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本研究从山东临沂地区发生肝脾出血的绿头野鸭中分离到一株病毒,经RT-PCR及序列测定分析,确定为新型鸭呼肠孤病毒(命名为SD12)。该病毒可在鸡胚、鸭胚中繁殖,并导致胚体水肿、出血、死亡,同时可适应鸡胚成纤维细胞(CEF)和鸭胚成纤维细胞(DEF),细胞病变主要表现为多个细胞聚集成团,形成大的合胞体,然后细胞拉网并逐渐脱落。将该病毒分别以脑内接种、颈部皮下接种、口服三种方式接种3日龄健康雏鸭,结果颈部皮下方式雏鸭的发病率和死亡率最高,分别为30%和20%。  相似文献   

从鸭体、禽胚和细胞 3个方面探讨了雏半番鸭呼肠孤病毒 FZ2 株的致病性。经试验表明 ,在实验室条件下 ,该株病毒可导致雏番鸭、雏半番鸭发病、死亡 ,对雏番鸭的致死率为 14 .3%~ 4 1.7% ,对雏半番鸭的致死率高达 38.5 % ,且死亡鸭表现出与自然感染呼肠孤病毒病死的雏番鸭、雏半番鸭相同的病变 ;人工感染幸存鸭大多生长发育明显受阻。该株病毒经尿囊腔途径接种 ,对番鸭胚、半番鸭胚、北京鸭胚、SPF鸡胚的致死率分别为 10 0 %、96 %、2 8%和 0 ,致死鸭胚的肝脏、脾脏表面见白色坏死点。经蛋传试验表明 ,该株病毒有可能经胚蛋垂直传染。以该株病毒在番鸭胚成纤维细胞 (MDEF)上连续传接 10代 ,结果细胞病变 (CPE)仍不明显 ,表明其不易适应 MDEF。由此可见 ,该株雏半番鸭源呼肠孤病毒具有较强的致病力  相似文献   

鸭新型疱疹病毒的致病性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究分别探讨了F株鸭新型疱疹病毒对番鸭,半番鸭,鹅和SPF鸡的致病性,经实验室人工感染试验表明该株病毒可导致雏番鸭,雏半番鸭发病,死亡,对雏番鸭相同的病变,自致死鸭脏器中重新分离到原攻击病毒;人工感染幸存鸭大多腹泻,生长发育明显受阻,体况消瘦,通过同居感染雏番鸭试验结果表明,该病毒不易经空气传播。对雏鹅,SPF雏鸡的人工感染试验结果可见。该病毒对雏鹅。SPF雏鸡均无致病性。  相似文献   

1流行病学 雏鸡、雏鸭以及哺乳类动物对本病毒均无易感性,白鹅、灰鹅、狮头鹅以及其他品系的雏鹅对本病都同样易感,能自然感染并流行本病。据报道,雏番鸭对本病有易感性。自然流行时,本病常发生于3周玲以内的雏鹅群中,能引起巨大损失。发病的日龄越小,损失越大,10日龄以内的雏鹅发病率与死亡率可达到95%~100%。15~20日龄的雏鹅,可能有部分不发病,发病后病程延长,死亡率在60%以内。  相似文献   

<正>番鸭细小病毒病是由番鸭细小病毒引起3周龄内雏番鸭以消化系统和神经系统紊乱为主要病变的一种病毒性传染病,本病发生于8~20日龄的雏番鸭,最早发病日龄为7日龄,最迟为30日龄。发病率和死亡率可达40%~50%,成年番鸭不发病。本病一年四季均可发病,但以春季和夏季多发,病鸭可通过排泄物污染的饮水,饲料,场地,用具等,导致病毒的水平传播,通过污染种蛋造成病毒垂直传播。此病是目前  相似文献   

番鸭细小病毒病主要侵害5~20日龄的雏鸭,发病时间集中在2~4周龄,发病率和死亡率均可达40%~50%,严重危害雏鸭饲养业的发展.因此,一定要做好番鸭细小病毒病的预防工作,控制和消灭传染源,严禁到疫区引进番鸭苗、种鸭和种蛋,做好种鸭免疫接种,为易感雏番鸭提供母源抗体保护.对孵化场、孵化箱、孵化室和孵化用具进行严格消毒.在雏鸭出壳后48 h内皮下接种番鸭细小病毒弱毒疫苗,加强育雏期的饲养管理与清洁消毒,以防止该病的发生.一旦发生该病,对发病番鸭可立即注射雏番鸭细小病毒活疫苗、高免血清或卵黄抗体紧急防控,同时,可适当使用一些抗生素控制某些细菌的合并感染或继发感染.  相似文献   

