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苏春龙 《警犬》2010,(9):46-46
随行是训犬员在起步、跑步、快步和慢步中,犬靠在人的身体左侧,与训犬员同时行进,本科目训练主要是以犬抬头随行和随行中不超前、不落后、不侧离三个指标来完成,一般采用牵引随行,便于控制和纠正犬的不良习惯,培养犬随行的规范性和良好的服从性,并借此平衡犬的神经活动过程及相互转换的灵活性,增强犬的体质和胆量,为使用科目的训练打下良好的基础。  相似文献   

春季是犬发情、交配、繁殖和换毛季节,同时也是犬各类传染性疾病、寄生虫病、营养代谢病等疾病的多发时期,因此,加强春季犬的饲养与管理尤为重要。  相似文献   

叶建强  杨凌 《警犬》2010,(9):24-25
犬是具有较复杂心理活动过程的动物,犬对主人真正意义上的服从应该是发自内心的服从,所以其服从性绝不可以认为单靠较强的机械刺激手段就能在一朝一夕中完成。如何培养犬的服从性,正确的训练理念直接影响着训练效果。  相似文献   

前进训练是使犬养成根据指挥的方向迅速向前奔跑的能力。经过多年在基层的实战训练和研究中,我通常把衔取训练的过程分解,延长或暂停犬衔到物品的时间,从中插入服从科目“卧”的训练,逐步使犬形成前进的条件反射。  相似文献   

一、搜毒犬训练物品的准备 (一)训练用毒品的存放 在搜毒犬训练中使用的各种类毒品都应单独存放在磨口瓶、密封性好的铅罐等容器内,不应混放或放在密封袋等密封性不好的容器内。在取用毒品时,训犬员要使用镊子,且每一种毒品都应配有其专用的镊子。这样可以避免其它不相关气味对毒品气味的干扰,以及不同种类毒品气味之间的相互干扰,从而保证搜毒犬训练的效果。  相似文献   

<正>在赛鸽饲养管理过程中,"种、配、养、训、赛"五字概括了赛鸽饲养管理的全过程,可以说是赛鸽饲养管理的"五字经"。在这五字经里,"种"是基础,没有好种就没有优良的遗传基因。"配"是关键,只有科学配对,才能繁育出好鸽子。"养"是保障,没有良好体质,赛鸽就不可能从容地翱翔蓝天,创造佳绩。  相似文献   

在缉毒工作实践中,安静型缉毒犬以它搜索范围广、快速、高效、准确的工作能力,被海关、公安机关等部门列为查毒、禁毒的有力武器,  相似文献   

空军巡逻犬是经过专门训练,为三库一坪等重要军事目标进行安全警戒的军事用犬,是重要的安全技术手段。通过有效的训练和正确的使用,巡逻犬可以达到一些先进仪器无法比拟的作用。巡逻犬的选择:具有攻击性的大型犬  相似文献   

从生理学理论上看,体力活动刺激使犬的内环境稳定受到干扰和破坏.犬在生理范围内的适应是力图使这种破坏减少到最低限度,长时期的有效刺激和体力训练,可以逐步提高犬的适应能力. 一、训练中骨骼肌活动后疲劳的原因 骨骼肌活动后疲劳表现为犬对体力训练失去反应能力,此时犬力量输出降低,反应迟钝,动作不协调.其产生的原因主要有以下几方面:  相似文献   

成年犬的饲养管理主要包括饲养、疾病防治、散放运动等工作。一、成年犬的饲养犬的饲养就是根据犬的不同生理阶段、不同使用目的,按照成年犬的饲料日粮标准保证均匀充足而丰富的蛋白质、碳水化合物、脂肪、矿物质、  相似文献   

Twelve experimental dogs were monitored for Giardia infection over a 17 month period by both duodenal aspirate and zinc sulphate flotation of faeces. Each animal was found to be Giardia-pos-itive at least twice during this time despite treatment of positive animals. Giardia was frequently identified by both faecal examination and aspirate, but in some cases only one technique proved positive. The results indicated that faecal examinations are as effective as duodenal aspirates in the diagnosis of infection. At the end of the 17 month period six dogs were treated with corticosteroid: three of these treated dogs and one of six untreated animals became positive for Giardia.  相似文献   


During a period of 3 years a series of sudden deaths in young Samoyed pups occurred in a breeding kennel. These pups were full sibs and the deaths commenced only when this particular mating was first used. Six pups out of 20 full sibs died similarly, while the health of the other dogs in the kennel was excellent.  相似文献   

Canine coronavirus (CCoV) has been reported to cause acute diarrhea mainly in young pups. CCoV and feline coronavirus are classified as group 1 coronaviruses. However, it has recently been reported in the United Kingdom that the group 2 coronavirus gene, which is more closely related to the bovine coronavirus (BCoV) and human coronavirus strain OC43, has been detected in respiratory tract tissue samples from dogs with respiratory disease. In this study, we examined the prevalence of antibodies to group 2 coronaviruses in domestic dogs and cats in Japan by a neutralization test using BCoV. All 104 feline serum samples were negative (<1:5) for anti-BCoV antibodies. In contrast, of the 898 canine serum samples, 160 (17.8%) were positive for anti-BCoV antibodies, and the antibody titers ranged from 1:5 to more than 1:640, with 1:160 being the most frequent. No correlation was found between the titers of the anti-BCoV and anti-CCoV antibodies in the 198 serum samples of dogs with a known history of CCoV vaccination. We amplified, by RT-PCR, group 2 coronavirus-specific hemagglutination/esterase genes in the oral swabs of a total of 10 young pups presenting with or having recovered from respiratory signs, or having anti-BCoV antibodies, with the result that 2 pups were positive for the hemagglutination/esterase genes. These results strongly suggest that an unknown group 2 coronavirus as well as the known enteritis-causing CCoV (group 1 coronavirus) is prevalent among domestic dogs in Japan.  相似文献   

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