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1.持证生产经营国家规定 ,野生动物驯化繁殖要办理野生动物驯养许可证 ,即使已经驯化成家养的特种经营动物的饲养 ,也应办理野生动物生产经营许可证。人工饲养果子狸 ,必须向当地县林业局申请办理野生动物生产经营许可证。运输时要在县林业局办理运输许可证 ,在县防疫站办理检疫证明。四证齐全方属合法生产经营和合法运输 ,否则属于违法行为。2.防止野生果子狸流入市场各级林业部门在给申请办理果子狸驯养生产经营许可证时 ,必须有种源场家的驯养生产经营许可证的复印件和出场证明、发票等证据 ,证明来自正规饲养场 ,无正确来源的果子狸一律…  相似文献   

根据《野生动物保护法》的规定 ,任何单位和个人驯养野生动物 ,都必须向当地林业部门申办《野生动物驯养许可证》。经营加工者(如加工标本、野味食品和鲜活产品等)还要办理《野生动物经营许可证》 ,并按相应法规缴纳少量的野生动物资源保护管理费。如对外经营 ,还需持上述两证 ,到工商行政管理部门办理营业执照。若开办种禽、种畜场 ,需到畜牧部门办《种禽生产许可证》或《种畜生产许可证》。合法养殖与经营野生动物@晓红  相似文献   

正全面整顿野生动物人工繁育和经营利用从业机构,依法清理许可证件及文书。各级林业和草原主管部门要对本区域所有以食用为目的从事野生动物人工繁育、经营利用的机构,开展一次彻底的检查整顿。对违法从事野生动物人工繁育、经营利用活动的机构,依法加重处罚;对取得人工繁育许可证,以食用为目的从事陆生野生动物人工繁育的,须撤回并注销所核发的人工繁育许可证件或文书,并一律停止为食用目的出售、运输野生动物等活动;对从业  相似文献   

<正>山东临沂的读者给本刊打来电话:想搞特禽养殖,现咨询一下需要办哪些手续以及如何办理特禽养殖证?本刊答复:一、申办特禽养殖需要哪些证件需要办理的证据有:工商营业执照、野生动物驯养繁殖许可证和野生动物经营许可证。那么,这些证件要到哪些部  相似文献   

1.要看企业的证件是否齐全。一般卖种的单位要有种畜禽经营许可证,公司要有营业执照,兽药要有兽药经营许可证,特种动物要有野生动物驯养繁殖许可证等。  相似文献   

陕西省实行野生动物经营加工许可证制度周西平对野生动物及其产品的经营加工实行许可证制度.是《野生动物保护法》实施过程中的一项工作,也是保护和发展野生动物资源的重要措施.陕西省已在部分地区试行这一制度多年,并准备在全省范围内全面推行。本文拟在这一制度全面...  相似文献   

在党的十五大报告中,江总书记明确指出,“积极发展农业产业化经营,形成生产、加工、销售有机结合和相互促进的机制.推进农业向商品化、专业化、现代化转移”。江总书记的报告,指出了农业产业化经营的发展思路和工作目标,对推动农业产业化经营发展有重要的指导意义。一、发展现状据对28个省(市)的调查,目前龙头组织与农户有各种利益联结关系的产业化组织1.18万个,其中龙头组织带动型0.54万个,占45%;市场带动型0.15万个,占13%;中介组织带动型0.34万个,占29%;其他类型0.15万个,占13%。按产业分,种植业产业化组织0.…  相似文献   

马任骝  王瑞琦 《中国家禽》2003,25(20):36-36
1禁食野生珍禽,保护禽种资源据中国野生动物保护协会公布的一项调查表明,近年来,食用、经营野生动物的现象有所蔓延,一些地方滥捕、滥食野生动物正在形成一种风气,十分令人担忧。据调查,共发现吃食野生动物的种类有53种之多,其中鸟类就有21种,占39.62%。除鸵鸟、蓝孔雀、环颈雉  相似文献   

