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The conversion of single-species coniferous forest stands into mixed stands by promoting the natural regeneration of indigenous broadleaved tree species was studied in a forest-heathland on the Veluwe, in the central part of the Netherlands. Red deer (Cervus elaphus), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and wild boar (Sus scrofa) had a large impact on regeneration dynamics, as was established by comparing 20 pairs of fenced and unfenced plots (40 × 40 m) during a 10-year period. A fivefold reduction of total herbivore biomass to 500 kg per km2, resulted in a strong increase of shrub and tree sapling numbers in all vegetation types. However, height growth of the most palatable broadleaved tree species was still strongly impeded. Under the present-day grazing pressure, Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and beech (Fagus sylvatica) will become the dominant canopy species in the forests in the near future. It is argued that the most browse-sensitive woody species such as pedunculate and sessile oak (Quercus robur and Q. petraea) will successfully regenerate, only if temporal and spatial variation in browsing pressure is allowed to occur.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine whether or not specific tree species (Picea glauca, Picea mariana, Pinus banksiana, Populus tremuloides), their post-fire stand age, or their position in a successional pathway had any significant effect on the functional diversity of associated soil microbial communities in a typical mixed boreal forest ecosystem (Duck Mountain Provincial Forest, Manitoba, Canada). Multivariate analyses designed to identify significant biotic and/or abiotic variables associated with patterns of organic substrate utilization (assessed using the BIOLOG™ System) revealed the overall similarity in substrate utilization by the soil microbial communities. The five clusters identified differed mainly by their substrate-utilization value rather than by specific substrate utilization. Variability in community functional diversity was not strongly associated to tree species or post-fire stand age; however, redundancy analysis indicated a stronger association between substrate utilization and successional pathway and soil pH. For example, microbial communities associated with the relatively high pH soils of the P. tremuloides-P. glauca successional pathway, exhibited a greater degree of substrate utilization than those associated with the P. banksiana-P. mariana successional pathway and more acidic soils. Differences in functional diversity specific to tree species were not observed and this may have reflected the mixed nature of the forest stands and of their heterogeneous forest floor. In a densely treed, mixed boreal forest ecosystem, great overlap in tree and understory species occur making it difficult to assign a definitive microbial community to any particular tree species. The presence of P. tremuloides in all stand types and post fire stand ages has probably contributed to the large amount of overlap in utilization profiles among soil samples.  相似文献   

Ground-water and surface flow depletions are altering riparian ecosystems throughout the southwestern United States, and have contributed to the decline of forests of the pioneer trees Populus fremontii (Fremont cottonwood) and Salix gooddingii (Goodding willow). On some rivers, these forests have been replaced by shrublands of Tamarix ramosissima (tamarisk), a drought-tolerant species from Eurasia. The physiological response of these three riparian plant species to decreases in water availability is well studied, but little attention has been given to shifts in community and population structure in response to declines in surface flow and ground-water levels. Based on study of 17 sites spanning a hydrologic gradient, this research identified hydrologic thresholds above which P. fremontii-S. gooddingii maintain tall dense stands with diverse age classes, and above which they are more abundant than T. ramosissima stands along the San Pedro River in Arizona. Surface flow permanence was the hydrologic variable that explained most of the variance in species abundance and relative importance, with inter-annual ground-water fluctuation and depth to ground water also contributing. P. fremontii and S. gooddingii were dominant over T. ramosissima at sites where surface flow was present more than 76% of the time, inter-annual ground-water fluctuation was less than 0.5 m, and average maximum depth to ground water was less than 2.6 m, during a two-year period of data collection. Because T. ramosissima is a shrub species with smaller leaves and lower canopy heights than P. fremontii and S. gooddingii, these shifts in species composition corresponded to decreases in maximum canopy height and upper stratum (above 8 m) vegetation volume as site water availability declined. As well, sites with deeper water tables and more intermittent flows had greater areal coverage of shrublands and less of woodlands. The altered vegetation structure along dewatered rivers may lower wildlife habitat quality. This study provides river managers with quantitative hydrologic guidelines for conserving tall dense P. fremontii-S. gooddingii stands and emphasizes the importance of maintaining long-term hydrologic conditions that are favorable to these species. The study also has implications for riparian restoration and invasive species management by suggesting that desired outcomes may be achieved through restoration of physical processes.  相似文献   

