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Serum samples from 533 strongyle-free goats were analysed to assess the normal values of pepsinogen concentration. Results obtained from adult goats ( > 12 months) indicated higher values of pepsinogen compared with sheep and cattle, with more than 25% of the animals exceeding 1000 milliunits of released tyrosine (mU TYR). Weaned goats less than 6 months old had lower pepsinogen concentrations than the adult goats: 490 ± 175 mU TYR vs. 825 ± 414 mU TYR for the French Alpine breed and 397 ± 135 mU TYR vs. 709 ± 274 mU TYR for the Saanen breed. Saanen goats showed lower pepsinogen values than French Alpine goats. Additional sources of variation included farm and duration of lactation. Pepsinogen determinations were highly repeatable for 4.5 months, suggesting a pronounced stability of pepsinogen levels for the same non-infected animals.  相似文献   

The reliability of clinical ovarian findings was assessed as an indicator of luteal function in primiparous dairy cows. The postpartum period of 103 cows following their first parturition was studied by thrice weekly rectal palpation of ovaries and whole milk progesterone assay from 1 week after parturition to the first insemination. The relationship between milk progesterone levels and 1101 ovarian findings was compared during the follicular phases, short luteal phases and during the early, mid and late thirds of normal luteal phases. The compatibility between elevated progesterone and palpable corpus luteum was 71%, and between low progesterone and lack of corpus luteum 77%. In 10% of all rectal examinations the finding was unspecified; i.e. the clinician could not differentiate between luteal and follicular activity. During the acyclic period prior to the initiation of luteal function, the proportion of false corpus luteum findings was 11%. The corpora lutea of the short oestrous cycles were more difficult to palpate than those of normal cycles. During early dioestrus the corpus luteum was significantly more difficult to palpate than during the rest of dioestrus. The percentage of unspecified findings was highest during early dioestrus.The paper discusses the reliability of rectal examination as a method of diagnosing cyclicity and of evaluating the responsiveness of a cow to prostaglandin treatment.  相似文献   

选择患持久黄体的不孕奶牛14头进行复方缩宫素乳剂的临床治疗试验,并利用放射免疫方法对部分患牛治疗前后血清孕酮(P  相似文献   

Prevalence of intramammary infection in healthy goats was determined from 4,662 composite udder samples taken over a 9-month period. For each doe, a colostral sample and 2 milk samples were collected. Breed, age, number of days not lactating before kidding, number of lactation days, and kidding date were recorded. Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus spp were isolated from 17.5% of does, Staphylococcus aureus from 3.1%, Mycoplasma spp from 1.2%, Streptococcus spp from 0.3%, and gram-negative bacteria from 2.0%. Gram-negative organisms were associated with intermittent infections, whereas coagulase-negative staphylococci were associated with persistent infections. Intramammary infection was related to breed, number of days not lactating, and number of lactation days, as determined by log-linear analysis. Does of the Nubian breed, does with nonlactating periods of greater than 60 days, and does in the first and last third of a standard 305-day lactation appeared to be at higher risk for intramammary infection.  相似文献   

