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Field trials were set up on five properties to determine the cure and protection rates of a killed, nine-strain, oil adjuvanted Bacteriodes nodosus footrot vaccine, under natural conditions. Foot infections were scored at the time of the first vaccination and at approximately four weeks and ten weeks later. Cure rates were 34-47% for vaccinated sheep, and 18-47% for untreated sheep. Using the Australian Licensing Authorities calculation, the cure rates for the vaccine ranged from -40% to 44%. A lack of suitable conditions for spread of footrot meant that protection rates could not be determined.  相似文献   

Merino sheep vaccinated with either whole Bacteroides nodosus organisms, a crude surface antigen preparation or highly purified pili (>99% homogeneity) in oil adjuvant, developed significant resistance to artificial footrot infection when compared with unvaccinated control sheep inoculated with saline-in-oil emulsion (Freund;s incomplete adjuvant) alone. The pili-vaccinated sheep generally had higher K-agglutinating antibody titres than sheep vaccinated with whole B. nodosus. These results confirmed the role of B. nodosus pilus protein both as a protective antigen and the K-agglutinogen. Vaccines prepared with Freund;s incomplete adjuvant containing either purified pili, crude pili or B. nodosus whole cells did not produce significantly different injection-site reactions.  相似文献   

Merino sheep vaccinated with either whole Bucteroides nodosus organisms, a crude surface antigen preparation or highly purified pili (>99% homogeneity) in oil adjuvant, developed significant resistance to artificial footrot infection when compared with unvaccinated control sheep inoculated with saline-in-oil emulsion (Freund's incomplete adjuvant) alone. The pili-vaccinated sheep generally had higher K-agglutinating antibody titres than sheep vaccinated with whole B. nodosus. These results confirmed the role of B. nodosus pilus protein both as a protective antigen and the K-agglutinogen.

Vaccines prepared with Freund's incomplete adjuvant containing either purified pili, crude pili or B. nodosus whole cells did not produce significantly different injection-site reactions.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Clinical and serological responses were monitored in sheep following experimental challenge with footrot and subsequent vaccination with an homologous rDNA pilus vaccine. Twenty-two clinical indicators of footrot were identified to describe differences between feet, between sheep, between flocks, and over time. All eleven between-sheep indicators were significantly correlated with each other (0.47 to 0.96). However, analyses of liability on a underlying scale showed that those indicators with several categories, such as the number of feet affected or underrun, were most useful: the data strongly indicated that increasing grades of severity reflect a single underlying variable. The proportion of sheep affected and/or underrun (i.c.e. prevalence) was the most suitable indicator of flock differences. Repeatability of footrot scores over time was relatively low (0.36 to 0.56 prior to vaccination; 0.02 to 0.30 after vaccination), highlighting the need for repeat observations to describe differences in footrot over time. A need was shown to incorporate spontaneous or induced healing following vaccination in scoring systems for footrot. Serological assays detected an increase in antibody titres during infection, but antibody titres were not sufficiently correlated with clinical indicators (0.34 to 0.61) to justify their use as indicators of footrot. K-agglutination titres were moderately to highly correlated with Pili ELISA assays (0.69 to 0.86), but the two types of assay are not interchangeable. On balance, K-agglutination is the most appropriate measurement of antibody response for all types of footrot studies. This set of initial analyses has shown large phenotypic variation in all important footrot indicators. Subsequent studies will investigate the extent to which there is genetic variation in these indicators, with the aim of determining the feasibility of incorporating resistance to footrot into breeding programmes. The traits defined and described in this paper from the basis of a large scale investigation into genetic and phenotypic aspects of resistance to footrot. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Krankheitsresistenz bei Merinos. I. Moderhinkeresistenz nach experimenteller Infektion und Impfung mit homologer rDNA-pilus vaccine Klinische und serologische Reaktionen wurden nach experimenteller Infektion von Schafen mit Moderhinke und folgender Impfung mit homologer rDNA-pilus vaccine verfolgt. 22 klinische Symptome wurden identifiziert um Unterschiede zwischen Fü?en, zwischen Schafen, Herden und Zeitspannen zu beschreiben. Alle elf "zwischen Schaf" Symptome waren signifikant miteinander korreliert (0,47 bis 0.96). Die Analysen der Liabilit?t auf zugrundeliegender Skala zeigt allerdings, da? Symptome mit mehreren Kategorien, wie etwa Zahl der befallenen Fü?e, am nützlichsten waren: Die Daten weisen darauf hin, da? steigende Erkrankungsgrade eine zugrundeliegende Variable wiedergeben. Der Anteil der befallenen Schafe und/oder lose Klauen gaben am besten Herdendifferenzen wieder. Wiederholbarkeit von Moderhinke über einen Zeitraum war relativ niedrig (0,36 bis 0,56 vor der Vaccination; 0,02 bis 0,30 nachher), wodurch Notwendigkeit wiederholter Beobachtungen der Moderhinke deutlich wird. Notwendigkeit zur Berücksichtigung spontaner oder medikament?s verursachter Heilung nach Impfung in dem Beurteilungssysteme für Moderhinke ist gegeben. Serologisch konnte ein Anstieg von Antik?rperspiegel w?hrend der Infektion festgestellt werden, doch waren diese nicht hinreichend eng mit klinischen Symptomen verbunden (0,34 bis 0,61), um sie als Moderhinkemerkmale betrachten zu k?nnen. K-Agglutinationsspiegel waren m??ig bis stark mit Pili ELISA-Werten korreliert (0,69 bis 0,86), doch waren die beiden nicht auswechselbar. Insgesamt erscheint K-Agglutination das beste Ma? der Antik?rperreaktion in allen Arten von Moderhinkeuntersuchungen zu sein. Diese anf?nglichen Analysen zeigten gro?e ph?notypische Variabilit?t in allen wichtigen Moderhinkesymptomen. Folgende Studien werden das Ausma? genetischer Ursachen dieser Symptome untersuchen mit dem Ziel, Moderhinkeresistenz in Zuchtprogrammen zu berücksichtigen. Die in dieser Arbeit definierten und beschriebenen Merkmale bilden die Basis einer gr??eren Untersuchung über genetische und ph?notypische Aspekte der Moderhinkeresistenz.  相似文献   