The composition of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) communities found in agricultural systems has been found to be very different to that of forest. The implications of this, if any, for the restoration of indigenous forest on ex-agricultural land is poorly understood. This study investigated the effect that AMF communities isolated from ex-agricultural and forest soils have on the growth of an indigenous New Zealand tree species (Podocarpus cunninghamii). The forest AMF community was isolated from a remnant stand of P. cunninghamii forest and the ex-agricultural AMF from a retired grazing grassland. In addition, the study examined how the two AMF communities affected the competitiveness of P. cunninghamii when grown in competition with an invasive grass species (Agrostis capillaris), which is frequently dominant on ex-agricultural land in New Zealand. P. cunninghamii growth was significantly decreased by inoculation with ex-agricultural AMF compared to forest AMF. Furthermore, the forest AMF community was able to significantly increase P. cunninghamii root production when in competition with A. capillaris. The findings suggest that when attempting to restore indigenous forest on ex-agricultural land, inoculation of tree seedlings with appropriate forest AMF may improve their growth and survival.  相似文献   

Thirty lichen and 25 bryophyte species have been recorded from the buttresses of Eucalyptus obliqua, the dominant tree in wet sclerophyll forest at the Warra Long-Term Ecological Research Site in southern Tasmania. The flora, characterised by four major associations, is very distinctive, containing a relatively high number of eucalypt specialists, particularly among the lichens. A general trend towards increasing species richness with increasing tree diameter is apparent and is attributed mainly to increasing habitat diversity on the buttresses. The increase in species occurs without the loss of pioneers; thus succession involves addition rather than replacement of species. The relationships between epiphytes, tree age and forest age are complicated by the periodic occurrence of fires in the forest. Nevertheless, potential oldgrowth indicators are identified and the possible effects of current silvicultural practices on the conservation of the species are discussed.  相似文献   

The black-backed woodpecker (Picoides arcticus) is considered a fire specialist throughout its breeding range. Given its high abundance in recent burns, it has been hypothesized that post-fire forests are source habitats for this species. We conducted a 3-year post-fire study to evaluate the temporal occupancy and reproductive success of black-backed woodpeckers in high-severity burned black spruce forests of central Quebec, Canada. We examined how reproductive success varied temporally and spatially within a burned landscape and investigated the potential source or sink status of this woodpecker population over time. Woodpecker nest density was high in the year after fire but declined significantly over the 3-year period. Based on 106 nests, nest success declined from 84% the first year after fire to 73% and 25%, respectively, for the second and third years after fire. Nest density and reproductive success were higher in areas with high proportions of burned mature forests than in areas dominated by burned young forests. Reproductive success was also higher in proximity to unburned forests. Comparison of annual productivity with a range of survival estimates indicated that these burned forests likely functioned as source habitats for the first 2 years following fire, although this status varied as a function of pre-fire forest age. Our results suggest that post-fire forests may contribute significantly to population levels in fire-prone ecosystems. Forest management practices that reduce the amount of mature and over-mature forests can affect the quality of post-fire habitats important to the black-backed woodpecker and other fire-associated species.  相似文献   

In boreal forests ericaceous shrubs often dominate the forest floor vegetation. Nitrogen enrichment has been shown to decrease shrub abundance and in this study we explored whether it also affects the root associated fungal communities. Fine roots of Vaccinium myrtillus were collected in a Norway spruce dominated forest and of Vaccinium vitis-idaea in a Scots pine dominated forest. In both forests, nitrogen enrichment was experimentally induced by adding 12.5 and 50 kg N ha−1 yr−1 for 12 (spruce forest) and four (pine forest) years. Based on terminal restriction fragment length polymorphisms, subcloning and sequencing analyses, the root associated fungal communities were examined. We found 93 fungal species including Asco-, Basidio- and Zygo-mycota. In general, the Rhizoscyphus ericae aggregate was the most dominant and this was followed by Herpotrichiellaceae and Sebacina. Ordination analysis revealed that nitrogen enrichment did not change species composition of the fungal communities in neither the spruce nor the pine forest, while fungal community structures were clearly discriminated between the dominant shrub species in each forest. Similarly, no fungal species showed a significant response to nitrogen enrichment. Therefore, nitrogen enrichment appears to have no effect on root associated fungi of understorey dwarf shrubs in boreal forests, while it is clear that spruce and pine forests harbor distinctive communities of these fungi.  相似文献   

