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Agroforestry is a general concept for a land management system combining trees and agricultural crops. For application, various specific techniques can be chosen. Each of these techniques is adjusted to a specific set of environmental as well as socio-economic factors. Agroforestry cultivators or managers belonging to varying social strata and institutional groupings may practice different forms of agroforestry, even within the same general region. This is demonstrated on the basis of two contrasting types of agroforestry which are found on the Indonesian island of Java. Tree gardening or the cultivation of a wide variety of crops in a multiple-storeyed agroforestry system is an indegenous practice on private lands, while taungya or the intercropping of young tree plantations with staple crops is practiced on state forest lands. Both systems are described as to their management characteristics, past development as well as possibilities and constraints for further development. These two practices are then compared as to various attributes, like producer group, production purpose, area of cultivation, land ownership situation, structural organization of crop combinations, possibilities for improved cultivation techniques, and suitability for application in rural development for specific target groups.This paper is a slightly revised version of a contribution to a lecture series on agro-forestry organized by the Departments of Forestry, Wageningen University.  相似文献   

A screening trial involving 18 agroforestry species were initiated on highly acidic and Al toxic soils of Nkoemvone, Southern Cameroon, with the objective of identifying fast growing species that can be suitable for improving short fallows. Selected growth parameters evaluated were plant height, stem and crown diameter, number of stems at 3, 12 and 20 months after planting (MAP), and biomass yield at the first pruning (20 MAP). Then 9 months regrowths were evaluated for the same parameters. Outstanding height and stem diameter were observed for Indigofera zollingeriana, Inga edulis, Grewia mollis and Pterocarpus santalinoides. They reached between 6 and 9 m height and between 8 and 10 cm diameter. The best height was correlated to the best stem diameter for I. zollingeriana (8.7, 8.6), I. edulis (7.7, 10.1) and P. santalinoides (6.4, 10.3). The same four species developed a crown of more than 5 m diameter and easily out competed weed in the alley. G. mollis, Glyphea brewis, Dactiladenia barteri and I. zollingeriana had a shrubby architecture; G. mollis had up to 17 stem before the first pruning. Inga edulis and G. mollisproduced the highest total biomass, with respectively 61 and 39 t/ha dry matter. Other species with more than 20 t/ha total mass were I. zollingeriana, P. santalinoides, and Xylia xylocarpa. The first pruning stimulated shoot development, and the response of the species was similar to before the first pruning. Therefore I. edulis, P. santalinoides, G mollis and I. zollingeriana had the best growth performances and can be recommended for introduction in short fallows provided their contribution to soil fertility processes is assessed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

There have been a number of models developed which attempt to predict the shading patterns beneath individual tree or forest canopies. We describe a computer-based model which is able to estimate shading patterns through a discontinuous canopy of pruned trees. The model is designed to assist in the layout and management of agroforestry systems with widely spaced trees. The model was tested against data collected from a seven-year-old agroforestry system involving radiata pine, located near Canberra, Australia. The model was shown to slightly but consistently underestimate light penetration at ground level beneath the trees. However, the extent of bias (0.7% to 5%) was so small as to be of little significance in practice.  相似文献   

