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Dietary phytoestrogens may be involved in the occurrence of chronic diseases. Reliable information on the phytoestrogen content in foods is required to assess dietary exposure and disease risk in epidemiological studies. However, existing analyses have focused on only one class of these compounds in plant-based foods, and there is only little information on foods of animal origin, leading to an underestimation of intake. This is the first comprehensive study of phytoestrogen content in animal food. We have determined the phytoestrogen content (isoflavones: biochanin A, daidzein, formononetin, genistein, and glycitein; lignans: secoisolariciresinol and matairesinol; coumestrol; equol; enterolactone; and enterodiol) in 115 foods of animal origin (including milk and milk-products, eggs, meat, fish, and seafood) and vegetarian substitutes using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) with (13)C-labeled internal standards. Phytoestrogens were detected in all foods analyzed; the average content was 20 microg/100 g of wet weight (isoflavones, 6 microg/100 g; lignans, 6 microg/100 g; equol, 3 microg/100 g; and enterolignans, 6 microg/100 g). In infant soy formula, 19 221 microg/100 g phytoestrogens were detected (compared to 59 microg/100 g in non-soy formula). Our study shows that all foods analyzed contained phytoestrogens and most foods (except for fish, seafood, and butter) contained mammalian phytoestrogens (enterolignans and equol). This is the first comprehensive study of phytoestrogen content of foods of animal origin and will allow for a more accurate estimation of exposure to dietary phytoestrogens.  相似文献   

A method for the determination of polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) in dairy products is described. Fat is extracted from the products by the official AOAC method. The PBB residues are separated from the fatty material by gel permeation chromatography prior to gas-liquid chromatographic (GLC) quantitation. An additional cleanup using petroleum ether elution through a miniature Florisil column is necessary for thin layer chromatographic (TLC) confirmation. Recoveries of PBBs from samples fortified at levels from 0.1 to 0.5 ppm ranged from 94 to 104% with an average of 99%. GLC sensitivity permits the estimation of PBB residue levels as low as 0.007 ppm. Routine TLC confirmation is limited by sensitivity to greater than or equal to 0.2 ppm.  相似文献   

A radioimmunological assay (RIA) to detect chloramphenicol (CAP) residues in eggs, milk, and meat is described. For tissues and other edible products of chloramphenicol-treated animals (chickens, cows, and pigs), the limit of detection is about 200 ng/kg. Residue levels above 1 microgram/kg can easily be quantitated. When highly specific antisera produced in sheep were used, cross-reactivity was insignificant except for metabolites deviating from the parent compound in the acyl side chain only. Thiamphenicol fails to bind to the antisera; hence, it does not interfere with the assay. In the procedure described, the role of cleanup is merely to remove lipids. Thus, skim milk can be analyzed following appropriate dilution without cleanup. The results obtained by RIA were confirmed by gas chromatography with electron capture detection. The new RIA allows rapid, sensitive, and specific screening of large numbers of samples.  相似文献   

牛奶抗生素残留快速检测技术进展及应用现状   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
综述了商品化牛奶中抗生素残留的快速检测方法和试剂盒。主要的检测方法有微生物抑制法和酶联免疫法。微生物抑制法的主要试剂盒有DELVOTEST、CHARM SCIENCE、BRILLIANT BLACK REDUCTION等;以免疫法为基础的主要有β-LACTAMS、DEVLX-PRESS、BETA SCREEN、CHARMⅡASSAY、β-STAR、CHARM-MRL、PENZYM、PARALLUX等。文章列出了这些方法的检测极限,对一些新的检测方法和方向进行了讨论,同时提出了牛奶抗生素残留快速筛选方法的问题和今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

Residues of spinosad in meat, milk, and eggs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Spinosad is an insect control agent that is derived from a naturally occurring soil bacterium and has a high level of activity against insects that infest a variety of crops. Dairy and poultry feeding studies were conducted to determine the magnitude of spinosad residues in animal products that would result from the consumption of typical feed commodities containing residues of spinosad. Dairy cows were dosed for 28 days with spinosad at rates equivalent to 0, 1, 3, and 10 microg/g in the diet. Chicken hens were dosed for 42 days with spinosad at rates equivalent to 0, 0.1, 0.3, 1, and 5 microg/g in the diet. Milk, eggs, and tissue samples were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography and/or immunoassay methods. Spinosad residues occurred in all of the sample types but were lowest in eggs, skim milk, and lean meat and were highest in the fat.  相似文献   

Highly species-specific primers for pork D-loop mtDNA have been designed. Use of these and restrictive PCR amplification conditions has improved a reliable and rapid method for detecting a PCR-amplified 531 bp band from pork. It has been proved useful for detecting both pork meat and fat in meat mixtures, including those dry-cured and heated by cooking. Absence of response in PCR-amplified samples or mixtures from bovine, ovine, chicken, and human was also demonstrated. Furthermore, wild boar and pork samples can be also easily distinguished by a simple AvaII restriction analysis.  相似文献   

