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In conservation science or applied ecology there is often a range of techniques available to study a given problem. It is clearly sensible to use the most effective, but the cost-effectiveness of different methods is rarely compared. Comparisons are not straightforward, as the selection of the best method will depend on the time, budget and equipment, and human resources available. The most efficient method in one case might not be that for another with different constraints. To overcome this problem we use a sub-sampling approach to make such comparisons among research techniques, comparing the results achievable with increasingly larger subsets of data, and using a cost-efficiency analysis. We illustrate this approach with a comparison of two common techniques, radio-telemetry and transects surveys, in the study of habitat selection by the lesser kestrels Falco naumanni. Habitat preferences were determined using compositional analysis with the two methods providing similar overall results. Telemetry resulted in a larger number of significant differences between the habitats, but the costs were higher; 312 EUR per statistically significant difference compared to 82.5 EUR for transect data. Transects were a cheaper technique but when surveying a large area they are limited by road availability. We suggest that the comparison of the effectiveness of techniques should be routinely applied to a range of conservation issues.  相似文献   

The factors influencing the number of nightjars on 36 heathland sites (referred to as patches) in Dorset, England were examined using novel spatial integration of existing datasets. Surrogate measures of human density and settlement, including the amount of developed land at different distances from the heath (obtained from aerial photographs) and the actual number of buildings (obtained from Post Code databases) were all found to be highly correlated with each other and to show a strong negative relationship with the density of nightjars present on a patch, regardless of patch size. The amount of woodland (the preferred foraging habitat) surrounding each patch (within 500 m of the patch boundary) was also a significant predictor of nightjar numbers. When used together, the extent of woodland and developed land both gave significant improvements to predictions of nightjar density. The results indicate that the number of nightjars present on a heathland patch is influenced by the surrounding land-use and that the effect of urban development is more than just habitat loss. We suggest that trends identified are at least partly due to actual human presence on the heathlands and as such, human disturbance is potentially a problem for this species.  相似文献   

Habitat destruction and degradation are the major causes for the decline of the endangered grass-feeding flightless beetle Dorcadion fuliginator in Central Europe. We examined habitat characteristics at 19 localities which still support abundant D. fuliginator populations in the southern part of the Upper Rhine valley (border region of Switzerland, Germany and France) to obtain basic information for the management of deteriorating habitats with declining beetle populations. Populations of D. fuliginator were found in different types of grassland on south, south-west and south-east facing slopes and flat ground. Correspondence analysis showed that plant communities of D. fuliginator localities overlap widely with fertilized, dry hay meadows (phyto-sociologically defined as dry type of the Arrhenatheretum community) and to a minor extent with traditionally extensively cultivated dry grasslands (Xerobrometum and Teucrio-Mesobrometum communities). Average indicator scores of the plant communities characterize the habitat of D. fuliginator as fairly light-exposed and warm, but with relatively large ranges in humidity and nutrient content. The results of a 16-year study on the timing of emergence of the first beetles in a population provided further evidence for the high temperature requirements of D. fuliginator. Proposed conservation measures include traditional cultivation of the present secondary, man-made D. fuliginator habitats, introduction of beetles to suitable motorway embankments as well as large-scale measures allowing natural dynamics in the flood plain along the river Rhine, the presumably primordial habitat of this highly endangered beetle.  相似文献   

Landscape restoration through revegetation is being increasingly used in the conservation management of degraded landscapes. To effectively plan restoration programs information is required on how the landscape context of revegetation influences biodiversity gains. Here, we investigate the relative influence of patch area and connectivity on bird species richness and abundance within urban revegetation patches in Brisbane, Australia. We carried out bird surveys at 20 revegetation sites, and used hierarchical partitioning and model selection to test the relative importance of patch area (the area of revegetation including all directly connected remnant vegetation) and landscape connectivity (the vegetated area connected by less than 10 m, 20 m, 30 m, 40 m and 50 m cleared gaps). We controlled for a number of possible confounding variables within the hierarchical partitioning procedure. Both the hierarchical partitioning and model selection procedures indicated that connectivity had an important influence on bird species richness. Patch area in combination with connectivity were important influencing factors on overall bird abundance. We also carried out the hierarchical partitioning procedure for bird abundance data within a range of feeding guilds, yielding results specific to species groups. Overall our data suggest that greater connectivity enhances the habitat area that colonists can arrive from (resulting in greater species richness), whereas increased patch area allows for increased abundance by expanding the habitat available to species already present in a patch. A combined approach where connectivity and overall habitat area is enhanced across the landscape is likely to be necessary to meet long-term conservation objectives.  相似文献   