Groups of sheep were immunised twice with one or other of six vaccines consisting of purified pili from Bacteroides nodosus at three dose levels (10, 38 and 154 micrograms) and emulsified with either complete (CFA) or incomplete Freund's adjuvant (IFA). Beginning one month after vaccination the sheep were homologously challenged on irrigated pasture, with naturally transmitted foot rot for a period of 26 weeks. Statistical analyses of the number of feet per sheep with severe foot rot demonstrated that there was a significant effect of vaccinal dose but neither an adjuvant effect nor an interaction between dose and adjuvant. Similar conclusions were reached when the titres of antipilus agglutinins in the serum were analysed. By both criteria the responses to doses of 154 and 38 micrograms of pili were significantly better than to 10 micrograms, but not significantly different from each other. The IFA vaccines caused less reaction at the sites of injection than the CFA vaccines and within the former the vaccines containing 10 and 38 micrograms pilus produced less reaction than those containing 154 micrograms. Hence a vaccine containing 38 micrograms of purified pili in IFA is nearly optimal for homologous protection against severe foot rot and is acceptable in terms of the reaction at the injection site.  相似文献   

This research consists of an evaluation of the effectiveness of different substances administered as adjuvants in the stimulation of humoral immune response induced by the vaccine composed of strains A1, A2 and C of Dichelobacter nodosus. To do this, a total of 120 Merino sheep were vaccinated and revaccinated. These sheep were selected from a farm located in the region of Extremadura (Spain), and they were divided into 12 groups of 10 animals each. An additional group with 10 sheep was used as control. The immune response (titre of antibodies) was determined by agglutination tests and ELISA. The most pronounced immune response was obtained by the use of Freund's incomplete adjuvant and aluminium hydroxide as adjuvants.  相似文献   

