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B. Huang  J. Y. Xu  M. S. Hou  J. Ali  T. M. Mou 《Euphytica》2012,187(3):449-459
Four bacterial blight (BB) resistance genes, Xa7, Xa21, Xa22 and Xa23, were introgressed into an elite hybrid rice restorer line Huahui 1035, by marker-assisted selection (MAS). Ten promising BB resistant lines identified by MAS approach in Huahui 1035 restorer background and their respective F1 hybrids with a cytoplasmic male sterile line i.e. Jinke 1A, three BB resistant gene donors and their recurrent parent were evaluated for BB resistance by inoculating them with eleven representative races of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) in China. Further, the ten marker assisted selection of BB (MAS-BB) resistant restorer lines and their F1 hybrids were also characterized for agro-morphological traits and grain yield. Results revealed that restorer lines with Xa23 introgression i.e. HBQ809 and HBQ810 were found to be resistant to all eleven Chinese representative Xoo races, showing broad spectrum resistance to BB. However, the lines possessing Xa7 or Xa7+Xa21 were resistant to ten out of eleven Xoo races. While restorer lines with Xa21 were resistant to nine out of eleven Xoo races. Interestingly, the F1 hybrids with Xa23, Xa7 or Xa7+Xa21 were resistant to two severe epidemic Xoo races of China. Restorer lines i.e. HBQ807 and HBQ808 possessing Xa22 were only resistant to six or five out of inoculated eleven Xoo races. Lesion length comparisons between restorer lines and their F1 hybrids for the above four BB resistance genes showed them to be dominant in heterozygote genotype. Three promising high yielding F1 hybrids with BB resistance were identified for immediate exploitation for hybrid rice production in China.  相似文献   

In this paper, we described the breeding of transgenic rice restorer line for multiple resistance against bacterial blight, striped stem borer (SSB) and herbicide by conventional crossing of two transgenic parental lines transformed independently with different genes. Two stable transgenic rice lines used as donor parents were developed, one was Zhongguo91 which contained cry1Ab gene (for insect resistance) and bar gene (for tolerance of herbicide), and the other was Yujing6 which contained Xa21 gene (resistance to bacterial blight). The elite restorer line Hui773 was used as recipient and crossed with the two stable transgenic rice lines. Then five successive backcrosses were made using Hui773 as recurrent parent. Two rice elite restorers, T773-1 expressing cry1Ab and bar genes and T773-2 expressing Xa21 gene, were obtained, which were confirmed by PCR analysis and testing selectable marker genes in the hybrid progenies. The cross was made between T773-1 and T773-2 to select stable restorer line carrying Xa21, cry1Ab and bar genes. Finally, we obtained transgenic restorer line T773 with good agronomic traits and obvious multiple resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, striped stem borer (Chilo suppressalis) and herbicide. The hybrid F1 generation produced from the cross between transgenic restorer line T773 and a corresponding male sterile line Zaohua2A maintained obvious resistance to rice bacterial blight, rice leaffolder and striped stem borer, and showed significant heterosis. Our results indicate that it is feasible to develop transgenic hybrid rice cultivar through breeding transgenic restorer lines.  相似文献   

J. Zhang    X. Li    G. Jiang    Y. Xu    Y. He 《Plant Breeding》2006,125(6):600-605
‘Minghui 63’ is a restorer line widely used in hybrid rice production in China for the last two decades. This line and its derived hybrids, including ‘Shanyou 63’, are susceptible to bacterial blight (BB), caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo). To improve the bacterial blight resistance of hybrid rice, two resistance genes Xa21 and Xa7, have been introgressed into ‘Minghui 63’ by marker‐assisted selection and conventional backcrossing, respectively. The single resistance gene‐introgressed lines, Minghui 63 (Xa21) and Minghui 63 (Xa7) had higher levels of resistance to bacterial blight than their derived hybrids, Shanyou 63 (Xa21) or Shanyou 63 (Xa7). Both Xa21 and Xa7 showed incomplete dominance in the heterozygous background of rice hybrids by infection with GX325 and KS‐1‐21. The improved restorer lines, with the homozygous genotypes, Xa21Xa21 or Xa7Xa7, were more resistant than their hybrids with the heterozygous genotypes Xa21xa21 or Xa7xa7. To further enhance the bacterial blight resistance of ‘Minghui 63’ and its hybrids, Xa21 and Xa7 were pyramided into the same background using molecular marker‐aided selection. The restorer lines developed with the resistance genes Xa21 and Xa7, and their derived hybrids were evaluated for resistance after inoculation with 10 isolates of pathogens from China, Japan and the Philippines, and showed a higher level of resistance to BB than the restorer lines and derived hybrids having only one of the resistance genes. The pyramided double resistance lines and their derived hybrids have the same high level of resistance to BB. These results clearly indicate that pyramiding of dominant genes is a useful approach for improving BB resistance in hybrid rice.  相似文献   

