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为了实现餐厨垃圾的资源化高效利用,以餐厨垃圾为原料,采用乳酸菌进行固态发酵,结合正交试验、单因素试验优化了餐厨垃圾乳酸菌发酵生产生物饲料的工艺条件。结果表明:最佳发酵工艺为餐厨垃圾添加10%麦麸和4%豆粕搅拌均匀,加入125%的水,121℃灭菌20 min,冷却后,接种2.0%乳酸菌,32℃厌氧培养48 h。在此发酵条件下发酵产物中粗蛋白含量比原料提高了5.36%,粗脂肪、粗纤维、粗灰分均有下降,并且乳酸菌含量达到了24.8×10~8CFU/g;卫生指标均符合国家饲料卫生标准(GB13078—2001)。  相似文献   

为研究餐厨垃圾发酵生产的生物饲料对猪生长性能及粪便中微生物的影响,选用36头平均体重25 kg左右的杜长大三元猪,随机分为2组,试验期91天,对照组饲喂基础饲粮,试验组饲喂按照添加30%发酵餐厨垃圾生产的生物饲料替代部分基础饲料配制的试验粮。试验结果显示:总试验期试验组较对照组平均日增重提高了9.38%,料肉比降低了9.12%(P0.05),与对照组相比,试验组粪便中乳酸菌含量增加,大肠杆菌的含量降低。试验表明食用添加发酵餐厨垃圾生产的生物饲料的猪生产性能提高,且肠道环境得到改善。  相似文献   

(目的)本研究以行政村为评估单元,分析新郑市村域土地生态状况及其变化情况,为合理科学的利用土地提供依据。(方法)通过GIS和RS平台,综合运用遥感影像、统计报表与野外调查数据,采用多因素综合评价法对两期新郑市村域土地生态状况进行综合评估。(结果)结果表明: 2011年、2014年新郑市农村地区土地生态状况分别以二等级、一等级为主,该部分村庄占评价区域面积的58.29%、43.45%。位置分布上,南部山区的农村土地生态状况最好,中部平原其次,北部与郑州市接壤的地区最差,整体呈现三级阶梯型分布。动态分析表明,2011—2014年四年内,农村土地生态状况发展呈现变好趋势的村庄面积占评价区域面积的32.61%,这部分村庄主要分布在新郑市的南部、东部地区,呈现变差趋势的村庄面积占评价区域面积的21.14%,这部分村庄主要分布在新郑市的中北部地区。(结论)该研究获得了新郑市农村地区土地生态状况的优劣分布及其变化情况,为保护土地生态以及合理利用土地奠定了基础。  相似文献   

[目的]为了筛选南亚热带气候条件下适合草莓无土栽培的基质,[方法]本试验以“甜查理”草莓为试材,研究了6种基质对草莓生长及果实品质的影响。[结果]结果表明:自配基质A(草炭:蛭石:珍珠岩:沙子=7:1:1:1)、B(草炭:椰糠:蛭石:珍珠岩:沙子=5:2:1:1:1)和C(草炭:椰糠:蛭石:珍珠岩:沙子=3.5:3.5:1:1:1)在草莓果实品质、产量等方面和商品基质无明显差异,均表现较好;在植株生长量上,A、B和C处理的株高、叶柄长度、叶柄粗度和叶面积等方面均大于商品基质CK。[结论]因此,基质A、B和C处理可以用作草莓无土栽培的基质,降低生产成本。  相似文献   

苜蓿种子产量及其构成因素的多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在2005-2006年连续两年在条播条件下对国内外62份苜蓿种质55个4龄苜蓿品种的种子产量及其构成因素的多样性和相关性进行了研究.结果表明所有参试的苜蓿品种间的种子产量差异比较大,生殖枝数/m2、每生殖枝花序数、每花序小花数、每花序小荚数,每小荚种子数品种间存在较大的变异,遗传多样性比较复杂.通过对两年的数据进行相关分析发现,种子产量与牛殖枝花序数在两年中相关均极显著,可以作为高种子产量品种选育的重要指标之一.实际种子产量占潜在种子产量百分比在品种之间和茬次之间均存在较大差异,而且发现两年中实际种子产量占潜在种子产量几乎均小于4%,绝大部分在1%~2%之间.研究发现千粒重与其它指标相关性不显著,国内品种千粒重表现比较大的变异,多数品种间千粒重差异较大,但国外品种间(除Jindera外)千粒重变异较小,品种间差异不显著(p>0.05).  相似文献   

