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Four diets containing 15% CP were formulated to study the effects of dietary carbohydrate and protein sources on N metabolism and carbohydrate fermentation by ruminal bacteria. Diets were supplied to eight dual-flow continuous culture fermenters during three experimental periods in a randomized complete block design. Six replications were obtained for each diet. Treatments were arranged as a 2 X 2 factorial with two carbohydrate and two protein sources. Carbohydrate sources were corn and barley and protein sources were soybean meal (SBM) and fish meal (FM). Approximately 40% of the dietary CP was derived from SBM or FM and corn or barley provided 39% of dietary DM. All diets contained 15% grass hay, 20% wheat straw, and 10.1 to 15.3% solka floc (DM basis). Interactions (P less than .05) were observed between dietary carbohydrate and protein sources, resulting in a depression of VFA production (moles/day) and digestion (percentage) of ADF and cellulose when the corn-FM diet was fed. True OM digestion (percentage) was higher (P less than .05) for SBM than for FM diets and for corn than for barley diets. Although dietary CP degradation (percentage) was higher (P less than .05) for SBM than for FM diets, non-NH3 N in the effluent (grams/day) was not different among diets due to a greater (P less than .05) bacterial N flow for SBM than for FM diets. Despite the lower amino acid (AA) intake (P less than .05) for corn than for barley diets and also for FM than for SBM diets, flows (grams/day) of total AA, essential AA (EAA), and nonessential AA (NEAA) were similar (P greater than .05) among diets. However, greater (P less than .05) total AA, EAA, and NEAA flows (percentage of AA intake) were found for corn than for barley diets and for FM than for SBM diets. It is concluded, therefore, that ruminal escape protein derived from corn or FM has a significant effect on manipulating AA leaving the ruminal fermentation.  相似文献   

From numerous recent studies, it has been demonstrated that the development of the forestomach system in ruminants and thus microbial carbohydrate fermentation do not exclude the potential of the small intestines for enzymatic carbohydrate digestion and subsequent monosaccharide absorption. However, the role of regulatory nutritional factors is still under discussion. Therefore, we investigated the kinetic parameters of intestinal Na+‐dependent glucose absorption and SGLT1 expression using isolated brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) from the jejunum of 10‐week‐old calves kept on either hay, concentrate or corn silage‐based diets in addition to milk replacer. While the maximal transport capacity was significantly higher for concentrate and corn silage‐fed animals, SGLT1 protein expression was highest in BBMV isolated from hay‐fed animals. This observation differs from the prevalent conception that induction of Na+‐dependent glucose uptake via SGLT1 is based on an increased number of transporters at the brush border membrane.  相似文献   

In a 6 x 6 Latin square arrangement, sheep of 41 kg body weight were fed myristic acid [C14:0; 50 g/kg dry matter (DM)] supplemented to two basal diets of forage : concentrate ratios of 1 : 1.5 and 1 : 0.5 and adjusted to dietary calcium (Ca) contents of either 4.2 or 9.0 g/kg DM (the latter only together with C14:0 supplementation). Various variables of energy, fatty acid and Ca metabolism were determined in combined digestibility and respiratory chamber measurements. With C14:0 addition the energy loss via the faeces increased (p < 0.05, post hoc test) without affecting energy digestibility of the complete diet. The apparent digestibility of supplemented C14:0 was higher (p < 0.01) with approximately 0.8 in the forage-based diet than in the concentrate-based diet (approximately 0.6). The elevated levels of plasma C14:0 were mainly accompanied by reduced C18:0 and C18:1 levels. The estimated apparent content of metabolizable energy (ME) of added C14:0 was either 24.5 MJ/kg (concentrate-based diet) or 32.1 MJ/kg (forage-based diet). Extra Ca equalized these differences between basal diets and ME contents amounted to 33.0 MJ/kg on average. As expected from corresponding slight shifts in energy metabolizability, the total efficiency of ME utilization increased (p < 0.1) with C14:0. The lower level of dietary Ca was still within the range recommended, but adding C14:0 to the concentrate-based diet reduced Ca retention in the body of the sheep from 0.9 to -0.1 g/day because of an impaired (p < 0.05, post hoc test) net Ca absorption, whereas no effect was found with the forage-based diet. With C14:0 addition, plasma total phosphorus (P) and serum calcitrol levels increased (p < 0.05, post hoc test) while Ca concentrations did not clearly reflect the reduced net Ca absorption. Increasing the dietary Ca content prevented adverse effects on Ca retention in the concentrate-based diet and improved Ca retention in the forage-based diet. In conclusion, the C14:0 supplementation reduced Ca availability in concentrate-based diets while an additional supply of Ca improved Ca and energy retention. Consequently, Ca supply should exceed recommended levels in diet types where dietary lipids are likely to reduce Ca availability and a compromise in basal diet type has to found to be able to profit best from the energetic value and the methane-suppressing properties of C14:0.  相似文献   

