluid. The formula for the TTOR is: TTOR = PRV/body weight0.75. Our present analyses confirm that the TTOR as an indicator is capable of connecting feed, rumen fermentation, and milk production, because dry matter intake/TTOR showed a strong correlation with milk yield/TTOR. In addition, the TTOR may be related to ruminal pH, as we observed that the ruminal pH decreased as the TTOR increased. We propose that the TTOR is a factor characterizing rumen fermentation and a good indicator of the productivity of ruminants and dysbiosis of the rumen microbiome.  相似文献   

Urolith formation has been documented in giraffes and goats. As research in giraffes poses logistical challenges, 16 buck goats were used as a model. The impact of two commercially available, pelleted feeds used for giraffes, ADF‐16 and Wild Herbivore (WH), as well as the impact of alfalfa hay and pellet proportions (20% hay:80% pellets, 80P or 80% hay:20% pellet, 20P) on the formation of urolithogenic precursors in goat urine was accomplished in a 2 × 2 factorial balance study. Complete diets contained 0.60, 0.32, 0.35 and 0.26% phosphorus (P) with calcium:P ratios of 1.60, 4.16, 3.06 and 5.23, for 80P‐ADF‐16, 20P‐ADF‐16, 80P‐WH and 20P‐WH respectively. Total faeces and urine were collected over two 5‐day periods to assess N and mineral balance. Fresh urine samples were collected and evaluated microscopically for urolithic crystal content. Urinary nitrogen (N) was lower and N retention was higher in goats fed 80P diets (p < 0.05). Intake of P was greatest for goats fed 80P‐ADF‐16; however, urinary P excretion and P retention were not affected by treatment. Crystal scores were higher in animals receiving 80P diets (p = 0.08), with crystals being composed predominantly of calcium phosphate. Urine pH was alkaline (>8) for all treatments. Urinary P concentration, a risk factor for urolithiasis, was highest (p 0.06) in the 80P‐ADF‐16 treatment (0.38 vs. 0.01, 0.02 and 0.04 mg/dl for 20P‐ADF‐16, 80P‐WH and 20P‐WH respectively), reflecting its highest dietary P level. Further investigation is recommended to determine the long‐term effects of these diets on urolithogenic compound formation.  相似文献   

文章旨在确定在不影响牛奶产量、牛奶成分、乳脂肪酸组成和牛奶感官质量的情况下,用不同水平甘油代替大麦对泌乳中后期奶牛的影响。试验选择了40头荷斯坦奶牛,采用4×4拉丁方试验设计。在部分混合日粮中,粗甘油替代大麦的含量分别为日粮干物质的0、6%、12%和18%。每天记录个体产奶量、采食量和挤奶频率,每周分析牛奶成分。对新鲜牛奶和贮藏7 d的牛奶样品进行感官分析。部分混合日粮的摄入量随甘油添加水平由0升高至12%,增加近1 kg,甘油由12%升高至18%,减少约1 kg。甘油水平由0升高至6%时,精料摄入量下降0.5 kg。随着日粮中甘油比例的增加,牛奶产量呈线性下降(P<0.05),而牛奶中的脂肪和蛋白质含量呈上升趋势(P=0.08),导致能量校正乳水平随甘油水平的升高表现为二次曲线效应,其中6%甘油组产量最高,18%甘油组产量最低。蛋白质和乳糖产量随日粮中甘油比例的增加线性下降(P<0.05)。随着日粮甘油比例的增加,牛奶中棕榈酸、油酸、亚油酸、亚麻酸和共轭亚油酸的比例线性下降(P<0.05),而短链和中链脂肪酸的比例大部分呈上升趋势。综上所述,甘油作为一种能量饲料可以在不影响牛奶品质的前提下,在泌乳中后期奶牛日粮中替代大麦的水平高达18%。但日粮甘油水平超过12%时可能会降低能量校正乳的产量。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare, in goats and wethers, the nutritive utilization of diets including olive leaves (OL) and the possible detrimental effect of that by-product. Three different diets were studied: OL, OL plus polyethylene glycol (PEG) (OLP) and OL supplemented with barley [164 g/kg dry matter (DM)] and faba beans (59 g/kg DM) (OLSUP). Apparent digestibility of nutrients and energy and nitrogen balances were determined along with creatinine concentrations and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity in the serum. The apparent digestibility of OL was low and similar in goats and wethers (54.4% and 53.5%, 22.2% and 21.6% and, 47.7% and 46.6% for DM, crude protein and neutral detergent fibre in goats and wethers, respectively). The addition of PEG did not improve (p > 0.05) digestibility of OL, although a slightly beneficial effect on the digestion of structural carbohydrates was observed (up to 8.4% and 7.10% in goats and wethers, respectively). The supplementation of OL with barley and faba beans increased (p < 0.001) the apparent digestibility of nutrients and the energy value. The consumption of the OL led to high ALP activity in the serum. Despite the higher sensitivity of wethers to Cu levels, our results show a similar digestive use of OL by wethers and goats and suggest the need of further comparative investigations focusing on the effect of the presence of high Cu levels in the by-product on the animal health.  相似文献   