皖北地区主栽品种密度对产量及其构成因子的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了揭示皖北地区主栽玉米品种适宜密度,为玉米高产创建的合理密植提供科学依据。通过对穗粒数、千粒重等参数的监测,研究淮北地区密度对主栽品种产量及相关性状的影响,连续2年在宿州市农科院农试场,以‘郑单958’、‘鲁单981’、‘隆平206’为试验材料,以审定密度为基准,每7500株/hm2为一个密度阶梯,设置从减少7500株/hm2至增加30000株/hm2不同密度处理,在充分满足水肥需求条件下进行高产栽培实践,在实现高产基础上分析其产量及相关性状特征。结果表明,除平展型玉米品种‘鲁单981’外,其他2个品种密度与产量呈抛物线关系,紧凑型品种‘郑单958’最适宜种植密度为73300株/ hm2,半紧凑型品种‘隆平206’适宜种植密度为68600株/hm2左右,平展型品种‘鲁单981’最适宜种植密度为45000~52500株/hm2。由此得出,品种株型越紧凑,种植密度可适当增大;随密度增大,穗粒数与千粒重与密度呈越显著负相关,品种‘鲁单981’生产上应适当稀植以规避风险。  相似文献   

播种期和种植密度对芝麻产量及其构成因子的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以芝麻新品种皖芝1号为试验材料,进行了不同播期和密度对皖芝1号产量及产量构成因子的影响试验.结果表明,播期对子粒产量的影响极显著,密度对子粒产量的影响显著.在安徽江淮地区,合理种植密度为15.0万~22.5万株/hm2,芝麻在6月1日~6月30日播种越早产量越高.  相似文献   

为探索湿热预处理对餐厨垃圾高温干式厌氧消化的影响,在含固率为20%、发酵温度55℃的条件下进行厌氧发酵试验。采用L9(33)正交试验设计,研究湿热预处理的加水率、温度、时间对餐厨垃圾干式厌氧消化产沼气的影响。结果表明:湿热处理后餐厨垃圾的理化性质有明显变化,日产气量、累积产气量以及TS和VS的去除率明显升高。当湿热预处理条件为加水率50%、温度120℃、时间80 min时,SCOD值最高,为101050 mg/L,比未处理时提高了5.6倍。同样,该条件下日产气量出现的两个产气峰值最高,累积产气量也最高,为269.10 ml/gVS,与未处理相比累积产气量提高49.4%。各因素对餐厨垃圾厌氧发酵产气量影响的主次关系为:温度>时间>加水率,处理温度和处理时间对产气量有显著性影响,加水率对产气量影响较弱。  相似文献   

为筛选鲜食粒豌豆‘云豌18号’在滇中不同海拔区域的最佳种植密度,为良种配套良法提供依据,采用回归模型分析3个不同海拔试点不同种植密度对鲜食粒豌豆产量及构成因子的影响。结果表明,不同种植密度与产量拟合曲线均呈开口向下的二次抛物线关系,产量随种植密度的增加先呈上升趋势,当种植密度达一定量时产量达最高值,在一定种植密度范围内产量保持相对稳定,之后产量随种植密度增加而下降。3个海拔试点产量保持相对稳定的种植密度范围均为33万~42万株/hm2,海拔1545 m试点最佳种植密度为42万株/hm2,海拔1770 m试点最佳种植密度为33万株/hm2,海拔1970 m试点最佳种植密度为37.5万株/hm2。  相似文献   

