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ABSTRACT:   Annual net production of the five Sargassaceae species was investigated in Yoro, western Wakasa Bay, Sea of Japan. The Sargassaceae species were collected at a depth of 2.0–2.5 m and subjected to stratified clipping for 13 months. Annual net production was estimated at 2407 g dry wt/m2 for Sargassum patens , 2132 g dry wt/m2 for Sargassum macrocarpum , 1458 g dry wt/m2 for Sargassum siliquastrum , 1197 g dry wt/m2 for Myagropsis myagroides , and 1471 g dry wt/m2 for Sargassum piluliferum . The ratio of annual net production to maximum biomass (P/Bmax) for these species ranged between 1.3 and 1.7, being higher than in previous studies which used the same method. Winter storms with strong wave exposure and relatively calm condition in Yoro were considered to augment P/Bmax. The total losses estimated from the different units of stratified clipping were compared. If larger and less segregated units were applied, the total loss would decrease. It was suggested that a 50 cm stratum would be applicable to the larger species (3 m or longer) and a stratum of 20 cm or less would be applicable to mid-sized or smaller species (less than 3 m).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Growth and ontogenetic migration of greeneye Chlorophthalmus albatrossis were studied in the area from 100–400 m depths in Tosa Bay, from April 1996 to March 1997, using samples collected by an otter trawl net with a 1.3 mm mesh cod end. In the monthly changes of the standard length (SL) composition, four year classes were recognized, although the third- and fourth-year classes were not clearly separated in all the monthly samples. Individuals of 40–50 mm SL settled on the bottom of the 150–200 m depth zone from August to February. By May and June, they grew to 75–80 mm SL modal size, and migrated to 200–300 m depth. In one year after settlement, they grew to 125–130 mm SL, and migrated to 300–350 m depth. They grew to a maximum of 160 mm SL and were not sampled in the winter three years after settlement, suggesting either migration or mortality. Seasonal changes in the gonadosomatic index for combined samples of males and females showed that greeneye did not mature in Tosa Bay. It is suggested that the planktonic larvae are transported from the spawning grounds, the location of which remains unknown.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The occurrence and distribution of larval and juvenile Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus and major demersal fish from May to September were examined at seven sandy beaches at the central Seto Inland Sea. The flounder appeared from late May to August and were mainly collected at a depth of 2–5 m. Settlement of larval flounder was seen from late May to late June. A total of 6412 individuals of 17 species representing 12 families were collected in the study area. The dominant fish species were Favonigobius gymnauchen (56.0%), Tarphops oligolepis (8.1%), Rudarius ercodes (7.8%), P. olivaceus (7.3%), Repomucenus spp. (7.0%) and Heteromycteris japonica (3.3%). The catches of flounder differed among beaches and months. The number of flounder in June at Ohama Beach, where the most flounder were collected, was 22.6 individuals per haul (400 m2). The density of the flounder correlated negatively to that of F. gymnauchen .  相似文献   

东湖通道是武汉市在建的交通路网工程,穿越东湖风景区,其中约5 km 为湖底隧道。通过研究施工围堰对沿线水域水生植物的影响,可为湖泊管理提供应对措施。于2014年3月和5月通道工程施工期间,在其沿线的典型水域如封闭区域、半封闭区域、敞水湖湾、敞水迎风岸带和新形成的堤岸外共设置16个采样点,调查水生植物的种类、生物量和水质参数等。结果表明,水生植物群落结构受水温的影响,3月采样时平均水温为13.7℃,未发现挺水植物,采集到菹草(Potamogeton crispus)、穗花狐尾藻(Myriophyllum spicatum)和五刺金鱼藻(Ceratophyl-lum oryzetorum)3种沉水植物以及荇菜(Nymphoides peltatum)1种浮叶植物,可见少量的漂浮植物浮萍(Lemna mi-nor),其中沉水植物菹草为绝对优势种;5月的平均水温为24.8℃,除上述 3种沉水植物外,还采集到了苦草(Val-lisneria natans),但菹草的优势地位明显下降,另外采集到了荇菜和菱(Trapa bicornis)2种浮叶植物,荇菜的相对生物量和优势度最高,也可见少量的浮萍。在相对封闭的水域,因受风浪的影响较小,这些区域相对于迎风岸带具有较高的水生植物覆盖度和生物量,水体的营养盐浓度也相对较高,总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)浓度的高低与水生植物生物量多少的变化趋势一致。通道施工形成的新岸堤外,只有部分位点分布有水生植物,其原因可能是因为目前这些位点缺乏种源、水体较深、透明度低等。由于通道围堰施工增加了沿线的封闭水体,使得水生植被的覆盖度和生物量大幅度提高,通道施工对其沿线水生植物的影响是正面的;施工期间对水生植物没有产生不利影响,但在工程竣工后拆除围堰时,须防止悬浮物和机械扰动对现有植被的破坏。  相似文献   

