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Purpose To determine the clinical characteristics of possible inherited cataract in the Bichon Frise breed. These characteristics include the relative frequency, gender effects, site of first cataract formation, age of onset, relationship of age to cataract maturity, and other concurrent pre‐ and postoperative ophthalmic diseases. Methods Four different populations of Bichon Frise were examined. They included: (1) referred patients of the University of Florida (VMTH; 1990–2000); (2) patients from other universities and large institutions (VMDB; 1970–2000); (3) patients from the Canine Eye Registry Foundation (CERF; 1970–2000); and (4) special patients recruited from eye clinics and ACVO specialty practices (1995–2001). Blood samples were obtained from many patients for future DNA analyzes. Statistical comparisons between groups were by general linear and anova analyzes, and P < 0.05 was considered significant. Results The four populations of cataractous and total Bichon Frise dogs included: (1) UF‐VMTH: 57 cataractous dogs; (2) VMDB: 406 dogs (28%) with cataracts; total dogs ? 1407; (3) CERF: 505 cataractous dogs (6%); total dogs ? 8222; and (4) ACVO: 223 cataractous dogs (57%); total dogs ? 391. In each population group, gender did not affect cataract distribution. Dogs between 2 and 8 years of age were most frequently affected, and initial cataract involvement affected equally the anterior and posterior cortices. Immature cataracts occurred more often in younger dogs, and hypermature cataracts were more frequently diagnosed in older dogs. Dogs with early cataracts were encountered more frequently in the CERF population. Pre‐ and postoperative retinal detachments (RD) were not infrequently diagnosed in the UF‐VMTH and VMDB groups. RD in the UF‐VMTH and VMDB groups occurred in 33% and 13% of the patients, respectively. Conclusions Cataracts were first encountered in CERF and VMDB data between 1975 and 1979 and have increased since this time. As expected, both similarities and differences between the four different populations of Bichon Frise were encountered. Both sexes of dogs are equally affected. The anterior and posterior cortical areas of the lens were first involved and dogs 2–8 years of age are most frequently affected. Cataracts affected younger dogs in the CERF group and older cataractous dogs in the other populations. Cataract formation appears to be inherited in the Bichon Frise dog. The frequency of pre‐ and postoperative retinal detachments present higher risks for cataract surgery in this breed.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the efficacy of prophylactic random transscleral retinopexy (PRTR) in preventing rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) in the Bichon Frise with juvenile cataract. The medical records were reviewed from a private veterinary ophthalmology practice of nondiabetic Bichon Frise dogs younger than 11 years that had inherited cortical cataracts in one or both eyes and that had a follow-up examination after at least 9 months. Eyes were included in the study if the fundus could be visualized by indirect ophthalmoscopy at the last examination either because of phacoemulsification or resorption of the cataract. Four groups of eyes were identified. In group 1, no PRTR was performed and there was resorption of the cataract; in group 2, eyes had no PRTR performed and phacoemulsification of the cataract. Group 3 had PRTR performed and resorption of the cataract. In group 4, PRTR was performed as was phacoemulsification of the cataract. In group 1, 20 eyes had resorbed cataracts, and 12 (60%) of these had RRD. In group 2, 18 eyes had phacoemusification of the cataract, and 10 (55%) of these had RRD. In group 3, 19 eyes had PRTR and resorbed cataracts, and 2 (10%) of them had RRD. In group 4, 39 eyes had PRTR and phacoemulsification of the cataract; of these 5 (12%) had RRD. The Bichon Frise dog with inherited cataract is at high risk of RRD. PRTR reduces this risk.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the mode of inheritance of cataract formation in the Bichon Frise. MATERIALS: Thirty-six closely related Bichon Frise dogs in a pedigree of 61 dogs were examined using slit-lamp biomicroscopy and indirect ophthalmoscopy over a period of 10 years. RESULTS: Of the 61 related dogs, 36 were examined repeatedly. Twelve cataractous dogs were diagnosed (three males and nine females). Cataractous dogs resulted from matings between unaffected parents, and when one parent was cataractous and the other parent was unaffected. Age at onset of cataract formation ranged from 18 to 160 months. Available information suggests that the cataracts are inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. CONCLUSION: Cataracts appear inherited in the Bichon Frise as an autosomal recessive trait. Additional cataract x cataract matings are necessary to confirm the autosomal recessive heredity.