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Effects of benomyl on incidence of pathogens affecting the culm base of rye were studied in field trials and growth chamber experiments. Spraying of the crop with the fungicide at a high dosage (2.4 kg.ha–1) resulted in a tenfold increase of sharp eyespot caused byRhizoctonia cerealis and reduced foot rot symptoms caused by fusaria by 50%. In a field trial at a low dosage (0.24 kg.ha–1) a slight increase of sharp eyespot was observed. In one year, probably because of wet conditions during the infection period, sharp eyespot did not occur in either benomyl-treated or untreated plots, but eyespot caused byPseudocercosporella herpotrichoides was abundant. Its occurrence was reduced from 74% affected culm bases in untreated plots to 8% and 1% in plots that received 0.24 and 2.4 kg.ha–1 of the fungicide, respectively.In growth chambers seedlings were grown in two sandy soils inoculated withR. cerealis. The soil was kept dry at about 35% of the moisture holding capacity. In plots with benomyl (1 mg.kg–1; moisture content 11% of fresh weight), fewer seedlings emerged than in plots without the fungicide. This result was highly significant (P<0.01) for one soil but not for the other. The number of seedlings that remained free of disease symptoms was higher (P<0.01) in untreated than in fungicide-treated plots of both soils.Isolates of pathogens obtained from diseased culms were tested for their sensitivity to benomyl. Growth of all of them includingR. cerealis was inhibited, although not always completely suppressed, at 10 g.ml–1 on potato-dextrose agar. ED50 values of most isolates ofR. cerealis were between 2.2 and 3.1 g.ml–1. The fungus was slightly but consistently less sensitive thanF. culmorum. Mycelial growth ofF. nivale was appreciably more sensitive than that of the otherFusarium spp. from cereals.P. herpotrichoides andF. nivale were the most sensitive pathogens tested with ED50 values of <1 g.ml–1. Accordingly,F. nivale was absent on culms from treated plots. In a growth chamber experiment, seedlings were protected from infection by supplying the fungicide (1 mg.kg–1) to previously inoculated soil.In a laboratory assay the effect of benomyl on microbial antagonism toR. cerealis was estimated for rhizosphere soil. Enhanced incidence of sharp eyespot in treated crops was associated with adverese effects of the fungicide on microbial antagonism. There is presumptive evidence thatR. cerealis is suppressed by bacteria after wet periods during the vegetation period of the crop and by fungi after dry periods. Only fungal antagonism, which may be less effective, is affected by benomyl. The response to benomyl of the microflora in different soils varied. Reasons for this inconsistency are suggested.Samenvatting In veldproeven en in een klimaatkamer werd de invloed van benomyl op het optreden van voetziekten in rogge onderzocht. In veldjes die bespoten waren met een hoge dosis van het fungicide (in totaal 2.4 kg.ha–1) bleken tienmaal zoveel halmen met scherpe oogvlekken, veroorzaakt doorRhizoctonia cerealis, voor te komen dan in onbespoten veldjes. Daarentegen was voetrot veroorzaakt doorFusarium-soorten met 50% verminderd. In een volgende veldproef, waarbij een voor de praktijk geadviseerde dosis (0.24 kg.ha–1) was toegepast, werd een lichte toename van scherpe oogvlekken waargenomen.In een ander jaar trad scherpe oogvlekkenziekte in het geheel niet op, ook niet in met benomyl behandelde veldjes. De vochtige omstandigheden tijdens de infectieperiode zijn daarvan waarschijnlijk de oorzaak. Daarentegen werd de oogvlekkenziekte, welke doorPseudocercosporella herpotrichoides werd veroorzaakt, veel aangetroffen. In de onbehandelde veldjes waren 74% van de halmen aangetast tegen 8 en 1% in de veldjes die met het fungicide waren behandeld in doseringen van 0.24 en 2.4 kg.ha–1.De invloed van het fungicide op de aantasting van kiemplanten werd in klimaatkamerproeven onderzocht. Daartoe werden twee zandgronden metR. cerealis geënt. De grond werd droog gehouden (op 35% van het waterhoudend vermogen). In grond met fungicide (1 mg.kg–1) was de opkomst minder dan in grond zonder fungicide. Dit was zeer significant (P<0.01) voor één van de beide zandgronden, maar niet voor de andere. Het aantal gezonde kiemplanten was in beide gevallen duidelijk hoger (P<0.01) voor de onbehandelde grond.De isolaten van ziekteverwekkers uit aangetaste halmen werden op hun gevoeligheid voor het fungicide getoetst. Op aardappel-glucoseagar werden alle isolaten in hun groei geremd bij een benomyl-concentratie van 10 g.ml–1.R. cerealis was iets minder gevoelig danF. culmorum. Voor het overgrote deel van de isolaten vanR. cerealis lag de ED50 waarde tussen 2,2 en 3,1 g.ml–1. De myceliumgroei vanF. nivale werd meer geremd dan die van de andereFusarium-soorten.P. herpotrichoides enF. nivale waren met een ED50 waarde van <1 g.m.–1 de gevoeligste pathogenen die uit de halmvoeten werden geïsoleerd. Dat de populatie vanF. nivale in benomylhoudende grond wordt onderdrukt, blijkt uit (1) het feit dat de schimmel niet voorkwam op halmen uit behandelde veldjes en (2) de bescherming tegen infectie van kiemplanten als aan de besmette grond fungicide (1 mg.kg–1) was toegevoegd.In laboratoriumproeven werd de invloed van benomyl op het microbiële antagonisme in rhizosfeergrond tegenR. cerealis bepaald. Een toename in het optreden van scherpe oogvlekkenziekte in behandelde gewassen bleek gepaard te gaan met een remming van het antagonisme tegen de ziekteverwekker. Er zijn sterke aanwijzingen datR. cerealis na vochtige perioden tijdens de vegetatieperiode door bacteriën wordt onderdrukt en na droge perioden door schimmels. Het antagonisme van de laatste groep lijkt minder effectief te zijn en alleen dit antagonisme wordt door benomyl verlaagd. Tenslotte wordt een mogelijke oorzaak aangegeven voor de ongelijke respons op het fungicide van het microbieel antagonisme in verschillende gronden.  相似文献   

