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Thy-1+ dendritic epidermal T cells (dECs) express invariant gamma delta antigen receptors and are found in intimate contact with keratinocytes in murine epidermis--thus raising the possibility that keratinocytes express a ligand for the antigen receptor of these T cells. Thy-1+ dECs were stimulated to produce lymphokines by interaction with keratinocytes in vitro. This stimulation was mediated through the dEC antigen receptor and did not appear to be restricted by the major histocompatibility complex. Thus, dECs can recognize self antigens and may participate in immune surveillance for cellular damage rather than for foreign antigens.  相似文献   

Although the immunologic role of T cells bearing the conventional alpha beta T cell receptor (TCR) has been well characterized, little is known about the function of the population of T cells bearing the gamma delta TCR. Therefore, the role of gamma delta T cells in the immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MT) was investigated. The number of TCR gamma delta cells in the draining lymph nodes of mice immunized with MT was greatly increased in comparison with the number of TCR alpha beta cells. Three biochemically distinct gamma delta TCRs were detected. Analyses of cell cycle, of interleukin-2 receptor expression, and of interleukin-2 responsiveness showed that a large proportion of the gamma delta T cells were activated in vivo. TCR gamma delta cells responded to solubilized MT antigens in vitro but, in contrast to MT-specific alpha beta T cells, the response of gamma delta T cells to MT did not require major histocompatability complex class II recognition. These results provide an example of antigen-specific activation of gamma delta T cells in vivo and indicate that gamma delta T cells may have a distinct role in generating a primary immune response to certain microorganisms.  相似文献   

Although many combinations of alpha beta T cell receptors are available to the T cells in any given organism, far fewer are actually used by mature T cells. The combinations used are limited by two selective processes, positive selection of T cells bearing receptors that will be useful to the host, and clonal elimination or inactivation of T cells bearing receptors that will be damaging to the host. The ways in which these two apparently contradictory processes occur, and the hypotheses that have been suggested to reconcile them, are discussed.  相似文献   

All human gamma delta T cells coexpressing the products of the variable (V) region T cell receptor (TCR) gene segments V gamma 9 and V delta 2 recognize antigens from mycobacterial extracts and Daudi cells. Exogenous and endogenous ligands on the cell surface, homologous to the groEL heat shock family, induced reactivities that resembled superantigen responses in this major subset of human peripheral blood gamma delta T cells. Stimulation of human V gamma 9/V delta 2 T cells is not restricted by human leukocyte antigens (HLA), including nonpolymorphic beta 2-microglobulin (beta 2M)-associated class Ib molecules. These data may be important for understanding the role of gamma delta T cells in autoimmunity and in responses to microorganisms and tumors.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody was used to show directly positive thymic selection of the T cell repertoire in mouse strains expressing the 17a beta-chain variable domain (V beta 17a) of the T cell receptor. In the absence of the potent tolerizing class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule, I-E, peripheral expression of V beta 17a+ T cell receptors varied with the MHC haplotype of the mouse strain. In the most extreme case, H-2q mice expressed high peripheral levels of CD4+ V beta 17a+ T cells (14 to 19 percent), whereas H-2b mice expressed low levels (3 to 4 percent). Analysis of (b x q)F1 mice and chimeric mice showed that these differences were determined by positive thymic selection and implicated the thymic epithelium as the controlling cell type.  相似文献   

Two distinct CD3-associated T cell receptors (TCR alpha beta and TCR gamma delta) are expressed in a mutually exclusive fashion on separate subsets of T lymphocytes. While the specificity of the TCR alpha beta repertoire for major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens is well established, the diversity of expressed gamma delta receptors and the ligands they recognize are less well understood. An alloreactive CD3+CD4-CD8- T cell line specific for murine class II MHC (Ia) antigens encoded in the I-E subregion of the H-2 gene complex was identified, and the primary structure of its gamma delta receptor heterodimer was characterized. In contrast to a TCR alpha beta-expressing alloreactive T cell line selected for similar specificity, the TCR gamma delta line displayed broad cross-reactivity for multiple distinct I-E-encoded allogeneic Ia molecules.  相似文献   

The murine epidermis contains a subpopulation of bone marrow-derived lymphocytes that have a dendritic morphology and that express Thy-1 and T3 cell-surface antigens but not other markers (L3T4 or Lyt-2) characteristic of mature peripheral T lymphocytes. An alternative type of T cell receptor was earlier identified on a subpopulation of murine thymocytes with a similar phenotype (T3+, L3T4-, Lyt-2-), but not on peripheral murine T lymphocytes. Two independently derived Thy-1+, L3T4-, and Lyt-2- dendritic cell lines of epidermal origin that express a T3-associated disulfide-linked heterodimer composed of a 34-kilodalton gamma-chain and 46-kilodalton partner (the delta chain) have now been identified. Analysis of N-linked glycosylation revealed that this receptor is similar to that detected on thymocytes. These results demonstrate that Thy-1+ dendritic epidermal cell lines can express gamma delta T cell receptors in vitro and suggest that Thy-1+ dendritic epidermal cells express such receptors in vivo. The localization of these gamma delta T cell receptor-expressing cells in the epidermis may be of importance for understanding the function of these receptors.  相似文献   

T cells that express the T cell receptor V beta 5.2 domain react with the class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule I-E, and V beta 5.2+ T cells are deleted in mouse strains that express I-E glycoproteins. By examination of genetically defined recombinant inbred (RI) mouse strains, it was found that the deletion was dependent on the expression of I-E and one of a limited number of non-MHC gene products (cotolerogens). The gene encoding one of these cotolerogens maps to chromosome 12 and is linked to the endogenous provirus Mtv-9. These observations suggest that the I-E-mediated and minor lymphocyte-stimulating antigen (Mls)-mediated deletions of alpha beta T cells from the repertoire are similar; both require the expression of a class II MHC glycoprotein and a second non-MHC gene product.  相似文献   

