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A study was conducted to determine whether measured doses of aflatoxin given under different schedules would influence the pathogenesis of Moraxella bovis induced infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (IBK). Calves were allotted to 4 groups (groups I-IV) of 9, 9, 9, and 8 calves, respectively. Group I calves were given aflatoxin for 11 consecutive days starting 5 days before their eyes were exposed to M. bovis. Group II calves were given aflatoxin for 5 consecutive days starting 7 days after their eyes were exposed to M. bovis. Group III calves were given aflatoxin for 5 consecutive days starting 21 days after their eyes were exposed to M. bovis. Group IV calves were not given aflatoxin; but their eyes were exposed to M. bovis on the same day as were the eyes of calves in groups I-III; these calves served as controls. Aflatoxin had little if any influence on the pathogenesis of IBK under the conditions of this study. The results did not rule out an exacerbating effect of M bovis infection on aflatoxicosis in calves. Calves with the highest concentration of aflatoxin in their blood had the more severe signs of aflatoxicosis. Possible reasons for the equivocal results are discussed.  相似文献   

Samples of conjunctival fluid of four calves, from a herd with infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis, were collected five times at monthly intervals and from another 16 calves in the initial stages of the disease, were collected only once. Moraxella bovis was recovered from 82.3% of the samples. Twenty-six isolates were typed with polyvalent sera and 25 with monovalent sera. The antibiotic sensitivity of 13 isolates was also studied. Twenty of the 26 isolates reacted with polyvalent sera and 16 of 25 tested isolates, reacted with monovalent sera. The isolates recovered from the same animal in a different collection or from a different animal in the same collection did not always belong to the same serogroup. Different serotypes were prevalent in each collection. Differences in the antibiotic sensitivity of the isolates were also detected.  相似文献   

To evaluate the efficacy of a recombinant Moraxella bovis pilin-M. bovis cytotoxin subunit vaccine to prevent naturally occurring infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (IBK; pinkeye), a randomized, blinded, controlled field trial was conducted during summer 2005 in a northern California herd of beef cattle. One hundred and one steers were vaccinated with ISCOM matrix (adjuvant control), recombinant M. bovis cytotoxin carboxy terminus+ISCOM matrix (MbxA), or recombinant M. bovis pilin-cytotoxin carboxy terminus+ISCOM matrix (pilin-MbxA); calves received secondary vaccinations 21 days later. Calves were examined once weekly for 18 weeks for the development of corneal ulcers associated with IBK. Overall, the pilin-MbxA vaccinated group had the lowest overall cumulative proportion of ulcerated calves. Calves that received MbxA, whether alone or with pilin had significantly higher M. bovis cytotoxin serum neutralizing titers as compared to control calves. Results of ocular cultures suggested that vaccination with an M. bovis antigen affected organism type isolated from an ulcer: M. bovis was cultured more often from the eyes of control calves than from the eyes of calves vaccinated with MbxA and pilin-MbxA. In addition, vaccination of calves with MbxA and pilin-MbxA resulted in a higher prevalence of Moraxella bovoculi sp. nov. in ocular cultures. While no significant difference was observed between a cytotoxin versus pilin+cytotoxin vaccine against IBK, the reduced cumulative proportion of IBK in the pilin-cytotoxin vaccinated calves suggests it may provide an advantage over a cytotoxin vaccine alone. Efficacy of an M. bovis vaccine may be reduced in herds where IBK is associated with M. bovoculi sp. nov.  相似文献   

Out of 189 lambs in the flock, 25 animals suffered from bilateral or unilateral conjunctivitis, or keratoconjunctivitis. By serological examination (RVK), positive levels of antibodies to the group-specific antigen of Chl. psittaci were found in three out of six lambs examined by laboratory methods. Bacteriological examination of eye smears of six lambs showed in four cases the infection by microorganisms of Moraxella bovis. Smears from the conjunctivas of these lambs were after preparation instilled in the yolk sacs of six to seven days old chicken embryos. One strain of Chlamydia psittaci was isolated from the same material as Moraxella bovis.  相似文献   

Further studies were made using C57 mice pretreated with a corticosteroid and inoculated with Moraxella bovis by instillation, as a model for infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis. Strains of M bovis which had previously been tested in cattle produced a generally similar range of pathogenicity when tested in mice. The pathology in the mouse model closely resembled that in cattle and the value of the model for studies on M bovis was confirmed.  相似文献   