The effects of two herbicides, glyphosate (as a 359 g litre?1 SL) and hexazinone (as a 50gkg?1 granule) on soil microbial population, carbon dioxide evolution, and in-vitro growth of five species of ectomycorrhizal fungi were investigated. Glyphosate at 0–54 and 3.23 kg a.i. ha?1 and hexazinone at 1. 2 and 8 kg a.i. ha?1 did not reduce soil microbial population or carbon dioxide evolution in the long term (6 months). However, there was a significant short-term (2 months) effect of glyphosate on both fungal and bacterial counts at the 0.54 kg ha?1 treatment. In in-vitro tests, Cenococcum graniforme. Hebeloma crustuliniforme and Laccaria laccata were more susceptible to both herbicides than was Suillus tomentosus. which was, in turn, more susceptible than Paxillus involutus. The growth of all five ectomycorrhizal fungi was significantly reduced when subjected to concentrations above 50 μl formulation litre?1 (glyphosate) or 50 μg formulation litre?1 (hexazinone).  相似文献   

Strobilurins, broad-spectrum fungicides used to control various diseases, may also inhibit the growth of nontarget fungi in the natural environment. Acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM) is a plant activator; however, the effect of ASM on the growth of microflora on the leaf surface is not clear yet. ASM, strobilurins and other fungicides were sprayed on Japanese pear and cucumber plants in the field. Variations in the morphological characteristics and rDNA-ITS nucleotide sequence of isolated phylloplane fungi were evaluated. The isolation frequency of Alternaria spp., Aureobasidium spp., Cladosporium spp. and Myrothecium spp. on Japanese pear leaves treated with kresoxim-methyl and polycarbamate was lower than on nontreated pear leaves. Moreover, the frequency of Alternaria spp., Cladosporium spp., Epicoccum spp. and Fusarium spp. on leaves of two cucumber cultivars treated with azoxystrobin, triflumizole and mancozeb was lower than the frequency of fungal isolation on nontreated cucumber leaves. The effect of ASM on fungal isolation frequency was not significantly different from that on nontreated pear or cucumber leaves. The fungal genera observed and isolation frequency on the leaves treated with polycarbamate, azoxystrobin, triflumizole and mancozeb tended to be reduced compared to the no-spray treatment.  相似文献   