Early pregnancy diagnosis in dairy goats and cows was studied using enzyme immunoassays (EIA) to measure progesterone concentrations in whole milk samples collected approximately 3 weeks after mating. Two qualitative on-farm assay kits and 2 quantitative assay kits, all designed for use in the dairy cow, were tested for their accuracy with goats milk samples. Accuracy of diagnosis of goat pregnancy ranged from 83 to 88%, and of non-pregnancy from 80 to 100%. Pregnancy diagnosis with samples of cows milk using 2 quantitative kits gave accuracies of 66 to 68% for pregnancy, and 90 to 91% for non-pregnancy. Possible causes of error in the early diagnosis of pregnancy with milk samples are discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to describe morphology and function of the Corpora lutea (CL) during the oestrous cycle and early pregnancy in sheep with different ovulation rates. In total 40 Booroola. Mutton Merino crosses [heterozygous carriers (FecBFec+) and non-carriers (Fec+Fec+) of the Booroola-fecundity gene (FecB)] with ovulation rates 1 to 4 were examined. During the oestrous cycle (n = 20) and the first month of pregnancy (n = 20) blood samples were taken daily (radioimmunoassay of progesterone) and an ultrasonic ovary diagnosis was conducted. The ewes were scanned transrectally with a 7.5 MHz linear probe lying in a dorsal position. During every examination the CL could be detected. The number and the diameter of the CL were documented and the total volume of luteal tissue per ewe was calculated. The effect of the ovulation rate on CL-morphology (diameter and total volume of luteal tissue per ewe) and peripheral progesterone concentrations were assessed by one-way ANOVA. On day 6 and 7 post ovulationem in cyclic and early pregnant sheep 42% of the diagnosed CL had a cavity. On day 11 (cyclic sheep) and day 10 post ovulationem (early pregnant sheep) this number decreased to 22% (p < 0.05). Both conditions of the CL (compact or with a central cavity) are similar in function and should be regarded as appearances of the same basic process. From the third day onwards the ovulation rate influenced significantly (p < 0.05) the development of the outside diameters of the CL. However, the ovulation rate had no effect on the total volume of the luteal tissue per sheep and on the progesterone concentrations. Yet, in sheep with the ovulation rate 1 significantly lower progesterone concentrations were determined than in sheep with the ovulation rates 2 to 4. In sheep with the ovulation rates 2 to 4 the peripheral progesterone concentrations did not differ significantly. In cyclic and pregnant sheep there is a positive correlation (r = 0.75, p < 0.05) between the progesterone concentration and the total volume of luteal tissue. Considering the smaller diameters of the preovulatory follicles it seems that the development of the CL continues until a threshold-value of progesterone and/or of the total luteal tissue is exceeded. Ewes with low ovulation rates reach this threshold-value with only a few but large CL. With increasing ovulation rate the CL tend to have smaller diameters.  相似文献   

Decreased fertility associated with maternal ageing is a well‐known critical problem, and progesterone (P4) concentration decreases during the menopause transition in women. The corpus luteum (CL) secretes P4, thereby supporting the implantation and maintenance of pregnancy. It is proposed that a bovine model is suitable for studying age‐associated decline of fertility in women because the physiology of cows is similar to that of women and cows have a greater longevity compared with other animal models. Thus, we investigated the age‐dependent qualitative changes and inflammatory responses in the bovine CL. In vivo experiment: Cows were divided into three groups, namely, young (mean age: 34.8 months), middle (80.1 months) and aged (188.9 months). Blood samples were collected on days 7 and 12 during the estrous cycle. In vitro experiments: Cows were divided into young (mean age: 27.6 months) and aged (183.1 months). The CL tissues of these groups were collected from a local slaughterhouse and used for tissue culture experiments. An in vivo experiment, plasma P4 concentration in aged cows was significantly lower than that in young cows, whereas no difference was found regarding the area of CL. An in vitro examination in the bovine CL tissues showed that the luteal P4 concentration, P4 secretion, and mRNA expression of StAR and 3β‐HSD were lower in aged cows compared with young cows, especially in the early luteal phase. However, no differences were detected in the mRNA expression of inflammation‐ and senescence‐related factors and inflammatory responses to lipopolysaccharides between the CL tissues from young and aged cows, indicating that an age‐dependent increase in inflammation is not involved in the luteal function. P4 production and secretion from the bovine CL diminish in old cows, especially during the early luteal phase, suggesting that senescence may affect the luteal function in cows.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that supra-basal concentrations of progesterone during the follicular phase are associated with the development of follicular cysts. Twenty-five non-lactating dairy cows were used in the study, which was performed over five identical replicate trials. Luteolysis was induced during the mid-luteal phase. Transrectal ultrasonography was performed daily to determine the occurrence/timing of ovulation. Plasma samples were collected for progesterone, oestradiol and luteinizing hormone (LH) analysis. Three cows failed to ovulate (cystic anovulatory) but did ovulate in a subsequent replicate (cystic ovulatory). Eight cows from the appropriate replicates were used as control cows (normal group). Follicular growth patterns and plasma oestradiol concentrations were similar between the three groups. However, the plasma progesterone concentrations during the follicular phase were twofold higher in the cystic anovulatory group (P < 0.01). Furthermore, no LH surge was detected in these animals. While LH pulse amplitude was similar between groups, LH pulse frequency in the cystic anovulatory group was attenuated (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the formation of follicular cysts were preceded by elevated plasma progesterone concentrations and the suppression of the LH surge.  相似文献   