The rearrangement of T cell antigen receptor beta- and gamma-chain gene segments was studied in transgenic mice that bear a functional beta-chain gene. Virtually all CD3-positive T cells derived from transgenic mice express beta chains containing the transgene-encoded V beta 8.2 variable region on their surfaces and do not express endogenous beta-chain variable regions. Expression of endogenous V beta genes is inhibited at the level of somatic recombination during thymic ontogeny. Furthermore, rearrangements of the TCR gamma-chain genes are also markedly inhibited in these transgenic animals. Hence expression of the TCR beta transgene has led to allelic exclusion of alpha beta receptors and isotypic exclusion of gamma delta T cell receptors.  相似文献   

Upon maturation, dendritic cells (DCs) acquire the unique ability to activate na?ve T cells. We used time-lapse video microscopy and two-photon imaging of intact lymph nodes to show that after establishing initial contact between their dendrites and na?ve T lymphocytes, mature DCs migrate toward the contacted lymphocytes. Subsequently, the DCs tightly entrap the T cells within a complex net of membrane extensions. The Rho family guanosine triphosphatases Rac1 and Rac2 but not Rho itself control the formation of dendrites in mature DCs, their polarized short-range migration toward T cells, and T cell priming.  相似文献   

Prolactin (PRL) is necessary for the proliferation of cloned T lymphocytes in response to interleukin-2 (IL-2). Translocation of PRL into the nucleus occurs during IL-2--stimulated mitogenesis. Therefore, the function of intranuclear PRL in T cell proliferation was tested. Eukaryotic expression vectors were prepared to express wild-type PRL [PRL(WT)], PRL that lacks the signal sequence for translocation into the endoplasmic reticulum [PRL(ER-)], and chimeric PRL in which the signal peptide was replaced with the sequence that directs the nuclear translocation of the SV40 large T antigen [PRL(NT+)]. Expression of these constructs in a T cell line (Nb2) responsive to PRL and IL-2 resulted in localization of PRL in the extracellular milieu, cytoplasm, or nucleus, respectively. Stimulation with IL-2 alone resulted in a five- to tenfold increase in the incorporation of [3H]thymidine by cells expressing PRL(NT+) or PRL(WT) as compared to PRL(ER-) or the parental Nb2 cells. Only the PRL(NT+) clone proliferated continuously with IL-2 stimulation in the presence of antiserum to PRL. These results demonstrate that nuclear PRL is necessary for IL-2--stimulated proliferation and suggest that a peptide hormone can function in the nucleus without binding to its cell surface receptor.  相似文献   

Although primary CD8 responses to acute infections are independent of CD4 help, it is unknown whether a similar situation applies to secondary responses. We show that depletion of CD4 cells during the recall response has minimal effect, whereas depletion during the priming phase leads to reduced responses by memory CD8 cells to reinfection. Memory CD8 cells generated in CD4+/+ mice responded normally when transferred into CD4-/- hosts, whereas memory CD8 cells generated in CD4-/- mice mounted defective recall responses in CD4+/+ adoptive hosts. These results demonstrate a previously undescribed role for CD4 help in the development of functional CD8 memory.  相似文献   

The evolutionarily conserved actin-related protein (Arp2/3) complex is a key component of actin filament networks that is dynamically regulated by nucleation-promoting and inhibitory factors. Although much is known about actin assembly, the physiologic functions of inhibitory proteins are unclear. We generated coronin 1-/- mice and found that coronin 1 exerted an inhibitory effect on cellular steady-state F-actin formation via an Arp2/3-dependent mechanism. Whereas coronin 1 was required for chemokine-mediated migration, it was dispensable for T cell antigen receptor functions in T cells. Moreover, actin dynamics, through a mitochondrial pathway, was linked to lymphocyte homeostasis.  相似文献   

GADS is an adaptor protein implicated in CD3 signaling because of its ability to link SLP-76 to LAT. A GADS-deficient mouse was generated by gene targeting, and the function of GADS in T cell development and activation was examined. GADS- CD4-CD8- thymocytes exhibited a severe block in proliferation but still differentiated into mature T cells. GADS- thymocytes failed to respond to CD3 cross-linking in vivo and were impaired in positive and negative selection. Immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that the association between SLP-76 and LAT was uncoupled in GADS- thymocytes. These observations indicate that GADS is a critical adaptor for CD3 signaling.  相似文献   

Inositol pyrophosphates are recognized components of cellular processes that regulate vesicle trafficking, telomere length, and apoptosis. We observed that pancreatic beta cells maintain high basal concentrations of the pyrophosphate diphosphoinositol pentakisphosphate (InsP7 or IP7). Inositol hexakisphosphate kinases (IP6Ks) that can generate IP7 were overexpressed. This overexpression stimulated exocytosis of insulin-containing granules from the readily releasable pool. Exogenously applied IP7 dose-dependently enhanced exocytosis at physiological concentrations. We determined that IP6K1 and IP6K2 were present in beta cells. RNA silencing of IP6K1, but not IP6K2, inhibited exocytosis, which suggests that IP6K1 is the critical endogenous kinase. Maintenance of high concentrations of IP7 in the pancreatic beta cell may enhance the immediate exocytotic capacity and consequently allow rapid adjustment of insulin secretion in response to increased demand.  相似文献   

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