Landscapes in the humid tropics are undergoing a continuous change in land use. Deforestation is still taking its toll on forested areas, but at the same time more and more secondary forests emerge where formerly agricultural lands and pastures are being abandoned. Regarding soil hydrology, the extent to which secondary succession can recover soil hydrological properties disturbed by antecedent deforestation and pasture use is yet poorly understood. We investigated the effect of secondary succession on saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) at two soil depths (0-6 and 6-12 cm) using a space-for-time approach in a landscape mosaic in central Panama. The following four land-use classes were studied: pasture (P), secondary forest of 5-8 years of age (SF5), secondary forest of 12-15 years of age (SF12) and secondary forest of more than 100 years of age (SF100), each replicated altogether four times in different micro-catchments across the study region. The hydrological implications of differences in Ks in response to land-use change with land use, especially regarding overland flow generation, were assessed via comparisons with rainfall intensities.Recovery of Ks could be detected in the 0-6 cm depth after 12 years of secondary succession: P and SF5 held similar Ks values, but differed significantly (α = 0.05) from SF12 and SF100 which in turn were indistinguishable. Variability within the land cover classes was large but, due to sufficient replication in the study, Ks recovery could be detected nonetheless. Ks in the 6-12 cm depth did not show any differences between the land cover classes; only Ks of the uppermost soil layer was affected by land-use changes. Overland flow - as inferred from comparisons of Ks with rainfall intensities - is more likely on P and SF5 sites compared to SF12 and SF100 for the upper sample depth; however, generally low values at the 6-12 cm depth are likely to impede vertical percolation during high rainfall intensities regardless of land use.We conclude that Ks can recover from pasture use under secondary succession up to pre-pasture levels, but the process may take more than 8 years. In order to gain comprehensive understanding of Ks change with land use and its hydrological implications, more studies with detailed land-use histories and combined measurements of Ks, overland flow, precipitation and throughfall are essential.  相似文献   

Matching tree species to appropriate site conditions and stand management is crucial for sound agroforestry production. In this study, survival, growth and site index for laurel (Cordia alliodora (Ruiz and Pavón) Oken.) were measured between 1987–1999 in two forestry (line plantings and pure plantations) and four agroforestry systems (taungya and three laurel – cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) systems) in the lowland humid tropics of Costa Rica and Panama. Mortality ranged between 2 and 52% at age nine years. Poor drainage, flooding and high water tables resulted in low laurel survival on some sites. At age 5, laurel site index was 21 m in cacao – plantain (Musa AAB) – laurel associations (CLP), but only 15 m in line plantings. Diameter at breast height at that age was 28.5 cm in CLP and only 15.6 cm in pure plantations. Laurel growth and site index were high when planted in association with intensively managed crops (e.g., cacao, plantain or taungya sequences).  相似文献   

Ecosystem fertility and fallow function in the humid and subhumid tropics   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
The regeneration of natural vegetation (fallowing) is a traditional practice for restoring fertility of agricultural land in many parts in the tropics. As a result of increasing human population and insufficient fertilizer inputs, the ecosystem fertility functions of traditional fallows must now be improved upon via the use of managed fallows. Interactions between vegetation and soil determine nutrient losses and gains in crop—fallow systems and are influenced by fallow species, patterns and rates of biomass allocation, and crop and fallow management. Nutrient losses occur through offtake in crop harvests during the cropping phase and through leaching, runoff, and erosion in the cropping phase and the initial stage of fallows $#x2014; when nutrient availability exceeds nutrient demand by vegetation. Gains in nutrient stocks in later stages of fallow are generally more rapid on soils with high than low base status due to greater quantities of weatherable minerals and lack of constraints to N2 fixation, deep rooting, and retrieval of subsoil nutrients by fallow vegetation. On low base status soils (exchangeable Ca < 1 cmolc kg–1), N2 fixation and atmospheric inputs are likely to be the main sources of nutrient additions. On high base status soils limited by N, gains in N stocks by inputs from N2 fixation and retrieval of subsoil nitrate can occur relatively rapidly; hence short-term fallows can often improve crop performance. Large losses of Ca associated with soil organic matter (SOM) mineralization and soil acidification during cropping and fallow establishment, combined with chemical barriers to root penetration, suggest that long-duration fallows (> 5 yr) are needed for recovery of cation stocks and crop performance on low base status soils. On both soils, however, residual benefits of fallows on crop yields usually last less than three crops.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Although agroforestry practices have been used in Central America since pre-Columbian times, scientific initiatives in agroforestry began only about 15 years ago in this region. This paper describes the evolution of agroforestry in the Central American region, and discusses the relative merits of generating new procedures or encouraging traditional practices. This is followed by an analysis of several particularly promising practices—use of N-fixing trees to shade cacao and coffee, timber trees in pastures, and living fenceposts. Finally, a list of research gaps and recommendations for future efforts is presented. It is concluded that, from the perspective of scientific knowledge, agroforestry in Central America has taken off but the link between scientific knowledge and effective field application is still lacking.  相似文献   