Over half of the carnivorous plant species assessed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) are listed as threatened (i.e. vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered), but the threats to carnivorous plants have not previously been quantified systematically. In this review, we quantify the conservation threats to carnivorous plant taxa worldwide. Using the IUCN Red List, a literature search of Web of Knowledge, and the National Red Lists database, we collected data on the threats to 48 species of carnivorous plants from nine genera. The most common threat was habitat loss from agriculture, followed by the collection of wild plants, pollution, and natural systems modifications. A principal coordinate analysis revealed that species within a genus often faced similar threats, and an indicator species analysis found positive associations among species in the genus Sarracenia and agricultural activities, over-collection, invasive species, and pollution. Future research should further quantify the effects of pollution on carnivorous plants, and more thoroughly examine the potential role of carnivorous plants as indicator species for wetland health. More research is also needed to quantify the extinction risk for many carnivorous plants, as presently only around 17% of species have been assessed by the IUCN. Ensuring the conservation of carnivorous plants will help maintain the important ecosystem services they provide and prevent secondary extinctions of specialist species that rely on them.  相似文献   

Roughly 90% of butterfly species live in the tropics. Despite this, we know very little about tropical butterfly ecology particularly when compared to temperate butterfly systems. The relative scarcity of data on tropical butterfly populations hampers our ability to effectively conserve them. In this review we summarize recurring themes from ecological research on tropical butterflies to serve as a framework for understanding their conservation. Key themes include: (1) the tropics represent the evolutionary origins of butterfly diversity, (2) while some tropical butterflies exhibit relatively stable population dynamics, longer-lived adult stages, and more continuous age-specific reproduction compared to temperate zone species, the generality of these patterns is debatable, and (3) complex species interactions (e.g. mimicry, parasitism and predation) can have significantly greater influences on ecological and evolutionary processes in tropical butterflies than in temperate ones. This state of ecological knowledge, combined with scarce resources, has traditionally constrained tropical butterfly conservation efforts to habitat level approaches, unlike the species- and population-specific approaches familiar in North America and Europe. Consequently, much conservation research on butterflies in the tropics has focused on the relationship between habitat quality (e.g. forest fragmentation) and butterfly diversity, though predictive patterns even in this regard remain elusive. We argue that with the increasing threats of habitat destruction, fragmentation and climate change, it is necessary to move beyond this diversity and habitat relationship if we are to improve predictive capabilities when evaluating anthropogenic impacts on tropical butterfly communities. Tropical butterflies are more than just useful indicator species. They represent some of the most spectacular and visually appealing organisms in the world and play many vital roles in tropical ecosystems. We hope that this synthesis will lay the groundwork for future ecological studies of tropical butterfly populations, species, communities and conservation.  相似文献   

Synthesis: Thresholds in conservation and management   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper is a brief overview of some of the key issues which have emerged from the preceding set of papers on ecological thresholds. These include:
Whether threshold relationships are common and widespread.
The potential for large variations in the use and application of the threshold concept to lead to adverse conservation outcomes, particularly when overly simplistic levels of vegetation cover are specified by policy makers and land managers.
The inherent multi-variate nature of landscape processes and responses of individual species and assemblages that creates variability in datasets. This may lead to a limited ability to make accurate predictions from threshold relationships, even when those relationships are highly statistically significant.
We believe that although the threshold concept is an appealing one and there is some empirical evidence to support it in some landscapes, it is not free of problems and a concerted research effort on the topic is needed. This is particularly important if it is to have value for robustly underpinning applied landscape management practices without unintentionally having negative impacts on rates of species loss or the loss of particular species.  相似文献   

Carabus variolosus is a highly endangered insect which is listed in the EC Habitats and Species Directive. Detailed knowledge of the habitat requirements of this semi-aquatic woodland carabid beetle is needed if effective conservation and management strategies are to be developed. Previous habitat models have proved to be a successful analytical and predictive tool for the conservation of species. We conducted an intensive study over a two year period on two extant C. variolosus populations in Westphalia (Germany) using live capture pitfall traps. We analysed the distribution of the beetles over their main activity period in relation to a large number of edaphic and vegetation variables in order to estimate habitat suitability models and describe optimum ranges. C. variolosus is restricted to the fringes of water bodies and to areas of high soil moisture that display patches of bare soil, shows a slight preference for sparse tree vegetation, and avoids acidic soil. Temporal and spatial transferability of the statistically significant habitat models indicates their robustness and validity. Based on the results of our study, we suggest management measures for the conservation of C. variolosus, which promote the rehabilitation of natural flood plains of headwater areas.  相似文献   

