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荧光显微镜在植物观察中的一种新用途   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
荧光显微镜在各领域中的应用都非常广泛,在植物细胞的观察研究中,通过染色可以更清晰地观测到细胞的形态及结构。在实验中发现,荧光显微镜还可以直接(不做任何处理)观察植物叶的气孔器,而且能观察到气孔的变化情况,为荧光显微镜找到了一种新用途。  相似文献   

This paper examines seedling nursery and propagation practices in smallholder farms in two upland areas in Leyte in the Philippines. The case study areas are relatively remote, little forestry extension has been carried out, and traditional practices can be observed. These practices were examined through a survey of smallholders and observation of forestry activities. It was found that in spite of various constraints and notably the lack of planting materials, farmers are interested in forestry and are adopting some naturally growing trees and producing their own seedlings. To make way to their crops, farmers have removed some naturally growing trees of some particular species on their farms. For the purpose of introducing trees to farms, wildlings are widely used as planting material. Some farmers also collect seeds and treat them in preparation for planting, using methods which differ from those recommended elsewhere by extension agencies, but which are nevertheless highly effective.  相似文献   

本文评价了四川茂县大沟地区海拔1800~2000m的区段10个供试树种的成活率、生长量和适应性。结果表明:在设定的具体生境条件下,供试树种的成活率受到自身遗传、生态习性及其自然环境与人类活动干扰的影响,通过对高生长量的测试确定了上述树种的生长量差异序列,并进一步结合对抗逆性的现场调查确定青榨槭、光皮桦、臭椿、天师栗很适应当地的环境,可以作为当地植被恢复的材料使用;腺果杜鹃、山桃、枫香、野核桃适宜当地环境,但尚需作进一步研究观察,以便确定使用方案;而银杏与珙桐不能作为营林材料利用。  相似文献   

长期定位观测网络是各国科研人员在研究与揭示生态系统结构与功能变化规律时采用的重要方法,是阐明生态系统内在机制、动态平衡以及生物化学循环过程不可替代的研究手段。世界各国都建立了生态资源与环境监测网络,是目前长期定位观测发展的主流方向。文中介绍了美国试验林网络体系(EFRs)的背景与起源、任务目标、网络构架、运行机制、研究内容、贡献与成就,以及在其发展过程中存在的问题;希望通过分析美国试验林网络体系的建设和发展,为我国未来林业生态观测网络建设提供参考。  相似文献   

Conservation and enhancement of ecological connectivity is widely recognized as one of the key objectives of forest landscape management. However, practical difficulties still exist due to the lack of pragmatic and operational methodologies that can be efficiently applied for these purposes within the scope of a forest management plan. Here we present the novel integration of two recent approaches for analyzing forest structural connectivity that offers considerable synergies and potential relevant benefits for forest planning at a variety of scales. We combine the morphological analysis of forest spatial patterns with recent indices for the analysis of landscape network connectivity based on the concept of measuring habitat availability (reachability) at the landscape scale. The combination of these approaches in a single integrated workflow embraces from (1) the diagnosis and characterization at the pixel level of the forest spatial patterns and their individual constituents, which are mainly the core habitat areas and the structural connectors (bridges) between them, to (2) the assessment of their individual importance to uphold ecological fluxes as irreplaceable providers of structural connectivity. We present and show different analytical possibilities within the integrated workflow from where the manager can choose depending on the planning targets and on the characteristics of the ecological processes of interest. We illustrate the application of the combined approach in two forested areas in Central Spain with different scales and management contexts, in which the structural connectivity between forest habitat areas needs to be sustained. Our assessment was able to discriminate and highlight a concise subset of cores and bridges that concentrated most of the contribution to the overall connectivity and functioning of the forest habitat network. This provides clear guidelines on where the conservation management efforts should be targeted, allowing for many alternative areas where the rest of the management objectives and activities can be accommodated as required by the multifunctionality of forest resources. The proposed integrated approach can equally serve to identify (a) those forest areas that play a crucial role to sustain ecological fluxes that are to be promoted by management, such as the dispersal of native biota or (b) those sites where the spread of wildfires or invasive species can be halted more effectively. The potential of the proposed methodology to inform and guide forestry decisions is reinforced by the availability of the required analytical tools (Guidos and Conefor Sensinode) as freeware software packages.  相似文献   

