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云芝保健茶的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘继红  郜尽 《食用菌》2000,22(3):39-40
云芝(Coriolus versicolor)又称革盖菌,是一种药用真菌。其有效成分主要为多糖、多肽类物质。云兰多糖能调整人体的免疫功能,主要是加强肿瘤病人体内潜在的抗癌能力,对食道癌、胃癌、结肠癌、肺癌、乳腺癌及未经治疗的原发性癌症均有良好的疗效。云芝提取物制成的云芝肝泰,对医治迁延性肝炎、慢性肝炎有良好的疗效;提取的蛋白多糖肽,能抑制癌细胞增生,减轻癌症患者在接受化疗和放射性治疗过程中的毒副作用,减少白细胞的下降,缓解疼痛。但野生云芝菌资源有限,目前除了采用野生云芝和人工栽培的云芝外,还可采…  相似文献   

甜叶菊的综合开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马磊  石岩 《中国甜菜》2009,(1):68-69
主要介绍了甜叶菊的甜味成分的种类和特性、提取与分离工艺、味质改进技术;及在药用、肥料、饲料中的应用。甜叶菊是一种综合开发利用有较高经济价值的作物。  相似文献   

邓庆城 《西南园艺》2003,31(2):42-42
福建茶产于广东、福建、台湾、江苏、浙江等省区 ,又名基及树、猫仔树 ,为紫草科常绿灌木。叶形小 ,长椭圆形 ,浓绿而有光泽 ;春夏开白色小花 ;核果球形 ,初绿后红。树干嶙峋 ,虬曲多姿 ,为优良的园林、街道绿化树种 ,又是制作盆景的上好材料 ,为岭南盆景中五大名树 (九里香、雀梅、福建茶、榆树、满天星 )之一 ,也是我国加入WTO后出口美国的 5种盆景植物 (黄杨、福建茶、罗汉松、雀梅、六月雪 )之一。1 繁殖 可在果实成熟时随摘随播 ,或将果实采摘风干后 ,贮藏至翌年春季播种 ;也可在春季或梅雨季节 ,选取生长健壮的一年生枝条或当年生…  相似文献   

以蓝莓叶、蓝莓果(残余果)和蓝莓花瓣为原料,对多功能蓝莓保健茶的制备工艺、配方比例进行了研究,对不同口味和功能的蓝莓茶配置方法进行了说明,指出了多功能蓝莓保健茶对人的保健作用.  相似文献   

一、甜叶菊的施肥技术 (一)苗期追肥:苗床肥以速效肥为主,以看苗肥为重点,苗长到2—3对真叶时,可追0.3-0.5%的磷酸二铵或氮磷钾复合肥的水溶液,以促进幼苗生长.此后要看苗追肥,弱苗每隔7-10天追一次,共追2-3次,壮苗在移栽前7—10天再追一次.徒长苗要控制追肥。  相似文献   

尚宏芹 《北方园艺》2010,(6):170-172
以甜叶菊组培无根苗为试验材料,研究培养基、NAA浓度及活性炭对甜叶菊生根培养的影响。结果表明:1/2MS诱导生根的效果优于2MS、MS和1/4MS;0.2 mg/L的NAA诱导生根效果最好,诱导率为83.3%,根粗壮而长;0.3%活性炭不但大大地缩短生根时间,而且提高了生根率,增加了根数。  相似文献   

以“守田3号”甜叶菊叶片为外植体,研究了消毒时间、外源激素等因素对外植体成活率、不定芽的诱导、不定芽继代培养和生根的影响.结果表明:用0.1%的升汞处理3 min为最佳消毒方法,最佳的不定芽诱导培养基为MS+2.0 mg/L 6-BA-1.0 mg/L IAA+300 mg/L水解酪蛋白,平均诱导率为80%;最佳不定芽继代培养基为MS+0.5 mg/L 6-BA+0.05 mg/L NAA+0.2 mg/L GA3 +4.0 mg/L KT;最佳生根培养基为1/2MS+0.2 mg/L IAA,生根率为100%,所获得的再生苗生长健壮且移栽后成活率高,最终建立了甜叶菊最佳的再生体系.  相似文献   

香菇营养保健茶的研制及其应用效果项忠明,刘俊杰,申秀芳,范凤英,杜国英(辽宁省农科院食用菌技术开发中心,沈阳ll0l6l)香菇保健茶是根据香菇独特的浓郁香气及具有较高的食用、保健和药用价值的特点,配合我国名茶──乌龙茶及相应的中草药经过反复研制加工而...  相似文献   

以甜叶菊品种"中山二号"为试材,首先选用叶片、茎段和茎节3种外植体,在添加3种植物激素萘乙酸(1-Naphthaleneacetic acid,NAA)、苄氨基嘌呤(6-Benzylaminopurine,BAP)和激动素(kinetin,KT)不同浓度组合的MS(murashige and skoog)培养基上培养,明确其对愈伤组织诱导和不定芽分化的影响。以叶片作为外植体,使用激素噻苯隆(Nphenyl-N′~(1),2,3-thidiazol-5-yl-urea,TDZ)替换NAA(BAP和KT浓度范围不变),在不同浓度组合的MS培养基上进行愈伤组织、不定芽和丛生芽诱导,以期建立一套快速、有效的甜叶菊再生体系。结果表明:在培养基中TDZ浓度达到3.0mg·L~(1)、BAP 1.0mg·L~(1)和KT0.5mg·L~(1)时,诱导的愈伤组织分化的不定芽最多,且随后形成了大量的丛生芽。丛生芽继代到无添加激素的1/2MS培养基上,能够继续生长,分化成茎叶和根,形成完整植株。该再生体系生产周期短、繁殖系数高,可用于生产上大规模快速繁殖和基因转化研究。  相似文献   