A preliminary survey of seven coffee producing Awrajas (Provinces) in eastern Ethiopia revealed that there is a traditional tree crop based agroforestry system being practised by the farmers. Coffee (C. arabica) was found to grow under the shade of several trees, 16 species, usually intercropped by one or several, a total of 15, important grain, fruit, vegetable, stimulant, oil-seed and spice crops. The majority of the trees, 69%, is leguminous and Ficus spp. The system is characterized by the integration of crops, livestock and sometimes apiculture. Recommendations are made for future studies.  相似文献   

Somarriba  E.  Beer  J.  Muschler  R. G. 《Agroforestry Systems》2001,53(2):195-203
This paper reviews the research themes and methodologies used by CATIE in agroforestry research with shade trees over coffee (Coffea arabica) and cacao (Theobroma cacao) during the past 20 years. Initially research focused on characterization and production studies (of crop and timber including border areas) of traditional systems using temporary and permanent sample plots on private farms. The assessment area of traditional shade-coffee (or cacao) systems should be the whole plot, including the border areas, and not some subjectively selected central area which supposedly represents unit area productivity. Uncontrolled crop, tree, and management heterogeneity limited extrapolation of early on-farm research results to other farmers' fields. Replicated case studies of best bet technologies (traditional or experimental) on different farms are often preferable to the use of formal experimental designs. On-station research included the use of systematic spacing designs to test extreme shade tree density treatments of coffee. Most nutrient cycling studies were also carried out on-station, using service and timber shade species over coffee and cacao to evaluate the ability of these agroforestry systems to maintain nutrient reserves and diversify production. Plot size (even 36 × 36 m) was limiting for long term research because of inter-plot interference, both below- and above ground, when using fast growing, tall timber trees as shade. These experiences suggest a minimum plot size of 2,500 m2. Individual tree designs and tree-crop interface studies (e.g. regression analysis of data taken along transects) are promising experimental/sampling approaches that need further development. The principal research thrusts proposed for the next five years are bio-physical process research on coffee responses to shade and competition with trees (growth, carbon allocation, phenology, disease-pest tolerance, yields and coffee quality effects) and socioeconomic analyses of both traditional and new or improved shade – coffee combinations vs. monocultures. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Seedlings sourced through tree nurseries are expected to form an important component of future tree cover on farms. As such, the genetic composition of nursery seedlings is expected to impact on the productivity and sustainability of agroforestry ecosystems. By surveying current practices of nursery managers in five areas from Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, we quantified parameters associated with the collection, production and distribution of tree germplasm in East Africa. Considerable variation for seed-propagated nursery species was observed in the number of maternal parents (mother trees) sampled to establish nursery lots, the quantity of seedlings raised in nursery lots and the projected number of clients for nursery lots. Current seed collection practice was the most obvious limiting bottleneck in delivering high levels of genetic diversity to farmers. In the 143 cases analysed, seed to establish nursery lots was collected from a mean of only 6.4 maternal parents. In 22% of cases, ursery lots were established from a single maternal parent. On average, each maternal parent produced sufficient progeny to provide all the seedlings received by an individual nursery client. Consequently, the potential impact on farm and landscape genetic diversity of possible non-randomisation of progeny within nurseries is serious. In two instances, pair-wise analysis of transformed data suggested significant differences between geographic areas in the projected number of clients for nursery lots. We discuss improved nursery practices likely to promote genetic diversity, in particular increased maternal parent sampling and germplasm exchange.  相似文献   

指出了青秀山景区绿化中应充分美化景区的每一个区域,增加景观的层次和色彩。由于林下光线不足植物品种耐荫能力各不相同,如何配置既能适合林木郁闭度,又能满足景观的要求,没有一个比较明确的量化标准,原有生产中耐荫植物的选择种植中依靠生产中的经验判断,使一些植物对小环境郁闭度无法适用,出现生长不良、逐渐死亡等问题,造成了重复施工和不必要的资源浪费。对青秀山中现有的荫生植物进行了较全面调查研究,总结了青秀山荫生植物的种植后生长现状,对荫生植物的耐荫性进行了初步了解,为对荫生植物耐荫性的进一步研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