Some snakes are highly vulnerable to extinction due to several life history traits. However, the elusive behavior and secretive habits of some widespread species constrain the collection of demographic and ecological data necessary for the identification of extinction-prone species. In this scenario, the enhancement of ecological modelling techniques in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) is providing researchers with robust tools to apply to such species. This study has identified the environmental factors that limit the current distribution of Vipera latastei, a species with secretive behavior, and has evaluated how human activities affect its current conservation status, identifying areas of best habitat suitability in the Iberian Peninsula. Ecological-niche factor analysis (ENFA) indicated low marginality (0.299) and high tolerance (0.887) scores, suggesting strong tendency for the species to live in average conditions throughout the study area and to inhabit any of the environmental conditions. The analysis also revealed that this viper tends to select particular Mediterranean habitats, although topographic factors (altitude and slope) were the major environmental constraints for the Iberian distribution pattern of the species. The presence of other parapatric viper species in the north of the Iberian Peninsula (V. aspis and V. seoanei) and two human-related variables (landscape transformation and human density) also had a negative relation with the occurrence of V. latastei. All factors can explain its absence in northern Iberia and its fragmented distribution as currently is found mostly in mountains and relatively undisturbed low-altitude areas. The historical destruction and alteration of natural Mediterranean habitats and several life-history traits of the species contribute to its vulnerability to extinction. The ENFA analysis proved to be an outstanding method to evaluate the factors that limit the distribution range of secretive and widespread species such as V. latastei, updating evaluation of their conservation status.  相似文献   

In this study we compared ground beetles (Carabidae) from a range of different forest fragments along an urbanization gradient in Brussels, Belgium. We address the following questions: (i) How does the degree of urbanization in the surrounding habitat affect forest beetles, and does it interact with the effects of patch size and distance to forest edge? (ii) Do these factors have a different effect at the level of individual species, habitat affinity groups or total community? During 2002 we sampled 13 forest plots in 10 forest patches, ranging in size from 5.27 to 4383 ha. The beetles were captured using transects of pitfall traps from the edge to a distance of 100 m into each woodland and identified to species level. Effects of urbanization, forest size and forest edge were evaluated on total species number, abundance and habitat affinity groups and ten abundant, widespread model carabid species. Overall, the effects of urbanization, forest size and edge effects slightly influenced total species richness and abundance but appeared to have a major effect on ground beetle assemblages through species specific responses. More urbanized sites had significantly fewer forest specialists and more generalist species. Large forest fragments were favoured by forest specialist species while generalist species and species frequently associated with forest (forest generalists) dominated the smaller forests. Forest edges mainly harboured generalist species while forest specialist species were more frequent into the forests if the forest patches were large enough, otherwise they disappeared due to the destruction or impoverishment of their habitat. Our results show the importance of differentiating between habitat affinity, especially habitat generalists versus specialists, the latter having a higher value in nature conservation, and merely the quantity of species represented in human-dominated areas.  相似文献   

The aim of the research was to show how a change in land use influences the structure of a dung beetle assemblage and affect its conservation. In the Pineto Urban Regional Park (Rome), dog dung is the sole food resource currently available for scarab dung beetles, after the recent removal of wild and domestic herbivores. A one-year sampling was conducted to study the scarab assemblage in dog scats (1999) and to compare it with the previous assemblage associated with sheep droppings (1986). Richness, evenness and similarity parameters were compared between the two allochronic assemblages. From sheep to dog dung, an impoverishment of the total richness was observed (from 19 to 9 species) together with an increase of individuals (by 7 times). Dog dung harboured 20% of the current scarab dung beetle fauna of Rome, probably as a consequence of the dog mixed diet, rich in cellulose. Both the communities showed a high percentage of tunnellers, probably because of the food shortage and, for dog scats, of the high dehydration rate. A comparison with other Roman scarab communities enhanced that: (1) the change in food resource determined a higher difference in species composition respect to other parameters (size and habitat diversity); (2) dog dung provided a temporary refuge for species that otherwise may encounter local extinction in urban environments.  相似文献   