Background: There is growing interest in carbohydrate and protein nutrition to enhance the efficiency of animal production. Reduced-crude protein diets depress environmental pollution and feeding cost, but the challenge to their adoption is maintaining digestive function and growth performance of birds. The present study was conducted to evaluate the influence of different dietary starch sources and protein levels on intestinal functionality and mucosal amino acid catabolism.Methods: Six dietary treatments, based on maize and soybean meal, were offered to 360 AA+male chicks from 6 to 35 d post-hatch as a 3 × 2 factorial array. Either waxy rice or amylose was added to a conventional maize-soy diet to provide three sources of starch with different digestion rates and relatively high and low dietary protein levels. Growth performance, parameters of intestinal functionality and concentrations of free amino acid in the portal circulation were determined.Results: In the grower phase, starch source influenced(P 0.02) weight gain as diets containing amylose supported significantly higher weight gains than waxy rice. Significant increase of ileal ATP concentrations and Na+/K+-ATPase activity were found in amylose treatment. Also, amylose decreased BrdU positive cell numbers and down-regulated m RNA expression for CASP-3. GOT activity in the ileum was higher(P 0.01) in birds offered low protein diets and there was a trend(P = 0.057) for waxy rice as a starch source to increase ileal GOT activities. There was a significant influence on the concentration of seventeen amino acids in the portal circulation with tryptophan the one exception. Waxy rice as a starch source generated 13.6% and 22.4% numerically higher concentrations of non-essential amino acids than maize and amylose, respectively.Conclusions: Amino acid catabolism in the gut mucosa is subject to nutritional regulation. Given that amino acids can be spared from catabolism in the gut mucosa by supplementation of amylose, it follows their post-enteral availability would be improved and intestinal energy would be derived more efficiently from glucose.  相似文献   

This paper was aimed at following up the course of glucose in the liver of protein underfed geese. Compared to normally fed geese, liver carbohydrate metabolism in protein underfed animals can be characterised by lowering of free glucose content of in vitro glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis and reduction of carbohydrates in total oxidation. Glycogen content of the liver and rate of glucose oxidation were also lowered, but these differences were not statistically significant. Summing up our results and taking into consideration some literature data, an overall reduction of hepatic carbohydrate metabolism in protein underfed birds may be assumed.  相似文献   

Ancient grains are becoming an increasingly abundant carbohydrate source in the pet food market as a result of their popularity and novelty in the human market. Thus, it is imperative to evaluate the characteristics of these ingredients in vivo. Ten adult intact female beagles were used in a replicated 5 × 5 Latin square design. Five dietary treatments were evaluated containing either: rice (CON), amaranth (AM), white proso millet (WPM), quinoa (QU), or oat groats (OG). All diets were formulated to include 40% of the test grain and to be isonitrogenous, isocaloric, and nutritionally complete and balanced for adult dogs at maintenance. The objectives were 1) to evaluate the effects of the novel carbohydrate sources on total apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD), fecal microbiota, and fermentative end-product concentrations and 2) to evaluate the effects of novel carbohydrate sources on the postprandial glycemic and insulinemic responses in healthy adult dogs. All diets were well accepted by the dogs and fecal scores remained within the ideal range for all treatments. In terms of ATTD, all diets were well digested by the dogs; WPM had the highest digestibility of dry and organic matter in contrast with dogs fed the other treatments (P < 0.05). Additionally, ATTD of total dietary fiber was highest for WPM (72.6%) in contrast with QU (63.5%) and CON (50.8%) but did not differ from AM (65.7%) and OG (66.6%). Dogs fed AM or OG had greater (P < 0.05) fecal concentrations of total short-chain fatty acids, as well as propionate and butyrate concentrations, than CON. Ancient grain inclusion appears to beneficially shift fecal microbial populations, with increases in relative abundances of butyrogenic bacteria (i.e., members of the Lachnospiraceae family) observed for OG and reductions in Fusobacteriaceae for both AM and OG when compared with CON. Postprandial glycemic and insulinemic responses did not differ among treatments. Together, these data suggest that ancient grains can be included up to 40% of the diet while eliciting beneficial effects on the overall host health without detrimentally affecting nutrient digestibility.  相似文献   