Indirect methods of large-scale forest biomass estimation   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
Forest biomass and its change over time have been measured at both local and large scales, an example for the latter being forest greenhouse gas inventories. Currently used methodologies to obtain stock change estimates for large forest areas are mostly based on forest inventory information as well as various factors, referred to as biomass factors, or biomass equations, which transform diameter, height or volume data into biomass estimates. However, while forest inventories usually apply statistically sound sampling and can provide representative estimates for large forest areas, the biomass factors or equations used are, in most cases, not representative, because they are based on local studies. Moreover, their application is controversial due to the inconsistent or inappropriate use of definitions involved. There is no standardized terminology of the various factors, and the use of terms and definitions is often confusing. The present contribution aims at systematically summarizing the main types of biomass factors (BF) and biomass equations (BE) and providing guidance on how to proceed when selecting, developing and applying proper factors or equations to be used in forest biomass estimation. The contribution builds on the guidance given by the IPCC (Good practice guidance for land use, land-use change and forestry, 2003) and suggests that proper application and reporting of biomass factors and equations and transparent and consistent reporting of forest carbon inventories are needed in both scientific literature and the greenhouse gas inventory reports of countries.
Z. SomogyiEmail:

GPS RTK平面坐标转换过程分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑加柱  赵刚  陈健 《森林工程》2010,26(6):39-42
GPS RTK测量时,首先要求解WGS-84坐标与国家或地方坐标的转换参数,针对小区域地区四参数转换过程进行简化,对其进行验证,同时与目前使用的方法进行比较,发现在相同的条件下,此简单过程解算的参数解算精度略好,最后探讨使用该方法时,采集公共点WGS-84坐标的观测误差对坐标转换参数精度的影响,对更加方便操作RTK有指导作用。  相似文献   

安吉县竹产业与农村发展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
浙江省安吉县从20世纪80年代初就开始有计划地发展竹产业,目前,安吉已经成为中国最重要的竹乡之一。其竹产业发展经验对我国竹产业的发展具有重要的指导和启示。本文分析了竹产业发展对安吉的农民收入、就业和产业结构调整等方面的贡献。得出,发展竹产业对贫困人口的贡献要大于经济相对富裕的人口,它可以为贫困山区的脱贫产生重要作用。建设发展竹产业要在产权、科技、政策、市场等方面加强创新力度。  相似文献   

Traditional agroforestry systems in the communal areas of Zimbabwe are described. There are systems centered on main fields, on home gardens, on homesites and on grazing areas. In the main fields, the major tree-related management practice is the conservation of preferred indigenous fruit trees. Fruit trees are also the focus of forestry activities around the gardens and the homesite; but here it is the planting of exotic species. In a localized area of Zimbabwe Acacia albida is important in fields. There is almost no use of tree fallows in Zimbabwe. Trees in grazing areas have numerous roles, but at present there is little knowledge about traditional management practices in these areas. In the development of agroforestry systems in Zimbabwe it is suggested that those systems designed to improve fodder production will make a significant contribution to farm productivity because of the importance of cattle in the farming system and the present fodder shortage. Interventions involving the planting of fruit trees are likely to be very successful, as there is much interest in such planting. Another area that needs to be developed is that of tree plantings to improve soil fertility.  相似文献   

社区保护地是世居民族基于当地传统生态智慧自发地对生态环境进行保护和管理的实践产物,是人与自然和谐相处的典范。文中通过梳理国内外社区保护地的缘起和发展脉络,指出其发展贯穿于当地世居民族的生态保护实践过程中;通过对社区保护地地位与作用的分析,阐明其在保护主体、保护方法、保护对象、保护动力、保护效果等方面均与自然保护地相补充,可多方位助力我国自然保护地体系建设;在此基础上对社区保护地由生态价值、文化价值、精神价值和社会价值构成的多元价值体系进行挖掘剖析,旨在提高认知深度,为后续保护与发展奠定基础。  相似文献   

