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植物的镍素营养   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文从分析土壤中镍的来源着手,探讨镍营养对植物生长发育的影响和镍污染及其危害,提出实践中不能盲目提倡依靠增施镍肥来促进作物生长发育,提高产量。  相似文献   

本文从分析土壤中镍的来源着手,探讨镍营养对植物生长发育的影响和镍污染及其危害,提出实践中不能盲目提倡依靠增施镍肥来促进作物生长发育,提高产量。  相似文献   

平衡栽培体系中的植物营养综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
曹恭  梁鸣早 《土壤肥料》2002,(3):J001-J001,J004

土壤和植物中的镍及其相互关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王鹏新 《农业环境保护》1993,12(5):213-216,212
本文较为系统地论述了土壤中镍的来源、含量、镍在土壤固相和溶液中的化学组成;镍在作物体内的含量,镍对作物的作用及其在作物体内的迁移;土壤镍和植物镍的关系等。  相似文献   

植物营养元素—Ni   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
本文从Ni的生理功能 ,Ni与酶活性 ,植物对Ni的吸收与运转 ,植物缺Ni的症状 ,Ni的毒害作用与植物对Ni的耐性等 6个方面论述了Ni对植物生长发育的重要性与必要性。  相似文献   

钾—平衡栽培体系中植物必需的大量元素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
曹恭  梁鸣早 《土壤肥料》2002,(6):J002-J003

植物–微生物联合修复镍污染土壤研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
瞿攀  伏毅  刘绵学  王艳  黄敏 《土壤》2019,51(1):11-18
土壤健康是粮食安全的保障,人类活动给土壤造成的污染亟待治理。镍是人体必需微量元素,但过量的镍具有较大的毒性。目前我国土壤中镍污染比较严峻,应尽快响应《土壤污染防治行动计划》来改善土壤中镍污染状况。本文综述了植物–微生物联合修复技术的基本原理,微生物在镍污染土壤中对植物生长状况、有效态镍含量以及植物吸收镍的影响,对寻找合适的植物和微生物修复镍污染土壤具有重要意义;最后,提出将有机酸运用到植物–微生物联合修复镍污染土壤中、建立PGPB库和寻找我国超富集植物等下一步研究的重点。  相似文献   

钙——平衡栽培体系中植物必需的中量元素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹恭  梁鸣早 《土壤肥料》2003,(2):48-48,J001

The effect of phosphorus (P) nutrition and soil water availability (W) on the growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plants was studied in two pot experiments. Several levels of P supply were applied once before sowing. Before seedling establishment, the pots were kept near 100% of field capacity (FC). Afterwards, half of the pots were maintained between 60–70% FC. Control pots were kept at 85–95% FC by weighing and watering every two to three days. Several harvest of shoots were done before anthesis. At each harvest, dry matter and total P accumulation were measured in shoots. The main differences between both experiments were the way the drought stress was imposed, the levels of P supply, and the developmental stage of the plants at each harvest. In Experiment 1, no additional P resulted in a reduction of the shoot dry matter of 24 and 48% for well watered and drought‐stressed plants, respectively. In Experiment 2, these reductions were of 33 and 65% for well‐watered and drought‐stressed plants, respectively. In both experiments, the effect of the drought‐stress treatment was different at different levels of P supply. Interactions between P and W treatments were attributed to both, a less intense drought stress in P0 plants, and to the enhancement of drought‐stress tolerance in P100 plants (Experiment 1), and P60 plants (Experiment 2).  相似文献   

Field studies comparing yield responses of crops treated with different nitrogen fertilizer types have led to very contradictory results. This can be explained by the fact that the application of different forms of nitrogen may affect plant growth via numerous processes in the soil and within the plant. In this review the significance of these processes for nutrient availability in soil are briefly outlined. Then, data from literature and own results are used to show that an enhanced ammonium supply may promote certain yield components such as the number of ears per plant in wheat or the number of kernels per plant in maize whereas other yield components such as the number of grains per ear in cereals or the number of tillers in linseed may be adversely affected by ammonium supply. These different effects of ammonium and nitrate supply on yield structure of plants are related to physiological changes in the plant using a model.  相似文献   


Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var italica cv. Premium Crop) plants were germinated in soil, transferred to vermiculite three weeks later and grown in the greenhouse, supplied continuously with boron concentrations ranging from 0.0 to 12.5 mg L‐1. At commercial maturity, the partitioning of nitrogen into soluble (nitrate, ammonium, amino acids) and insoluble components of the foliage (young and old leaves) and the florets was investigated. Both boron deficiency and toxicity increased the per cent soluble nitrogen, particularly as nitrate. Boron toxicity, but not deficiency, consistently affected the concentration and relative composition of amino acids. The actual nitrogen partitioning, including the relative amino acid composition, was dependent upon the developmental stage and of the plant organs, and whether boron was present in deficient or toxic levels. Together with information about the composition of transport fluids from a previous study, the data are interpreted as evidence for a reduction in the availability of carbon under conditions of boron stress.  相似文献   

