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The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of different concentrations of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and α-tocopherol (T) along with their interaction effects on the quality of preserved stallion semen at 5°C for a period of 48 hours. Semen was collected and diluted with skim milk–based extender that was supplemented with different antioxidants: no antioxidant (negative control [NC]), 0.9% (vol/vol) dimethyl sulfoxide (positive control [PC]), α-tocopherol (5 [T5] or 10 [T10] mM), CoQ10 (1 [C1] or 2 [C2] μM), 1 μM CoQ10 + 5 mM α-tocopherol (C1T5), 1 μM CoQ10 + 10 mM α-tocopherol (C1T10), 2 μM CoQ10 + 5 mM α-tocopherol (C2T5), and 2 μM CoQ10 + 10 mM α-tocopherol (C2T10), then kept at 5°C. The results showed that C1 extender resulted in higher total motility (62.44 ± 3.82) and plasma membrane integrity (65.16 ± 3.63%) compared with NC after 48 hours of storage (P < .05). Different concentrations of α-tocopherol had no significant effects on sperm quality, with the exception of plasma membrane integrity, compared with NC and PC extenders (P > .05). Also, C1T5 extender improved total and progressive motility, plasma membrane integrity and functionality, and decreased lipid peroxidation compared with NC and C2T10 extenders over 48 hours of storage at 5°C (P < .05). The C1T5 extender was similar to C1 and T5 extenders in all semen parameters evaluated during storage time. In conclusion, between previously mentioned extenders, C1T5 could improve stallion sperm quality during 48 hours of storage. In the present study, none of extenders had effect on sperm quality until 24-hour storage.  相似文献   

During semen cryopreservation, the sensitivity of equine sperm to oxidative stress is increased by the eliminated seminal plasma. Thus, antioxidant addition to the semen extender can be helpful to the sperm survival after freezing and thawing. This work aimed to test whether coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) added in different concentrations to the INRA 82 freezing extender has antioxidant function on equine sperm to improve its fertilizing ability. Semen samples from five stallions were frozen with the extenders: (T1) INRA 82, control, (T2) T1+ 5 μM CoQ10, (T3) T1+ 25 μM CoQ10, and (T4) T1+ 50 μM CoQ10. After sample thawing, sperm motility and kinetics characteristics were evaluated using a computer-assisted sperm analysis and sperm membrane functionality and integrity were evaluated with a hypo-osmotic swelling test and an epifluorescence microscopy, respectively. The nitrite (NO2-) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) concentrations of the semen samples were measured with spectrophotometry. There was no difference on the sperm characteristics among all treatments (P > .05). However, the 25 μM CoQ10 (T3) decreased NO2 concentration (6.7 ± 2.2 μM/μg protein) compared with the treatments T1, T2, and T4 (64.3 ± 3.7, 59.4 ± 5.3, 45.1 ± 8.6 μM/μg protein), respectively, as well H2O2 concentration (1.8 ± 0.3 μM/μg protein) compared with the control (4.6 ± 0.4 μM/μg protein) and 5 μM CoQ10 treatments (4.8 ± 0.2 μM/μg protein, P < .05). In conclusion, 25 μM CoQ10 plays a significant role as antioxidant to the frozen equine sperm, decreasing NO2 and H2O2 concentrations. Thus, its addition to the INRA 82 freezing extender may be beneficial to the fertilizing ability of equine semen.  相似文献   