The application of a granular formulation of sodium azide (Smite 8G), to pine nursery beds at rates of 0, 22.4, 67.2 and 134.5 kg active ingredient ha?1 under water seal or plastic seal, was compared over a 1-year period with methyl bromide, applied at a rate of 650 kg ha?1, to determine the effects of soil bacterial populations, soil enzymic activities, development of mycorrhizal roots, weed population and incidence of root diseases. Bacterial populations at 24 days after treatment had increased in proportion to the amount of sodium azide added; however, highest numbers of bacteria were recorded from the methyl bromide-treated plot. At the last sampling date no significant differences were observed in bacterial populations among treatments. Neither sodium azide nor methyl bromide caused permanent changes in soil enzymic activities or adversely affected mycorrhizal root development on pine seedlings. Sodium azide at 134.5 kg ha?1 and methyl bromide both significantly decreased the number of Cyperus spp. plants in plots; however, the number of pine seedlings exhibiting a root disease was highest in plots receiving these treatments.  相似文献   

Samples of onion (Allium cepa L.) seeds were obtained from seven regions in Turkey. The seed coat, embryo and endosperm were cultured, the seedborne fungi were determined and their transmission to onion sets was investigated in both sterile and field soils. Among the fungi determined,Aspergillus alutaceus Berk, and Curt.,Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill.,Cladosporium cladosporioides (Fres.) de Vries,Geotrichum sp.,Humicola fuscoatra Traaen,Trichoderma harzianum Rifai andT. pseudokoningii Rifai in onion seeds, andFusarium culmorum (W.G.Sm.) Sacc,F. graminearum Schwabe andF. sambucinum Fuckel in onion sets, were recorded for the first time.Aspergillus niger v. Tieghem was found at the highest rate in seed samples (especially in the seed coat), and in bulbs and roots of onion sets that developed from these seeds, whether in sterile or field soil.Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht was isolated at a higher rate from onion sets grown in sterile or field soil, than from seeds.F. acuminatum Ellis and Everhart,F. sambucinum, F. equiseti (Corda) Sacc. andF. graminearum were isolated only from onion sets grown in sterile soil. In dual culture tests, theseFusarium isolates were inhibited byA. niger and thus, exceptfor F. oxysporum, could not develop in agar plate. TheFusarium spp. appeared in onion-sets grown in sterile soil and were inhibited by other fungi in field soil. It was concluded that all fungi were seedborne and thatA. niger andFusarium spp., but not the other fungi, were transmitted from the seeds to onion sets.A. niger andF. oxysporum were also transmitted through the soil.  相似文献   

The effect of a granular formulation of sodium azide, applied annually to pine nursery beds at rates of 0, 67.2, and 134.5 kg a. i. ha?1 under water seal or plastic seal, on soil fungal populations was determined over a 3-year period. Populations of fungi in the soil decreased following application of the sodium azide each year; the greatest decrease occurred at the highest rate of application. Populations of fungi in soil treated with the azide generally remained lower than in the controls throughout each of the 3 years; however, the population disparity between treated and control plots decreased in magnitude with each succeeding year. Populations of Trichoderma spp., in plots treated with 134.5 kg sodium azide ha?1, increased 2 weeks after treatment each year, and the population peaks increased in magnitude each year. In addition the effect of sodium azide (technical grade > 99%) at concentrations of 0, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 μg ml?1 in potato dextrose agar and blackstrap molasses agar media was determined in vitro for 14 isolates of Trichoderma harzianum. Growth and sporulation differed among the isolates and between the two media tested. Generally, the azide temporarily inhibited growth of the fungi, but the majority of the isolates were able to grow on either medium containing 50 μg sodium azide ml?1, although sporulation was more profuse on the molasses than on the potato dextrose agar medium.  相似文献   

Fungal and oomycete communities in symptomatic roots, crowns and lower stem tissues of field pea plants from sites across the Canadian prairies were characterized using plate culture and sequence-based identification. Symptomatic plants were sampled at the mid-flowering stage from a total of 21 fields in 2014 and 2015. Fungi and oomycete species were isolated on agar medium and grouped into operational taxonomic groups (OTU) based on their morphology. From the OTUs, 40 fungal and oomycete species were identified according to translation elongation factor-1 alpha or ITS sequences. Fusarium spp. accounted for more than 60 % of total isolations. The fungal communities were similar in roots and crowns, but differed from communities in lower stems. In 2014, the most prevalent fungi isolated from roots were F. avenaceum, F. solani and F. redolens, but F. solani was dominant in 2015. In crown tissues, F. avenaceum was most prevalent in 2014 but F. solani was more prevalent in 2015. Stem tissues were primarily colonized by Peyronellaea spp. (= Ascochyta / Phoma spp.) and Alternaria spp. in 2014, but there was a drastic decrease in Peyronellaea spp. in 2015. This study indicated that climate, primarily precipitation levels, and local edaphic characteristics may play a profound role in the structure of phytopathogen communities associated with the root and foot rot diseases complex of field pea on the Canadian prairies.  相似文献   

