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Despite evidences that Holm oak has a high plasticity and great adaptability, there is limited or contradictory knowledge of the morphological and physiological variability of this species. Holm oak has been widely used for reforestation projects in Mediterranean areas, but has frequently shown poor field performance. We hypothesized that Holm oak has inter-population differences in physiological responses to abiotic stressors that could affect reforestation success. The influence of nursery culture on the characteristics of Holm oaks from different provenances has not been explored in depth. Thus, we studied the effect of nursery autumn fertilization on morphological traits, frost tolerance, root growth potential, and nutritional status of two Spanish provenances of Holm oak, La Alcarria (a region with inland Mediterranean climate) and Sierra Morena Occidental (a region with a warm coastal Mediterranean climate). There were significant differences between the provenances in frost tolerance, biomass allocation, and leaf nutrient content, suggesting a role of genetic factors. The leaves of seedlings from La Alcarria had less visual damage at ?12°C than seedlings from the warmer provenance (45% vs. 92%). Seedlings from La Alcarria, compared to those from Sierra Morena, had higher leaf P concentration (0.17% vs. 0.15%), greater stem diameter (3.1?mm vs. 2.7?mm), lower shoot-to-root dry mass ratio (0.46 vs. 0.53), and lower slenderness (4.03 vs. 5.31). For both provenances, N autumn fertilization improved growth, root growth potential, cold hardiness, and nutritional status of seedlings. We suggest that forest reforestation programs should consider to a greater extent Holm oak provenances and their tolerances to different abiotic stressors.  相似文献   

Acorn production by Quercus ilex L. ssp. ballota (Desf.) Samp. in SW Spain was assessed, and variations between years and the influence of pruning on it were examined. To this end, an experimental study was conducted at two different sites (Calañas and San Bartolomé, in the province of Huelva) where trees were subjected to traditional (light, moderate or heavy) pruning and also to a new (crown-regeneration) pruning method. Acorn yield was quantified over a period of 5 years in the Calañas plot and 4 in the San Bartolomé plot, and found to average at 95.61 ± 0.76 g DM/m2, which is equivalent to 6.5 ± 0.05 kg DM/tree; however, yield figures varied markedly between years depending on the particular climatic conditions. The average acorn production was correlated with the water potential in mid summer (end of July); the annual, spring and autumn rainfall; and the actual evapotranspiration for the period from September (previous year) to August. No significant differences in acorn production between traditional pruning intensities were detected; in fact, there were only hints that heavy pruning might result in decreased acorn yields. The new pruning method used, crown-regeneration, seems promising with a view to increasing acorn yield; however, it should be tested on larger sample sizes before any final conclusions can be drawn in this respect. Based on the results, the present health status of holm oaks in southwestern Spain (a result of sustained decline) and the low value of firewood — which used to be a very important source of income from pruning a few decades ago -, the authors recommend reducing the frequency and intensity of pruning in the dehesas of the study area.  相似文献   

Quercus ilex L. subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp., a Mediterranean evergreen species growing in a continental Mediterranean climate, did not experience water stress and showed greater sensitivity to winter stress than to summer stress over a 12-month period. Net CO2 assimilation rates and photosystem II (PSII) efficiency decreased markedly during the cold months and recovered completely in spring. Lutein, neoxanthin and beta-carotene to chlorophyll (Chl) molar ratios all showed the same trend throughout the year, increasing from September to March. This increase was a result of increases in carotenoid concentrations, because Chl concentration per unit leaf area remained stable, and was higher at the end than at the beginning of the first growing season. Lutein-epoxide was a minor component of the total lutein pool. Thermal energy dissipation and non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) were associated with the de-epoxidated forms of the xanthophyll cycle pigments in the warm months. Photosynthetic rates decreased slightly at midday in summer. These changes were accompanied by decreases in maximum potential PSII efficiency (which recovered during the night), actual and intrinsic PSII efficiencies, photochemical quenching and increases in NPQ. Overall, our data indicate down-regulation of photosynthesis during the summer. The diurnal de-epoxidation of violaxanthin to antheraxanthin and zeaxanthin occurred throughout the year, except in January. Antioxidant enzymatic activity increased in the winter months, especially during the coldest months, highlighting its key role in photoprotection against photo-oxidation. Structural and functional modifications protected PSII from permanent damage and allowed 1-year-old leaves to photosynthesize at high rates when temperatures increased in spring.  相似文献   

