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Embryos were flushed on day 7 after ovulation from two mares, and frozen using a conventional slow freezing procedure in phosphate buffered (PBS) saline supplemented with 10% FCS, 1.5 mol/L ethylene glycol and 0.25 mol/L sucrose. One of the two embryos was thawed after 10 months of storage in liquid nitrogen and transferred directly (without dilution of the cryoprotectant and quality examination) to a synchronized recipient. This transfer resulted in the birth of a live female foal. To our knowledge, this is the first live foal born after direct transfer of a frozen-thawed equine embryo.  相似文献   

全球性的金融危机,在一定范围内导致我国农业企业出现了不同程度的生产经营困难、资金短缺、开工不足,效益下滑的不利局面。与此同时,随着国际社会对全球变暖问题关注度的不断提高,低碳经济作为一种全新的发展模式迅速为世界各国所接受并实践,我国政府也支持并积极发展低碳经济。在金融危机之下,农业企业如何抓住我国发展低碳经济的契机,捕捉新的市场机会发展壮大呢?  相似文献   

All horses and ponies with laminitis treated at the Department of Equine Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, between 1995 and 1998 were analysed retrospectively (n = 152). Based on the results of this study and on the world-wide knowledge on laminitis a standardised treatment protocol was adopted in 1999. Fifty-eight patients have been treated for laminitis between 1999 and 2001 following the treatment protocol. Compared to our hospital-population (orthopaedic patients), mares and ponies are at higher risk developing laminitis, but the prognosis does not differ between sexes as between breeds. Radiological evidence of rotation of the third phalanx seems to be of minor importance for the prognosis. Distal displacement of the third phalanx, however, seems to worsen the prognosis. The outcome of the acute cases is significantly better in the group treated following the protocol, than in the group without protocol. The outcome of the chronic cases is not influenced by the treatment protocol. Although the cases in both groups differ, as they are all clinical cases, our data suggest that the standardised treatment protocol results in a better outcome for cases of acute laminitis.  相似文献   

"入世"对中国饲料工业的促进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟思 《中国饲料》2002,(10):4-5
中国加入世贸组织会带来什么影响 ,各行各业都非常重视。对饲料行业的影响 ,业内业外都有一些议论。这些议论 ,概括起来大体有以下几个方面 :“入世”对中国饲料工业的积极影响 ,或者说是带来的机遇 ;“入世”后中国饲料工业面临的挑战 ;中国饲料工业如何抓住机遇 ,应对挑战 ,谋求发展。WTO来了 ,新的发展机遇来了 ,严峻的挑战也来了。不管是机遇还是挑战 ,从积极意义上说 ,对我国饲料工业都是一种促进。本文拟就以上三个方面的内容加以综述。文中的观点 ,有些是在“入世”前形成的 ,有些是在“入世”后形成的。这些看法是否科学 ,是否可…  相似文献   

A direct-PCR assay was developed for the rapid detection of Taylorella equigenitalis, a Gram-negative bacterium responsible for contagious equine metritis (CEM) in Equidae. The bacteria may be detected in equine genital swabs without need for a preliminary step of DNA extraction or bacterial isolation. Specificity was determined with 125 isolates of T. equigenitalis, 24 isolates of Taylorella asinigenitalis, five commensal bacteria of the genital tract and a facultative intracellular pathogen of foals found in large concentration in soil. Our PCR is specific and amplified a 413-bp 16S ribosomal DNA product only in all T. equigenitalis.  相似文献   

This study compared the effect of sodium heparin and gentamicin sulphate on equine articular cartilage (AC) explants in order to investigate the possible use of sodium heparin in the treatment of infectious arthritis. Six concentrations of sodium heparin and gentamicin sulphate were tested. The supernatant and explant digest were assayed for glycosaminoglycan (GAG) content with the dimethyl-methylene blue assay and the per cent loss of GAG was calculated. A significant (P< 0.001) increase in percentage GAG loss was noted for the sodium heparin groups when compared to the control, whilst no significant increase was found among the treatment groups (P =0.782). For gentamicin, no significant difference in percentage GAG loss was found between the control and three of the five treatment groups (P =0.667). The percentage GAG loss in the sodium heparin treated AC explants was greater than for any of the gentamicin-treated AC explants. It can be concluded that sodium heparin sulphate stimulates an increase in GAG release from equine articular cartilage explants, though no firm conclusions can be drawn on its use in treating equine infectious arthritis. Copyright Harcourt Publishers Ltd.  相似文献   