Effect of seminal plasma addition after thawing on viability or cryocapacitation is not definitively established. This experiment was performed to verify the effect of adding seminal plasma, autologous or homologous (from an animal with good semen freezability). Five ejaculates from each of four stallions with proven fertility were collected and cryopreserved. The semen was subsequently thawed and divided into the following three treatment groups: no seminal plasma addition after semen thawing (NOSP); the addition of homologous seminal plasma after semen thawing (HSP) and the addition of autologous seminal plasma after semen thawing (ASP). The addition of 20% of seminal plasma led to an increase in the cell population that simultaneously show plasma and acrosomal membrane integrity (p < 0.05). The addition of seminal plasma did not alter the total motility, the amount of cells with mitochondrial membrane potential or the sperm velocities (average path velocity, straight-line velocity and curvilinear velocity). However, the beat/cross-frequency, straightness and linearity were reduced in ASP and HSP groups (p < 0.05). Unexpectedly, the addition of homologous seminal plasma reduced the proportion of cells with progressive motility (p < 0.05) and the addition of autologous seminal plasma reduced the amplitude of the lateral head displacement (p < 0.05). Based on the increase in the cell populations that had the plasma and acrosomal membrane integrity simultaneously identified in this study, we proposed that the addition of seminal plasma (autologous or homologous) into post-thawed semen before insemination could increase semen fertility.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to improve the quality of cryopreserved–thawed equine sperm using single-layer density centrifugation (SLC). Sperm quality was assessed by DNA integrity, motility, morphology, mitochondrial membrane potential, viability, and plasma membrane alteration. The percentage of DNA-damaged sperm (expressed in % COMP) was lower (P = .001) after SLC (1.6 ± 0.5% vs. 6.8 ± 0.5%). Total sperm motility (80 ± 2.4% vs. 41.7 ± 2.4%) and progressive sperm motility (69.5 ± 2.9% vs. 31.5 ± 2.9%) (P < .001), as well as the percentage of morphologically normal sperm (45 ± 3.9% vs. 27.7 ± 3.9%), increased after SLC compared with control sample. In addition, the proportion of sperm with high mitochondrial membrane potential increased (81.6 ± 1.8% vs. 42.1 ± 1.8%), as did the viability of sperm (71.1 ± 2.4% vs. 39.5 ± 2.4%), after SLC compared with the control sperm. The proportion of sperm with alteration in plasma membrane structure was lower after SLC compared with control sample (6.4 ± 1.1% vs. 18.9 ± 1.1%). Overall, sperm recovery was 72.7 ± 3.6% in the control sample compared with 14.8 ± 3.6% after SLC (P < .001). We conclude that based on the sperm parameters evaluated, SLC improves the quality of cryopreserved–thawed equine spermatozoa.  相似文献   


Prebiotics recently have been shown to increase immune responses and disease resistance in certain fish species; therefore, the current study was conducted to evaluate the commercially available dairy–yeast prebiotic, GroBiotic-A, for use with juvenile goldfish Carassius auratus. The study consisted of two 10-week feeding trials in which juvenile goldfish were fed practical diets that were either unsupplemented or supplemented with the dairy–yeast prebiotic at 2% by dry weight. Juvenile fish were sorted by size and stocked into 12 units within each of two culture systems: one indoor system supplied with recirculated well water and one system located outdoors with a continuous flow of pond water to provide a source of phytoplankton and zooplankton. Both diets were fed to fish in six units within each system at the same fixed percentage of body weight twice daily. Culture system (i.e., presence or absence of phytoplankton and zooplankton) was the primary factor influencing (P < 0.0001) percent weight gain, feed efficiency, and survival of goldfish during the feeding trials. No dietary effect was detected, although there was a significant (P < 0.05) interaction between culture system and diet, with supplementation of the dairy–yeast prebiotic tending to improve weight gain and feed efficiency of fish in the presence of phytoplankton/zooplankton. During a controlled disease challenge with an intraperitoneally administered dose of Aeromonas hydrophila that was equivalent to a predetermined LD50 (dose lethal to 50% of test fish), average survival values ranged between 67% and 83% for fish that previously had access to phytoplankton/zooplankton compared with 17–33% for fish that had no access to phytoplankton/zooplankton. The dairy–yeast prebiotic, however, did not enhance resistance of goldfish to the bacterial pathogen and did not greatly alter microbiota of the anterior or posterior gastrointestinal tract based on denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis. In conclusion, the dairy–yeast prebiotic did not improve feed efficiency in goldfish or resistance to a bacterial pathogen as previously observed in golden shiners Notemigonus crysoleucas and hybrid bass (white bass Morone chrysops × striped bass M. saxatilis).  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of ascorbic acid and α-tocopherol supplementation on semen quality parameters of equine thawed-frozen semen. Semen was divided in seven different treatments in a final concentration of 100 × 106 sperm/mL by using Gent extender containing no supplements (control) and the following supplements with three different concentrations: α-tocopherol (0.5, 1, and 2 mM) and ascorbic acid (0.45, 0.9, and 1.8 g/L). After thawing, all samples were maintained at 37°C, while analyses were performed at 0, 60, and 120 minutes. Evaluation of viability and acrosome status (using Pisum sativum agglutinin conjugated to fluorescein isothiocyanate and propidium iodide), mitochondrial membrane potential (5,5′,6,6′-tetrachloro-1,1′,3,3′tetraethylbenzimidazolyl carbocyanine iodine [JC-1]), membrane lipid peroxidation (LPO; C11-BODIPY581/591), and stability of the plasmatic membrane (merocyanine 540 and Yo-Pro-1) of each sample was determined by flow cytometry. Relative to the control group, supplementation with α-tocopherol improved (P ≤ .05) postthaw membrane LPO, yet the higher concentrations of ascorbic acid (0.9 and 1.8 g/L, respectively) showed a negative effect on membrane LPO. Neither antioxidant significantly increased (P > .05) the acrosome integrity and mitochondrial membrane potential of frozen-thawed spermatozoa, although supplementation with α-tocopherol and ascorbic acid (0.9 and 1.8 g/L, respectively) had a positive effect on membrane integrity and stability (P ≤ .05). For all semen parameters, the lower concentration of ascorbic acid (0.45 g/L) did not show significant differences (P > .05) compared with the control. In conclusion, α-tocopherol seems to be an efficient antioxidant for reducing the oxidative stress provoked by cryopreservation, decreasing lipid peroxidation on equine spermatozoa.  相似文献   