胶州湾贻贝的生长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了胶州湾贻贝生长的研究结果。研究的对象有来自烟台、大连、青岛的自然春苗和青岛的自然秋苗、人工春苗、人工秋苗和在胶州湾东部青岛市第二海水养殖场养殖的贻贝。对壳长、壳重、肉质部、体重的生长,作了仔细观察,测定了生长率和生长值。研究的结果表明,养殖大苗比养殖小苗能大幅度提高产量,作为提高产量的措施,应当力求早分苗、养大苗。  相似文献   

Abstract –  Habitat and diet of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus (L.) were studied by monthly sampling from late autumn to early summer in Linnévatn, Svalbard (78°3'N, 13°50'E). This is the first year-round study of a population of charr in the High Arctic, with samples being taken every 5–7 weeks. The ice cover lasted for more than 9 months, from mid-October to late July, with the greatest thickness in mid-May. Although most charr occupied the littoral zone during winter, the highest densities in April and October were found in the deeper areas (20 m) of the lake. The fish fed at all times of the year, but the number of stomachs with food and the stomach-filling indices were lowest during the darkest part of the season. The diet of smaller charr (<15 cm) varied strongly with season, showing a dominance of zooplankton in late autumn and chironomids in winter (larvae) and summer (pupae). The food choice was in accordance with the density of food items available. Larger fish (≥15 cm) were mostly cannibalistic during the entire year.  相似文献   

The fish communities of lagoons in the Nhecolândia Pantanal were studied to determine the factors which are responsible for the composition and abundance of species. Fishes were collected in 19 lagoons during August 1997, after their isolation from the River Negro, using beach seines (15 × 1.5 m; 2 mm mesh). A total of 51 species were collected. In the lagoons, or in parts with dense macrophytes, a screened box trap was used. Fishing was also accomplished with hooks of several sizes. Species richness was estimated by the jack-knife procedure, after adjustment to the log-normal distribution and with von Bertalanffy's equation (asymptotic). The most important factors in the community organization were macrophyte cover, piscivore abundance and depth of the lagoons. The role of these habitats in the Pantanal ecosystem was discussed.  相似文献   

An indoor aquaponic system (i.e., the integration of fish culture with hydroponic plant production in a recirculating setup) was operated for maximizing water reuse and year-round intensive food production (Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus , and leaf lettuce) at different fish feed to plants ratios. The system consisted of a fish culture component, solid removal component, and hydroponic component comprising six long channels with floating styrofoam rafts for holding plants. Fish culture effluents flowed by gravity from the fish culture component to the solid removal component and then to the hydroponic component. Effluents were collected in a sump from which a 1-horsepower in-line pump recirculated the water back to the fish culture tanks at a rate of about 250 L/min. The hydroponic component performed as biofilter and effectively managed the water quality. Fish production was staggered to harvest one of the four fish tanks at regular intervals when fish attained a minimum weight of 250 g. Out of the total eight harvests in 13 mo, net fish production per harvest averaged 33.5 kg/m3 of water with an overall water consumption of 320 L/kg of fish produced along with the production of leaf lettuce at 42 heads/m2 of hydroponic surface area. Only 1.4% of the total system water was added daily to compensate the evaporation and transpiration losses. A ratio of 56 g fish feed/m2 of hydroponic surface effectively controlled nutrient buildup in the effluents. However, plant density could be decreased from 42 to 25–30 plants/m2 to produce a better quality lettuce.  相似文献   