Right third metacarpal bones (n=24) from Thoroughbreds, 24 to 48 months old and in race training, were tested to failure in 3 point bending. The neutral load axis was estimated and the distance from the axis to the outer dorsal cortical surface measured. Mid-diaphyseal dorsopalmar and lateromedial outer cortical and medullary diameters were measured. Breaking strength, cortical area and area moment of inertia were also calculated. Significant correlations were demonstrated between months in training and dorsopalmar bone diameter, cortical area and area moment of inertia. Significant linear models were illustrated between the same 3 variables and number of months in training. It was concluded that increased duration of training significantly enlarges dorsopalmar bone diameter, cortical area and area moment of inertia. Training did not affect metacarpal bone breaking strength as determined by 3 point bending.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to assess the relation between the direct smear observations and bacteriological results carried out on equine tracheal secretions. A total of 304 cases comprising both the direct smear (Gram stain) and the bacteriological culture, over a period of 8 years, were submitted to this retrospective study. Most of the specimens (78%) were obtained using tracheal washings while the rest (22%) originated from tracheal brushings. A total of 96 specimens (32%) were negative for both direct smear and culture. The positive predictive value of direct smears appeared high (81-96%) while the negative predictive value was lower (48-79%). Sensitivity of direct smear was considered as low and varied from 24 to 46% for tracheal brushings and from 41 to 46% for tracheal washings. Specificity of direct smear was high for both types of specimens. Results of this study indicate that the use of Gram-stained smear examination, carried out on tracheal secretions, is a technique which is specific but not very sensitive for the prediction of bacteriological culture results. Moreover, the use of tracheal washing, more than tracheal brushing, seems to increase the sensitivity of the test.  相似文献   

Observations on a case of equine lymphosarcoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A special buffered ammonium sulfate fixative (Michel's fixative) designed for use as a liquid media capable of preserving in vivo tissue fixed immunoglobulins and complement was evaluated. The preservative ability of this fixative was studied by using skin biopsies from a confirmed case of spontaneously occurring equine pemphigus foliaceus. Once obtained, 16 skin biopsies were placed in Michel's fixative. Eight samples were stored at ambient temperature (21°C) and 8 samples were stored in a conventional refrigerator at 4°C. Over an 8 month time period, direct immunofluorescence was performed on these skin biopsies looking for the abnormal presence of IgG, IgM (when done) and C3 deposition within the intercellular spaces of the epidermis. The results of this study indicated that Michel's fixative was capable of preserving in vivo tissue fixed immunoglobulin and complement for 8 months. This was demonstrated by positive direct immunofluoresence spaces of the epidermis in all of the skin biopsies examined. In addition, it was shown that refrigerated and non-refrigerated skin biopsies in Michel's fixative both yielded a diagnostic quality of direct immunofluorescence. This will allow the mailing of skin biopsies without requiring refrigeration and specimens mailed in the winter should demonstrate reliable results on fluorescent antibody testing when performed.  相似文献   

以电生物阻抗技术对10匹实验马进行了监测,结果表明氦氖激光麻醉对马的心脏功能无不良影响  相似文献   

This study was performed to determine the effect of administration of i.v. oxytocin on the contractility of the musculature associated with the equine oesophagus. Nine clinically normal horses were fitted with a nasogastric tube modified with inflatable latex cuffs. These cuffs were connected to piezoelectric pressure recording devices. Oxytocin in 3 different doses or saline controls were administered i.v. in a randomised block pattern. Systolic blood pressure, ECG, heart rate and nasogastric tube cuff pressures were then measured for 60 min. Administration of oxytocin i.v. at 0.11 and 0.22 iu/kg bwt, resulted in a short-term statistically significant relaxation of the musculature of the equine oesophagus. When oxytocin was administered at 0.11, 0.22 and 0.44 iu/kg bwt, no clinically significant cardiovascular changes were seen. In approximately 5% of the oxytocin administrations, signs of mild short-term abdominal discomfort were observed. In clinical cases of noncomplicated oesophageal obstruction, it is suggested that reduction in tone of oesophageal musculature may result in passage of oesophageal obstructions with reduced risk of oesophageal injury when compared to other traditional treatments.  相似文献   