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the ophthalmoscopic, fluorescein angiographic and light microscopic effects of diode laser retinopexy application in the tapetal and nontapetal fundus in the dog, and to ascertain appropriate laser power settings for production of photocoagulative lesions in these two regions. Animals studied Three adult female Beagle dogs. Procedures Laser burns were applied to selected areas in the fundus with an indirect headset delivery system using settings varying from 100 to 200 milliWatts (mW) and from 100 to 600 milliSeconds (mS) with total delivered energy ranging between 15 and 100 milliJoules (mJ). The dogs were then monitored by ophthalmoscopic examination and fluorescein angiography at regular intervals for 7–28 days. Histopathologic studies were performed at 7, 14 and 28 days after laser application. Results The diode laser produced ophthalmoscopically visible lesions in the nontapetal fundus with all laser settings used, and the appearance of these lesions corresponded to the energy levels used, and degree of pigment in the lased region. Gray‐white colored lesions with minimal subsensory retinal edema were seen with settings as low as 100 mWatts/150 mSeconds. In the tapetal fundus, laser burns were more difficult to produce, less repeatable, and required higher energy levels. Laser burns appeared as bronze, dark green or black discolorations of the tapetum with varying degrees of subsensory retinal edema. Lesions were more reproducible and were achieved with lower settings in the tapetal area of the tapetal/nontapetal junction. Ophthalmoscopically, depigmentation and repigmentation of the RPE (nontapetal fundus) and degenerative changes in the overlying retina (tapetal fundus) developed in the laser burns over the 28‐day study period. Fluorescein angiographic studies showed disruption of the blood–retinal barrier at the level of the RPE and fluorescein leakage into the subsensory retinal space was seen in most lesions at 24 h, was minimal at 3 days, and had resolved by 7 days. Histologically, grayish‐white lesions in the nontapetal fundus, and bronze to small black lesions in the tapetal fundus were typically characterized by outer retinal necrosis and RPE migration. Gliosis was considered minimal, was confined to the retina, and no inflammatory cells were seen. Peripheral intense white lesions (nontapetum) and lesions with a black center (tapetal fundus) were characterized by more extensive panretinal and choroidal necrosis. Most of the nontapetal lesions and a few in the tapetal fundus showed the formation of a central retinal detachment. Conclusions The diode laser effectively produces lesions suitable for retinopexy in both the nontapetal, pigmented fundus and the tapetal fundus, although variably so in the latter region. Initial laser settings of 100–150 mW/200 mS for the pigmented fundus, and 150 mW/200–300 mS for the peripheral tapetal fundus are recommended, and the clinician should gradually increase time interval settings to achieve a grayish‐white lesion in the nontapetum, and a bronze to slightly black lesion in the tapetal fundus. If possible, retinopexy should be applied to the peripheral tapetal area or tapetal/nontapetal junction.  相似文献   

Objective To describe the postoperative complications and visual outcome after phacoemulsification in dogs and identify risk factors for complications. Animals studied One hundred and three dogs (179 eyes) that had phacoemulsification with or without intraocular lens (IOL) placement including foldable acrylic IOLs between March 2006 and March 2008 at Purdue University Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Procedure Medical records were reviewed and occurrence and dates of postoperative complications were tabulated. Visual status at the final recheck during the study period was recorded. Additional information including signalment, diabetes mellitus status, operative complications and factors, presence of prior lens induced uveitis, preoperative retinopexy, and cataract stage was collected. Results The majority of eyes were functionally visual (148 eyes, 82.7%) at the end of the study period. Blindness was seen in 18 eyes (10.0%) with reduced vision in 13 eyes (7.3%) at the final recheck. Postoperative ocular hypertension (22.9%), corneal lipid opacity (19.0%), uveitis (16.2%), intraocular hemorrhage (12.3%), retinal detachment (8.4%), and glaucoma (6.7%) were the most common postoperative complications seen in eyes. The odds of blindness were significantly greater (OR = 290.44) in the eyes of Boston terriers compared with mixed breed dogs and with each year of increasing age (OR = 2.00). Conclusion The prognosis for vision after phacoemulsification with injectable IOL placement is good. Boston terriers were at much higher risk for certain complications.