The recognition of the rapid and ongoing biodiversity loss has been leading to increasing conservation efforts. To maximise conservation success it is important to evaluate when interventions are likely to be effective. In Portugal, previous research identified that lack of suitable nest-sites was limiting the populations of the endangered lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni). Consequently, a massive provisioning of artificial nest-sites and the implementation of a medium term monitoring scheme was established. Our study showed that artificial nest-site provisioning is an effective measure in mitigating the lack of traditional sites. The lesser kestrel population increased from 155–158 pairs in 1996 to 527–552 in 2007, with 52% breeding in artificial nests. We investigate the factors affecting colony growth and found that colony growth was positively affected by the provisioning of artificial nests but negatively affected by predation rate and human disturbance. Between 2003 and 2007, mean colony growth was estimated at 6.46 ± 1.86 pairs for colonies where artificial nests were provided and −0.69 ± 0.5 pairs in colonies without nest-site provisioning. Moreover, predation rate was significantly lower in artificial nests than in natural ones and, although the number of competitor pairs in lesser kestrel colonies increased, the proportion of nests occupied by competitor species decreased. High risk of collapse and restoration of rural abandoned farmhouses may jeopardize the future of the lesser kestrel in Portugal. Nest-site provisioning and the establishment of a protection status for buildings holding colonies are likely the most effective means to guarantee the long-term survival of this species in the area.  相似文献   

The wildlife conservation problems in Tanzania are examined from a political ecology perspective. The analysis is historical, exploring the establishment of national parks under British colonial rule and the tightening of state control over access to resources at the expense of customary rights. Examples are presented from the Mt. Meru area of north-eastern Tanzania. During the colonial period, the formal political debate over land and resource rights was conducted without the participation of African peasants. After independence the state continued to assert control over resource access unilaterally. As Meru peasants have effectively been shut out of the formal political process, their only recourse for defending the loss of access to natural resources is everyday forms of resistance, including de facto alliances with commercial poachers and ‘foot dragging’ in regards to compliance with conservation laws. Consequently there is little local support for current wildlife conservation policies on Mt. Meru and wildlife populations have declined in the 30 years since Arusha National Park was established there.  相似文献   

武夷山天然常绿阔叶林林隙物种多样性比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对武夷山不同常绿阔叶林发育阶段林隙样地更新层物种多样性变化规律研究结果表明 ,林隙物种多样性指数大于非林隙样地 ,而生态优势度则相反 ;不同大小扩展林隙物种多样性指数不同 ,<10 0m2 面积林隙物种多样性指数最大 ,而≥ 30 0m2 的林隙则最小 ;>1.5m的林隙物种丰富度指数、Shannon Wienner多样性指数、均匀度指数和均优多指数随发育阶段的变化趋势基本一致 ,均以林隙形成时间为 10~ 2 0年达最大 ,而 <10年的则最小 ;更新层树种平均各林隙内SW多样性指数、均匀度指数和均优多指数以林隙形成 10~ 2 0年为最小 ,至 30年后有所增加 ,4 0~ 5 0年时达最大 ,5 0年后呈缓慢减少趋势。林隙形成为不同树种更新提供了动力 ,林业生产适当培育林隙对物种多样性保护极其重要。  相似文献   

The management of the cinereous vulture (Aegypius monachus) populations, the largest bird of the Western Palæarctic and considered an umbrella species, requires the understanding of the factors limiting the breeding success. As part of a management program, we studied such factors in seven breeding colonies in Extremadura (SW Iberian Peninsula). Using a Geographic Information System and multivariate models, we analyzed the relationship of breeding success with anthropic and natural factors at the nest site and in the foraging area of the adults. We incorporated into the models density-dependent effects between pairs and the spatial autocorrelation of the environmental variables. The differences in breeding success resulted from spatial variations in natural and anthropic conditions, with present human disturbance to nests and future alteration of climate having an expected negative effect at all the sites. Management measures must set calendar restrictions for the immediate environment of the nests, mainly with respect to forestry and hunting activities. A second key element is the protection of the habitats at the nest sites and in their surrounding area, with the aim of there being both wooded areas available for the location of the nest and open environments for the availability of food. The Special Protection Areas showed a partial effectiveness of conservation measures for the species, and the need for future improvement. Lastly, in a scenario of global warming, management policies with respect to nesting habitats will have to be extended to higher altitude zones, actions that should be guided by the study of the selection of potential nesting habitat.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and fragmentation are among the largest threats to amphibian populations. However, most studies have not provided clear insights into their population-level implications. There is a critical need to investigate the mechanisms that underlie patterns of distribution and abundance. In order to understand the population- and species-level implications of habitat loss and fragmentation, it is necessary to move from site-specific inferences to assessments of how the influences of multiple factors interact across extensive landscapes to influence population size and population connectivity. The goal of this paper is to summarize the state of knowledge, identify information gaps and suggest research approaches to provide reliable knowledge and effective conservation of amphibians in landscapes experiencing habitat loss and fragmentation. Reliable inferences require attention to species-specific ecological characteristics and their interactions with environmental conditions at a range of spatial scales. Habitat connectivity appears to play a key role in regional viability of amphibian populations. In amphibians, population connectivity is predominantly effected through juvenile dispersal. The preponderance of evidence suggests that the short-term impact of habitat loss and fragmentation increases with dispersal ability. However, species with limited dispersal abilities are likely to be equally imperiled by habitat loss and fragmentation over longer time periods. Rigorous understanding of the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on amphibians will require species-specific, multi-scale, mechanistic investigations, and will be benefit from integrating large empirical field studies with molecular genetics and simulation modeling. Molecular genetic methods are particularly suited to quantifying the influences of habitat structure across large spatial extents on gene flow and population connectivity. Conservation strategies would benefit by moving from generalizations to species and process specific recommendations and by moving from site-specific actions to implementing conservation plans at multiple scales across broad landscapes.  相似文献   