DNA marker-assisted selection was employed to select Xa-21 bacterial blight resistance and waxy (Wx) genes. Genotypes with both genes were selected from four F2 populations involving indica × indica, indica × intermediate and japonica × indica crosses. With the assistance of PCR marker, 13 true breeding lines carrying Xa-21 were identified from F2 generation of IRBB 21 × G 11353 cross. Similarly ten, eleven and fifty two plants having Xa-21 gene were isolated from G 3005-4-1 × IRBB 21, IRBB 21 × HJX 74 and IRBB 21 × SY 2crosses respectively. The lines with Wx gene in both homozygous and heterozygous state were also scored from the above crosses. Twenty plants having both Xa-21 and Wx loci in homozygous state were identified. DNA-based progeny testing was conducted to ensure the selection of homozygous lines for Xa-21 and Wx genes. Finally,twenty true breeding lines with high amylose content and Xa-21 gene were isolated from four crosses. These homozygous lines are phenotypically superior and resistant to Chinese race 5 of the bacterial blight pathogen. Fifty-six germplasm sources were surveyed for PCR polymorphism in order to facilitate future PCR-based marker assisted transfer of bacterial blight resistance genes xa-5, xa-13 and Xa-21 to any desired varietal background which will be useful for selection of parents in breeding programmes. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Presence of substantial heterosis and economic hybrid seed production are two most desirable components for success of any commercial hybrid breeding programme. Thermosensitive genic male sterile (TGMS) lines of rice, in this regard, have tremendous potential in realizing further quantum jump in yield and economical hybrid seed cost. Analyses for combining ability and heterosis over optimum (120N : 60P2O5 : 40K2O kg/ha) and high (200N : 90P2O5 : 60K2O kg/ha) fertility environments for six traits were made in 2 years (2001 and 2002) using 120 hybrids of inter‐ and intra‐subspecific nature derived from hybridization of 30 elite indica TGMS lines and four cultivars, viz., ‘Pant Dhan 4’ and ‘Ajaya’ (I = indica), ‘Taichung 65’ (J = japonica) and ‘IR 65598‐112‐2’ (TJ = tropical japonica) in line × tester mating design. Predominance of non‐additive genetic variance suggested good prospects of hybrid breeding. Pooled analysis revealed highly significant variances for lines, general combining ability (GCA), specific combining ability (SCA) and line x tester. TGMS line 365‐8S was the best general combiner for all the six traits including grain yield. Trend of relative mid‐parent heterosis for grain yield, panicle length, grain number per panicle and earliness in flowering was I/TJ > I/J > I/I. For panicle number per plant and 1000‐grain weight, trends were I/TJ > I/I > I/J and I/I > I/TJ > I/J, respectively. Grain yield recorded heterosis of 49.3%, 71.9% and 92.7% for I/I, I/J and I/TJ hybrid groups respectively. Effect of environments on the hybrid performance indicated better response of hybrids at high fertilizer dose. Study suggests greater prospects of combining improved japonica and tropical japonica germplasms having wide compatible gene with indica TGMS lines for exploitation of intersubspecific heterosis.  相似文献   