Hillside farming with its attendant erosion and decline in soil fertility is common-place in the area served by the Farming Systems Improvement Project. The project is designing land-use systems that would check erosion, increase soil organic matter and restore soil fertility. These systems will allow small farmers to increase or maintain product long-term basis without resorting to the use of high doses of inorganic fertilizers which are not readily available in the country. The use of leguminous shrubs and cover crops as nutrient sources — concepts embodied in agroforestry and organic farming systems — are options that landuse experts think might solve the problem. However, there is a dearth of knowledge about the biological feasibility of these interventions in the project area. This paper reports how FSIP combined problem diagnosis and analysis, researcher-managed adaptive trials and a field day to attack this lack of information. The rationale for using this approach is to address farmers' real needs, save time and minimize risk to poor farmers. This article is a contribution from the University of Arkansas' USAID-supported Farming System Improvement Project (FSIP) in Rawanda (USAID 696-0110), B.P. 625, Kigali, Rawanda. Authors are the project's soil scientist/agronomist and its extension and training specialist respectively.  相似文献   

Hillside farming with its attendant erosion and decline in soil fertility is common-place in the area served by the Farming Systems Improvement Project. The project is designing land-use systems that would check erosion, increase soil organic matter and restore soil fertility. These systems will allow small farmers to increase or maintain product long-term basis without resorting to the use of high doses of inorganic fertilizers which are not readily available in the country. The use of leguminous shrubs and cover crops as nutrient sources — concepts embodied in agroforestry and organic farming systems — are options that landuse experts think might solve the problem. However, there is a dearth of knowledge about the biological feasibility of these interventions in the project area.This paper reports how FSIP combined problem diagnosis and analysis, researcher-managed adaptive trials and a field day to attack this lack of information. The rationale for using this approach is to address farmers' real needs, save time and minimize risk to poor farmers.This article is a contribution from the University of Arkansas' USAID-supported Farming System Improvement Project (FSIP) in Rawanda (USAID 696-0110), B.P. 625, Kigali, Rawanda. Authors are the project's soil scientist/agronomist and its extension and training specialist respectively.  相似文献   

Tree-crop interactions were monitored by measuring tree growth characters of Prosopis cineraria L.and Tecomella undulata L.and yields of Vigna radiata(L) in agroforestry systems in degraded lands of Indian Desert.Potential competition for resource between the trees and associated crop was analyzed by measuring soil water contents, soil organic matters and NH4-N at different depths of soil layers i.e., 0-25 cm, 25-50 cm and 50-75 cm in the experimental plots.The plots size were 16 m × 18 m(D1), 20 m × 18 m(D...  相似文献   

G. Singh 《林业研究》2009,20(2):144-150
Tree-crop interactions were monitored by measuring tree growth characters of Prosopis cineraria L. and Tecomella undulata L. and yields of Vigna radiata (L) in agroforestry systems in degraded lands of Indian Desert. Potential competition for resource between the trees and associated crop was analyzed by measuring soil water contents, soil organic matters and NH4-N at different depths of soil layers i.e., 0–25 cm, 25–50 cm and 50–75 cm in the experimental plots. The plots size were 16 m × 18 m (D1), 20 m × 18 m (D2) and 32 m × 18 m (D3) with tree densities of 208, 138 and 104 trees·ha−1 after June 2002, respectively. Results showed that tree height increased by 3% to 7% during June 2002 to June 2004. Collar diameter increased by 30% and 11% in D1, 23% and 19% in D2 and 18% and 36% in D3 plots, respectively, in P. cineraria and T. undulata in two years period. The increase in crown diameter was 9% to 18% in P. cineraria and 11% to 16% in T. undulata. Tree growth was relatively greater in 2002 than in 2003. Yield of V. radiata increased linearly from D1 to D3 plots. Lowest soil water content at 1 m distance from tree base indicated greater utilization of soil water within the tree rooting zone. Concentrations of soil organic matters and NH4-N were the highest (p<0.05) in 0–25 cm soil layer. P. cineraria was more beneficial than T. undulata in improving soil conditions and increasing crop yield by 11.1% and thus more suitable for its integration in agricultural land. The yield of agricultural crop increased when density of tree species was appropriate (i.e., optimum tree density), though it varied with tree size and depended upon resource availability. The result indicated bio-economic benefits of optimum density of P. cineraria and T. undulata over traditional practices of maintaining random trees in farming system in arid zones. Biography: G. Singh (1961– ), male, Scientist E and Head, Division of Forest Ecology, Arid Forest Research Institute, New Pali Road, Jodhpur-342005, India.  相似文献   