In studies to determine whether vaccination with one strain of Moraxella bovis would protect against challenge with virulent homologous or heterologous strains, calves were intramuscularly inoculated 3 times with formalin-killed M bovis, with 14 days between inoculations. Fourteen days after the 3rd vaccinal dose was given, all calves were exposed to homologous or heterologous virulent cultures of M bovis. The results indicated that vaccination with one strain of M bovis may induce protective immunity against homologous and heterologous challenge exposure; however, because vaccinated cattle resisted infection and disease produced by a homologous strain to a greater extent than they resisted those produced by heterologous strains, polyvalent vaccines or highly immunogenic common antigens may be needed to protect cattle against the numerous strains they might encounter under natural field conditions. There was minimal correlation between the presence of precipitating antibodies against the heterologous strains and the establishment of infection and disease.  相似文献   

Three groups of ten calves were each immunised with a total of 400 micrograms pili prepared from three separate strains of Moraxella bovis in Alhydrogel-oil adjuvant as two divided, equal doses 21 days apart. Groups 1 and 2 each received a monovalent vaccine made from strain 4L and S276R respectively, which belonged to pili serogroup A. Group 3 received vaccine made from pili of strain Maff1, belonging to serogroup F. A further group of ten calves served as non-vaccinated controls. Calves in groups 1 and 2 had developed serogroup A-specific antibody and those in group 3 developed serogroup F-specific antibody, and some evidence of cross-reacting antibody was also detected when measured by an agglutination test using formalin-killed piliated cells of serogroup A strain 4L. Although antibody titres measured against purified pili by ELISA were highest with homologous serogroup antigens, cross-reactive titres to shared epitopes of M. bovis pili were also detected by this method. Ocular challenge of the 40 calves with virulent M. bovis of serogroup A strain S276R was carried out 14 days after the second vaccine dose. All non-vaccinated calves developed infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (IBK). The percentage protection in groups 1 (strain 4L) and 2 (strain S276R) was 60% and 80% respectively (P less than 0.05), with mean lesion scores of 0.7 and 0.3 out of a possible 6.0. The percentage protection of calves in group 3 (strain Maff1) was only 30%, with a mean lesion score of 1.4 compared with 2.2 for non-vaccinated controls. The present findings, together with other evidence indicating that immunity to IBK is serogroup-specific, suggest that inclusion of pili from one representative strain from each of the seven Australian and British serogroups in a polyvalent, subunit vaccine should effectively protect the majority of cattle against IBK caused by most field strains of M. bovis encountered in Australia and the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

The effect of vaccinating cattle and mice on the development of keratoconjunctivitis was studied. Cattle were vaccinated with whole cells, disrupted cells and pili fractions of three strains of Moraxella bovis. Mice were vaccinated with pili fractions of three strains. The resistance of all vaccinated animals was challenged with virulent cultures of M. bovis. In an attempt to correlate the response seen after vaccination and challenge with a pili fraction of M. bovis, vaccinated cattle and mice were grouped on the basis of signs of disease manifested and compared on the basis of serological responses. Serum samples were tested for antibodies by a gel diffusion precipitin test. A greater number of the sera of resistant cattle had antibodies to the homologous pili antigen than those of vaccinated nonresistant cattle. Cattle vaccinated with disrupted cells were not resistant to infectious bovine kerato-conjuctivitis and their sera lacked antibodies against the pili antigens. Vaccinated mice were more resistant to infectious bovine kerato-conjuctivitis and their sera lacked antibodies against the pili antigens. Vaccinated mice were more resistant to challenge exposure by homologous than heterologous cultures. A greater number of the sera of resistant mice had antibodies to pili antigens than nonresistant mice.  相似文献   