The accuracy of rectal palpation and of a rapid milk progesterone enzymeimmunoassay (EIA) for determining the presence of a functional corpus luteum (CL) in subestrous dairy cows was investigated, using the results of a radioimmunoassay (RIA) for progesterone in skimmed milk as the “gold standard”. The ovaries and uterus of each of 359 subestrous cows from 32 dairy herds were palpated per rectum, the presence or absence of a functional CL was predicted, and a milk sample was collected for analysis by both the rapid EIA and the RIA.

The nine clinicians participating in the study had a combined sensitivity of 82.6% and specificity of 52.6%, compared to the EIA which had a sensitivity of 90.3% and a specificity of 84.2% for predicting the presence of functional luteal tissue.

It was concluded that the technique of rectal palpation was inaccurate at assessing the functional (progesterone-secreting) status of ovarian structures. In addition, a qualitative EIA was as sensitive and more specific than rectal palpation in predicting the presence of a functional CL in the subestrous cow.


The aim of this study was to assess the relationship of the evolution of the corpus luteum (CL) volume that was determined ultrasonographically with the pregnancy status in lactating dairy cows during early pregnancy. Ultrasound examinations were carried out on 76 cows following artificial insemination (AI). Plasma concentrations of progesterone were determined from blood samples collected at each ultrasound examination. Conception was confirmed by ultrasonography on day 30 after AI. Around day 14 post-insemination (p.i.), the CL volume tended to decrease in pregnant and non-pregnant cows, and, after day 19 p.i., both groups differed significantly, indicating the luteal regression in non-pregnant cows. Reaching signification on day 20. The diminution in CL volume was also reflected in the plasma progesterone concentration. However, the patterns of CL volume, estimated by ultrasonography, differed more evidently and earlier between both groups (around 1 week p.i., at day 9 p.i. P < 0.05, whereas progesterone started to differ around 2 weeks p.i., at day 14 p.i, P < 0.05). These results indicate that the estimation of the CL volume by ultrasonography could be useful for assessing the presence of a functional CL.  相似文献   

为追寻能量代谢与激素合成相关基因之间潜在的联系,本试验在秋季经公羊试情后,于0、3、6、9、12d选取不同发情阶段的蒙古绵羊,分别获取黄体和卵巢非黄体组织,通过Western Blot和RT-qPCR技术,研究了绵羊卵巢周期性变化中黄体形成过程的关键基因StAR、3β-HSD和P450(CYP11)与能量代谢通路AMPK-UCP1调控的关系。试验结果提示,StAR、3β-HSD和P450(CYP11)参与了绵羊卵巢周期性变化并与孕酮的分泌协调一致,与此同时AMPK-UCP1通路参与黄体周期性变化的调控,进一步证实了能量代谢平衡与黄体的周期性变化密切相关。  相似文献   

为研究山羊妊娠黄体中抗凋亡蛋白,即细胞FLICE样抑制蛋白(cellular FLICE-Like inhibitory protein,cFLIP)的表达,分析探讨cFLIP在维持山羊正常妊娠黄体中的作用。试验收集山羊不同妊娠阶段(19,31,92,142 d)的黄体组织,分别采用RT-PCR、Western blot及免疫组织化学分析等方法,以确定cFLIP免疫定位,检测cFLIP mRNA及其蛋白在山羊不同妊娠阶段黄体中的表达水平;分别以3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶(GAPDH)mRNA和β-肌动蛋白(β-actin)作为内在对照。结果显示,cFLIP短链(cFLIP_S)和cFLIP长链(cFLIP_L)的mRNA及cFLIP_S蛋白在妊娠期各阶段的表达水平无显著性差异(P0.05),而妊娠31d的cFLIP_L蛋白的表达水平却显著低于其他妊娠组(P0.05);免疫染色结果显示,cFLIP蛋白的阳性反应在山羊妊娠不同阶段的黄体中均有高度表达;在妊娠19,92,142 d的黄体中均有观察到PCNA阳性,在妊娠31 d发现PCNA阳性较微弱;并且在所有妊娠组黄体中,几乎观察不到细胞凋亡(TUNEL阳性)。因此,推测cFLIP作为一种生存因子,参与维持山羊正常妊娠,其在妊娠黄体组织中的高水平表达可能在维持山羊正常妊娠中发挥抗凋亡作用。  相似文献   

