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试验以屠宰场犬卵巢为材料,研究了不同生殖周期阶段(卵泡期、黄体期和乏情期)对犬卵母细胞体外发育的影响。结果表明,从卵泡期卵巢采集A类COCs的数量为22.67±11.02个,显著高于黄体期10.67±5.51个和乏情期7.25±4.92个(P<0.05);体外培养48 h时,卵泡期、黄体期和乏情期卵母细胞达到MⅠ-MⅡ期比率分别为19.2%±15.3%、26.8%±21.1%、9.8%±10.4%,卵泡期与黄体期之间差异不显著(P>0.05),但两者均显著高于乏情期(P<0.05);体外培养72 h时,卵泡期、黄体期和乏情期卵母细胞达到MⅠ-MⅡ期比率分别为25.2%±13.5%、6.6%±6.7%、9.2%±5.5%,卵泡期显著高于黄体期和乏情期(P<0.05)。同时,随体外培养时间延长,不同生殖周期阶段犬卵母细胞达到MⅠ-MⅡ期比率存在不同变化。说明不同生殖周期阶段对犬卵巢卵母细胞体外发育有一定影响,且与培养时间有关。 相似文献
双峰驼卵巢的组织结构 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
应用组织学方法对双峰驼卵巢的形态结构进行了显微与亚显微观察。结果显示 ,双峰驼卵巢表面被覆单层立方至单层扁平的生殖上皮 ,无排卵窝 ,上皮下为致密结缔组织白膜 ,卵巢实质由外周的皮质和中央的髓质构成。皮质中原始卵泡和初级卵胞数量稀少 ,其分布位置更靠近皮质中层 ,偶见同一卵泡内含 2个卵母细胞。体积大小和发育阶段不同的次级卵泡与三级卵泡闭锁时 ,所发生的形态变化不一致 ,可出现实心和囊状 2种闭锁卵泡。黄体中以粒性黄体细胞占优势 ,其细胞质中含大量脂质泡而呈海绵样。卵巢髓质中除含大量血管外 ,还见卵巢网分布 相似文献
豪猪卵巢的解剖及组织结构研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
以豪猪卵巢为研究对象,观察豪猪雌性生殖腺一卵巢的解剖及组织结构,为了解雌性豪猪的生殖生理,为其发情鉴定、催情技术和人工授精等人工繁殖技术研究提供基础理论依据,研究结果表明:豪猪的卵巢外观呈米黄色,左右压扁的椭圆形,其纵径为0.92~1.03cm,横径为0.63~0.72cm,厚为0.33~0.37cm,重量为0.18~0.22g。显微镜下观察卵巢纵剖面上可见3~6个发育的卵泡,整个卵巢体积增大,卵泡至成熟时,卵泡突出于卵巢表面呈半球状。雌性豪猪的性腺没有明显的季节性变化,但在发情周期的不同时期卵巢有不同的变化。 相似文献
为了解小熊猫卵巢肥大细胞分布情况,收集15只成体小熊猫的卵巢,按常规组织学技术制作组织切片。根据甲苯胺蓝染色结果,肥大细胞主要分布于血管壁与卵泡动脉外膜的结缔组织中,其数量随着发情周期呈规律性变化,发情期最高,乏情期次之,妊娠期数量最少,不同时期之间肥大细胞数量差异极显著(P0.01);阿尔新蓝-番红花红(AB-S)染色将肥大细胞可分为黏膜型、结缔组织型与混合型。肥大细胞可能对小熊猫的受精,胚胎着床,妊娠有调节作用。免疫组化染色显示,小熊猫卵巢有组胺阳性细胞,这些细胞分布也是随着发情周期呈规律性变化,卵母细胞和生殖上皮细胞呈现小鼠脉管同系物(MVH)阳性反应,说明小熊猫卵巢内存在生殖干细胞。 相似文献
延边大学农学院动物医院收治 1例病犬 ,进行了卵巢子宫切除术 ,现报告如下。1 发病情况及临床检查1只 3岁的小母犬来医院就诊 ,据畜主介绍 ,3d前的晚上11时左右 ,产下 3只小崽 ,第 2天早上又产下 1只死胎 ,且腐烂变质 ,有恶臭味。临床检查 :母犬的体温为 4 4℃ ,呼吸急促 ,脉搏较快 ,鼻镜干燥 ;有时拱背、努责 ,频频回头视腹 ;从阴门排出少量黏液性分泌物 ,呈污红色 ,有臭味 ;,卧下时排出较多黏液性分泌物 ;触诊腹部 ,有硬固物。结合畜主所述 ,诊断为急性子宫内膜炎。按畜主的要求 ,采取卵巢子宫摘除术。2 手术准备常规手术器械和敷料 ,… 相似文献
通过对林蛙的解剖和林蛙性腺H -E染色切片的观察 ,系统阐述了林蛙卵巢、输卵管、子宫和睾丸的解剖结构和组织学结构 相似文献
[目的]探明牦牛发情症状的主要表现形式及其发生几率。[方法]采用跟踪观察、生殖器官的临床检查和B超探查技术,对147头出现静立反射成年母牦牛的主要发情症状和卵巢发育状况进行了监测统计。[结果]发情季节初次发情的牦牛,出现外阴肿胀、潮红,阴门有粘液流出,子宫颈外口肿胀的个体比例均略低于再次发情牦牛;优势卵巢体积在发情开始时(0 d)平均为(2.41±0.31) cm,最大卵泡直径在发情第1天可达到(0.91±0.22) cm,排卵发生在优势卵巢上。发情季节再次发情的牦牛,发情第0天两侧卵巢的体积都明显大于初次发情牦牛(P0.01),最大卵泡直径在发情第1天略小于初次发情牦牛(0.88±0.21) cm,但差异不显著(P0.05),排卵多发生在小卵巢上;发情期(1.4±0.5) d略短于初次发情牦牛(1.8±0.6) d,但差异不显著(P0.05)。[结论]牦牛发情期主要发情症状并不完全出现,发情季节初次发情个体的发情表现更不充分。发情鉴定时,应根据外部症状、粘液分泌情况、卵巢发育状况来综合判断,在卵巢体积达到2.4 cm左右,卵泡直径在0.8 cm左右时就有发情的可能。 相似文献
Queiroz PV Monteiro GR Macedo VP Rocha MA Batista LM Queiroz JW Jerônimo SM Ximenes MF 《Research in veterinary science》2009,86(2):267-273