鸭病毒性肝炎是一种传播迅速并对雏鸭具有高度致死性病毒病,以肝炎为其主要特征。本文报道重庆地区雏鹅暴发鸭病毒性肝炎病例。疾病发生于3~14日龄雏鹅,发病率20%~30%,死亡率20%~25%,临死前出现角弓反张及病死鹅肝脏出血。利用RT-PCR能从肝组织中检测到鸭肝炎病毒A型(DHV-A)和C型(DHV-C)的VP1基因。利用鸭胚从肝组织中分离出A型病毒CQ1株和C型病毒CQ2株,二者人工接种能引起6~7日龄雏鹅出现典型临床症状与病变。这是首次报道A型和C型鸭肝炎病毒混合感染导致雏鹅发病死亡。  相似文献   

为研究鸡源网状内皮组织增殖病病毒(REV)对HBK无特定病原体(SPF)鸭的致病性,利用鸡源REV现地分离株REV-HN,分别接种鸭胚成纤维细胞(DEF)、鸭胚(尿囊腔和卵黄囊腔接种)和雏鸭(口腔接种),试验设空白对照组,雏鸭还设有同居感染组.接种REV后不同时间收获DEF和胚体,及雏鸭的外周血淋巴细胞(PBL)和免疫器官,提取基因组DNA,通过RT-PCR和PCR方法检测REV前病毒env基因.结果在DEF中未检测到特异性的env基因片段,而在卵黄囊接种后72 h鸭胚胚体和试验感染的雏鸭PBL中检测到.接种后30 d,在1羽感染REV的雏鸭肾、胸腺和法氏囊中检测到REV前病毒.本研究为利用SPF鸭研究REV提供了依据.  相似文献   

致病性鹅源新城疫病毒对鸡胚成纤维细胞的致病变特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选择4株鹅源新城疫病毒(NDV)接种鸡胚成纤维细胞(CEF)培养物,研究鹅源NDV对CEF的致病变特性,并与鸡源及鸽源NDV进行比较。结果显示,鹅源NDV接种次代CEF后24h开始有病变产生,表现为少数细胞变圆、皱缩,折光性增强,随后病变缓慢进展,感染细胞形成大量合胞体,到84~144h时,CEF单层彻底破坏;鸡源和鸽源MDV接种CEF后也在24h左右开始有病变产生,最初病变与鹅源毒株导致的病变相似,但病变进展迅速,细胞显著裂解并导致单层的严重破坏,60~84h时细胞单层即彻底破坏。对病毒接种后不同时间段培养物上清血凝(HA)效价的测定结果表明,鹅源NDV接种后84~120h培养物上清HA效价达到高峰,为5~8 log2,鸡源和鸽源NDV接种后60~84h HA效价即可达到高峰,但其最高效价只有4 log2。  相似文献   

<正>雏番鸭细小病毒病主要发生于3周龄以内的雏番鸭,是由细小病毒引起的一种急性、败血性传染病,其具有高传染性和高致死率。1病原雏番鸭细小病毒属细小病毒科,为球形单股DNA病毒,无囊膜,其可在番鸭胚中增殖,并能致死鸭胚。雏番鸭细小病毒对酸和热不敏感,对紫外线敏感。2流行病学本病6~21日龄雏番鸭最易感,感染后死亡率高达40%~60%,30日龄以上的番鸭感染后死亡率较低,往往成为发育不良的僵鸭。本病主要通过消化道传染,不洁孵化场和带毒鸭为传染源,本病从9月份到次年4月份高发,这段时间气温  相似文献   

Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viruses of the H5N1 subtype have caused several rounds of outbreaks in Thailand. In this study, we used 3 HPAI viruses isolated in Thailand in January 2004 from chicken, quail, and duck for genetic and pathogenetic studies. Sequence analysis of the entire genomes of these isolates revealed that they were genetically similar to each other. Chickens, quails, domestic ducks, and cross-bred ducks were inoculated with these isolates to evaluate their pathogenicity to different host species. A/chicken/Yamaguchi/7/04 (H5N1), an HPAI virus isolated in Japan, was also used in the chicken and quail studies for comparison. All four isolates were shown to be highly pathogenic to chickens and quails, with 100% mortality by 10(6) EID50 inoculants of the viruses. They caused sudden death in chickens and quails within 2-4 days after inoculation. The mean death times (MDT) of quails infected with the Thai isolates were shorter than those of chickens infected with the same isolates. Mortality against domestic and cross-bred ducks ranged from 50 to 75% by intranasal inoculation with the 10(6) EID50 viruses. Neurological symptoms were observed in most of the inoculated domestic ducks and appeared less severe in the cross-bred ducks. The MDTs of the ducks infected with the Thai isolates were 4.8-6 days post-inoculation. Most of the surviving ducks infected with the Thai isolates had sero-converted until 14 dpi. Our study illustrated the pathobiology of the Thai isolates against different poultry species and would provide useful information for improving control strategies against HPAI.  相似文献   

