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在H镇黄瓜种植地抽取三块地,通过实地调查和对农户的访问了解春季大棚蔬菜的病害及农药使用情况,每隔7 d进行调查,调查内容有播种时间、发芽时间、育苗、移栽、出现病害时间、病害的种类,使用的农药名称、使用方法等.在所得数据基础上提出了合理使用农药及减少农药污染的合理建议. 相似文献
马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum L.)生产过程中化肥和农药过量使用不仅导致资源浪费和成本增加,而且引发土壤肥力下降、病虫抗药性增强、马铃薯块茎品质下降、肥药利用率低等系列问题。通过对鄂北平原马铃薯主产区化肥和农药使用情况进行系统调研,分析了化肥农药使用过程中存在化肥农药高效替代产品与技术应用不足、精准施用装备落后、肥药施用不科学等主要问题,并结合鄂北平原地区马铃薯生产实际提出了加强政府引导并制定相关产业扶持政策、加快化肥农药减施关键技术集成研究与示范、加大宣传引导与技术培训力度、加强品牌建设等具体应对策略。 相似文献
于2021年5月至2022年5月开展了以澄迈、海口为主的蔬菜病虫害种类调查,并走访琼北区多家乡镇农资店调查农药使用情况。调查结果表明,琼北区蔬菜病害种类有30种,害虫有20种;发生严重的主要病害有霜霉病类、软腐病类、白锈病、白粉病类、病毒病类、豆类锈病、豇豆煤霉病、辣椒炭疽病;主要害虫有斜纹夜蛾、蓟马、美洲斑潜蝇、黄曲条跳甲、蚜虫、瓜实蝇、小菜蛾。市售的防治蔬菜病虫害的常用药剂种类主要有50种,其中杀虫剂25种,杀菌剂25种,高频使用的杀菌剂有咪鲜胺锰盐、烯酰吗啉、苯醚甲环唑、嘧菌酯、春雷霉素、吡唑醚菌酯等;高频使用的杀虫剂有啶虫脒、吡虫啉、阿维菌素的混配剂及溴虫氟苯双酰胺、乙基多杀菌素等。 相似文献
李淼 《农业工程技术:农产品加工》2016,(8)
该文主要介绍了阜新地区马铃薯上的主要病害环腐病、晚疫病及主要害虫蛴螬、二十八星瓢虫的发生情况、危害症状及防治方法,以期为农户提供参考,为促进马铃薯产业发展提供有益帮助。 相似文献
[目的]掌握安徽马铃薯生产基本信息和肥料施用情况,为化学肥料减施增效利用研究与示范推广提供基础数据。[方法]对安徽界首、阜南、临泉、蒙城、怀远、舒城等市(县)典型种植户的马铃薯栽培模式、施肥数量、施肥类型和方法、产量等进行统计,研究肥料利用率和贡献率。[结果]安徽6个马铃薯产区氮肥利用率为22.95%~33.19%,磷肥利用率为6.34%~13.24%,钾肥利用率为40.88%~67.12%,肥料贡献率为58.81%~63.03%。[结论]针对安徽马铃薯生产中在肥料管理方面存在的问题,提出化学肥料减施增效利用对策。 相似文献
总结了威宁县马铃薯主要病虫害的种类及其危害,并提出综合防治方法,以期为有效提高马铃薯的产量与品质提供参考。 相似文献
马铃薯是郸城县的传统优势产品,是粮菜两用的农作物,这类农作物具有适应冷凉的特点,是本县重要的农作物之一。从分析马铃薯病虫害发生的特点出发,具体阐释其防治的具体措施。 相似文献
以科学合理使用农药,防治果树病虫害,提高果园经济效益为中心,提出果园使用农药应坚持的四个原则,并说明如何识别真假农药,重点论述科学合理使用农药要做到合理用药、适量用药、轮换用药、混合用药及安全用药。 相似文献
XU Jin ZHU JieHua YANG YanLi TANG Hao Lü HePing FAN MingShou SHI Ying DONG DaoFeng WANG GuiJiang WANG WanXing XIONG XingYao GAO YuLin 《中国农业科学》2019,52(16):2800-2808
As the fourth important staple crop just after rice, maize and wheat, potato plays a crucial role in food security, poverty alleviation, cropping structure adjustment and transformation and updating of agriculture in China. The total harvested area and production of potato in China rank first in the world. However, the yield is much lower than the average level of the world due to a variety of diseases and insect pests of potato. With the support of National Key Research and Development Program of China, the major diseases and insect pests as well as pesticide use in potato production were surveyed in the six main production areas. Twenty-seven major potato pests were found in China. Six diseases (i.e. late blight, early blight, black scurf, Fusarium wilt, potato black leg and potato common scab) and six insect pests (i.e. wireworms, chafer grubs, aphids, twenty-eight spot lady beetle, potato tuber moth and thrips) were proposed to be listed as the most important management target in all the production areas. Moreover, more attention should be paid to prevent and control of bacterial wilt, ring rot and powdery scab. On the basis of census data, the average number of pesticide application and usage per unit area of potato in China were 17 and 40.03 kg·hm -2, which were higher than the national average level of 4.16 and 3.49 kg·hm -2. The control target of current registered pesticides did not cover many increasingly severe potato pests, such as bacterial wilt, common scab, powdery scab, and so on. Adoption and spread of integrated pest management (IPM) were proposed to be the most important strategy for reducing pesticide use and costs in potato production. To make scientific pest-management and pesticide reduction strategy, a potato pest early warning system should be developed based on rapid, sensitive and reliable detection and monitoring method. As host plant resistance is the economically feasible options for pests managing, it is important to improve potato resistant variety breeding and application, optimize variety layout. Development and promotion of high-efficient pesticide application technology and environmentally friendly alternatives to chemicals are the core drivers to realize chemical pesticide reduction. 相似文献
随着全球化经济的快速发展,为了保护我们的大自然不遭受破坏,大家知道已经采取了可持续发展战略,地球是我们赖以生存的环境,现在人们除了在追求物质生活以外,更多是追求了精神层面的生活,最明显的例子就是美化环境,因此园林艺术就显得至关重要,本文就通过对在园林工作中遇到的实际问题,来谈一下园林植物的病虫害综合治理,来进行讨论,探讨一下如何将植物的病虫害降到最低。 相似文献
为了给人们营造一个良好的视觉环境,在阐述园林病虫害防治原则的基础上,从加强园林管理制度、做好植物免疫工作、采用诱杀技术、无公害技术等方面来提出防治园林病虫害的相关措施。 相似文献