Multipurpose tree species (MPTs) were studied in an agroforestry arboretum under subtropical humid climate in Northeast India. Out of 12 MPTs planted under agroforestry systems, Acacia auriculiformis in spacing of 2 m × 2 m (2500 stems·hm^-2) could have the potentiality to meet the timber/fuelwood requirement due to its high wood production of 635 m^3·hm^-2 with mean annual increment (MAI) of 2.54×10^-2 m^3.treel.a^-1 in a short rotation period of 10 years. Thus, A. auriculiformis is a short rotation forest tree species suitable to grow in subtropical humid climate. On the other hand, at 16 years of age, Eucalyptus hybrid and Michelia champaca in spacing of 3 m × 3 m (1111 stems.hm^2) produced appreciably high timber volume of 315 m^3.hm^-2 and 165 m^3.hm^-2 with MAI of 1.77×10^-2 m^3.tree^-1·a^-1 and 0.92×10.2 m^3.tree^-1.a^-1, respectively. At 16 years of age, Gmelina arborea produced a timber volume of 147 m^3.hm^-2 with MAI of 1.47×10^-2 m^3.tree^-1.a^-1 followed by Samania saman (140 m^3.hm^-2), Albizziaprocera (113 m^3·hm^-2) and Tectona grandis (79 m3.hm^-2) with MAI of 1.40, 1.13 and 0.78 × 10^-2 m^3 .tree^-1a^-1, respectively in 4 m × 4 m spacing (625 stems.hm^-2). Gliricidia maculata and Leucaena leucocephala could be used as live fences around the farm boundary to supply their N-rich leaves for mulch as well as manure to crops. In agroforestry arboretum, direct seeded upland rice (Oryza sativa - variety, AR-11), groundnut (Arachis hypogaea - variety, JL-24) and sesamum (Sesamum indicum - variety, B-67) were grown during the initial period upto 8 years of tree establishment. Under other MPTs, there was a reduction in crop productivity as compared to open space. After 8 years of tree establishment, horti-silvi and silvi-pastoral systems were developed and pineapple (Ananas comosus - variety Queen), turmeric (Curcuma longa -variety RCT -1) and cowpea (Vigna sinensis - variety Pusa Barsati) as forage crop were raised. The productivity of p  相似文献   

在印地安具有亚热带潮湿气候特点的东北地区,本文对几种多种用途的树种进行研究。选择12种多用途树种种植在农林系统中,耳果相思(Acacia auriculiformis),种植间距为2m×2m(2500 个·hm-2),有很大的生长潜力。在 10 年期的短期轮伐中,每年有很高的产量(635 m3·hm-2),平均每年增涨量为 2.54×102 m3·tree-1·a-1,可以满足薪碳材的需要。所以,耳果相思(Acacia auriculiformis)是一种短期轮伐树种,适合种植在潮湿亚热带气候地区。另一方面,16年树龄的桉树(Eucalyptus hybrid)和黄兰(Michelia champaca) 种植间距为3m×3m (1111个·hm-2),分别有较高的生长量(315 m3·hm-2和165 m3·hm-2),平均每年每棵树增长量分别为1.77×10-2 m3和0.92 × 10-2 m3。16年树龄的印度石梓(Gmelina arborea) 木材产量为147 m3·hm-2,每年每树的增长量是 1.47×10-2 m3。其次为 Samania saman(140 m3·hm-2)和柚木(Tectona grandis (79 m3·hm-2)),平均每年每树的增长量分别是 1.40,1.13和0.78×10-2 m3。毒鼠豆属植物(Gliricidia maculate) 和银合欢(Leucaena leucocephala) 可以用作农厂的围栏并提供农作物的肥料。在植物园,种植树木的最初 8 年间,可以种植高地水稻(Oryza sativa–variety, AR-11), 落地花生(Arachis hypogaea–variety, JL-24)和胡麻(Sesamum indicum–variety,B-67)。由于林下郁闭度太大,在耳果相思(Acacia auriculiformis)林下的农作物产量不高,与空旷地的农作物比较产量有所降低。树木种植 8 年后,种植草料作物如,凤梨、姜黄、豇豆,它们的产量在印楝(Azadirachta indica)林下很高。高产量的农作物和园艺植物与具有高产量多种用途树种一起种植构成了有发展前景的农林系统,并改变土壤特性,改善土壤酸度,提高土壤有机质,降低土壤腐蚀度,提高土壤含水量。  相似文献   