We studied habitat selection of three-toed woodpecker (TTW) in relation to forest structural variables, habitat types and hydrological conditions in north-eastern Poland. Based on known locations of 34 breeding pairs and the data on location of forest areas with high conservation value (referred to as Biologically Important Forests), we created a habitat prediction model for TTW using a Maxent algorithm. We found that this species most often selected breeding sites characterized by high contribution of old-growth stands with uneven vertical structure and considerable amount of very old trees of previous generations, as well as boreal spruce-dominated bogs and riverine forests. Such sites were preferred regardless of their actual protection status, which leads to the following conclusion: although existing forest reserves are very important to three-toed woodpecker, suitable habitats with similar characteristics can still be found outside protected areas and are also utilized by the species. However, such sites outside reserves are threatened by fragmentation due to timber extraction. Therefore it is recommended to protect these sites by either including them into existing reserves or putting them under special management schemes.  相似文献   

A 25-year old Populus canescens stand was selected for sampling to estimate the one-side leaf surface area per unit ground area. A portable area meter was used to determine leaf surface areas of a sample of branches of the first order. Different unweighted and weighted regression equations were compared to estimate leaf surface area. The estimated tree leaf areas were regressed on D.B.H., with unit weight being assigned to the single observation.  相似文献   

以宝鸡市金渭湖湿地为研究对象,在金渭湖拦河闸桥附近进行气象及大气颗粒物观测,将拦河闸桥看作湿区,公路旁看作干区,对比分析湿地小气候特征的结果表明:宝鸡市金渭湖湿地具有明显的降温增湿作用,距离湿区越远,温度越高,相对湿度越低;冬季的相对湿度大于夏季,冬夏季的湿区温度始终低于干区,干湿两区的温度和相对湿度的日变化规律基本一致;湿区的PM2.5质量浓度小于干区,最多可小47%,表明金渭湖湿地对局地大气环境中的细颗粒物质量浓度具有显著削减作用。  相似文献   

浙江竹秆锈病的观察研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
竹秆锈病(Stereostratum corticioides (Berk et Br.)Magnus)又称竹褥病。七十年代以来,江、浙一带的竹秆锈病有所蔓延,病情逐渐加剧,许多地方的竹林已到毁灭的地步。对该病进一步深入研究,寻求彻底的防治措施十分必要。据定点多年观察,该病多发生在竹秆的下部或基部,严重的蔓延至竹秆的上部或枝条上,甚至发生在竹丛枝病的枝条和地面的跳鞭上。病害的冬孢子堆、夏孢子堆、黄斑三个时期较为分明,以往人们对黄斑这个症状往往忽视。竹秆上病斑多时,将诱发其它竹子秆基病害或全株死亡。经接种试验证明,病菌的冬孢子一担孢子不侵染竹秆和竹笋。夏孢子在5~6月产生释放,从伤口侵染当年新竹及老竹。据普查,该病已广泛分布浙江竹区,计已有1市9县24处竹林发生,寄生竹种达16种以上。它对竹林生长和出笋已带来较大的损失,已成为我省竹子上的常见病、多发病、慢性病、顽固病。笋用竹基地及产笋专业户必须对防治加以高度的重视。  相似文献   

对黑龙江省的不同地域山里红叶药材进行生药鉴定研究,为该药材及其同属药用植物的鉴别及进一步开发研究提供依据。运用性状和显微鉴别方法对黑龙江省山里红叶药材进行鉴定研究。其中显微鉴别分别对叶的表面和叶中脉横切面、电镜扫描的显微特征进行了描述。对三个不同地域叶子的性状和显微特征进行了详细描述,并附有相应电镜图谱。结果表明,不同地域的山里红叶药材的性状及显微特征有有一定差异。  相似文献   