To compare the immune response elicited by 3 routes of vaccination, 36 calves were randomly allotted to 4 groups of 9 calves each. Group I was vaccinated subconjunctivally only. Group II was vaccinated concomitantly, both subconjunctivally and in the dewlap. Group III was vaccinated in the dewlap only. Group IV was not vaccinated and served as a virulence control for the Moraxella bovis culture. Calves in groups I, II, and III were given 2 inoculations with 14 days between inoculations. Twenty-one days after the last inoculation, the ventral conjunctival sac of all calves was instilled with cells of a virulent M bovis strain. After challenge exposure, all vaccinated calves (groups I, II, and III) had evidence of enhanced resistance, compared with the nonvaccinated calves. The highest to lowest gradients of immune responsiveness were: Group I greater than or equal to group II greater than group III greater than group IV. When immune criteria, such as the percentage of diseased eyes, the mean duration of infection, the severity of corneal lesions, and the serologic response were compared, groups I and II were significantly (P less than 0.05) more resistant to challenge exposure than were groups III and IV. Group III was significantly (P less than 0.05) different from group IV in severity of lesions and in serologic response. Also, the mean duration of infection was shorter, and the percentage of diseased eyes was less in group III than in group IV (P greater than 0.10). Group I was more resistant than was group II (P less than 0.10).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Pilus-mediated adherence is a virulence attribute of Moraxella bovis. Several pilus types have been shown to exist among strains of this bacterium, but correlation between pilus type and specific field cases of the disease has not been done. During the summer of 1987, an epizootic of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis was reported in 7 Iowa counties. Eight isolates of M bovis were secured from 12 episodes studied. All 8 of the isolates were nearly homogeneous in biochemical properties and had the same plasmid biotype. Pilus typing performed by immunofluorescence and immunogold electron microscopy identified a single new pilus type among 5 of the 8 isolates. This pilus type was identified in field cases that developed within a narrow time frame and over large distances. The implication of these findings is that infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis epizootics may be associated with emergence of a novel pilus type, and that rapid dissemination over wide distances can occur, presumably by transportation of carrier cattle.  相似文献   

Eyes of 14 calves were exposed by conjunctival instillation to cultures of either Mycoplasma conjunctivae (6 calves) or Acholeplasma laidlawii (8 calves). Calves were observed for clinical signs of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (IBK), and eyes were examined for the test organisms by bacteriologic cultural technique for 60 days. Acholeplasma laidlawii became established in the eyes of 5 of 8 calves; M conjunctivae became established in the eyes of 4 of 6 calves. On day 28, eyes of 9 of the 14 calves were exposed by conjunctival instillation to Moraxella bovis, and all developed IBK. Five calves exposed to Moraxenjunctivae or A laidlawii, but not to Mor bovis, did not develop IBK. Four calves not exposed to M conjunctivae or A laidlawii, but exposed to Mor bovis, developed IBK. Mycoplasmas do not have a major role in IBK, but might produce ancillary effects similar to those of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus, wind, ultraviolet radiation, dust, and other irritants.  相似文献   

Infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (IBK) is an acute disease caused by Moraxella bovis (Mb). Several factors may predispose animals to an IBK outbreak; one commonly observed is infection with bovine herpes virus type 1 (BHV-1). The aim of this study was to investigate the dynamics of BHV-1 virus infection and its relation with clinical cases of IBK in weaned calves from a beef herd with a high prevalence of lesions caused by Mb. Sampling was carried out in six stages and included conjunctival swabs for isolating Mb as well as blood samples for identifying antibodies specific for BHV-1. A score for IBK lesions after observing each eye was determined. The findings of this study showed a high prevalence of BHV-1 virus infection (100% of animals were infected at the end of the trial); 67% of animals were culture-positive for Mb, but low rates of clinical IBK (19% of calves affected) were detected at the end of the trial. These results suggest that infection with BHV-1 did not predispose these animals to IBK, and that Mb infection produced clinical and subclinical disease in the absence of BHV-1 co-infection.  相似文献   

The protective effect of 2 Moraxella bovis pili vaccines against infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (IBK) experimentally induced by homologous or heterologous strain challenge with virulent, haemolytic M. bovis strain, Dal 2d, was measured in trials using weaned calves aged 3 to 7 months. Purified pili vaccines were prepared from haemolytic strain Dal 2d, (pilus serogroup IV), and haemolytic strain Epp 63, (pilus serogroup III). Calves were challenged by conjunctival instillation of 1 x 10(9) colony forming units of virulent M. bovis strain Dal 2d 14 days after the second of 2 subcutaneous doses of vaccine. Each consisted of 200 micrograms of pili in alum-oil adjuvant administered at an interval of 21 days. In trial 1 the level of protection against challenge with the homologous strain was 46.7% (p less than 0.01). Small, rapidly resolving lesions of IBK occurred in some vaccinates compared with a larger proportion of severe lesions that required treatment in non-vaccinated calves (p less than 0.025). In trial 2, the level of protection against IBK after exposure of vaccinates to the homologous Dal 2d strain was 72.7%, but no significant level of protection or reduction in the size and duration of lesions was apparent in similarly challenged calves vaccinated with Epp 63 pili when contrasted with susceptible, non-vaccinated controls. No marked reduction in the duration of infection with M. bovis Dal 2d following challenge resulted from vaccination with pili of either of the serogroups III or IV. Rising homologous serum IgG antibody titres to serogroups III and IV pili were recorded in response to vaccination with each antigen.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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