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日前,由中国科学院海洋研究所张培军、徐永立完成的“含有大鳞大马哈鱼生长因子的酵母菌”获国家发明专利授权。该发明是生物工程技术领域的一种在水产养殖产业技术中作为饲料应用的含有大马哈鱼生长因子的酵母菌。该酵母菌制品能够增强鱼、虾、贝类生物体的免疫和抗病能力,成功解决了工程菌大规模发酵的工艺问题和产物的处理技术问题,降低了成本,提高了产品的出产率和功效,使之最终有效地应用于水产养殖业中,创造出一定的经济和社会效益。  相似文献   

IPTG诱导含有鲮(Cirrhinus molitorella)生长激素基因(growth hormone,GH)的工程菌M15(pQE30-GH)重组表达鲮生长激素蛋白。SDS-PAGE凝胶电泳结果表明,在24.5kDa处有1条重组表达鲮生长激素条带,经分离纯化、复性和浓缩后得到有活性的重组鲮生长激素蛋白。以复性浓缩后的重组鲮生长激素蛋白为抗原,采用改进的方法对新西兰大白兔进行皮下多点免疫注射,获得兔抗鲮生长激素多克隆抗体。经ELISA检测该免疫血清的滴度为12800。以该多抗为一抗,Western blotting可以检测到10ng的抗原量;并且在鲮垂体组织提取液中和血清中检测到一种能与该血清作用的大小约为21.5kDa的蛋白条带。说明该试验所制备的兔抗鲮生长激素多克隆抗体具有较好的免疫活性。  相似文献   

使用显微镜连续观察大鳞副泥鳅的胚胎发育过程,描述并摄像记录胚胎发育各时期的形态特征和生物学事件。结果显示,大鳞副泥鳅的受精卵为粘性卵,呈淡黄色,膜径约1.3 mm,卵质分布均匀;胚胎发育过程可分为受精卵、卵裂、囊胚、原肠胚、神经胚、器官发生和孵化7个阶段,共26个典型时期;24℃水温下,受精卵约24小时孵出仔鱼,初孵仔鱼体长约5mm。  相似文献   

大鳞鲃人工繁育试验报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从乌兹别克斯坦引进体质量20~40g的野生大鳞鲃(Barbus capito)鱼种,经5年人工培育性腺已发育成熟,2008年5月筛选8尾亲鱼进行人工繁殖试验。结果表明:注射催产药物LHRH-A2、HCG和DOM可促使亲鱼产卵和排精,催产的4尾雌鱼中有3尾成功产卵,获得受精卵4.8万粒,孵出鱼苗3万尾,其催产率、受精率、孵化率分别为75%,72.3%,67.1%。水温20~23℃时,从受精卵到孵出鱼苗需要约70h,到仔鱼上浮开口需要约6d。在哈尔滨地区池塘人工培育大鳞鲃鱼苗,1龄鱼体质量可达(40.06±1.19)g,体长(14.34±0.15)cm。  相似文献   

大鳞副泥鳅胚胎发育观察   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
张恒远 《淡水渔业》2001,31(5):20-21
大鳞副泥鳅 (Paramisgurnusdabryanus)属于鱼纲 ,鲤形目 ,鳅科。广泛分布于中国、日本、朝鲜、俄罗斯和东南亚等国家和地区 ,在我国主要分布在东部地区的河、沟渠、水田、池塘、湖泊、水库等天然水域。关于大鳞副泥鳅胚胎发育研究 ,国内相关报道甚少 ,本文对大鳞副泥鳅胚胎发育进行较深入的研究 ,为大鳞副泥鳅的选种、繁育、养殖及相关科学研究提供资料。1 材料与方法1 1 实验材料与仪器性成熟的大鳞副泥鳅 (购自福州水产批发市场 )、LRH -A、利血平、 0 65 %生理盐水、注射器、培养皿、鱼缸、池塘水、解剖镜…  相似文献   

大鳞鲃鱼同工酶的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本实验采用聚丙烯酰胺垂直平板电泳方法,分析了大鳞鲃鱼的肝、肾、眼3种组织中的醋酶(EST)、淀粉酶(AMY)、乳脱酸氢酶(LDH)和苹果酸脱氢酶(MDH)4种同工酶。结果表明各种同工酶具有明显的组织特异性,肝脏酶活性最高,具有所有酶带。  相似文献   

