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Edaphic fauna contributes to important ecosystem functions in grassland soils such as decomposition and nutrient mineralization. Since this functional role is likely to be altered by global change and associated shifts in plant communities, a thorough understanding of large scale drivers on below-ground processes independent of regional differences in soil type or climate is essential. We investigated the relationship between abiotic (soil properties, management practices) and biotic (plant functional group composition, vegetation characteristics, soil fauna abundance) predictors and feeding activity of soil fauna after accounting for sample year and study region. Our study was carried out over a period of two consecutive years in 92 agricultural grasslands in three regions of Germany, spanning a latitudinal gradient of more than 500 km. A structural equation model suggests that feeding activity of soil fauna as measured by the bait-lamina test was positively related to legume and grass species richness in both years. Most probably, a diverse vegetation promotes feeding activity of soil fauna via alterations of both microclimate and resource availability. Feeding activity of soil fauna also increased with earthworm biomass via a pathway over Collembola abundance. The effect of earthworms on the feeding activity in soil may be attributed to their important role as ecosystem engineers. As no additional effects of agricultural management such as fertilization, livestock density or number of cuts on bait consumption were observed, our results suggest that the positive effect of legume and grass species richness on the feeding activity in soil fauna is a general one that will not be overruled by regional differences in management or environmental conditions. We thus suggest that agri-environment schemes aiming at the protection of belowground activity and associated ecosystem functions in temperate grasslands may generally focus on maintaining plant diversity, especially with regard to the potential effects of climate change on future vegetation structure.  相似文献   

Real-time quantitative PCR assays, targeting part of the ammonia monooxygenase (amoA), nitrous oxide reductase (nosZ), and 16S rRNA genes were coupled with 15N pool dilution techniques to investigate the effects of long-term agricultural management practices on potential gross N mineralization and nitrification rates, as well as ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), denitrifier, and total bacterial community sizes within different soil microenvironments. Three soil microenvironments [coarse particulate organic matter (cPOM; >250 μm), microaggregate (53-250 μm), and silt-and-clay fraction (<53 μm)] were physically isolated from soil samples collected across the cropping season from conventional, low-input, and organic maize-tomato systems (Zea mays L.-Lycopersicum esculentum L.). We hypothesized that (i) the higher N inputs and soil N content of the organic system foster larger AOB and denitrifier communities than in the conventional and low-input systems, (ii) differences in potential gross N mineralization and nitrification rates across the systems correspond with AOB and denitrifier abundances, and (iii) amoA, nosZ, and 16S rRNA gene abundances are higher in the microaggregates than in the cPOM and silt-and-clay microenvironments. Despite 13 years of different soil management and greater soil C and N content in the organic compared to the conventional and low-input systems, total bacterial communities within the whole soil were similar in size across the three systems (∼5.15 × 108 copies g−1 soil). However, amoA gene densities were ∼2 times higher in the organic (1.75 × 108 copies g−1 soil) than the other systems at the start of the season and nosZ gene abundances were ∼2 times greater in the conventional (7.65 × 107 copies g−1 soil) than in the other systems by the end of the season. Because organic management did not consistently lead to larger AOB and denitrifier communities than the other two systems, our first hypothesis was not corroborated. Our second hypothesis was also not corroborated because canonical correspondence analyses revealed that AOB and denitrifier abundances were decoupled from potential gross N mineralization and nitrification rates and from inorganic N concentrations. Our third hypothesis was supported by the overall larger nitrifier, denitrifier, and total bacterial communities measured in the soil microaggregates compared to the cPOM and silt-and-clay. These results suggest that the microaggregates are microenvironments that preferentially stabilize C, and concomitantly promote the growth of nitrifier and denitrifier communities, thereby serving as potential hotspots for N2O losses.  相似文献   

