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Intensive short intervals of exercise are used to condition horses for racing. In this study, the effect of exercising horses one, two, or three times a week during 6 weeks using two intervals with near-maximal speed over 100 m on v4 (speed at which, under defined conditions, the blood lactate concentration reaches 4 mmol/L) and muscle thickness (MT) of supraspinatus and extensor carpi radialis was examined. Thoroughbreds (4-5 years of age) were exercised twice at near-maximal speed over 100 m, separated by a 10-minute period at walk, on dirt track during conditioning periods (CP) of 6-week duration. This exercise was undertaken once (six horses), twice (six horses), or thrice (five horses) a week during a CP. Before, every 2 weeks during, and 2 weeks after the CP, horses were subjected to a standardized exercise test to determine their v4. Before and after CP, the MT of the extensor carpi radialis and the supraspinatus was examined by ultrasonography. There was no differential effect of the number of weekly exercises on v4. Pooling the data of all horses, a decrease of v4 was found. The decrease became evident after the sixth week of conditioning. MT did not change. The results indicate that the examined exercise protocols could negatively impact racing performance of horses.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the effect of clenbuterol on the anaerobic threshold of horses on a treadmill with increasing physical stress, measuring heart rate (HR) and blood levels of lactate, glucose, and insulin. Twelve Arabian horses were submitted to two physical tests separated by a 10-day interval. Clenbuterol (CL) at 0.8 μg/kg or saline (control—C) was administered intravenously 30 minutes before the test. The treadmill exercise test consisted of an initial warmup followed by a gradually increasing effort. There was no statistical difference in either V2 or V4 (velocity at which plasma lactate concentration reached 4 and 2 mmol/L, respectively) between the two experimental groups. For the CL group, V200, V180, V160, and V140 (velocity at which the rate heart is 140, 160, 180, and 200 beats/minute, respectively) decreased significantly. At rest as well as times 4, 6, and 10 minutes, insulin levels were higher in the group that received clenbuterol (P < .05). Contrary to what was expected, apparently, there was no improvement in aerobic metabolism in animals when given a therapeutic dose of the bronchodilator. The elevated heart rate observed could have been attributable to the stimulation of cardiac β1 adrenoceptors and the increased insulin levels to the stimulation of pancreatic β2 receptors.  相似文献   