In mares, the onset of estrus is routinely induced after a luteolytic dose of a prostaglandin F2alpha analogue. Mares in diestrus with a mature, functional corpus luteum will respond by coming into estrus 3 to 4 days after induction1. Shortening the interestrous interval in mares has an important economic impact on the equine breeding industry. Because the breeding season of the mare is short, timing of insemination and appropriate coordination of endocrine events is critical to pregnancy success and ultimate foaling rates. Several recent studies have reported that the use of prostaglandin analogues is associated with lower pregnancy rates. In this study the induction of estrus with cloprostonol (125-250 ug IM) did not affect pregnancy rates in mares that have ovulatory cycles (n = 461).  相似文献   

In an attempt to evaluate the possible relationship between the microbial flora in the stallion ejaculate and its ability to freeze, three ejaculates from five stallions were frozen using a standard protocol. Before freezing, an aliquot was removed for bacteriological analysis. Bacterial growth was observed in all the ejaculates studied. The isolated microorganisms were: Staphylococcus spp. and Micrococcus spp. (in all the stallions), β-haemolytic Streptococcus (in stallions 3 and 4), Corynebacterium spp. (in stallions 1, 3–5), Rhodococcus spp. (in stallion number 2), Pseudomonas spp. (in stallion number 1) and Klebsiella spp. (in stallions 1, 3 and 5). The presence and richness of Klebsiella and β-haemolytic Streptococcus in the ejaculate were related to two sperm variables post-thaw, namely the proportion of dead spermatozoa (ethidium+ cells; r = 0.55, p < 0.05) and the amplitude of lateral displacement of the sperm head (ALH, μm; r = −0.56, p < 0.05), respectively. The degree of growth of Corynebacterium spp. in the ejaculate was positively correlated with the percentage of spermatozoa showing high caspase activity post-thaw (r = 0.62, p < 0.05). The presence and number of colonies of β-haemolytic Streptococcus were negatively correlated (r = −0.55, p < 0.05) with low sperm caspase activity. It is concluded that the microbial flora of the equine ejaculate may be responsible for some of the sublethal damage experimented by the spermatozoa during cryopreservation.  相似文献   

