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Animals that can distinguish kin from non-kin may enhance their breeding success through "optimal outbreeding". Although relatedness can influence the breeding success of earthworms, no studies of kin discrimination have been conducted in any Oligochaeta species. We determined whether Eisenia fetida Sav. would discriminate kin and change breeding effort with them. The number of cocoons produced (fecundity), viable cocoons, and hatchlings produced by full sibling (inbreeding) and non-sibling (outbreeding) pairs, from different populations, were compared; in this species, fecundity is a reliable indicator of the occurrence and frequency of mating. There were no significant differences in fecundity between inbreeding and outbreeding pairs, so we obtained no evidence for differential investment based on kinship. However, sibling pairs hatched a significantly greater proportion of their cocoons than non-sibling pairs, suggesting that outbreeding depression may reduce reproductive success. We also provide the first evidence for the possibility of parthenogenesis in this species.  相似文献   

Declines in avian populations are often attributed to the presence of introduced predators but conservation managers frequently lack good information about the effectiveness of potential predator control regimes for protecting threatened species. Whio, Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos, are a threatened New Zealand waterfowl that has been declining in both distribution and abundance. We conducted a six-year study using a paired-catchment experiment in New Zealand Nothofagus forest as part of an adaptive management programme to assess whether whio populations responded positively to stoat (Mustela erminea) control. Video monitoring identified stoats as the primary nest predator. Year-round low-intensity stoat control (10 traps per linear km) significantly reduced the stoat abundance index in trapped sites compared with untrapped sites. As a result, whio nesting success and productivity, the number of fledglings produced per pair, increased significantly in the trapped compared to the untrapped area. However, survival rates and the number of pairs did not change significantly between the treatments. These findings indicate stoats are the primary agent of decline for whio in this Nothofagus forest system, and show that low-intensity stoat control is sufficient to improve the productivity of whio populations. Overall, the study demonstrates the value of an adaptive management approach whereby management techniques can be evaluated to ensure that the primary agent of decline is clearly identified and that predator densities are kept sufficiently low.  相似文献   

Habitat quality is an important consideration when identifying source and sink habitat and setting priority areas for avian conservation. The problem is that different measures may lead to different conclusions about habitat quality, and may also vary in the resources required to estimate them. Individual level measures, such as nest success, and fecundity, will often identify different high quality habitats than population level measures, such as abundance or the number of fledglings produced per unit area. We tested measures of fitness in the Black-throated Sparrow both at the individual and at the population level for six habitats in the northern Chihuahuan Desert, to explore their value as indicators of habitat quality. We compared clutch size, number of nestlings per nest, number of fledglings per successful nest, nest density, nest success, daily nest survival rate, season-long fecundity, number of fledglings produced per 100 ha, and adult abundance, in each habitat type. We also modeled source-sink dynamics to estimate the scale at which they operate, to infer survival rates, and to ascertain the relative source potential of each habitat. We found that fecundity is the best indicator of individual level habitat quality but a poor indicator of population level habitat quality. Nest success (or fecundity, if resources are available to adequately estimate it) plus nest density provide the most robust indicator of population level habitat quality, which is the level at which priority habitats for conservation should be identified. Mesa grassland and black grama grassland functioned as source habitats most consistently, and mesquite was consistently a sink but also probably a reservoir of individuals available to occupy other habitats.  相似文献   

《Biological conservation》1986,36(2):101-113
Reproduction parameters of great white herons Ardea herodias were used to evaluate the habitat quality of eastern Florida Bay. Clutch size and productivity of the herons during three breeding seasons were compared with similar data from 1923 which predated suspected human alteration of the Florida Bay ecosystem. In addition, since about 15% of the great white herons nesting in eastern Florida Bay supplemented their diet with food obtained from people, it was possible to evaluate the impact of food availability on reproduction.Herons that fed naturally in Florida Bay (unsupplemented) had significantly smaller clutches and produced significantly fewer fledglings than those of 1923. Herons that received supplemental food had reproductive parameters similar to those of 1923. We interpret these data as indicating that habitat quality is currently reduced from 1923 levels.These results support the prediction that wading bird reproduction can be sensitive to habitat quality and that these species should be useful as biological indicators for monitoring habitat quality.  相似文献   