本实验采用聚丙烯酰胺垂直平板电泳方法,分析了大鳞鲃鱼的肝、肾、眼3种组织中的醋酶(EST)、淀粉酶(AMY)、乳脱酸氢酶(LDH)和苹果酸脱氢酶(MDH)4种同工酶。结果表明各种同工酶具有明显的组织特异性,肝脏酶活性最高,具有所有酶带。  相似文献   

本种在我国仅分布于海南岛南渡江,与白鲢[Hypophthalmichthys molitrix(C.et.v)]分别为不同的种。  相似文献   

泥鳅和大鳞副泥鳅营养成分分析   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
赵振山  印杰 《水利渔业》1999,19(2):16-17
对泥鳅和大鳞副鳅肌肉的营养成分进行测定。泥鳅的水分,灰分,脂肪,蛋白质的含量分别为78.21%、1.12%、2.31%、17.55%;大鳞副泥鳅的分别为78.80%、1.13%、2.57%、17.40%。它们的17种氨基酸含量分别为16.11%和13.78%,其中9种必需氨基酸含量分别为7.02%和6.29%。,经比较分析,两种泥鳅营养丰富,其中,泥鳅的营养价值要高于大鳞副泥鳅。  相似文献   

Spinal abnormalities can be detected at harvest in around 40% of farmed Chinook salmon in New Zealand. However, whether these abnormalities are present in smolt is unknown. Radiographs of 3,736 smolt were taken immediately prior to transfer to sea water and evaluated for fusions, compressions, vertical shifts, and lordosis, kyphosis and/or scoliosis (LKS). The survey included smolt from two different chilling strategies that had been graded into slow‐ or fast‐growing fish. Overall, 4.34% of Chinook salmon smolt had at least one spinal abnormality, similar to the rates of reported in Atlantic salmon smolt. The rate of abnormality was significantly higher in faster‐growing fish. Fusions were most common with 2.68% of smolt affected. Smolt subjected to longer chilling times had lower rates of fusions. Compressions and vertical shifts were both observed in 1.31% of smolt. Although LKS is the most common abnormality of harvested fish, LKS was detected in just five smolt. The results suggest that some fusions in harvest fish have developed at the time of seawater transfer while LKS develops late in the production cycle. Overall, spinal abnormalities are uncommon in Chinook salmon smolt and may be influenced by chilling times and growth rates.  相似文献   

A Jaundice Syndrome occurs sporadically among sea‐pen‐farmed Chinook Salmon in British Columbia, the westernmost province of Canada. Affected salmon are easily identified by a distinctive yellow discolouration of the abdominal and periorbital regions. Through traditional diagnostics, no bacterial or viral agents were cultured from tissues of jaundiced Chinook Salmon; however, piscine reovirus (PRV) was identified via RT‐rPCR in all 10 affected fish sampled. By histopathology, Jaundice Syndrome is an acute to peracute systemic disease, and the time from first clinical signs to death is likely <48 h; renal tubular epithelial cell necrosis is the most consistent lesion. In an infectivity trial, Chinook Salmon, Sockeye Salmon and Atlantic Salmon, intraperitoneally inoculated with a PRV‐positive organ homogenate from jaundiced Chinook Salmon, developed no gross or microscopic evidence of jaundice despite persistence of PRV for the 5‐month holding period. The results from this study demonstrate that the Jaundice Syndrome was not transmissible by injection of material from infected fish and that PRV was not the sole aetiological factor for the condition. Additionally, these findings showed the Pacific coast strain of PRV, while transmissible, was of low pathogenicity for Atlantic Salmon, Chinook Salmon and Sockeye Salmon.  相似文献   

Fecundity is an important demographic parameter that contributes to the productivity of anadromous fish stock dynamics. Yet, studies on fecundity patterns in Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) often only include a few years of data, limiting our ability to understand spatio-temporal trends. Here, we used data on 43 hatchery Chinook salmon (Otshawytscha, Salmonidae) populations in Washington State to evaluate whether average fecundity changed over the past three decades. We then used data from a subset of stocks (18) to evaluate the relationship between fecundity and body length. Our results revealed significant changes in fecundity across the 25-year study period with most stocks showing declines in fecundity over the past decade. Results further showed that Chinook salmon have decreased in length over this same period and that annual variation in mean length explains a majority (62%) of annual variation in mean fecundity. Specifically, we estimated that a 1-mm reduction in length results in 7.8 fewer eggs (95% CI = 6.6–8.9). Given that the majority of Pacific Northwest Chinook salmon in the environment and harvested in fisheries originate from hatchery releases and that nearby hatchery and wild populations generally have similar ocean distributions, these results likely reflect patterns for many populations not included. Combined, our results highlight the need to consider changes in body size and egg production when assessing the dynamics of anadromous fish populations and designing management or conservation plans, particularly for depressed populations.  相似文献   