Data from surveys of winter wheat fields in the period 1974–1986 and of seed lots in the period 1962–1986 and identifications of diseases on plant samples were compiled to describe the occurrence of snow mould (Monographella nivalis) andFusarium spp. On average,M. nivalis dominated overFusarium spp. The complex ofFusarium spp. constituted mainly ofF. culmorum, followed byF. avenaceum andF. graminearum. M. nivalis was dominant in May on stem-bases and in July on leaves and leaf sheaths. On seedsM. nivalis predominated only in years with low temperatures in July and August.Average brown footrot infection in the field was 4% tillers in May and 5% culms in July. Brown footrot intensity in July was high in cropping seasons with high precipitation in October and with low temperatures in October, November and December. In July during the early eighties, an average of 8% of leaves and 6% of flag leaf sheaths were infected byM. nivalis. Average ear blight incidence was 1.2% glumes infected. Seed contamination by these pathogens averaged 16% in the years 1962–1986. The contamination was high in years with high precipitation in June, July and August. Aspects of cv. resistance and yield loss are illustrated.  相似文献   

The following herbicides were applied annually from 1963 to experimental plots of appropriate crops grown in monoculture: MCPA 1.7 kg ha?1, triallate 1.7 kg ha?1, simazine 1.7 kg ha?1 and linuron 0.84 kg ha?1 (applied twice per year). Before the eighth treatment in 1970, nutrient status, pH and growth in greenhouse tests of a range of plants were similar in soils from treated and control plots. There were no significant differences in yield when several test crops were grown in the field plots in 1977. In a similar experiment which ran for 6 years, the same herbicides were applied twice per year at twice the above rates on each occasion (three times a year at 1.7 kg ha?1 in the case of linuron) to uncropped plots. Three years after the last treatment, there were no differences in extractable nutrients, pH, soil structure and crop yield on treated or control plots. These results support the conclusion from the main monitoring of the experiments reported elsewhere that annual treatments with these herbicides have had no adverse affect on the soil.  相似文献   

Replant disease is a common phenomenon in asparagus growing in the Netherlands. It is distinct from the decline phenomenon reported from many other asparagus producing area’s. The involvement of autotoxins from root residues of former asparagus crops was evaluated. Residues of aspar agus roots decompose extremely slowly. At two locations, each with fields where asparagus production was terminated 1 and 10 years before, biomass of root residues was 4180 and 11060 kg dw ha?1 after 1 year and 420 and 1140 kg dw ha?1 after 10 years.Although 10-year-old residues were for the greater part decomposed, crude aqueous extracts inhibited root growth of asparagus seedlings significantly and even more of garden cress. In root observation boxes with field soil mixed with non-sterilized or sterilized asparagus root fragments, growth of secondary roots was inhibited. Non-sterilized strawberry roots did not inhibit root growth, suggesting that effects of organic matter were not involved. In a pot experiment, sterilized asparagus root fragments inhibited root growth when added at a rate of 20 g1?1, but not a 2 g1?1 Addition of non-sterilized root fragments strongly inhibited root growth at both levels. This was probably due to simultaneous infection byFusarium oxysporum present in these residues. When an asparagus field is replanted, the amount of root residues left behind in soil after termination of the crop in the previous season is about 2 g dw 1?1, that corresponds to approx. 11000 kg dw ha?1. This level is too low for considering direct growth inhibition by autotoxins as a major factor. Their possible indirect effects are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Fluazifop-butyl, haloxyfop and sethoxydim with adjuvant oil were applied for three successive growing seasons to established strawberries infested with Elymus repens. The weed was virtually eradicated by three applications of haloxyfop (0.8 kg a.e. ha?1) in successive years. A similar effect was given by five applications of haloxyfop (0.4 kg a.e. ha?1) and fluazifop-butyl (1.6 kg AI ha?1) in three growing seasons. Lower rates of haloxyfop and fluazifop-butyl, and a high rate of sethoxydim (1.6 kg AI ha?1) applied five times were less effective, the ground cover of E. repens shoots not being reduced by the end of the experiment although weight of living rhizome was only 10-30% of that on untreated plots. Fruit yields on treated plots generally reflected the level of E. repens control, but there was some evidence of crop phytotoxicity from herbicide treatments. During the experiment E. repens untreated plots increased from about 30-100% ground cover and reduced yield 13, 28 and 68% in successive years compared with weed-free plots.  相似文献   