Genetic control of alfalfa seed yield and its components   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Seed yield is of little agronomic importance in alfalfa (lucerne) but is critical in the marketing of varieties. In order to develop breeding criteria, the quantitative genetics of seed yield components must be studied. The objective of this study was (1) to evaluate combining ability for seed yield and its components and (2) to estimate the genetic control of these same characters. A 7 × 7 diallel mating design, including reciprocals, among parents from different varieties, and a 7 × 7 factorial design within the ‘Flamande’ population were evaluated. In the diallel design, where the progenies were evaluated over two growing seasons, a high genotype effect was found for seed yield and its components while genotype × year interaction was only significant for seed yield per plant. General combining ability (GCA) effects explained most of the variation due to genotype effect. Specific combining ability (SCA) and reciprocal effects were only significant for seed yield per plant. ‘Europe‐1’, ‘Rival‐5’ and ‘Medalfa‐7’ were the most promising parents, conferring the highest GCA for most of the characters evaluated, especially for seed weight per inflorescence. In the factorial design, seed weight per pod was the only character for which the year effect was not significant. Male and female effects were significant for all characters and these effects were larger than the male × female interaction variance for all the characters. These results were stable over the 2 years for most characters. Additive variance was larger than dominance variance, for all traits. This resulted in high narrow‐sense heritabilities, especially for seed yield per plant, seed weight per inflorescence and number of seeds per pod. Seed weight per inflorescence and number of seeds per inflorescence were highly correlated with seed yield per plant among the full‐sib (FS) families, in both experiments. Increase in seed yield potential in alfalfa could be achieved by the use of seed weight per inflorescence as a selection criterion.  相似文献   

施氮量和栽插密度对郑稻18产量及其构成因素的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
摘 要:以郑稻18为试验材料,研究了施氮量和栽插密度对其产量及其构成因素的影响。施氮量设置4个水平,分别为0kg?hm-2(N0)、150kg?hm-2(N1)、225kg?hm-2(N2)、300kg?hm-2(N3);栽插密度设置3个水平,分别为18.0×104hm-2(B1)、24.0×104hm-2(B2)、30.0×104hm-2(B3)。结果表明:(1)施氮量、栽插密度对郑稻18的产量均有显著影响。N3产量水平最高,N2产量与之相当,且较N1、N0增产均达显著水平;栽插密度B3产量最高,较B2、B1增产均达显著水平。(2)施氮量及栽插密度对产量构成因素有着不同的影响,其中对单位面积穗数影响最大,每穗粒数次之,结实率、千粒重相对较小。(3)施氮量与栽插密度的12个处理组合中,N2B3最为环保高效。  相似文献   

Information on the genetic variability of seed yield and yield components is limited and no information is available on correlations among seed yield and yield components and direct and indirect effects of the yield components on seed yield in switchgrass, Panicum virgatum L. Accordingly, we conducted replicated experiments at Chickasha and Perkins, OK, in 1998 involving 11 lowland type switchgrass populations to assess genetic variation for seed yield and yield components, quantify interrelationships among them, and determine direct and indirect effects of yield components on seed yield through path coefficient analysis to identify traits for indirect selection of seed yield. Significant (P ≤ 0.01) variation existed among the 11 populations over locations for percent seed set and 100-seed weight. Seed yield/plant and the seed yield components panicle number/plant, spikelet number/panicle, and seed number/panicle had significant (P ≤ 0.05) population × location interactions, indicating substantial environmental influence on these traits for these populations. Accordingly, data for these traits were analyzed separately for each location revealing significant (P ≤ 0.01) differences among populations at both locations for each of these traits. Phenotypic correlation between seed yield/plant and seed number/panicle was positive (r = 0.76** at Chickasha and r = 0.72** at Perkins). Path coefficient analyses revealed that seed number/panicle had the highest positive direct effect on seed yield at both locations. Ample genetic variability was present among the switchgrass populations studied to allow breeding improvement of seed yield. Selection for increased seed number/panicle would be the most effective means of indirectly selecting for higher seed yield within this germplasm. Correlation and path coefficient analyses among biomass yield, seed yield, and harvest index indicated that, at least within the switchgrass germplasm studied, it would be possible to breed switchgrass cultivars with enhanced biomass yielding ability and sufficient seed production capability for their commercial propagation.  相似文献   