手机号为130xxxx0205的读者问:在什么情况下,可以养殖野生动物? 答:对于农民来说.养殖的目的主要是为了发展经济.所以应当选择有比较稳定的市场.国家允许产品加工、经营的种类:对于野生动物管理部门来说.农民的养殖活动能够符合以下两点.一般都是允许的:养殖的动物是国家政策允许或正在推广养殖的种类。如鹿、蓝孔雀、鸵鸟这类传统养殖或外来的:饲养的种源是合法取得的。一般是指从具有林业部门发给的“野生动物驯养繁殖许可证”或“野生动物经营许可证”的养殖场购买的。  相似文献   

据商务部监测.10月27日至11月2日这一周.全国36个大中城市重点监测食用农产品价格较前1周(下同)下跌0.5%。57种主要商品中,价格周环比下跌的有35种.占61.4%;持平的有3种,占5.3%:上涨的有19种.占33.3%。  相似文献   

This study investigated the ecological distribution of zoonotic bacterial pathogen, Campylobacter, in mixed crop–livestock (MCL) farms compared to conventional farms and their products at pre‐ and post‐harvest levels. A total of 222 Campylobacter isolates were identified. At pre‐harvest level, a total of 1287 samples from seven MCL farms, four conventional poultry farms, four organic produce‐only and five conventional produce‐only farms from Maryland and the DC metropolitan area were analysed from 2012 to 2014. Campylobacter was detected in 11.16% and 3.6% of MCL and conventional farm samples, respectively, but none from produce‐only farm samples. Tetracycline resistance was observed in 51.02% of MCL farm isolates but none among conventional farm isolates. For post‐harvest analysis, a total of 1281 food products from seven farmers markets, three organic retail supermarkets and three conventional retail supermarkets were collected from the same area. Campylobacter was isolated in 87.5%, 71.43% and 33.33% of whole chicken carcasses in farmers markets, organic and conventional retail supermarkets, respectively. No Campylobacter was detected in post‐harvest produce samples due in part to the inability of Campylobacter to survive in absence of sufficient water activity. Overall, this study reveals public health concerns regarding the MCL farm environment and their products that are sold in retail and farmers markets.  相似文献   

猪细环病毒1型是近年来发现的又一种环状DNA病毒,可能存在潜在致病作用。为了初步了解其流行情况,用PCR技术和ELISA技术对来自京津冀、华东与华南地区578头保育猪血清样品进行了检测。结果显示,猪细环病毒1型的核酸与抗体的猪场阳性率均为100%;核酸阳性率为73.88%,抗体阳性率为78.72%,二者之间无显著差异(P>0.05)。进一步分析发现,猪细环病毒1型的核酸阳性率和抗体阳性率都超过50%的猪场达到86.67%,都超过80%的占53.33%。调查结果表明,猪细环病毒1型感染在我国部分地区普遍流行,其在多数猪场的感染率很高。  相似文献   

Subclinical pneumonia is common in production lambs, and causes reductions in growth rate. We selected farms from meat-inspection records of three New Zealand abattoirs from December 2000 to May 2001 to study risk factors for flocks having ≥3% of their lambs with ≥10% of the lung surface with lesions, compared to flocks with a zero lamb-level prevalence of such pneumonia. A questionnaire of management practices was mailed to participating managers of case and control farms and we received responses from 132/192 (69%) cases and 181/300 (60%) in control farms. Risk factors for case farms were shearing lambs on the day of weaning (OR 6.4), breeding ewe replacements on-farm (OR 4.0), and the percentage of lambs sold between March and May (OR 1.0 for <23% sold (reference category), OR 3.9 for 23–42% sold, OR 2.7 for 43–64% sold, OR 4.3 for >64% sold). Protective factors included: grazing lambs at a fixed stocking rate after weaning (OR 0.4), injecting lambs with vitamin B12 at the time of docking (OR 0.4), and at the time of weaning (OR 0.3). Path analysis was used to show important associations between risk and protective factors differentiated according to time (e.g. before and after birth, at weaning and during growth on pasture). Flocks breeding their own ewe replacements were more likely to shear lambs at weaning, were less likely to buy lambs post-weaning and more likely to have ill-thrift present in >5% of lambs post-weaning. The purchase of lambs post-weaning was indirectly associated with greater odds of pneumonia at slaughter.  相似文献   