The evergreen holm oak Quercus ilex L. is the most representative tree in Mediterranean forests. Accurate estimation of the limiting factors of photosynthesis for Q. ilex and the prediction of ecosystem water-use efficiency by mechanistic models can be achieved only by establishing whether this species shows heterogenic stomatal aperture, and, if so, the circumstances in which this occurs. Here, we collected gas-exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence data in Q. ilex leaves from a nursery to measure the effects of stomatal oscillations on PSII quantum yield (Φ(PSII)) under water stress. Stomatal conductance (g(s)) was used as an integrative indicator of the degree of water stress. Images of chlorophyll fluorescence showed heterogeneous Φ(PSII) when g(s) was <50 mmol H(2)O m(-2) s(-1), representative of severe drought and corresponding to a container capacity <45%. Stomatal patchiness was related to a coefficient of variation (CV) of Φ(PSII) values >2.5%. A parallel study in the forest confirmed heterogeneous Φ(PSII) values in leaves in response to declining water availability. Three kinds of Q. ilex individuals were distinguished: those resprouting after a clear-cut (resprouts, R); intact individuals growing in the same clear-cut area as resprouts (controls, C); and intact individuals in a nearby, undisturbed area (forest controls, CF). Patchiness increased in C and CF in response to increasing drought from early May to late July, whereas in R, Φ(PSII) values were maintained as a result of their improved water relations since the pre-existing roots were associated with a smaller aerial biomass. Patchiness was related to a % CV of Φ(PSII) values >4 and associated in the summer with mean g(s) values of 30 mmol H(2)O m(-2) s(-1). Under milder drought in spring, Φ(PSII) patchiness was less strictly related to g(s) variations, pointing to biochemical limitants of photosynthesis. The occurrence of heterogenic photosynthesis caused by patchy stomatal closure in Q. ilex during severe drought should be taken into account in ecosystem modelling in which harsher water stress conditions associated with climate change are predicted.  相似文献   

Quercus variabilis Blume, the Chinese cork oak, is an oak species with a thick cork outer bark. The cork is exploited at a limited scale in China and considered of lower quality than the commercial cork from Quercus suber. We studied an industrial cork granulate feedstock of Q. variabilis in relation to cellular structure and chemical composition and compared it to Q. suber cork under a material’s perspective. The cork of Q.variabilis has 1.1 % ash, 9.6 % extractives, 34.8 % suberin and 19.1 % lignin. The monosaccharide composition with shows a predominance of hemicelluloses: glucose 42.8 % of total neutral sugars, xylose 27.5 %, arabinose 15.4 %, galactose 9.0 %, mannose 4.0 %, rhamnose 1.2 %. The FT-IR spectrum shows the indicative peaks of suberin. The composition is overall similar to that of Q. suber cork. Q. variabilis cork has the typical cellular characteristics of bark cork tissues with a regular and radially aligned structure of cells without intercellular voids. Solid volume fraction was estimated at approximately 16 %. Compared with Q. suber, the Q. variabilis cork cells are smaller, the cell wall undulation and the overall row alignment less homogeneous, the cell surface is irregular and the solid volume proportion higher. The characteristics of Q. variabilis cork support its use as a cellular material for sealing, insulation and energy absorption, but the overall quality is lower than that of Q. suber cork. The negative impact of the higher density and structural lower uniformity at tissue and cell level should be evaluated for processing and product performance.  相似文献   

Quercus suber L., is a socially, economically and ecologically important forest species in rural areas of the Mediterranean basin. Fifty three elite-trees from nine stands of four provenance regions in the Community of Extremadura (Spain) were analysed with the aim to establish their DNA-fingerprinting and the genetic relationships among them. Two types of molecular markers, microsatellites and intermicrosatellites, were used for tree genotyping. Microsatellite markers could distinguish 94% of the trees. Observed and expected heterozygosities, and effective number of alleles were correlated with the polymorphism information content (PIC). Intermicrosatellite patterns were used to construct a dendrogram. They showed high levels of genetic diversity in these elite trees, without any clear relationship with provenance regions. Both types of markers detected a high level of intra-stand variability, which is common in Quercus species, probably due to its mating system, the low distance among stands and the small size of stands. Others factors that could affect this result, such as introgression between Q. suber L. and Q. ilex L., are also commented. The high level of genetic variability detected in these elite trees can be useful for improvement programs. Also the usefulness of SSR and ISSR markers to establish the DNA-fingerprinting of each tree could be focused to select clonal lines of commercial interest.  相似文献   