Mid-infrared spectroscopy was used to discriminate between pure beef and beef containing 20% w/w of a range of potential adulterants (heart, tripe, kidney, and liver). Spectra were acquired from raw samples and from samples cooked using two different cooking regimes. Chemometric methods (principal component analysis, partial least squares regression, and linear discriminant analysis) applied to the spectra showed that discrimination between the pure and adulterated sample types was possible, irrespective of cooking regime. The cross-validated classification success rate obtained was approximately 97%. Discrimination between all five sample types (pure beef and beef containing one of each of the four adulterants) at each level of cook was also possible, but became more difficult as the cooking level increased.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for the isolation and cleanup of hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and mirex in fats and oils for gas-liquid chromatographic (GLC) analysis. The fat or oil is distributed on unactivated Florisil, and the HCB and mirex are eluted with acetonitrile. The pesticides are then partitioned into petroleum ether. Elution through activated Florisil with methylene chloride-hexane (20+80) is used for the final cleanup. HCB and mirex are then measured by GLC, using the appropriate electron capture conditions with a 15% OV-210 column for HCB and a 3% OV-101 column for mirex. The method demonstrates recoveries greater than 90% for HCB and mirex and allows screening at or below the 0.1 ppm level in fats with a 3 mg fat injection.  相似文献   

An ultraviolet (UV) irradiation-gas-liquid chromatographic (GLC) detection procedure was used to confirm the presence of polybrominated biphenyl (PBB) residues in sample extracts after GLC quantitation. Chromatograms of PBB standard and sample extract solutions showed similar photodecomposition peak patterns dependent on time and intensity of UV irradiation. Confirmation of PBBs in sample extracts by this procedure was possible for any amount detectable by the GLC system employed. Prolonged UV irradiation resulted in complete disappearance of all PBB peaks from the chromatogram, permitting their distinction from background peaks due to extraneous sample material unaffected by UV irradiation.  相似文献   

A collaborative study was conducted to compare automated methods for rapid determination of fat and moisture in meat and poultry products with the official AOAC solvent extraction and forced-air oven methods, respectively. Fourteen products were tested, with fat and moisture contents ranging from 2 to 43% and 44 to 74%, respectively. Eight of the collaborating laboratories analyzed the products by using a moisture/fat analyzer; 4 laboratories used the AOAC methods. Standard deviations for within-laboratory repeatability, between-laboratory reproducibility, and bias for each product indicated that the rapid methods were acceptable. The moisture/fat analyzer methods have been adopted official first action for fat and moisture analyses in meat and poultry products.  相似文献   

A sensitive enzyme immunoassay for cephalexin (CEX) was developed using the rabbit antiserum to CEX, beta-D-galactosidase-labeled CEX, and a double-antibody separation method. The immunogen of CEX was prepared by coupling the amino group of CEX to thiol groups introduced into bovine serum albumin by the use of N-(m-maleimidobenzoyloxy)succinimide as a cross-linker. Highly titered antiserum to CEX was produced in rabbits immunized with the immunogen. Enzyme labeling of CEX with beta-D-galactosidase was done by using N-(gamma-maleimidobutyryloxy)succinimide as the cross-linker. The limit of detection was 30 ng CEX/mL sample solution. Application of the method to CEX drug residues detected 30 ng/mL in milk, 60 ng/g in egg yolk, and 400 ng/g in hen tissue.  相似文献   

Determination of total lipid and lipid subclasses in meat and meat products   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Current interest in physiological and nutritional activities of the sterol, polyunsaturated fatty acid, and polar lipid fractions of meats and other foods indicates that analytical methods for lipids should be evaluated on their ability to recover and quantitate these classes. Current methods of lipid isolation furnish an extract that is dependent on the solvent(s) used, the type of food material, the temperature of extraction, and the relative proportions of the lipid classes present. Extraction with ethers or other relatively nonpolar solvents removes principally the neutral fats and nonpolar lipids. For an approximation of the crude fat content, such extraction is often sufficient, because the nonpolar fraction generally constitutes over 90% of the total lipids present. The polar lipids include the biochemically important (omega-3) and (omega-6) polyunsaturated fatty acid classes; thus, the method of lipid extraction of food products becomes relevant for a more complete and valuable characterization of their nutritional value. The various methods of lipid determination for meat products are examined for their total recovery of these important lipid groups. A sequential extraction in conjunction with subsequent analytical methods is recommended.  相似文献   