对内蒙古鄂尔多斯市东胜区及其周边3个旗的50家超市和小卖店的预包装儿童食品品牌、品种进行了调查分析。结果显示,该市儿童食品品牌多达169个,品种达222种。其中,营养补充类品牌49个(29.0%),品种61种(27.5%);纯粹休闲类品牌120个(71.0%),品种161种(72.5%),且大多属于"垃圾食品"。鄂尔多斯市东胜区在售的儿童食品品牌124个(62.3%),品种180种(59.4%),其他3个旗合计有75个品牌(37.7%),123个品种(59.4%),说明地区经济文化发展水平不同,儿童食品的种类以及档次也存在差异。该次调查的产品包装和标签信息均较为全面,且有QS标识,虽较往年规范了许多,但其品质是否合格尚需进行专业的检验。  相似文献   

为了监测我国规模化猪场伪狂犬病病毒(Pseudorabies virus,PRV)野毒感染情况,本研究采用伪狂犬g E抗体ELISA检测试剂盒对2012年2月~2017年7月送检的我国11个省份925个规模化猪场的44809份猪血清样品进行PRV野毒抗体检测。结果显示,925个猪场中有508个野毒阳性猪场,占检测猪场总数的54.91%,检出9153份阳性猪血清,平均阳性率为20.42%。其中种猪的野毒感染情况最明显,检出率较高,阳性率为23.19%;育肥猪的阳性检出率最低为17.22%。调查表明,我国规模化猪场猪群中仍存在PRV野毒感染。同时,本调查分析了不同地区、不同日龄猪的PRV野毒感染情况及该病的流行趋势,为我国伪狂犬病的净化提供思路。  相似文献   

Wildlife harbor a variety of Campylobacter spp. and may play a significant role in the transmission of Campylobacter to livestock. Although studies have been conducted on wildlife-associated Campylobacter isolates from farms in other countries, there are little data available for livestock farms in the United States. In addition, the critical questions of whether wildlife harbor Campylobacter that is pathogenic to ruminants and/or antibiotic-resistant Campylobacter have yet to be addressed. We captured wild small mammals (n=142) and small birds (n=188) at livestock farms in central Iowa and sampled them for thermophilic Campylobacter during autumn 2009, spring 2010, and autumn 2010. Overall prevalence was 4.79%, with isolates found only in wild birds. Molecular typing revealed four multilocus sequence types (STs), three of which are novel. The remaining ST (ST-806) was found in two house sparrows and is an ST previously associated with ruminant abortion cases. Further analysis of ST-806 wild bird and ruminant abortion isolates by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, resistance gene location, and antibiotic susceptibility tests indicated that the isolates are nearly identical. This is the first account of isolation of Campylobacter types from wild birds that are known to be pathogenic to ruminants. Furthermore, these same two wild bird isolates are resistant to the antibiotic fluoroquinolone. Our results indicate there is an overall low prevalence of Campylobacter in selected wildlife in Iowa, but suggest that wildlife may play a role in the epidemiology of pathogenic Campylobacter for domestic livestock, and may also serve as a reservoir for antibiotic-resistant Campylobacter.  相似文献   

Proven mastitis control procedures are available, but few studies have documented their rates of use on commercial dairy farms. This paper presents the results of a mail questionnaire on the use of mastitis control procedures and sources of information on mastitis control, which were administered in December 1981 and again in February 1984 to 213 Minnesota dairy farmers. Sources of information about mastitis control were also determined for the surveyed farms. Response rates to the questionnaire were 56.8% in 1981 and 51.2% in 1984. Herd average milk and butterfat production were higher and somatic cell counts lower on responder's farms than non-responders'. Teat dipping was practiced by approximately 75% of farmers responding to the questionnaire in both years. However, only about one third of respondents used teat dips containing effective disinfectants. Approximately 93% of respondents used dry period therapy (DPT) but less than one half of them treated all quarters of all cows at drying off and approximately one third of them complied with the recommended infusion practices. A combination of effective DPT and teat disinfection practices was used by approximately 15% of respondents in both years of the survey. Segregation of mastitic cows occurred on approximately 40% of respondent farms and milking machine function was checked at least annually on 50%. Participation in routine veterinary reproductive health programs was 51.2% in 1981 and 61.5% in 1984. In contrast, regular veterinary input for mastitis control was received by <5% of respondents in both years of the survey. Veterinarians were, however, identified by respondents as the most useful source of information on mastitis control.  相似文献   