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify visual outcome and postoperative complications following phacoemulsification of equine cataracts. ANIMALS: Records of 39 horses (55 eyes) with cataracts were reviewed. METHODS: Eyes with cataracts removed by phacoemulsification were included in the study. Data collected included age, breed, sex, stage and etiology of cataract, unilateral vs. bilateral involvement, and ultrasound findings. Horses were grouped by etiology of the cataract. Visual outcome and complications were evaluated for each group and the overall population. RESULTS: Immediately postoperatively 46 out of 47 eyes (98%) were sighted. Four weeks postoperatively 23 of 29 operated eyes (79%) were sighted [13/18 (72%) eyes with congenital/juvenile onset, 6/6 (100%) eyes with traumatic and 4/5 (90%) eyes with uveitis-induced cataracts], with 18 eyes lost to follow-up. The most common postoperative complications included corneal edema (19 eyes/40%), fibrin in the anterior chamber (11 eyes/23%), postoperative ocular hypertension (9 eyes/19%), synechia/dyscoria (9 eyes/19%), and hyphema (7 eyes/15%). CONCLUSIONS: Prognosis for vision is favorable for horses following phacoemulsification and planned posterior continuous tear circular capsulorrhexis. Success rates depend on age of patient, cause of cataract and pre-existing intraocular disease. The highest success rate occurred in eyes with traumatic cataracts.  相似文献   

O bjectives : To make an objective assessment of the usefulness of magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of meniscal damage and cranial cruciate ligament disease in the canine stifle by comparing magnetic resonance imaging findings with surgical findings.
M ethods : Magnetic resonance images of 18 stifles from 18 dogs which had undergone magnetic resonance imaging for the investigation of stifle disease were reviewed. For every stifle, the menisci and cranial cruciate ligaments were assessed according to predetermined criteria. The magnetic resonance imaging findings were compared with the reported surgical findings and the sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values (PPV and NPV) were calculated using the surgical findings as the gold standard. Kappa analysis was used as an objective measure of agreement between surgical and magnetic resonance imaging findings. For 11 stifles, meniscal evaluation by three different observers was used to measure interobserver agreement using Kappa analysis.
R esults : Magnetic resonance imaging was demonstrated to be an accurate technique in the detection of meniscal injury (k=0·86), with excellent interobserver agreement (k=0·89 to 1·0). Disruption of cranial cruciate ligament continuity and an increase in ligament intensity were found to be useful criteria in the diagnosis of cranial cruciate ligament rupture.
C linical S ignificance : Magnetic resonance imaging offers a non-invasive alternative to exploratory surgery in the evaluation of cranial cruciate ligament and meniscal disease.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to develop an improved test to detect the codon 616 gene mutation in the alpha cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase gene that causes progressive retinal atrophy in the Cardigan Welsh Corgi. We studied 10 control dogs of known genotype at codon 616 of the alpha cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase gene and 80 Cardigan Welsh Corgis of unknown genotype. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) utilizing a mismatched primer was designed so that it introduced a HinfI restriction enzyme digestion site into the PCR product only if the normal gene sequence was present, the restriction site was not introduced if the codon 616 mutation was present. An additional HinfI site present in the amplified section from both normal and mutant alleles acted as a positive control for restriction enzyme digestion. The PCR reliably amplified a portion of the alpha cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase gene spanning the codon 616 mutation site. Restriction enzyme digestion with HinfI and analysis on a suitable agarose gel reliably ascertained the genotype of the control dogs and was used to identify the genotype of a further 80 test dogs. An improved DNA-based test for detection of the codon 616 mutation in the alpha cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase gene that causes progressive retinal atrophy in the Cardigan Welsh Corgi has been designed. This overcomes potential problems that could be associated with allele-specific PCR tests such as that used previously in a diagnostic test for this gene mutation.  相似文献   

Diffuse large B‐cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common haematopoietic malignancy in dogs. Recently, MYC and BCL2 expression levels determined with immunohistochemistry (IHC) were found to be prognostic in people with DLBCL. We hypothesized that canine DLBCL can be similarly subdivided into prognostic subtypes based on expression of MYC and BCL2. Cases of canine DLBCL treated with CHOP chemotherapy were retrospectively collected and 43 dogs had available histologic tissue and complete clinical follow‐up. Median values of percent immunoreactive versus immunonegative cells were used to determine positive or negative expression status. Completion of CHOP was significantly associated with a positive outcome. Compared with human patients, our canine DLBCL patients had high IHC expression of both MYC and BCL2, and relative expression levels of one or both markers were not associated with clinical outcome.