To evaluate chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) and rocket salad [Eruca vesicaria (L.) Cav.subsp. sativa (Mill.)] capability to use ammonium‐nitrogen (NH4‐N) even in the absence of nitrate‐nitrogen (NO3‐N) in the nutrient solution, and the chances they offer to reduce leaf NO3 content, cultivated rocket and two cultivars of chicory ('Frastagliata’, whose edible parts are leaves and stems, and ‘Clio’, a leaf hybrid) were hydroponically grown in a growth chamber. Three nutrient solutions with the same nitrogen (N) level (4 mM) but a different NH4‐N:NO3‐N (NH4:NO3) ratio (100:0, 50:50, and 0:100) were used. Rocket growth was inhibited by NH4 nutrition, while it reached the highest values with the NH4:NO3 ratio 50:50. Water and N‐use efficiencies increased in rocket with the increase of NO3‐N percentage in the nutrient solution. In the best conditions of N nutrition, however, rocket accumulated NO3 in leaves in a very high concentration (about 6,300 mg kg‐1 fresh mass). For all the morphological and yield features analyzed, chicory resulted to be quite unresponsive to N chemical forms, despite it took more NO3‐N than NH4‐N when N was administered in mixed form. By increasing NO3‐N percentage in the nutrient solution, NO3 leaf content increased (5,466 mg kg‐1 fresh mass with the ratio NH4:NO3 0:100). On average, both chicory cultivars accumulated 213 mg NO3 kg‐1 fresh mass with the ratio NH4:NO3 100:0 and, differently from rocket, they showed that by using NH4 produce can be obtained very low in NO3 content.  相似文献   

Iron is an essential microelement for plants and can be a limiting or toxic element according to the environmental growth conditions. Plants have therefore developed a large range of physiological mechanisms to cope with Fe deficiency or Fe overload. The application of molecular biological methods have shed light on the genes, gene products and regulatory mechanisms involved in Fe stress responses, however, the acquisition of physiological data now begins to lagg behind the progress gained by molecular approaches. This review highlights and summarizes the recent progress in plant iron research achieved from the molecular level to the field scale, communicated at the “XIIth International Symposium on Iron Nutrition and Interactions in Plams” held in 2004 in Tokyo.  相似文献   

In solution culture experiments with spring wheat the effect of nitrogen sources, single nutrient deficiency and oxygen supply of the nutrient solution on denitrification was studied by means of the acetylene inhibition method. No denitrification was observed with ammonium nutrition, while denitrification was almost equally high with nitrate and a mixture of nitrate and ammonium nutrition. Discontinuing potassium for 7 and 14 days increased denitrification. Discontinuation of P for 14 days also increased total denitrification, whereas no difference from the complete nutrient solution was observed in Fe deficiency. Denitrification remained at a very low level, when Mg supply was discontinued. Denitrification potential of excised roots was high in K deficiency. It was also high at the beginning of Fe deficiency, whereas P and Mg deficiency had no effect on denitrification potential as compared to roots in complete nutrient solution. The differences in total denitrification are due to the effects of individual nutrient deficiency on root growth, root respiration and denitrification potential.  相似文献   

Since the fundamental work of the botanist Ernst Munch there has been a clear differentiation between a symplastic and an apoplastic compartment of plants, separated by the plasmalemma. In contrast to the symplast, the apoplast was considered as being dead and hence attracted little interest. It is not before the late seventies of this century that plant scientists realised that processes such as growth and differentiation as well as signal transduction may not be understood without accounting for apoplastic processes. Since then growing evidence has supported the view that apoplastic properties are of significance for such diverse processes as genotypic variation in nutrient efficiency and tolerance against adverse ion relations, for plant/microbe interaction, or for water and nutrient transport. In this contribution we review apoplastic properties and processes in relation to plant mineral nutrition. Examples are taken from work being conducted in the scope of the special research project of the German Research Foundation “The apoplast of higher plants: compartment for storage, transport and reactions” and especially from own work.  相似文献   

Root-induced changes in the rhizosphere may affect mineral nutrition of plants in various ways. Examples for this are changes in rhizosphere pH in response to the source of nitrogen (NH4-N versus NO3-N), and iron and phosphorus deficiency. These pH changes can readily be demonstrated by infiltration of the soil with agar containing a pH indicator. The rhizosphere pH may be as much as 2 units higher or lower than the pH of the bulk soil. Also along the roots distinct differences in rhizosphere pH exist. In response to iron deficiency most plant species in their apical root zones increase the rate of H+ net excretion (acidification), the reducing capacity, the rate of FeIII reduction and iron uptake. Also manganese reduction and uptake is increased several-fold, leading to high manganese concentrations in iron deficient plants. Low-molecular-weight root exudates may enhance mobilization of mineral nutrients in the rhizosphere. In response to iron deficiency, roots of grass species release non-proteinogenic amino acids (?phytosiderophores”?) which dissolve inorganic iron compounds by chelation of FeIII and also mediate the plasma membrane transport of this chelated iron into the roots. A particular mechanism of mobilization of phosphorus in the rhizosphere exists in white lupin (Lupinus albus L.). In this species, phosphorus deficiency induces the formation of so-called proteoid roots. In these root zones sparingly soluble iron and aluminium phosphates are mobilized by the exudation of chelating substances (probably citrate), net excretion of H+ and increase in the reducing capacity. In mixed culture with white lupin, phosphorus uptake per unit root length of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plants from a soil low in available P is increased, indicating that wheat can take up phosphorus mobilized in the proteoid root zones of lupin. At the rhizoplane and in the root (root homogenates) of several plant species grown in different soils, of the total number of bacteria less than 1 % are N2-fixing (diazotrophe) bacteria, mainly Enterobacter and Klebsiella. The proportion of the diazotroph bacteria is higher in the rhizosphere soil. This discrimination of diazotroph bacteria in the rhizosphere is increased with foliar application of combined nitrogen. Inoculation with the diazotroph bacteria Azospirillum increases root length and enhances formation of lateral roots and root hairs similarly as does application of auxin (IAA). Thus rhizosphere bacteria such as Azospirillum may affect mineral nutrition and plant growth indirectly rather than by supply of nitrogen.  相似文献   

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