We compare forest floor microbial communities in pure plots of four tree species (Thuja plicata, Tsuga heterophylla, Pseudotsuga menziesii, and Picea sitchensis) replicated at three sites on Vancouver Island. Microbial communities were characterised through community level physiological profiles (CLPP), and profiling of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA).Microbial communities from cedar forest floors had higher potential C utilisation than the other species. The F layer of the forest floor under cedar contained significantly higher bacterial biomass (PLFA) than the F layer under the other three tree species. There were differences in microbial communities among the three sites: Upper Klanawa had the highest bacterial biomass and potential C utilisation; this site also had the highest N availability in the forest floors. Forest floor H layers under hemlock and Douglas-fir contained greater biomass of Gram positive, Gram negative bacteria and actinomycetes than F layers based on PLFA, and H layers under spruce contained greater biomass of Gram negative bacteria than F layers. There were no significant differences in bacterial biomass between forest floor layers under cedar. Fungal biomass displayed opposite trends to bacteria and actinomycetes, being lowest in cedar forest floors, and highest in the F layer and at the site with lowest N availability. There were also differences in community composition among species and sites, with cedar forest floors having a much lower fungal:bacterial ratio than spruce, hemlock and Douglas-fir. The least fertile Sarita Lake site had a much greater fungal:bacterial ratio than the more fertile San Juan and Upper Klanawa sites. Forest floor layer had the greatest effect on microbial community structure and potential function, followed by site, and tree species. The similarity in trends among measures of N availability and microbial communities is further evidence that these techniques provide information on microbial communities that is relevant to N cycling processes in the forest floor.  相似文献   

Fragmented remnant woodlands in agricultural landscapes are of high conservation value world-wide. Many eucalypts in agricultural landscapes of Australia are in decline. We aimed to investigate nutrient enrichment as a process that may contribute to eucalypt decline. We studied remnant woodlands that had been exposed to distinct recent and current livestock grazing treatments: Currently Intense Grazed; Recently Intense Grazed (until 3 years ago); Recent Intermediate Grazed; and Recent Lightly Grazed by livestock. We assessed soil nutrient status and penetrability, eucalypt foliar nutrition and stable isotope ratios for N and C, attributes of understorey vegetation, and tree health. Soils of the Currently Intense Grazed treatment had high levels of ammonium and Colwell-P. Total N, P, C:N ratio and soil penetrability were generally high in Currently Intense Grazed and Recently Intense Grazed treatments relative to Recent Intermediate Grazed and Recent Lightly Grazed treatments. Foliar N, N stable isotope ratios, P and carbon stable isotope ratios (δ13C) were generally higher (less negative δ13C) in trees on Currently Intense Grazed and Recently Intense Grazed treatments than in trees on Recent Intermediate Grazed and Recent Lightly Grazed treatments. Soil surface litter, tall and low shrubs and rock were positively correlated with tree health. Grasses and eucalypt foliar N, P and δ13C were negatively correlated with tree health. Soil nutrient enrichment increased with increasing grazing intensity and was associated with increased weed invasion and with poor tree health that was in turn correlated to increased foliar N and P and less negative δ13C in woodland trees in this study. We argue that minimising soil nutrient enrichment of fragmented remnant woodlands is important, given the association of elevated soil nutrition with poor tree health, to ensure the persistence of eucalypts in agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

Tree height selection and use of the available foliage by birds were examined in two mixed-coniferous forests in the White Mountains, Arizona, USA, during 1973 and 1974. A comparison of avian habitat use between a natural forest and one which had recently undergone a moderately heavy overstory removal form of timber harvesting, revealed that in both areas tall and moderately tall trees were preferred. Comparisons were made for the composite avian community and, in particular, for the yellow-bellied sapsucker Sphyrapicus varius, mountain chickadee Parus gambeli, ruby-crowned kinglet Regulus calendula, yellow-rumped warbler Dendroica coronata, and dark-eyed (= grey-headed) junco Junco hyemalis caniceps. Taller trees provided substantially more foliage and substrate for nesting and foraging than did shorter ones.Foliage use by birds in the unharvested plot suggested that foliage was being used in approximately the proportion in which it was available. This was not true in the modified plot where quaking aspen Populus tremuloides—the only tree species not logged—comprised 53·1% of the total available foliage volume. The biggest discrepancy between bird use and foliage volume occurred between 9 and 21 m from the ground. Within this height interval aspen represented 63·8% of the total volume. The subsequently derived bird use curve reflected the reduced desirability of aspen for most avian species.  相似文献   