The purpose of this study was to determine the clinical and laboratory profiles of canine leishmaniasis in two distinct areas. Dogs from urban and rural areas were examined. The population studied in the metropolitan area included 54 dogs. Of these, 20 (37%) animals did not present with any signs suggestive of visceral leishmaniasis (VL). Among these, only eight were confirmed negative by ELISA (rK39 and CE) and 12 dogs, clinically negative for leishmaniasis, were seropositive by ELISA (rK39 and CE). Thinness, conjunctivitis and onychogryphosis were the most frequent clinical signs in the urban areas, followed by crusty lesions, alopecia, ulcerated lesions, hyperkeratosis and exfoliation. In the metropolitan area human VL cases occurred mainly in 1991, 1992, 1999 and 2000. In the rural areas the ELISA rK39 test detected a seroprevalence of 11.3% and ELISA CE (Leishmania crude extract) of 20.6%. Thirty-nine dogs were examined 6 months after the first visit. Serological exams using rK39 antigen showed seroconversion of only one dog, whereas Leishmania CE showed seroconversion of 13 (33.4%) dogs. In this rural environment 83.3% of the positive dogs were asymptomatic. Lutzomyia intermedia and Lu. longipalpis were the most predominant sandfly vector species. Amastigotes were identified in spleen and liver fragments of symptomatic necropsied animals. PCR amplification of DNA isolated from promastigote culture indicated that the species was Leishmania chagasi. This finding suggests that delayed diagnosis and euthanasia of potentially infectious animals may occur with an increased transmission risk to sandflies and subsequently to humans. 相似文献
Bianca Chiganer Cramer Balassiano Mnica Rodrigues Campos Rita de Cssia Alves Alcantara de Menezes Maria Julia Salim Pereira 《Preventive veterinary medicine》2009,91(2-4):234-240
Factors associated with parasitism by helminths and protozoans in 500 dogs presented to three veterinary clinics in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro from November 2003 to September 2004 were evaluated. Dogs were submitted to physical examination and owners were interviewed about the animal's management. One fecal sample from each dog was examined by centrifugal flotation and sedimentation methods followed by the safranin–methylene blue staining technique. Positive results for gastrointestinal parasites were detected in 46.4% of the examined samples. Infection with protozoans (29.6%) was more frequent than with helminths (23.2%). Cryptosporidium sp. (26.2%) and Ancylostoma sp. (15.2%) were the most frequent parasites. Logistic regression analysis showed that age (p < 0.001), access to soil (p < 0.001), hygiene of the environment (p = 0.001), illness (p = 0.007), owner's level of education (p < 0.006) and veterinary clinic (p = 0.043) were associated with gastrointestinal parasite infections in dogs. Treatment and control are especially important for puppies. Adult dogs should be submitted to fecal examination before treatment, placing special emphasis on those that present one or more factors associated with infection. 相似文献