In 1980, field inoculations withSeptoria tritici were performed on winter wheat cv. Okapi. Leaf necrosis progress curves were established; they were sigmoid and could be transformed into logit lines. There was a great difference in the slope of the logit lines between inoculated plots and non-inoculated controls. The mid-time values varied according to inoculum dosage and post-inoculation humidity treatment. Yields (kg ha?1) and average grain weights (mg grain?1) differed significantly between inoculated and non-inoculated plots, but seldom among inoculation treatments. Decrease of average grain weight completely explained yield loss, which was 878 kg ha?1 or 12% of control (7045 kg ha?1). This crop loss is considerable for a cultivar which is not particularly susceptible. A good correlation was found between the amount of necrosis at development stages DC=75 and 77 and yield depression. The integral of necrosis over time gave a high correlation with loss of kernel weight.  相似文献   

A glasshouse study was conducted to evaluate the effects of different rates (0, 50, 100, 200 and 400 kg ha?1) of nitrogen (N) fertilizer application on the growth, biomass production and N‐uptake efficiency of torpedograss. The growth responses of torpedograss to the N application were significant throughout the observation periods. Torpedograss grown for 60 days obtained the highest total biomass of 23.0 g plant?1 with an application of 200 kg ha?1 N, followed by 20.4 g plant?1 with an application of 100 kg ha?1 N; when it was grown for 90 days a significantly higher biomass of 102.3–106.0 g plant?1 was obtained with the 200–400 kg ha?1 N than the biomass (68.0 g plant?1) obtained with the fertilizer applied at a lower rate. When the torpedograss was grown for 130 days the highest biomass was 230.0 g plant?1 with the 400 kg ha?1 N application, followed by a biomass of 150.0 g plant?1 with the 200 kg ha?1 N application, but the above‐ground shoot in all treatments was over mature for animal food. The ratio of the above‐ground shoot to the underground part increased with the increase in N application up to 400 kg ha?1 during the 90 days after planting (DAP), but the above‐ground shoot biomass was the same with the 200 and 400 kg ha?1 N. The agronomic efficiency of the N application decreased to 5–38 with the increase in N application to 400 kg ha?1, which was less than half the agronomic efficiency with the 200 kg ha?1 N. The agronomic efficiency of N was very low (5–22) during the 60 DAP, which indicated that the N application would not be economically viable in this period for torpedograss as a pasture, and short‐duration plants could be cultivated in torpedograss‐infested fields to minimize weed‐crop competition. The nitrogen concentration (%) in the torpedograss increased with the increase in N application, but N‐uptake efficiency was the opposite and the value was very low with the 400 kg ha?1 N. The above results lead us to conclude that the N application rate of 200 kg ha?1 is the most effective for torpedograss growth.  相似文献   

Various control strategies for Achillea millefolium L. (yarrow) were investigated in a dense stand of the weed at Lincoln College in 1977–1978. In early spring plots were either rotary cultivated or left undisturbed. In late spring, plots of both previous treatments were either left undisturbed, rotary cultivated or sprayed with glyphosate at 1·5 kg ha?1. The whole experiment was rotary cultivated twice 1 week later and sown with Hordeum vulgure L. cv. Zephyr (barley) at 144 kg seed ha?1. MCPA + dicamba at 0·9+0·15 kg ha?1 was applied to half of each plot when the second node was detectable (Zadok 32). Rotary cultivation and glyphosate both substantially reduced the regrowth of A. millefolium but glyphosate reduced regrowth by a greater proportion when applied to undisturbed plants than when applied to plants regenerating after cultivation. Both gave a more than 95% reduction compared to the control (rotary cultivation only at sowing time) in the amount of A. millefolium present in the barley stubble in the autumn. MCPA + dicamba caused seedling mortality but did not affect the numbers of primary shoots from rhizome fragments. The grain yield of the barley increased from 2·91 t ha?1 when A. millefolium was not controlled to 4·23 t ha?1 with good control. The barley yield appeared to be restricted by competition from regenerating A. millefolium and by a nitrogen deficiency induced in some regimes by nitrogen immobilization in decaying rhizomes.  相似文献   