Alternaria leaf blight, caused by Alternaria helianthi Hanf., is one of the most important diseases of sunflower causing significant yield losses in several tropical countries. Yet, so far, only partial resistance for the disease has been discovered in the germplasm through conventional sporophytic selection. Therefore, the main objective of the present investigation was to compare sporophytic and gametophytic recurrent selection with the aim to enhance the level of resistance to Alternaria leaf blight. The base population was synthesized by random mating three populations- two interspecific derivatives involving different species of Helianthus and one germplasm accession based on their partial resistance to disease incidence. The base population was subjected to 1-2 cycles of both sporophytic and gametophytic selection. The gametophytic selection was practiced by applying pathogen culture filtrate to the stigma and style one hour before pollination. The selection response was measured by scoring the percent disease index at flowering, 15 days after flowering, and at physiological maturity and by quantifying economic yield gain. A significant reduction in mean per cent disease index values and a gain in seed yield were observed for both the types of selection cycles, but more so for gametophytic selection. The populations improved through gametophytic selection appear to be more promising as the pollen selection allowed the selection of rare favorable allelic combinations that would hardly be detected at the sporophytic level. A combination of gametophytic selection and conventional sporophytic selection should be considered as an effective tool in population improvement programs to achieve higher levels of resistance in relatively short time.  相似文献   

Common bacterial blight (CBB) caused hy Xanthomonas campestrts pv. phaseoli is an important disease of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) throughout the world. Two random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers (R7313 and R4865) linked to genes for CBB resistance, that were transferred to P- vulgaris by an interspecific cross with Phaseohus acutifoluis. Were identified in a previous study. The current study was conducted to examine the use of these markers for selecting CBB resistant material from 85 F5,6, lines derived from crosses between two of the resistant lines used previously in the linkage study and susceptible breeding lines. The results showed that these two markers were located on the same linkage group and explained 22% (P = 0.0002) of the variation in response to CBB in the current population. Seventy per cent of the lines that had both markers were classified as resistant in a disease test of the F5,6, lines, whereas 73% of the lines that had neither of the RAPD markers were susceptible. The results indicated that the marker-disease resistance associations remained stable in a plant breeding programme and that they can be used lor marker-assisted selection of CBB-resistant beans.  相似文献   

Bacterial blight (BB) is the most economically damaging disease of rice in Asia and other parts of the world. In this study, a multiplex PCR genotyping method was developed to simultaneously identify genotypes of five BB resistance genes, Xa4, xa5, Xa7, xa13 and Xa21. The resistance R alleles were amplified using five functional markers (FMs) to generate amplicons of 217, 103, 179, 381 and 595 bp in IRBB66. Amplicons of 198, 107, 87, 391 and 467 bp corresponded to susceptible alleles in Taiwanese japonica rice cultivars. In backcross breeding programmes, the multiplex PCR assay was integrated into selection from a population using BB resistance donor IRBB66 crossed to rice cultivar ‘Tainung82’. Two plants with homozygosity for Xa4, xa5, Xa7, xa13 and Xa21 were selected from 1100 BC2F2 plants. In addition, the five BB resistance genes were also accurately identified in F2 populations. This multiplex PCR method provides a rapid and efficient method for detecting various BB resistance genes, which will assist in pyramiding genes to improve durability of BB resistance in Taiwanese elite rice cultivars.  相似文献   

用BT型、红莲型、印水型、野败型4种胞质的粳稻不育系六千辛A及相应的保持系六千辛B分别与8个粳型恢复系和12个籼型恢复系配成的100个组合对4种细胞质的遗传效应进行分析。结果表明:不育细胞质对粳籼杂种F1的株高、每穗总粒数和播抽历期有显著的平均负效应,对穗长、单株有效穗的平均负效应不显著;不育细胞质对粳粳杂种F1的5个性状没有显著遗传效应。对于粳籼杂种F1的5个性状,4种胞质之间遗传效应存在极显著差异;对于粳粳杂种F1的每穗总粒数、株高、播抽历期,4种胞质之间遗传效应差异极显著。根据4种胞质平均相对效应秩次总和排序,无论是粳籼还是粳粳杂种F1,都是印水型细胞质最好。  相似文献   