The density and subtype pattern of -adrenoceptors in equine tracheal epithelium, tracheal smooth muscle and heart from 6–9 horses were investigated by radioligand binding studies using the non-selective -adrenoceptor antagonist 125I-cyanopindolol (ICYP). The specific binding of ICYP was 341±162 fmol/mg protein (mean±SD) for epithelium, 42±13 fmol/mg for smooth muscle and 124±39 and 101±19 fmol/mg for the cardiac atrium and ventricle, respectively. The Kd value of ICYP was 6.7–10.2 pmol/L.In competition studies, different concentrations of either the 2-selective drug ICI 118551 or the 1-selective CGP 20712A competed with 25 pmol/L ICYP for the binding sites. The competition curves for tracheal smooth muscle and epithelium were monophasic with an approximate Kd value for ICI 118551 of 1 nmol/L and for CGP 20712A of 10 000 nmol/L. This corresponds to known Kd values for these substances binding to 2-adrenoceptors. 2-Adrenoceptors were also found in the heart, most pronounced in the atrium, where the density was 29%±6% (mean±SD) of the total receptor density. CGP 20712A and ICI 118551 bound to the dominating binding site of 1-adrenoceptors in the heart with Kd values of approximately 1 nmol/L and 100 nmol/L, respectively.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of supplementary β-glucosidase on the carcass composition, meat quality, weight of digestive organ and apparent digestibility in male broilers. Two hundred and forty male, 1-day avine broiler chicks were randomly allocated into four treatment groups and fed with corn-soya bean meal supplemented with 0 (control), 0.6, 1.2 and 1.8 U/g of β-glucosidase respectively. The results showed that there were no significant differences (p > 0.05) among groups in carcass composition (percentages of eviscerated yield, half-eviscerated yield, muscle yield of breast and leg). However, adding 0.6 U/g β-glucosidase to the diet not only altered the meat quality by decreasing the drip loss ratio (p < 0.05) and relative lightness (L*) value (p < 0.01), increasing relative redness (a*) value (p < 0.01), but also significantly decreased the pancreas to body weight ratio (p < 0.05), however, with little effect on liver, proventriculus and gizzard to body weight ratio (p > 0.05). The length and width of duodenum villus were not affected by the addition of β-glucosidase, but the coefficients of total tract apparent digestibility of protein and fat increased by 9.02% (p < 0.05) and 7.40% (p < 0.01) respectively; the parameters of ash were not affected by β-glucosidase addition (p < 0.05). This study provided valuable information for evaluation of the effect of supplementary β-glucosidase on the meat quality and digestibility of broilers.  相似文献   

Recent studies (2005–2008) on the interrelationships among the preovulatory follicle and periovulatory circulating hormones are reviewed. Close temporal and mechanistic relationships occur between estradiol/inhibin and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), between estradiol and luteinizing hormone (LH), and between progesterone and LH. Estradiol from the dominant follicle forms a surge that reaches a peak 2 days before ovulation. Estradiol, as well as inhibin, has a negative effect on FSH, and estradiol has a negative effect on LH. When estradiol decreases, the negative effect diminishes and accounts for the beginning of an FSH increase and a transition from a slow to rapid increase in LH on the day of the estradiol peak. The decrease in estradiol and the reduction or cessation in the growth of the preovulatory follicle beginning 2 days before ovulation are attributable to the development of a reciprocal negative effect of LH on follicle estradiol production when LH reaches a critical concentration. The LH decrease after the peak of the LH surge on the day after ovulation is related to a negative effect of a postovulatory increase in progesterone. Measurable repeatability within mares between consecutive estrous cycles occurs during the preovulatory period in diameter of the ovulatory follicle and concentrations of LH and FSH. Hormone-laden follicular fluid passes into the peritoneal cavity at ovulation and transiently alters the circulating concentrations of LH and FSH. Double ovulations are associated with greater estradiol concentrations and reduced concentrations of FSH.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to explore the expression differences of integrin αv in different parts of the fallopian tube at different reproduction stages of yak, and provide some important theoretical foundations for understanding the effect of integrin αv on the reproductive performance of yak. The samples of the tubal umbrella, ampulla, and isthmus of healthy female yaks (3-6 years old) during follicular, luteal and pregnancy stages were collected, the fallopian tubes of the follicular phase, the luteal phase and the pregnancy phase were divided into 9 groups according to the umbrella, ampulla and isthmus. Real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) and Western-blotting (WB) were used to detect the expression of integrin αv gene and protein. The expression of integrin αv protein was localized by immunohistochemistry. Results: 1) qRT-PCR results showed that, during the follicular phase, the expression of the integrin αv gene in the umbrella of the fallopian tube was the highest and extremely significantly higher than those in the ampulla and isthmus (P<0.01). During the luteal phase, the expression of the integrin αv gene in the isthmus of the fallopian tube was the highest and extremely significantly higher than those in the umbrella and ampulla (P<0.01). During the pregnancy phase, the expression of the integrin αv gene in the umbrella of the fallopian tube was the highest and extremely significantly higher than those in the ampulla and isthmus (P<0.01). 2) Western-blotting results showed that, during the follicular phase, the expression of integrin αv protein in the umbrella of the fallopian tube was the highest and extremely significantly higher than those in the ampulla and isthmus (P<0.01). During the luteal phase, the expression of integrin αv protein in the isthmus of the fallopian tube was the highest and extremely significantly higher than those in the umbrella and ampulla (P<0.01). During the pregnancy phase, the expression of integrin αv protein in tubal isthmus and umbrella was not significantly different, but these were extremely significantly higher than that in the ampulla (P<0.01). 3) The results of immunohistochemistry showed that integrin αv protein was positively expressed in ciliated cells, secretory cells, basal cells, muscular layers and serous glands of the fallopian tube umbrella, ampulla and isthmus. The results indicated that the expression of integrin αv in different parts of the fallopian tube at different reproduction stages of the yak were significantly different, which showed that αv might be involved in a series of reproductive processes such as fertilization and early embryonic development, the results provided basic information for the study of yak's reproductive performance.  相似文献   

