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A comparative cervical skin test using 1.0 mg/ml bovine purified protein derivative and 0.5 mg/ml avian purified protein derivative was evaluated as a method for detecting tuberculosis in farmed deer. A positive comparative cervical skin test reaction was defined as a bovine response with a 2 mm or greater increase in skin thickness which was greater or equal to the avian response. Estimates of the sensitivity of the comparative cervical skin test were obtained from a series of experiments conducted on 60 deer intratracheally inoculated with Mycobacterium bovis. Prior tuberculin skin testing was found to suppress the skin reactivity to a subsequent comparative cervical skin test. This effect was most pronounced at short intervals of 3-7 days, but could still be measured 60 days after the previous test. When the test interval was greater than 60 days, the sensitivity of the comparative cervical skin test was 91.4%. The specificity of the comparative cervical skin test was 98.7% when 1157 deer from 17 uninfected herds with a history of nonspecific skin test reactions were examined. There was no statistical difference in the mean skin thickness increases of three groups of infected animals tested with 2 mg/ml, 0.2 mg/ml and 0.02 mg/ml of bovine purified protein derivative respectively.  相似文献   

There is a need to develop simple, rapid, and accurate methods for assessing health in fish populations. In this study we demonstrate that use of fluorescein, a nontoxic fluorescent dye, can rapidly and easily detect the presence of skin ulcers in all fish tested, including rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), goldfish (Carassius auratus), and hybrid striped bass (Morone saxatilis male X M. chrysops female). Exposure of fish to as little as 0.10 mg fluorescein per milliliter of water for 3 minutes was sufficient to identify experimentally induced lesions, even pinpoint ulcerations. Such lesions were not visible to the naked eye but were clearly demarcated with fluorescein treatment. Examination of fish that appeared clinically normal often revealed the presence of focal ulcerations, which might have been a consequence of damage during capture, but it also might suggest that skin ulceration may be common even in "clinically normal" fish. Exposure of either nonulcerated or experimentally ulcerated hybrid striped bass to an excessively high concentration of fluorescein had no apparent effect on health or survival. Our studies suggest that fluorescein may be a highly useful tool for rapid health screening in fish populations.  相似文献   

The isolation of herpesviruses from skin ulcers in domestic cats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

OBJECTIVE: To compare the anesthetic efficacy and physiologic changes associated with exposure to tricaine methanesulfonate and clove oil (100% eugenol). ANIMALS: 15 adult cultured red pacu (Piaractus brachypomus). PROCEDURE: Fish were exposed to each of 6 anesthetic concentrations in a within-subjects complete crossover design. Stages of anesthesia and recovery were measured, and physiologic data were collected before and during anesthesia. RESULTS: Interval to induction was more rapid and recovery more prolonged in fish exposed to eugenol, compared with those exposed to tricaine methanesulfonate. The margin of safety for eugenol was narrow, because at the highest concentration, most fish required resuscitation. Mixed venous-arterial PO2 consistently decreased with anesthesia, while PCO2 consistently increased with anesthesia in all fish regardless of anesthetic agent. The increase in PCO2 was accompanied by a decrease in pH, presumably secondary to respiratory acidosis. Anesthesia was associated with increased blood glucose, potassium, and sodium concentrations as well as Hct and hemoglobin. Fish anesthetized with eugenol were more likely to react to a hypodermic needle puncture than fish anesthetized with tricaine methanesulfonate. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Anesthesia induced with tricaine methanesulfonate or eugenol contributes to hypoxemia, hypercapnia, respiratory acidosis, and hyperglycemia in red pacu. Similar to tricaine methanesulfonate, eugenol appears to be an effective immobilization compound, but eugenol is characterized by more rapid induction, prolonged recovery, and a narrow margin of safety. Care must be taken when using high concentrations of eugenol for induction, because ventilatory failure may occur rapidly. In addition, analgesic properties of eugenol are unknown.  相似文献   