Drought stress is the main cause of mortality of holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) seedlings in forest plantations. We therefore assessed if drought hardening, applied in the nursery at the end of the growing season, enhanced the drought tolerance and transplanting performance of holm oak seedlings. Seedlings were subjected to three drought hardening intensities (low, moderate and severe) for 2.5 and 3.5 months, and compared with control seedlings. At the end of the hardening period, water relations, gas exchange and morphological attributes were determined, and survival and growth under mesic and xeric transplanting conditions were assessed. Drought hardening increased drought tolerance primarily by affecting physiological traits, with no effect on shoot/root ratio or specific leaf mass. Drought hardening reduced osmotic potential at saturation and at the turgor loss point, stomatal conductance, residual transpiration (RT) and new root growth capacity (RGC), but enhanced cell membrane stability. Among treated seedlings, the largest response occurred in seedlings subjected to moderate hardening. Severe hardening reduced shoot soluble sugar concentration and increased shoot starch concentration. Increasing the duration of hardening had no effect on water relations but reduced shoot mineral and starch concentrations. Variation in cell membrane stability, RT and RGC were negatively related to osmotic adjustment. Despite differences in drought tolerance, no differences in mortality and relative growth rate were observed between hardening treatments when the seedlings were transplanted under either mesic or xeric conditions.  相似文献   



Information about variations in basic density (BD) and carbon content (%C) along tree stems is key to assessing forest carbon sinks.


The aim of the study was to determine any differences in %C and BD between different woody tissues (bark, sapwood and heartwood) in two widespread European oak species (Quercus pyrenaica and Quercus petraea).


Twenty trees were felled in northern Spain, and 317 discs cut from the trees were dried and analysed to determine %C and BD.


There were significant differences in %C between bark, heartwood and sapwood, and between species. There were also significant differences in BD between the tissues (heartwood?>?sapwood?>?bark), and the BD was higher in Q. petraea than in Q. pyrenaica. Both %C and BD varied along the stem.


More accurate estimates of carbon contents were obtained by using specific values for different heights and anatomical parts, than by using single values.  相似文献   

Remobilization of internal resources is an important mechanism enabling plants to be partly independent of external nutrient availability. We assessed resource remobilization during the growing period in woody and foliar tissues of leafy branches of mature evergreen Mediterranean oak (Quercus ilex L.) at three field sites. We compared nonstructural carbohydrates, lipids, nitrogen and phosphorus pools in leaves and stems before bud burst (March) and at the end of the growing period (July). We also experimentally defoliated leafy branches to determine the storage function of old leaves. Changes in pools of carbon compounds in leaves and stems during spring and in response to defoliation indicated that foliar and woody tissues could provide carbon to support shoot growth. Independently of stem age, soluble sugar and lipid pools decreased significantly during spring. Changes in leaf pools between March and July involved all compounds measured except starch and were accompanied by a 5% decrease in mean leaf biomass. During the same period, 15% of the nitrogen and 25% of the phosphorus were removed from leaves. In contrast, woody tissues did not remobilize nitrogen or phosphorus. Our results support earlier hypotheses that leaves of evergreen species have a primary role in resource remobilization.  相似文献   