With increasing population pressure, the agricultural frontier in tropical countries is being expanded into previously untouched or little changed areas, frequently resulting in environmental degradation. At the same time, the use of agricultural lands is undergoing rapid changes in response to increasing environmental concerns and external market forces. In large areas of Central America, for example, the production systems for coffee have lost much of their biological diversity in the last couple of decades. Observations of apparently higher yields in high-input and low-diversity systems resulted in recommendations to eliminate trees. In recent years, however, as a result of low coffee prices and environmental concerns, calls to reverse this trend have been made in many countries and research and implementation initiatives are being developed to, once again, increase the diversity of the systems by incorporating trees.The necessary changes in the objectives and management of land-use systems must be gradual to assure high acceptability of the new practices. Under such conditions, which are typical for most traditional land-use systems, the development of practices which integrate trees into the agricultural land-use systems assumes special importance. Agroforestry practices can help to improve land-use systems towards higher sustainability and/or provide a stepping stone towards other, often tree-based, land-use systems of higher viability.Using examples from the research and extension experiences at CATIE, some silvopastoral and agrisilvicultural systems are discussed with their potentials and limitations. To help evaluate improved systems, promising methodologies for appropriate research and extension are outlined. New research has shifted the focus to on-farm experimentation, and economic and extension aspects of agroforestry.  相似文献   

Community dependence on forest resources for diverse needs has high implications for long term management of forests. Sustainable extraction of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) is considered best feasible strategy for forest conservation in biodiversity rich areas. This paper examines the heterogeneity of NTFPs use by tribal communities in northeast India, a global hot spot by examining diversity of NTFPs at-large, its consumption pattern, and contribution to rural income and forest revenue. A total of 343 NTFPs recorded used for diverse purposes by tribal communities. When species choice grouped as per use category, utilization for medicinal (163 species), edible fruits (75 species) and vegetables (65 species) purposes was reasonably high. Community dependence on forest resources was 100% for firewood and house construction material. 76 plant species were sold in three major local markets while an additional 22 species traded at commercial scale mainly outside the state. NTFPs contributed 19-32% of total household income for different tribal communities, which was significant. Illicium griffithii, Rubia cordifolia, Oroxylum indicum, Swertia chirayita, Litsea sebifera, Taxus wallichiana, Valeriana jatamansii, Thalictrum foliolosum, Picrorhiza kurrooa, Everniastrum cirrhatum, Cordyceps sinensis, Aconitum fletcherianum, Nardostachys jatamansi, Picrorhiza kurrooa, Gymnadenia orchidis, Calamus, Quercus and Pinus roxbughii were important commercial species. NTFPs also generated substantial revenue to the State government, though it is falling year after year, which is alarming. To meet community livelihoods, income and forest revenue from NTFPs, it desires a thorough management plan and policy guidelines for these resources from all line departments. The knowledge on diversity, its consumption pattern, and contribution to rural income and forest revenue may enable planners to accurately plan sustainable management of NTFP resources and community development in near future.  相似文献   

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