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this retrospective study was to report the incidence of posterior capsule disruption during routine phacoemulsification and to document the postoperative outcomes and complications in eyes with posterior capsule disruption compared with eyes with intact posterior capsules. PROCEDURES: Records of 143 dogs (244 eyes) were reviewed. Data collected included whether the posterior capsule was disrupted, whether the disruption was planned or accidental, whether an intraocular lens was implanted, and visual outcome. Records were reviewed for postoperative complications. Intraocular lens implantation rates, complication rates, and visual outcomes were compared between intact and disrupted posterior capsule groups using Chi-square analyses. RESULTS: The posterior capsule was disrupted in 33/244 eyes (14%). Planned capsulotomies accounted for 36% of the disruptions. Intraocular lenses were implanted in 76% of eyes without a disruption of the posterior capsule and in 31% of eyes with a posterior capsule disruption. Intraocular lenses were more likely to be implanted in eyes with a planned disruption of the posterior capsule (7/12; 58%) than in eyes with an accidental disruption (3/20; 15%). There were no significant differences in postoperative complications or visual outcome between eyes with posterior capsule disruption and those without. CONCLUSIONS: The most significant complication of posterior capsule disruption during phacoemulsification is the inability to implant an intraocular lens. Intraocular lenses are more likely to be placed in eyes with intentional disruptions of the posterior capsule than those with accidental ruptures.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Aplastic pancytopenia is defined by the presence of pancytopenia in blood and a hypocellular bone marrow with the hematopoietic space replaced by adipose tissue. Several causes of acquired aplastic pancytopenia are known; however, in some cases, an underlying cause is never determined. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this retrospective study was to identify the incidence, potential causes, and outcome of aplastic pancytopenia in dogs. METHODS: Bone marrow cytologic and core biopsy reports were reviewed to identify dogs diagnosed with aplastic pancytopenia between July 1, 1996 and June 30, 2003. Four-hundred eighty-six bone marrow reports that included aspirate and core biopsy evaluations were reviewed. Signalment, treatment given, previous and current disease conditions, clinical signs of disease, clinical laboratory data, therapy, response to therapy, and survival time were recorded. RESULTS: Nine dogs (1.85% of bone marrow samples reviewed) met the criteria for inclusion. Two dogs (22%) had associated diseases that included monocytic ehrlichiosis and Sertoli cell tumor. In 7 dogs (78%), the cause of aplastic pancytopenia could not be definitively determined, although an idiosyncratic drug reaction to griseofulvin was suspected in 1 of the dogs. The median age of dogs diagnosed with aplastic pancytopenia was 3.2 years, and apparent breed or sex predilection was not identified. Median HCT, total WBC count, and platelet count on the day of presentation were 21.8%, 1.0 x 10(3)/microL, and 2.0 x 10(3)/microL, respectively. Six of 9 dogs diagnosed with aplastic pancytopenia died or were euthanized within 21 days. Two dogs had complete hematologic recovery. One dog was living 3 years after diagnosis, but hematologic recovery was never documented. CONCLUSIONS: Aplastic pancytopenia is diagnosed infrequently and idiopathic aplastic pancytopenia may account for up to 67% or more of canine cases. Although the prognosis is guarded, some dogs with aplastic pancytopenia recover.  相似文献   

A retrospective study of 143 dogs with pericardial effusion is presented, including a statistical analysis of survival time. Cases were classified into those in which a mass was seen on echocardiography (echo-positive) and those in which no mass could be identified (echo-negative). Forty-four dogs were echo-positive and 99 were echo-negative. The median survival time (MST) was 1068 days for echo-negative dogs and 26 days for echo-positive dogs. Dogs with a history of collapse were more likely to present with a mass on echocardiography. Those presenting with collapse had an MST of 30 days compared with 605 days for those without collapse. Echo-negative dogs tended to present with ascites and generally had a larger volume of pericardial effusion. The median survival for dogs presenting with ascites was 605 days compared with 45 days for those without ascites. Among echo-negative dogs, 64 per cent had a relapse of their effusion. Subtotal pericardiectomy was performed in 31 echo-negative dogs. The procedure had a perioperative mortality of 13 per cent but provided a favourable long-term prognosis. Dogs undergoing pericardiectomy had a median survival of 1218 days compared with 532 days for those not undergoing surgery.  相似文献   

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