Gould’s petrel (Pterodroma leucoptera leucoptera) was restricted, essentially, to a single breeding locality - Cabbage Tree Island, Australia. As a safeguard against extinction, an additional breeding colony was established on nearby Boondelbah Island, where artificial nesting habitat was created by installing 100 plastic nest boxes. Over two years, a total of 200 nestling Gould’s petrels were translocated from Cabbage Tree Island to these boxes. Colonies on both islands were then monitored for a further four years. Selection of nestlings for transfer was based on prior knowledge of growth, plumage development and emergence from the burrow, and aimed to select only birds that were 11-28 days from fledging (DBF) in 1999 and 11-22 DBF in 2000. Of the first 100 nestlings translocated to Boondelbah Island (in March 1999), 95 fledged successfully 8-27 days after transfer (mean = 17.3 days). Of the second 100 nestlings translocated (in March 2000) all successfully fledged 9-22 days after transfer (mean = 15.1 days). The removal of young had no discernible effect on the subsequent breeding productivity of the donor pairs. In all, 41 Gould’s petrels have been recorded at the new colony on Boondelbah Island, where at least 27 nest boxes have been visited. Ten translocated fledglings (nine male, one female) have returned to the translocation site, taking up nest boxes that were, on average, 5.5 m from the box from which they fledged. An additional 27 non-translocated birds, of unknown origin, have also nested in nest boxes on Boondelbah, along with four birds previously known from Cabbage Tree Island. Two nestlings transferred to Boondelbah Island have returned to Cabbage Tree Island. Within five years of the first translocation, the newly established colony on Boondelbah Island has produced a total of 24 eggs and 14 fledglings. The translocation technique developed for Gould’s petrel has broad applicability, being readily adaptable for other burrow-nesting seabirds.  相似文献   

The population ecology of buzzards Buteo buteo in the New Forest, southern England, was studied from 1961 to 1982. Until 1973 the population was relatively constant (32–37 pairs), though density and productivity were low compared with elsewhere in Britain, probably as a result of low densities of mammalian prey resulting from intensive grazing by free-ranging cattle and ponies.In 1973 there was a dramatic fall in productivity: only two pairs fledged young. Comparing 1962–1971 with 1973–1982, the average number of breeding attempts declined by 35%, the average number of succesful attempts by 44%, and the average number of young fledged by 40%. The number of occupied territories fell from 33 in 1974 to 21 in 1982 (a 36% decline). It is hypothesised that this was the result of further declines in numbers of small rodents caused by greatly increased grazing pressure by large domestic herbivores, and their penetration into hitherto ungrazed areas.The number of successful breeding attempts varied widely from year to year after 1973. From 1968 the number of successful breeding pairs of buzzards fluctuated in relation to the amount of tree and shrub seed produced the previous autumn, and we suggest that from the early 1970s buzzards responded positively to early spring numbers of small rodents, which were in turn related to seed abundance in the previous autumn. It seems likely that before 1973 population levels of small rodents were sufficiently high even after a poor seed year, to form the basis of the buzzards' food in early spring, which is believed to be a critical period, and that only when population levels were reduced further by habitat deterioration caused by increased grazing pressure did fluctuations become critical to buzzards. The implications of intensive grazing for other predators of small rodents, and the implications for the management of the New Forest are briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

The bearded vulture Gypaetus barbatus is a large, long-lived osteophagus vulture whose abundance and breeding range have drastically declined during the last century, making it one of the most endangered European bird species. We evaluated the extinction risk of the bearded vulture population in Corsica (a small, isolated breeding population of 8-10 pairs), one of the last extant populations in Western Europe, and estimated its probability of extinction to be 0.165 over the next 50 years. A sensitivity analysis to assess the influence of uncertain demographic rates showed that it is critical to estimate precisely the values of pre-adult survival. Neither the type nor the parameters of density dependence acting on fecundity and survival rates influenced much the extinction risk of the Corsican population. We evaluated the effect of four realistic conservation actions that could be implemented on the Corsican bearded vulture population and rank them in terms of their respective decrease of the current extinction risk faced by this population. We found that the release of two juveniles every other year for 12 years and the increase of fecundity due to selective food provisioning would reduce by more than one-half the current extinction risk of Corsican bearded vulture population. In contrast, even substantial increases in the carrying capacity through large supplemental feeding produced very modest decreases in the extinction risk, thus calling into question the efficacy of one of the main pan-European conservation strategies for this species. Re-establishing a population network within the Mediterranean could be a potentially better strategy, though its efficacy depends on natal dispersal among populations that is currently unknown.  相似文献   

The peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus anatum) has not yet recolonized natural cliff sites in Illinois and much of the lower Midwestern US, and remains restricted to urban areas. We constructed a landscape-linked population viability analysis using RAMAS/GIS software to compare possible reintroduction strategies for the species. Habitat-specific (i.e. cliff and urban) demographic parameters such as survival, fecundity, and dispersal rates were derived from the Midwest Peregrine Society Database for peregrines in the central Mississippi River region during 1982-2006. We simulated a base scenario of no reintroduction and 18 models of reintroduction with varying cohort sizes, supplementation schedules, and number of reintroduction sites, and used the Lake Superior population to test our model. Our analysis indicated that even without reintroductions in Illinois, the peregrine population in the lower Midwestern region is slowly increasing and is not likely to go extinct. Recolonization of cliff sites in southern Illinois likely will occur via dispersal from urban populations, however further research on dispersal rates between urban areas and cliffs is needed. Analysis indicated that the most cost-effective reintroduction strategy would be priced at approximately $280,000 and would result in only two additional breeding pairs compared to the no-action scenario. Thus, funds would be more effectively used in other management efforts such as habitat preservation. This study provides an example of how post-release monitoring can be used to inform future reintroduction plans.  相似文献   

A remaining challenge for animal reintroductions is how best to aid individuals transitioning from captivity into the wild. We tested two techniques – ‘soft’ vs. ‘hard’ release – in a 7-year study on endangered Western burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) in British Columbia, Canada. Traditionally, captive-reared yearling adults were released into the wild, as pairs, directly from artificial burrows (hard-release). Only 46% of 201 owls released in this way (2001–2004) stayed at release sites. To test for improved success, soft-releases were performed in the same manner as concurrent hard-releases (2005–2007), except above-ground enclosures confined each soft-release pair to the vicinity of their burrow for 2 weeks before complete release. Of 140 soft-released owls, 86% stayed at release sites; whereas, 66% of 100 hard-released owls stayed. Breeding-season survival was 70% for soft-released owls vs. 50% for hard-released owls. On average, soft-released owls produced 50% more fledglings than concurrently hard-released owls. Post-fledging survival was 69% and first-year return rate was 7.0% for fledglings from soft-released parents, compared to 50% and 4.0% for fledglings from hard-release parents. Ultimately, 0.17 offspring were recruited into the local wild breeding population per soft-released pair, compared to 0.05 local recruits per hard-released pair. We recommend that enclosure-based soft-releases be used for reintroduction of burrowing owls in British Columbia and elsewhere in North America. We encourage other tests for improved release success with soft-releases, particularly for species with a high tendency for dispersal or those likely to experience significant predation pressure.  相似文献   

Species conservation largely depends on knowledge of habitat needs of target species. GIS-models are increasingly used to assess habitat preferences and distribution of target species, but their accuracy is constrained by availability of digital data layers. We developed a two-steps approach aiming at showing pros and cons of landscape (GIS)- and site-level habitat models, identifying key habitat factors for conservation of a threatened bird species, the red-backed shrike Lanius collurio. A spatially explicit GIS-model was generated using landscape variables, and a second model at site level was developed using fine-scale variables measured on the ground. The GIS-based model was then extrapolated to the entire region to obtain a map of distribution of suitable habitats. Positive associations between shrike occurrence and both hedgerow length and partial shrub cover were detected at both scales. Shrikes were also positively associated with grassland cover at landscape level and with partial cover of untilled herbaceous vegetation at the finer scale, and negatively affected by lucerne cover. The GIS-model led to an affordable map of predicted habitat suitability which should help conservationists to focus on different local priorities, but was unable to identify effects of untilled and lucerne cover. Site-level model gave fine details for habitat management, but its application elsewhere requires ground-measurements of factors. Combining the multiscale models could indicate more urgent actions at large scales (e.g. maintaining suitable habitats, or improving connectivity among isolated patches) and draw a detailed figure of the most suitable habitat for the species. Shrike occurrence was associated with a higher number of shrub and tree species: the indicator value of the species should ensure general benefits for biodiversity from dedicated management.  相似文献   