用传染性法氏囊病病毒 ( IBDV)单克隆抗体夹心抑制 EL ISA对麻雀、鸭、鹅进行了血清学调查 ,阳性率分别为 7.4% ( 4/ 54 )、95.5%( 3 6 3 / 3 80 )、9.4% ( 1 1 / 1 1 7)。从 IBD阳性麻雀、IBD病鸡以及同群饲养的鸭、鹅体内分离到了 4株不同源病毒 ,IBDV单克隆抗体夹心 EL ISA、Dig-标记 IBDV c DNA探针斑点杂交和交叉中和试验证明该病毒均为 IBDV血清 型。病毒可适应并致死鸡胚 ,适应于鸡胚成纤维细胞并产生细胞病变效应 ( CPE)。病毒代谢抑制试验证明其基因组为 RNA,病毒对乙醚不敏感 ,p H2 .0不能灭活病毒 ,p H 1 2可使病毒失去感染性 ,56℃作用 3 h病毒仍有活性 ,70℃ 1 h可灭活病毒。以上结果表明 ,从鸡、麻雀、鸭、鹅体内分离到的 IBDV生物学性质比较稳定且非常相似。本研究结果提示 IBDV已在我国广泛流行 ,麻雀、鸭、鹅可成为 IBDV携带者或传染源 ,在 IB-DV传播和生态变异中起重要作用  相似文献   

鸭坦布苏病毒病是新发的一种以蛋鸭产蛋下降为主要特征的传染病,目前仍没有疫苗可预防和控制该病。将鸭坦布苏病毒强毒(FX2010株)在鸡胚成纤维细胞(chicken embryo fi broblasts,CEFs)上连续传代培养180代,获得1株致弱毒株(FX2010-180P株),利用该弱毒株研制了鸭坦布苏病毒病活疫苗。本研究为了测定鸭坦布苏病毒病活疫苗(FX2010-180P株)毒种的保存期,将-80℃条件下保存了16个月的原始种子批和基础种子批各取3支,进行纯净性检验、鉴别检验以及病毒滴度测定。结果表明,各批次毒种在保存16个月后,病毒纯净无污染,病毒滴度没有明显下降。把基础种子在CEFs上增殖后,低剂量接种鸭子,检验毒种的免疫原性。结果显示,用毒种增殖的病毒免疫原性良好,101.5和102.5 TCID50的剂量可以为接种鸭提供90%和100%的保护。  相似文献   

Eighty-nine avian reoviruses isolated from diseased and clinically normal chickens were classified serologically using antisera against five prototype strains. Eighty-three strains were classified into five serotypes; six strains were untypable. Most of the cytopathogenic strains that produced a clear cytopathic effect (CPE) in chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEFs) were highly pathogenic for chicken embryos (80% or more mortality via the allantoic sac) and for chicks (severe footpad swellings and tenosynovitis). These strains were classified into a single serotype represented by the TS-142 prototype strain. However, 10 strains that could not produce a clear CPE in CEFs showed very low pathogenicity for embryos and chicks, and these strains were serologically different from the TS-142 prototype strain. There was a strong relationship between pathogenicity and serotype. About 17% of the isolates were considered highly pathogenic.  相似文献   

对日全食时家禽动物行为进行观察,为家禽养殖及其动物行为学提供基础资料。观察日全食时放养鸡、鹅、番鸭、骡鸭及水鸭等家禽的动物行为学变化。结果:日全食时,家禽敏感程度为,鸡最敏感,番鸭次之,鹅第三,骡鸭和水鸭最不敏感。  相似文献   

This paper describes the isolation and identification of a duck plague virus (DP) and a paramyxovirus (PMV6), from the livers and intestines collected in 4-month old mule ducks, under fattening, exhibiting 75% mortality and necrotic-haemorrhagic gross lesions. These viruses were isolated in specific pathogen free (SPF) muscovy duck eggs and SPF chicken eggs respectively. Then the DP virus was adapted to duck and chicken fibroblasts. The disease was reproduced in 2-week old SPF muscovy ducklings, intramuscularly inoculated with the previous organs, as well as in contact ducks. From them, only the DP virus was isolated again. Experimentally the intramuscular inoculation of the duck plague French vaccinal strain, 4 h post contact, did not prevent the disease and did not decrease its severity.