李建奇 《种子》2006,25(12):58-60
通过对不同类型玉米品种间籽粒品质、产量差异的研究,表明品种的遗传特性是造成不同类型玉米品种间品质差异的主要原因,不同类型玉米品种的粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗淀粉、赖氨酸含量、籽粒容重及其产量差异达显著水平,目前陇东旱塬区应以推广种植普通玉米为主。  相似文献   

Phenotypic selection under spaced planting is frequently used in forage species. This study aimed to compare the predicted efficiency of direct selection for lucerne seed or forage yield under dense planting with indirect selection based on the same traits or seed yield components evaluated under spaced planting. Sixteen genotypes randomly chosen from a representative sample of locally adapted germplasm were grown for two years as individual clones spaced at 75 cm (density =1.78 plants/m2) and in dense plots formed by one row of four clones spaced at 10 cm (density = 50 plants/m2) using a randomized complete block design with three replications. Indirect selection based on seed yield under spaced planting was just 19% less efficient than direct selection, owing to moderate genetic correlation between plant densities (rg = 0.66) and somewhat higher broad‐sense heritability under spaced planting than under dense planting. The relative efficiency of indirect selection for seed yield in density based on individual seed yield components under spaced planting ranged from modest to very low and was always below 45%. The efficiency of indirect selection for dry matter yield based on yield response under spaced planting was moderate for total yield (64%) and very low for second‐year yield (32%) relative to direct selection.  相似文献   

为了确定西北旱区膜下滴灌条件下灌水下限(W)、纯氮施用量(N)和种植密度(D)对制种玉米产量等指标的影响次序及各因素水平的最佳搭配,在甘肃省中国农业大学石羊河实验站设置了三因素三水平的大田正交试验(W:苗期和成熟期灌水下限为60%田持,其他生育期灌水下限W1为60%田持,W2为70%田持,W3为80%田持;N:整个生育期纯氮施用量,N1、N2和N3分别表示120、240和360 kg/hm2;D:种植密度,D1、D2和D3分别表示85500、100500和120000株/hm2)。结果表明:(1)灌水下限、纯氮施用量和种植密度对制种玉米的产量、穗粒数和千粒重的交互作用不明显;(2)在种植密度85500-12000株/hm2范围内,制种玉米产量和穗粒数影响因素次序均为W>D>N(主→次),千粒重影响因素次序D>N>W(主→次);(3)宽行70cm,窄行40cm膜下滴灌种植制种玉米的方式下,玉米种植最佳的因素水平为W2N2D2,即灌水下限设为田持的70%(W2),纯氮施用量为240kg/hm2(N2),种植密度为100500株/hm2(D2)。  相似文献   

Summary Five genotypes of rapeseed were observed in the field on a single plant and plot basis to evaluate growth characteristics, yield, yield components and seed quality. Observations were made in two years at two locations on three seeding date and three seeding rate treatments. Correlation of seed yield with growth characters demonstrated no consistent trend, indicating that an early maturity and high seed yield should be possible. Harvest index was strongly correlated with seed yield. Percent seed oil and protein were not directly related to seed yield.  相似文献   

Three-year field trials were set up on eutric brown soil in northwestern Croatia (Zagreb) with the objective to determine the effect of plant density and nitrogen rates on the formation and size of leaf area of seed sugar beet, and on the yield and seed quality in seed production without transplanting. Investigations should also reveal how much the yield and quality of sugar beet seed depend on the leaf area index (LAI). Four plant densities of seed sugar beet were investigated after crop wintering (40 000, 80 000, 120 000, and 160 000 plants/ha) as well as three nitrogen rates (60, 120, and 180 kg/ha) applied in two identical topdressings: at the beginning of the spring growing period and immediately before shooting of inflorescence stalks. Leaf area formation was strongly influenced by weather conditions. An increase of plant density from 40 000 to 160 000 plants/ha led to a decrease of leaf area per plant. Raised nitrogen rates in topdressing caused an increase of leaf area, depending on the precipitation and soil fertility. Maximum LAI, achieved in the flowering stage, grew almost linearly with increasing plant density (LAI: 1.77–4.85 m2/m2), but was statistically significant only up to 120 000 plants/ha. Raised nitrogen rates in topdressing led to a significant increase of the LAI in the stage of inflorescence stalk shooting, though not in full flowering. On the basis of this research, seed yield and germination of seed sugar beet could not be predicted regarding LAI in the flowering stage.  相似文献   