Ungulate herbivory can have strong impacts on plant communities, but these impacts are rarely considered in recovery plans of endangered species. This study examined the effects of the endangered Key deer (Odocoileus virginianus clavium) on its environment in the lower Florida Keys. The Key deer population has increased to over 700 deer from approximately 50 deer in the 1950s; however, approximately 75% of the population resides on only a few islands (Big Pine, No Name, Big Munson) where Key deer herbivory on forest communities may be substantial. Effects of deer herbivory on plant densities were estimated on these islands using vegetation quadrats in hardwood hammock, buttonwood transition, and mangrove wetlands and compared to nine other islands with intermediate or low deer densities. On islands with high deer density, densities of preferred woody plant species <1.2 m tall (within Key deer reach) were significantly lower than islands with lower deer densities, while densities of some nonpreferred species were significantly higher. Deer exclosures established in hardwood hammock on a high-density deer island revealed a mean increase in abundance/height of preferred woody species inside exclosures, while nonpreferred species significantly increased in open plots. We conclude that on high deer density islands, highly preferred plant species might eventually fail to regenerate and unpalatable plant species may become dominant. Careful criteria need to be developed to maintain Key deer numbers above an endangered species status yet below levels that are destructive to local forest species.  相似文献   

 以琅琊山落叶阔叶林为研究对象,对样地林分进行每木检尺,并对林下更新状况及土壤特性进行调查分析。结果表明:4块样地共出现树种8种(胸径≥3.0 cm),分属7科9属,以槭树科和榆树科为主;群落垂直结构简单,灌木层和草本不甚明显。乔木层中的五角枫、榉树、化香3个树种居绝对优势地位,琅琊山落叶阔叶林的树种多样性较低。不同林分土壤理化特性表现为:呈中性至微酸性反应,EC值、有机质、速效P及速效K含量都较高,N含量中等,综合养分条件较好;土壤pH(H2O)值、速效N和全N是影响各调查林分林木生长及林下更新的主要因子。研究结果可为琅琊山森林的自然更新和可持续经营提供科学依据。  相似文献   

To provide sustainable income from forestlands, large areas in the tropics are planted with “agricultural” trees, such as oil palm and rubber, and “industrial” trees, such as Acacia mangium and Gmelina arborea. To examine how native forest birds use such plantations, we surveyed in 2005 the avifauna at Sabah Softwoods, a plantation in southeastern Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. We focused on A. mangium, Albizia (Paraserianthes falcataria), oil palm (Elaeis guineensis), and logged native forest, and compared our results to those of a study conducted at the same plantation in 1982. The number of forest species in the industrial groves did not change dramatically between 1982 and 2005, even though the trees had been cropped several times and the plantation was, by 2005, completely surrounded by cleared land and far removed from primary forest. However, as is common in logged or isolated forests throughout the world, certain primary forest groups (e.g., muscicapine flycatchers) have been extirpated from the entire plantation area. The industrial groves also lacked some larger species of kingfisher, woodpeckers, and canopy frugivores. Nevertheless, numerous primary forest taxa (ca. 50% of species) were found in mature industrial tree groves. Albizia attracted the most species of birds, followed closely by Acacia. Both tree types underpinned relatively complex secondary forests that attracted forest birds. In contrast, younger groves of Acacia and Albizia held mainly open country and scrub species. Oil palm, as a remarkably simple and unusual habitat, attracted few bird species. Sustained occurrence of forest birds in all groves of exotic trees at Sabah Softwoods was substantially enhanced by the relatively rich avifauna of the logged native forest remaining in substantial stands throughout the plantation.  相似文献   

Road traffic causes significant amphibian and reptile mortality, which could be mitigated through the installation of road crossing structures that facilitate safe passage, but only if reptiles and amphibians are willing to use them. Through a series of behavioral choice experiments with frogs and turtles, we examined how aperture diameter, substrate type, length, and light permeability influenced individuals’ preferences for specific attributes of crossing structures, and how individuals responded to various heights of barrier fences. Snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina), green frogs (Rana clamitans), and leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) preferred larger diameter tunnels (>0.5 m) whereas painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) preferred tunnels of intermediate (0.5-0.6 m) diameter. Green frogs preferred soil- and gravel-lined tunnels to concrete- and PVC-lined tunnels. Painted turtles showed non-random choice of different lengths of tunnel, possibly indicating some avoidance of the longest tunnel (9.1 m); although no species preferred to exit via the longest tunnels (9.1 m), members of all four species used such tunnels. Green frogs preferred tunnels with the greatest light permeability. Fences 0.6 m in height were effective barriers to green frogs, leopard frogs, and snapping turtles, whereas 0.3 m fences excluded painted turtles. We conclude that tunnels > 0.5 m in diameter lined with soil or gravel and accompanied by 0.6-0.9 m high guide fencing would best facilitate road crossing for these and likely other frog and turtle species.  相似文献   