Below-ground transfer of nitrogen (N) fixed by legume trees to associated non-N2-fixing crops has received little attention in agroforestry, although the importance of below-ground interactions is shown in other ecosystems. We used 15N natural abundance to estimate N transfer from the legume tree Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth ex Walp. to C4 grass Dichanthium aristatum (Poir.) C.E. Hubb. in a silvopastoral system, where N was recycled exclusively by below-ground processes and N2 fixation by G. sepium was the sole N input to the system. Finding a suitable reference plant, a grass without contact with tree roots or litter, was problematic because tree roots invaded adjacent grass monocrop plots and soil isotopic signature in soil below distant grass monocrops differed significantly from the agroforestry plots. Thus, we used grass cultivated under greenhouse conditions in pots filled with agroforestry soil as the reference. A model of soil 15N fractionation during N mineralization was developed for testing the reliability of that estimate. Experimental and theoretical results indicated that 9 months after greenhouse transplanting, the percentage of fixed N in the grass decreased from 35% to <1%, due to N export in cut grass and dilution of fixed N with N taken up from the soil. The effect of soil 15N fractionation on the estimate of the reference value was negligible. This indicates that potted grass is a suitable reference N transfer studies using 15N natural abundance. About one third of N in field-grown grass was of atmospheric origin in agroforestry plots and in adjacent D. aristatum grassland invaded by G. sepium roots. The concentration of fixed N was correlated with fine root density of G. sepium but not with soil isotopic signature. This suggests a direct N transfer from trees to grass, e.g. via root exudates or common mycorrhizal networks.  相似文献   

Denitrification rates were studied using the C2H2 inhibition technique in a 2-year field experiment within plots of nodulated and non-nodulated faba beans, ryegrass, and cabbage. Denitrification rates ranged from 14.40 to 0.02 ng N2O–N g–1 soil dry weight h–1. Mean denitrification increased fourfold in plots of N2–fixing Vicia faba compared to non-nodulated V. faba mutant F48, Lolium perenne, and Brassica oleracea. The results with and without C2H2 treatment indicate that in the field the major part of this enhanced denitrification led to the endproduct N2 rather than to the ozone-degrading N2O. Higher denitrification rates of plots with N2–fixing plants in September seemed to be caused by an increase in soil NO inf3 sup- of about 20 kg ha–1 found between July and August. Soil NO inf3 sup- and soil moisture explained 67% of the variation in denitrification rates of the different soil samples over the growing seasons in the 2 years. Soil moisture explained 44% of the variation for soil planted with N2–fixing plants and 62% for soil planted with non-fixing plants. Positive exponential relationships were obtained between denitrification rates and soil nitrate (r=0.71) and soil moisture (r=0.82).  相似文献   

The effect of soil fauna-mediated leaf litter (faecal pellets) versus mechanically fragmented (finely ground) leaf litter on biomass production of rice (Oryza sativa, var. Primavera) was assessed in pot tests. Rice seedlings were either grown in soil samples amended with faecal pellets of diplopods and isopods fed on leaf litter of a legume cover crop (Pueraria phaseoloides (Roxb.) Benth) and a peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) or in soil amended with finely ground leaf litter. The addition of faecal pellets caused a significant and dose-related increase in plant biomass compared to pure soil. Ground leaf litter induced a significantly smaller positive effect on plant biomass development with Pueraria litter > Bactris litter > mixed primary forest litter. In contrast, soil microbial biomass development during the 4 weeks plant test was higher in the soil amended with ground litter as compared to soil amended with feacal pellets. The results show a clear positive effect of the soil fauna on soil fertility and indicate differences in the availability of nutrients from the organic substrates to higher plants and soil microorganisms.  相似文献   

