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Clinical and pathological observations were made on a case of bilateral cryptorchidism in a bull. Sexual libido could not be assessed because the bull was housed alone. The location of the intraabdominal testes indicated that surgical castration would necessitate a flank laparotomy incision.  相似文献   

A heifer with developmental skeletal disorder was presented to the ruminant clinic of the University of Berne. Abnormal long bone growth and a wobbling gait were the main clinical signs. All long bones were examined radiologically, several parameters of body size were measured and the results were compared to the measurements of a healthy control animal. Haematology and blood chemistry were normal. Based on the poor prognosis the animal was slaughtered. The final diagnosis of hyena disease was based on the characteristic growth disturbances in the caudal parts of the body, giving the animal a hyena-like appearance. For the first time a case of hyena disease is reported in Switzerland.  相似文献   

An 11‐year‐old Brown Swiss cow was referred to the Farm Animal Department of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital in Zurich, Switzerland, because of lateral recumbency due to puerperal hemolytic anemia. The animal had developed enophthalmos due to dehydration at the time of presentation. Two days after hospitalization, the cow showed blepharospasm and epiphora of the right eye. Ophthalmic examination of the right eye revealed a fluorescein‐positive, paraxial, superficial corneal ulcer with focal edema, and mild superficial neovascularization. White corneal stromal infiltrates were seen at the edges of the ulcer bed. After initial topical treatment with an antibiotic ointment (Neomycin 3.5 mg/g, Bacitracin 250 IU/g) three times a day, an increase in corneal infiltrates was noted on re‐examination 2 days later. Several fluorescein‐negative, punctate, stromal, white opacities were seen dorsal to the ulcer. Cytology demonstrated the presence of fungal hyphae. Topical treatment with 2% miconazole ointment and 0.36% K‐EDTA eye drops six times daily and four times daily, respectively, from the second day and continued antibiotics three times daily resolved the clinical symptoms within 6 days. Fungal culture identified the fungal organism as Eurotium amstelodami.  相似文献   

Two 4‐ and 8‐month‐old prim'Holstein calves were presented for chronic epiphora. Examination of the affected eyes revealed an abnormal duct opening inferonasal to the medial canthus. A diagnosis of congenital lacrimal fistula was made based on conventional and computed tomographic‐dacryocystography findings. These revealed an ectopic channel connecting the nasolacrimal duct to the skin opening near the medial canthus. Both of the calves were surgically treated with resection and closure of the ectopic duct and placement of a nasolacrimal stent.  相似文献   



Tumours of the upper respiratory tract are relatively common in cattle, but to our knowledge, there have been no reports of lymphoma of the nasal cavity. This case report describes the findings in a 22-month-old Brown Swiss heifer with T-cell lymphoma of the nasal cavity.

Case presentation

The main clinical findings were lacrimation and swelling of the head above and below the right eye, mild exophthalmos, third eyelid prolapse, purulent ocular discharge and congestion of scleral blood vessels. An endoscope could only be introduced a few centimetres into the right nasal cavity because of an obstructing mass in the nasal passage. Radiographs showed a mass in the right nasal cavity and maxillary sinus. A tentative diagnosis of neoplasia of the right nasal cavity was made and the heifer was euthanased and necropsied. A firm, tan mass measuring 10 by 13 by 15 cm in the right half of the head occupied the entire right nasal cavity. A final diagnosis of high-grade, malignant, small-sized T-cell lymphoma was made based on histological and immunohistochemical evaluation. A distinction between αβ T-cell or γδ T-cell lymphoma was not made.


This report on T-cell lymphoma in the nasal cavity of a cow suggests that nasal lymphoma should be included in the list of differential diagnosis of conditions associated with dyspnoea and stertorous breathing in cattle.  相似文献   

An 8-month-old cat was presented with bilateral hydronephrosis. Bilateral ureteral obstructions were identified by diagnostic imaging and confirmed by necropsy. Histopathologic findings revealed polypoid transitional epithelial hyperplasia with chronic lymphoplasmacytic inflammation. This report documents congenital ureteral strictures as a cause of ureteral obstruction in a young cat.  相似文献   