Adult mirror carp (Cyprinus carpio), put into a small artificial pond (area 30 m2; volume about 6.5 m3) in the Al-Fateh University campus, in Tripoli, Libya, in autumn 1977, consumed all molluscs and higher plants and were feeding on Cyanophyta (Coelosphaerium and Lyngbia) prior to spawning in May 1978. The young grew to 136 mm fork length and yielded 2.2 kg (live weight) in 14 months (62.8 g/m2 per year) without food or fertilisers being added. They stayed under cover for five winter months and at this time growth was not affected much. Quantitative or semi-quantitative data are given for water depths, salinity balance, maximum and minimum water and other temperatures, solar radiation, and for biomass of producer and consumer species, together with observations on algal species, carp and goldfish (Carassius auratus).  相似文献   

The effects of extended photoperiods, mimicking the longest day of the year, were studied in 1- and 2-year seabream. The photoperiod regimes started in late July, 36 and 39 days after the summer solstice and continued for 11 months, well beyond the natural reproductive season of December–March. Regime 1 (long day, 15.5L:8.5D), which used natural and fluorescent light, reduced the incidence of maturity in both year classes and females did not spawn although some gonadal development was observed. Among all 1-year sampled fish of regime 1, a maximum of 5% became spermiating males (March) and 5% reached the yolk granule stage of vitellogenesis (VO3; 250–400 μm diameter) by May. Among 2-year sampled fish of regime 1, 45% became spermiating males and 25% were females, which reached the advanced vitellogenesis stage (VO4; 400–600 μm) by April. Regime 2 (skeleton photoperiod), consisting of natural light and a 1.5-h pulse of fluorescent light during the period 14–15.5 h after sunrise, postponed gonadal development and spawning for up to 3 months. In this regime, a maximum of 80% of 1-year sampled fish were spermiating males in February and a maximum of 10% were VO3 stage females in March. In the sampled 2-year fish, the maximum levels were 50% spermiating males in February and 25% VO3 stage females in March. Control fish, which were exposed to the natural photoperiod (29°34′N), spawned during their natural season. The maximum levels for 1-year sampled control fish were 95% spermiating males and no females in December, while among 2-year sampled fish, maxima of 75% males in February and 45% VO4 stage females in November. Final average weights of photoperiod treated fish (1-year=430 g—regime 1, 400 g—regime 2; 2-year=582 g—regime 1, 518 g—regime 2) were significantly greater (p<0.05) than control fish (1-year=341 g; 2-year=476 g). Daily feed consumption (g/100 g fish) dropped from an average of 1.83 to 0.93 g for 1-year fish during August–December and from 0.88 to 0.54 g for 2-year fish during the same period. This was correlated with reduced autumn and winter water temperatures (26–20°C summer to winter change) and increased fish weight in all treatments. Daily feed consumption was also affected by the onset of spawning in the control and regime 2 (skeleton photoperiod) treatments of both 1- and 2-year fish. The efficiency of feed utilization (FCR) and protein and energy retention were all affected by the photoperiod regimes and followed the same pattern of decrease as weight gain, regime 1 (long day)>regime 2 (skeleton photoperiod)>control.  相似文献   

洋山深水港海域大型底栖动物初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003~2005年每年2月、5月和8月按《海洋监测规范》中大型底栖动物调查方法,分别对洋山深水港一期工程施工海域(30°30′~30°54′N、121°45′~122°30′E)20个取样点进行了大型底栖动物调查。根据调查结果,分析与讨论该海域底栖动物的种类组成、生物量、栖息密度和群落多样性的分布与变化。监测结果显示:一期工程施工期,底栖动物的种类数逐年减少,2003~2005年种类数分别为21种、17种和16种;底栖动物栖息密度逐年下降,2003年(31.10 ind/m2)>2004年(12.50 ind/m2)>2005年(11.00 ind/m2);底栖动物平均总生物量总体表现为逐年降低,2003年(4.26 g/m2)>2005年(2.18 g/m2)>2004年(0.62 g/m2),2004年生物量下降尤为显著,2005年生物量略有回升;生物多样性指数也逐年降低,2003~2005年分别为0.81、0.36和0.16。三年监测结果表明,洋山深水港一期工程海域施工期底栖动物种类数、总生物量、栖息密度以及多样性指数总体呈逐年下降趋势,群落结构趋于简单化,说明工程海域施工期对大型底栖动物产生了一定程度的影响。  相似文献   