Many aromatic nitro compounds are reduced to the corresponding amines in the rumen by the activity of the rumen flora, and this may influence the effect of such compounds when given orally to ruminants. The dinitrophenol herbicide DNBP (2-(1-methyl-n-propyl)-4,6-dinitrophenol, dinoseb) is a good example of a compound with this property, as DNBP has a methemoglobin-forming effect in ruminants (Frøslie & Karlog 1970). These authors connected this phenomenon with the ruminai metabolism of DNBP, because it is reduced to 6-ANBP (2-(1-methyl-n-propyl)-4-nitro-6-aminophenol), and 6-ANBP successively is reduced to DABP (2-(1-methyl-n-propyl)-4,6-diaminophenol) in the rumen.  相似文献   

After N-balance experiments with broiler hens in the top laying period and the feeding of soybean coarse meal/fish meal protein the protein utilisation values were calculated. The PNu curve and the PEW curve could be described as utilisation values from the N-retention curve (e-function). At an intake of N at which the hen neither decomposed nor retained protein, the utilisation (PNu) for maintenance and egg production was 55.3% and the utilisation of feed protein for egg production 49.4%. Maximum PEW 34.3% could only be ascertained at an N-intake/LW0.67kg of 1500 mg. The corresponding crude protein quota of 18.7 g recommended as crude protein requirement is calculated from this N-quota (xm) and a live weight of the broiler hen of 2804 g. For the same N-quota (xm) and the same live weight of the hens this results in a necessary quota of S-AA of 694 mg per hen and day. Provided the daily feed intake is 145 g and thus the intake of crude protein 18.7 g and that of S-AA 694 mg per hen, the necessary crude protein content of the feed is 130 g per kg original substance and an S-AA concentration which is equivalent to 3.7% of the crude protein (in g/16 g N).  相似文献   

1. An experiment was designed to determine if decreasing excess amino acids in the diets of chicks would improve metabolic efficiency, as indicated by growth rate and food efficiency. 2. Semi-purified diets were fed with crude protein contents of 180 or 230 g/kg. The sources of protein were maize gluten meal, groundnut meal, sesame meal or soya-bean meal. Crystalline amino acids were supplemented to meet all amino acid requirements. 3. The dietary crude protein content had no statistically significant effect on weight gain or food consumption. The probability that the higher protein improved gain per food was 0.06. Protein source had a significant effect on all the responses measured. 4. Decreased concentrations of excess amino acids in chick diets had no favourable effects on weight gain or gain per food. Lower protein diets were more expensive per unit of gain.  相似文献   