We examined predation activity throughout Bhutan by tiger (Panthera tigris), common leopard (Panthera pardus), snow leopard (Uncia uncia) and Himalayan black bear (Ursus thibetanus) on a variety of livestock types using data gathered over the first two years (2003-2005) of a compensation scheme for livestock losses. One thousand three hundred and seventy five kills were documented, with leopards killing significantly more livestock (70% of all kills), than tigers (19%), bears (8%) and snow leopards (2%). About 50% of livestock killing were of cattle, and about 33% were of horses, with tigers, leopards and snow leopards killing a significantly greater proportion of horses than predicted from availability. Examination of cattle kills showed that leopards killed a significantly greater proportion of smaller prey (e.g., calves), whereas tigers killed a significantly greater proportion of larger prey (e.g., bulls). Overall, livestock predation was greatest in summer and autumn which corresponded with a peak in cropping agriculture; livestock are turned out to pasture and forest during the cropping season, and subsequently, are less well guarded than at other times. Across Bhutan, high horse density and low cattle and yak density were associated with high rates of livestock attack, but no relationship was found with forest cover or human population density. Several northern districts were identified as ‘predation hotspots’, where proportions of livestock lost to predation were considerable, and the ratio of reported kills to relative abundance of livestock was high. Implications of our findings for mitigating livestock losses and for conserving large carnivores in Bhutan are discussed.  相似文献   

In sloping oak forests of the German low mountain range high wild boar (Sus scrofa) and red deer (Cervus elaphus) population densities may affect soil ecological processes by grubbing, grazing, trampling and dunging. We simulated wild boar grubbing in a fenced exclosure and an unfenced replicate and established two adjacent control plots, one fenced, the other unfenced. We evaluated if repeated soil bioturbation and game exclusion by fencing influence soil texture, soil chemical and soil biotic properties in the upper soil over a time period of 2 years. Soil bioturbation was conducted in November 2000 and 2001 creating a grubbing pattern similar to that found in naturally grubbed areas. Soil and fauna sampling was performed in spring and fall of the years 2001 and 2002.Soil bioturbation did not affect soil texture, pH and the contents of organic carbon and nitrogen. In contrast, the contents of potassium and magnesium, the microbial activity and the abundance of saprophageous and predatory soil arthropods were generally lower in grubbed plots compared to ungrubbed control plots (p≤0.05).The exclusion of game did not improve soil quality. On the contrary, microbial activity and the contents of organic carbon and total nitrogen were elevated outside the fenced exclosure (p≤0.05) which may be related to the deposition of urine and dung.Our study found that large mammals affect soil nutrient cycling in sloping oak forests either directly by the deposition of urine and dung or indirectly by accelerating nutrient leaching and disturbing the decomposer system in the soils.  相似文献   

The maintenance of wild populations of Greater Rhea (Rhea americana) through effective management requires an understanding of their habitat requirements in terms of vegetation composition and field configuration. We studied the relative influence of some anthropogenic variables (presence of route, house and fences) and resource variables (presence of water source, composition and coverage of plant species, vegetation height and bare soil), on the habitat use by a population of rheas in a cattle ranch of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Habitat use was determined indirectly by documenting the number of faeces in summer, autumn-winter and spring 1999. The presence or absence of faeces was related to the measured variables through discriminant analysis that allowed the elaboration of predictive models of habitat use by this species. Contrary to what was expected, those variables related to human activity showed a low predictive value on the habitat use by rheas when compared with resource variables. Rheas preferentially selected the stream area in all seasons and sites with great percent cover of Bupleurum sp., Phyla canescens, Sida leprosa, Plantago lanceolata, Trifolium repens, Lolium multiflorum, Stipa spp., and Stenotaphrum secundatum. Low vegetation height was another important component of rhea's habitat in summer and autumn-winter. The high accuracy level obtained by validation tests of this model supports its utility for the management of rhea populations in other cattle ranches of the region, and to analyze the suitability of other ranches for reintroduction programs.  相似文献   

