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Forest owner cooperations (FOC) are bundling wood supply from small-scale forests and some also offer additional services, such as wood harvesting or planting. FOCs are growing throughout Europe in terms of the managed timber volume. The increasing timber demand of forest-based industries as well as the new, rapidly growing demand for energy plants could lead to an under-supply in the following years in Europe. Because of high harvesting arrears in small-scale forests, FOCs are seen as an opportunity to overcome this foreseen timber shortage. The paper maps out timber mobilisation strategies using the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) approach.
Peter RauchEmail:

As forest fuel demand increases, new logistical solutions are needed. Most of the increase in use is expected to take place in large heat and power production units which set special requirements for the supply as both procurement volumes and transport distances increase. Biomass fuel terminals broaden the spectrum of available supply options by offering cost-effective large-scale biomass storage and processing options for securing the fuel supply in all conditions. This study aimed to study different costs of a satellite terminal and to produce important concept and cost information for developing forest fuel logistics based on future terminals. The figures indicate that terminals do not create direct cost benefits per se: direct supply chains are more economical compared to supply through terminals. However, there are several indirect benefits that can be reached via fuel supply through terminals: regional fuel procurement can be widened to a national scale, security of supply increases through easily available storages, large supply volumes can be delivered by an individual operator, prices remain more stable and a more even quality of delivered fuel can be achieved.  相似文献   

通过对我国珍贵树种资源分布现状,以及近年来种苗科研与利用情况进行总结,应用SWOT分析法,对珍贵树种种苗产业发展过程中存在的优势、劣势、机遇及挑战因素进行分析,并提出相应的优化策略.简而言之,就是要加强珍贵树种种苗发展的全局统筹指导,加快种苗信息化建设,强化造林单位与种苗生产单位的衔接,发挥良种繁育基地作用,提升集约化水平,以实现产业的现代化、市场化与规模化,从而保障新时代林业生态建设对珍贵树种种苗的需求.  相似文献   

针对甘肃森林生态旅游设施基础薄弱,投资力度有限,观念落后,以及宣传不到位的发展现状,应采取创建森林生态旅游的精品线路,开发森林生态的旅游品牌,广泛宣传甘肃的森林生态特色旅游,统一规划,搭建森林生态旅游框架,继续加大建设投入,发挥整体效益的发展对策。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,森林旅游在环境与可持续发展中的战略地位也变得越来越重要。河北省有丰富的森林资源,开发森林生态旅游有着广阔的前景。在分析了河北省森林生态旅游现状及其存在问题的基础上,提出了河北省发展森林生态旅游的对策。  相似文献   

(接上期)政府主管部门职能转换相对滞后,对乡村林业经营缺乏规范和指导;中介服务不到位、体系不健全。一是由于林木培育周期较长,面临着市场和自然灾害等多重风险,加之我国政策性银行业务范围狭窄,商业化运作日益强化,对林业的惜贷现象非常普遍。而且对林农小项目的小额贷款和中长期贷款更难满足,使得林农很难通过银行信贷等融资渠道获得生产资金,增加投入。二是分散经营的小农户作为商品生产者整体素质较低,经营手段和管理水平不高,技术缺乏,信息闭塞,与大市场沟通能力不强,在发展生产过程中带有很大的盲目性和效仿性,难以…  相似文献   

森林生态食品是近年来提出的新型森林生态标志产品,是继农产品"三品一标"与森林食品之后,融合了天然、绿色、安全、营养、健康等生态元素的新型食品标准.本文对森林生态食品的出现、发展及认定进行了综述,并提出了相应的发展策略.  相似文献   


Minimum procurement cost is an essential element for the competitiveness of the forest fuel supply chain. This paper compares one co-operative procurement strategy with several non-co-operative strategies by measuring the cost gap. For a study region consisting of five Austrian provinces, forest fuel supply potential and transportation costs were investigated concerning 28 newly built combined heat and power (CHP) plants. In the case of co-operation, the minimum total transportation cost was derived by solving the corresponding transportation problem. In non-co-operative supply chains, CHP plants compete for forest fuel. This case was illustrated by analysing three different clearly non-co-operative procurement strategies, because CHP plants guard their real supply sources as business secrets. The minimum procurement cost for all CHP plants is provided by the co-operative strategy. It comprises a total transportation cost of €17 million and an average procurement distance of 122 km. Co-operation between CHP plants lowers forest fuel transportation costs by 23% on average and reduces average transportation distances by 26%. The resultant cost-cutting potential stresses the importance of co-operation between CHP plants in order to allocate forest fuel supplies efficiently. Establishing partnerships and working alliances for forest fuel procurement therefore has important management implications for achieving efficiency in forest fuel supplies and strengthening the competitiveness of wood-fuel-based energy production.  相似文献   