Summary Surface additions of (15NH4)2SO4 were used to measure the immobilization and subsequent movement of exogenous N added to two litter types of contrasting quality (Cornus florida and Quercus prinus). Litterbaskets were used to measure the litter mass loss and N dynamics and to follow the movement of the 15N label through litter, F layer, and soil pools. Half of the litterbaskets of each species were treated with naphthalene to reduce microarthropod densities. The faster decomposing C. florida litter maintained a higher excess atom % 15N, and a greater relative concentration of the labeled input (g 15N g–1) than did Q. prinus litter. In both litter types the excess atom % 15N, relative concentration (g 15N g–1), and absolute amount of label recovered in the litter declined over time. This occurred during a period of net accumulation of total litter N, implying simultaneous release of the initial input and immobilization of N from other sources. The concentration of 15N in the soil increased over time, while the F layer apparently acted as an intermediary in the transfer of 15N from litter to soil. Naphthalene effectively reduced microarthropod numbers in all horizons of the litterbaskets and significantly reduced the decay rates of Q. prinus, but not C. florida litter. Naphthalene did not appear to affect total N dynamics in the litter. However, with all horizons taken together, the naphthalene-treated litterbaskets retained more total 15N than the control litterbaskets. Naphthalene also changed the vertical distribution of 15N within litterbaskets, so that the litter retained less of the 15N-labeled input and the F layer and soil horizons retained more of the labeled input than in control litterbaskets. Our major conclusions are: (1) the N pool of decomposing litter is dynamic, with simultaneous N release and immobilization activating N turnover even during the net accumulation phase; (2) litter quality is an important determinant of immobilization and retention of exogenous N inputs and, therefore, turnover of the litter N pool; and (3) microarthropod activity can significantly affect the incorporation and retention of exogenous N inputs in decomposing litter, although these changes are apparently not reflected in net N accumulation or release during the 1st year of decomposition. However, the naphthalene may have affected microbially mediated N dynamics and this possibility needs to be considered in interpreting the results.  相似文献   

Heavy nitrogen fertilisation is often implemented in maize cropping systems, but it can have negative environmental effects. Nitrogen-fixing, phytohormone-producing Azospirillum plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) have been proposed as crop inoculants to maintain high yield when decreasing nitrogen fertilisation. In this context, agronomic and ecological effects of the inoculation of maize seeds with the PGPR Azospirillum lipoferum CRT1 were studied in two consecutive years. The inoculant was recovered from maize at 105 CFU g−1 root or higher. Inoculation enhanced root growth and development based on results of root biomass, rooting depth and/or parameters describing root system architecture, and a transient positive effect on shoot height was observed in the first year. Inoculation did not increase yield, but reducing mineral nitrogen fertilisation had only a minor effect on yield. This suggests that the lack of positive effect of the PGPR on yield was due to the fact that the whole field was heavily fertilised in years prior to the start of the experiment. Soil nitrogen levels decreased during the 2 years of the study, and the inoculant had no effect on residual soil nitrogen levels at harvest. Inoculation had no impact on Fusarium symptoms and concentration of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol in maize kernels, but both were influenced by the interaction between inoculation and nitrogen fertilisation level. Inoculation did not influence meso/macrofaunal soil populations, but had a small but significant effect (smaller than the effect of added nitrogen) on decomposition, nitrogen mineralisation and mesofaunal colonisation of maize leaves (in litter bags). Overall, the ecological impact of seed inoculation with the PGPR A. lipoferum CRT1 was small, and its magnitude was smaller than that of chemical nitrogen fertilisation.  相似文献   