Regarding the DP virus, the typical signs and lesions observed in experimentally infected muscovy ducks as well as the presence of intranuclear inclusions of the epithelial cells of their oesophagus, intestines, bursa of Fabricus and liver on the one hand, and on the other hand, of the epithelial cells of the duck egg chorio-allantoïc membrane and fibroblasts inoculated with the samples first defined, allowed the characterization of the virus. Direct electron microscopy, as well as the results of seroneutralization tests with different specific avian Herpes virus antisera confirmed the DP virus identification. Moreover the DP isolate was not antigenically different from the serotype actually known.

The haemagglutinating virus (PMV6) was characterized by direct electron microscopy as well as with 18 specific avian Myxovirus antisera; its identification was confirmed too by the specific seroconversion observed 4 weeks post-inoculation of this virus, in 11 weeks old SPF muscovy ducklings.

Finally an assay was carried out to appreciate the pathogenicity of theses viruses inoculated either separately or associated. It showed the high pathogenicity of the DP strain. The PMV6 was apathogenic and no synergic effect with the DP virus was demonstrated. It appears to be the first isolation of PMV6 in France, to our knowledge. The epidemiological circumstances related to theses isolations are discussed. The failure of the emergency vaccination in contact ducks, might be attributed to the high virulence of the DP strain.  相似文献   

为探讨番鸭呼肠孤病毒(MDRV)和H9亚型禽流感病毒(H9 AIV)共感染对番鸭法氏囊免疫应答能力的影响,本研究将MDRV或/和H9 AIV人工感染8日龄番鸭,观察法氏囊病理组织学变化,检测法氏囊B细胞增殖能力及RE-5 AIV疫苗免疫后抗体变化规律.结果显示:H9 AIV感染组番鸭发病率低(10%),无死亡,法氏囊无病理变化,显著抑制番鸭法氏囊细胞增殖反应;MDRV感染番鸭发病率70%,死亡率40%,生长迟缓,法氏囊病理变化为萎缩,淋巴细胞减少,局部出现范围较小的坏死灶,番鸭法氏囊细胞增殖反应下降;共感染组番鸭发病率100%,死亡率80%,番鸭生长迟缓,法氏囊萎缩和淋巴细胞增殖反应下降程度均比单一病毒感染组严重.病毒感染使番鸭对RE-5 AIV疫苗免疫应答能力明显下降,其共感染组抑制抗体应答程度最严重;共感染组的病毒检出时间早于并且检出率大于单一病毒感染组.表明MDRV与H9 AIV共感染在番鸭免疫应答抑制方面有协同作用.  相似文献   

番鸭花肝的是近年流行的一种新的番鸭疫病,其特征性病变是死亡番鸭的肝、脾、小肠等部位出现灰白色的坏死点,本文自广东省主要疫区分离到几株病毒,这些病毒在番鸭胚上可继代繁殖,其胚液可使番鸭妇病。不同途径感染试验表明该病毒通过肌肉注射、爪垫部注射、口服,同居感染均可使番鸭发病和死亡,并具有典型病变,分离毒不能使半番鸭,本地鸭,鸡发病。  相似文献   

Kwon YK  Swayne DE 《Avian diseases》2010,54(4):1260-1269
The H5N1 type A influenza viruses classified as Qinghai-like virus (clade 2.2) are a unique lineage of type A influenza viruses with the capacity to produce significant disease and mortality in gallinaceous and anseriform birds, including domestic and wild ducks. The objective of this study was to determine the susceptibility and pathogenesis of chickens and domestic ducks to A/Whooper Swan/Mongolia/224/05 (H5N1) high pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) virus when administered through respiratory or alimentary routes of exposure. The chickens and ducks were more susceptible to the H5N1 HPAI virus, as evidenced by low infectious and lethal viral doses, when exposed by intranasal as compared to alimentary routes of inoculation (intragastric or oral-fed infected chicken meat). In the alimentary exposure pathogenesis study, pathologic changes included hemorrhage, necrosis, and inflammation in association with virus detection. These changes were generally observed in most of the visceral organs of chickens, between 2 and 4 days postinoculation (DPI), and are similar to lesions and virus localization seen in birds in natural cases or in experimental studies using the intranasal route. Alimentary exposure to the virus caused systemic infection in the ducks, characterized by moderate lymphocytic encephalitis, necrotized hepatitis, and pancreatitis with a corresponding demonstration of virus within the lesions. In both chickens and ducks with alimentary exposure, lesions, virus, or both were first demonstrated in the upper alimentary tract on 1 DPI, suggesting that the alimentary tract was the initial site affected upon consumption of infected meat or on gavage of virus in liquid medium. However, as demonstrated in the infectivity study in chickens, alimentary infection required higher exposure doses to produce infection as compared to intranasal exposure in chickens. These data suggest that upper respiratory exposure to H5N1 HPAI virus in birds is more likely to result in virus infection and transmission than will consumption of infected meat, unless the latter contains high doses of virus, as found in cannibalized infected carcasses.  相似文献   

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