In a total of 94 cows the mean back fat thickness (BFT) on Day 275 of pregnancy and 2 to 3 days after calving (peripartal) as well as between Days 42 and 44 post partum (postpuerperal) has been examined sonographically. Based on their BFT levels all examined cows have been divided into three groups: overconditioned, optimal conditioned and underconditioned cows. Cows which were peripartal overconditioned had more often ovarian cysts (p < 0.05) and were culled more frequently (p < 0.1) because of infertility than peripartal cows which were optimal or underconditioned. Nevertheless, the interval from calving to conception of peripartal cows being in different physical conditions was not significantly different. Postpuerperal cows which were overconditioned had more often ovarian cysts (p < 0.05) and were more frequently (p < 0.05) slaughtered because of infertility than postpuerperal cows which were optimal or underconditioned. Postpuerperal cows which were over- or underconditioned had a significantly longer interval from calving to conception than cows which were optimal conditioned 6 weeks after calving. The correlation coefficient between peripartal and postpuerperal BFT was 0.82 (p < 0.05). The decrease of BFT between the peripartal and postpuerperal timepoint had no significant influence on the frequency of ovarian cysts, the interval from calving to conception and the infertility caused culling rate.  相似文献   



The rates of congenital disorders in Swiss sheep were determined by a questionnaire which was sent to 3,183 members of the Swiss Sheep Breeders’ Association.


A total of 993 questionnaires were returned, giving a response rate of 31.2%. Of these, 862 questionnaires originated from farms keeping one of the predominant Swiss sheep breeds: Swiss White Alpine sheep, Brown-Headed Meat sheep, Swiss Black Brown Mountain sheep and Valais Blacknose sheep. During a 10-year-period, entropion was reported in 33.6% of the farms, brachygnathia inferior in 29.5%, abdominal/umbilical hernia in 15.9%, cryptorchidism in 10.5% and torticollis in 10.5%. The most significant difference between the four breeds (P < 0.001) occurred for entropion in Swiss White Alpine sheep and Brown-Headed Meat sheep, brachygnathia inferior in Swiss Black Brown Mountain sheep, and scrotal/inguinal hernia in Valais Blacknose sheep. The Swiss White Alpine breed showed a significantly higher animal prevalence of entropion (6.2% in 2011 and 5.5% in 2012) than other breeds (P < 0.001).


These findings indicate a breed-specific necessity for action, particularly regarding Swiss animal welfare legislation, especially entropion in Swiss White Alpine sheep is concerned. In general, careful selection of breeding stock is to be recommended.  相似文献   

A 1-year-old male Cairn Terrier was evaluated for chronic coughing that was aggravated by eating or drinking. Radiography revealed an esophageal diverticulum, regional megaesophagus, and focal interstitial densities in the right caudal and middle lung lobes. Using fluoroscopy and contrast radiography, contrast material was seen to accumulate in the diverticulum and to reflux into the right middle, caudal, and accessory bronchi. Radiographic diagnosis was bronchoesophageal fistula. Via right eighth intercostal space thoracotomy, the abnormal connection between esophagus and caudal lobe of the right lung was identified, the lobe was resected, and the esophagus was closed. Histologic examination of the connecting tissue revealed a lining of stratified epithelium, with the superficial layer being predominantly ciliated columnar epithelium. Several findings led to the conclusion that the fistula was a congenital lesion, arising from aberrant formation of the respiratory tract from the embryologic digestive tract. Histologic examination revealed smooth muscle and lack of inflammation in tissue surrounding the fistula, which are criteria for identifying congenital bronchoesophageal fistula in human patients. The dog was young and did not have a history of esophageal foreign bodies. Postoperative complications were not encountered, and 9 months later, the dog was reported to be eating dry dog food without coughing. Congenital and acquired bronchoesophageal fistulas in dogs are reported infrequently. Furthermore, 2 of 12 previously reported bronchoesophageal fistulas in dogs, one of which was considered congenital, developed in Cairn Terriers.  相似文献   

An adult Brown Swiss cow was presented to the Large Animal Hospital of the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vétérinaire de l'Université de Montréal due to a postpartum downer cow syndrome. The animal had severe and generalized swelling of all 4 limbs and was in shock, as demonstrated by hypotension, dehydration, hypothermia, altered mental status, and abnormal blood parameters. It died rapidly, and necropsy revealed a generalized, severe cellulitis caused by Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. dysgalactiae, bronchopneumonia, and lesions of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) in the kidneys. The portal of entry of the bacteria in the subcutaneous tissue was not found, as there was no history of skin trauma or mastitis. The pure growth of large quantities of an invasive Streptococcus species, associated with hypotension, coagulopathy, and renal failure, are supportive of streptococcal toxic shock-like syndrome in a bovine.  相似文献   

Bilateral congenital cysts in the frontal sinuses of a horse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Congenital frontal sinus cysts were found bilaterally in the frontal sinuses of a one-year-old miniature horse. Diagnosis was based on radiography of the head and cytologic examination of tissue aspirated from the frontal sinuses. The cysts were surgically removed, using a hinged bone flap technique bilaterally over the frontal sinuses.  相似文献   