Extreme variability in abundance of California salmon populations is often ascribed to ocean conditions, yet relatively little is known about their marine life history. To investigate which ocean conditions influence their distribution and abundance, we surveyed juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) within the California Current (central California [37°30′N) to Newport, Oregon (44°00′N]) for a 2‐week period over three summers (2010–2012). At each station, we measured chlorophyll‐a as an indicator of primary productivity, acoustic‐based metrics of zooplankton density as an indicator of potential prey availability and physical characteristics such as bottom depth, temperature and salinity. We also measured fork lengths and collected genetic samples from each salmon that was caught. Genetic stock identification revealed that the majority of juvenile salmon were from the Central Valley and the Klamath Basin (91–98%). We constructed generalized logistic‐linear negative binomial hurdle models and chose the best model(s) using Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC) to determine which covariates influenced the salmon presence and, at locations where salmon were present, determined the variables that influenced their abundance. The probability of salmon presence was highest in shallower waters with a high chlorophyll‐a concentration and close to an individual's natal river. Catch abundance was primarily influenced by year, mean fork length and proximity to natal rivers. At the scale of sampling stations, presence and abundance were not related to acoustic indices of zooplankton density. In the weeks to months after ocean entry, California's juvenile Chinook salmon population appears to be primarily constrained to coastal waters near natal river outlets.  相似文献   

Vertebral fusions are an established economic concern in farmed Atlantic salmon, but have not been studied in detail in farmed Chinook salmon. Two radiographic studies of vertebral fusions were performed in farmed Chinook salmon. Sixteen of 1,301 (1.2%) smolt and 201 of 2,636 (7.6%) harvest fish had fusions. There were no significant differences in the number of fused vertebrae/fusion in smolt compared with harvest fish. Secondly, tagged fish were repeatedly radiographed to determine the progression of the fusions. Nineteen (4.4%), 23 (5.3%) and 39 (9.0%) fish had fusions as smolt, after 129 days in sea water, and at harvest, respectively. There were no significant differences in the average number of vertebra/fusion between the three time points. Of the fusions that were observed in smolt, additional vertebra did not become fused in 81% of the lesions. Within the rare fusions that did progress due to the involvement of adjacent vertebra, an average of 1.6 vertebrae were added per year. Fish with fusions were significantly lighter than non‐affected fish at harvest. Fusions are common in farmed Chinook salmon; however, they are typically stable after development. As fish with fusions were lighter at harvest, reducing fusions may have an economic benefit.  相似文献   

Chinook salmon from New Zealand were shown to have a generalized membranous glomerulonephritis that was most severe in large fish. Marked thickening of the glomerular basement membrane was the most consistent lesion, with the presence of an electron-dense deposit beneath the capillary endothelium.Severely affected glomeruli also had expansion of the mesangium and loss of capillaries,synechiae of the visceral and parietal epithelium and mild fibrosis of Bowmans capsule. Chinook salmon from British Columbia, Canada with bacterial kidney disease caused by Renibacterium salmoninarum had similar histological lesions. They also had thickened glomerular basement membranes that were recognized by rabbit antiserum to rainbow trout immunoglobulin. This was true only when frozen sections of kidney were used and not formalin-fixed tissue. An attempt to experimentally produce a glomerulopathy in rainbow trout by repeated immunization with killed R. salmoninarum was not successful. Case records from the Fish Pathology Laboratory at the University of Guelph over a 10-year period revealed that a range of species were diagnosed with glomerulopathies similar to those seen in Chinook salmon. The majority of these cases were determined to have chronic inflammatory disease. This report has identified the presence of immunoglobulin within thickened basement membranes of Chinook salmon with glomerulonephritis and supports the existence of type III hypersensitivity in fish.  相似文献   