Kenji Taki 《Fisheries Science》2007,73(5):1094-1103
ABSTRACT:   Seasonal and interannual variations in abundance of Euphausia pacifica off north-eastern Japan were examined using Remodeled Norpac net samples collected from April 1993 to February 2000. Spawning occurred mainly during April–June and August–October in every year. When abundance of eggs was high in May, those of larval and immature stages in May–June and small adults (≤15 mm) during July–October tended to be high. There were high positive correlations between monthly average abundance of eggs in May–June and average abundance of small adults during July–October. However, there was low or negative correlation between monthly abundance of eggs in April and average abundance of small adults during July–October. Recruitment time to adult takes approximately 3 months, so these results suggest that small adults during July–October are mainly derived from spawning in May–June, but rarely from spawning in April. The apparent decrease in abundance of small adults from summer to winter was observed every year despite active spawning during August–October, which would recruit to adults in late autumn–winter. The possible effects on recruitment and mortality are discussed in relation to starvation and predation caused by low temperatures and low available food abundance.  相似文献   

In 1991 and 1992, indoor hatchery experiments were conducted with red claw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus a large tropical crayfish from northern Australia. Six fiberglass tanks were stocked with 40–190 g mature red claw crayfish at 10/m2 and a 1:2 male to female ratio. Water temperature was maintained at 28 ± 1 C. Photoperiod was provided by natural daylight in 1991 and controlled lighting in 1992.
With natural lighting, monthly spawning rates (% of females spawning/month) ranged from an average of 15% during months with less than 12 h of light per day to over 35% in months with more than 12 h of light per day. Peak spawning occurred from May to July, too late to obtain juveniles for spring stocking. During the second year, photoperiod was increased from 10L:14D in December to 14L:10D in February and maintained at this level until July. Red claw spawning increased with increasing day length. Peak spawning rates of 50% per month and higher occurred from March to May. Spawning rates decreased dramatically after May, even though photoperiod and temperature remained constant. Eggs per spawn increased with an increase in female size. Fecundity average 7.3 juveniles per gram of body weight for females from 40 to 190 g, regardless of size. Egg color was useful for predicting stage of development.  相似文献   

天津海域口虾蛄群体结构及资源量分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据2009年5、8、10、12四个月的口虾蛄调查数据,对口虾蛄的群体结构,资源密度,捕捞产量进行分析研究.结果表明,全年口虾蛄的平均体长为101.72 mm,优势体长组为101-120 mm,平均体重为17.12g,优势组体重为1-10 g.口虾蛄的平均资源密度为837.43 kg/km2,夏季的资源密度最大,冬季最...  相似文献   

为揭示水生植物分解过程中的生态化学计量学特征,选取沉水植物苦草(Vallisneria natans)和马来眼子菜(Potamogeton malaianus)以及漂浮植物浮萍(Lemna minor),分别置于温室(处理组A、B)和池塘中(处理组B),实验周期为5周,每隔1周随机从各重复组中取1份样品,测定干物质重和总氮(TN)、总碳(TC)、总磷(TP)含量,分析其残存干物质的分解过程。结果表明,在整个分解过程中,3种植物的C/N为7.43~10.06,低于全球水平22.5,C/P为43.09~91.77,明显高于全球水平23.2,说明同一种植物在相同的同化C能力前提下,对N的利用效率较高,对P的利用率较低;N/P为4.71~9.24,小于14,说明植物主要受N的限制。沉水植物苦草和马来眼子菜的C/N在温室和自然条件下规律一致,而漂浮植物浮萍则变化较大,说明沉水植物分解C和N的速率一致且不受环境影响,而漂浮植物浮萍分解C和N受环境影响较大;苦草和浮萍残存干物质C/N在开始有一个快速增长期,说明这2种植物N的释放速率超过C;3种植物残存干物质的C/P和N/P都在第1周快速增长且各处理变化较大,说明3种植物P分解速率都在1周内超过C和N,且受环境影响较大。研究结果将对水生态修复过程中是否移除残存水生植物提供理论依据。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The effects of silvering state of wild female Japanese eels Anguilla japonica on the success of induced maturation and the following spawning were examined. Thirty-eight females, collected in Mikawa Bay, were divided into four stages based on their silvering state: yellow (Y1), late-yellow (Y2), silver (S1) and late silver eels (S2). Despite injections of salmon pituitary extract (SPE) through the standard technique, Y1 and Y2 eels did not respond to the treatment with undeveloped gonad (gonad-somatic index [GSI]: 0.3–0.9), and all these females died by 5 weeks, probably due to an abnormal physiological condition. Most S1 (81%) and S2 eels (100%) matured completely (GSI: 17.8–51.4), and finally spawned successfully (69% for S1, 89% for S2). S2 eels fully matured with oocytes of over 750 μm in diameter by significantly smaller number of injections of SPE (5–6 times) than the case of S1 eels (6–8 times). The amount of eggs released by S2 eels (0.65 ± 0.11 g/fish per body weight [BW]) was significantly larger than those by S1 eels (0.54 ± 0.09 g/fish per BW). There was no difference in fertilization and hatching rates between eggs released by S1 eels and those of S2 eels. These results indicate that the success of induced maturation and spawning in wild female Japanese eels depends on their silvering state, and matured eggs can be obtained efficiently through the use of S2 eels rather than other stages.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Winter growth and survival of wild individually tagged juvenile Arctic charr (1+ age) from a riverine anadromous stock, were studied in a small ice-covered (∼6 months) ground water brook (temperature ∼1 °C) connected to Skibotnelva in subarctic northern Norway. The overall winter survival was estimated to be 68% from late October 2005 to early May 2006. The recaptured charr were not significantly different in initial length or weight compared with the nonrecaptured fish suggesting low size-dependent mortality. The majority (98%) of the recaptured charr showed significant increase in size, with a mean increment of 62% from their initial bodyweight and 12% of the charr parr had more than doubled their weight. The mean specific growth rate was calculated to be slightly lower (0.27) than estimated values from a growth model (∼0.35). In addition, the condition factor increased significantly during the field experiment. These results are the first individual growth data on riverine anadromous Arctic charr parr under natural winter conditions, and indicate that charr can grow relatively fast during periods with low temperature and also that ground water brooks can be good over-wintering habitat for juvenile Arctic charr. These results suggest that the winter period is perhaps a less severe bottleneck than previously recognised for the cold-adapted Arctic charr.  相似文献   