Ten leguminous trees, four exotic species (Australian Acacia) and six indigenous species (three Sahelian Acacia spp. and three Sesbania spp.), were grown for 4 months in a natural Sahelian soil inoculated with or without the endomycorrhizal fungus, Glomus intraradices. In control trials, the determinant factor structuring the soil nematode fauna was the plant species, related plants having a similar influence on the nematode community in the soil. Soil nematode abundance increased from exotic acacias (3.3 g-1 dry soil) to native acacias (11.5 g-1 dry soil) and Sesbania species (17.6 g-1 dry soil). Plant feeding nematodes (mainly Scutellonema and Tylenchorhynchus) were significantly less abundant under exotic acacias (1.4 g-1 dry soil) than under native acacias (7.2 g-1 dry soil) or Sesbania species (7.3 g-1 dry soil). Bacterial feeding nematode density increased from exotic acacias (1.2 g-1 dry soil) to native acacias (3.0 g-1 dry soil) and Sesbania species (7.7 g-1 dry soil) as total densities. However, the differences in the structure of the nematode communities between plant groups were suppressed in the presence of the mycorrhizal fungus. In fact, no difference in nematode densities remained between plant groups when G. intraradices developed in several dominant taxa belonging to different trophic groups, particularly: Tylenchorhynchus, Apelenchina, Cephalobus and Dorylaimoidea. This study clearly indicated that inoculation with the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus G. intraradices diminished the plant-specific effect on the structure of the soil nematode community.  相似文献   

Summary The common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is generally regarded as a poor N2 fixer. This study assessed the sources of N (fertilizer, soil, and fixed N), N partitioning and mobilization, and soil N balance under field conditions in an indeterminate-type climbing bean (P. vulgaris L. cv. Cipro) at the vegetative, early pod-filling, and physiological maturity stages, using the A-value approach. This involved the application of 10 and 100 kg N ha-1 of 15N-labelled ammonium sulphate to the climbing bean and a reference crop, maize (Zea mays L.). At the late pod-filling stage (75 days after planting) the climbing bean had accumulated 119 kg N ha-1, 84% being derived from fixation, 16% from soil, and only 0.2% from the 15N fertilizer. N2 fixation was generally high at all stages of plant growth, but the maximum fixation (74% of the total N2 fixed) occurred during the interval between early (55 days after planting) and late podfilling. The N2 fixed between 55 and 75 days after planting bas a major source (88%) of the N demand of the developing pod, and only about 11% was contributed from the soil. There was essentially no mobilization of N from the shoots or roots for pod development. The cultivation of common bean cultivars that maintain a high N2-fixing capacity especially during pod filling, satisfying almost all the N needs of the developing pod and thus requiring little or no mobilization of N from the shoots for pod development, may lead to a net positive soil N balance.  相似文献   

Isotope fractionation during composting may produce organic materials with a more homogenous δ13C and δ15N signature allowing study of their fate in soil. To verify this, C, N, δ13C and δ15N content were monitored during nine months covered (thermophilic; >40 °C) composting of corn silage (CSC). The C concentration reduced from 10.34 to 1.73 g C (g ash)−1, or 83.3%, during composting. Nitrogen losses comprised 28.4% of initial N content. Compost δ13C values became slightly depleted and increasingly uniform (from −12.8±0.6‰ to −14.1±0.0‰) with composting. Compost δ15N values (0.3±1.3 to 8.2±0.4‰) increased with a similar reduced isotope variability.The fate of C and N of diverse composts in soil was subsequently examined. C, N, δ13C, δ15N content of whole soil (0-5 cm), light (<1.7 g cm−3) and heavy (>1.7 g cm−3) fraction, and (250-2000 μm; 53-250 μm and <53 μm) size separates, were characterized. Measurements took place one and two years following surface application of CSC, dairy manure compost (DMC), sewage sludge compost (SSLC), and liquid dairy manure (DM) to a temperate (C3) grassland soil. The δ13C values and total C applied (Mg C ha−1) were DM (−27.3‰; 2.9); DMC (−26.6‰; 10.0); SSLC (−25.9‰; 10.9) and CSC (−14.0‰; 4.6 and 9.2). The δ13C of un-amended soil exhibited low spatial (−28.0‰±0.2; n=96) and temporal (±0.1‰) variability. All C4 (CSC) and C3 (DMC; SSLC) composts, except C3 manure (DM), significantly modified bulk soil δ13C and δ15N. Estimates of retention of compost C in soil by carbon balance were less sensitive than those calculated by C isotope techniques. One and two years after application, 95 and 89% (CSC), 75 and 63% (SSLC) and 88 and 42% (DMC) of applied compost C remained in the soil, with the majority (80-90%) found in particulate (>53 μm) and light fractions. However, C4 compost (CSC) was readily detectable (12% of compost C remaining) in mineral (<53 μm) fractions. The δ15N-enriched N of compost supported interpretation of δ13C data. We can conclude that composts are highly recalcitrant with prolonged C storage in non-mineral soil fractions. The sensitivity of the natural abundance tracer technique to characterize their fate in soil improves during composting, as a more homogeneous C isotope signature develops, in addition to the relatively large amounts of stable C applied in composts.  相似文献   