The effect of genistein (GEN) on the gene expression level of stromal cell-derived factor-1/CXCL-12 and early growth response gene-1 was studied in ovarian tissue of young and initially ageing (early stages in the ageing process) female rats. Forty, young female Sprague Dawley (SD) rats of 2–3 months old (200 ±20 g) and forty, initially ageing female SD rats of 10–12 months (490 ± 20 g) old were selected. According to the weight, rats were divided into control group, low-dose group (L), medium-dose group (M) and a high-dose group (H) and were given 15, 30 and 60 mg/kg GEN respectively. The positive control (Oestrogen) group was given 0.5 mg/kg diethylstilbestrol. The treatment lasted for 30 days. The mRNA expression of C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 12 (CXCL-12) and early growth response factor-1 (EGR-1) was measured by real-time PCR, and protein expression of EGR-1 was detected by Western blot. When compared to the negative control group (NC), the ovary/body weight ratio in the young rats decreased in the GEN group, but the difference was not significant. Similarly, compared with NC, the ovary/body weight ratio in the initially ageing rats also decreased with the increase in GEN concentration, but the decrease was significant in M and H groups (p < .01). The administration of GEN enhanced both the gene and protein expression levels of CXCL-12 and EGR-1 in the ovary. Pearson's correlation analysis showed a synergistic effect between CXCL-12 and EGR-1. Thus, we conclude that the effect of GEN on CXCL-12 and EGR-1 in the initially ageing group was obvious than that in the younger group.  相似文献   

Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM) was diagnosed in a Dutch Warmblood gelding a few months after its export to the United States. The horse came back and was treated here. Additionally, an overview of the disease complex 'EPM' is given. Mode of infection, diagnosis of disease and its differential diagnoses, and general therapeutic options are presented. Although EPM due to infection with Sarcocystis neurona in Europe seems restricted to those horses that return or are imported from North America, the possibility of future cases of EPM caused by an infection with Neospora spp. is briefly discussed.  相似文献   


Following concomitant intravenous administration of Tomanol® and sodium penicillin G to six Dutch Friesian dairy cows a significant decrease in total body clearance of penicillin (34.7%) and a prolongation of the elimination half‐life of penicillin (17.2%) was observed. Tomanol® did not affect other pharmacokinetic parameters such as rate constants of drug transfer (k12/k21, α en β), distribution volume of the central compartment (V1), and extrapolated serum drug levels. Intravenous or intramuscular administration of Tomanol® had no effect on the tissue distribution of penicillin G, because neither a change in the ratios of muscle to serum and of kidney cortex to serum nor a change in an induced steady state level of low penicilline G serum concentrations was observed. From the data obtained it is concluded that concomitant Tomanol® administration with penicillin induces an elevation of the serum penicillin concentration and prolongs the persistence of penicillin residues in carcass meat and organs.  相似文献   