植物性替代蛋白源在鱼类饲料中的利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛敏  郭亚民  黎春晖 《饲料广角》2002,(5):13-14,22
采用配合颗粒饲料对水产养殖是一个有效的增产措施,蛋白质是饲料中最为重要的营养组分,同时也是配合饲料中成本最高的部分。在多年生产实践中,鱼用饲料绝大多数以鱼粉为主要蛋白源,因其蛋白含量较高,具有氨基酸较平衡、含有丰富的不饱和脂肪酸及其所特有的促摄食  相似文献   

The gamma interferon (IFN -gamma) test was evaluated for its ability to diagnose bovine tuberculosis in cattle that 8 to 28 days previously had a positive caudal fold skin test. The sensitivity of the test was determined in a group of 163 Mycobacterium bovis -infected cattle from 21 herds. The specificity was estimated in a group of 213 cattle which had reacted to a caudal fold test, but were from 82 herds that had no evidence of infection with M bovis. The sensitivity and specificity of the IFN -gamma test was 85 and 93 per cent respectively. No significant differences in the sensitivity and specificity of the test were observed between blood samples that were cultured on the day of collection and those cultured the day after collection. These findings support the use of the IFN -gamma test as a practical serial test that can be used to complement the caudal fold skin test.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of fish-based feed materials, as a source of readily available protein contained in fish broth and essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) found in fish oil, on the health of piglets and rearing results. The experiment was conducted on a commercial pig fattening farm. The study involved a total of 80 weaners with an approximate body weight of 15 kg. The experiment was carried out over a period of 40 days. Feed samples were subjected to laboratory analyses. Blood samples were collected from experimental group animals to determine serum biochemical and immunological parameters. The body weight gains of weaners, mortality rates and average feed intake per animal were calculated for the entire experimental period. The addition of fish broth and fish oil significantly improved the n3:n6 fatty acid ratio in diets. The presence of EPA and DHA in the experimental diet could have had a positive health effect on piglets, comparable with that exerted by therapeutic doses of zinc often administered to pigs of this age group. During the experiment, feed conversion ratio (FCR) gain was considerably reduced in the experimental group, with similar daily gains in the control and experimental group.  相似文献   

A four-year-old, 1·3-kg entire male Holland Lop pet rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) was presented with a two-day history of bilateral epiphora and blepharospasm. Fluorescein staining revealed bilateral medio-ventral corneal ulceration. Initial topical treatment included ophthalmic broad-spectrum antibiotics and artificial tear solutions. Over a six-month period, antibiotics were changed based on corneal culture and sensitivity test results, and periodic corneal debridement was performed. With little to no improvement, and recurrence of the previous clinical signs, surgical intervention was considered but withheld because of individual pet consideration and owner's reluctance. Hydrophilic contact lenses were placed for corneal support but failed and caused a severe ocular response. Corneal collagen shields were placed bilaterally in order to promote corneal healing. Recheck examination performed seven days after placement revealed complete resolution of the ulcer in one eye and major reduction of the corneal ulcer in the contra-lateral eye.  相似文献   