不同繁殖季节绵羊卵巢组织中piRNAs序列特征及表达差异分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了分析绵羊卵巢组织中piRNAs的序列特征及不同繁殖季节绵羊卵巢组织中piRNAs的表达差异,本试验采用Solexa测序技术对休情季节(休情期)和发情季节(卵泡期和黄体期)滩羊卵巢组织进行高通量测序,采用生物信息学方法筛选绵羊卵巢中的piRNAs,对piRNAs的长度分布、首位碱基偏好、基因组来源、染色体分布、链特异性、ping-pong循环特征、piRNAs比对重复序列类型进行分析,并对发情季节与休情季节绵羊卵巢之间差异表达的piRNAs进行靶基因预测及其靶基因的GO功能和KEGG Pathway富集分析。结果显示,绵羊卵巢中不同长度的piRNAs首位碱基偏好性不一致;3个时期(休情期、黄体期和卵泡期)的piRNAs均主要比对到基因内含子、编码区及lncRNA区域,而比对到重复序列的piRNAs相对较少;绵羊卵巢piRNAs在染色体上呈不均匀分布;绵羊piRNAs簇存在很强的链特异性,但首位碱基偏好性不明显;3个时期的piRNAs均无明显的ping-pong循环特征。KEGG富集分析发现,差异piRNA靶基因主要富集在RNA运输通路(RNA transport pathway)、嘌呤代谢通路(purine metabolism pathway)、黏着斑通路(focal adhesion)、PI3K-Akt信号通路(PI3K-Akt signaling pathway)、Hippo信号通路(Hippo signaling pathway)等与绵羊繁殖相关的通路。本研究揭示了不同繁殖季节绵羊卵巢组织中的piRNAs序列特征,暗示绵羊卵巢组织中的piRNAs可能通过BAD等基因和黏着斑通路等调控绵羊季节性繁殖,为深入解析绵羊季节性发情分子机制提供一定参考。 相似文献
旨在进一步阐明GnIH和VIP基因在绵羊季节性发情和繁殖调控中的作用。本研究选取短光照(模拟繁殖季节)和长光照(模拟休情期)下成年苏尼特母羊各3只及卵泡期和黄体期的小尾寒羊母羊各3只,同时选取短光照第21天和长光照第3、15、21、42、49天共6个不同光照时间点的成年苏尼特母羊各3只,屠宰后采集其性腺轴组织(下丘脑、垂体、松果体、卵巢、输卵管、子宫体),利用qPCR技术分析GnIH和VIP基因mRNA表达规律。结果表明,GnIH和VIP基因在2个绵羊品种上述各组织中均表达,且在下丘脑中的表达量较高;苏尼特羊下丘脑中2个基因在长光照条件下的表达量均极显著高于短光照条件(P<0.01);在小尾寒羊下丘脑组织中,黄体期VIP基因的表达量显著高于卵泡期(P<0.05),黄体期GnIH基因的表达量稍高于卵泡期,但差异不显著(P>0.05)。由短光照转至长光照时,苏尼特羊下丘脑中GnIH和VIP基因表达上升,至长光照第3天时,2个基因表达均达到峰值,之后呈下降趋势。本研究揭示了GnIH和VIP基因在季节性发情和常年发情成年绵羊性腺轴各组织中的定量表达特征,不同光照条件和不同繁殖时期绵羊下丘脑中这2个基因的表达变化进一步提示了GnIH和VIP基因参与绵羊季节性发情调控和发情时期转换;在短光照转至长光照过程中,GnIH和VIP基因主要在长光照前3 d发挥关键作用。 相似文献
Mealey KL 《Veterinary parasitology》2008,158(3):215-222
The impact of drug transporters on drug pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics has been increasingly recognized in recent years. P-glycoprotein (P-gp), the product of the ABCB1 (formerly MDR1) gene, is among the most well-characterized drug transporters, particularly in veterinary medicine. P-gp is expressed by a variety of normal tissues, including the intestines, brain capillary endothelial cells, renal tubular cells, and biliary canalicular cells, where it functions to actively extrude substrate drugs. In this capacity, P-gp limits oral absorption and central nervous system entry of many substrate drugs and enhances their excretion from the body. Many drugs used in veterinary medicine are substrates for P-gp, including many chemotherapeutic agents and macrocyclic lactones (avermectins and milbemycin). A 4-base pair deletion mutation in the ABCB1 gene occurs in many herding breed dogs, including collies, Australian shepherds, and Shetland sheepdogs. The mutation (ABCB1-1Delta) renders affected animals extremely susceptible to toxicosis induced by substrate drugs, such as the macrocyclic lactones at doses well below those tolerated by dogs with the wild-type ABCB1 gene. However, at the manufacturer's recommended dose, all FDA-approved heartworm preventive products marketed in the United States are safe, even for dogs with the ABCB1 mutant/mutant genotype. 相似文献