Kelp biomass availability for mass abalone cultivation remains a critical issue in Chile. The technical and economic feasibility of a commercial scale kelp farming activity has not been established. This study describes the production and economic results of a pilot scale unit installed in southern Chile. Our results show 25 kg m?1 of production over a 9‐month spring‐summer period, and 16.2 kg m?1 during the autumn‐winter period. These values indicate that a total biomass production of 41.3 kg (wet) ma?1 year?1 can be obtained by placing the culture lines at 4 m intervals. High quality animal food‐grade plants with a 9% protein content, over 5 m in length were harvested. Sensitivity analysis showed that by cultivating 30–50 ha with a market value of US$ 78 ton?1, a return on investment can be made after the first year.  相似文献   

Fertilization with diammonium phosphate (20 kg/ha per application) was initiated at different dates in each of four treatments replicated three times in 0.04-ha ponds. Although there were some differences in averages of total and filtrable orthophosphate concentrations and phytoplankton abundance among treatments (P < 0.05), sunfish production was not influenced by the timing of fertilization (P > 0.05). Phytoplankton blooms did not develop in any of the treatments until late spring or early summer. The failure of phytoplankton to respond to fertilization in late winter and early spring was apparently related to low water temperature and competition by macrophytes. In larger, deeper ponds (> 0.5 ha), inorganic fertilization will cause phytoplankton blooms in early spring even when water temperatures are low.  相似文献   

A propeller-wash bead filter (PWBF) and a fluidized sand filter (FSF) on a 28 m3 recirculating system stocked with tilapia maintained favorable water quality at five different feed rates, ranging from 0.9 to 4.5 kg feed per day. TAN removal rates ranged up to about 200 g TAN/m3 of media per day for each of the units. Peak rates of 244 g TAN/m3 of media per day were observed when the recirculating flow was boosted by 20%. Roughly 75% of the removal was accomplished by the fluidized sand filter an observation that is consistent with the difference between the fluidized sand filter volume (0.92 m3) and the bead filter media volume (0.28 m3). The bead filter's primary function was clarification. At the highest daily feed load, over 570 g dry weight of solids were removed during each daily bead filter backwashing event. A 20% increase in flow, at the same daily feed rate, improved solids removal to over 670 g dry weight per bead filter backwash event. The PWBF and FSF combination provided suitable water quality for fish production; however, further increases in feed loading were limited by carbon dioxide buildup and oxygen limitations.  相似文献   

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