The effect of recovery from training has not been studied in horses. Therefore, the effect of recovery was examined with exercise of known effect within a conditioning period (CP). A standardized exercise test was performed at the beginning of CP to determine v4, v10, and v180 (horse’s speed, which produced a blood lactate concentration of 4 and 10 mmol/L and a heart rate of 180 beats/min). Six horses were conditioned for three periods of 2 weeks, 5 times per fortnight at their individual v10 for two bouts of 5 minutes on a treadmill. Every 2 weeks of conditioning was followed by 1 week with reduced workload. Standardized exercise test was repeated after each 2 weeks of conditioning and 2 weeks after finishing CP. Exercise speed was individually adapted to the new v10 for every 2 weeks of conditioning. In addition, peak oxygen consumption before, after 3 weeks of conditioning, and at the end of the CP was measured. The mean v4 increased steadily during CP. v180 did not change, whereas peak oxygen consumption increased between the beginning and after 3 weeks of conditioning and leveled off thereafter. In conclusion, reducing the workload for 1 week after 2 weeks of conditioning 5 times per fortnight at v10 for two bouts of 5 minutes allowed for a continuous increase of v4, but the extent of the increase was smaller than in another study with a similar conditioning program but for the recovery week. The effect of recovery from training needs further studies.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of exercising horses 3 times per week with two bouts of 5-minutes' duration at their v10. Six Thoroughbreds were treadmill-conditioned for 6 weeks. A standardized exercise test (SET) was performed at the beginning of the conditioning period to determine the blood lactate–running speed (BLRS) relation, and the SET was repeated every 2 weeks. After each SET, the BLRS relation was used to calculate the horse's speed, which produced a blood lactate (LA) concentration of 10 mmol/L (v10) and 4 mmol/L (v4). Each horse was then conditioned for the next 2 weeks (3 times/week) at its individual v10 for two 5-minute bouts with a 5-minute walking phase in between. Exercise speed was individually adapted to the new v10 every 2 weeks. The v4 of horses decreased after the first 2 weeks (from 6.23 ± 0.41 m/s to 5.95 ± 0.33 m/s, mean ± SD; P < .05), increased in the following 2 weeks (6.33 ± 0.58 m/s; P < .01), and stayed constant thereafter (P > .05). The conclusion drawn was that exercising horses 3 times per week at their v10 for two 5-minute bouts did not improve v4.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether consumption of tall fescue seed which contained high levels of ergovaline would affect post-exercise recovery of horses subjected to an anaerobic exercise test. Ten Quarter horses were separated into two groups and fed alfalfa hay, commercial sweet feed, and either endophyte-infected (E+) or endophyte-free (E−) ground tall fescue seed. Diets contained 11.8% seed, which resulted in 459 ppb of ergovaline for the E+ diet. During the first 28 days, horses in group A received E+ and group B received E−. Diets were reversed during the next 28 days (crossover design). Horses were ridden for 5 days per week. On day 14, 28 (period 1), 42, and 56 (period 2), they were subjected to a standardized exercise test (SET) that consisted of 41 turns in 4 minutes and was designed to raise the horse’s heart rate (HR) beyond the anaerobic threshold (150 bpm). There was a horse effect (P < .05) on post-SET respiration rate, HR, and post-exercise whole blood lactate level, but not rectal temperature (RT). For these variables or period effects, there was no horse × treatment, period × treatment, or period × horse interactions (P < .05). Treatment had no effect on whole blood lactate level, RT, or HR at any time measured. Respiration rate did not vary by treatment at rest or 1 minute after SET but was higher for the E+ treatment at 5 and 10 minutes after SET (P < .005). Consumption of diets that averaged 450 ppb of ergovaline caused the horses expend more respiratory effort in an attempt to recover to resting RT.  相似文献   

Ten horses were paired by body weight, age, and skill level, and one of each pair was assigned to one of two groups. Horses were fed alfalfa hay and a mixture of commercial sweet feed and pellets. Horses in group A were fed fescue seed that contained both ergovaline and ergotamine (E+), whereas those in the other group were fed seed that was free from ergot alkaloids (E−). After the first 35 days, horses were switched to the opposite seed treatment. Seed was fed at 8.2% of the diet, resulting in 406 ppb of ergotamine plus ergovaline in the E+ diet. During weeks 3, 5, 7, and 10, horses were subjected to two separate standardized exercise tests (SETs). The aerobic test consisted of walking, trotting, and loping and was designed to maintain horse's heart rate (HR) to less than 150 beats per minute (bpm). The anaerobic test consisted of 40 turns in less than 4 minutes in response to the movements of a mechanical cow and was designed to increase the horse's HR to more than 150 bpm. There were no treatment effects on water consumption or sweat production. There were also no treatment effects on rectal temperature at rest or during recovery from the anaerobic SET. However, rectal temperatures were higher (P < .05) 1 and 30 minutes after the aerobic SET for horses consuming E+ seed. When horses were on the E+ treatment, HRs were lower (P < .05), both at rest and during the SET. HRs were also lower (P < .05) for the E+ treatment at 1 minute after the aerobic test and 5 and 10 minutes after the anaerobic test. Respiration rates were higher (P < .05) 30 minutes after the aerobic SET and 30 and 60 minutes after the anaerobic SET for the E+ treatment. Horses may have increased respiration rates to compensate for a reduction in the efficiency of evaporative cooling, which resulted from vasoconstriction of peripheral blood vessels.  相似文献   