Habitat specialists are especially vulnerable to habitat alterations in vegetation structure and composition, making them difficult to protect and restore amidst agricultural landscapes. Protection strategies in such cases require information on species’ ability to survive and reproduce on marginal and modified habitat. We examined reproductive success, survival, and foraging efficiency of the Florida Scrub-Jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens), an extreme habitat specialist, in a human-modified habitat - regenerating pasture - along a pasture-native scrub interface. From 1985 to 2003, Florida Scrub-Jays were equally successful at producing young in regenerating pasture and native scrub. Production of eggs, nestlings, fledglings, independent young, and yearlings were not statistically different between territories containing pasture and those containing only scrub. Similar trends were observed for nest success and survival. When in pasture, individual jays were significantly more efficient at capturing small prey items, but significantly less efficient at capturing medium and large prey items. Availability of small prey items was significantly higher in pasture than in scrub; availability of medium and large prey items was not significantly different between habitat types. We conclude that regenerating pasture provides suitable supplemental habitat for Florida Scrub-Jays when in close proximity to native scrub, suggesting a novel conservation strategy for maintaining and potentially increasing local populations in fragmented agricultural settings. This case study illustrates how a broadened definition of ‘suitable habitat’ may augment existing conservation strategies for specialist species facing substantial and rapid modification of their native habitat.  相似文献   

Climate change and habitat fragmentation are considered key pressures on biodiversity. In this paper we explore the potential synergetic effects between these factors. We argue that processes at two levels of spatial scale interact: the metapopulation level and the species range level. Current concepts of spatially dynamic metapopulations and species ranges are consistent, and integration improves our understanding of the interaction of landscape level and geographical range level processes. In landscape zones in which the degree of habitat fragmentation allows persistence, the shifting of ranges is inhibited, but not blocked. In areas where the spatial cohesion of the habitat is below the critical level of metapopulation persistence, the expansion of ranges will be blocked. An increased frequency of large-scale disturbances caused by extreme weather events will cause increasing gaps and an overall contraction of the distribution range, particularly in areas with relatively low levels of spatial cohesion. Taking into account the effects of climate change on metapopulations, habitat distribution and land use changes, future biodiversity research and conservation strategies are facing the challenge to re-orient their focus and scope by integrating spatially and conceptually more dynamic aspects at the landscape level.  相似文献   

We present a landscape model to investigate the ecological consequences and costs of different management regimes in semi-natural grasslands. The model integrates dynamic abiotic conditions, management (i.e. disturbance) regime and response of more than 50 characteristic plant and insect species by modelling the dynamics of relevant niche parameters as predictors for species distribution models. We compare our results for exemplary scenarios differing in spatial and temporal scales and exemplary species belonging to different functional groups through several steps of aggregation.Our analysis aims at the question whether an infrequent massive disturbance by rototilling can serve as a less expensive alternative to annual mowing for preserving the characteristic species composition of open dry grasslands in Southern Germany. Rototilling results in a shifting mosaic determining the habitat quality for plant and animal species that may reduce the survival of local or regional populations.For some meadow species as well as the encroaching shrub species, rototilling has a detrimental effect on regional habitat quality. Other species, e.g. weeds and annual pioneers, strongly benefit or show only negligible reaction. Since this is a multi-objective problem, there is a no magic bullet in selecting an optimum scenario of measures. But by visualising the trade-off between ecological consequences and costs, our model is a valuable tool for conservation managers providing a sound scientific basis for management decisions relying on available ecological knowledge. It is also an interesting example for a model describing complex communities in a relatively simple way, simultaneously considering the main driving factors.  相似文献   

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