Cork oak (Quercus suber L.) is an autochthonous tree species that is being used for reforestation in heavy-metal-contaminated areas in Spain. A hydroponics experiment was carried out to characterize the effects of Cd on several morphological and physiological parameters in this species, including shoot length, nutrient concentrations and allocation in different organs, leaf pigment concentrations, photosynthetic efficiency, root ferric chelate reductase (FCR) activity and organic acid concentrations in xylem sap. Four different Cd treatments were applied, adding Cd chelated with EDTA or as chloride salt at two different concentrations (10 and 50 μM Cd). After 1 month of Cd treatment, plant growth was significantly inhibited in all treatments. Results indicate that Cd accumulates in all organs 7- to 500-fold when compared with control plants. The highest Cd concentration was found in the 50 μM CdCl(2) treatment, which led to concentrations of ~30, 123 and 1153 μg Cd g(-1) dry weight in leaves, stems and roots, respectively. In the strongest Cd treatments the concentrations of P and Ca decreased in some plant parts, whereas the Mn leaf concentrations decreased with three of the four Cd treatments applied. The concentrations of chlorophyll and carotenoids on an area basis decreased, whereas the (zeaxanthin plus antheraxanthin)/(total violaxanthin cycle carotenoids) ratio and the non-photochemical quenching increased significantly in all Cd treatments. Cadmium treatments caused significant increases in the activity of the enzyme FCR in roots and in the concentrations of organic acids in xylem sap. Some of the physiological changes found support the fact that Cd induces a deficiency of Fe in cork oak, although the plant Fe concentrations were not reduced significantly. At higher concentrations the effects of Cd were more pronounced, and were more marked when Cd was in the free ion form than when present in the form of Cd-EDTA.  相似文献   

MAYHEAD  G. J.; BOOTHMAN  I. R. 《Forestry》1997,70(2):151-155
Sessile oak 1+1 transplants were grown for 4 years in a weed-freeenvironment at 1 x 1 m spacing on a fertile sheltered site.Four experiment treatments were imposed: control with no treeshelterand treeshelters of heights 0.6 m, 1.2 m and 1.8 m. Treatmentshad no significant effect on tree survival. Taller sheltersproduced taller, lower diameter trees of increasingly low dryroot weight. The root:shoot ratio was 0.675 in control treesbut declined to 0.291 in 1.8-m shelters. Trees from 0.6-rn and1.2-m shelters (mean heights 152 m and 206 m respectively) supportedthemselves unaided after removal of the stake and treeshelter.The trees from 1.8-m shelters of mean height 234 cm at age fourcollapsed completely when support was removed.  相似文献   

The mixture of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and oak (sessile oak, Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl., and pedunculate oak, Q. robur L.) is of considerable importance in Europe and will probably become even more important under climate change. Therefore, the performance of oak and beech in mixture was compared with the species’ growth in pure stands. Data from 37 long-term mixing experiments in Poland, Germany and Switzerland were pooled for analysis of mixing effects on stand productivity and possible interrelationships with mixing portions or site conditions. We found that on average, mixed stands of oak and beech exceeded biomass productivity in pure stands by 30 % or 1.7 t ha?1 year?1, as the growth of both species was benefitted by the mixture. However, that the interaction actually ranged from facilitation and overyielding on poor sites to underyielding on fertile sites triggered by competition. An empirically derived interaction model showed volume and dry mass growth changing in mixed stands from gains of 50 % to losses of 10 % depending on site conditions. It is concluded that the analysed mixture grows in accordance with the stress-gradient hypothesis and that our results suggest a site-specific relationship between species mixture and biomass productivity. As a consequence, an adequate species mix should result in increased productivity under steady state as well as climate change.  相似文献   

We present a genetic profile of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) in three woodlands of the Helsinki region. We genotyped all mature trees and samples of seedlings to evaluate patterns of genetic variation and gene flow, and evaluate the long-term stability and natural regeneration of these stands. Although five microsatellite loci showed no significant differences in heterozygosity between generations in most locations, significant (p?per se does not interfere with gene flow over the distances represented here. Based on our findings, a minimal-maintenance program reliant upon natural regeneration of oak in the public parks of Helsinki seems plausible.  相似文献   

The variability of fibre and ray dimensions was studied at three radial positions (10, 50 and 90% of radius) in 5 cork oaks (Quercus suber L.) approximately 40 years old. Uniseriate ray height and cell number as well as multiseriate ray height and width were measured in tangential sections. Fibre length, width and wall thickness were measured after maceration. The most striking features of cork oak wood were the large multiseriate rays and the frequent homocellular uniseriate rays. On average multiseriate rays were 5.16 mm high and 0.48 mm wide, and uniseriate rays contained 11 cells and were 227 μm high. Neighbour rays presented large dimensional differences but there was no radial variation and there were very small between-tree differences. The radial maintenance of high and wide rays was discussed as a means to improve water shortage in response to water stress. Fibre dimensions increased radially but differed little between trees: on average, 960–1,220 μm length, 18.40–21.49 μm width and 6.66–8.07 μm wall thickness. The ray pattern showed enough variation for visual appreciation while ensuring within and between-tree uniformity. The presence of rays has to be taken into consideration for designing wood drying programs.  相似文献   