Two trials were conducted to evaluate effects of, and interactions between, level and source of fiber in the diet on ruminal environment, microbial protein synthesis, nutrient digestion and flow of digesta through the gastrointestinal tract of multiple-fistulated sheep (trial 1; 4 X 4 Latin square design) and on ruminal, digestive and metabolic characteristics of early-weaned lambs (trial 2; randomized complete block design; 3 periods). All diets tested were pelleted and were formulated to contain either 39% or 25% neutral detergent fiber (NDF), with corncobs or cottonseed hulls (CSH) as the major NDF (roughage) sources. In trial 1, dry-matter (DM) and organic-matter (OM) digestibilities were not different (P greater than .05) among treatments. Digestibility of NDF was higher (P less than .05) with high-fiber. Bacterial N synthesis (g N/kg OM truly digested) was not different (P greater than .05) among treatments. Molar proportion acetate was higher (P less than .05) and molar proportion propionate lower (P less than .05) when sheep were fed high-fiber diets. In trial 2, apparent DM digestibility was higher (P less than .05) for lambs fed diets containing corncobs. Energy digestibility was higher (P less than .05) at the low-fiber level and for lambs fed diets containing corncobs. Apparent NDF digestibility by lambs was higher (P less than .05) at the high-fiber level and for lambs fed diets containing corncobs. Nitrogen retained (percentage of N intake) was higher (P less than .05) for lambs fed diets containing CSH. Ruminal pH and molar proportion acetate were higher (P less than .05) and molar proportion propionate lower (P less than .05) for lambs fed high-fiber diets. Although responses to corncob vs CSH inclusion in high-energy pelleted diets differ, both roughages are effective as fiber sources in sheep diets.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of reducing dietary CP and increasing dietary cellulose concentrations on manure DM, C, N, S, VFA, indole, and phenol concentrations. Twenty-two pigs (105 kg initial BW) were fed diets containing either 14.5 or 12.0% CP, in combination with either 2.5 or 8.7% cellulose. Pigs were fed twice daily over the 56-d study, with feed intake averaging 2.74 kg/d. Feces and urine were collected after each feeding and added to the manure storage containers. Manure storage containers were designed to provide a similar unit area per animal as found in industry (7,393 cm2). Before sampling on d 56, the manure was gently stirred to obtain a representative sample for subsequent analyses. An interaction of dietary CP and cellulose was observed for manure acetic acid concentration, in that decreasing CP lowered acetic acid in pigs fed standard levels of cellulose but increased acetic acid in pigs fed greater levels of cellulose (P = 0.03). No other interactions were noted. Decreasing dietary CP reduced manure pH (P = 0.01), NH4 (P = 0.01), isovaleric acid (P = 0.06), phenol (P = 0.05), and 4-ethyl phenol (P = 0.02) concentrations. Increasing dietary cellulose decreased pH (P = 0.01) and NH4 (P = 0.07) concentration but increased manure C (P = 0.03), propionic acid (P = 0.01), butyric acid (P = 0.03), and cresol (P = 0.09) concentrations in the manure. Increasing dietary cellulose also increased manure DM (P = 0.11), N (P = 0.11), and C (P = 0.02) contents as a percentage of nutrient intake. Neither cellulose nor CP level of the diet affected manure S composition or output as a percentage of S intake. Headspace N2O concentration was increased by decreasing dietary CP (P = 0.03) or by increasing dietary cellulose (P = 0.05). Neither dietary CP nor cellulose affected headspace concentration of CH4. This study demonstrates that diets differing in CP and cellulose content can significantly impact manure composition and concentrations of VFA, phenol, and indole, and headspace concentrations of N(2)O, which may thereby affect the environmental impact of livestock production on soil, air, and water.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effect of high or low digestible energy ratio of carbohydrate in a high or normal dietary energy density on performance, amino acid utilization and intestinal functions of weaned piglets. A total of 32 healthy weaners (9.60 ± 0.13 kg) were allocated to two dietary energy densities (3,400 and 3,800 kcal/kg) and two digestible energy ratio of carbohydrate to fat (9:1 and 3:1) in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement. There were eight piglets per treatment. The feed intake of piglets was significantly increased by dietary high carbohydrate ratio (9:1) (p < 0.01); however, this did not result in improved body weight gain (p > 0.05). The piglets fed high carbohydrate energy ratio had a reduced villus height/crypt depth (VH/CD) ratio in the duodenum (p < 0.05), and dietary high energy density further decreased the VH/CD ratio in the ileum (p < 0.01). In the duodenum, the lymphocyte count was increased by dietary high energy density (p < 0.05), while dietary energy density and carbohydrate energy ratio interacted to increase lymphocyte count in the ileum (p < 0.05). The serum cholesterol, triglyceride and low‐density lipoprotein were not significantly affected (p > 0.05), but dietary energy density interacted with dietary energy ratio to increase high‐density lipoprotein concentration (p < 0.05) in piglets fed reduced carbohydrate energy ratio. Dietary high energy density reduced energy digestibility (p < 0.05), whereas high carbohydrate energy ratio increased crude protein digestibility in the piglets (p < 0.05). The intestinal sucrase, lactase activities and serum concentrations of histidine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, alanine, glycine, tyrosine and citrulline were higher in the piglets fed dietary increased carbohydrate energy ratio. Oxidative stress markers and volatile fatty acids concentrations were altered by the dietary treatments. It was concluded that dietary high energy density could be detrimental to piglets intestinal functions and that increased carbohydrate energy ratio could affect amino acid utilization and body weight gain in weaner pigs.  相似文献   

Protein utilization data were established in N balance trials with lactating sows fed various dietary proteins. The data obtained were compared with the amino acid indices of the dietary proteins and regression equations were established for the relations existing between these data. Additionally, simple and multiple regressions were calculated for relationships between the levels of N balance and the levels of crude protein intake, digestible crude protein, lysine per kg of milk production or lysine and all the other essential amino acids per 10 g of milk N. A relation was found between the level of daily lysine intake and all the other essential amino acids and the level of productive N utilization.  相似文献   

The effects of decreasing levels of rumen degradable protein (RDP) and nonstructural carbohydrate (NSC) (Diet 1: 74% RDP and 38% NSC; Diet 2: 57% RDP and 32% NSC; Diet 3: 48% RDP and 23% NSC) were studied in cannulated sheep. Total volatile fatty acid (VFA) content rose in response to increasing NSC content. The molar ratio of acetate to propionate was the narrowest for Diet 1. Ruminal concentrations of ammonia and urea increased in response to the rising level of RDP. Flow of organic matter (OM) to the duodenum was increased for Diet 3, which resulted in the lowest apparent and true ruminal digestion of OM. Duodenal flow of total nitrogen (N) increased as RDP content decreased. The highest quantity of undegraded feed protein in duodenal digesta was measured in sheep fed Diet 3. Microbial N flow and microbial efficiency were unaffected by the diets. These results indicate that an NSC level lower than 25% and an RDP content lower than 50% did not exert any negative effect on microbial N production. This phenomenon supports the theory that if the level of RDP is lowered with a concomitant decrease in NSC, uncoupled fermentation cannot be observed.  相似文献   

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