Soluble outer membrane protein of Bacteroides nodosus extracted with potassium thiocyanate (KSCN) was employed as antigen in an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect serum antibody in sheep naturally infected with a heterologous serogroup. Serum antibody responses in 55 sheep were monitored for 2 years and maximum levels were directly related to the severity of clinical foot lesions. Serum antibody levels rose 2 weeks after foot lesions developed and declined within several months of resolution of lesions. After the first footrot transmission period, antibody levels persisted significantly (P less than 0.001) longer in sheep that did not become affected in the next transmission period compared with sheep in which footrot recurred. Antibody response did not appear to result in resolution of foot lesions. ELISA using KSCN antigen gave similar results to whole cell ELISA where cells prepared from an homologous serogroup were used as antigen. Both these assays were more sensitive than ELISA in which heterologous whole cell antigen was used. Proteins extracted from the outer membrane of B. nodosus, which are known to be immunogenic in natural infection and common to different serogroups of B. nodosus, appear to be useful antigens for serological investigations of ovine footrot.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) within the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) Class II region was examined in 83 sheep. Two restriction enzymes (TaqI and PvuII) and two human cDNA probes (DQα-folke and DRβ-malta) were used to probe Southern blots from all sheep. In addition, a second human DRβ probe (signe) and the restriction enzyme, EcoRI, were used for 15 sheep to match previously published polymorphism in sheep using the same probe/enzyme combination. All sheep were part of an experiment in which footrot was experimentally induced and then controlled through vaccination with an homologous rDNA pilus vaccine. The four main probe/enzyme combinations detected extensive polymorphism; in total 74 bands were detected of which only 2 were present in all sheep. A similar level of polymorphism was also seen with the EcoRI/DRβ-signe probe/enzyme combination, which was greater than previously published for sheep, cattle or goats. After accounting for cross-hybridising bands, the sheep DRβ region appeared to be more polymorphic than the DQα region. Similarly the TaqI restriction enzyme revealed more polymorphism than the PvuI enzyme (40 and 34 bands respectively). For all 74 bands, 7 main clusters were identified both within and across probe/enzyme combinations. After removing bands/clusters which were of extreme frequency (< 0.10 and > 0.90), a total of 53 bands/clusters were analysed for their potential association with footrot and antibody responses. One band was significantly associated with susceptibility to footrot over the 27-week period during which footrot was measured. In addition, two single bands and one cluster were significantly (P > 0.001) associated with residual footrot infection after vaccination. Nine bands/clusters were associated with antibody titre during infection, and one cluster with antibody titre after vaccination. These results suggest a possible involvement for genetic polymorphism within the ovine Class II region in variation in response to footrot. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Krankheitsresistenz bei Merinos, II. RFLP's in Klasse II MHC und ihre Verbindung mit der Moderhinkeresistenz Restriktionsfragmentl?ngenpolymorphismus (RFLP) innerhalb des Haupthistokompatibilit?tskomplexes (MHC) Klasse II Region wurde bei 83 Schafen untersucht. Zwei Restriktionsenzyme (TaqI und PvuII) und zwei humane cDNA-Sonden (DQα-folke und DRβ-malta) wurden für Southern blots bei allen Schafen verwendet. Zus?tzlich wurde eine zweite humane DRβ-Sonde (signe) und das Restriktionsenzym EcoRI bei 15 Schafen zum Vergleich mit früher publizierten Polymorphismus mit den selben Enzym/Sondenkombinationen durchgeführt. Alle Schafe waren Teil eines Versuches, in welchem Moderhinke experimentell induziert und dann durch Vaccination mit homologer rDNA-pilus vaccine bek?mpft worden war. Die 4 Enzym/Sondenkombinationen entdeckten extensiven Polymorphismus. Insgesamt 74 Banden wurden entdeckt, wovon nur zwei in allen Schafen vorhanden waren. Ein ?hnliches Ausma? von Polymorphismus wurde auch mit der EcoRI/DRβ-signe Enzym/Sondenkombination entdeckt, das gr??er war als bisher für Schafe, Rinder oder Ziegen publiziert. Nach Berücksichtigung der Kreuz-Hybridisierungsbande scheint die Schaf-DRβ-Region st?rker polymorph als die DQα-Region zu sein. ?hnlicherweise zeigte das TaqI Restriktionsenzym mehr Polymorphismus als das PvuII Enzym (40 bzw. 34 Bande). Bei allen 74 Banden wurden sieben Hauptkluster identifiziert, sowohl innerhalb als auch über Enzym/Sondenkombinationen. Nach Entfernung von Banden/Kluster mit extremen H?ufigkeiten (< 0,10 bzw. > 0.9) wurden insgesamt 53 Bande/Kluster hinsichtlich ihrer potentiellen Verbindung mit Moderhinke und Antik?rperreaktion analysiert. Ein Band war signifikant mit Moderhinkeempfindlichkeit w?hrend der 27-Wochenperiode assoziiert. Zus?tzlich waren zwei einzelne Bande und ein Kluster signifikant (p > 0,001) assoziiert mit Moderhinkeinfektion nach der Impfung. 9 Band/Kluster waren mit Antik?rperspiegel w?hrend der Infektion verbunden und ein Kluster mit Antik?rperspiegel nach Impfung. Die Ergebnisse deuten auf Zusammenhang des genetischen Polymorphismus innerhalb der ovinen Klasse II-Region mit Variabilit?t im Moderhinkeverlauf.  相似文献   