Summary We used 15N technology to investigate N2 fixation by Sesbania speciosa and Sesbania rostrata and its transfer to a lowland rice crop after incorporation of the Sesbania spp. into soil as green manure. During the first 50 days after establishment in November–December 1989, S. speciosa and S. rostrata produced 1126 and 923 kg dry matter ha-1 respectively. They gathered 31 and 23 kg N ha-1 respectively, of which 62%±5% and 55%±3% respectively, came from N2 fixation. Both these species produced a greater biomass during September–October 1989, with S. rostrata producing more than S. speciosa. These results reflected differential responses by the plants to different day lengths at different times of the year. Furthermore, the dry matter yield and %N of 15N-labelled S. speciosa were smaller than those of the unlabelled plants, possibly due to inhibition of N2 fixation in root nodules by the chemical N fertilizers added during labelling. These differences were not so pronounced in the stem-nodulated S. rostrata. The increased grain yield of rice fertilized with N in the form of chemical fertilizer or green manure was a result of an increased number of panicles per hill. The rice crop manured with S. speciosa produced a lower grain yield, with a lower grain weight than that manured with S. rostrata. This was due to a low uptake of soil N by rice manured with S. speciosa. Recovery of N from the green manure in rice straw with S. speciosa was significantly higher than from rice manured with S. rostrata, because of the higher applied N uptake by rice manured with the former.  相似文献   

不同粒径团聚体的物理化学和生物学特性差异可能影响N2O的产生与释放,但目前有关团聚体N2O释放的微生物学机制少有研究。本研究从菜地土壤中分筛出粒径为1 mm、2~4 mm和4~8 mm的团聚体并开展培养试验,通过实时荧光定量PCR(Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction,q PCR)与末端限制性片段长度多态性分析(Terminal-Restricted Fragment Length Polymorphism,T-RFLP)技术的结合,研究了不同粒径团聚体反硝化微生物群落数量与组成的变化规律及其与N2O释放的相互关系。结果表明,不同粒径团聚体N2O释放速率表现为:粒径小于1 mm团聚体2~4 mm团聚体4~8 mm团聚体;硝酸还原酶基因(nar G)和氧化亚氮还原酶基因(nos Z)的丰度也表现为小粒径团聚体最高,随团聚体粒径增加而显著下降。然而,不同粒径团聚体间含nar G和nos Z基因的群落组成并没表现出显著差异。因此,不同粒径团聚体N2O释放速率差异与反硝化功能微生物丰度密切相关,而与它们的组成没有显著相关性。  相似文献   