Wetlands are ecologically and economically important ecosystems with high conservation value. Although wetland vegetation is strongly determined by abiotic factors, grazing disturbance may also be an important influence on this community. We evaluated the effects of livestock grazing on wetland vegetation in marsh and wet meadow zones in intermountain depressional wetlands in the southern interior of British Columbia, Canada. We sampled marshes and wet meadows in 36 wetlands along a grazing intensity gradient ranging from fully fenced and ungrazed wetlands to unfenced wetlands heavily grazed by livestock. The amount of bare ground was used as a surrogate measure of the intensity of livestock grazing. Vegetation community structure and composition was strongly associated with grazing intensity. Increased livestock grazing favored shorter-lived and smaller plants; conversely, the frequency of tall and rhizomatous species, which constitute the dominant plant species in these systems, declined with higher livestock use. The effects of grazing were more pronounced in the marsh than in the wet meadow. Associations between species richness and grazing differed between zones: native and exotic species richness showed a unimodal response in the marsh while in the wet meadow exotic richness increased and native richness showed no response. The relationship between exotic frequency and grazing was also inconsistent between zones, with a negative association in the marsh and a positive but weak association in the wet meadow. Grazing-related changes in vegetation along the grazing intensity gradient were substantial and may affect the habitat value of these wetlands for dependent wildlife such as breeding waterfowl.  相似文献   

Research on earthworms in North America has focused on the effects of invasive earthworms, with few studies examining the ecology of native earthworm species. Deer have been shown to influence belowground processes through grazing, trampling, and fecal pellet deposition. We proposed that native earthworms in an oak-dominated forest in Virginia might benefit from increased organic matter provided by deer fecal material. We examined potential interactions between a common aboveground herbivore, the white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), and earthworms using laboratory and field experiments. In our laboratory experiment, we found that a native earthworm, Eisenoides carolinensis, and an invasive earthworm, Lumbricus terrestris both fared better in treatments with deer pellets compared with the treatment with leaf litter alone. In our field experiment, we used fences to exclude deer from six plots and left twelve plots unfenced to explore the effects of deer activity on earthworm biomass and density. We also examined the effects of deer on soil and vegetation characteristics. After three years, the amount of herbaceous cover was higher on fenced plots compared with unfenced plots. Although we found no other differences for vegetation and soil characteristics between fenced and unfenced plots, many of these variables were important as covariates in our models examining the effect of deer exclusion on earthworms, indicating plot-level (as opposed to treatment-level) variation in these variables. All identifiable earthworms were either E. carolinensis or Diplocardia spp. (both native species), with E. carolinensis making up 90% of the specimens. The total biomass of earthworms, as well as the biomass and density of adult and small juvenile earthworms, was greater on unfenced plots with deer activity compared with fenced plots. This study highlights the importance of above- and below-ground interactions in forest ecosystems by showing that E. carolinensis appears to benefit from the presence of deer and adds to our sparse knowledge of the ecology of this native earthworm.  相似文献   

The increasing frequency and severity of wildfires has led to growing attention to the effects of fire disturbance on soil microbial communities and biogeochemical cycling. While many studies have examined fire impacts on plant communities, and a growing body of research is detailing the effects of fire on soil microbial communities, little attention has been paid to the interaction between plant recolonization and shifts in soil properties and microbial community structure and function. In this study, we examined the effect of a common post-fire colonizer plant species, Corydalis aurea, on soil chemistry, microbial biomass, soil enzyme activity and bacterial community structure one year after a major forest wildfire in Colorado, USA, in severely burned and lightly burned soils. Consistent with past research, we find significant differences in soil edaphic and biotic properties between severe and light burn soils. Further, our work suggests an important interaction between fire severity and plant effects by demonstrating that the recolonization of soils by C. aurea plants only has a significant effect on soil bacterial communities and biogeochemistry in severely burned soils, resulting in increases in percent nitrogen, extractable organic carbon, microbial biomass, β-glucosidase enzyme activity and shifts in bacterial community diversity. This work propounds the important role of plant colonization in succession by demonstrating a clear connection between plant colonization and bacterial community structure as well as the cycling of carbon in a post-fire landscape. This study conveys how the strength of plant–microbe interactions in secondary succession may shift based on an abiotic context, where plant effects are accentuated in harsher abiotic conditions of severe burn soils, with implications for bacterial community structure and enzyme activity.  相似文献   

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