Aggregating and sharing the metadata of flux observation sites results in a strong collaboration among various fields of study. Such data sharing will also be a part of the future design of a tower flux observation network in Asia. The aim of this review is to comprehend the state of tower flux observation sites in Asia. There are 109 tower flux observation sites in Asia including 51 forest sites. There are more new sites under construction in Asia than in America and Europe. These sites range from the taiga in Siberia to the rainforest in Southeast Asia, and from the equatorial to polar Koeppen climate zones. There are many highly humid areas in Asia, not only at low latitudes but also at middle latitudes. This climate condition has developed unique vegetation such as lucidophyllous (evergreen broadleaf) forest, which is distributed in warm areas with high precipitation in the growing season. However, there are only a few observations taking place in lucidophyllous forest. Rice paddy fields are also unique land cover in Asia. It is important to accumulate long-term data for rice fields with their management records, because plant activity depends highly on both climate conditions and land-use management. Flux data, especially net ecosystem exchange and related elements, are used for widespread studies not only within the flux-research community but also in other fields of study, for example remote sensing. At present, however, both the quantity and quality of the data are not sufficient for these studies. Regarding the quantity, there are many recently established sites that have not published data yet; regarding quality, flux data include uncertainties caused by methodological problems. Flux researchers are required not only to obtain flux data but also to improve their quality. Meanwhile, data users must understand there are still uncertainties in flux data. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of windspeed were made outside and inside a pine (Pinus thunbergii Parl.) coastal forest with different thinning intensities. Synchronously, optical stratification porosity (OSP), which is defined as vertical distribution of the proportion of sky hemisphere not obscured by tree elements inside a forest stand, was estimated using hemispherical silhouettes in each treatment area. Based on the observations, the frequency distribution of velocity, turbulence intensity, wind profile, and the corresponding relationships of these respective parameters with the vertical forest structure (OSP) were examined and compared among the treatment areas. A normal distribution of wind velocity was observed at the lower zone of the forest stand in all treatment areas. The turbulence intensity, the highest value of which was found near the canopy, changed greatly with height, wind velocity, and treatment, and decreased with windspeed and increased with the thinning intensity. It was found that the exponential relationship between windspeed and height could be used to describe the wind profiles within the canopy of the coastal forest. The results demonstrate that the attenuation coefficient of the wind profile corresponds to the grade of thinning intensities. The wind patterns in a coastal forest with different thinning intensities are related to the vertical forest structure, particularly, wind profiles within the canopy are closely correlated with the distribution of OSP. The results indicate that wind profiles can be estimated simply based on the measurement of OSP with a very high coefficient of determination. Reciprocally, the estimation of OSP can also be obtained from the measurement of wind profile. Portions of this paper were presented at the 111st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Forestry Society. Appreciation is due to Professor Masashi Yamamoto, Mr. Kenji Sakioka, Mr. Takahiro Yoshida, Mr. Hirotaka Yamazaki, Mr. Yasunori Hasegawa and the members of the Sabo Division of the Faculty of Agriculture of Niigata University for their help in collecting the field data and in constructing the observation towers.  相似文献   

蓝墨天牛是恩施州板栗发生最严重的蛀干害虫,在该区域板栗产区均有不同程度的发生,有虫株率20%~79%采取定点定时观察表明,发生于恩施州的蓝墨天牛2a 1代,以3龄和老熟幼虫在蛀道内越冬,世代重叠明显。其危害程度在一定区域内随海拔的上升呈下降趋势,虫口数量在树干上的分布随径级的增加而增加,在人工林内的空间分布规律属于聚集分布型。采用树干涂白、人工杀虫和清理虫道注药封杀幼虫的综合防治可收到良好的效果。  相似文献   

在丽江市不同海拔区域选择柯基、豆果、科拉蒂、城固32等4个油橄榄品种进行种植试验,连续进行3年的物候观察及产量测定,并经多因素方差分析和多重比较,以筛选出花期基本一致、挂果情况良好、连年产量稳定、大小年现象不明显、经济效益较为显著、能达到增产稳产目的的优良品种。结果表明,柯基和豆果两个油橄榄品种在不同立地条件下花期基本一致,可作为互为授粉品种搭配种植,两品种的产量较稳定,大小年现象不明显,适宜在丽江市适生区及同条件地区推广种植。  相似文献   

The success of many intercropping systems in North America is attributable to the generation of a short term return from an agricultural crop during the early, unprofitable years of a longer term crop that is fruit, nuts or wood. This highly-efficient use of land and related profitability are important not only in the development of intercropping systems per se, but also in other applications which have tremendous potential independent of profitability. For example, intercropping can be effectively used during the establishment phases of hardwood plantations where it is essential to have a high level of weed control, the costs of which are often recovered with the agricultural production. Intercropping can also be used to grow trees rapidly and with a form that can be easily integrated into recreational or park situations, or urban fringe areas. In an urban context, intercropping can be used to grow trees in agricultural areas that are likely to be developed where traditional forestry options are not appropriate and the value of younger, thrifty trees may enhance property values far in excess of the cash value of the wood.  相似文献   

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