It has been proposed that the C/N ratio, or quality, of litter or mulch mixtures affects N release. Although total N release from these mixtures and the effects on soil N are relatively well understood, a mechanistic understanding of the interactions between litter species with respect to their N release is still lacking. This study examines decomposition and N dynamics in mixtures of high-quality leguminous mulch, gliricidia [Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth. ex Walp.] with a C/N ratio of 13, and low-quality cupuaçu [Theobroma grandiflorum (Wild. ex Spring) Schumann] litter with a C/N ratio of 42, which occur in combination in agroforestry systems. Ratios of 100:0, 80:20, 50:50, 20:80, 0:100 of fresh 15N-enriched gliricidia leaves and senescent cupuaçu leaves, totaling the same dry weight of 6.64 t ha−1, were applied to an Oxisol and sampled at 6, 14, 38, and 96 days after application. After more than 40% of the N in the gliricidia leaves had been released and the microbial biomass N reached its peak, a significant increase in available soil N occurred at day 14, which was more pronounced with greater amounts of gliricidia in the leaf mixture. However, relative to the N applied in the leaf mixture, there was no significant difference in available soil N with greater proportions of gliricidia. Total N release from the mixtures corresponded to the total N applied by gliricidia. Until day 38, cupuaçu C mineralization was significantly faster in the presence of the highest proportion of gliricidia compared to lower proportions. This faster C mineralization of more than 0.5% per day, however, did not increase total C loss or N release from cupuaçu leaves after 96 days. The use of 15N tracers identified an N transfer from gliricidia leaves and the soil to cupuaçu leaves and consequently, a lower N release from gliricidia to the soil in the presence of cupuaçu leaves. Though we expected that available N in the soil would also decrease with greater amounts of cupuaçu litter in the mixture, our results indicated an additive effect of the two species on N release and soil mineral N, with gross interactions between them canceling net interactive effects. Therefore, N release of leaf mixtures behaved as predicted from a calculated sum of individual release patterns, in spite of a transfer of N from the high- to the low-quality leaves.  相似文献   

传统原位培养法测定的氮素矿化量与无氮区水稻吸氮相关性不高。为此对传统培养方法进行改进,以期为准确测定土壤供氮提供方法。传统培养方法是在插秧前取土,按水土比约1:1装入自封袋中于田间原位连续培养,每隔约30 d取样测定土壤无机氮含量。改进培养方法则采取阶段培养的方法,在插秧前取土,同上法装入自封袋,再将自封袋放入装满水的离心管中于田间培养,在下次取土样(约30 d后)的同时取出上次培养的土袋,并测定土壤无机氮含量。2013—2015年的试验结果表明,随着培养时间的延长,传统培养方法测定的矿化氮先增加后降低,与最高值相比,矿化氮下降了6.7%~28.6%;而改进的阶段原位培养法测定矿化氮未出现下降情况,因此传统方法测定的矿化氮较改进方法降低了30.0%~67.7%(p0.05)。培养时间对矿化氮量影响显著,土样在田间连续培养约40 d就有抑制氮素矿化的风险,因此,每次培养时间不宜过长。改进培养方法测定的矿化氮量与田间无氮区水稻吸氮量之间具有正相关关系,决定系数R~2为0.621(p0.01)。在测定稻田土壤矿化氮时,应采用阶段培养法,每次培养时间不宜超过40 d。该方法测定矿化氮量可以作为评价土壤供氮能力的指标。  相似文献   

Surface (0–15 cm) and subsurface (30–45 cm) soil samples from under canopy, edge of canopy and away from canopy of isolated Cordia africana Lam. and Croton macrostachyus Del. trees and their leaves were examined to investigate leaf nutrient content, root biomass and the contribution of trees on farms to soil fertility parameters in Badessa area, eastern Ethiopia. Leaves of C. macrostachyus had 20% higher P and 25% lower K contents than those of C. africana. The studied species had comparable leaf N content. Both species produced shallow lateral roots that extended beyond the canopy zone. Typically, higher fine root biomass was observed in the surface soils than the subsurface soils. Both species did not affect soil organic C, pH and cation exchange capacity. Surface and subsurface soils under tree canopies had 22–26 and 12–17% higher N, respectively, than the corresponding soils away from tree canopies. Surface soil available P under tree canopies was 34–50% higher than the corresponding soil away from canopies. Available P content of subsurface soil was improved only under C. africana canopy. The available P of surface soil under C. macrostachyus canopy was more than double that for C. africana. Trees of both species increased underneath surface and subsurface exchangeable K by 18–46% compared with the corresponding controls. In conclusion, C. macrostachyus and C. africana trees on farms keep soil nutrient high via protection against leaching, translocation of nutrients from deeper to the surface layer and accumulation of litter, which create a temporary nutrient pool in the surface soils under their canopies.  相似文献   

Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata Donn ex Smith) forest grows on poor soils with low stores of plant-available nutrients. We evaluated the impact of fertilizers on nutrient cycling in soil under Jarrah forest using a field study with three rates of P (0, 50, 200 kg P ha–1) and three rates of N (0, 100, 200 kg N ha–1) in a full factorial design. Litterfall was significantly increased by N application (30% relative to controls) in the first 2 years after treatment and by P application in the second year. The amounts of N, P, K, Ca and Mg in litterfall were also increased significantly by both N and P fertilizer. Although fertilizer treatments did not affect the total amount of litter accumulated on the forest floor over 4–5 years after application, there were large treatment differences in the amounts of N and P stored in the forest floor. Microbial respiration in litter was significantly greater (19%) on P-treated plots relative to controls, but this increase did not translate into increased decomposition rates as measured in long-term (5-year) mesh-bag studies. The results indicate that factors other than nutrition are mainly responsible for controlling the rate of decomposition in this ecosystem. Application of P, in particular, resulted in substantial accumulation of P in forest floor litter over 5 years. This accumulation was partly a result of the deposition of P in litterfall, but was also probably a result of translocation of P from the mineral soil. During the 5-year decomposition study, there was no net release of P from leaf litter and, at the highest rate of P application, the amounts of P stored in forest floor litter were more than four-fold greater than in fresh litter. Regular fire, a common phenomenon in these ecosystems, may be an important P-mobilizing agent for enhancing plant P uptake in these forests.  相似文献   

Elevated CO2 and defoliation effects on nitrogen (N) cycling in rangeland soils remain poorly understood. Here we tested whether effects of elevated CO2 (720 μl L−1) and defoliation (clipping to 2.5 cm height) on N cycling depended on soil N availability (addition of 1 vs. 11 g N m−2) in intact mesocosms extracted from a semiarid grassland. Mesocosms were kept inside growth chambers for one growing season, and the experiment was repeated the next year. We added 15N (1 g m−2) to all mesocosms at the start of the growing season. We measured total N and 15N in plant, soil inorganic, microbial and soil organic pools at different times of the growing season. We combined the plant, soil inorganic, and microbial N pools into one pool (PIM-N pool) to separate biotic + inorganic from abiotic N residing in soil organic matter (SOM). With the 15N measurements we were then able to calculate transfer rates of N from the active PIM-N pool into SOM (soil N immobilization) and vice versa (soil N mobilization) throughout the growing season. We observed significant interactive effects of elevated CO2 with N addition and defoliation with N addition on soil N mobilization and immobilization. However, no interactive effects were observed for net transfer rates. Net N transfer from the PIM-N pool into SOM increased under elevated CO2, but was unaffected by defoliation. Elevated CO2 and defoliation effects on the net transfer of N into SOM may not depend on soil N availability in semiarid grasslands, but may depend on the balance of root litter production affecting soil N immobilization and root exudation affecting soil N mobilization. We observed no interactive effects of elevated CO2 with defoliation. We conclude that elevated CO2, but not defoliation, may limit plant productivity in the long-term through increased soil N immobilization.  相似文献   