种植密度对贵州春玉米茎秆抗倒伏性能及籽粒产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了明确密植条件下春玉米茎秆特性和产量的变化及其相互关系,为贵州春玉米密植高产提供理论依据和实践指导。以贵州广泛种植的玉米品种先玉1171和新中玉801为材料,设置3.0、4.5、6.0、7.5、9.0和10.5万株hm-26个密度,于2018—2019年开展田间试验,研究种植密度对春玉米茎秆形态特征和力学特性、空秆率、倒伏率和产量的影响。结果表明:(1)春玉米株高和穗位高随密度增加先增高后降低;增密后第3节长增幅最大,第3节单位茎长干重、穿刺强度和抗折力,第7节茎粗、干重和横截面积下降幅度最大;密度对茎秆横截面扁率影响不显著。品种之间比较,先玉1171节间长,第3、5节的节间干重和第3节穿刺强度显著高于新中玉801,第7节干重、节间粗、单位茎长干重、节间横截面积、横截面扁率和抗折力显著低于新中玉801。(2)倒伏率和空秆率随密度增加而增大,增密后先玉1171倒伏率显著高于新中玉801,空秆率显著低于新中玉801。(3)产量随密度增加先增加后降低,先玉1171和新中玉801分别在9.3万株hm^-2和8.6万株hm^-2时产量最高。增密后先玉1171比新中玉801增产10.28%,有效穗数和穗粒数更高。(4)相关和多元回归分析表明,株高、穗位高与倒伏率显著正相关,节间粗和单位茎长干物质对玉米茎秆抗折力的正向影响显著。产量与茎秆性状密切相关,株高对产量的正向影响最大。可见,不同春玉米茎秆抗倒伏性能和籽粒产量对密度的响应有差异,新中玉801增密后茎秆节间短而粗,单位茎长干重较大,抗倒伏能力较强。而先玉1171由于在高密度下空秆率比新中玉801低,有较高的有效穗数和穗粒数,因此高密度下产量更高。综合考虑茎秆性状和产量,先玉1171和新中玉801在贵州适宜密度分别为9.0万株hm^-2和8.5万株hm^-2。  相似文献   

Information about the effect of the preceding crop or crop combination on the seed yield of oil-seed rape is extremely scarce. Experiments were carried out in northwest Germany to investigate the effect of different preceding crops on the growth, seed yield and yield components of oil-seed rape. The two directly preceding crops, wheat and oil-seed rape, had only a negligible and non-significant effect on the seed yield of the following oil-seed rape crop. Oil-seed rape grown after wheat had more pods per plant, due to an increase in the number of pods on the higher category branches. In contrast, the seed yield and yield components were more affected by the cropping sequence, i.e. the crops 2 years before. Averaged over two experimental years, the greatest yields were observed in oil-seed rape following the sequence peas-wheat (694 g m−2), whereas the smallest seed yield occurred after 2 years of oil-seed rape cropping (371 g m−2). The differences in the seed yield were again associated with more pods per plant, which compensated for the lower number of plants m−2, whereas the number of seeds per pod and the mean seed weight were almost unaffected by the previous cropping. It was not possible to relate the described differences to the crop development, since differences in the biomass caused by the previous cropping were only significant at maturity. Oil-seed rape grown after 2 years of oil-seed rape had the highest ratings of stem canker (Leptosphaeria maculans) as well as verticillium wilt (Verticillium dahliae). But the general level of the diseases was low, and therefore other causes for the effects described must be considered.  相似文献   

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