Soil fertility in the Lubumbashi region often proves to be limiting factor for crop production due to their low nutrient reserves. The objective of this work was to evaluate the impact of arbuscular mycorrhizae on phosphorus uptake by maize on Ferralsol. The trial was conducted in pots with 30?kg or 60?kg of P2O5 ha?1 and a control. These three levels of phosphorus were combined or not with arbuscular mycorrhizae. The combinations of 30?kg or 60?kg of phosphorus with the inoculum led to a male flowering of maize at 63 days after semi. Maize treated with 60?kg of phosphorus ha?1 formed very few or almost no blisters in the roots. Cob weight, length, diameter, number of rows and kernel weight varied significantly with phosphorus on both inoculated and uninoculated pots. The inoculated plants had high averages for these yield parameters. Due to the lack of phosphate fertilizer, inoculum alone can be an alternative to phosphorus provided that nitrogen and potassium are added, resulting in small but seed-filled ears compared to the phosphorus-free control without mycorrhizae, which resulted in empty ears. Yield varied significantly with the addition of phosphorus (0.3 to 6.1 tons ha?1) and less significantly with inoculum (3 to 3.7?t ha?1). The combination of treatments showed a significant difference in favour of the 60?kg of phosphorus or 60?kg of phosphorus associated with the inoculum. The highest phosphorus content was obtained on the inoculum treatment alone, which provided 1.4?mg phosphorus?g?1 maize compared to other treatments, which provided 0.69 to 0.71?mg phosphorus?g?1 maize.


采用PDA平板法检测了来自新疆自治区的2个品种的食葵种子带菌情况,并测定了9种不同杀菌剂对食葵种子带菌消毒处理效果和对种子发芽及苗期生长的影响。结果表明,食葵种子表面携带的优势菌群主要为镰孢霉属(Fusarium)、链格孢属(Alternaria)和青霉属(Penicillium),种子内部寄藏真菌主要有链格孢属和曲霉属(As-pergillus),其他分离频率较高的真菌还有根霉属(Rhizopus)和枝孢属(Cladosporium)等;2个食葵品种种子表面携带真菌种类有较大差异,种子内部寄藏真菌种类差异不大。杀菌剂苯醚甲环唑、咯菌腈和咪鲜胺具有良好的种子带菌消毒处理效果。  相似文献   

Roots of rice plants grown in paddy fields in a transplant culture system were collected seven times between 8 and 22 weeks after transplanting, for two crop seasons. Rice seedlings grown in a potting medium amended with the collected roots were significantly shorter than those grown in the same medium either without the addition of the roots or amended with pasteurized, collected roots indicating that seedlings were inhibited by heat-labile microorganisms on the collected rice roots. Ninety-five and 172 pure cultures of Pythium spp. and fungi, respectively, were isolated from the rice roots collected 5 or 7.5 weeks after transplanting in the fields. Among these microorganisms, Pythium aristosporum inhibited seedling growth in greenhouse experiments, and Acremonium sp., Alternaria sp., Epicoccum nigrum, Fusarium sp., Massarina sp., Penicillium spp., Rhinocladiella sp., Stemphylium sp., Trichocladium sp., and several unidentified fungi inhibited seminal root growth in in vitro experiments. These microorganisms might be involved in the inhibition of seedling growth in soils amended with the rice roots collected from the paddy field. Thus, roots of rice plants at the middle stage of growth transplanted into paddy fields can harbor pathogenic or deleterious fungi or Pythium sp(p). The effects of these microorganisms on rice growth in paddy fields are discussed.  相似文献   