N. Mutlu    P. Miklas    J. Reiser  D. Coyne 《Plant Breeding》2005,124(3):282-287
Common bacterial blight (CBB) caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli reduces common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) yield and quality worldwide. Genetic resistance provides effective disease control; however. a high level of resistance is difficult to attain and does not exist in pinto bean, the most important dry bean market class in North America. Our objective was to determine if a backcross breeding approach with the aid of molecular markers linked to quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to CBB in a donor parent could be used to attain higher levels of resistance to CBB in pinto bean. QTL conditioning CBB resistance from the donor parent XAN 159 were introgressed into the recurrent parent‘Chase’using classical backcross breeding and intermittent marker‐assisted selection.‘Chase’pinto bean is moderately resistant and the breeding line XAN 159 is highly resistant to Xanthomonas campestris. Marker assays confirmed the presence of independent QTL from GN no. 1 Sel 27 and XAN 159 in advanced backcross‐derived pinto bean lines with improved CBB resistance. Agronomic characteristics of‘Chase’were fully recovered in the backcross‐derived lines. An important QTL for CBB resistance from XAN 159 on linkage group B6 was not introgressed because tight linkage between this QTL and the dominant V allele that causes an unacceptable black‐mottled seed coat colour pattern in pinto bean could not be broken.  相似文献   

Z. P. Yang    X. Y. Yang  D. C. Huang 《Plant Breeding》1999,118(4):289-292
The objectives of this study were to compare efficiency of evaluation for resistance to Fusarium head blight (FHB) under two inoculation methods in a recurrent selection programme. Fifty selected homozygous F5 fertile lines, from each of five cycles (C0, C1, C2, C3 and C4) of recurrent selection, and two control cultivars were evaluated in a split-plot design in 1995 and 1996 under the soil-surface inoculation with Fusarium graminearum-colonized kernels and the single-floret inoculation with ascospore suspension. Comparison of the two inoculation methods using means, ranges, coefficients of variation, heritabilities and correlations among infected spikelet rate (ISR), reaction index (RI) and disease index (DI) indicated that FHB resistance could be evaluated with similar accuracy and precision using either of the two inoculation methods. Regressions of disease scores in the soil-surface inoculation on disease scores in the single-surface inoculation were positive and highly significant, showing a strong relationship between both inoculation methods for FHB resistance. The percentage of lines with similar performance for FHB disease scores in both inoculation methods was high. The soil-surface inoculation and single-floret inoculation appear to be useful techniques for evaluating numerous individuals of segregating population and screening advanced homozygous lines for FHB resistance in a recurrent selection programme in wheat, respectively.  相似文献   

Bacterial blight (BB) is a major disease of rice for which host resistance is the only effective solution. The three genes pyramid xa5 + xa13 + Xa21 is recently the most utilized combination for developing resistant varieties through marker‐assisted breeding. Our study was carried out to elicit the detailed response of twenty lines possessing these three genes in five genetic backgrounds to twelve diverse BB pathotypes in India. The lines developed from ADT 47 variety showed incomplete resistance to most of the pathotypes, whereas susceptibility varied from 8.3% to 16.6% in ADT 43 and IR24, respectively. However, in IMP ASD16/60 and Improved Samba Mahsuri, complete resistance against all pathotypes was observed. The overall results confirmed that genetic background plays crucial role for the effective expression of xa+ xa13 + Xa21 combination. Molecular studies did not reveal correlation between origin of pathotypes and their virulence potential. It is suggested to deploy Improved Samba Mahsuri, IMP ASD 16/60 and AD1306 varieties in the bacterial blight prone areas or use them as donors for realizing wider and durable resistance.  相似文献   

The amount of genetic variation among inbred lines and testcrosses, and covariation between both genetic materials, are of crucial importance for selection efficiency in hybrid breeding. To estimate these quantitative genetic parameters for resistance of winter rye (Secale cereale) to head blight caused by Fusarium culmorum, 88 three-way cross hybrids, produced by crossing each of 44 S2 Carsten inbred lines with two unrelated Petkus single-cross testers, were evaluated along with the parental lines over 2 years. Resistance traits were head-blight rating and grain weight per spike relative to the non-inoculated control. Significant genotypic variation occurred among lines and in both testcross series. S2 lines displayed considerably more variation than testcross series. Genotype × environment interaction was more marked among the inbred lines, while estimates of heritability were similar for both genetic materials. Testcrosses showed heterosis for head-blight resistance. No relationship existed between S2 lines and the two testcross series for any resistance trait. This might be caused by an association between inbreeding and Fusarium-head-blight susceptibility and different inbreeding depression among the S2 population. The phenotypic correlations between the testcross series were moderate for both traits (r = 0.58, P < 0.01). In conclusion, Fusarium-head-blight resistance has to be selected at the respective heterozygosity levels.  相似文献   

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