旨在了解呼和浩特地区牛乳及其乳制品中兽药残留现状。采用现场调查、问卷调查等方法,调查了65家经销奶产品超市及60家奶产品特产经销店乳制品的销售情况,调查了139名呼和浩特市市民对牛乳及其乳制品的食用情况;调查了35个牛场驻场兽医及10名相关专家在临床上的兽药使用现状。采用回顾性调查方法,调查了2014—2015年内蒙古有关权威部门采用LC-MS-MS、ELISA等方法对呼和浩特地区370份牛乳进行兽药残留检测的结果。采用HPLC方法,检测了呼和浩特地区74份牛乳制品样本中的兽药残留。调查结果显示,呼和浩特市被调查的对象中96.41%的消费者食用牛乳及其乳制品,56.11%的消费者关注乳制品中兽药残留问题;呼和浩特地区牛乳总销量的94.46%来自于呼和浩特地区奶牛场,5.54%来自于其他地区;94.44%的牛场有专职兽医;20%的被调查牛场有超量使用兽药的情况,85.71%的被调查牛场有用药记录,94.29%的被调查牛场严格执行兽药休药期;100%的牛场对所产牛乳进行抗菌药物检测;目前呼和浩特地区兽医临床最常用的4种抗菌药物分别为青霉素、氨苄西林、阿莫西林及头孢噻呋,其他有庆大霉素、甲硝唑等。实验室检测结果显示,呼和浩特地区2014—2015年生产的牛乳中兽药残留均为阴性,市售乳制品样本中亦未检出残留。呼和浩特各辖区生产、流通的牛乳及其乳制品均符合动物性食品中兽药最高残留限量要求。  相似文献   

Giardiasis and cryptosporidiosis are parasitic infections of humans, domestic animals, and wildlife. In cattle, direct transmission through the contamination of barns and/or pasture appears to be the principal mode of infection. In Canada there is only one study reported in the literature on the prevalence of giardiasis and one study on the prevalence of cryptosporidiosis. These studies were done in Alberta and Manitoba, respectively. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of Giardia spp. and Cryptosporidium spp. infections in dairy farms in Québec. Calves were sampled from 505 dairy farms. We are reporting that 45.7% of the farms were found to be positive for Giardia spp. and 88.7% were infected with Cryptosporidium spp.  相似文献   

孟沙  黄海魁  李志 《野生动物》2007,28(1):27-32
从1988年到现在,在野生动物及养熊场方面,已有1个法律、2个条例和至少5个以上的管理规章颁布实施,特别是1992年禁止对熊产品的进出口、1993年《猎枪和弹药工具的管理规定》以及《熊养殖管理技术暂行规定》的出台对养熊业和其资源保护产生了较大的影响;在法律法规执行方面、养熊场和野生动物及其产品贸易控制方面,政府管理部门采取了多项行动。从调查数据和野生动物肇事问题的增多方面可以看出黑熊野生种群数量在上升:通过关闭不符合国家相关规定如卫生条件、健康、技术和活动场所的养熊场等管理措施,使黑熊养殖场由原来的480家降到了现在的68家;活熊取胆技术也得到了较大改进,原来的导管式、铁背心引流技术已被现在的无管引流技术所取代,过去较小的笼养方式现在也得到了较大改善成为较大活动空间的养殖等。经过十多年的努力,熊养殖及其资源保护的进步趋势已经明显表现出来。尽管如此,野生黑熊在较多地区损害庄稼、伤人甚至导致人死亡的事件经常发生。政府管理部门面临着越来越多的动物肇事补偿问题,特别是,作为123种药品的生产原料并涉及到183家制药企业的熊胆粉供给问题。  相似文献   

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