Herein, we describe the prevalence of bacterial infections in Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), returning to spawn in two tributaries within the Lake Michigan watershed. Ten bacterial genera, including Renibacterium, Aeromonas, Carnobacterium, Serratia, Proteus, Pseudomonas, Hafnia, Salmonella, Shewanella and Morganella, were detected in the kidneys of Chinook salmon (n = 480) using culture, serological and molecular analyses. Among these, Aeromonas salmonicida was detected at a prevalence of ~15%. Analyses revealed significant interactions between location/time of collection and gender for these infections, whereby overall infection prevalence increased greatly later in the spawning run and was significantly higher in females. Renibacterium salmoninarum was detected in fish kidneys at an overall prevalence of >25%. Logistic regression analyses revealed that R. salmoninarum prevalence differed significantly by location/time of collection and gender, with a higher likelihood of infection later in the spawning season and in females vs. males. Chi‐square analyses quantifying non‐independence of infection by multiple pathogens revealed a significant association between R. salmoninarum and motile aeromonad infections. Additionally, greater numbers of fish were found to be co‐infected by multiple bacterial species than would be expected by chance alone. The findings of this study suggest a potential synergism between bacteria infecting spawning Chinook salmon.  相似文献   

Renibacterium salmoninarum is a significant pathogen of salmonids and the causative agent of bacterial kidney disease (BKD). Water temperature affects the replication rate of pathogens and the function of the fish immune system to influence the progression of disease. In addition, rapid shifts in temperature may serve as stressors that reduce host resistance. This study evaluated the effect of shifts in water temperature on established R. salmoninarum infections. We challenged Chinook salmon with R. salmoninarum at 12 °C for 2 weeks and then divided the fish into three temperature groups (8, 12 and 15 °C). Fish in the 8 °C group had significantly higher R. salmoninarum‐specific mortality, kidney R. salmoninarum loads and bacterial shedding rates relative to the fish held at 12 or 15 °C. There was a trend towards suppressed bacterial load and shedding in the 15 °C group, but the results were not significant. Bacterial load was a significant predictor of shedding for the 8 and 12 °C groups but not for the 15 °C group. Overall, our results showed little effect of temperature stress on the progress of infection, but do support the conclusion that cooler water temperatures contribute to infection progression and increased transmission potential in Chinook salmon infected with R. salmoninarum.  相似文献   

Little is known about the food habits of juvenile Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch) salmon in marine environments of Alaska, or whether their diets may have contributed to extremely high marine survival rates for coho salmon from Southeast Alaska and much more modest survival rates for Southeast Alaskan Chinook salmon. To address these issues, we documented the spatial and temporal variability of diets of both species collected from marine waters of Southeast Alaska during summers of 1997–2000. Food habits were similar: major prey items of both species included fishes, crab larvae, hyperiid amphipods, insects, and euphausiids. Multivariate analyses of diet composition indicated that the most distinct groups were formed at the smallest spatial and temporal scales (the haul), although groups also formed at larger scales, such as by month or habitat type. Our expectations for how food habits would influence survival were only partially supported. As predicted, Southeast Alaskan coho salmon had more prey in their stomachs overall [1.8% of body weight (BW)] and proportionally far fewer empty stomachs (0.7%) than either Alaskan Chinook (1.4% BW, 5.1% empty) or coho salmon from other regions. However, contrary to our expectations, coho salmon diets contained surprisingly few fish (49% by weight). Apparently, Alaskan coho salmon achieved extremely high marine survival rates despite a diet consisting largely of small, less energetically‐efficient crustacean prey. Our results suggest that diet quantity (how much is eaten) rather than diet quality (what is eaten) is important to marine survival.  相似文献   

Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) is one of several economically‐important species of salmon found in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. The first months at sea are believed to be the most critical for salmon survival, with the highest rate of mortality occurring during this period. In the present study, we examined interannual diet composition and body condition trends for late‐summer subyearling Chinook salmon caught off Oregon and Washington from 1998 to 2012. Interannual variability was observed in juvenile salmon diet composition by weight of prey consumed. Juvenile subyearling Chinook salmon were mainly piscivorous, with northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax) being especially important, making up half the diet by weight in some years. Annual diets clustered into two groups, primarily defined by their proportion of invertebrate prey (14% versus 39% on average). Diet composition was found to influence adult returns, with salmon from high‐invertebrate years returning in significantly larger numbers 2–3 yrs later. However, years that had high adult returns had overall lower stomach fullness and poorer body condition as juveniles, a counterintuitive result potentially driven by the enhanced survival of less fit individuals in better ocean conditions (top‐down effect). Ocean conditions in years with a higher percentage of invertebrates in salmon diets were significantly cooler from May to August, and bottom‐up processes may have led to a fall plankton community with a larger proportion of invertebrates. Our results suggest that the plankton community assemblage during this first fall may be critical in predicting adult returns of Chinook salmon in the Pacific Northwest.  相似文献   

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