The flesh-footed shearwater (Puffinus carneipes) is a migratory seabird that ranges widely across the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The principal breeding populations are in Australia and New Zealand. The only breeding site in eastern Australia is on Lord Howe Island. Despite it being afforded a high level of legislative protection, the population on Lord Howe Island has declined substantially during the last few decades. The total extent of nesting habitat in 2002 was 24.3 ha, a reduction of 13.4 ha (35.6%) since 1978. Loss of nesting habitat was associated with increased urbanisation, the adverse impact of which extended beyond the footprint of buildings and gardens. In 2002, overall burrow density was 0.123 per m2 and the total number of burrows was estimated to be 29,853 ± 5867, a decline of about 19.0% since 1978. A substantial decline in burrow density was evident in the colony where loss of habitat to urbanisation had been greatest. In 2002, 58% of burrows were occupied by breeding birds, and the total population size was estimated to be 17,462 breeding pairs. Breeding success (the proportion of eggs that produced fledglings) was 50%, but was lowest in the most urbanised colony. To avert further declines in the population of flesh-footed shearwaters on Lord Howe Island major changes in land use practices, enforced through appropriate legislation, are needed, together with reductions in the level of seabird bycatch in fisheries operations and in the amount of plastics that litter the world’s oceans.  相似文献   

Wildlife crime can be difficult to quantify, and its true impact on populations can be underestimated if rates are under-recorded. The illegal killing of birds of prey is an important form of wildlife crime, which in the UK, is often associated with land managed for the recreational shooting of red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus. In the UK, increases in peregrine falcons Falco peregrinus following recovery from organo-chlorine pesticides have not been uniform, with slow growth and localised declines in some areas, including those managed for red grouse shooting. In this study, we combined 1081 peregrine nest histories across northern England between 1980 and 2006 with a remotely sensed map of grouse moor management, to test whether breeding performance was lower in areas with active management for grouse shooting. Productivity of pairs on grouse moors was 50% lower than pairs breeding on non-grouse moor habitat. However, clutch size and brood size of successful nests did not differ between habitat types, suggesting that food constraints were unlikely to explain this difference. Population models suggested source-sink dynamics, with populations on grouse moors unable to sustain themselves without immigration. Population data confirmed that growth rates were indeed lower on grouse moors than on non-grouse moor sites. Analysis of wildlife crime data confirmed that persecution of the species was more frequent on grouse moors than in other habitat types. This population will be more secure, and better able to function as a barometer of environmental health and climate change, if illegal persecution of the species ceases on areas of land managed for grouse shooting.  相似文献   

The Tristan albatross Diomedea [exulans] dabbenena is the third rarest albatross species, with a breeding population of around 1500 pairs almost totally restricted to Gough Island in the Tristan da Cunha group, central South Atlantic. During January 2000, the entire breeding population of Gough was surveyed for the first time since 1956, and 2400 incubating pairs were counted. An analysis of the areas that are likely to have been surveyed most accurately in the past suggests that the population has decreased by around 28% over 46 years. The number of large chicks counted over three successive seasons (1999-2001) was highly variable (range 318-1129). The average count over this period (705 chicks) is less than counts made in 1979 (792) and 1982 (798). A total of 656 chicks were counted in September 2001, giving an island breeding success of just 27.3%. However, breeding success varied considerably in different areas of the island, ranging from 17.6 to 68.0%. During the 2001 season most breeding failures were of large chicks, and over 4 years where data were available, 75% of breeding failures occurred during the chick period. Predation by introduced house mice Mus musculus is the most likely cause of chick mortality. In a small study population, birds began breeding at an average age of 9.7 years and annual adult survival from 1985 to 2001 was 92.6% (SE=1.6%). Both breeding success and adult survival estimates are low in comparison with other Diomedea species and population modelling predicts a population decreasing at an annual rate of 2.9-5.3%. Further research is needed urgently to assess whether breeding success is typical, and to confirm that mouse predation is the cause of chick mortality. The low productivity of this species will compound the negative impacts of longline fishing mortality, which are likely to be reducing adult and juvenile survival.  相似文献   