Brucellosis, caused by bacteria of the genus Brucella, is a contagious disease that causes economic loss to owners of domestic animals due to loss of progeny and milk yield. Because cattle, sheep, goats, and to a lesser extent pigs are considered to be the source of human brucellosis, serological tests have been used to screen domestic animals for antibodies against Brucella. Although the serological tests helped to eradicate brucellosis in many countries, serological tests are not always adequate to detect latent carriers of Brucella. Therefore, the use of the skin delayed-type hypersensitivity (SDTH) test, which is independent of circulating antibodies, might improve the diagnosis of brucellosis. In the literature, however, there are conflicting reports as to the value of the SDTH test for the diagnosis of brucellosis. Some studies consider the test unreliable, whereas others advocate its use because it detects brucellosis earlier than serological tests. The objectives of this study were therefore to assess the characteristics of the SDTH test, to select a Brucella strain that will yield a suitable brucellin for use in the field, and to determine whether the use of serological tests in combination with the SDTH test improves the detection of brucellosis. The results of this study clearly show that the SDTH test detects latent carriers of Brucella and confirms brucellosis in cattle with ambiguous serological test results. Brucellins prepared from smooth or mucoid strains of Brucella are better suited for use in the field than brucellins prepared from rough strains because they detect brucellosis in cattle with acute as well as chronic infection. The SDTH test is highly specific (99.3% specificity), and repeated testing of naive cattle or cattle infected with microorganisms that serologically cross-react with Brucella does not sensitize cattle to subsequent SDTH tests. However, it is possible that some naive cattle may serologically react to the injection of brucellin. The effect of these serological reactions on the sero-diagnosis of brucellosis is limited, because cattle may only now and then react serologically either with the serum agglutination test (SAT) or the complement fixation test (CFT). Nevertheless, cattle infected with microorganisms that serologically cross-react with Brucella may test seropositive for brucellosis 4 to 7 weeks after injection of brucellin, depending on the cross-reacting microorganism. The value of the SDTH test for the diagnosis of brucellosis was demonstrated after an outbreak of brucellosis. When the SDTH test was used in combination with SAT and CFT at diagnostic threshold > or =2 mm or > or =1 mm (increase in skinfold thickness), respectively, 39/44 (88%) or 42/44 (95%) of the infected cattle were detected compared with only 27/44 (61%) when SAT and CFT were used. When cattle in areas of low prevalence or in areas free from brucellosis are tested with the SDTH test an increase > or =2 mm in skinfold thickness should be considered indicative of infection. When the control and eradication of brucellosis is based on test-and-slaughter, an increase of > or =1 mm in skinfold thickness should be considered indicative of infection. Repeated serological testing complemented with the SDTH test in this programme will shorten the quarantine (movement control) period of a suspect herd, limiting the financial loss incurred during outbreaks of the disease. Consequently, since the SDTH test usually does not interfere with the serological diagnosis and can safely be used to establish the infection status of cattle in a suspect herd, it is opportune to consider adding the SDTH test to the procedure currently used to diagnose brucellosis in individual animals.  相似文献   

以纯化的猪附红细胞体特异性抗原为包被抗原,在建立猪附红细胞体病间接ELISA检测方法的基础上对各反应参数进行了优化,并初步组装成试剂盒。组装的试剂盒抗原最佳包被质量浓度为30 mg/L,被检血清稀释度为1∶100,酶标二抗的最适工作滴度为1∶4 000,底物TMB最适反应条件为室温15 min;检测血清的判定标准为D450值≥0.13定为阳性反应,D450值≤0.11定为阴性反应,0.11~0.13定为疑似反应;该试剂盒不与猪大肠杆菌病、猪弓形虫病及猪瘟等阳性血清发生交叉反应,具有较好的特异性;在不同时间对阴阳性样品重复检测8次,阴阳性血清的D450值变异系数均未超过10%,说明该试剂盒具有良好的重复性;通过对组装试剂盒中各组分的稳定性和保存时间的测定结果证实,该试剂盒的保质期暂定为6个月;应用保存6个月的试剂盒通过对吉林省延边地区的60份猪血清样本检测,并与间接ELISA比较,其阳性符合率达100%,说明该试剂盒具有较好的稳定性。  相似文献   

In an attempt to experimentally reproduce focal ulcerative dermatitis (FUD) in turkeys, pressures of 94, 136, and 240 mmHg were applied for 2, 4, or 6 hr daily for 4 consecutive days to unfeathered breast skin of six 9-week-old toms. No gross lesions occurred either immediately after treatment or during a 10-day post-treatment period, and no microscopic changes were present in the skin at the conclusion of the trial. These findings suggest that avian skin is resistant to pressure-induced decubital ulceration and that pressure is unlikely to be either the cause of or a significant contributor to FUD.  相似文献   

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