A Weibull mixed survival model was used to study the effect of a change in the housing system on length of productive life (LPL) in dairy cows. The data set included records on 71,469 Swiss Brown cows in 1674 farms in eastern and central Switzerland. About 36% of the records were right-censored. The observation period lasted from January 1, 1988 to May 1, 2001. During this period, 517 farms changed their housing conditions from a tie-stall barn to a loose housing system. Besides a random time-dependent effect of herd–year–season, the model included fixed effects of housing system, lactation number and stage of lactation, within herd and parity production level (all time-dependent), and age at first calving (time-independent). All effects had a significant effect on LPL at a level of p < 0.001. Cows in loose housing systems showed the lowest risk ratios of being culled (0.93) compared to the reference system tie-stall barn (1.00). The highest relative culling rate (1.09) was observed within the changing period from tie-stall barn to loose housing system. Within the first three lactations, the relative culling risk increased stepwise with lactation stage. The hazard slightly increased from first until lactation number 8 and higher. The relative culling rates were highest (2.22) for cows yielding less than 90% compared to herd-mates of the same lactation number, whereas the lowest risk ratios were estimated for animals yielding more than 110% compared to their reference group (0.64). When heifers were older than 3 years at first calving, there was a tendency towards a higher relative culling risk (1.06).  相似文献   

An 11-month-old, beefmaster bull presented with anorexia and signs of respiratory disease. Physical examination, thoracic ultrasonography and radiography, and pleural fluid analysis indicated pericarditis and septic neutrophilic pleuropneumonia. Postmortem findings were abomasal adherence to the diaphragm, a fibrotic fistulous tract connecting the abomasum and pleural cavity, granulomatous abomasitis, granulomatous pericarditis, and fibrinonecrotic pleuritis.  相似文献   

The report describes seven SMA-cases in descendents of crossbreeds of American Brown Swiss x Deutsches Braunvieh. Symptoms and course: After initially normal development of the calves for one to six weeks the disease set in suddenly followed by a rapid lethal course of one to one and a half weeks duration due to asphyxia and/or secondary diseases. Only one case was reported having been sick since birth (?). Characteristic signs were rapidly progressing muscular atrophy, paresis and paralysis of the limbs, the trunk and the diaphragm, usually accompanied by progressive dyspnoea. Signs of congenital neuromyodysplasia (arthrogryposis) of different degree were present in four of the seven calves. Six calves had contracted a secondary pneumonia. Blood gas analysis (6/7) revealed a compensated (1x) or decompensated (4x) respiratory acidosis. Neurohistological findings: Degeneration and loss of motor neurons in the ventral horns of the spinal cord and neurogenic muscular atrophy. Immunohistochemistry revealed a pronounced accumulation of type 200 kD-neurofilaments in perikarya and dendrites of ventral horn motoneurons indicating disturbed mechanisms of the axonal transport. The disease seems to be inherited as a recessive trait.  相似文献   

A 10-month-old entire male bull terrier was presented with a history of collapse on exercise. Clinical examination, electrocardiography, radiography and echocardiography all supported a diagnosis of mitral valve dysplasia. There was no evidence of congestive heart failure. Surgical intervention consisted of open resection of the dysplastic mitral valve and its replacement with a bioprosthetic valve. The procedure was performed through a median sternotomy and the dog was placed on to full cardiopulmonary bypass. Total cardiopulmonary bypass time was 70 minutes. A full recovery was made and at the time of writing (17 months postoperatively) the dog is clinically normal requiring no medication.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - Nitrogen plays an important role in the metabolism of living organisms due to the variety of physiological functions that involve molecules that contain it....  相似文献   

牛蜘蛛腿综合征(Arachnomelia Syndrome,AS)是一种常染色体隐性遗传病,现主要见于德系西门塔尔牛和欧洲瑞士褐牛。患病犊牛先天骨骼系统严重畸形,出生即死亡或出生不久死亡。已证实瑞士褐牛蜘蛛腿综合征是由编码亚硫酸盐氧化酶的基因SUOX外显子4上一个单碱基插入突变c.363-364insG所致。本研究首次建立了瑞士褐牛蜘蛛腿综合征致病基因突变位点分子筛查的方法:荧光引物PCR产物电泳法和PCR产物直接测序法。使用荧光引物PCR产物电泳法对10个品种187头牛样本进行该突变位点的基因型分型,没有发现携带该致病基因的个体。荧光引物PCR产物电泳法判定基因型快速可靠,实验成本较低,适合大规模群体的检测。由于我国曾多次进口瑞士褐牛遗传物质,可能将该致病基因引入本地牛群体。因此对我国相关牛群开展AS隐性不利基因的筛查是必要的,尤其是针对种公牛进行筛查,可避免该致病基因在群体的传播造成重大经济损失。  相似文献   

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