From 1989 to 2004, the breeding success of African penguins Spheniscus demersus at Robben Island, South Africa was significantly related to estimates of the abundance of both their main prey species, anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus and sardine Sardinops sagax, and to the combined biomass of these species. When the combined spawner biomass of fish prey was less than 2 million ton, pairs fledged an average of 0.46 chicks annually. When it was above 2 million ton, annual breeding success had a mean value of 0.73 chicks per pair. Given previously estimated values of survival and age at first breeding, these levels of breeding success are inadequate to sustain the African penguin population. With the higher level of breeding success, an equilibrium situation might be attained if adult survival could be increased by 6-7% per annum. Attempts to reduce mortality of penguins have included the collection, cleaning and return to the wild of oiled birds, culling of Cape fur seals Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus seen preying on penguins around breeding localities and control of the spread of disease. Management of the purse-seine fishery should ensure adequate escapement of fish to maintain the combined biomass of anchovy and sardine above 2 million ton. The maintenance of suitable breeding habitat and removal of feral predators from breeding localities will also be important in improving breeding success.  相似文献   

《Biological conservation》1985,34(2):121-140
Golden eagles Aquila chrysaetos recolonised southwest Scotland in the early 1940s. By 1966 four pairs were established and breeding success was good. In the early 1970s, coincident with large-scale afforestation, two pairs ceased to breed and a third pair rarely produced young. Good breeding performance was associated with spring diet; the most productive pair consuming more large birds and less carrion than the other pairs. Animals living in conifer plantations did not form a substantial part of the diet at any time of year. It seemed that the afforestation of open country had removed much of the productive foraging habitat for three of the four pairs of eagles, as the remaining open country was at higher altitude where live prey were scarce.  相似文献   

Avian captive breeding programs pose a particular challenge with migratory birds due to natal dispersal and high mortality during migration. In Canada a captive breeding program for the eastern loggerhead shrike (Lanius ludovicianus migrans) has released over 400 juveniles since 2001, but the fate of almost all these birds is unknown. In 2007 and 2008, we used radio-telemetry of captive-reared juveniles to determine pre-migration survival and dispersal movements away from the release site. Overall, 76% (29 of 38) of shrikes survived from release to the initiation of migration and the daily survival rate was 0.987. Most deaths (78%) occurred in females, suggesting a possible sex-biased pre-migration mortality. Shrikes typically dispersed independently, there was little overlap between dispersal sites, and the average pre-migration dispersal distance from the release site was 4.2 km (SD 2.4). Release date was negatively correlated with time spent at the release site prior to dispersal, but did not have a significant effect on survival, time spent at dispersal sites or distance of dispersal. Migration initiation date ranged over 6 weeks and early-hatched juveniles were the first to begin migration. Using aerial telemetry, we located five of 29 birds that had begun migration at distances up to 180 km from the release site; no birds were found dead after initiating migration despite the extensive search area. High juvenile survival to migration for captive-reared juveniles suggests that the captive breeding and release program has high potential to augment wild populations of the eastern loggerhead shrike.  相似文献   