The benefits of conservation agriculture (CA) and associated technologies are not equal for all agro ecosystems. This study used a field experiment to examine winter-wheat yield and weeds under conservational and conventional systems in the central region of Spain. The three tillage treatments were conventional tillage (CT), minimum tillage (MT) and no-tillage (NT). The climatic conditions influenced wheat yield, yield components, soil water content and weeds. When the autumn-winter rainfall was abundant and constant (69.7% of annual rainfall), wheat grain yield (4465?kg?ha?1) and yield components (3897?kg?ha?1 of straw biomass and 584.5 ear m?2) were highest. Wheat grain yield was highest with NT: 3549.9?kg?ha?1 (compared to MT: 2955.1?kg?ha?1 and CT: 2950.3?kg?ha?1) and ear number per m2 was significantly lower with MT (332 no ear m?2, compared to 426 and 411.6?ear?m?2 in CT and NT-systems respectively). Soil water content, at earing stage, was the highest in NT (27.36% of soil moisture) while MT showed the lowest content (11.83% of soil moisture). The higher weed measurements (means of 2.557 plants m?2; 1.443 species m?2 and 2.536 g m?2) was with higher annual rainfall (488?mm). Throughout the experiment it was the dominant presence, in MT-wheat plots, of Lolium rigidum Gaudin (with means from 4.87 to 7.71 plants m?2), which reduced the ear number per m2. Our study revealed that in the short term, under semi-arid conditions, only the adoption of NT system (rather than MT) showed economic benefits.  相似文献   

Long‐term research aimed to determine whether narrow row spacing and harvest weed seed destruction, in combination with herbicide use, would be sufficient to drive a Lolium rigidum population to extinction. A trial was run from 1987 to 2013, with treatments including crop row spacings of 9, 18, 27 or 36 cm and crop residue burning or retention. Herbicides were applied to reflect regional practices. The initial trial design was randomised, but treatments were maintained in each plot over the following years. Lolium rigidum seed production at harvest was assessed from 2003 to 2013. Average crop yield was higher in the unburnt plots (1638 kg ha?1) than the burnt plots (1530 kg ha?1) and greater at narrow row spacing, with an average yield of 1658, 1637, 1548 and 1492 kg ha?1 in the 9‐, 18‐, 27‐ and 36‐cm spacings. Lolium rigidum seed at harvest was reduced in the burnt plots (57 seeds m?2) compared with the unburnt plots (297 seeds m?2) and was reduced at narrow row spacing, with an average of 58, 78, 223 and 333 seeds m?2 in the 9‐, 18‐, 27‐ and 36‐cm row spacings. By 2013, L. rigidum seed production was reduced to an average of 0 seeds m?2 in the narrow row spacing, burnt plots.  相似文献   

Field and glasshouse experiments were conducted from 1995 through 1996 to evaluate application timing of asulam (methyl sulfanilylcarbamate) for torpedograss (Panicum repens L.) control in relation to plant age in sugarcane. Above‐ground shoots of torpedograss were completely controlled with asulam at 2–4 kg active ingredient (a.i.) ha?1 applied 60 or 80 days after planting (DAP) in artificially infested pots. But some newly developed rhizome buds survived after asulam application resulting in 1–25 and 76–100% or more regrowth in 60 and 80 DAP‐applied pots, respectively. Whereas the herbicide at 2–4 kg a.i. ha?1 applied within 60 DAP completely controlled above‐ground shoots, applied 80 DAP at 2 kg a.i. ha?1 it did not completely control the weed in the artificially infested field. Regrowth levels were 1–25 and 76–100% or more in 60 and 80 DAP‐applied plots, respectively. Asulam at 2–3 kg a.i. ha?1 applied 20, 40, 60 or 80 DAP in a naturally infested field completely controlled above‐ground shoots and regrowth levels were 76–100 or more, 51–75, 1–25 and 26–50% in these same DAP applied plots, respectively. The herbicide applied at 4 kg a.i. ha?1 caused chlorosis on younger sugarcane leaves (one‐leaf stage), but when applied at 2–3 kg a.i. ha?1, no injury symptoms were shown. The herbicide at 2–4 kg a.i. ha?1 applied within 60 DAP resulted in remarkably higher yield and shoot biomass of sugarcane than that applied 80 DAP. This study suggested that asulam at 2–3 kg a.i. ha?1 should be applied 60 days after planting for the maximum control of torpedograss regrowth and better yield of sugarcane. This study also indicated that torpedograss cannot be completely controlled with a single application of asulam in a naturally infested field because of rhizome fragmentation by cross plowing and distribution of rhizomes into different soil layers that require different times to emerge. The shoots emerging after asulam application could not be controlled. Another study is required to determine the interval between sequential applications of asulam for better control of torpedograss in a naturally infested field.  相似文献   

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