Objective To test the hypothesis that ovine footrot associated with a thermostable protease strain of Dichelobacter nodosus undergoes self cure or is sustained as an annually recurring disease, depending on the environment.
Design and procedure Forty Merino sheep from a single blood line were infected with a protease thermostable strain of D nodosus a t each of five sites in Western Australia. Footrot lesions and microscopic evidence of D nodosus were recorded every fortnight for 2.5 years, supplemented by laboratory culture. Rainfall, soil and air temperature, pasture quantity and composition and soil types were also recorded. Flocks that apparently self cured were relocated to a more favourable site for footrot in the final spring season.
Results The maximum prevalence of feet with clinical footrot lesions was 80.6, 1.3, 14.4, 3.8 and 88.1% at the five sites. Severe footrot occurred for three consecutive spring seasons at one site that had clay loam soil and at least 3500 kg/ha total pasture dry matter annually. However, the infection was asymptomatic for up to 10 weeks between outbreaks. D nodosus was isolated from flocks for 2.5 years at only two sites, although there was microscopic evidence of the organism at other sites in the final year. A thermolabile variant (strain U6) of D nodosus was isolated from the two sites where footrot persisted.
Conclusion Depending on time and location, ovine footrot induced by a protease thermostable strain of D nodosus either self cured or persisted as annual outbreaks interspersed with periods of asymptomatic infection.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for the production of a highly concentrated Bacteroides nodosus bacterin. An oil adjuvant bacterin which elicited the best antibody response in rabbits produced a response in sheep which lasted for at least 6 months.  相似文献   

A multivalent Bacteroides nodosus foot rot vaccine was tested by comparing the prevalence of foot rot in 317 vaccinated ewes and lambs with the prevalence in 422 unvaccinated control sheep. The vaccine conferred statistically significant protection against foot rot. The vaccine also demonstrated a therapeutic effect in animals with foot rot, after one injection.  相似文献   

Highly pilate (P) or non-pilate (NP) cells of Bacteroides nodosus were compounded into oil emulsion (O) either with or without prior absorption onto alum (A). The abilities of these four preparations (referred to as PAO, NPAO, PO and NPO vaccines) to stimulate antibody production and to protect sheep from foot rot were compared. Two injections of PAO vaccine protected sheep against homologous challenge 12 weeks after the second dose by PO, NPO and NPAO vaccines were less effective. Sheep were protected against homologous challenge for 14 weeks after a single dose of PAO vaccine and for 22 weeks after three doses; an ameliorative effect was still evident 40 weeks after the third dose. Protection against challenge with two heterologous strains was demonstrated at six weeks after three doses of vaccine. A numerical system of scoring the lesions also confirmed that foot rot in vaccinated sheep challenged outside the 'protective' period of the vaccine was somewhat less severe than in controls. PAO vaccine induced much higher and more persistent titres of agglutinins than the other vaccines tested. There was a relationship between agglutinin titres and resistance to homologous challenge.  相似文献   

Ovine contagious foot rot may cause lameness in sheep, resulting in decreased wool growth and low weight gain. Affected neonatal lambs are difficult to treat, and treatment is labor intensive; thus, a method of prevention is warranted. Vaccination of ewes with a multivalent vaccine in an oil adjuvant induced development of antibody to the somatic O antigen of Bacteroides nodosus, and this antibody was detected in serum of newborn lambs after consumption of colostrum from the vaccinated ewes. Antibody titers were determined in 48 unvaccinated ewe/lamb pairs, and in 50 once-vaccinated and 78 twice-vaccinated pairs. Serum and colostrum O-agglutinin titers to B nodosus were determined by a microtitration agglutination test. Lambs from vaccinated ewes had significantly (P less than 0.05) higher O-agglutinin titers than those from unvaccinated ewes, and double vaccination of ewes resulted in the highest potentially protective titers (greater than 1:2,400) in ewes and lambs.  相似文献   