This paper presents a short-run roundwood supply analysis of self-employed Norwegian forest owners, based on a two-period utility maximising consumption-savings model. The supply function was estimated by applying the Tobit model on an unbalanced panel of approximately 160 Norwegian farmers, from 1976 to 1997, representing a total of 3413 observations. Simultaneity between the single forest owner's harvesting level and his individual tax rate was allowed by estimating simultaneous equations Tobit models. The current roundwood price and standing stock per hectare had significant positive impacts on the supply, while harvesting costs, age of the owner, tax rate and lagged roundwood price (representing expected price) had negative impacts. Price and cost elasticities were relatively sensitive to the prices forecasted for the owners who did not supply roundwood in a given period. These results suggest that price subsidies and operating subsidies, as well as tax relieves, could increase the harvest level, which is considerably lower than the sustainable harvest level. An operating subsidy seems at least as efficient as a price subsidy, while tax reliefs are the least efficient of the three policy means.  相似文献   

通过对森林资源现状的特点进行分析评价,提出富宁县森林资源经营管理及林业建设发展的策略.  相似文献   

制约商洛林业突破发展的主要问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为贯彻落实科学发展观,继续推进思想大解放,努力促进商洛林业发展,本文就制约商洛林业突破发展的主要问题进行了专题调研,提出了解决商洛林业突破发展的对策,仅供商榷。  相似文献   

采用SWOT分析法,分别对祁连山自然保护区旅游资源开发的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战等方面进行了分析,并在此基础上提出生态旅游资源可持续开发的对策构想,旨在为祁连山自然保护区生态旅游的进一步开发、规划提供理论依据。  相似文献   

欧洲城市森林及城市林业   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
文章介绍了欧洲主要国家及城市的城市森林概貌。目前关于城市林业的理解,不同国家的观点不同,但基本同意城市林业是一个综合体、是综合性的学科;城市林业目的在于为城市树木资源建立长期的政策与规划;强调城市森林能够提供的经济、环境、社会-文化产品及服务;是一项需要公众参与的事业。    相似文献   

市场机制配置资源具有效率,全部商品林与少部分生态公益林主要通过市场机制调节经营。决定市场机制运行的动力是供给与需求,认识供给与需求及其相互作用的关系是市场经济条件下认识与解决问题的基础。从供给的角度论述了木材供给曲线形成的基础及其影响因素,为构造木材或森林资源供求模型奠定了基础,为分析商品林经营政策及其政策的有效性提供了前提,同时为制定合理的商品林经营政策提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

新宁县现有农村人口52.7万人,农村户数13.4万户。全县每年消耗薪柴9.12万t,但年生产薪柴只有8.12万t,加上薪柴利用率低,能量浪费大,年薪柴缺口可达2万t以上。尤其是缺柴地区和半缺柴地区,能源紧张局面十分突出,靠烧松、杂木材和农作物桔杆等生活,严重影响群众生产与生活,制约当地林业发展。在5年内有计划、有步骤地重点规划营造薪炭林5333hm^2,科学经营。实行工程管理,是解决全县广大农村能源危机的最有效的措施。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study are to clarify physiological work loads and physical loads acting on the lumbar region of workers and to propose a safe work environment in tropical forestry operations. The research was conducted in the industrial forest plantations of East Kalimantan, Indonesia, in 1996. In this study, heart rates and the physical lumbar burden of industrial forest plantation workers were measured for three types of work, that is, weeding, planting and path clearing. In addition, the load moment at the L5/S1 and the disc compression force were calculated using low-back biomechanical models. As a result, compression forces at the L5/S1 disc during weeding, planting and path clearing were estimated and found to be below the Action Limit (AL) by National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). However, it was also found that some work posture types during path clearing by chain saw were sometimes above the AL. A part of this paper was orally presented at the 108th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Forestry Society (1997).  相似文献   

This paper examines the role played by different units in the supply chain that ensure consumer confidence in the process of production. Analysis of interviews with the managers of various units in the chain of custody showed that, as we move from the buyer to the production units, the building-up of trust by managers is becoming increasingly technical. Thus, end consumers include the intangible value of the product in their understanding of trust regarding Russian wood. The lower the unit is in the chain of custody and the closer it is situated to the logging sites, the more restricted is the construction of trust by managers, undergoing minimization and, ultimately, reduction in the bid to ensure a “normal” business or purely technical approach. The differences observed in the constructions of trust in various units of the chain can be explained in light of two factors: firstly, the challenges faced by each individual unit, and secondly, the value system of the managers at every level.  相似文献   

浙江省森林旅游的发展对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
森林旅游作业旅游业的一支新军,巳成为浙江林业产业新的经济增长点。在森林旅游人数不断扩大的21世纪,浙江省森林旅游应实施可持续发展战略,以制定科学合理的规划为基础,加快人才培养,重视旅游产品开发,并正确处理保护与开发的关系,使之快速、健康、持续地发展。  相似文献   

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