Leptin is a hormone that coordinates food intake, energy expenditure, and metabolic rate; it is, however, unknown how exercise influences plasma leptin concentration in horses. The aim of the study was to evaluate the exercise-induced changes in plasma leptin concentration in purebred Arabian horses competing in races and endurance rides. A total number of 26 horses (12 purebred Arabian racehorses aged 3–5 years and 14 endurance horses aged 7–14 years) were studied during performing routine physical exercise. From each horse, blood samples were collected at rest and immediately after the exercise session. Concentrations of plasma leptin, cortisol, lactic acid, uric acid, triacylglycerols, glycerol and free fatty acids were determined. Exercise-induced increase in cortisol and free fatty acid values were higher in endurance horses than in racehorses. Neither endurance nor race exercises influenced the plasma leptin concentration. Further research is needed to elucidate the effects of different types of exercise on leptin synthesis and secretion in horses.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of aquapuncture on muscle enzymes release and cardiovascular and metabolic variables of Thoroughbred horses during and after exercise. Eighteen healthy Thoroughbred horses, submitted to training for competition, were used. The animals were randomly allotted into three groups: ConG (negative control group), ShG (sham aquapuncture or positive control group), and AcuG (treatment aquapuncture group). The treatments were done twice per week, during a 3-week interval. Physical performance was evaluated under field conditions, with two submaximal incremental velocity tests, separated by a 3-week period. The tests included evaluation of cardiovascular (V200) and metabolic (VLa4) capacities and measurement of creatine kinase (CK) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) before and after exercise. V200 values were not different between times or groups. VLa4 values were statistically greater after treatment for the AcuG group compared with pretreatment. CK concentrations were statistically greater after exercise for all groups, and AST concentrations were not different between times or groups. Aquapuncture influenced neither cardiovascular capacity nor the release of muscle enzymes; however, it did improve metabolic capacity of Thoroughbred horses.  相似文献   

Diets high in concentrates and soluble carbohydrates are associated with reduced insulin sensitivity in horses. Exercise training could protect against diet-induced insulin resistance. The objective of this study was to determine the intensity of exercise training required to affect insulin sensitivity in stabled horses fed a diet high in concentrates but moderate in soluble carbohydrates. In all, 31 stabled horses underwent three different exercise regimens: turnout, light exercise, and moderate exercise, while being fed a diet containing 60% concentrate. Blood was sampled monthly and analyzed for insulin. Insulin sensitivity was assessed using basal insulin concentrations and calculated insulin sensitivity (reciprocal of the square root of insulin) and compared across months by analysis of variance with repeated measures. Insulin sensitivity (reciprocal of the square root of insulin) was higher during periods of moderate and light physical activity as compared with turnout. These results indicate that turnout alone may not be adequate to improve insulin sensitivity in horses fed high amounts of concentrate.  相似文献   

Obesity, insulin resistance (IR) and hyperinsulinemia are risk factors for laminitis in horses and ponies. Alterations in management, especially diet and physical activity, can be helpful in the management of these risk factors. Caloric restriction, ideally combined with increased physical activity, to promote weight loss and improve insulin sensitivity is indicated for the management of obese animals. Strict control of dietary NSC through the elimination of grains and sweet feeds and by restricted access to NSC-rich pastures is recommended for insulin-resistant animals, regardless of whether they are obese or not. Medical treatment with levothyroxine or metformin may be indicated in obese or insulin-resistant animals that do not respond to conservative management.  相似文献   

Serum amyloid A (SAA), the major equine acute-phase protein, is often measured after the race to investigate whether poor performances could depend on inflammation. The aim of this study was to assess whether there is an increase in concentration of SAA in serum samples collected from 12 clinically healthy Standardbred horses 1 hour after a standard race. Exercise induced an increase in red blood cells, hematocrit, and total proteins but not in SAA. However, a two- to threefold increase of SAA concentration as compared with prerace values was found in three horses. In conclusion, the concentration of SAA in most of the samples collected 1 hour after the race remains unchanged as compared with prerace samples. However, individual variability in response to exercise exists. The evaluation of SAA immediately after the race is not clinically useful.  相似文献   