The effect of exercise and conditioning on 2,3-diphosphoglycerate levels was studied in nine mature horses. During a 12 minute exercise bout producing heart rates of 165 bpm, 2,3-DPG was significantly increased (p<.05). In addition, exercising levels of 2,3-DPG were increased (p<.05) approximately 8% after a six-week submaximal conditioning program. These increases could not be entirely attributed to changes in erythrocyte number. Mean corpuscular volume was also increased during exercise (p<.05) but was not altered by conditioning.  相似文献   

The equine carpus has a well-defined limit to joint extension at approximately 180 degrees . During locomotion however, the carpus hyperextends during stance phase. Hyperextension is resisted by the carpal bones and ligaments, and it has been proposed that large increased hyperextension might relate to potentially damaging stress levels in the carpus. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between peak hyperextension of the carpus (PCE) and speed during locomotion on the level and on an incline. Five Thoroughbred horses were exercised on a treadmill at speeds between 1.8 and 10 m/s at 0% and +7.5% gradients. PCE was obtained using optical motion capture and linear regression used to describe the relationship between PCE and speed on each gradient. PCE increased linearly with speed during locomotion. The rate of increase was greater on a +7.5% gradient. The fit of the regression equations was increased considerably by subtracting standing carpal angle from PCE during locomotion.  相似文献   

The direct vasodilatory action of pentoxifylline (1-(5-oxohexyl)-3,7-dimethylxanthine) and its signalling pathway was evaluated in equine digital veins. Cumulative concentration-response curves to pentoxifylline (1 nM to 300 μM) were recorded in phenylephrine-precontracted equine digital vein rings under different experimental conditions. Relaxation to pentoxifylline was partially inhibited by endothelium removal, but was unaltered by CGS-15943 (a non-xanthine adenosine receptor antagonist; 3 μM). Nitric oxide synthase (NOS), soluble guanylate cyclase and cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors (Nω-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (100 μM), ODQ (30 μM) and indomethacin (10 μM), respectively) significantly reduced the maximum relaxation induced by pentoxifylline. Moreover, pentoxifylline-induced relaxation was strongly reduced by Rp-8-Br-PET-cyclic guanosine monophosphate-S (a protein kinase G inhibitor; 3 μM), but remained unaffected by H-89 (a protein kinase A inhibitor; 2 μM). Pentoxifylline-induced relaxation was associated with a 3.4-fold increase in tissue cGMP content. To investigate whether pentoxifylline can affect cAMP- and cGMP-mediated relaxations, curves to forskolin, to sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and 8-bromo-cGMP were also recorded in endothelium-denuded equine digital vein rings pretreated with pentoxifylline (10 and 100 μM). Pentoxifylline only potentiated the SNP-mediated relaxation at the highest concentration (100 μM). Thus, pentoxifylline relaxed equine digital veins via endothelium-dependent and endothelium-independent components. The effect was mediated through both the NOS and COX pathways and could also result from inhibition of cGMP specific-phosphodiesterase activity at the highest concentrations used.  相似文献   

Interleukin-3 is a growth and differentiation factor for various hematopoietic cells. IL-3 also enhances stimulus-dependent release of mediators and cytokine production by mature basophils. Function of IL-3 has not been studied in horses because of lack of horse-specific reagents. Our aim was to produce recombinant equine IL-3 and test its effect on sulfidoleukotriene and cytokine production by equine peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL).Equine IL-3 was cloned, expressed in E. coli and purified. PBL of 19 healthy and 20 insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH)-affected horses were stimulated with Culicoides nubeculosus extract with or without IL-3. Sulfidoleukotriene (sLT) production was measured in supernatants by ELISA and mRNA expression of IL-4, IL-13 and thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) assessed in cell lysate by quantitative real-time PCR.Recombinant equine IL-3 (req-IL-3) had a dose dependent effect on sLT production by stimulated equine PBL and significantly increased IL-4, IL-13 and TSLP expression compared to non-primed cells.IL-3 priming significantly increased Culicoides-induced sLT production in IBH-affected but not in non-affected horses and was particularly effective in young IBH-affected horses (≤3 years).A functionally active recombinant equine IL-3 has been produced which will be useful for future immunological studies in horses. It will also allow improving the sensitivity of cellular in vitro tests for allergy diagnosis in horses.  相似文献   

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