《Veterinary microbiology》1998,62(3):243-250
Pulsed field gel electrophoresis analysis of genomic DNA was used to investigate genetic diversity among Dichelobacter nodosus from footrot in sheep in Malaysia. Twelve Dichelobacter nodosus strains isolated from lesion materials from infected sheep were confirmed as Dichelobacter nodosus by polymerase chain reaction technique using the species-specific Dichelobacter nodosus 16S RNA sequence Ac and C as primers. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis banding profiles using restriction enzymes ApaI (5′GGGCCC3′), SfiI (5′GGCCNNNNNGGCC3′)and SmaI (′5CCCGGG3′) enabled the 12 Dichelobacter nodosus strains to be differentiated into eight different PFGE patterns and thus genome-types, with F (coefficient of similarity) values ranging from 0.17 to 1.0 (ApaI), 0.14 to 1.0 (SfiI) and 0.22 to 1.0 (SmaI). Strains with origin in different farms were shown to have different PFGE patterns (two strains, M7 and M8 were the only exception). On the basis of their PFGE, all field strains used in the study differed from the reference strains. Our data revealed that there are several clonal types of Dichelobacter nodosus isolates and indicated that there is probably more than one source of this pathogen on the farms studied. The study showed that strains of D. nodosus exhibited considerable genetic diversity using this method and that genomic analysis by pulsed field gel electrophoresis was useful in discriminating the D. nodosus strains.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Eight traits representing clinical indicators of resistance to footrot were examined in 1562 Merino sheep, representing the progeny from 162 sires in four major bloodlines. Over a 4-year period, sheep were exposed to virulent isolates of Dicbelobacter nodosus under both an experimental challenge in which footrot was induced, and a separate natural challenge involving a different isolate of D. nodosus. Five footrot traits and three healing traits were each recorded on seven occasions following induced challenge, and on five occasions following natural challenge. All sheep were vaccinated with a primary and booster injection of an homologous rDNA pilus vaccine, 9 and 6 weeks after initiation of the induced and natural challenge respectively. The major fixed effects which influenced variation in resistance were (in order of importance) time of inspection after challenge, year and group in which sheep were challenged, and sex of the animal. Date of birth, birth-rearing type and age or dam were unimportant in the expression of footrot. Half-sib heritability estimates of resistance to footrot were low to moderate for single observations recorded pre-vaccination (0.07-0.22), and slightly lower for inspections made after vaccination (0.07-0.15). Repeatability estimates for footrot traits during a challenge ranged from 0.31 to 0.70 for inspections pre-vaccination, and 0.19 to 0.35 for inspections post-vaccination. Genetic correlations among footrot traits recorded at repeat inspections were high for observations pre-vaccination (range 0.87-1.00) and slightly lower for observations made after vaccination (0.52-1.00). Heritability estimates derived from repeat measurements approached 0.30 for most traits, except for traits describing healing, which had a heritability of almost zero. Heritability estimates of liability to footrot ranged between 0.09 and 0.41 depending on the time after challenge when the inspections were made. The genetic correlation between induced and natural footrot ranged from 0.14 to 0.95, depending on the period over which inspections were made, with an average of 0.67. In addition to within-flock genetic variation in resistance to footrot, significant differences were observed between different bloodlines within the experimental flock. It was concluded that there is substantial genetic variation in resistance to challenge with virulent isolates of D. nodosus. However, practical restrictions of exploiting available genetic variation may limit the widespread adoption of direct selection. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Krankheitsresistenz in Merinos III. Genetische Variabilit?t in Moderhinke Resistenz nach Infektion und folgender Impfung mit homologer rDNA pilus Vakzine unter induzierten und natürlichen Bedingungen Acht Merkmale, die als klinische Hinweise auf Moderhinkeresistenz betrachtet werden, wurden in 1562 Merino Schafen aus 162 Vatertieren von vier wichtigen Linien untersucht. über eine 4-Jahresperiode wurden die Schafe virulenten Isolaten von Dichelobacter nodosus unter Versuchsbedingungen ausgesetzt und eine getrennte natürliche Infektion mit verschiedenen Isolaten von D. nodosus durchgeführt. Fünf Moderhinkemerkmale und drei Gesundungsmerkmale wurden nach Infektion bei sieben Gelegenheiten festgehalten und an fünf nach natürlicher Infektion. Alle Schafe wurden mit einer prim?ren und einer booster Injektion homologer rDNA pilus Vakzine geimpft, 9 und 6 Wochen nach der induzierten und natiirlichen Infektion. Die wichtigsten fixen Effekte, welche die Variabilit?t der Resistenz beeinflussen, waren, nach Wichtigkeit gereint, Zeit der Prüfung nach Impfung, Jahr und Gruppe in welcher Schafe geimpft wurden und Geschlecht. Geburtsdatum, Aufzuchttyp und Mutterschaf-alter waren im Hinblick auf Moderhinke unwichtig. Halbgeschwister-Heritabilit?tssch?tzungen ihrer Resistenz waren niedrig bis mittel für Einzelbeobachtungen vor der Impfung (0,07-0,22) und geringfügig geringer für Beurteilung nach Impfung (0,07-0,15). Wiederholbarkeitssch?tzungen für Moderhinkemerkmale bewegten sich von 0,31 bis 0,70 für Inspektionen vor und 0,19-0,35 für Inspektionen nach Impfung. Genetische Korrelationen zwischen Moderhinkemerkmalen bei verschiedenen Untersuchungen waren fur Beobachtungen vor der Impfung hoch (0,87-1) und geringfügig niedriger nachher (0,52-1). Heritabilit?tssch?tzungen von wiederholten Messungen erreichten 0,30 für die meisten Merkmale au?er für jene, welche Heilung beschreiben, die nahezu keine Heritabilit?t zeigen. Heritabilit?tssch?tzungen für Moderhinkeempfindlichkeit variierten zwischen 0,09 und 0,41 in Abh?ngigkeit von der Untersuchungszeit nach den Impfungen. Die genetische Korrelation zwischen induzierter und natürlicher Moderhinke schwankte von 0,14 bis 0,95 in Abh?ngikeit von der Dauer der Beobachtungsperiode, durschnittlich 0,67. Zus?tzlich zur genetischen Variabilit?t innerhalb der Herde wurden signifikante Unterschiede zwischen verschiedenen Linien innerhalb der Versuchsherde gefunden. Darauf wird es geschlossen, da? substantielle genetische Variabilit?t für Resistenz gegenüber virulenten Isolaten von D. nodosus existiert. Allerdings k?nnen praktische Hindernisse die Ausnutzung der vorhandenen genetischen Variabilit?t durch direkte Selektion einschr?nken.  相似文献   