Chrysanthemum plants were exposed to 16°C day-temperature, 11°C night-temperature, 13°C soil-temperature, to be indicated as 16/11/13°C, or to 16/11/25°C, 20/16/18°C, or 20/16/25°C, first long day, then short day, (long day = 12-h light period with 3-h night break; short day = 12-h light period) from planting to harvest in controlled environments to study the effects of soil heating on growth and flowering. There were significant, but not substantial, effects of soil heating on leaf area, percent soluble carbohydrate, flower bud diameter, days to visible bud and some other parameters. Two winter cultivars responded similarly, while 2 summer cultivars differed in flowering-response to soil heating. An experiment was also conducted using 16/11/25°C day/night/soil temperatures during long days, short days or throughout the complete growth cycle, with 16/11/13°C day/night/soil temperatures at other times. Soil heating during long days resulted in the highest quality flowers. Soil heating during short days or throughout the growth period resulted in most rapid flowering but decreased flower quality.  相似文献   

污泥堆肥中含有大量有机质和营养元素,具有在花卉栽培上运用的潜力。文章以菊花为例,为降低菊花栽培成本并开发新型栽培基质,通过对生活污泥堆肥在菊花栽培基质配方试验中的应用分析,结果表明:污泥堆肥具有在菊花生产上使用的前景和潜力,能减少肥料施用,降低成本,同时也为生活污泥处置困难的问题提供了思路。  相似文献   


Previously we reported that expression of the Arabidopsis DREB1A gene in chrysanthemum conferred increased tolerance to low-temperature and dehydration stresses, and that transgenic plants in which the DREB1A gene was driven by the abiotic stress-inducible promoter, rd29A, were more tolerant than those plants in which the DREB1A gene was driven by the 35S Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CaMV) promoter. To understand the molecular basis for this improved tolerance, we isolated 74 DREB1A regulon genes using suppression subtractive hybridisation, then compared their expression patterns in rd29A:DREB1A transgenic plants (rd29A plants) and in 35S:DREB1A transgenic plants (35S plants) under different stress conditions. Our results showed that the increased tolerance to low temperatures and dehydration in rd29A plants was attributed to increased levels of expression of different members of the DREB1A regulon. Levels of expression of 69% or 91% for members of the DREB1A regulon that showed upregulation in rd29A plants were highly correlated with the level of expression of DREB1A in response to low temperature or to dehydration, respectively. These results support the hypothesis that the increased tolerance of rd29A plants to abiotic stresses resulted from elevated expression of the DREB1A regulon.  相似文献   

茶树的设施栽培技术及其效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍茶树设施栽培技术,包括园地和品种选择及定植、大棚和小拱棚的建立与养护、覆膜和撤膜、追肥、棚内温湿调节、修剪、病虫害防治和采收等。与露地茶园比较,大棚茶树生长和茶叶采摘期明显提前、茶叶品质和经济效益均显著提高。  相似文献   

It has become the practice in north-east India to propagate tea vegetatively by means of intemodal cuttings carrying only one leaf. These are prepared by the dissection of leading stems. Extensive experience shows that most of the cuttings will fail if the stems are stored for more than a few hours after being severed from the plant, even if kept moist. If the stems are dissected into cuttings their viability is further reduced. It is usual to set the cuttings in the beds immediately the stems are severed from the plant, and no practicable method has been found by which fresh material can be stored or transported for periods of more than a few hours. Leafless cuttings are of no value.  相似文献   

A dynamic model was developed for re-constructing data of shoot leaf area increment in pot chrysanthemum. From specified final areas of individual leaves and time of anthesis of the terminal flower, the model can re-construct dynamic growth of each leaf on side shoots using a modified Richards function. In the model, leaf growth is related to a relative time index ranging from zero to unity, where zero is the start of short day treatment and unity corresponds to anthesis of the terminal flower. Experiments were conducted under greenhouse conditions to collect data for parameter estimation, model verification and model validation. An allometric relationship between leaf length and leaf area was used to estimate leaf area non-destructively from leaf length recordings. When compared with the data used for parameter estimation, the model simulations fitted the data with R2 values ranging from 0.979 to 0.998. In the validation trial the model showed a tendency of over estimation early leaf growth but could explain variations in the data with R2 values ranging from 0.899 to 0.993.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium) was constructed by genotyping 142 F1 progeny of the bi-parental cross ‘Yuhualuoying’ × ‘Aoyunhanxiao’ with a combination of RAPD, ISSR and AFLP markers in a double pseudo-testcross mapping strategy. A total of 567 polymorphic markers, including 153 RAPDs, 61 ISSRs and 353 AFLPs, were used in linkage mapping. 336 of 567 (60%) markers were grouped on the two parental maps, leaving 231 (40%) markers unlinked. In the ‘Yuhualuoying’ linkage map, 210 markers including 116 testcross and 94 intercross markers were placed in 12 major and 32 minor (8 triplets and 24 doublets) linkage groups, covering 1034 cM with an average map distance of 6.2 cM between adjacent markers. In ‘Aoyunhanxiao’ linkage map, 190 markers consisting of 113 testcross and 77 intercross markers were resolved into 9 major and 24 minor linkage groups, with genome coverage of 1095 cM and a mean inter-marker separation of 6.9 cM between adjacent markers. Six pairs of homologous linkage groups were established on the basis of 64 intercross markers shared by the two parental maps. The maps lay a foundation for further quantitative traits loci (QTL) mapping and marker-assisted breeding of chrysanthemum.  相似文献   

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