A study was conducted on the effects of acute administration of aminophylline on physiological variables in purebred Arabian horses submitted to incremental exercise test. Twelve horses were submitted to two physical tests separated by a 10-day interval in a crossover study. These horses were divided into two groups: control (C, n = 12) and aminophylline (AM, n = 12). The drug at 10 mg/kg body weight or saline was given intravenously, 30 minutes before the incremental exercise test. The treadmill exercise test consisted of an initial warmup followed by gradually increasing physical exigency. Blood samples were assayed for lactic acid, glucose, and insulin. Maximal lactic acidemia was greater (P = .0238) in the AM group. Both V2 and V4 (velocities at which lactate concentrations were 2 and 4 mmol/L, respectively) were reduced in the AM group by 15.85% (P = .0402) and 17.76% (P = .0109), respectively. At rest as well as at 4 minutes, insulinemia was greater in the AM group (P = .0417 and .0393). Glycemia was statistically lower in the AM group at times 8 (P = .0138) and 10 minutes (P = .0432). Use of aminophylline in horses during incremental exercise does not seem to be beneficial, because this drug has a tendency to cause hypoglycemia and to increase dependence on anaerobic glucose metabolism.  相似文献   

The importance of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) within the different biological functions of animals has been widely recognized. In this study, exercise and PUFAs supplementation effects on serum triglycerides, total cholesterol, and nonesterified fatty acids (NEFAs) concentration were evaluated in athletic horses. Two sport horse types (10 Italian saddle jumpers and 10 Thoroughbreds) were equally divided into two groups. Jumpers and Thoroughbred experimental groups (AJ and AT) received 4-week PUFAs supplementation and control groups (BJ and BT) received no dietary supplement. Before starting the PUFAs supplementation (T0) and at the end of the experimental period (T4), horses were subjected to simulated events. From each subject, blood samples were collected every 7 days at rest, before and after the first test (T0R and T0PE), and before and after the second test (T4R and T4PE). Higher triglycerides and NEFA concentrations at T0PE and T4PE than T0R and T4R in both groups were found as a result of exercise (P < .005), but lower triglycerides and NEFA concentrations at T4PE in group AJ than group BJ (P < .05) and in group AT (P < .005) than group BT were found as a result of PUFAs supplementation. Effects of PUFAs supplementation was highlighted by the statistically significant lower triglycerides and NEFA concentrations found at T4PE than T0PE in groups AJ (P < .05) and AT (triglycerides: P < .05; NEFAs: P < .0001).  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine changes in surface temperature of blanketed horses during cold weather. Four mature stock-type horses were used in a 4 × 4 Latin square design. Treatments included 3 different blanket weights (based on g of fiberfill): light weight (LW; 0 g), medium weight (MW; 200 g), heavy weight (HW; 400 g), and a nonblanketed control (CON). Thermographic images were obtained from a standardized lumbar location before blanketing and immediately after cold exposure. During cold exposure, horses were outside with ad libitum access to grass hay and water for 1 hour. Mean temperature was −23°C with a wind chill of −32°C. After 1 hour, horses were brought inside (15°C) and lumbar images immediately recorded. A 30-minute equilibration period was allowed between each sampling period. Analysis of variance was computed using the general linear model procedure of SAS with statistical significance declared at P values ≤ 0.05. There was an overall treatment effect (P = .02) for lumbar temperatures after horses were outside for 1 hour with temperatures measuring 22.3°C, 26.8°C, 30.3°C, and 31.5°C for CON, LW, MW, and HW, respectively. Lumbar temperature was warmer (P ≤ .009) for HW and MW compared with CON and tended to be warmer (P = .10) in LW compared with CON. Change in lumbar temperature decreased significantly (P ≤ .01) in CON compared with all other treatments. In conclusion, wearing a blanket can increase lumbar surface temperature during cold weather with the degree of warmth influenced by blanket weight.  相似文献   

Seven Warmblood horses without sport experience were trained and filmed four times during free jumping, with a 1-month interval between each investigation. Jumping parameters were measured on selected frames by means of video image analysis. Linear and angular parameters describing takeoff, landing, and lifting of limbs above the obstacle were studied. Statistical analysis revealed that the following parameters were affected by training: hind limbs distances at takeoff and landing, lifting of the limbs above the obstacle, and the angle of bascule.  相似文献   

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