AIM: To determine if the reproductive performance of dairy cows not previously detected in oestrus but with a detectable corpus luteum before the planned start of mating (PSM), could be improved by treatment with progesterone, oestradiol benzoate (ODB) and prostaglandin F2alpha (PGF). METHODS: Cows in 18 herds which had not been detected in oestrus, but which had a detectable corpus luteum present at veterinary examination 7 days prior to the PSM (Day -7), were allocated to 1 of 2 groups. Treated cows (n=232) received an injection of 2 mg ODB and an intravaginal progesterone releasing device (CIDR insert) on Day -7, and an injection of PGF on the day of insert removal 7 days later (Treated group). The Control group (n=243) remained untreated. Cows were mated to detected oestrus from Day 0, and conception dates confirmed by manual palpation or transrectal ultrasonography. RESULTS: During the first 7 days of mating, 37.4% of Control cows and 65.9% of Treated cows were inseminated on detection of oestrus (p<0.001). Pregnancy rates for this period were 20.4% and 36.3%, respectively (p=0.001). Conception rates to first insemination, pregnancy rates after 21 days of mating and at the end of the mating period were similar between groups (p>0.1). Median interval from the PSM to conception did not differ between treatment groups (24 and 23 days for Control and Treated, respectively, p>0.1). CONCLUSION: Treating postpartum dairy cows which had not previously been detected in oestrus but which had a detectable corpus luteum, with progesterone, ODB and PGF did not significantly improve their reproductive performance compared with no hormonal intervention. KEY WORDS: dairy cattle, postpartum, anoestrous, reproduction, progesterone treatment.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to determine the in vitro progesterone (P4) production by Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) corpus luteum (CL) on days 9, 18 and 22 of pregnancy in comparison with rat CL on days 9 and 16. The culture medium of one CL per well of a 96‐well plate was changed after 4 h incubation and the CL were further cultured for 24 h. The P4 in serum and in the medium were measured by enzyme immunoassay system. Gerbil CL weight measured after 24 h incubation was at the same level for all 3 days of pregnancy and significantly different from that of the rat CL for the 2 days of pregnancy. The serum P4 level in gerbils was high in early pregnancy and decreased in advanced days of pregnancy. In contrast, the P4 in rats was higher in the latter half of pregnancy. In vitro P4 production by a single CL after 4 h incubation decreased significantly during the days of pregnancy in both the gerbil and the rat. P4 values produced by the gerbil CL for 24 h incubation were significantly higher than after 4 h incubation in all 3 days of pregnancy, however, there was no difference between the two incubation time groups in the rat. In vitro P4 production by CL correlated well with the serum P4 level on the 3 days of pregnancy in the gerbil. In the rat, however, the relationship was inversed between the two parameters. The correlation in this experiment suggested that CL is the sole source of P4 for the maintenance of the gerbil pregnancy, with the result of abortion after an ovariectomy on day 20 of pregnancy as described in our previous report.  相似文献   

Values for total serum proteins and relative percentages of albumin, alpha 1-globulin, alpha 2-globulin, beta-globulin, and gamma-globulin were determined for the goat. These normal values were compared with those obtained for goats infected with Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. Goats chronically infected with C pseudotuberculosis show significantly higher total serum protein values than normal goats, apparently due to increased gamma-globulins. This higher protein value is also associated with a decrease in serum alpha 2- and beta-globulins.  相似文献   

Two mature Nubian does with signs of congestive heart failure were found at necropsy to have a large anterior mediastinal mass diagnosed histologically as thymoma. Lesions attributable to congestive heart failure were also present.  相似文献   

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