Hayashi  S.  Jinbo  T.  Iguchi  K.  Shimizu  M.  Shimada  T.  Nomura  M.  Ishida  Y.  Yamamoto  S. 《Veterinary research communications》2001,25(2):117-120
The concentrations of C-reactive protein (CRP) and 1-acid glycoprotein (AAG) were evaluated in 1-, 3- and 18-month-old dogs (four of each age) that had been inoculated with turpentine oil. The CRP and AAG in 3-month-old and younger dogs subjected to surgery or inoculated with either Staphylococcus aureus or a viral vaccine were also evaluated. The average CRP concentration in the sera peaked 2 days after inoculation of turpentine oil. The peak CRP concentrations in 3- and 18-month-old dogs were significantly (p<0.05) greater than those in 1-month-old dogs. The average AAG concentration in the sera peaked 4 days after inoculation of turpentine oil. No significant difference was found in AAG concentrations between any of the age groups. When experimentally inoculated with S. aureus or subjected to oophorohysterectomy, the CRP and AAG concentrations increased in 3-month-old dogs, but they increased little in 1-month-old dogs. The CRP and AAG in dogs inoculated with the viral vaccine did not increase. In dogs with fractures or subjected to percutaneous gastrostomy, the CRP and AAG concentrations correlated with the condition of dogs.  相似文献   


A potent ß‐agonist (clenbuterol) was administered perorally to young calves for 50 days. After this period the animals were slaughtered and ß‐adrenoceptor density, ligand affinity, and basal and stimulated adenylate cyclase activities were studied in smooth muscle and epithelium of the trachea. Although the density of lung ß‐adrenoceptors was down regulated by clenbuterol, cAMP production remained constant (epithelium) or even increased (smooth muscle). Therefore desensitization of ß‐adrenoceptors in the trachea was not observed. This might be a reason for the effectiveness of long‐term treatment with ß‐agonists.  相似文献   

When the mare’s estrous cycle resumes in winter, the β-carotene content of hay is depleted. Sixty Italian trotter mares were randomly assigned to a Control or a Treated Group. Treated Group received 1g/d synthetic β-carotene for 15 days from parturition. Blood samples collected at parturition and on days 5, 10 and 15 after partum were analysed for β-carotene, vitamins A, progesterone, 17 β-estradiol, the energy parameters (glucose, cholesterol, NEFA), the protein profile (total protein, albumin, urea) and LDH. Some changes in these measures were attributable to treatment, which significantly affected β-carotene and 17 β-estradiol concentrations. A significant effect was also found on the resumption of estrous activity (χ2 test=P<0.052).  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine whether the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) substances production and the levels of lipid peroxidation of the sperm membrane were related to the quality that the ejaculates exhibited after cryopreservation in boars. Ejaculates from 42 healthy boars were used in this study and they were cryopreserved with the lactose‐egg yolk extender (LEY). Several sperm quality parameters were assessed by flow cytometry in samples incubated for 30 and 150 min at 37°C after thawing: the percentage of sperm with intact plasma membrane (SIPM), intracellular reactive oxygen substances production through mean of DCF fluorescence intensity of total sperm (mean‐DCF) and the percentage of viable and non‐viable sperm containing oxidized BODIPY (VSOB and NVSOB). In addition, the percentages of total motile (TMS) and progressively motile sperm (PMS) were assessed at the same incubation times with a computer‐assisted sperm analysis system. The classification of the ejaculates into good or bad freezers was performed through hierarchical cluster analysis from SIPM and TMS at 150 min post‐thawing. The ejaculates of those males classified as good freezers exhibited higher (p < 0.05) SPIM, TMS and PMS than the bad freezers, although both groups presented similar (p > 0.05) VSOB, NVSOB and mean‐DCF. Therefore, these results show that lipid peroxidation and the amount of reactive oxygen substances in the sperm after cryopreservation are similar between boars classified as good or bad freezers.  相似文献   

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