代谢组学在肉及肉制品品质监测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
代谢组学是通过研究机体受外界干扰前后小分子代谢物(分子量<1 500 Da)的变化,进而探究其代谢机制的新兴科学。近年来,代谢组学在肉品科学研究领域受到广泛关注。但目前基于该技术监测宰前因素(遗传因素、肌肉部位及饲喂方式)及宰后成熟(时间、方式)对肉及肉制品品质影响的相关研究仍缺乏系统总结。同时,代谢组学技术的引入,也为肉品货架期预测、肉制品加工工艺优选、产地溯源及真伪鉴别提供了新的思路。因此,该研究概述了近年来代谢组学常用的分析检测技术(核磁共振技术、气相色谱质谱联用技术、液相色谱质谱联用技术)及数理统计方法(主成分分析、偏最小二乘判别分析等),重点对代谢组学在肉品生产诸多环节(动物饲喂、屠宰、加工等)中的最新研究进展进行综述,最后总结了目前肉品代谢组学研究中存在的代谢产物检测有限、试验重复性差等问题并认为多组学联合分析是监测肉品品质的未来发展方向,以期为其在肉品科学领域的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

Pesticide residues in grapes, wine, and their processing products   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
In this review the results obtained in the 1990s from research on the behavior of pesticide residues on grapes, from treatment to harvest, and their fate in drying, wine-making, and alcoholic beverage processing are reported. The fungicide residues on grapes (cyproconazole, hexaconazole, kresoxim-methyl, myclobutanil, penconazole, tetraconazole, and triadimenol), the application rates of which were of a few tens of grams per hectare, were very low after treatment and were not detectable at harvest. Pyrimethanil residues were constant up to harvest, whereas fluazinam, cyprodinil, mepanipyrim, azoxystrobin, and fludioxonil showed different disappearance rates (t(1/2) = 4.3, 12, 12.8, 15.2, and 24 days, respectively). The decay rate of the organophosphorus insecticides was very fast with t(1/2) ranging between 0.97 and 3.84 days. The drying process determined a fruit concentration of 4 times. Despite this, the residue levels of benalaxyl, phosalone, metalaxyl, and procymidone on sun-dried grapes equalled those on the fresh grape, whereas they were higher for iprodione (1.6 times) and lower for vinclozolin and dimethoate (one-third and one-fifth, respectively). In the oven-drying process, benalaxyl, metalaxyl, and vinclozolin showed the same residue value in the fresh and dried fruit, whereas iprodione and procymidone resides were lower in raisins than in the fresh fruit. The wine-making process begins with the pressing of grapes. From this moment onward, because the pesticide on the grape surface comes into contact with the must, it is in a biphasic system, made up of a liquid phase (the must) and a solid phase (cake and lees), and will be apportioned between the two phases. The new fungicides have shown no effect on alcoholic or malolactic fermentation. In some cases the presence of pesticides has also stimulated the yeasts, especially Kloeckera apiculata, to produce more alcohol. After fermentation, pesticide residues in wine were always smaller than those on the grapes and in the must, except for those pesticides that did not have a preferential partition between liquid and solid phase (azoxystrobin, dimethoate, and pyrimethanil) and were present in wine at the same concentration as on the grapes. In some cases (mepanipyrim, fluazinam, and chlorpyrifos) no detectable residues were found in the wines at the end of fermentation. From a comparison of residues in wine obtained by vinification with and without skins, it can be seen that their values were generally not different. Among the clarifying substances commonly used in wine (bentonite, charcoal, gelatin, polyvinylpolypyrrolidone, potassium caseinate, and colloidal silicon dioxide), charcoal allowed the complete elimination of most pesticides, especially at low levels, whereas the other clarifying substances were ineffective. Wine and its byproducts (cake and lees) are used in the industry to produce alcohol and alcoholic beverages. Fenthion, quinalphos, and vinclozolin pass into the distillate from the lees only if present at very high concentrations, but with a very low transfer percantage (2, 1, and 0.1%, respectively). No residue passed from the cake into the distillate, whereas fenthion and vinclozolin pass from the wine, but only at low transfer percentages (13 and 5%, respectively).  相似文献   

Chemical and instrumental methods for determination of nitrogen and protein are reviewed for their mode of action and utility in analysis of meat proteins and products. Although the Kjeldahl digestion method is satisfactory for determining total nitrogen, it is imprecise for determining total protein content. Presence of variable amounts of nonprotein nitrogenous components and of connective tissue proteins such as collagen and elastin produces error if the formula (N X 6.25) is used to calculate crude protein. Such fibrous proteins have higher nitrogen levels (over 18%) than other muscle proteins (about 16%), and a higher than actual protein value will be determined unless a lower conversion factor is used to correct for their content. To determine meat protein content more accurately, a combination of Kjeldahl determination with one or more additional tests to correct for nonprotein and fibrous protein content is recommended. The choice of the additional method(s) is based on the user's requirement for protein characterization, available time, type of meat product, and sample size.  相似文献   

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