This work presents the results of a study on the variation of the chemical composition of Pyrenean oak (Quercus pyrenaica Willd.) heartwood among different sites and its relationship with the soil chemical characteristics. The chemical characteristics of the heartwood are quantified in terms of proximate and ultimate analysis, calorific value and ash composition. Subsequently, the relationship between the wood chemical characteristics and the soil characteristics was also examined. The results showed no significant differences between the wood chemical characteristics from different sites. There are, however, significant differences between trees from the same site regarding the wood ash content, the calorific value and the contents of nitrogen and hydrogen. Strong correlations were observed between the heartwood ash contents of BaO, MnO, CuO and TiO2 and the soil nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium and the soil exchangeable base contents.  相似文献   

To quantify the effects of crown thinning on the water balance and growth of the stand and to analyze the ecophysiological modifications induced by canopy opening on individual tree water relations, we conducted a thinning experiment in a 43-year-old Quercus petraea stand by removing trees from the upper canopy level. Soil water content, rainfall interception, sap flow, leaf water potential and stomatal conductance were monitored for two seasons following thinning. Seasonal time courses of leaf area index (LAI) and girth increment were also measured. Predawn leaf water potential was significantly higher in trees in the thinned stand than in the closed stand, as a consequence of higher relative extractable water in the soil. The improvement in water availability in the thinned stand resulted from decreases in both interception and transpiration. From Year 1 to Year 2, an increase in transpiration was observed in the thinned stand without any modification in LAI, whereas changes in transpiration in the closed stand were accompanied by variations in LAI. The different behaviors of the closed and open canopies were interpreted in terms of coupling to the atmosphere. Thinning increased inter-tree variability in sap flow density, which was closely related to a leaf area competition index. Stomatal conductance varied little inside the crown and differences in stomatal conductance between the treatments appeared only during a water shortage and affected mainly the closed stand. Thinning enhanced tree growth as a result of a longer growing period due to the absence of summer drought and higher rates of growth. Suppressed and dominant trees benefited more from thinning than trees in the codominant classes.  相似文献   

Sodium salt sensitivity of red oak (Quercus rubra L.) and American beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.) was evaluated in solution culture. Both species showed symptoms of salt injury when grown in the presence of less than 10 mM Na. In red oak, leaf symptoms first appeared at a sodium concentration of 6.0 mM and leaf weight was significantly reduced at 7.5 mM Na. Leaf, stem and root dry weights of American beech were significantly reduced in the presence of 4.0 mM sodium. In both species, browning of leaf margins and necrosis were evident in the Na-treated plants. The observed symptoms were associated with high concentrations of sodium in the tissues. Neither species appears to have control over sodium uptake and translocation.  相似文献   

Fire affects the physical and chemical properties and soil biological activity of natural ecosystems. This study was conducted in the Miyan Tang region, Ilam Province in western Iran. The study site was 110 hectares,where we sampled soils in areas that were classified by fire severity: low(LS), high(HS) and medium severity(MS),and unburned(UB), which served as the control. In each severity class, 25 transect points were randomly selected for measurement. Around each transect plot center, 3 soil samples were selected randomly and soils collected from the 0 to 20 cm depth were combined into a composite sample that was used in laboratory analysis to represent conditions at that point. Plots in the UB and LS fire classes had similar soil conditions and had higher values of factors such as saturated moisture, organic carbon, carbon dioxide,and silt and clay content. In contrast, plots in the HS and MS fire severity classes were clustered in the positive direction along the first axis that represented gradients in soil acidity, electrical conductivity, cation exchangecapacity, accessible phosphorus, accessible potassium,bulk density, and sand. Soil attributes were similar in areas of HS and MS fire severity classes, whereas soil conditions in the LS class and UB controls were most similar. Fire in the LS areas either did not significantly alter the physical–chemical soil properties and microbial basal respiration, or soils were able to recover quickly after being burned.  相似文献   

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