An outbreak of virulent footrot was investigated in a flock of 605 Merino cross-bred sheep in Bhutan. Conventional control methods in the preceding eight years had reduced its prevalence from 36-79% in different components of the flock to about 15% overall. Only one serogroup (B) of Dichelobacter nodosus was identified among 40 isolates cultured from affected sheep. A vaccine prepared from this strain was used in a pilot trial to compare the response of 14 treated and 14 untreated sheep. All affected, vaccinated animals in this trial healed quickly and were protected against re-infection while additional cases developed among untreated sheep during a period favourable for the spread of footrot. The serogroup B vaccine was administered to the whole flock for two successive years. No other footrot treatment was given during these or subsequent years. The whole flock was examined three times, foot by foot, for two years and twice yearly for another two years. When vaccination began there were 88 affected sheep in the flock, an affected sheep being defined as an animal with a foot-score of 2 or greater in one or more feet. There were neither affected sheep in the flock 30 days after the first dose of vaccine nor were any identified in later inspections. Virulent footrot, originating from the farm under investigation, persisted in neighbouring village flocks during this period. It was concluded that whole flock specific D. nodosus vaccination made a major contribution to the elimination of all clinical signs of footrot from the flock of 605 sheep where the condition had previously persisted for 10 years.  相似文献   

In a field experiment on irrigated pasture, sheep of several breeds were vaccinated twice, subcutaneously, in the upper neck, with Bacteroides nodosus vaccine containing either depiliated cells (DC vaccine), or whole, piliated cells (WC vaccine) and the responses were measured over the following 14 weeks. DC vaccine was as effective as WC vaccine in protecting against the development of foot-rot under conditions of moderate challenge, although the WC vaccine induced significantly higher pilus agglutinating antibody titres. Foot-rot developed in significantly more vaccinated Merinos (Peppin and Saxon strains) than in Romney Marsh, Dorset Horn or Border Leicester breeds. Agglutinating antibody titres after WC vaccination were significantly lower in the Peppin Merino than in the other sheep for the first 6 weeks, while after DC vaccination the titres remained elevated longer in the Border Leicester and Saxon Merino and were significantly higher from 6 weeks onwards. Reactions at the inoculation sites were generally larger in the British breeds than in the Merinos and among the former the reactions were largest, most numerous and most frequently discharged their contents in the Dorset Horn. Bodyweight gains in all vaccinated sheep were initially reduced, compared with controls, but the differences were no longer significant after the eighth week.  相似文献   

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