Six Japanese Black (Wagyu) steers (average initial weight 467 ± 45 kg) fitted with a ruminal cannula were used in a split‐plot design experiment comprising a 3 × 3 Latin square design (whole‐plot) and a randomized block design (subplot). The whole‐plot treatments were three different feeding levels of urea‐treated potato pulp (PP) silage‐based concentrate: 1.00%, 1.75% and 2.50% of body weight (BW) (on a dry matter (DM) basis). The subplot treatments consisted of the concentrate formulated to contain either soybean meal (SBM) as a rapidly rumen‐degraded protein source or corn gluten meal (CGM) as a slowly degraded protein source. Dry matter intake tended to be lower (P = 0.071) for CGM (8.9 kg/day) than for SBM (9.4 kg/day). Protein sources had no significant effect on digestibility and in situ degradation. Ruminal ammonia nitrogen (NH3‐N) was lower (P = 0.033) for CGM (7.5 mg/dL) than for SBM (9.5 mg/dL). Protein sources did not affect ruminal pH and the total volatile fatty acids (VFA) concentrations. The molar proportions of ruminal acetate and valerate were higher (P = 0.032) for CGM than for SBM. The maximum daily intake of the PP silage‐based concentrate expressed as a percentage of BW was approximately 1.4% of BW. Dry matter intake was higher (P = 0.046) for steers fed at 1.0% of BW of the PP silage‐based concentrate than for steers fed at 1.75% or 2.5% of BW of the concentrate. The feeding levels of the PP silage‐based concentrate had no effect on DM and nutrients digestibility, except for crude protein (CP) digestibility. CP digestibility tended to be lower (P = 0.071) for steers fed at 1.75% of BW of the PP silage‐based concentrate than for steers fed at 1.0% or 2.5% of BW of the concentrate. The feeding levels of the PP silage‐based concentrate also did not affect the in situ degradation parameter of hay and PP silage. The feeding levels of the PP silage‐based concentrate did not affect ruminal pH, NH3‐N and total VFA concentrations. The molar proportion of acetate was highest for steers fed at 1.0% of BW of the concentrate. In conclusion, in the urea‐treated PP silage‐based concentrate, CGM seems to be more effective than SBM for stabilizing the ruminal NH3‐N concentration and to be advantageous for fiber digestion in the rumen. The feeding levels of the PP silage‐based concentrate did not change the amount of VFA production in the rumen and the DM digestibility.  相似文献   

This experiment was carried out to examine the effect of crushing unhulled rice and the addition of fermented juice of epiphytic lactic acid bacteria (FJLB) on the fermentation quality of whole crop rice silage, and its digestibility and rumen fermentation in sheep. After whole rice plants (Oryza sativa L. cv. Haenuki) were harvested between the yellow and full‐ripened period of maturity, and cut at a length of 2 cm, four silage treatments were set: (i) non‐treatment; (ii) crushing treatment of unhulled rice division (crushing); (iii) addition of 1% FJLB; and (iv) crushing + addition of 1% FJLB. Lactic acid content increased with the addition of FJLB, and was highest in the crushing + FJLB treatment. Digestibilities of crude fiber, acid detergent fiber and neutral detergent fiber were significantly higher during the crushing + FJLB treatment. There were no differences among treatments in the volatile fatty acid concentrations before and after feeding. At 4 h after feeding, however, the ratio of acetic acid : propionic acid was significantly lower with the addition of FJLB. It was proven that the fermented quality of silage was improved when FJLB was added to rice plants and then ensilaged, and the digestibility of the fibrous component was raised when unhulled rice division was crushed and FJLB was supplemented.  相似文献   

秸秆饲料化利用对于促进“粮改饲”推动草食畜牧业发展,实现藏粮于草解决人畜争地以及构建大食物安全观具有重要的战略意义。本研究运用草谷比法与能量转化理论估算安定区农作物秸秆资源量和秸秆饲料化节粮潜力。在此基础上,设计种植结构调整(A)和秸秆饲料化利用率提升(B)两种情景8种方案,对草食畜牧业发展潜力及经济效益进行估算。结果表明:1) 2000 – 2018年,甘肃省定西市安定区大宗作物小麦(Triticum aestivum)、玉米(Zea mays)、马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum)秸秆资源总量为487.03 × 104 t;草食家畜存栏量为1 132.61 × 104 AUM,秸秆饲料的需求量为744.12 × 104 t,秸秆饲料化量为177.05 × 104 t,秸秆饲料供需缺口巨大。2)小麦、玉米、马铃薯三大作物秸秆节粮潜力分别为28.85 × 104、57.21 × 104、118.17 × 104 t。3)以2018年实际存栏量14.28 × 104 AUM为基准,对比各情景方案组合,Ah + Bh方案下的秸秆载畜潜力高达28.69 × 104 AUM,经济效益达30 211.37 × 104 CNY,为最优方案;最劣方案Al的载畜发展潜力为4.42 × 104 AUM,经济效益为4 655.03 × 104 CNY,较最优方案相差24.27 × 104 AUM,经济效益相差25 556.34 × 104 CNY。总体而言,A、B组合方案下的载畜潜力和经济效益均高于单一方案的潜力,草畜一体化发展不失为旱作农区可推广的有效发展模式。  相似文献   

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