Spatially-explicit population viability analysis (PVA) is a powerful method for modeling the extinction risk of populations that show variation over space and time. It is especially effective for comparing relative effect of different management scenarios on population dynamics. Here, I present a habitat patch-based PVA for a population of the California state-listed threatened bank swallow (Riparia riparia) nesting along the Sacramento River. This model incorporates the effects of habitat availability and location, density dependence, site fidelity, and stochasticity in survival and fecundity. River bank habitat patches suitable for this species were delineated using a geographic information systems (GIS) model of river bank height and were used in a PVA scenario analysis to assess the effects of habitat restoration—that could occur by removing bank erosion control projects (bank revetment)—on population viability. Sensitivity analysis showed that the model estimated probability of quasi-extinction (dropping below 2000 breeding pairs) ranged from 0 to 0.8 depending on the input parameters, with juvenile survival causing the greatest variability. However, comparing changes to the probability of quasi-extinction between the restored habitat scenario and current conditions showed a consistent 40-60% decrease in probability of quasi-extinction across all parameter combinations. The results of this research reaffirm the need for continued protection of the bank swallow as a listed species indicate that the removal of bank erosion control projects would increase viability of this population.  相似文献   

The potential reproductive value of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus intraradices and Glomus invermaium), root pathogenic fungi (Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium culmorum) and saprotrophic fungi (Penicillium hordei and Trichoderma harzianum) were examined for the collembolans Folsomia candida Willem and Folsomia fimetaria L. Dried baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) was used as a reference standard food in laboratory cultures. Collembolan performance was determined as final size, fecundity and population growth rate after when fed the fungal food sources for 31 days. The mycorrhizal fungi gave the least growth and fecundity compared with the other fungi, but G. intraradices gave good fecundity for F. candida. In terms of growth, Baker's yeast was a high-quality food for both adults and juveniles of both species, but it was a poorer food in terms of fecundity of F. candida. Preference of the fungi in all possible pairwise combinations showed that although F. fimetaria did not perform well on Glomus spp. and F. candida did not grow well on Glomus spp. their preference for these fungi did not reflect this. The highest fecundity was seen with the root pathogen F. culmorum. Different quality indicators such as the C:N ratio of the fungal food sources as well as other biological parameters are discussed in relation to their reproductive value and Collembola preferential feeding.  相似文献   

Endangered birds in insular environments like New Zealand are often translocated to predator-free offshore islands for conservation purposes. Some translocated populations however exhibit reduced fecundity, and it has been suggested that either inbreeding (due to small number of founders) or resource shortages (due to high population density) may limit reproductive success. For example, the South Island robin (Petroica a. australis) population on Motuara Island (59 ha) was founded by only five birds but has increased to ∼600 individuals, or a density >10 times that of the mainland. Despite this apparent success, the rate of hatching failure in this population is three times higher than in mainland populations, with more than a third of eggs failing to hatch. To test if elevated hatching failure is the result of food limitation, we carried out a food supplementation experiment by providing females with mealworms equivalent to ∼50% of their daily energy requirements. Food supplementation had no effect on hatching success, clutch size, incubation attentiveness or nest size. Egg volume increased with food supplementation in one of the two years of this study, but both egg volume and incubation attentiveness were unrelated to rate of hatching failure. As previous genetic analyses confirmed that the bottlenecked population of robins on Motuara Island have significantly less genetic variation than their source population, we conclude that inbreeding depression, and not food limitation, is the most likely explanation for their high rate of hatching failure. We suggest that the experimental translocation of genetically dissimilar individuals be considered as a possible remedy for low productivity in island populations that were initiated with few founders.  相似文献   

European honey bees used for commercial honey production represent a potential source of competition for floral resources with native nectar and pollen feeding insects. This study reports the results of an experiment run over two years on the impact of commercial honey bees on the fecundity of a solitary native bee, Hylaeus alcyoneus. Registered apiary sites were used as treatment sites (with honey bees) while control sites (without honey bees) were interspersed between. The fecundity of H. alcyoneus was measured using trap nests. We compared the number of nests produced, number of eggs per nest and emerging progeny mass of H. alcyoneus in sites with and without commercial bee hives. The number of nests produced by H. alcyoneus was 23% less (Wilcoxon’s T) at treatment sites than control sites. Analysis of individual measurement intervals using ANOVA was compromised by a general lack of power. This result highlights that even though honey bees have been present in certain areas for many years, competition with native bees may still be occurring.  相似文献   

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