The influence of exogenous organic inputs on soil microbial biomass dynamics and crop root biomass was studied through two annual cycles in rice-barley rotation in a tropical dryland agroecosystem. The treatments involved addition of equivalent amount of N (80 kg N ha−1) through chemical fertilizer and three organic inputs at the beginning of each annual cycle: Sesbania shoot (high-quality resource, C:N 16, lignin:N 3.2, polyphenol+lignin:N 4.2), wheat straw (low-quality resource, C:N 82, lignin:N 34.8, polyphenol+lignin:N 36.8) and Sesbania+wheat straw (high-and low-quality resources combined), besides control. The decomposition rates of various inputs and crop roots were determined in field conditions by mass loss method. Sesbania (decay constant, k=0.028) decomposed much faster than wheat straw (k=0.0025); decomposition rate of Sesbania+wheat straw was twice as fast compared to wheat straw. On average, soil microbial biomass levels were: rice period, Sesbania?Sesbania+wheat straw>wheat straw?fertilizer; barley period, Sesbania+wheat straw>Sesbania?wheat straw?fertilizer; summer fallow, Sesbania+wheat straw>Sesbania>wheat straw?fertilizer. Soil microbial biomass increased through rice and barley crop periods to summer fallow; however, in Sesbania shoot application a strong peak was obtained during rice crop period. In both crops soil microbial biomass C and N decreased distinctly from seedling to grain-forming stages, and then increased to the maximum at crop maturity. Crop roots, however, showed reverse trend through the cropping period, suggesting strong competition between microbial biomass and crop roots for available nutrients. It is concluded that both resource quality and crop roots had distinct effect on soil microbial biomass and combined application of Sesbania shoot and wheat straw was most effective in sustained build up of microbial biomass through the annual cycle.  相似文献   

Changes in plant species diversity can result in synergistic increases in decomposition rates, while elevated atmospheric CO2 can slow the decomposition rates; yet it remains unclear how diversity and changes in atmospheric CO2 may interact to alter root decomposition. To investigate how elevated CO2 interacts with changes in root-litter diversity to alter decomposition rates, we conducted a 120-day laboratory incubation. Roots from three species (Trifolium repens, Lespedeza cuneata, and Festuca pratense) grown under ambient or elevated CO2 were incubated individually or in combination in soils that were exposed to ambient or elevated CO2 for five years. Our experiment resulted in two main findings: (1) Roots from T. repens and L. cuneata, both nitrogen (N) fixers, grown under elevated CO2 treatments had significantly slower decomposition rates than similar roots grown under ambient CO2 treatments; but the decomposition rate of F. pratense roots (a non-N-fixing species) was similar regardless of CO2 treatment. (2) Roots of the three species grown under ambient CO2 and decomposed in combination with each other had faster decomposition rates than when they were decomposed as single species. However, roots of the three species grown under elevated CO2 had similar decomposition rates when they were incubated alone or in combination with other species. These data suggest that if elevated CO2 reduces the root decomposition rate of even a few species in the community, it may slow root decomposition of the entire plant community.  相似文献   

红壤侵蚀区植被恢复对土壤呼吸及其温度敏感性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤呼吸作为土壤与大气CO_2交换的重要环节,其排放量的大小在一定程度决定了土壤碳库的源与汇。研究红壤侵蚀区植被恢复对土壤呼吸及其温度敏感性(Q_(10))值的影响,对于理解土壤有机碳积累机制具有重要意义。本研究选取了福建省河田镇未治理地及邻近恢复13 a和31 a的马尾松人工林,对土壤呼吸进行监测。结果表明:未治理地土壤呼吸并无显著季节差异,恢复13 a和恢复31 a后土壤呼吸季节差异显著;恢复13 a和31 a土壤呼吸与Q_(10)显著高于未治理地,恢复13 a和31 a土壤呼吸与Q_(10)未见显著差异。季节尺度上,土壤呼吸速率与土壤水分相关性弱,而与土壤温显著相关,未治理地土壤温度仅能解释土壤呼吸速率的25.3%,而恢复后土壤温度则解释了土壤呼吸速率的48.8%~66.5%;结构方程模型表明,对土壤呼吸和温度敏感性影响最大的分别是凋落量和土壤微生物。研究为进一步认识退化生态系统土壤碳动态机制提供依据。  相似文献   

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